`I was attracted to running because it is a sport where
only on yourself
vain itsestä to achieve something
saavutukset and from the start I just wanted to enjoy it, not to beat others.
As Donnison says, `The crucial needs arise from an unavoidable responsibility for caring for
someone who
sellaisesta henkilöstä, joka ``; as Fairbairn says, `Dependency is the key to women's oppression.
are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and
Not all class members can attend rallies etc,
they, and the Society
sekä he että yhdistys ,
to keep them up to date with the latest stock
jotta pidät heidät ajan tasalla uusimman varaston osalta .
laskevat sen varaan, to buy their goods
ostamme heidän tuotteitaan .
Any industry, whether public or private,
Minkä tahansa teollisuudenalan, julkisen tai yksityisen, .
for this kind of social education throughout life
tällaisessa sosiaalisessa koulutuksessa koko elämämme ajan .
Successful conservation may well imply a cutback in commercial crops and therefore a reduction in
foreign exchange on which
ulkomaanvaluutassa, josta the state elite
valtion eliitti for its imported luxuries, foreign travel and education
maahantuotujen luksustuotteiden, ulkomaanmatkojen ja koulutuksen osalta .
The carpet industry is, however, one of Nepal's largest employers, with
some 250,000 people
noin 250 000 ihmisen .
, while they see to resources, mind details of coordination, keep track of morale and so on.
Whatever the outcome,
has no wish to be perceived as
on one product
yhdestä tuotteesta , having spent the past decade, in Shaw's words, `building a broader base ``.
Prayer becomes a constant relating to God throughout our daily lives, as
in trust and love.
Even with the advantages of other income sources,
on a few hits
muutamasta hitistä, to pay for a large number of duds
joilla maksetaan suuri joukko floppeja .
on the Aborigines' local knowledge
aboriginaalien paikallistietoon to find birds that were new to the Western world and to learn about their habits
löytääkseen lintuja, joita länsimaissa ei tunnettu, ja oppiakseen niiden tavoista .
Simulator development has been driven by technology rather than by the behavioural sciences with the standard result that there is a
on face validity
pintapuoliseen perusteltavuuteen with relatively little resource devoted to systematic evaluation.
The defendants argued, inter alia, that there was no
on the seller's skill and judgment
myyjän taitoihin ja arvostelukykyyn but rather a reliance by the buyer on his own understanding of the manufacturer's instructions.
on negotiating
neuvotteluihin to solve problems
ongelmien ratkaisemisessa will sometimes provoke the criticism from them that too easy-going an approach leads to inefficient enforcement.
He reported that, partly because of nuclear power,
to generate electricity
sähköntuotannossa in industrialized nations had fallen from 24 per cent in 1974 to 9 per cent in 1986.
This high incidence of failing to establish a tissue diagnosis is due
jotkut kliinikot turvautuvat by some clinicians who are reticent, perhaps rightly, about invasive diagnostic techniques in a predominantly elderly and frail population
sen tähden, että he kenties perustellusti pidättäytyvät häiritsevien diagnoositekniikoiden käytöstä, kun kyse on pääasiassa iäkkäästä ja heiveröisestä väestöstä .
As defined by the House of Lords (rockers all), that meant music with a `strong rhythmic element and a
on electronic amplification
sähköiseen vahvistukseen ``-- ie, almost anything using a microphone.
Still, the taboos have been the source of much mirth:
on smut and mothers-in-law
törkyyn ja anoppeihin could only exist in a largely sex-negative society.
In this connection an external auditor will wish to consider
suuressa määrin tukeudutaan should be placed
on an internal audit
sisäiseen auditointiin .
In this way the item was immovable,
on its neighbour
viereiseensä for strength and support
saadakseen voimaa ja tukea .
`I think
Their large eyes are much more sensitive than yours, but
on your computer
tietokoneesi käytöstä and value the investment you have made, then it is well worth the few minutes spent on preventative maintenance.
If the pH needs adjusting
Jos pH-arvoa on säädettävä, on Sodium Bicarbonate or a commercial pH adjuster/stabiliser
natriumbikarbonaattia tai erikseen myytävää pH-säädintä/tasapainottajaa .
Monty recognized the trauma of drug addiction that Monroe suffered,
both of them
ja molemmat heistä on barbiturates
barbituraatteihin to make them sleep
saadakseen unta .
Consequently it is necessary
on sources of information from across the Channel
tietolähteisiin Kanaalin toisella puolella .
treats in three clinics six hundred people, six days a week --
on voluntary help
vapaaehtoisapuun , his only income being from the Calcutta Rescue Fund, a small UK based charity.
Silence is also part of the Japanese communication procedure and
upon non-verbal communication
sanattomaan viestintään .
I must admit
a great deal
hyvin paljon, when dealing with the World Council of Churches
kun olin tekemisissä Kirkkojen maailmanneuvoston kanssa .
, the better for your health in the long run.
John Edmonds, a confidant of Neil Kinnock, said
needed to talk to potential members rather than
on advertisements and mail shots
mainoksiin ja postikampanjointiin .
The thorny devil
Piikkipiru (above)
on its immensely sharp and powerful spikes
erittäin teräviin ja voimakkaisiin piikkeihinsä for protection
suojatakseen itseään , while the bearded lizard (left) defends itself by erecting its spiny throat skin.
on his fellow backs
puolustajatovereihinsa .
To get the economy moving
Saadakseen talouden liikkeelle on repairing the infrastructure of America
Yhdysvaltain infrastruktuurin korjaamiseen -- its ageing bridges and roads -- to create eight million jobs.
are entitled
upon libraries
kirjastoihin for access to information and enlightenment upon every field of human experience and activity
saadakseen tietoa ja ymmärrystä kaikista inhimillisen kokemuksen ja toiminnan alueista .
For relatively large volumes of antibodies
Verrattain suurten vasta-ainemäärien tapauksessa ,
on raising the hybrids in ascites (fluid in the peritoneal cavity) in mice, rather than in tissue culture
hybridien kasvattamiseen askiiteissa (vatsaontelon nesteessä) hiirten sisällä kudosviljelmien sijasta .
So the teacher finally asks
to know the correct answer
tietää oikean vastauksen :
the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliitto has constructed only limited installations and
upon temporary docking facilities in Cam Ranh Bay
väliaikaisiin laitureihin Cam Ranhin lahdessa .