TransFrameNet:Relational political locales
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- A fierce tank battle raged in the western approaches to theBosnianBosniancapitalpääkaupunginSarajevoSarajevonand Bosnian radio reported that 18 children had been wounded and one killed when a shell hit their school.
- The SADCC held its 10th annual conference on co-operation in Lusaka, theZambianZambiancapitalpääkaupungissa, on Feb. 1-2, 1990.
- TheZambianZambiancapitalpääkaupunkiof LusakaLusaka, and surrounding towns, may be in danger of sinking into the ground because of the increasing numbers of water boreholes being drilled in the area.
- These industrialists welcomedforeignulkomaisencapitalpääoman, because they felt that it stimulated economic activity in general, from which they could all benefit (Petras and Cook 1973).
- Kompong ThomKompong Thom, aprovincialmaakunnallinencapitalpääkaupunki, lay 100 km north of Phnom Penh.
- Borislav Herak, 21, and Sretko Damjanovic, 30, could face a firing squad if found guilty of the charges at their trial in thebesiegedpiiritetyssäBosnianBosniancapitalpääkaupungissaof SarajevoSarajevossa.
- During this period, Aleppo's status changed dramatically; from being a major trade centre and quasi-independent Ottoman provincial capital, it became part of the new Syrian state and subordinate to thecapitalpääkaupunkiDamascusDamaskokselle.
- On Monday, the United States warned India that New Delhi could be the target of a guerrilla attack and advised American citizens to avoid visiting thecapitalpääkaupungissa.
- In April 1921 they were invited to play in Paris against the Olympic Club there, a Belgian side and then Clapton Orient, who would be in theFrenchRanskancapitalpääkaupungissaat the same time.
- The largest of these is the International `Rock Summer ``in Tallinn, thecapitalpääkaupunkiof now independent Estonianyt itsenäistyneen Viron(max audience 150,000).
- The group has a number of restaurants in thecapitalpääkaupungissaand one in Oxford.
- Previous talks on the subject between the two sides, in the Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro in September and in theArgentineanArgentiinancapitalpääkaupungissaBuenos AiresBuenos Airesissain October, had also failed to produce an agreement.
- At Rio the old station was replaced by a modern skyscraper which doubles as a clock-tower, but at Belo Horizonte, aprovincialmaakunnallisessacapitalpääkaupungissain central Brazilkeskibrasilialaisessa, a massive station survives from 1922.
- Mr Brown went to Saudi Arabia last February to increase efficiency at the British-run King Khaled National Guard Hospital, near theSaudiSaudi-Arabian alueellistacapitalpääkaupunkia,JeddahJeddahia.
- Rude, but true, because not for another two decades did theScottishSkotlannincapitalpääkaupunkiget around to paying for proper effluent disposal into the River Forth.
- No holiday to Egypt is complete without a visit to Cairo, thebusy, bustlingkiireiseen ja kihisevääncapitalpääkaupunkiinof this ancient countrytämän muinaisen maanand a sightseer's delight.
- The worst trouble was in and around thecapitalpääkaupunkiYeravanJerevanin; Armenia declared itself independent in nineteen eighteen, but was annexed by the Soviet Union two years later.
- The son of a schoolmaster, James lived in he small town of Tunapuna near thecapitalpääkaupunki,Port of SpainPort of Spainia.
- In the latest outbreak of fighting in thecapitalpääkaupunki,KabulKabulissa, which began on May 12th and was continuing this week, at least 600 people have died and more than 3,000 have been injured.
- AltdorfAltdorfisoncapitalpääkaupunkiof UriUrin, canton of mountains and glaciers.