convalesce.v 🔎
- Now having been dischargedtheyhe'reovatconvalescingtoipumassafrom surgeryleikkauksestawith a family in Oxfordshire away from the glare of publicity.
- SheHänhad confidently expectedto<empty>convalescetoipuvansawith her brother and his wifeveljensä ja hänen vaimonsa kanssa, but they had made no offer, indeed nothing but excuses.
- A friend has told him that the council might be prepared to take the children into voluntary care for a while so thatAhmedAhmedcanvoiconvalescetoipuaproperlykunnolla.
- His health broke down under the strain of overwork, andhehänreturned to Ortona in 1869to<empty>convalescetoipumaan.
convalescence.n 🔎
- Other members of the medical profession became interested in the winter climate, and the island began to be recommended for the treatment of andconvalescencetoipumiseenfrom a whole range of ailments from anaemia to goutmonenlaisista vaivoista anemiasta kihtiin.
- Guy had a theory that the mineral baths might speed upmy<empty>convalescencetoipumistani.
- There followed an outpouring of letters from Caroline and her daughters telling of the behaviour andconvalescencetoipumisestaof `the most perfect Hero that ever breathed ``"kaikkein täydellisimmän koskaan eläneen Sankarin".
- Pending its release, Morrissey fell intoconvalescencetoipuaback in Manchester, gently easing his voice back into shape at rehearsals in Twilight Studios.
heal.v 🔎
- Mr Brown had already had his sutures removed andhis woundhänen haavansawasolihealedparantunut.
- Her faceHänen kasvonsais allovat täysinhealedparantuneetup, and she don't cry so much.
- My injuriesVammanihad not yeteivät vielä olleetcompletelytäysinhealedparantuneetfrom the last fightedellisestä tappelusta, at school, with bully McNab -- only three weeks previously.
- Peggy Monroe was young andher woundshänen haavansahadolivathealedparantuneetover.
- Well, it doesn't look too bad, but I'll have to ground you tillyou<empty>healparanetupa bithieman.
- There were several injuries andallkaikkihealedparantuivatup after a while.
- The tissueKudoswill<empty>healparaneeup quicker.
- His own woundsHänen omat haavansawereolivathealingparantumassaquicklynopeastiand the pain was almost gone.
- You<empty>healParannutquicklynopeasti, if I may say so.
recover.v 🔎
- Howard Clark is called back into the squad … and there's good news of Chris Pikehehän'sonrecoveredparantunutfrom the fluflunssasta
- So in came James -- andhehänrecoveredselvisifrom a jittery starthermostuneesta alustato stamp his authority on an emphatic Liverpool win.
- `Glad to seeyou<empty>'veoletrecoveredtoipunutfrom being goosed by Mrs Codyrouva Codyn puristelusta.
- A year agoGavin MoyleGavin Moylewasolirecoveringtoipumassain hospitalwith a metal frame attached to his fractured skullmetallikehikko kiinnitettynä murtuneeseen kalloonsa.
- GavinGavinhoweverrecoveredelpyiafter receiving oxygen and was able to drive home.
- SheHänrecoveredselvisiby leaning out morenojautumalla enemmän ulospäin.
- If you do spin out, tryrecoveringpalautuaby sharply bearing away using footsteeringkääntymällä poispäin jalkaohjauksella.
- Later, perhaps, whenshehänhadrecoveredparantunuta littlehieman.
- HeHänetwas discharged three weeks after admission,havingkun hän olirecoveredparantunutfullytäysin.
- HeHänrecoveredelpyiquicklynopeastiand shook his head.
recovery.n 🔎
- Dons president John Fashanu has suffered his own autumnus horribilis, andhishänenrecoveryparanemisensafrom a hip injurylantiovammastahasn't come a moment too soon for manager Joe Kinnear.
- AnneAnnemade agoodhyvinrecoveryparanifrom her illnesssairaudestaanand three weeks later was back in circulation.
- What makes this practice abhorrent is the fact thatrecoverytoipumiseenfrom surgeryleikkauksesta, as we all know, involves shock, pain, distress, and suffering.
- Bayfield and England captain Will CarlingBayfield ja Englannin kapteeni Will Carlingare playing only after making near-miraculousrecoveriesparannuttuaanfrom injuries against Otago in Dunedin last weekendvammoista, jota he saivat pelissä Otagoa vastaan Dunedinissa viime viikonloppuna.
- SCHOOLMATES of a young hit and run victim today prayed for therecoveryparanemisen puolestaof their soccer-mad paljalkapallohullun kaverinsa.
- Can you suggest anything to hastentheirheidänrecoveryparanemistaan?
- `So here's toyour<empty>fulltäydellisellerecoveryparantumisellesi, and a brilliant future, Ginny, darling.
- The significance of theeconomicTaloudellisenrecoveryelpymisen, such as it was, in 1977- 8 caused much debate and some perplexity.
- SheHänwas severely injured but made afulltäysinrecoveryparani.
recuperate.v 🔎
- When, as must happen, you have to let me go for lack of evidence,I<empty>shall go to Cambridgeto<empty>recuperatetoipumaanfrom my ordealkoettelemuksestani.
- Buthehänrecuperatedtoipuisteadilytasaisesti, and at the beginning of April he travelled to Granada for a month's vacation.
- `Anyway,hehän's here torecuperatetoipumassa, a long holiday from what I can gather.
recuperation.n 🔎
- And he rarely complained duringhis<empty>recuperationtoipumassafrom the first back operationensimmäisestä selkäleikkauksesta, to repair a number of fractures, which looked like being successful when he returned for Middlesex at the start of 1991 and took four for 60 against Somerset with a performance which particularly impressed his own wicket-keeper Paul Farbrace.
- Hon. Members can imagine how inept the Government must be to believe that overlooking a prison yard, floodlit day and night, would be conducive to therecuperationtoipumistaof neurosurgical patientsaivoleikkauspotilaiden.
- To helphis<empty>recuperationtoipumistaan, Charles holidays in the Majorcan sun.
- Russia's failure to halt hostilities in Chechnya has hampered Yeltsin's efforts to appear firmly in charge of the country following alengthypitkällisenrecuperationtoipumisenfor heart troublesydänongelmistaearlier this summer.
- Seles missed that tournament, in the midst of a 2 1-2-yearrecuperationtoipuessaanfrom being stabbed in the back during a tournament in Hamburg, GermanyHampurissa, Saksassa pelatun turnauksen aikana selkään saamastaan puukoniskusta.