Grant maintained schools
Määrärahoilla ylläpidetyt koulut their financial allocations
taloudellisen osuutensa via a new Funding Agency for Schools
uuden koulujen rahoituslaitoksen kautta , but this will be a mainly mechanical process.
On May 13 it was reported that
Taylor's forces
Taylorin joukot a cargo of military equipment
lastin sotilastarvikkeita through the port of Buchanan
Buchananin sataman kautta , and that the rebels were freely using supply routes through Côte d'Ivoire.
Philip Miller
Philip Miller seeds and specimens
siemeniä ja näytteitä through various channels
eri kanavia pitkin from America
Yhdysvalloista , Peter Collinson can be considered the chief link between Chelsea and the New World.
`We were talking about radiation transmitted from the cosmos and he mentioned about his space flight, ``explained Eric, who thought nothing more of it until
the signed sticker
signeeratun tarran .
Mr Clark said
part of its income
osan tuloistaan on Cheshire County Council which was included in the precept required from all district councils.
In 1662 that faction became an important part of the government, and
Bennett's post of keeper of the Privy Purse
Bennettin Privy Pursen hoitajan toimen, when the latter was promoted
kun tämä ylennettiin .
The Mayor has decided that the nameplate will go to
the highest bid
korkeimman tarjouksen .
You are required therefore to notify us if you change your address and to ensure that the arrangements for
vastaanottamisen at your Registered Address
rekisteröidyssä osoitteessasi are safe.
at the barracks
kasarmeille and showered there in the mornings.
For other journeys to and form hospital, the Hospital Travel Costs Scheme is available to help
people in families
perheitä, income support or family credit
toimeentulotukea tai perheluottoa .
I'm afraid
a beneficiary
edunsaajalla is not entitled to see a will or
(2) If you are not entitled to Statutory Sick Pay for some reason,
are entitled
State Sickness Benefit
valtion sairauspäivärahaa from the Department of Social Security (DSS)
sosiaaliavustusvirastolta .
Regardless of what returns Japanese investors are thought to require,
were spectacular in 1980-89.
an anniversary set
juhlavuosisarjan , currently celebrating their seventy-fifth birthday
It seems likely that some legislators in New York State will demand a new public accountability from
public funds
julkista rahaa .
an anonymous letter accusing `covetous and bloodie Popham ``of ruining the poor people of the Fens
nimettömän kirjeen, joka syytti "himokasta ja veristä Pophamia" Fensin köyhän väestön saattamisesta perikatoon .
In addition,
proportionately smaller payments
suhteellisesti pienempää palkkaa on their sixtieth birthday
täyttäessään 60 vuotta because the number of years included in reckonable service was less for women.
Earlier this year
Aiemmin tänä vuonna , or was it last year,
this marvellous booklet
tämän loistavan kirjasen .
After submitting this paper for publication
Kun olimme lähettäneet tämän artikkelin julkaisuun, a copy of the paper by M. Davis et al
kopion M. Davisin et al kirjoittamasta artikkelista .
A few weeks later
Muutama viikko myöhemmin a cheque for ten thousand pounds
kymmenentuhannen punnan arvoisen sekin from a not-unknown Japanese electronics company
ei-tuntemattomalta japanilaiselta elektroniikkayritykseltä .
at the time when
siihen aikaan, kun the plaintiff
asianomistaja , the articles were still ``property belonging to another.
The policy will be suspended from
the certificate
sertifikaatin .
a direct summons from Philip requesting him to serve in arms in the proposed French expedition to Aragon of that year
suoran käskyn Filipiltä, joka määräsi hänet palvelemaan sotilaana Aragoniin samana vuonna suunnitellussa ranskalaisretkikunnassa. .
VAPAAEHTOISET ryhmät from the Essex Training and Enterprise Council
Essexin koulutus- ja yrityskomitealta to comply with new laws
mukautuakseen uusiin lakeihin .
Projects from Middlesbrough, Stockton and Redcar are vying to be included among
the 20 towns and cities which
20 pienen ja suuren kaupungin joukkoon, joka Government cash
hallituksen rahoitusta for improvement schemes
kehityshankkeisiin .
The Inland Revenue is well aware that
people in certain jobs, such as hairdressers,
tietyissä töissä olevat ihmiset, esimerkiksi kampaajat, extra cash
ylimääräistä rahaa from their customers
asiakkailtaan at this time of year
tähän aikaan vuodesta .
Lady Ardshiel was prosecuted through the courts in an unsuccessful attempt to recover
since Culloden.
Deutsche Bank's agreed bid for Morgan Grenfell has gone unconditional after
from holders of 59.5 per cent of its shares
osakkailta, jotka omistavat yhteensä 59,5 prosenttia sen osakkeista .
Legal title to goods normally passes when
by your customer
asiakkaasi .
If the value of the original investment falls by
your Cancellation Notice
peruutusilmoituksesi by Midland Life
Midland Life the lower sum will be paid to you.
In Jerusalem
Jerusalemissa the remains
maalliset jäännökset by her sister, Princess Louis of Battenberg, the mother of Mountbatten,
hänen siskonsa, Battenbergin prinsessa Louis, Mountbattenin äiti, and buried in the Russian church on the Mount of Olives.
by March 3rd 1992
maaliskuun 3. päivänä 1992
from Mussolini
Mussolinilta, ordering him to rejoin Enzo Ferrari's Alfa team
joka käski hänen liittyä uudelleen Enzo Ferrarin Alfa-joukkueeseen .
from England rugby captain Will Carling
Englannin rugbyjoukkueen kapteenilta Will Carlingilta at a gala lunch in London
gaalalounaalla Lontoossa …
Last Friday
Viime perjantaina ,
from the Newham career service
Newhamin urapalveluista .
, ``he said.
Two trainee engineers with Cleveland County Council
Kaksi Clevelandin kunnanvaltuuston insinööriharjoittelijaa .
for work done and billed (but without a VAT charge) prior to October 1986
työstä, joka oli suoritettu ja laskutettu (ilman arvonlisäveroa) ennen lokakuuta 1986 .
low prices
matalia hintoja for their products
tuotteistaan .
the young mother whose child
nuorelle äidille, jonka lapsi fifteen thousand pounds
viisitoistatuhatta puntaa after the diagnosis of leukaemia
leukemiadiagnoosin jälkeen , that you shouldn't have filled the policy because the contexts where not standardised.
It is likely that they paid a price close to