TransFrameNet:Reading aloud
read out.v
- Inside the flatHuoneiston sisälläa fruity voicesyvä ääniwas<empty>reading outlukia list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-ironlistaa luvuista, joilla oli jotain tekemistä harkkorautojen tuotannon kanssa.
- Pleasereadluethatseinto the recordäänitteelle.
- I, I do thinktheyhereadlukevatto themheillewhen they are littlekun he ovat pieniä.
- Importantly,stutterersänkyttäjienwere reportedto have<empty>readlukeneenmost single wordsuseimmat yksittäiset sanatfluentlysujuvasti.
- All right, Megan, when you were growing up, do you rememberany stories thatmitään tarinoita, joitayou read orwerejoitareadluettiinto yousinullethat uh, stick in your mind?
- Is therea particular person thattietty henkilö, jonkayou liked to, I mean, thatreadlukito yousinullethat you liked to hear?
- The training time was defined as the time required by the study proctorto<empty>readlukeathe instructionsohjeetplus the time required for each volunteer clinician to ask questions about its use.
- Um, yeah when I started to be able to decide what I wanted to read, as opposed to havingsomebodyjokureadlukisiit<empty>to meminulle, I tended to lean more towards, yeah, fantasy-type books.