- Mrs Baggley examined the disbelief in Theodora's eye before she went on, `I'm not sure how much Mrs Thrigg is influenced here by the theme ofthe novelettespienoisromaanienshehänendevoursahmimiensa.
- One of CD's favourite booksYksi CD:n suosikkikirjoista,whichjonka, like David Copperfield,hehändevouredahmieagerly as a child.
- `This greater broad backed bookworm must be found before he encourages other animals to readthose booksniitä kirjojahehänseems todevouringahmivanjust now, ``said laid back Rabbit.
- HeHänperusestutkiiitsitäand, as he and his wife will be starting their annual vacation the following Monday, Teignmouth is decided upon.
- Onperusingtutkimallathe pages of White's 1856 directoryWhiten vuoden 1856 sanakirjan sivujait is noticeable how many of these small market towns had been rebuilt and improved during the first half of the nineteenth century.
- HeHänporestarkasteleeover a mapkarttaawhile I collect wood for a fire and Nathan digs out a seat for us all.
- Like a band of outlaws, the men checked their weapons andthe officersupseeritporedtutkivatover their mapskarttojaan.
- KennethKennethis stillyhäporingtutkiiover his bookskirjojaan,looking for a curehoitokeinoa etsien, and is probably in the garden shed at this very moment, brewing rhubarb leaves and goat manure in an attempt to find one.
- `And if all else fails,readluethe manualkäyttöopas?
- ScouseScousewas seated in his armchairreadinglukemassaa paperbackpokkaria-- a Western -- oblivious to the flies and mosquitoes, and as I approached it was obvious he was not bothered in any way about the smell.
- Ursula OxleyUrsula Oxleyreadlukifrom the memoirs of Henry HuntHenry Huntin muistelmiawho was born Wiltshire, was elected to parliament, and worked for the repeal of the corn laws.
- About three years agoNoin kolme vuotta sittenI<empty>wasolinreadinglukemassaa newspapersanomalehteäand there was this big article about my approved school.
- Yousinätryreadinglukeathistämäwith only one eyevain yhdellä silmälläand see how you like it.
- WellIminäcan'ten pystyreadlukemaana storysatua,while the television's onkun televisio on päällä.
- In bedSängyssäI<empty>readluinRolling Stone magazineRolling Stone -lehteä.
- HeHänwasolireadinglukemassathe Russell autobiographyRussellin omaelämäkertaain order to steady himself for the selection procedurevalmistautuakseen valintaprosessiin.
- Hilda MachinHilda Machinreadlukiitsenwith every appearance of interestvaikuttaen kaikin puolin kiinnostuneelta.
- StephenStephenwasolireadinglukemassaa bookkirjaaby candlelightkynttilänvalossain the hayloft of the barnladon heinäparvella,when he heard themkun hän kuuli heidät.
- Shouldchildrenlastenattemptto<empty>readlukeain poor lighthuonossa valossa?
- Pleasereadlueitsecarefullyhuolellisestiand keep it in a safe place.
- I<empty>readLuinthrough the paperssanomalehdetslowlyhitaastiwhile Daphne poured herself a sherrysamalla, kun Daphne kaatoi itselleen lasillisen sherryä.
- Even if they do as much as glance directly at an advertisement,theyherarely stop andreadlukevatitsencarefullytarkkaan, making notes as they do so.
- Butdo<empty>readluethe directionsohjeetcarefullytarkasti,to ensure you're using the correct weedkiller in the right wayjotta varmistut, että käytät oikeaa rikkaruohomyrkkyä oikealla tavalla.
- Therefore it is necessaryto<empty>readlukeahis workhänen teoksensain order to master the philosophical principles which enable one to understand ithallitakseen ne filosofiset periaatteet, joiden avulla se on mahdollista ymmärtää.
- I<empty>readLuinthemneto broaden my own theoretical thinkinglaajentaakseni omaa teoreettista ajatteluani, which is important if I'm to continue to develop as a manager and to increase my effectiveness.
- In case anyone is wondering,I<empty>readluinthistämäncover to coverkannesta kanteenon the flight homepaluulennollani, when I am a most captive audience for almost any reading material.
- Um, yeah when I started to be able to decidewhatmitäI<empty>wantedto<empty>readlukea, as opposed to having somebody read it to me, I tended to lean more towards, yeah, fantasy-type books.
- Most ChicanosSuurin osa meksikolaisistaheard of her as children,readon lukenutabout herhänestäin literaturekirjoista, or learned of her from friends.
- The history of HawaiiHavaijin historiareadson kuinlike the story of a mythical kingdomtarina myyttisestä valtakunnasta.
- If you missed our previous links, clickto<empty>readlukeaksesiabout 1) how Will's relationship with the Gipper and 2) the between Will's views and Reagan's policies1) Willin suhteesta Gipperiin ja 2) Willin näkemysten ja Reaganin politiikan eroista.
- .. to a life long dream ofadults whoniiden aikuistenhave never learnedto<empty>readlukemaan.
- The moms and dads capitulated to a makeshift of indulgence and vaccination, hoping forclean, healthy children whosiistejä, terveitä lapsia, jotkareadlukevatDick and JaneDickistä ja Janestaas if they were trueikään kuin he olisivat totta.
- Well mainly almost everybody does and I thinkI<empty>do<empty>readluenlike really goodtodella hyvin.
- andiminäreadlueni just finisheda book on Novell Netwarekirjan Novell Netwarestauh that's computer stuff i do a lot of computer reading and uh i'm just finishing another one up on uh statistical sampling
- Dining In, ``Fine Arts, etc., help advertisers more than readers, and make the paper unwieldyto<empty>readlukea.
- ButIminälovedreadinglukemista!
- and andiminämake a real effort to go out andreadluenallkaikenand particularly read their things about
- welliminädon'tenreadlueall that muchkovinkaan paljonfor enjoymenthuvin vuoksii mean i read a lot for school but gee i just don't have much time for enjoyment reading
- Experimental dataEmpiirinen tietoaineistocan be either typed in orreadlukeafrom a tabular filetaulukkotiedostosta.
- The dusty Villa Romana de Milreu (Roman ruins of Milreu) are 1.5 km (1 mile) down the road from the village toward Faro (a small sign on the side of the roadpienessä kyltissä tien pielessäreadslukee``Ruinas de MilreuRuinas de Milreu).
- It is important forschool librarianskoulun kirjastonhoitajatto<empty>scanselaavatcomputer journalstietokonelehtiä, obtain information from publishers and other sources, arrange exhibit of software in the school or provide loan copies of software from school library service.
- Scanningsilmäillessäänthe lists of officersVirkailijoiden listaa,SlySlywas struck by the number of times each name occurred, but in a different post.
- Before getting off the bed,MungoMungoscannedsilmäilithe bookskirjojato see what reading matter Vic preferrednähdäkseen, minkälaisesta lukemisesta Vic piti.
- I<empty>scannedSilmäilinthe papersanomalehdestäfor newsuutisia.
- HeHänpicked up the correspondence and miscellaneous papers in the in-tray andquicklynopeastiscannedsilmäilithe contentsniiden sisällön.
- HeHänscannedsilmäilithe printtekstiä, seeing that it echoed more or less exactly the story Swansborough had just told him, then turned his attention to the photograph alongside -- three people, obviously dressed for leisure.
- Itspagessivujawere<empty>scannedtarkasteltiinwith eagle eyeshaukansilmin.
- `She'd have a lot to get used to at first, ``Rose said absently asshehänscannedlukaisithrough the letterkirjeen.
- The only alternative is to turn to the chapter itself andskimsilmäilläthe pagessivujafor a clearer insightparemman käsityksen saamiseksi.
- I had occasionally seen his photograph asI<empty>skimmedsilmäilinthe financial sections of the newspaperssanomalehtien taloussivuja.
- Whole chaptersKokonaisia kappaleitacan bevoidaanSKIMMEDLUKEA SILMÄILLENin minutes rather than hours.
- EvaEvaliked to sprinkle the house with about five papers and three magazines a day,skimmingja silmäiliover Vogue and the New Statesman and the Daily ExpressVogueta, New Statesmania ja Daily Expressiäbefore dumping the lot into the wastepaper basket beside the bed.
- SheHänskimmedsilmäilithrough the list of honours and achievements until she reached the end of the sentencekunniamainintojen ja saavutusten listaa, kunnes hän pääsi virkkeen loppuun: `died on Saturday at The Cedars where he had made his home for the past twelve years.
- SheHänskimslukee silmäillenthrough the novelromaaninwhich seems to fascinate them.
- One was headed `Science Goes Too Far! ``andMikeMikeskimmedlukiswiftlynopeasti silmäillenthrough the heavy black printpaksun mustan tekstin.