It was sparked off by the
of a schoolgirl
koulutytön at a school in northern Paris
Pariisin pohjoisosan koulussa on Sept. 27
syyskuun 27. päivänä , and by other attacks in schools in the Paris area.
The critique of male sexuality which originally focused on rape, developed through analyses of child sexual abuse and
tuttujen henkilöiden tekemien -- and later pornography.
A more likely scenario is that male
would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
A 35-year-old man
35-vuotias mies pleaded guilty to the
of six women
kuuden naisen and the indecent assault of another four women in a sixteen-month period.
Dustin's transition after
from passive to active, from Clark Kent to Superman, comes about too smoothly to be credible.
The majority further contend that
who has reported a
by her husband
aviomiehensä tekemästä to the police may subsequently regret having done so and may wish to be reconciled with him.
The police are linking the attempted rape of an Oxford woman with the
earlier this year
aiemmin tänä vuonna sattuneeseen .
charged with
A 15-YEAR-OLD boy appeared before magistrates yesterday charged with rape and other serious sexual offences involving young children, alleged to have been committed over a lengthy period.
He talked of everything, a miserable litany of failure culminating in the
One day, while Sumner is out duck shooting,
his wife's ex-lover
hänen vaimonsa entinen rakastaja bursts into the house and
, followed by his friend.
Everybody, including the present Soviet editor, talks about
Stavroginin syyllistyneen forcing or
of a young girl
nuoren tytön .
Charge of
on mentally handicapped girl
mielenvikaisen tytön dropped
A BOY aged 16
16-vuotias poika was last night charged with the
of an 11-year-old girl
11-vuotiaan tytön who was attacked on her way to school.
Rape --
of girl of thirteen
13-vuotiaan tytön by person with temporary care of her
hänen väliaikaisen huoltajansa toimesta -- whether thirty months' imprisonment unduly lenient
In these circumstances,
by a husband
aviomiehen tekemä might very well be thought to be more disturbing in its effects than rape by that classic stranger leaping from the shadows.
without their permission is thought to be a bad thing.
Plea of tiny
In January 1982, Lord Hailsham repudiated the comment of a judge that a
who hitch-hiked a lift was guilty of contributory negligence and that the rapist's penalty should accordingly be reduced.
However, in Norway, rape of a non-stranger is punished less severely, as
The blood sampling follows the
alongside a subway in Hereford city centre
alikulkutunnelin vieressä Herefordin keskustassa .
On their third date
Heidän kolmansilla treffeillään took her back to his surgery and
In his imagination he saw Br kner stuffing them in to his pockets, wrapped in the clothing of
the woman
sen naisen jonka , while his companion murdered her.
A month later
again, said Mr Gozem.
It may also be
the same man who
sama mies, joka a mother who was pushing a pram
lastenvaunuja työntävän äidin at Tarrant, Hants
Tarrantissa, Hantsissa .
They all took it for granted; men hitting their wives and children,
and trying to kill them.
Police are hunting
a woman student
naisopiskelijan in a city centre toilet
kaupungin keskustan vessassa .
As she passed the junction with Abington avenue the two men attacked dragging her into
this alleyway where
tälle kujalle, jossa .
They've re-opened an incident room they set up
in November when
marraskuussa, jolloin a fourteen year old girl
14-vuotias tyttö .
A sixteen year old
16-vuotias tyttö as she was leaving a friend's party
kun hän oli lähdössä ystävänsä juhlista .
The seventeen year old girl
17-vuotias tyttö after she accepted a lift from a man calling himself John
kun hän oli ottanut kyydin vastaan mieheltä, joka kutsui itseään Johniksi, outside the King Billy Pub in Northampton
King Billy Pubin ulkopuolella Northamptonissa …
A YOUNG mother yesterday told an Old Bailey jury that
on the front seat of his patrol car
poliisiautonsa etupenkillä .
Questioned about why she had not sought help immediately after the alleged attack, she said: `
, and I did not trust no police after that.
A few months later, her mother was taken into custody where
, mutilated and killed.
by a bunch of soldiers
Joukko sotilaita .
One victim was glad of it when
There I read about
sotilaista, jotka , then thrusting bayonets into their vaginas shouting `No tribals will be born in Bangladesh ``; of children being `thrown into burning huts; of men being hung upside-down from trees and branded with hot knives.
in her own home
hänet naisen kotona by a man she met at a local market
tapasi paikallisessa marketissa miehen, joka .
A JILTED lover who
HYLÄTTY rakastaja, joka drugged a young mother, tortured her with an electric shock gun and
in front of her children
naisen lasten edessä, was jailed for six years yesterday.
at Enderby in Leicester
Leicesterin Enderbyssä two young girls
kaksi nuorta tyttöä and murdered.
The law was changed in 1989 after public outrage when a judge gave
a burglar who
murtovarkaalle, joka broke into a vicarage and
the vicar's daughter
papin tyttären, a higher sentence for the burglary than the rape.
and molested
both girls
molempia tyttöjä from the time they were 11 or 12 until they were in their late teens
siitä lähtien, kun he olivat 11- tai 12-vuotiaita, aina heidän myöhäiseen teini-ikäänsä saakka .
“ Look at
that guy in England who
sitä englantilaista tyyppiä, joka and was told to pay her £500 for a holiday.
Two weeks ago
Kaksi viikkoa sitten whilst carousing in Old Fish Street then compounded his crime by brutally beating her.
A FOREIGN student
ULKOMAINEN opiskelija at knifepoint
veitsellä uhaten just hours after she arrived in Britain to start the new term.
The countess, 32, of Jodrell Road, Bow, east London, had claimed that
David Thorburn and Craig Cowen
David Thorburn ja Craig Cowen at knifepoint
veitsellä uhaten while watching a pornographic video.
The boy, who's sixteen, had been charged with
an eleven year old
11-vuotiaan behind a row of shops at Brockworth in Gloucester
kauppakujan takana Gloucesterin Brockworthissa .
Margaux Hemingway is
the fashion model who
malli, jonka by her kid sister's music teacher
hänen pikkusiskonsa musiikinopettaja in a brutal sequence that emphasises his desire to humiliate her.
are also known
, cementing up the victims' genital openings to render them incapable of copulation.
Anderson, who had pleaded not guilty and claimed the woman had handed him `sex on a plate ``, was convicted by a 10-2 majority of
on 4 April, last year
huhtikuun 4. päivänä viime vuonna .
In April Stephen Tomkinson, 32, was jailed for 14 years for
is serving a six-year sentence in Indiana for
Miss Black America contestant Desiree Washington
Miss Black America -kilpailija Desiree Washingtonin in Indianapolis
Indianapoliksessa in July 1991
heinäkuussa 1991 .
In February John Broom, 30, was given three life sentences for
a schoolgirl aged 16
16-vuotiaan koulutytön raiskauksesta , and later indecently assaulting a student.
twisted a bathrobe belt around her neck and forced her on to a bed before
in July 1991
heinäkuussa 1991 .
We think
in the area
tällä alueella .
dragged her into bushes, ordered her to strip and took turns to
Vernage was jailed with his older brother John in 1987 for his part in a series of pub robberies where
landladies and barmaids
pubien naisomistajia ja naistarjoilijoita while he watched.
TEINI-IKÄINEN tyttö was kidnapped and
while police hunted for her
poliisin etsiessä häntä .
General Kopyion showed little interest in the events of the civil war, even with confirmed reports of a hovertrain being hijacked and
two female Academicians
kahden naispuolisen akateemikon having their homes broken into and
early yesterday as she returned home from a church service
eilen aamulla, kun hän oli palaamassa kotiin jumalanpalveluksesta .
KOULUTYTTÖ, joka just five days ago
vain viisi päivää sitten, is returning to her classroom today.
tied her up then forced her into a clearing in the dunes and
, the court heard.
ISOISÄ, joka three schoolgirls
kolme koulutyttöä more than 1,000 times
yli 1 000 kertaa, was jailed for 12 years yesterday.
The jury at Bristol Crown Court were told that when details of this attack came to light, a second girl had accused
two years earlier
kaksi vuotta aiemmin , when she was thirteen.
in murder land
A BRITISH tourist
BRITTILÄINEN turisti on a South African beach
eteläafrikkalaisella rannalla , just one week after the savage murders of Elizabeth Over and Julie Godwin.