was helplessly fascinated and
, despite herself,
`What was it like to live in Africa?
"Millaista oli elää Afrikassa?"
Their headteachers
Heidän johtajaopettajiaan were approached early in 1984 and
if they and their staff were willing to take part in the survey
suostuisivatko he ja heidän henkilökuntansa osallistumaan kyselytutkimukseen .
`What is it? ``
"Mikä se on? ", as Rachel pressed the button and immediately began re-dialling.
`Miss Brannigan, is it? ``
"Neiti Brannigan, niinkö? ", the older of the two
vanhempi näistä kahdesta .
`And how is Syl? ``
"Ja kuinka Syl voi? ", over dinner.
`What price my intruder now, sir? ``
"Minkä hintainen tunkeutujani on nyt, sir? ", ,
with some slight jubilation
vähän riemastuen .
`Fuck what? ``
"Vitut mistä? ", .
When the maid woke her she sat up in bed and said, `
Sir Stephen
Sir Stepheniltä, if he can spare me a few minutes
olisiko hänellä muutama minuutti aikaa minulle .
what kind of food they ate
minkälaista ruokaa ne söivät , and she mentioned berries, beans, nuts and roots.
This gives the novel great feeling and makes
many questions
useita kysymyksiä about how everything will link in together in the end
siitä, kuinka kaikki punoutuu lopussa yhteen .
If problems do remain after two or three months,
about changing to a different type of progestogen
toisen tyyppiseen progestageeniin vaihtamisesta .
about getting Aggie a cat
kissan hankkimisesta Aggielle, but he had no idea where a tomcat could be found on the quick and he shook his head.
Historioitsijat are used to
questions about the closure of paper records
kysymyksiä paperiarkistojen sulkemisesta , and some are actively interested in the preservation of historical datasets.
through his interpreter
hänen tulkkinsa välityksellä, whether he could now make the films he wanted again
pystyisikö hän jälleen tekemään haluamiaan elokuvia .
Kun häneltä kysyttiin, if Joanna had been hurt or assaulted
oliko Joanna loukkaantunut tai oliko hänen kimppuunsa käyty ,
paused and said: `She's fine.
whether there has to be these two levels at meetings
pitääkö kokouksissa olla nämä kaksi tasoa .
without looking at him
mieheen katsomatta ,
`Were you unhappy ``to be back with fashionable people
"Olitko onneton siitä, että olit taas muodikkaiden ihmisten keskuudessa ?
Who would have thought, for example, that the University of Colorado, where
wear tie-dye and
in hushed tones
hiljaisella äänellä, if you would like more salad
haluaisivatko he lisää salaattia , would become the national college football champion?
`What is thy name? ``
"Mikä on nimenne? ", in the old way
vanhahtavasti , though weakening before his eyes.
John said `
if he knows anything about it
tietääkö hän mitään asiasta .
these questions
näitä kysymyksiä , we enter the domain of sociolinguistics.
``Which is heavier?
"Kumpi on raskaampi?", .
When she met Miguel Rafaelo at the medical centre later in the week,
didn't have the nerve
During the baseline examinations only
about history of smoking
heidän tupakointihistoriastaan .
It's sometimes worth
that nagging little voice
siltä pieneltä kiusaavalta ääneltä, what is really the worst thing that can happen now
mikä todella on pahinta, joka voisi nyt tapahtua ?
Claudel thought:
about Cubans in general
kuubalaisista yleisesti ottaen .
In his quiet way
But as
on such matters as his attitude to South Africa and Northern Ireland
esimerkiksi hänen asenteestaan Etelä-Afrikkaa ja Pohjois-Irlantia kohtaan , it was his actions, not his befuddled replies, which riveted the panel's attention.
The appointment was Mr Bush's finest domestic achievement: listening to
Justice Souter
Justice Souter before the court is now one of the great treats of Washington.
anti-pylons campaigners
sähkötolppia vastustavat aktivistit the National Grid
National Gridiä during the second week of the Northallerton hearing
Northallertonin kuulemistilaisuuden toisella viikolla , an expert witness agreed that burying cables would eliminate the field.
He took to it like a duck to water and from then on
for hours on end
about the various types of plays
eri tyyppisistä näytelmistä , especially when we were watching it on TV.
The priest whom she eventually accosted
Pappi, jota hän ennen pitkää ahdisteli took one look at her, an ill-proportioned, arrogant child with cheap clips in her gaudy hair, and started
wasn't looking forward to
about her friend Caroline
ystävästään Carolinesta .
He looked dismayed, as if the word conjured up a vision of a formal enquiry, with
about their movements
heidän liikkeitään and the happy atmosphere of his beloved school fouled by dark suspicions.
about methods of payments
maksutavoista in an exercise lasting over two hours.
Speaking in fluent English, she even raised a laugh in court, as
by defence barrister Anthony Arlidge, QC
puolustusasianajaja Anthony Arlidge, QC .
Furious staff
Raivoisa henkilöstö claim they were even called in from holidays
by a specialist security firm
asiantuntijaturvallisuusyrityksen at the MetroCentre in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
At 4pm,
the RBS Chairman and Director of Personnel
RBS:n puheenjohtajaa ja henkilöstöjohtajaa by a Parliamentary committee
parlamentin toimikunta on the job cuts and the responsibility of training staff for the new demands
irtisanomisista ja velvollisuudesta antaa henkilöstölle uusia vaatimuksia koskevaa koulutusta .
The idea of
cheered her enormously.
When Mr Rowland bid for the group in 1981,
he and his colleagues
häneltä ja hänen kollegoiltaan by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission
monopoli- ja fuusiokomitea about their plans for Harrods
heidän Harrodsia koskevia suunnitelmiaan .
Because he had actually found the cut wires
for several days, as were several other suspects, all electricians.
a man called George Evans, the managing director of their operations here on the Continent
miestä nimeltä George Evans, joka on heidän toimitusjohtajansa täällä mantereen puolella .
Connie Fraser tells me
It was
, amiably
the leader of the Opposition
oppositiojohtajaa , who forced Mr Kinnock into the open about his Damascene conversions in favour of the European Community and against unilateral disarmament.
Says singer Danny Bowles: `
held us against a wall and
And having got our agreement in theory
would begin
the poor waiter
tarjoilijaraukkaa .
hienovaraisesti if it would be cash or charge
maksettaisiinko käteisellä vai luottokortilla .
``And your brother would be prepared to guarantee the electricity bills for ten people?
"Ja veljesi olisi valmis takaamaan kymmenen ihmisen sähkölaskun?"
Something about owin' five pounds, is it? ``
Jotakin viiden punnan velkaan liittyvää, niinkö? " quite calmly
melko rauhallisesti .
`What's your cheapest Scotch? ``
"Mikä on halvinta skottiviskiänne? ", the next customer
seuraava asiakas , oblivious to the new range of malt whiskies sitting in the window.
`In the Antarctic? ``
"Etelämantereella? ", .
`Sure he doesn't mind? ``
"Oletko varma, ettei hän välitä? ", .
`Belgian, is she? ``
"Onko hän belgialainen? ", .
`What are you doing? ``
"Mitä sinä teet? ", from the doorway.
`What d' you mean, let you go? ``
"Mitä tarkoitat, päästää sinut menemään? ", .
`Knew what? ``
"Tiesi mitä? ", .
had, however, asked who his father was, and
if the family was any relation to Mr Heinrich Stych, who used to teach in Tollemarche Public School
oliko perhe millään tavoin sukua herra Heinrich Stychille, joka opetti aiemmin Tollemarchen yksityiskoulussa .
, I deflected the conversation by saying that I had sold one of the famille rose vases.
Let ministers of local churches have copies as a good exercise in public relations and also just in case they have
new members of their flock
heidän seurakuntansa uudet jäsenet about schools in the area
alueen kouluista .
On the sixth day,
walked up to Lyle and Robbins and
after work
työmahdollisuuksia , but they had no vacancies.
of the `elderly autocrat ``
"iäkkäältä itsevaltiaalta" how it was getting on
kuinka asiat luistivat .
`Where are you going? ``
"Mihin olet menossa? ", .
More top brass? ``
Lisää päällystöä? ", of the policeman standing over us
meitä vartioivalta poliisilta as he wrote down our names and addresses.
came up
of our purpose
aikeistamme , while the other kept at a respectable distance hand on his holstered gun!
ordered a carafe of wine and
as to the whereabouts of his braised chop
paistetun kyljyksensä olinpaikasta .
`You feeling all right, Brian? ``
"Oletko kunnossa, Brian? ", .
`You have guards on all the gates? ``
"Onko teillä vartijoita kaikilla porteilla? ", .
Furthermore, most migrants defined themselves as English speakers: it must be said that Jamaicans consider themselves speakers of English, and are offended when
ignorant English people
tietämättömät englantilaiset what their mother tongue might be
heidän äidinkielestään .
had no need
A spokeswoman said: `
are making
into Peak Design
Peak Designista .
Acting Det Chief Insp Barry Hill said: `At this stage
will be making
in relation to all his movements
kaikista hänen liikkeistään .
In the lobby, one of the dark-eyed beauties -- a sergeant, to judge from the three stripes on her sleeve -- received
the English detective's
englantilaisen etsivän stumbling
with sympathetic attention.
could not make out where they were going, and made several
without getting any answers save in Gaelic; it might as well have been Hindostani.
He's even had
from abroad
jopa ulkomailta .
Irish call for
over `inducements ``for Digital
Digitalin "kannustimista"
made the usual
about her health
naisen terveydentilasta and escaped into the kitchen to make the coffee.
Hordes of listeners rushed to the beach to catch a glimpse of the star and the cameras, and inundated the radio station with
about the exact location
tarkasta sijainnista .
Over the first course
made the usual
about Sally's new job
Sallyn uudesta työstä and asked her what she had been up to for the last half-dozen years or so.
about illegal subsidies to industry, Rover for instance,
teollisuuden laittomista tuista, esimerkiksi Roverista, got short shrift.
MPs seek
as third Gartnavel man dies
But the crash could have been avoided had the pilot taken a safer course, Sheriff Douglas Risk said in his report on an
into the accident
onnettomuus- held 13 months ago.
The issue has already prompted Environment Secretary Michael Howerd to order a
into the proposal
ehdotuksesta .
For this
was thrice arrested and
kuulusteltavaksi .
ordered carefully, denting the waiter's hauteur by
kuulustelemalla relentlessly
about ingredients
valmistusaineista .
At least
in his awful `Georg ``way
kauhealla georgmaisella tavallaan .
kuulusteltavaksi is a new experience for me.
kuulustelussa by a Commons committee
Alahuoneen komitean ,
failed to answer questions `clearly and ingenuously ``and was suspended from the House for over a year.
How many Jeopardites
Kuinka monia jeopardiitteja , even tortured, to learn the truth of exactly why they were compelled to follow the man?
Soon after we arrived
kuulusteltiin about my parents and our home life
vanhemmistani ja kotielämästäni .
During these initial months
was intensively
intensiivisesti and when they had finished in November 1961 the question arose as to where Blake was to serve his sentence.
said that he
by Lieutenant-Colonel James Westoll
everstiluutnantti James Westoll at Flat 4, 34 Redcliffe Square, Earls Court, London, and 118 Sheen Court, Richmond.
officers of the Grand Army
Suuren armeijan upseereja would have been asking for trouble.
Without any preliminaries
After lengthy
about the race and our tie -- which the commentators had talked into an exciting crescendo
kilpailusta ja tasapelistämme – josta selostajat olivat tehneet jännittävän huipennuksen -- we flopped into the swimming pool.
This is very much the way in which the law approaches the extraction of the truth, and it is different both from the vivid imprecision of ordinary life and the intimacy of a
Last week, they were responsible for A Wanted Man (BBC 2), a powerful trilogy of plays by Malcom McKay about the
kuulustelusta , trial and attempted rehabiliation
It was then that
the four members of the Sex Pistols
Sex Pistolsin neljä jäsentä were taken, well-lubricated, from the hospitality suite of Thames Television to face
by Bill Grundy
Bill Grundyn on the popular teatime magazine programme, Today.
On May 18 of this year, Talb's former wife, Jamila Mougrabi, revealed during
kuulustelussa by Swedish police
Ruotsin poliisin that her husband was in Malta in October 1988.
Two years served and four to go because one in the chain had not owned the strength to withstand the
of the KGB questioners
KGB:n in Lubyanka.
in two and a half languages
kahdella ja puolella kielellä (lapses into Russian between the staff being common) was a complicated process.
RAPE is frequently used against women as part of
kuulusteluaan about criminal or political activity
rikollisesta tai poliittisesta toiminnasta , or as a `proxy ``assault on relatives who evade capture.
`Abd al-Ra'uf Ghabin claims he was tortured during
kuulustelunsa in 1990.
Bernard was present at
kuulustelussaan, by Australian and British officers
jonka suorittivat Australian ja Britannian poliisit, and helped escort them to Singapore Supreme Court, where some were found guilty of war crimes.
Legal rules govern important aspects of the process of gathering evidence, such as the
I have to take payments from customers, take service calls and deal with
have any
about the help you may get
siitä avusta, jota voit saada , ask at the hospital.
While we are happy to answer any
about our own products
omista tuotteistamme , we can not answer for the content of other publisher's works.
Our advisory services answer thousands of
from people all over the country
jotka tulevat ihmisiltä ympäri maata .
He (and the Assistant Dean) also counsel many other students on the Course who consider that they have problems, and also respond
from other staff
muun henkilöstön as to how best to advise individual students
siitä, kuinka parhaiten neuvoa yksittäisiä opiskelijoita .
We should be delighted, here at headquarters, to answer
regarding levels of membership (which vary according to experience) and the charges for membership
jäsenyyden tasoista (jotka vaihtelevat kokemuksen mukaan) ja jäsenyyden hinnoista .
Make these
to Dr. Dillenius
tohtori Dilleniukselle .
The delegation subsequently expressed its dissatisfaction with the inability of State ministers and officials to respond fully to various
however will continue to be referred to Head Office Branch Claims for a decision.
I still wonder at the curt response to
Send him
at the usual address.
So let me have
regarding these machines
näitä koneita koskevat as well.
I can't do much to answer
`Please direct
about gown number eighty-two
puvusta numero 82 to Fabbiano.
I trust this answered
on the increase in the annual subscription and your members' satisfaction, that they still consider it good value for money
vuositilauksen kallistumisesta ja jäsentenne tyytyväisyydestä, että he yhä pitävät sitä rahanarvoisena .
On the last day of the Sale one senior elder was heard to say in response to
as to how he was faring
siitä, miten hänellä meni , `Well, I've just make 40p which I'm very pleased about ``.
`At a loose end, Deveraugh? ``
"Vailla tekemistä, Deveraugh? ", disdainfully
halveksivasti as he followed her out of the tent.
Perhaps something in her face alerted him because
stopped, then
slowly, thoughtfully
hitaasti, mietteliäästi ,
`Is that your dinner piece? ``
"Onko tuo päivällisesi? ", , pointing at the waxed paper parcel Maggie was holding.
`How about writing to her? ``
"Entä jos kirjoittaisit hänelle? ", .
What are we doing here? ``
Mitä me teemme täällä? ", .
`Twelve and a half minutes? ``
"Kaksitoista ja puoli minuuttia? ", , taken aback by the exactitude of the estimate.
`Smoking? ``
"Tupakointi? ", .
`Why do they all wear yellow? ``
"Miksi heillä kaikilla on keltaiset vaatteet? ", , noticing the bright clothing along the entire length of the street.
`You really don't mind, do you? ``
"Sinulle ei tosiaan ole väliä, niinkö? ", .
`If they found
we had to give an instant, pressurised response, ``he said.
put the recovery at about 18 months ahead, but
if it could be a non-inflationary one
jos se voisi olla ei-inflatorinen .
`His what? ``
"Hänen mikä? ", in astonishment
hämmästyneenä .
And what will you be doing? ``
Ja mitä sinä aiot tehdä? ", .
`You are unhurt? ``
"Et loukkaantunut? ", .
`You know that, do you? ``
"Sinä tiedät sen, etkö vain? ", .
`For a thief? ``
"Varkaalle? ", , wishing she'd kept quiet about it.
`Did he know them? ``
"Tunsiko hän heidät? ", .
Mr Clinton was battered with new
about avoiding the Vietnam war
Vietnamin sodan välttämisestä after admitting he received his call-up papers.
In a radio programme, the Prime Minister told Sue Lawley, in response to a
on housing
asuntoja koskevaan , that repossessions had stopped before Christmas.
As we sat down to the first of many repetitive meals of salted fish and ground corn,
broached the
of finding a prahu which might carry us as far as Aru
siitä, kuinka löytäisimme prahun, joka voisi kuljettaa meidät jopa Aruun asti .
have a
about acting
näyttelemisestä , think about it before you ask it.
shouldn't ask
about childcare
lastenhoitoon liittyviä but chances are, they will.
Even in 1985
was being asked unkind
about his age
hänen iästään , and then, as now, he was partial to the odd pack of cigarettes before a game.
Quinn sat on the floor, his back against the hard wall, and would have dozed but for the
For a year now he's been trying to avoid packaged and drilled TV appearances, and enduring repetitive
from bemused Europeans
hämmentyneiden eurooppalaisten about sampling or acid house
samplauksesta ja acid housesta But he's still managed to have some fun.
What I said to the Prime Minister was that he should answer that part of the
that was in order.
have been arrested and
kuulustellut heitä but released on bail.
Aside from shift workers,
which groups of people
mitkä ihmisryhmät are disproportionately liable to be stopped and
kuulusteltaviksi ?
Key and Hudson gave evidence that
had been quite rational when
shortly after the death of the child, a view that was contested by the Drakes.
`Naylor's your cousin -- and a bachelor? ``
"Naylor on sinun serkkusi – ja poikamies? ", , still trying to work out why `Naylor had `naturally ``been the one Mrs Hepwood had sent for.
`Would ma'am like some `I can't believe how thin they can make me ``?
"Haluaisiko rouva hieman 'en voi uskoa, kuinka laihan ne minusta tekevät'"? .
There is a story of
a market research interviewer
markkinatutkimushaastattelijasta who
about ready-sliced cheese
valmiiksi viipaloidusta juustosta .
I saw Mr Callaghan come down the steps of his plane, stop at the foot and greet
the throng of journalists
toimittajaparvea waiting on the tarmac
about the current discontents
nykyisistä tyytymättömyyden aiheista .
about the past
hänen menneisyydestään , you will only disturb her.
There was no point in
about what he'd seen in the room
siitä, mitä hän oli nähnyt huoneessa .
After two hours of conversation, during which
concerning Ouspensky
Ouspenskysta , he apologized that his wife (he used a different word) was not present.
on this point
tästä asiasta , saying that a man of his age preferred younger women to be seen out with.
`If I may say this gently, Chief,
Lieutenant Denholm
luutnantti Denholmilta on those matters
niistä asioista .
a 30-year-old man
30-vuotiasta miestä in connection with the murder of Elizabeth Page-Alucard, 41, the counsellor who was found dead on Saturday at a drugs advisory centre in Worcester
Elizabeth Page-Alucardin, 41, murhasta. Neuvonantaja löydettiin lauantaina kuolleena huumeneuvontakeskuksesta Worcesterista .
may detain the suspect for 24 hours (extendable by the prosecutor to 48 hours) and
without access to legal advice or notification of his right to maintain silence.
It is difficult
when we have not been given the figures.
`You are sure, ``
"Oletko varma", ,
`that it was a Frenchman?
"että se oli ranskalainen?"
`Physical courage? ``
"Fyysinen rohkeus? ", .
`Why? ``she asked sharply, and when that gained no answer,
`Who are you?
"Kuka sinä olet?", .
`So Nicola came here, and told you we were still engaged? ``
"Nicola siis tuli tänne ja kertoi sinulle, että olemme yhä kihloissa? ", .
The medical officer
vastaavalta lääkäriltä was subsequently
Tämän seurauksena about some individual patients
eräistä yksittäisistä potilaista .
trust no one, and hate
sitä, että heiltä kysellään about their lives
heidän elämistään ; if they are pressed, at best they will slam their doors in your face.
, too,
but he is not the most intelligent of men, or the best of horse-riders.
The taxi-driver will probably remember picking you up, people on the train may have seen you … and of course
. ”
would get enough out of her to cost Bonanza a lot of profits, if it didn't put him out of business altogether.
However, the approaches to its main executives only came out under
aggressiivisesti of Mr Gatward
herra Gatwardia after yesterday's meeting which a handful of shareholders attended.
These three, also from South Ronaldsay,
Näitä kolmea, jotka ovat myös Etelä-Ronaldsaysta, had been abused, and were undergoing extensive
She also had to parry some delighted but pointed
In general, responses to
direct or indirect
suoriin tai epäsuoriin about non-standard varieties
ei-standardeista tyypeistä are always conditioned by speakers' awareness of their social significance and usually reflect knowledge of the standard rules.
And if it weren't for Grand-mýre and Caro she didn't know how she would have got through the past few days, especially the
For the first time I had to tell my story logically, and the effort which this entailed, under the critical
of the Inspector
tarkastajan , dispelled some of the depression which I felt.
This is achieved by debates and the
of ministers
ministereille esitetyillä and in committees.
The New Zealand-born but peripatetic investor was speaking at GPG's annual meeting in London, where he faced
from a disgruntled shareholder
närkästyneen osakkeenomistjaan about accounting practices and future strategy
kirjanpitokäytännöistä ja tulevasta strategiasta
revealed that he was only able to sell the artefacts in Gibraltar because they had been found illegally on a site in Spain.
`That will depend on how clever
is and on how frightened she can be made to feel either for herself or on Wheeler's behalf.
Trapnel recounts how during
kuulustelujensa by local magistrates
poliisituomarien suorittamien in Cornwall a large crowd gathered:
The only exception
about which area should be avoided in reselling the goods
siitä, mitä aluetta tulisi välttää tavaroiden jälleenmyynnissä .
Perhaps rock star Bryan Adams, the victim of
on the Wogan show, offered the best explanation for the success Selina will be looking for when she interviews celebrities on Entertainment Express next year.