Arguments about language, in any case, need to be separated from
about style
tyyliä koskevista , particularly in a period of fast linguistic change, such as the Merovingian Age.
Observing a heated
among the players
pelaajien välillä over a game of cards
korttipeliä koskevaa , Chapman thought that if they put as much consideration and earnestness into their football, their game could only improve.
What `something ``means in this context starts an
amongst the Ogres
jättiläisten välillä , but eventually they decide on `Wun myool, Wun 'oomin or, er, wun and wun -- too -- shorties.
amongst the girls
Tyttöjen välillä would break out but they would be of a trivial nature to begin with.
But exchange rate troubles draw attention to the unresolved
between Mrs Thatcher and her Chancellor
rouva Thatcherin ja hänen valtiovarainministerinsä välillä (backed by Sir Geoffrey Howe)
about subjecting the pound to the formal discipline of the European Monetary System
siitä, alistetaanko punta Euroopan valuuttajärjestelmän muodolliseen kuriin .
This extract from the book comes after an
between Jo and Amy
Jo'n ja Amyn välisen .
I particularly enjoyed reading about John Bolton's early work on radio stars at Dover Heights, and the very fair account of the heated
kosmologisesta between Martin Ryle and Mills
Martin Rylen ja Millsin välisestä over the number of radio sources
joka koskee radiolähteiden määrää .
over a lost ball
kadonneesta pallosta ended in a clear breach of etiquette -- a club across the back.
In a protracted
mingles his `slanders ``with filthy and sinister threats:
Someone there was having a heated
with an official
viranomaisen kanssa , who then called the guard to deal with the matter.
Anyway, that night we had an
It can do this because during the recent election campaign, there was no
erimielisyyttä about economic policy
talouspolitiikasta among the parties
puolueiden välillä .
There continues to be
erimielisyyksiä between the state-owned company which runs Sellafield, British Nuclear Fuels (BNF), and its critics,
Sellafieldiä pyörittävän valtio-omisteisen yhtiön British Nuclear Fuelsin (BNF) ja sen arvostelijoiden välillä about the dangers associated with the plant
laitoksen vaarallisuudesta .
over club rules
klubin säännöistä , ``said Samuel airily.
The crisis deepened when Nigel Lawson resigned as Chancellor in October after a
erimielisyyden with Professor Alan Walters
professori Alan Waltersin .
By April, however,
erimielisyytensä with the king
kuninkaan kanssa led to his retirement from the government and to a state of almost civil war between them.
erimielisyytensä , at least in public, is
about the origin of us modern humans
koskee meidän nykyaikaisten ihmisten alkuperää .
She had long ago stopped resenting their original professional clashes, and these days
erimielisyytensä tended to be
over minor details
pieniä yksityiskohtia , with her ending up the victor as often as he did.
erimielisyytemme is
on how that is best achieved
koskee sitä, kuinka tämä saavutetaan parhaiten .
Sam could turn a
erimielisyyden into a war, a difference of opinion into a drama.
between the high priest and the royal supervisor of the Temple under Seleucus IV
ylipapin ja temppelin kuninkaallisen valvojan välilllä Seleukos IV:n valtakaudella resulted in an inspection by the Visir Heliodorus, another personality well known from other evidence (OGIS 247).
Brown -- formerly on the coaching staff at Chesham -- took over at the Diadora League Premier Division club in December, when George Borg resigned after a
erimielisyyden over playing policy
pelikäytäntöjä koskevan .
erimielisyydet between Charman and Allison
Charmanin ja Allisonin välillä were amplified in the airtight atmosphere of the studio, but they were always petty and did not run to bitterness.
There was very little discussion and no
erimielisyyttä about choosing this priority
tämän prioriteetin valinnasta .
It was he who after a
particularly violent
erityisen rajun disagreement
erimielisyyden , suggested that Joan should be invited to pay them another visit -- though he referred to her as the lady Anne, as had been agreed.
Friends say part of their problems stem from a
erimielisyydestä, over Mia's wish to adopt yet more children
joka koskee Mian toivetta adoptoida vielä lisää lapsia .
erimielisyytemme of this kind came when we met a large puddle on a woodland track and Skipper decided he couldn't possibly get his feet wet.
`That night
had a
with my parents
vanhempieni kanssa .
had a
, we didn't actually fall out, ``she backtracks.
Tracey, on the other hand, dit not like it;
had an
about its merits
sen ansioista on the way to a nearby pub.
It's no secret that
erimielisyyksiä with the British and the French
brittien ja ranskalaisten kanssa on how we should best approach the issue of Bosnia
siitä, kuinka Bosnian kysymystä olisi parasta lähestyä .
Mr Cook also repeated demands for arbitration to settle the
ambulance staff pay
ambulanssihenkilökunnan palkka- .
A rumbling
about changes to working conditions
työolojen muutoksesta sparked an ill-temperered row in a research facility marked for twenty years of good industrial relations.
Existing East German laws on abortion would continue to apply for two years pending a new law to be passed by the all-German parliament (thus resolving the issue which had caused most
among the parties
puolueiden välillä at the end of negotiations on the treaty).
The interpretation of Marxism is the subject of fierce
amongst theoreticians and dozens of political parties and sects
teoreetikkojen ja kymmenien poliittisten puolueiden ja ryhmittymien kesken , all of whom justify their interpretations by apposite selections from the writings of Marx and Engels.
When there is a
between nations
maiden välillä that could bring a threat to peace, the Security Council listens first to all sides of the argument.
The letter was read by Eleanor Alter, attorney for Mia Farrow in the bitter
between Farrow and Allen
Farrow'n ja Allenin välillä .
Now the pope had a new anxiety over the English crusade, threatened by an
englantilaisten ja ranskalaisten välinen in Gascony.
There is a considerable amount of heated
in Nigerian politics
Nigerian politiikassa .
These issues were in
in long-running legal actions for negligence
pitkään jatkuneissa tuottamusoikeudenkäynneissä between parents and the drug manufacturers
vanhempien ja lääkevalmistajien välillä , and might ultimately have been tried by a judge.
At first the knitters concentrated on an unavailing petitioning of parliament, but trouble began during a
in March 1811 when local justices in Nottinghamshire refused to intervene after hosiers cut the rates they paid to their knitters.
Yet, in the context of the long-standing
, Edward III's claim was strong enough to persuade him that he ought to pursue it, if only as an alternative means of achieving sovereign rule in Aquitaine.
The presentations had been delayed on the NATO side by the re-emergence of a
Kreikan ja Turkin välisestä on the inclusion or non-inclusion of the Turkish port of Mersin in the treaty
joka koskee Turkin Mersinin sataman sisällyttämistä sopimukseen .
The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a
on London building sites
Lontoon rakennustyömaita koskevasta .
According to Eric, one of the residents, some two weeks before our visit there was a
over drugs
huumeisiin liittyvä and one of the shacks had been torched.
transatlanttiset over steel and public procurement policy
teräksestä ja julkisista hankintakäytännöistä unresolved and threats of a new row in the civilian aircraft sector, Mr Clinton's speech to Congress gave few clear signs of how EC-US relations would evolve in the critical months ahead.
Some contracts refer
to an expert whose decision is final and binding.
Negotiations aimed at settling
with France
Ranskan kanssa [see p. 37929] were suspended after the Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Vellayati, who visited France on July 2-4, failed to sign a formal agreement.
within the Communist Parties of Eastern Europe
Itä-Euroopan kommunistipuolueiden sisällä were veiled from public view and the West knew little about them.
Even if you just use them as memory joggers, they could prove invaluable if there is ever a
about who actually said what and when
siitä, kuka sanoi mitä ja milloin .
A game of football had started below and the familiar
of sportsmen
urheilijoiden were already floating up to me.
among the older children
vanhempien lasten välillä lasted longer than those among the younger.
There were bitter
between Valerie and me
Valerien ja minun välillä .
had had a bitter, sniping
in the hall, because Sara had said that she needed her car.
of the Italian government
Italian hallituksen with the papacy
ja paavinistuimen välinen nearly led to an anticlerical league of governments around about 1880.
Bismarck hoped this would enable him to avoid an
Itävallan ja Venäjän välisen by showing that the implicit assignment of Bulgaria to a Russian sphere of influence still held good.
Howard has never heard of pick
and pass out.
This is the story of a
over women
naisia koskevasta involving a series of abductions and retributions which culminate in Paris's kidnapping of Helen.
The servants in the house say
he and his mother
hänellä ja hänen äidillään have some dreadful
about his ways
hänen elämäntavastaan .
Indeed, he is said to have been beside himself with rage and looking to pick a violent
with anyone
kenen tahansa kanssa who happened along.
A warrior in the service of Cesare Borgia, he was stabbed to death in 1501 in a
with another man
toisen miehen kanssa over possession of a fancy Spanish shirt
hienon espanjalaispaidan omistuksesta .
New Zealand's
Uuden-Seelannin with France
Ranskan kanssa over the Rainbow Warrior incident
Rainbow Warrior -välikohtausta koskeva was formally ended when a French naval ship docked at Auckland for the first time in almost six years.
've never had a
in my life.
`So Fontaine was in on this
, ``said Bob Southwell.
Mr French also cited Gloucester's new courthouse, held up by a
between the city and county councils
kaupungin- ja kunnanvaltuustojen välillä .
A senior US official said it was seeking approval from the world trade body, Gatt, for retaliation against the European Community in their bitter trade
over oilseeds
öljysiemeniä koskevassa .
threatens to split Tories
Estonians retreat in
Konservatiivipuolue in
was the
'd probably have a
The Baconian suspicions of the speculative and deductive intellect were strong; the public then as now liked science that was hypothetical and interesting, and loved
between experts
asiantuntijoiden välillä , but scientific opinion was cautious.
It followed a
on Saturday morning.
Current leader Turbo B leaves at the end of the year after a
with the band's producers
yhtyeen tuottajien kanssa .
had a big
about what happened
siitä, mitä tapahtui .
'll have a
with the carpark attendant
pysäköintialueen valvojan kanssa , but when it comes to a real crisis, she's very tough.
A SENSATIONAL new book has revealed that
nearly ruined his career after a huge
with the then PM Margaret Thatcher
silloisen pääministeri Margaret Thatcherin kanssa on the privatisation of Shorts
Shortsin yksityistämisestä .
Despite finally realising his dream of becoming world champion,
quit Formula One last year after an
katkeransävyisesti with the Williams team
Williamsin tiimin kanssa over his contract
sopimuksestaan .
Oh God -- can't
even have a
Although Mr Flowerdew used to come down occasionally and see him: sometimes
would have a
and sometimes they were quite friendly.
Several parents, some of whom had overheard
earlier, were watching her to see what she'd do.
Louise at the height of
had called him a shit.
The international trading company Lonrho and the Al Fayed brothers, the owners of the Harrods company House of Fraser, have settled
long running
over the ownership of the Harrods store
Harrodsin tavaratalon omistuksesta .
WE told you about
Stuart Pearce's
Stuart Pearcen with Forest
Forestin kanssa just before the season kicked off.
Lord Carrington resigned as Foreign Secretary, pre-empting a distracting
about who was to blame
siitä, kuka oli syyllinen , leaving the Prime Minister unambiguously in charge of policy.
Charles was accused of meddling in politics and inflaming the
between London and Paris
Lontoon ja Pariisin välistä over a trade deal with America
kauppasopimuksesta Yhdysvaltain kanssa .
The goalless draw threatened to flare into an
between several players
useiden pelaajien välillä after Luton's teenage striker John Hartson appeared to be fouled.
These matters spilled over into the British Psychological Society and eventually in 1951-52 led to a major
on the benefits of psychoanalysis
psykoanalyysin hyödyistä , which meant that the relationship between scientific developments and educational practice became further confused.
In the
over what takes priority
siitä, mikä on ensisijaista , there are fears that Mr Major will be forced into another humiliating U-turn by increasing spending to more than £244.5 billion.
The accusation came during an
over a newspaper story which claimed Anne had put off her wedding to Naval Commander Tim Laurence -- and called Princess Di and Fergie `two silly girls ``
sanomalehtiartikkelista, joka väitti Annen lykänneen avioitumistaan laivastokomentaja Tim Laurencen kanssa – ja kutsuneen prinsessa Dianaa ja Fergietä "kahdeksi hupsuksi tytöksi" .
A YOUNG woman
NUORI nainen plunged off a pier into the sea after a
with her boyfriend
poikaystävänsä kanssa .
On the surface, the
over whether Jardines has broken a rule that forbids Hong Kong companies -- directly or through subsidiaries -- to buy their own shares
liittyy siihen, onko Jardines rikkonut sääntöä, jonka mukaan hongkongilaisilta yrityksiltä on kielletty – suoraan tai tytäryhtiöidensä kautta – omien osakkeidensa ostaminen .
This is the more surprising since TI has had its share of
accounting policy-related
kirjanpitokäytäntöihin liittyviä over the years, with commentators most usually questioning its method of acquisition accounting.
THE role of Harry Thomason, Friend of Bill and TV producer, in the Case of the White House Travel Office (see above) has given new edge to a month-long
between Washington and Hollywood
Washingtonin ja Hollywoodin välillä .
We've had
which have lasted a few months, but if anything, I think that sort of thing strengthens a friendship.
still have our
In spite of the recent
about Government taking a slice off the hill and upland ewe subsidies
joka koskee hallituksen päätöstä leikata kukkuloilla ja ylängöillä kasvatettujen uuhien tuista , farming is an industry deeply indebted to Government.
Velcro, the touch fastener so beloved of outdoor skiing types and their like, is at the centre of a bitter
between its board and disgruntled shareholders
sen hallituksen ja närkästyneiden osakkeenomistajien välisessä over that vexed question of shareholder value
joka koskee hankalaa kysymystä osakkeenomistajien arvosta .
Anyway, indisputably well-connected and a `toff ``and after an initial spat (very common with Burton, the initial
with those who later became good pals
niiden välillä, joista myöhemmin tuli hyviä kavereita ), they became and remained fast friends.
A pint on the table, a
, a night out with the lads, a bittersweet marriage.
between him and Fergie
hänen ja Fergien välillä was recorded by an eavesdropper, it was reported last night.
between John and Edward
Johnin ja Edwardin välillä still made itself felt.
The Sun, a tabloid, claimed that MI5 had bugged a
between the Prince and Princess of Wales
Walesin prinssin ja prinsessan välillä in the privacy of their home.
In one scene
Lysette -- who plays an air-headed aerobics teacher -- and her middle-aged boy-friend
Lysettellä – joka näyttelee tyhjäpäistä aerobic-opettajaa – ja hänen keski-ikäisellä poikaystävällään were supposed to have an amusing
after a party.
He used a
with France
Ranskan kanssa as an excuse for military preparations he might need in the east.
On my arrival
had another
with Frank Dick
Frank Dickin kanssa .
But I was even more thrilled by the fact that
had been meaningless and that we were still good friends.
In the first edition of the afternoon paper, the `
``story had been moved back to page seven.
He told me
'd had a serious
, but he hopes to persuade you to return to LA.
They used to see us and say, `Here they are, the lovebirds, are we talking today or have
had a
BOBBY BROWN and Whitney Houston
BOBBY BROWNILLA ja Whitney Houstonilla have had
over a pair of pet pooches
parin lemmikkipiskin tähden .