altercation.n 🔎
- Gatting'sGattinginaltercationsananvaihdollawith Shakoor RanaShakoor Ranan kanssawas to have a considerable effect on the West Indies Test rubber.
- While Famagusta stood out,the emiremiirishould want noaltercationsriitojawith ZaccoZaccon kanssa.
- She would run and hide asher parents'hänen vanhempiensaaltercationsriidatso often got out of hand with plates crashing and books thrown.
- Melissa recounted briefly the exchanges on the way to the belvedere and thealtercationkiistatover the bookkirjasta.
- WeMeillähad analtercationriitathat soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase.
- Thataltercationsananvaihtowith LukeLuken kanssahad drained her.
- Immediately, they heard raised voices and saw thatthe porterportieeriwas engaged in analtercationsananvaihtoawith two men in trench coatskahden trenssiin pukeutuneen miehen kanssa.
- And in thealtercationriidassabetween Theseus and the fury TisiphoneTheseuksen ja raivotar Teisifonen välisessä(`Contente-toi d'une victime! ``,
argue.v 🔎
- TheyHearguedväittelivätendlesslyabout itsiitä.
- One<empty>canVoidaanargueväitelläwhether or not one-party patronage, as in Britain, is even worsesiitä, onko yhden puolueen holhoaminen, kuten Britanniassa, vielä pahempaa.
- I<empty>opened my mouthto<empty>arguekiistelläkseni asiastabut he was walking away.
- On and on the battle had raged; on and ontheyhe'dolivatarguedriidelleet, neither giving an inch.
- I<empty>arguedKiistelinthis pointtästä asiastawith himhänen kanssaan, but he was obdurate in the matter.
- RachelRachelilladoesn'teiargueole mitäänabout coming to LondonLontooseen tuloaan vastaan.
- `The reasona lot of women and menmonet naiset ja miehetarguekiistelevät keskenäänwithout hearing each othertoisiaan kuulemattais that many women lack the bottom harmonics in their voices, while men don't allow themselves the upper harmonics.
- TheyHearguedkiistelivätamicablysopuisastiover who should paysiitä, kenen tulisi maksaa.
- It's not the timeto<empty>arguekiistelläabout the small print of your contractsopimuksesi pienestä präntistä.
- Whereas they eventually came to some agreement over the various `courses ``,theyhearguedkiistelivätvehementlyintohimoisestiover Elisabeth's insistence that the recital should both begin and close with Strauss's MorgenElisabethin vaatimuksesta, että solistikonsertin pitäisi alkaa Straussin Morgenilla ja myös päättyä siihen.
- International:DeputiesKansanedustajatarguekiistelevätover Russia's new nameVenäjän uudesta nimestä
- It is unwise everto<empty>argueväitelläwith a guideoppaan kanssa.
- Once or twice,KenKenarguedriiteliwith himhänen kanssaanand said: `There was a pause there.
- Tepilit and his brotherTepilitin ja hänen veljensäcan be seenarguingkiistelevänwith the otherstoisten kanssa.
- Lili could seeStan ValanceStan Valancenarguingriitelevänwith ZimmerZimmerin kanssa.
argument.n 🔎
- Arguments about language, in any case, need to be separated fromargumentsargumenteistaabout styletyyliä koskevista, particularly in a period of fast linguistic change, such as the Merovingian Age.
- Observing a heatedargumentriitaaamong the playerspelaajien välilläover a game of cardskorttipeliä koskevaa, Chapman thought that if they put as much consideration and earnestness into their football, their game could only improve.
- What `something ``means in this context starts anargumentväittelynäamongst the Ogresjättiläisten välillä, but eventually they decide on `Wun myool, Wun 'oomin or, er, wun and wun -- too -- shorties.
- Argumentsriitojenamongst the girlsTyttöjen välilläwould break out but they would be of a trivial nature to begin with.
- But exchange rate troubles draw attention to the unresolvedargumentriitabetween Mrs Thatcher and her Chancellorrouva Thatcherin ja hänen valtiovarainministerinsä välillä(backed by Sir Geoffrey Howe)about subjecting the pound to the formal discipline of the European Monetary Systemsiitä, alistetaanko punta Euroopan valuuttajärjestelmän muodolliseen kuriin.
- This extract from the book comes after anargumentriidanbetween Jo and AmyJo'n ja Amyn välisen.
- I particularly enjoyed reading about John Bolton's early work on radio stars at Dover Heights, and the very fair account of the heatedcosmologicalkosmologisestaargumentväittelystä,between Martin Ryle and MillsMartin Rylen ja Millsin välisestäover the number of radio sourcesjoka koskee radiolähteiden määrää.
- AnargumentRiitaover a lost ballkadonneesta pallostaended in a clear breach of etiquette -- a club across the back.
- In a protractedargumentriidassawith AjaxAjaxin kanssa,hehänmingles his `slanders ``with filthy and sinister threats:
- Someone there was having a heatedargumentriitawith an officialviranomaisen kanssa, who then called the guard to deal with the matter.
- Anyway, that night we had anargumentriitelimme.
bicker.v 🔎
- I will not haveyou twoteidän kahdenbickeringnahistelua.
- `So that explains why you're always so tense when I'm around and whywemealways seem to end upbickeringnahistelemaan?
- ``IMinä'm not standing here all daybickeringkiistelemässäabout thistästä asiasta.
- CharmanCharmanbickerednahisteliwith AllisonAllisonin kanssa, often over irrelevant points.
- HeHändidn't want to end up a mean and ignorant man like his father, or spend the yearsbickeringnahistellenINNIwith brother Shamusveli Shamuksen kanssa.
- Sir:The residents of this once tranquil villageTämän aikoinaan rauhallisen kylän asukkaathave beenovatbickeringkiistelleetfor yearsabout the best way to deal with increasing trafficsiitä, mikä on paras tapa hoitaa lisääntynyttä liikennettä.
- However, no one had pushed him and there was no point inbickeringkiistelläover triflespikkuasioista.
- TheyHeshared a doughnut andbickerednahistelivatover which half was smallestsiitä, kumpi puolikas oli pienempi.
- Since she got here,everyonekaikki's beenovatbickeringnahistelleet keskenään.
- Come, we are grown and we talk likechildrenlapset, jotkabickeringnahistelevatover gleaningspienistä tiedonmuruista.
bickering.n 🔎
- On the first anniversary of the return to civi lian rule President Shehu Shagari vigorously condemnedpartypuolueenbickeringnahistelunin the papers and said that he hop ed it would end.
- Parents can not expect their children to get o n with each other but family life is very difficult if there is continuousbickeringnahisteluaand jealousybetween chi ldrenlasten välillä.
- Parents could be forgiven for thinking it's another foreign language, the current wave of politicalbickeringkiistelyabout educationkoulutukseseta.
disagreement.n 🔎
- It can do this because during the recent election campaign, there was nogreatsuurtadisagreementerimielisyyttäabout economic policytalouspolitiikastaamong the partiespuolueiden välillä.
- There continues to beheatedkiihkeitädisagreementerimielisyyksiäbetween the state-owned company which runs Sellafield, British Nuclear Fuels (BNF), and its critics,Sellafieldiä pyörittävän valtio-omisteisen yhtiön British Nuclear Fuelsin (BNF) ja sen arvostelijoiden välilläabout the dangers associated with the plantlaitoksen vaarallisuudesta.
- `Aslightpienidisagreementerimielisyysover club rulesklubin säännöistä, ``said Samuel airily.
- The crisis deepened when Nigel Lawson resigned as Chancellor in October after adisagreementerimielisyydenwith Professor Alan Waltersprofessori Alan Waltersin.
- By April, however,hishänendisagreementserimielisyytensäwith the kingkuninkaan kanssaled to his retirement from the government and to a state of almost civil war between them.
- `TheirHeidänstrongestsuurindisagreementerimielisyytensä, at least in public, isabout the origin of us modern humanskoskee meidän nykyaikaisten ihmisten alkuperää.
- She had long ago stopped resenting their original professional clashes, and these daystheirheidändisagreementserimielisyytensätended to beover minor detailspieniä yksityiskohtia, with her ending up the victor as often as he did.
- OurMeidändisagreementerimielisyytemmeison how that is best achievedkoskee sitä, kuinka tämä saavutetaan parhaiten.
- Sam could turn afamilyperheendisagreementerimielisyydeninto a war, a difference of opinion into a drama.
- Adisagreementerimielisyysbetween the high priest and the royal supervisor of the Temple under Seleucus IVylipapin ja temppelin kuninkaallisen valvojan välilllä Seleukos IV:n valtakaudellaabout 180noin 180resulted in an inspection by the Visir Heliodorus, another personality well known from other evidence (OGIS 247).
- Brown -- formerly on the coaching staff at Chesham -- took over at the Diadora League Premier Division club in December, when George Borg resigned after adisagreementerimielisyydenover playing policypelikäytäntöjä koskevan.
- Thedisagreementserimielisyydetbetween Charman and AllisonCharmanin ja Allisonin välilläwere amplified in the airtight atmosphere of the studio, but they were always petty and did not run to bitterness.
- There was very little discussion and nodisagreementerimielisyyttäabout choosing this prioritytämän prioriteetin valinnasta.
- It was he who after aparticularly violenterityisen rajundisagreementerimielisyyden, suggested that Joan should be invited to pay them another visit -- though he referred to her as the lady Anne, as had been agreed.
- Friends say part of their problems stem from abitterkatkerastadisagreementerimielisyydestä,over Mia's wish to adopt yet more childrenjoka koskee Mian toivetta adoptoida vielä lisää lapsia.
- OurMeidänfirstminorpienidisagreementerimielisyytemmeof this kind came when we met a large puddle on a woodland track and Skipper decided he couldn't possibly get his feet wet.
- `That nightI<empty>had adisagreementriitawith my parentsvanhempieni kanssa.
- `We<empty>had adisagreementeri mieltäabout itasiasta, we didn't actually fall out, ``she backtracks.
- Tracey, on the other hand, dit not like it;theyhehad anamicablesopuisastidisagreementeri mieltäabout its meritssen ansioistaon the way to a nearby pub.
- It's no secret thatwemeillähaddisagreementserimielisyyksiäwith the British and the Frenchbrittien ja ranskalaisten kanssaon how we should best approach the issue of Bosniasiitä, kuinka Bosnian kysymystä olisi parasta lähestyä.
dispute.n 🔎
- Mr Cook also repeated demands for arbitration to settle theambulance staff payambulanssihenkilökunnan palkka-disputekiistan.
- A rumblingdisputekiistaabout changes to working conditionstyöolojen muutoksestasparked an ill-temperered row in a research facility marked for twenty years of good industrial relations.
- Existing East German laws on abortion would continue to apply for two years pending a new law to be passed by the all-German parliament (thus resolving the issue which had caused mostdisputekiistanamong the partiespuolueiden välilläat the end of negotiations on the treaty).
- The interpretation of Marxism is the subject of fiercedisputekiistelläänamongst theoreticians and dozens of political parties and sectsteoreetikkojen ja kymmenien poliittisten puolueiden ja ryhmittymien kesken, all of whom justify their interpretations by apposite selections from the writings of Marx and Engels.
- When there is adisputekiistabetween nationsmaiden välilläthat could bring a threat to peace, the Security Council listens first to all sides of the argument.
- The letter was read by Eleanor Alter, attorney for Mia Farrow in the bitterchild custodyhuoltajuus-disputekiistassabetween Farrow and AllenFarrow'n ja Allenin välillä.
- Now the pope had a new anxiety over the English crusade, threatened by anAnglo-Frenchenglantilaisten ja ranskalaisten välinendisputekiistain Gascony.
- There is a considerable amount of heateddisputekiistelyäin Nigerian politicsNigerian politiikassa.
- These issues were indisputekiisteltiinin long-running legal actions for negligencepitkään jatkuneissa tuottamusoikeudenkäynneissäbetween parents and the drug manufacturersvanhempien ja lääkevalmistajien välillä, and might ultimately have been tried by a judge.
- At first the knitters concentrated on an unavailing petitioning of parliament, but trouble began during awagepalkka-disputekiistanin March 1811 when local justices in Nottinghamshire refused to intervene after hosiers cut the rates they paid to their knitters.
- Yet, in the context of the long-standingdisputekiistassaof AquitaineAkvitanian, Edward III's claim was strong enough to persuade him that he ought to pursue it, if only as an alternative means of achieving sovereign rule in Aquitaine.
- The presentations had been delayed on the NATO side by the re-emergence of aGreek-TurkishKreikan ja Turkin välisestädisputekiistasta,on the inclusion or non-inclusion of the Turkish port of Mersin in the treatyjoka koskee Turkin Mersinin sataman sisällyttämistä sopimukseen.
- The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into adisputekiistastaon London building sitesLontoon rakennustyömaita koskevasta.
- According to Eric, one of the residents, some two weeks before our visit there was adisputekiistaover drugshuumeisiin liittyväand one of the shacks had been torched.
- Withtransatlantictransatlanttisetdisputeskiistatover steel and public procurement policyteräksestä ja julkisista hankintakäytännöistäunresolved and threats of a new row in the civilian aircraft sector, Mr Clinton's speech to Congress gave few clear signs of how EC-US relations would evolve in the critical months ahead.
- Some contracts refertechnicalteknisetdisputeskiistatto an expert whose decision is final and binding.
- Negotiations aimed at settlingIran'sIraninlong-standingfinancialtaloudellisendisputekiistanwith FranceRanskan kanssa[see p. 37929] were suspended after the Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Vellayati, who visited France on July 2-4, failed to sign a formal agreement.
- DisputesKiistatwithin the Communist Parties of Eastern EuropeItä-Euroopan kommunistipuolueiden sisälläwere veiled from public view and the West knew little about them.
fight.v 🔎
- `Let's<empty>notfighttapellaabout a few hoursmuutamasta tunnista.
- Arewemeidänto<empty>fighttapellaabout itsiitä?
- At the moment, the divorce is given and then, often, the real bitterness starts ashusband and wifemies ja vaimofighttaistelevatover cash and kidsrahasta ja lapsista.
- `We<empty>foughtTaistelimmeover himhänestä, Nuadu Airgetlam, ``said the Robemaker, and there was a slick lascivious tone to his voice now.
- SheHänwas<empty>fightingkamppailiwith herselfitsensä kanssaabout whether to draw nearer to himsiitä, siirtyisikö hän lähemmäksi miestä, despite the danger of that, and see if he was all right, when he spoke again.
- Half the time I don't even understandwhatmistätheyheare<empty>fightingtappelevatabout<empty>.
quarrel.n 🔎
- Even if you just use them as memory joggers, they could prove invaluable if there is ever aquarrelriitaabout who actually said what and whensiitä, kuka sanoi mitä ja milloin.
- A game of football had started below and the familiarquarrelstorailutof sportsmenurheilijoidenwere already floating up to me.
- QuarrelsRiidatamong the older childrenvanhempien lasten välillälasted longer than those among the younger.
- There were bitterquarrelsriitojabetween Valerie and meValerien ja minun välillä.
- TheyHehad had a bitter, snipingquarrelriitain the hall, because Sara had said that she needed her car.
- Thequarrelerimielisyysof the Italian governmentItalian hallituksenwith the papacyja paavinistuimen välinennearly led to an anticlerical league of governments around about 1880.
- Bismarck hoped this would enable him to avoid anAustro-RussianItävallan ja Venäjän välisenquarrelkiistanby showing that the implicit assignment of Bulgaria to a Russian sphere of influence still held good.
- PeopleIhmiset,Howard has never heard of pickquarrelstappelemaanand pass out.
- This is the story of aquarrelriidastaover womennaisia koskevastainvolving a series of abductions and retributions which culminate in Paris's kidnapping of Helen.
- The servants in the house sayhe and his motherhänellä ja hänen äidilläänhave some dreadfulquarrelsriitojaabout his wayshänen elämäntavastaan.
- Indeed, he is said to have been beside himself with rage and looking to pick a violentquarrelriitawith anyonekenen tahansa kanssawho happened along.
- A warrior in the service of Cesare Borgia, he was stabbed to death in 1501 in aquarrelriidellessäänwith another mantoisen miehen kanssaover possession of a fancy Spanish shirthienon espanjalaispaidan omistuksesta.
- New Zealand'sUuden-Seelanninquarrelkiistawith FranceRanskan kanssaover the Rainbow Warrior incidentRainbow Warrior -välikohtausta koskevawas formally ended when a French naval ship docked at Auckland for the first time in almost six years.
- I<empty>'ve never had aquarrelriidellytwith himhänen kanssaanin my life.
quarrel.v 🔎
- `WhatMitädotheyheidänquarrelriitansaaboutkoskee? ``asked Ruth.
- Whenchildrenlapsetquarrelriitelevätexcessivelykohtuuttoman paljonthere is something going badly wrong with their interactions and relationships, since few of us really enjoy arguing and fighting.
- TheyHequarrelledriitelivätfiercelyraivoisasti, spitting at each other across our laps.
- SheHänhad pleaded, cajoled andquarrelledriiteliviolentlyraivoisastias she tried to win the Prince's assistance.
- TheyHemay be prone to arguments andquarrelriidelläover any imagined offencemistä tahansa kuvitellusta loukkauksesta.
- I mean you nothing but good, whyshouldonwemeidänquarrelriideltävä?
- SheHänneedssomeone of her own agejonkun omanikäisensäto talk with -- maybe evento<empty>quarrelriidelläwithkanssaat times, ``said Elizabeth Mowbray with a smile.
- He and MaltoteHän ja Maltotequarrelledriitelivätabout what was genuine fursiitä, mikä oli aitoa turkista, and what the jewelled embroidered motifs and the bright hues on the cloaks of some retainers really signified.
- `Areyousinäintent uponquarrellingriidelläwith meminun kanssani?
quibble.v 🔎
- The local promoterPaikallinen promoottorihad evidently not managed to summon the courageto<empty>quibblesaivarrellawith JourgensenJourgensenilleover the 89 decibel limit on the main stagepäälavan 89 desibelin rajoituksesta.
- One<empty>canVoidaanquibblesaivarrellaover the slow speed for the opening movement of No. 1nr. 1:n ensimmäisen osan hitaasta temposta, which is hardly an Allegro commodo.
- If we're talking about outside auditors, whether it's a letter, a fax or whatever won't make any difference astheyhewon'teivätquibblesaivarteleover things like order forms and stuffesimerkiksi tilauskaavakkeista ja sen sellaisista.
row.n 🔎
- `So Fontaine was in on thisfamilyperheen sisäisestärowkinasta, ``said Bob Southwell.
- Mr French also cited Gloucester's new courthouse, held up by aplanningsuunnittelu-rowkiistabetween the city and county councilskaupungin- ja kunnanvaltuustojen välillä.
- A senior US official said it was seeking approval from the world trade body, Gatt, for retaliation against the European Community in their bitter traderowkiistassaover oilseedsöljysiemeniä koskevassa.
- SpendingRahankäyttö-rowkiistathreatens to split Tories
- Estonians retreat invotingäänestys-rowkiistassa
- ToriesKonservatiivipuolueinrowriiteleeover sackingpotkuista
- WhatMitäwas therowkiistaaboutkoskianyway?
- TheyHe'd probably have arowriitelisivätabout itsiitä.
- The Baconian suspicions of the speculative and deductive intellect were strong; the public then as now liked science that was hypothetical and interesting, and lovedrowskiistojabetween expertsasiantuntijoiden välillä, but scientific opinion was cautious.
- It followed afuriousraivoisaarowriitaaon Saturday morning.
- Current leader Turbo B leaves at the end of the year after arowriideltyäänwith the band's producersyhtyeen tuottajien kanssa.
- IMinullahad a bigrowriitawith BozBozin kanssaabout what happenedsiitä, mitä tapahtui.
- I'mthe one whose, joka'll have arowriiteleewith the carpark attendantpysäköintialueen valvojan kanssa, but when it comes to a real crisis, she's very tough.
- A SENSATIONAL new book has revealed thatJohn MajorJohn Majornearly ruined his career after a hugerowriideltyäänwith the then PM Margaret Thatchersilloisen pääministeri Margaret Thatcherin kanssaon the privatisation of ShortsShortsin yksityistämisestä.
- Despite finally realising his dream of becoming world champion,MansellMansellquit Formula One last year after anacrimoniouskatkeransävyisestirowriideltyäänwith the Williams teamWilliamsin tiimin kanssaover his contractsopimuksestaan.
- Oh God -- can'tI<empty>even have arowriidelläwith youkanssasinow?
- Although Mr Flowerdew used to come down occasionally and see him: sometimestheyhewould have arowriitelivätand sometimes they were quite friendly.
- Several parents, some of whom had overheardherhänenrowriitelevänwith AlexAlexin kanssaearlier, were watching her to see what she'd do.
- Louise at the height oftheirheidänrowriitansahad called him a shit.
- The international trading company Lonrho and the Al Fayed brothers, the owners of the Harrods company House of Fraser, have settledtheir<empty>long runningrowriitansariitansaover the ownership of the Harrods storeHarrodsin tavaratalon omistuksesta.
- WE told you aboutStuart Pearce'sStuart Pearcenpaypalkka-rowriidastawith ForestForestin kanssajust before the season kicked off.
- Lord Carrington resigned as Foreign Secretary, pre-empting a distractingrowriitaabout who was to blamesiitä, kuka oli syyllinen, leaving the Prime Minister unambiguously in charge of policy.
- Charles was accused of meddling in politics and inflaming therowriitaabetween London and ParisLontoon ja Pariisin välistäover a trade deal with Americakauppasopimuksesta Yhdysvaltain kanssa.
- The goalless draw threatened to flare into anuglyrumaksirowriidaksibetween several playersuseiden pelaajien välilläafter Luton's teenage striker John Hartson appeared to be fouled.
- These matters spilled over into the British Psychological Society and eventually in 1951-52 led to a majorrowriitaanon the benefits of psychoanalysispsykoanalyysin hyödyistä, which meant that the relationship between scientific developments and educational practice became further confused.
- In theferociousraivoisassarowriidassaover what takes prioritysiitä, mikä on ensisijaista, there are fears that Mr Major will be forced into another humiliating U-turn by increasing spending to more than £244.5 billion.
- The accusation came during anangryvihaisessarowkiistassaover a newspaper story which claimed Anne had put off her wedding to Naval Commander Tim Laurence -- and called Princess Di and Fergie `two silly girls ``sanomalehtiartikkelista, joka väitti Annen lykänneen avioitumistaan laivastokomentaja Tim Laurencen kanssa – ja kutsuneen prinsessa Dianaa ja Fergietä "kahdeksi hupsuksi tytöksi".
- A YOUNG womanNUORI nainenplunged off a pier into the sea after afuriousraivoisastirowriideltyäänwith her boyfriendpoikaystävänsä kanssa.
row.v 🔎
- He didn't support our strikes andwemeusedto<empty>rowtapellaabout itsiitä, but not now.
- THE recession has lead torecord numbers of couplesennätysmäärä pariskuntiarowingtappeleeabout money problemsrahaongelmista, says Prudential.
- Several parents, some of whom had overheardherhänenrowtappelevanwith AlexAlexin kanssaearlier, were watching her to see what she'd do.
- Last night there were rumours thatshehänhadolirowedtapellutwith BryanBryanin kanssaand was fed up of his `bossy ``style.
- Hunter, then 27, picked up Heidi as she hitch-hiked along the A10 to visither boyfriendpoikaystäväänsä,whojonkashehänhadolirowedtapellutwithkanssathe day before.
- `Not yet, Betsy, ``saidDadisä, doing his best not to let his kids down byrowingtappelemallawith his wifevaimonsa kanssa.
spat.n 🔎
- On the surface, thespatnahinaisover whether Jardines has broken a rule that forbids Hong Kong companies -- directly or through subsidiaries -- to buy their own sharesliittyy siihen, onko Jardines rikkonut sääntöä, jonka mukaan hongkongilaisilta yrityksiltä on kielletty – suoraan tai tytäryhtiöidensä kautta – omien osakkeidensa ostaminen.
- This is the more surprising since TI has had its share ofaccounting policy-relatedkirjanpitokäytäntöihin liittyviäspatskiistojaover the years, with commentators most usually questioning its method of acquisition accounting.
- THE role of Harry Thomason, Friend of Bill and TV producer, in the Case of the White House Travel Office (see above) has given new edge to a month-longspatkinallebetween Washington and HollywoodWashingtonin ja Hollywoodin välillä.
- We've hadouromatspatskinammewhich have lasted a few months, but if anything, I think that sort of thing strengthens a friendship.
- Hell,wemeillästill have ourspatskinamme.
- In spite of the recentspatkiistasta,about Government taking a slice off the hill and upland ewe subsidiesjoka koskee hallituksen päätöstä leikata kukkuloilla ja ylängöillä kasvatettujen uuhien tuista, farming is an industry deeply indebted to Government.
- Velcro, the touch fastener so beloved of outdoor skiing types and their like, is at the centre of a bitterspatkiistassa,between its board and disgruntled shareholderssen hallituksen ja närkästyneiden osakkeenomistajien välisessäover that vexed question of shareholder valuejoka koskee hankalaa kysymystä osakkeenomistajien arvosta.
- Anyway, indisputably well-connected and a `toff ``and after an initial spat (very common with Burton, the initialspatkinawith those who later became good palsniiden välillä, joista myöhemmin tuli hyviä kavereita), they became and remained fast friends.
squabble.v 🔎
- However, eventhose who do not doubt the terrible things that happenedne, jotka eivät epäile, etteikö kauheita asioita olisi tapahtunut,can stillvoivat siltisquabblekinastellaabout their meaningniiden merkityksestä.
- TheyHeidänare saidto<empty>squabblekinastelleenendlesslyloputtomastiabout personnel appointments and propaganda sloganshenkilöstön tapaamisista ja propagandan iskulauseista.
- TheyHegather near her andsquabblekinastelevatamong themselveskeskenäänwith much caterwaulingulvoen äänekkäästi.
- While allied airmen risk their lives in the Arabian desert,politicians in BonnBonnin poliitikotsquabblekinastelevatover whether Germany is bound by treaty to aid Turkey, a NATO partner, should it be attacked by Iraqsiitä, sitovatko sopimukset Saksan auttamaan NATO-kumppaniaan Turkkia, jos Irak hyökkää sitä vastaan.
- Herechildrenlapsetwill share andsquabblekinastelevat, will make and break friendships.
- One Dove operate from their own studio wheretheyhescribble ideas,gentlysävyisästisquabblekinastelevatand concoct their `irn bru ``of dubbed-up, blissed-out music.
tiff.n 🔎
- A pint on the table, aloversrakastavaistentiffriidanpoikanen, a night out with the lads, a bittersweet marriage.
- Aphonepuhelimessatiffriidanpoikasenbetween him and Fergiehänen ja Fergien välilläwas recorded by an eavesdropper, it was reported last night.
- ThetiffRiidanpoikanenbetween John and EdwardJohnin ja Edwardin välillästill made itself felt.
- The Sun, a tabloid, claimed that MI5 had bugged amaritalaviollisentiffriidanpoikasenbetween the Prince and Princess of WalesWalesin prinssin ja prinsessan välilläin the privacy of their home.
- In one sceneLysette -- who plays an air-headed aerobics teacher -- and her middle-aged boy-friendLysettellä – joka näyttelee tyhjäpäistä aerobic-opettajaa – ja hänen keski-ikäisellä poikaystävälläänwere supposed to have an amusingtiffriidanpoikanenafter a party.
- He used atiffriidanpoikastawith FranceRanskan kanssaas an excuse for military preparations he might need in the east.
- On my arrivalIminullahad anothertiffriidanpoikanenwith Frank DickFrank Dickin kanssa.
- But I was even more thrilled by the fact thatourmeidänlittletiffriidanpoikasemmehad been meaningless and that we were still good friends.
- In the first edition of the afternoon paper, the `Lovers'rakastavaistenTiffriidanpoikasesta``story had been moved back to page seven.
- He told meyouteillä'd had a serioustiffriidanpoikanen, but he hopes to persuade you to return to LA.
- They used to see us and say, `Here they are, the lovebirds, are we talking today or havewemeillähad alovers ``rakastavaistentiffriidanpoikanen?
- BOBBY BROWN and Whitney HoustonBOBBY BROWNILLA ja Whitney Houstonillahave hadtheir<empty>firstlover'srakastavaistentiffriidanpoikanen…over a pair of pet poochesparin lemmikkipiskin tähden.
wrangle.v 🔎
- In fact, months ofwranglingkinastelubetween the band's manager and the record companyyhtyeen managerin ja levy-yhtiön välilläusually ends with the band being dropped, by which time the other record companies who initially showed interest have gone cold.
- This fellowTämä kaveri's beenonwranglingkinastellutwith ZaccoZaccon kanssa.
- Hours ofwranglingkinasteluover the protocol of such mattersnäiden asioiden protokollastawas squandered during both the preparation and the course of the pair's ceaseless round of state visits to ever more obscure countries.
- For two years,Clark, William Waldegrave at the Foreign Office and Nicholas Ridley at the Department of Trade and IndustryClark, ulkoministeriön William Waldegrave sekä kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön Nicholas Ridleywrangledkinastelivatin secret memossalaisissa muistiinpanoissaover the morality of turning a blind eye in exchange for informationsiitä, kuinka eettistä oli jättää asioita huomiotta tietoa vastaan.
- TheyHewrangledkinastelivatinterminablyloppumattomasti, he goading her into outbursts of anger just to watch her beauty at its best, she calling him all the names she could lay her tongue to.