Richard had joined the birdwatching society hoping to make friends and been disappointed when
the membership
jäsenien määrä in consequence; now he found himself surrounded by eager acolytes.
The number of entries in the parish register
Kunnan väestörekisterin kirjausten määrä in the middle decades of the seventeenth century
1600-luvun puolivälin vuosikymmeninä , suggesting that many villagers moved elsewhere once the arable fields were enclosed.
Another place of worship was built in 1828 for the Methodists but as
osallistujen määrä it was decided to share with Christ church, a facility which made economic sense.
Since the early 1970s
1970-luvun alusta lähtien , however,
from 100 tonnes
100 tonnista at peak season
huippukauden ,
Timex's plant in Dundee has stopped making watches (it now produces printed circuit boards), and
its workforce
sen työvoima from over 4,000
yli neljästä tuhannesta to a few hundred
muutamaan sataan .
from a peak of 160, and attendances of five to six hundred
160 jäsenen ja 500–600 osanottajan huippulukemista ,
at the time of the 1873 religious `Revival ``
vuoden 1873 hengellisen herätyksen aikana .
It was six o'clock when she reached the outskirts of the town and
the traffic
liikenteen määrä to a trickle
melkein olemattomiin .
Helen's dividends
Helenin osingot , like her own,
to smaller and smaller sums
yhä pienemmiksi summiksi ; even for someone as uncommitted to possession or luxury as Helen was it had become necessary to top them up.
With no new peerages being created,
and election was abolished by the Peerage Act 1963 and all remaining Scottish peers allowed to sit.
Membership of the club
Klubin jäsenien määrä and its clear commuters are feeling the pinch.
by the 1970s
1970-luvulle tultaessa the population
väestön määrä to less than 20
alle 20:een , and the last inhabitant moved out three years ago, after the land was bought by South West Water.
Detroit's population
Detroitin väestön määrä during the past four decades
viimeisten neljän vuosikymmenen aikana ,
to barely 1 m
hädin tuskin yhteen miljoonaan .
coal supplies
hiilivarannot olivat , Truman acted: the Federal government took over the mines and prepared to bring in the army to run the railroads.
During the long years of war,
their numbers
heidän lukumääränsä till only the most savage, cunning and ruthless survived to carry the war to Chaos
kunnes vain julmimmat, juonikkaimmat ja häikäilemättömimmät selviytyivät hengissä viedäkseen sodan Kaaokseen .
Day Five … and
the twenty thousand
kaksikymmentätuhatta …
to under five thousand travellers
alle viideksituhanneksi matkaajaksi …
Coke reserves
Coca-Cola-varastojen are said
to only 700,000 tonnes
vain 700 000 tonniin -- two days' supply.
faster than the chromosomes
nopeammin kuin kromosomit , because, when they do move, a copy is left behind at the old site as well as a new copy appearing at the new one.
More like ordinary disappointment,
moninkertaistuneena to a point that was nearly unbearable
siihen pisteeseen, jossa siitä tuli lähes sietämätöntä .
In the Worlds Edge Mountains
the Night Goblins
yöpeikot deep within their tunnels
syvällä tunneleissaan , and most of the ancient subterranean realm of the Dwarfs was in the possession of Orcs and Goblins.
His modest bit of holiday money
Hänen vaatimattomat lomarahansa miraculously
ihmeellisellä tavalla multiplied
moninkertaistuneet and all from a single, small stake!
They could let loose
the stormy passions
myrskyisät intohimot, that seemd
moninkertaistuvan in this forest hothouse
tässä metsän kasvihuoneessa .
These giant dustbins
Näiden valtavien roskasäiliöiden määrä , some the size of a small garage, appear
moninkertaistuneen beyond count
lukemattoman suureksi in recent years
viime vuosina .
Gadgets for the home and office
Kodin ja työpaikan laitteiden määrä multiplied
moninkertaistui : among them were refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, typewriters and telephones -- the last increasing from 1 355 000 in 1900 to 20 200 000 in 1930.
It is interesting that
the number of beneficiarii
edunsaajien määrä multiplied
moninkertaistui throughout the empire
koko valtakunnassa in the late second and third centuries
100-luvun lopulla ja 200-luvulla , although they were not unknown before.
To regard the jurisdictional cloak as a vital precondition justifying judicial intervention, while allowing
the categories of jurisdictional error
lainkäyttöalueiden virheluokkien , simply conceals reality.
and the bud grows out in a paddle-like form.
Germany, for example, saw
the cost of her food imports
maahantuotujen ruokatavaroiden kustannukset roughly four times
noin nelinkertaisiksi in this period
tänä aikana , when prices were not, on the whole, rising very much.
the disasters which
onnettomuksista, jotka multiplied
moninkertaistuivat in the enclave
enklaavissa during these last days before the monsoon
näinä viimeisinä päivinä ennen sadekautta none came as a more severe blow than the death of Lieutenant Cutter.
Also called PPLO -- pleuropneumonia-like organisms -- mycoplasmas include
the smallest known cells
pienimmät tunnetut solut, able
independently of other living cells
muista soluista riippumatta , some being almost spherical and only 0. 001 mm in diameter.
As the night grew older
Yön mittaan incidents
välikohtausten määrä multiplied
moninkertaistui .
breed and
and to cope with their ability to sustain their population a number of rabbit-killing methods have evolved by which the stock can be drastically reduced.
moninkertaistuvat with the development of new technologies and new branches of science such as molecular biology
uusien teknologioiden ja tieteenalojen, esimerkiksi molekyylibiologian, kehittyessä .
As the State's military requirements increased and
the number of pomeshchiks to be sustained
ylläpidettävien pomeshchikien määrä multiplied
moninkertaistui , the demands made on the peasantry intensified.
At the same time the enormous success enjoyed by Herzen's London-based Kolokoi (The Bell) between 1857 and 1863 launched a tradition of émigré journals whose
moninkertaistui during the 1870s
1870-luvulla .
A quarter of the income of these small farms comes from
pigs and poultry
porsaista ja siipikarjasta ,
both of which
jotka molemmat and can be intensively fed in small areas.
According to Professor Charles Boudouresque of Marseilles University, ``the Mediterranean faces an ecological disaster if
lisääntymistään at its present rate
nykyisellä vauhdilla .
the somewhat parochial hip hop magazines that
hieman nurkkakuntaiset hip hop -lehdet, joiden määrä during the last few years
viime vuosina , Vibe's vibe (assessed through a preview issue, which may be misleading) aims for a mixed appeal.
In Orkney, favourite destination for many southerners fleeing the rat race,
Orkneyssa, joka on monien oravanpyörästä pakenevien eteläbritannialaisten suosikkikohde, personal computers and modems
henkilökohtaisten tietokoneiden ja modeemien määrä like the local rabbits
paikallisten kanien tavoin .
We examined the mitotic rate of
Rat-1/c-Myc-ER cells that
Rotta-1/c-Myc-ER -solujen proliferating
lisääntyivät in low serum
matalassa seerumissa under the influence of β -oestradiol-activated c-Myc, with and without Bcl-2 expression
β -estradiolin aktivoiman c-Myc:n vaikutuksesta Bcl-2-ekspressiolla ja ilman .
such links
tällaisten kytkösten proliferate
määrä lisääntyy nopeasti in affluent countries
vauraissa maissa , the global scope of drugs-related crime, political violence and AIDS reminds us that poor countries are far from immune.
For reasons as yet unexplained,
genital warts
sukuelinten syylät during pregnancy
raskauden aikana , and they can assume gigantic proportions if left untreated.
As with the Casket Letters
Kuten lipaskirjeidenkin tapauksessa ,
conflicting theories concerning the event
ristiriitaiset teoriat tässä tapahtumasta .
This was caused by the sudden interest of the water authorities in
privately owned schemes using waterpower which
vesivoimaa käyttäviin yksityisomistuksessa oleviin järjestelmiin, joiden määrä , owing to the abundance of steep-flowing rivers in Wales,
at quite a rate
melkoisella vauhdilla .
Malignant melanoma of the skin is caused by
pahanlaatuisesta proliferation
lisääntymisestä of melanocytes
melanosyyttien .
Apparent recovery took place, though it was only temporary: it was followed by a
lisääntyminen of leukaemic cells which no longer responded to treatment
hoitoon reagoimattomien leukemiasolujen .
It was in the Mesozoic that a
really considerable
huomattava occurred, and they acquired the importance in the marine economy that they retain.
Short term supplementation with vitamin C reduces the
lisääntyminen to normal values possibly by reducing the S-phase duration.
For example,
lisääntyminen may generate a welfare loss through excessive expenditure on fixed costs associated with each brand (Schmalensee, 1978; Salop, 1979).
Other issues which were discussed included
nuclear and chemical
ydin- ja kemiallisten aseiden proliferation
lisääntyminen in South Asia
Etelä-Aasiassa , and regional issues in Kashmir and Afghanistan.
True, too, that Iraq's possession of a cadre of highly trained scientists and engineers poses a continuing threat of
lisääntymisestä .
We recently found that this luminal lytic activity is highly correlated with
in vivo
elävässä organismissa proliferation
lisääntymiseen of colonic epithelium
koolonin pintakudoksen , which indicates that these soluble surfactants may affect therisk of colon cancer.
Thus, it remains essential to maintain adequate defences against such dictators and to prevent the further
lisääntymistä of nuclear arms
ydinaseiden .
Small businesses were encouraged, which brought a
of small privately-owned restaurants and shops
pienten, yksityisomistuksessa olevien ravintoloiden ja kauppojen määrän on the city streets
kaupungin kaduilla .
The systems were not designed for devolved budgets and the
of small self-supporting business units trading in an internal market place
sisäisillä markkinoilla kauppaa käyvien pienten, itsenäisten liikeyritysten määrän .
The histamine receptor antagonist, cimetidine (10-5 M) reversed the
histamine stimulated
histamiinin stimuloiman proliferation
lisääntymisen of both gastric cell lines
molempien gastristen solulinjojen despite having no effect on basal growth.
Instead of preventing
, it has promoted it by allowing nations to protest innocence while violating the treaty's inadequate provisions.
As axons of central neurons, dorsal root ganglia and sympathetic ganglia can induce
lisääntymisen of Schwann cells
Schwannin solujen , we suggest that GGF gene products probably support the postnatal proliferation of Schwann cells in vivo.
Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands announced in May that they had joined the 1987 Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) which committed industrialized countries to restricting
lisääntymistä in the developing world
kehittyvissä maissa .
Nuclear weapons
Ydinaseiden proliferation
lisääntyminen in developing countries
kehittyvissä maissa
This would enhance efficiency and
määrän räjähdysmäistä kasvua .
määrän voimakas kasvu tends to occur when Christian society perceives a gap between ecclesiastical and spiritual power.
The greatest immediate risk of
Määrän voimakkaaseen kasvuun stems from the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Proliferaatio- index peaked at the 23rd percentile with the PCNA method.