burgeon.v 🔎
- NatureLuontowas blooming andburgeoningkehittymässä, but poor Karen couldn't get gravid for love or money.
- The Industrial Reorganisation CorporationIndustrial Reorganisation Corporation(1966)burgeonedkasvoiin this atmospheretässä ilmapiirissä(Chapter 3).
- Such clinicsTällaisten klinikoidenburgeonedmäärä kasvoi nopeastiunder the 1991 general practitioner contractvuoden 1991 yleislääkärisopimuksen johdosta, but there is no evidence that they detect or deal with disease more effectively than case finding within ordinary consultations.
- The archetypal stiff-leaf decorating the movement from summit of pillar to springing of arch,burgeonskasvaainto recognisable foliage: oak, hawthorn, buttercuptunnistettavaksi lehvistöksi: tammi, orapihlaja, leinikki.
- The religions whichUskonnot, jotkaare<empty>burgeoningkasvavataround the worldympäri maailmaaare the ones taking positive, proactive stances.
- The twitching grew,a bubble of laughternauruburgeoningkasvoiinside herhänen sisältään, and she began to giggle, trying desperately to hide her mouth with her hand.
- Headhunting in Britain was imposed -- seeming alien at first -- in the search for remedies for Britain's national corporate ills; in Americaitsehadoliburgeonedkasvanutat a time of growth and prosperitykasvun ja kukoistuksen aikana.
- The proseProosaseems aboutto<empty>burgeonkehittyväninto satire on the very taste that it advancessatiiriksi siitä mausta, jota se edistää-- reminding one that its author was himself convinced that all true poetry had died with Pope.
- As the geological cycles repeated themselves for some three thousand million years, as the volcanoes exploded and spent themselves,life in the seamerien elämäburgeonedkehittyiinto many formsmonenlaisiin muotoihin; but the land still remained barren.
- Gary, shaven, swollen-skulled, brutal-looking, heavy-eyed withhis deathhänen kuolemansaburgeoningkehittyenand forceful under the bones.
- `Just a minute, ``said Henry,a thoughtkun ajatusbeginning toburgeonkehittyäin his mindhänen mielessään.
- The city was all cracks and crevices wetly fruiting,burgeoningkehittyen.
development.n 🔎
- In the late 1960s and in the 1970s1960-luvun lopussa ja 1970-luvullathedevelopmentkehitysof administrative lawhallintolainwas strongly influenced by Lord Reid and Lord Denning, both of whom were in favour of expanding judicial control of government.
- In the Northern RegionPohjoisilla alueillanew hospitaluusia sairaala-developmentsrakennuksiaare being built at Middlesbrough, North Durham and Bishop Auckland.
- The tax, intended to provide an incentive for the use anddevelopmentkehitykselleof recyclingkierrätyksen, covers both commercial and industrial waste and will amount to an average of about £2 a tonne.
- There are very few features that are common to nations at differing stages ofeconomictaloudellisendevelopmentkehityksen.
mature.v 🔎
- The flowersKukatmaturekehittyvätin sequencesarjassa, starting with the oldest at the top.
- He learned a lot then, andhehänestäisonnownytmaturingkehittymässäinto a great playerloistava pelaaja.
- `I think there might bea bottle or two of such stuffpullo tai kaksi sitä tavaraamaturingkypsymässäeven nowjopa tällä hetkelläin my hutmajassani, would you care to step across?
- The consultant explained thatthe lungskeuhkotmaturekehittyvätat around 36 weeks when a substance called surfactant is producednoin 36 viikon iässä, kun pinta-aktiiviseksi kutsuttua ainetta muodostuu.
- Older men are usually polygynous; thus a youth rarely has available for marriage an age-mate female, and he must wait fora younger generation of femalesnaisten nuoremman sukupolvento<empty>maturekypsymistäbefore cohabitation with them.
- Only the very rich could afford to get hold of the real product, bottled andmaturedkypsytettyin the region itselfitse alueella.
- Glengoyne Vintage 1967 isan unpeated single malt whiskyilman turvetta valmistettu mallasviski, jota onmaturedkypsytettyin oaktammitynnyreissäfor almost 25 yearslähes 25 vuotta.
- Her love for Edward was constant and rocklike:shehänmaturedkypsyiduring these monthsnäiden kuukausien aikana, but she did not change.
- A handful of beers brewed in BritainJoukko Britanniassa pantuja oluitastillyhämaturekypsyyin the bottlepullossaas draught beer does in the cask.
- Whenshehänwasolimaturingkehittymässäinto young womanhoodnuoreksi naiseksiBaldersdale was well populated with youngsters of equivalent age -- that is to say eligible for Hannah.
- This process must not be rushed or the final cheese will be of poor quality and liable to develop faults whileitsematureskypsyessään.
- Many of the component technologiesMonet komponenttien teknologioistamaturedkehittyivätrapidlynopeastiand could be transferred abroad without making undue demands on the technical capacity of the local workforce.
- In ewes it seems likely thatthe parasitesparasiititare present largely as hypobiotic larvae in the lungs during each winter andmaturekypsyvätin the springkeväällä.
- But what happens ifthe childlapsimatureskehittyya bithieman, and realizes that the bogie man is just er, just er an invention, created to, to set fear in it?
- It's always nice to be noticed, but Ebert's implication -- that it's silly to be conflicted about the work of an artist, even one whosetechnical and emotional smartstekninen osaaminen ja tunneälyhaveovatmaturedkehittyneetat different rateseri nopeudella-- is willfully obtuse.
- MalcolmMalcolmmaturedaikuistuiearlier than Iennen minua; my occasional lapses into juvenility pain him.
- Such requirements have allowedwork on aDNAaDNA:ta koskevan työnto move on andmaturekehittymisen.
- oh that was an experiment i did last year was i went and and talk and drove a few cars and talked with the the salesman and i found that uhiolinhad<empty>maturedaikuistunuta little bitsiinä määrinin that they don't intimidate me at alletten pitänyt heitä yhtään pelottavina
- Luke Skywalker and Princess LeiaLuke Skywalkerin ja prinsessa Leianare saidto have<empty>maturedkehittyneeninto actual characters (as opposed to cartoon onesvarsinaisiksi hahmoiksi (eikä pelkiksi sarjakuvahahmoiksi), and the sage Yoda makes his first appearance, ``emerg [ing] from murky nature to become the spiritual center of the whole Star Wars game, says the San Francisco Chronicle's Peter Stack.