with a semblance of good will
näennäiseen hyväntahtoisuuteen .
[Editor's note: A full report of
the IWC meeting
IWC:n kokouksesta ,
in early July
heinäkuun alussa , will appear in the July edition of the Digest.]
M&A work is different to many other more traditional types of work in that
in a completion meeting
valmistumiskokoukseen .
Langbaurgh's mountain bike series
Langbaurghin maastopyöräsarja in Guisborough Woods
Guisborough Woodsissa with registration from 8.30am on the day.
The Art Institute's ten-year reinstallation programme
Taideinstituutin kymmenvuotinen uusimisohjelma with phase two of the modern collections
nykytaiteen kokoelmien toiseen vaiheeseen .
Despite an initially hostile atmosphere, with demonstrations organized by the regime,
on Nov. 13
marraskuun 13. päivänä with an agreement that representatives of the National Assembly should meet for direct talks with Aristide
sopimukseen, jonka mukaan kansalliskokouksen edustajien tulisi tavata Aristide suorissa neuvotteluissa .
The trial of 22 managers of the Thanh Huong perfume factory, charged in connection with the ``biggest case of fraud known to date, involving 153,000 million dong
Thanh Huongin parfyymitehtaan 22 johtajan oikeudenkäynti, jossa heitä syytettiin osallisuudesta 153 000 miljoonan đồngin arvoiseen "tähän mennessä suurimpaan kavallustapaukseen" ,
on Oct. 27
lokakuun 27. päivänä .
BRITISH competitors achieved their best results for many years in
the French Olympic Classes regatta which
Ranskan olympialuokan regatassa, joka .
The 1990 primary season
Vuoden 1990 esivaalikausi on Sept. 18
syyskuun 18. päivänä with results in both Massachusetts and Oklahoma, both of which provided evidence of voter disillusionment with incumbents
sekä Massachusettsin että Oklaholman tuloksiin, joista molemmat todistivat äänestäjien pettymyksestä viranhaltijoihin .
Primary education covers infant schooling from the ages of 5-7 or 8, then
junior schooling
alakoulun, joka at the ages of 10 or 11
10- tai 11-vuotiaana .
I am not convinced that even in theory this is an accurate reflection of section 2, for I think it possible that in many cases
the investigation
tutkimus at an earlier stage
aiemmassa vaiheessa .
Talks on a post-war coalition
Neuvottelut sodanjälkeisestä koalitiosta indecisively
ratkaisemattomina , but the Prime Minister had called for progress to be made on plans for full employment.
He was released when
Does the Minister recall that
last year's EC conference on those issues
viime vuoden EY-konferenssi, joka käsitteli näitä asioita, in disagreement over nuclear testing
erimielisyyteen ydinkokeista ?
Susan Brookes' New World travels
Susan Brooken matkat Uudessa maailmassa with a trip down Mexico way
matkaan Meksikossa
when the shutters come down for the last time at the Owen Owen store in Liverpool.
Her ordeal
Hänen koettelemuksensa finally
when her car broke down on the A559
kun hänen autonsa hajosi A559:lla , near Cransley Private School in Great Budworth, Northwich.
and I was up early this morning.
Corden's playing career
Cordenin ura pelaajana when he smashed his knee on his debut for Darlington
kun hän hajotti polvensa ensimmäisessä pelissään Darlingtonissa .
and both men walked out.
after five years
viiden vuoden jälkeen : her lover grew too tired to cope with caring for her.
Eventually, if the train was on time,
their journey
heidän matkansa which began at Paddington at 9 a.m.
at Camborne Station
Cambornen asemalle .
invariably begins and
whether installations use domestic equipment or the 450 litre giants or the catering `plonge ``.
Anderson's life in Africa
Andersonin elämä Afrikassa , when he was appointed Managing Director of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CFTC).
The selection of Bunce, who had a place in The Daily Telegraph's World Cup team of the tournament, will cause ripples at
the International Board's meeting which
kansainvälisen johtokunnan kokouksessa, joka in Wellington
Wellingtonissa .
My flight path
Lentomatkani on a small ledge
pienelle ulkonemalle , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth, regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle.
on September 24
syyskuun 24. päivänä , and the result of the ballot will be announced on September 27.
with a wedding scene
hääkohtaukseen , the bride's dress and veil costing just £10, bridesmaid's dress £5, and groom's frock coat and trousers, plus dinner jacket, £15.
His hair was very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of
the winter that
talven kylmyydestä, joka .
is as much a tragedy for the survivors as for those who bite the dust.
to both Acts
Molempien näytösten are effectively concerts, the sort of agreeably naff rock'n'roll revival that might just about pass muster as a Capital Gold one-nighter down the Hammersmith Palais.
Iron Maiden splashed out on a spectacular £35,000 firework display for
The Saltarello
Saltarellon is not taken too quickly, so there is room for clear articulation, a buoyant basic pulse and a fine sense of balance.
The recording is generally good, though the orchestra sounds curiously recessed in the concluding pages of
the Act I
ensimmäisen näytöksen finale
loppuhuipennuksessa .
Namely, that he sported sub-collar locks to make a ponytail look like a distinct possibility come
In its own way,
the honeymoon
kuherruskuukauden was the highpoint of the trip.