TransFrameNet:Process continue
on-going.a 🔎
- Fast scenarios may also be called up and reprojected in relation to theongoingjatkuvaansituationtilanteeseen, so that the probable outcome of a current dilemma may be assessed.
- `The establishment of an information officer for user education is a clear need in order to rationalize and exploitongoingkäynnissä oleviaprogrammesohjelmia.
- In recent years there has been anongoingjatkuvacontroversy relating to unmated femaleskiista, joka koskee pariutumattomia naisia.
persist.v 🔎
- The fact thatthe problemongelmahasonpersistedjatkunutthroughout this centurykoko tämän vuosisadanindicates that its roots are deeper.
- In most cases,these symptomsnämä oireetpersistjatkuvatfor a couple of dayspari päivää.
- We described stratification earlier asa stable structure of inequality between groups whichryhmien välillä vakaasti vallitsevaksi epätasa-arvorakenteeksi, jokapersistjatkuuacross generationssukupolvien yli.
- The maniaManiapersistedjatkuiinto the present centurytälle vuosisadalle.
- Apart from some narrowing of the gender gap,this situationtämä tilannelargelypersistedjatkuithrough the eighteenth centurykoko 1700-luvun ajan.
- So long as they are subject to the dominance of the economic imperialism of the Westtheir povertyheidän köyhyytensäwill<empty>persistjatkuu.
persistence.n 🔎
- In four there waspersistencejatkuivatof symptomsoireetand endoscopic evidence of failure of ulcer healing despite three months of treatment with 300 mg ranitidine a day.
- The prevalence of chronic radiation enteritis, defined as thepersistencejatkumisenaof symptomsoireidenbeyond 3 months of the completion of radiation treatmentyli kolme kuukautta sädehoidon lopetuksen jälkeen, is, however, uncrtain.
- There is widespread admiration for the Secretary of State'spersistencesinnikkyyttäin tackling paramilitary terrorismpuolisotilaallisen terrorismin torjunnassaand for his patience over the political talks.
- Delayed maturation Some researchers have indicated thatpersistencejatkuminenof bedwettingyökastelunafter the age of 5 yearsyli viisivuotiaillais due to delayed maturation of the necessary mechanisms (Bakwin and Bakwin 1972).
- Adult sheep often have a few N. battus eggs in their faeces, but these are insufficient to precipitate a larval flush although enough to ensure thepersistencejatkumisenof infectiontulehduksenon the pastureslaidunmailla.
- Thepersistencejatkuminenof unemploymentTyöttömyydenin the 1970s and 1980s1970- ja 1980-luvuillahas made the experience of the interwar years seem more relevant to economic policy making than that of the 1950s and 1960s.