- A long-standing friendship with an Asian family who were neighbours of mine led to my being involved in theprocessprosessiin,of Statementing their youngest child, Balbinder Singhjossa heidän nuorimmalle lapselleen Balbinder Singhille hankittiin virallinen lausunto erityisopetuksen tarpeesta.
- But back on the marshes and fens, who was really to profit from thiscontinualjatkuvasta,processprosessistaof ever more intensive cultivationyhä intensiivisemmän viljelyn?
- To be sure, the president is usually the dominant partner in thelegislativelainsäädäntö-processprosessissa; most major legislative initiatives come from him and little legislation of real consequence is likely to pass without his support.
- The wholeprocessprosessiais viewed on a TV monitor.
- And the wholeflutinguurtamis-processprosessimay have to be repeated to refine the design.
- The artist must play an integral part in theprocessprosessissafrom the beginning.