- You don't bullshit me,Iminäwon'tenbullshitpuhu paskaayousinulle.
- “ Come on,MarkMark… don't tryto<empty>bullshitpuhua paskaameminulle.
- But I've always been my own man andIminädon'tenbullshitpuhu paskaa.
- People who got to work for the Financial Telegraph, especially womenIhmisille, jotka pääsivät töihin Financial Telegraphiin – etenkään naisille –,couldn't beei voinutbullshittedjauhaa paskaaas easily as that.
- Screaming himself hoarse,CDCDbullshittedjauhoi paskaafor half an hour or soabout the celebs he was lined up to meet in Sydney and those he had just left in Londonkuuluisuuksista, joita hän jonotti tapaamaan Sydneyssä ja niistä, jotka hän oli juuri jättänyt Lontooseen.
- Andhehändidn'teideceivepettänythimselfitseäänabout the nature of her hold on himsiinä asiassa, kuinka nainen piti häntä vallassaan.
- `Yes, I know thatshehändeceivedpetkuttiusmeitäas to who she issiinä asiassa, kuka hän oikeasti on, but how could you believe a word Lord Blaine said about her, and she such a good hardworking girl?
- A banker whoPankkiiri, jotais<empty>deceivedpettääby a clientasiakascan therefore face serious charges without the traditional benefit of being presumed innocent.
- YouSinädeceivedhuijasitmeminuacompletely, didn't you?
- TheyHeitäwere noteideceivedhuijattu.
- He knew of course thatTheoTheowould<empty>equivocatevälttelisi asiaa.
- Even after the outline of a farm agreement had been sketched in Washington last November,the Communityyhteisöequivocatedvältteli asian käsittelyäwith the outgoing administration, which was in a mood for compromiselähtevän hallinnon kanssa, joka pyrki kompromissiin.
- The courtsOikeusistuimetcontinueto<empty>equivocatekiertelyä siinä asiassa,as to whether the traditional approach should be maintainedpitäisikö perinteinen lähestymistapa säilyttää.
- TOKYO ---A committee considering compensation to Asian women forced by Japanese troops into sexual slaveryToimikunta, joka harkitsee korvauksia japanilaisten sotajoukkojen seksiorjiksi alistamille naisille,recommends that payments be made from a private fund, butequivocatesvälttelee ottamasta kantaa siihen,on whether the government should contributepitäisikö hallituksen osallistua korvauksiin.
- He said he thoughtChristopherChristopher``equivocatedvältteli asiaajust a littlein his reluctance to spell out what the State Department knows about CIA activities in Guatemalakun hän ei halunnut selittää, mitä ulkoministeriö tietää CIA:n toimista Guatemalassa.
- NEW YORK (AP) ---Marian SeldesMarian Seldesdoes not hedge,equivocatevältteleor waffleabout her life on stagesen käsittelyä, minkälaista hänen elämänsä on ollut näyttämöllä.
- The evidence of uncertainty andequivocationkiertelystäin the way in which the laws of war have, or have not, been applied to the problem of nuclear weaponssiinä tavassa, jolla sodan lakeja on tai ei ole sovellettu ydinaseongelmaan,is plain enough.
- As a policy that might have succeeded it suffered fromimpossible politicalmahdottomasta poliittisestaequivocationaiheen välttelystä.
- Movements of the fleet, secret meetings at the War Office, and theequivocationskiertely aiheen ympärilläof the Prime Ministerpääministerinall lent some credence to this view, but there is no doubt that the Unionists themselves believed it.
- There will be no fudging, noequivocationvälttelyä.
- Confusion over whether some sentences like the following are tenseless or ``eternal in part stems from a deepequivocationmoniselitteisyydestäover the term tenseaikamuoto-käsitteen.
- So don't tellfibsnarrasit.
- `YouSinätold afibnarrasit, Bobkins.
- So it's very likelyshehäntoldyousinullea fewfibshätävalheita.
- `Yes, I haveKyllä olen, ``fibbednarrasiSnowSnow.
- `IMinädidn'tenfibvalehdellutto Mummyäidille.
- `Don'tÄläfibnarraa, darling.
- Even Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Khuzami has called Salema liar whovalehtelijaksi, jokafibbednarrasiabout stupid thingstyperissä asioissa, and in opening statements the prosecutor warned jurors they'd hear a lot of things about the witness they wouldn't like.
- `You<empty>'reEtfoolingonnistu huijaamaanno oneketäänwith that linenoilla sanoilla, ``Candy scoffed.
- WeMemightsaatammekidnarrataourselvesitsemmethat life is perfectly OK as it isuskomaan, että elämässä on nykyisellään kaikki kunnossa, so why risk trying something new?
- Don't startkiddinghuijamaanyourselfitseäsi,that there's any way out of thatettä tilanteesta on jokin ulospääsy.
- In the reactor room and missile bays there are transparent cockroaches like glass,Iminä'm notenkiddinghuijaayousinua.
- PeopleIhmisiäwill not beeikiddedhuijatathat easily.
- I can remember reading the stories the first time round and sometimesI<empty>canvoinkidhuijatamyselfitseni uskomaan,I'm little againettä olen jälleen pieni, and everything's all right.
- It really was scary --Iminäkidhuijaayousinuanot.
- `IMinäwas justvainkiddinglaskin leikkiäabout thatsiitä.
- That manTuo mieswasn'teikiddinglaskenut leikkiä.
- Her kindness touched me, but I knew that soon she would hear theliesvalheetabout meminua koskevat, and then she would hate me!
- Still, Hollywood had done an irreparable harm to the Indian, perpetuating theliesvalheitaof the Manifest Destinykutsumuskohtalon, the Savage Redskin and the Noble Bluecoats.
- `I've heard theliesvalheitaof drug abusershuumeiden väärinkäyttäjienbefore, ``he said implacably.
- Of coursewemetellliesvalehtelemme.
- Once, whenIminätoldherhänellealievalheenabout what I was doingsiitä, mitä olin tekemässä,, in order to evade hostile questioning, she said, severely, `You're growing too like your father.
- Biocontrol reckons this to be much cheaper than current eye-tracking and visualisation systems and to be suitable for a host of applications ranging from medical research through computer gamesto<empty>lievalheen-detectors.
- It is not thathehänliesvalehteleeabout themniistä, rather that only a patient and omnivorous prospector would have found the particular treasures which he quotes.
- HeHänliedvalehtelito meminulle.
- IMinäwas<empty>lyingvalehtelin, of course.
- He did not consider thathehänwas<empty>misrepresentingvääristelihis descentsyntyperäänsä, since to acknowledge the family's status would display vulgar class consciousness.
- However, he has complained thathehäntäwas<empty>misrepresentedvääristelivätby newspaperssanomalehdet, and had suffered a fierce backlash.
- In particular, Mr. O'Brien alleged thatthe effect of the guaranteetakuun vaikutustahad beenolimisrepresentedvääristellytto himhänelleby Mr. Tuckerherra Tucker.
- The difficulties have arisen mainly in cases whereBBhasonmisrepresentedesittänyt väärinto AA:llehis (B's) identityoman (B:n) henkilöllisyytensä.
- The House of Lords found that there were circumstances in which liability could be incurred for negligentmisrepresentationvääristelystäby one personyhden henkilönto anothertoiselle esittämästäin the absence of any contractual or fiduciary relationship between them.
- Moreover, factionalism andmisrepresentationvääristelyby a vocal minorityäänekkään vähemmistönprevented its development in the Contact group and staff's authority went unchallenged.
- Amisrepresentationvääristelyof historyHistorianwhich has had a malignant effect on the affairs of Lewis and of crofting ever since.
- He was frequently deceitful, as inhishänendeliberatemisrepresentationsvääristelyissä,to his crewmiehistölleen esittämissäof the speed of their daily voyagejotka koskivat heidän päivittäistä matkanopeuttaan.
- On the one hand, if no explanation is given, the creditor will be at risk that the surety's misunderstanding, orthe debtor'svelallisenmisrepresentationharhaanjohtaminenwill render the security unenforceable in equity.
- The false pretence (or `deception, ``to use the new term) was no long confined to pretence about an existing fact and no longer excluded amisrepresentationharhaanjohtamistaas to the offender's intentionsyyllisen harjoittamaa tietoista.
- It was held that the seller made amisrepresentationjohti harhaan.
- Eisenhower and DullesEisenhower ja Dullesprevaricatedvälttelivätover SuezSuezin kysymystä, and, in the longer term, the United States has paid the price for their misjudgments.
- EdwardEdwardstillprevaricatedvältteli asiaa, but at the Parliament of March 1299 the magnates extorted further concessions by the threat of armed force.
- Successive Irish governmentsPeräkkäiset Irlannin hallituksethaveovatprevaricatedvältelleeton this issuetätä asiaa, protesting their goodwill while professing their inability to solve Britain's difficulties in the North.
- Never believe a man whenhehänprevaricatesvältteleeabout moneyraha-asioita.
- Secretly, of course, she knew that thiswas simply anotherjälleen yhdestäanti- revisionmuutoksen vastaisestaprevaricationaiheen välttelystä.
- Allan Roberts repeatedhis<empty>prevaricationvältteli aihettaof 8th Decembersamaan tapaan kuin 8. joulukuutain his summing-up speech for Labour at the conclusion of the 9th March 1988 Parliamentary debate.
- Amused byherHänenprevaricationvälttelynsä, he nodded gently.
- “YouSinä're<empty>pullingvedätmyminualeghöplästä! ”
- All of our Six summer camping sessions are booked to capacity (and,truthtottabe<empty>toldpuhuen, with maybe one our two extra returning campers squeezed in) and we have a waiting list of 60 children who are hoping to come if a spot should open.
- Something about your face makes me wantto<empty>tellkertoathe truthtotuuden.