UBS Securities vice president Marc Schulman
USB Securitiesin varapääjohtaja Marc Schulman the massive NT-on-Alpha tie-up and the intimacy between DEC and Microsoft
massiivisen sijoituksen NT-on-Alphaan ja läheiset suhteet DEC:n ja Microsoftin välillä thirteen months ago
kolmetoista kuukautta sitten (UX No 328),
more on the basis of logic than sources
pikemminkin logiikan kuin lähteiden perusteella .
John Wriglesworth, housing finance analyst at UBS Phillips & Drew,
John Wriglesworth, USB Phillips & Drew'n asuntomarkkinoiden analyytikko, a further drop of up to 10% in house prices next year
asuntojen hintojen laskevan 10 % ensi vuonna .
growth of 30 per cent
30 prosentin kasvua .
the number of pages for printing
painettavien sivujen lukumäärä before they were written, and sometimes before the legislation had been finalised
ennen niiden kirjoittamista ja toisinaan ennen, kuin lainsäädäntö oli viimeistelty .
The 1987 Green Paper on Education was notable in that
an increase in the number of students in HE in the 1990s
HE:n opiskelijoiden määrän kasvua 1990-luvulla .
the 1993 pre-tax profits to be between £3.3m and £3.5m
vuoden 1993 voittojen olevan 3,3 ja 3,5 miljoonan punnan välillä ennen veroja .
a pre-tax profit of around £16 million
noin 16 miljoonan voittoja ennen veroja for the year to end-July
tälle vuodelle heinäkuun loppuun mennessä .
could swim, read the signs of the sea,
The ability
ionospheric conditions
ionosfäärin olosuhteita is related to solar activity.
They have slipped up since
they would leave only one spot
että he jättäisivät vain yhden paikan .
can pretty well
Voin melko hyvin how a guy is going to check out behaviour-wise
millä tavoin joku maksaa laskunsa from a table plan
pöytäsuunnitelman perusteella .
Then, for
to grow a certain amount
kasvaisi tietyn määrän , they predict that a corresponding amount of extra energy will be needed.
In addition
the rewards from this additional investment
tästä lisäsijoituksesta saatavien palkkioiden until 1986
ennen vuotta 1986 .
We can not neglect these things, but neither can
control or even
with any certainty
millään tarkkuudella .
Because most of the closest-fought states are in the Eastern Time zone,
American TV networks
amerikkalaiset TV-kanavat expect to be able
the final result
lopullisen tuloksen from 2am on Wednesday
kello kahdelta keskiviikkoyönä .
The labour shortage in the USSR
Neuvostoliittoon työvoimapulaa by demographers
Väestötutkijat now for nearly two decades.
The going has changed to soft, heavy in places, and
Although there is a slight element of gamble with money purchase schemes, in that
with certainty
varmuudella how well or badly a pension fund might do
kuinka hyvin tai huonosti eläkerahasto menestyy , in practice most trustees act very conservatively.
It had turned out to be exactly as
, `a gigantic, costly and splendid waste of time ``.
Given those records, is it any wonder that
the winners of the French Open
Ranskan avointen voittajia are so difficult to
`The Black is sterling and will last forever ``
"Musta on erinomainen ja kestää ikuisesti" .
One member of the strike committee
Yksi lakkotoimikunnan jäsenistä :
`If this happens, there will be nationwide outrage
"Jos näin tapahtuu, se johtaa maanlaajuiseen raivoon .
High Winds
voimakkaita tuulia and the entire team may soon have to evacuate the mountain with or without him
that conditions would be better in 1993
parempia olosuhteita vuodelle 1993 ,
acknowledged, however, that moving agriculture to a market economy had been ``the most complicated problem and that agricultural market mechanisms were not working well.
Besides, if
so accurately
niin tarkasti, when Elsie would appear
milloin Elsie ilmaantuisi, then it would be a simple matter to find her again -- perhaps at the same time tomorrow.
The practical implication is that
the outcome of any action
minkä tahansa toiminnan tulosta , unless it has been previously proven,
Väkivaltaisuuksia on the basis of disorder at demonstrations in Paris and Chicago earlier in the year
Pariisissa ja Chicagossa aiemmin tänä vuonna järjestettyjen mielenosoitusten epäjärjestyksen perusteella .
It was therefore not possible
on the basis of patient characteristics
potilaan ominaisuuksien perusteella ,
those who would develop cardiac arrhythmias
niitä, joille kehittyisi sydämen rytmihäiriöitä .
instituted a search for this unknown planet,
exactly where it should be
missä sen tarkkaan ottaen tulisi sijaita .
In fact,
in 1922, several years before Edwin Hubble's discovery,
vuonna 1922, useita vuosia ennen Edwin Hubblen löydöstä, exactly what Hubble found
tarkalleen sen, mitä Hubble löysi !
Next year
Seuraavana vuonna ,
a marginally brighter future, with 45 per cent seeing a `modest ``increase in budget levels as a result of the election
hieman valoisampaa tulevaisuutta: 45 prosenttia näkee "kohtalaisen" kasvun budjettien tasoissa vaalien seurauksena .
by a number of high-ranking orthodox medical practitioners
joukko arvostettuja koululääketieteen harjoittajia that any research in homoeopathy would rapidly discredit the whole subject, I have not found this to be the case.
It is dangerous
the outcome of public inquiries
julkisten kyselyiden tuloksia .
This told us a lot about
's ability
, to make and express judgements and to engage with a task, as well as her knowledge of concepts of size and measuring.
were unable
the outcome of treatment
hoidon tuloksia on the basis of functional parameters
funktionaalisten parametrien perusteella , thus confirming the finding of previous studies.
France were not part of the tournament in 1892, and 100 years later
would be reluctant
what their impact will be this time round, Villepreux or no
mikä niiden vaikutus olisi tällä kertaa, Villepreuxilla tai ilman !
the result of the General Election
parlamenttivaalien tuloksen -- everybody thought that Labour would win.
In that case, it is difficult
how long it would take to be finally approved
kuinka kauan lopullisessa hyväksynnässä kestäisi .
This helps
what will happen
mitä tapahtuu , though often the most regular items are the most redundant (for example, the third person singular of the present simple tense).
Mrs Prophet, also known as Guru Ma,
Rouva Profeetta, joka tunnetaan myös Guru Ma'na, a nuclear cataclysm
ydintuhoa for April 23rd
huhtikuun 23. päivälle .
There has not been such a bad outcome for the professionals since the American election of 1948 when
the pollsters
mielipidetutkijat a clear victory for Dewey
selvää voittoa Deweylle .
There are also a few cases where
the location of a particular
määrätyn virheen sijainnin error.
The characters are often familiar ones and
their predicaments
heidän ahdinkonsa although farfetched
by anyone who makes a habit of watching cartoons
kuka tahansa, joka harrastaa piirrettyjen katselua .
by party colleagues who believed he was frequently in the news for all the wrong reasons
puoluetoverit, jotka uskoivat, että hän oli toistuvasti uutisissa aivan vääristä syistä .
Hope returned of a new life beyond
the slaughter which
teurastuksen, jollaista for the March election
maaliskuun vaaleista .
to rise to one billion by the year 2000
nousevan yhteen miljardiin vuoteen 2000 mennessä .
for the end of this year
tämän vuoden loppuun mennessä that we will be under four percent on our turnover savings
että henkilöstömme vaihtuvuuden aiheuttamat säästöt jäävät alle neljän prosentin .
The current-account deficit for 1990 was US$2,610 million, with
a similar level
samaa tasoa .
from the history of interpreting in the USA and Scandinavia
tulkkauksen historiasta Yhdysvalloissa ja Skandinaviassa , it is within the field of education that the basis of an interpreting service is laid.
must be able
from one part of the semantic net
semanttisen verkon yhdestä osasta, what is likely to be in another, analogous part of the semantic net
mitä todennäköisesti on toisessa, samankaltaisessa semanttisen verkon osassa .
In practice, therefore,
the size of the money multiplier
rahakertojan koko will vary and is thus difficult
with any degree of certainty
millään varmuudella, how interest rates will rise and fall over a 5 year period
kuinka korkotasot nousevat ja laskevat viiden vuoden jaksolla .
These results are entirely contrary to
by Levy and Reid's hypothesis
Levyn ja Reidin hypoteesin perusteella .
ANOTHER 400,000 jobs will go nationwide in the next 15 months
TOISET 400 000 työpaikkaa menetetään maanlaajuisesti seuraavan 15 kuukauden sisällä ,
NatWest's chief economist David Kern
NatWestin pääekonomisti David Kern .
The event was staged to fulfil
of the Messianic King riding into Jerusalem
messiaanisen kuninkaan ratsastuksesta Jerusalemiin (Matt.
I finally encountered the bomb baby, thus fulfilling the
of my dreams.
When other nations subsequently joined the EEC, I decided it was time to hold fire on
antikristuksesta .
Large audiences gathered to hear the
which she uttered from her bed in Mr Roberts's lodgings nearby, swallowing occasionally `very little toast in small Bear ``.
The whole story of Jesus' birth seems to be an expansion of an
Old Testament
Vanhan testamentin found in Micah:
Like the cry of a banshee, the sounds of the Elder Gods re-awakening from their slumber bore only the
In November 1984, Noel disproved
by stepping into Martin Harris's seven league boots and, as Chairman, involving the Department in an ongoing process of expansion and innovation.
If the minister had been looking out from his manse windows, he would have thought that
had found honour in its own country at last.