- I would ask that all caring readers of PFK ensure that they do not buy these `dyed ``fish and encourage thisabominablevastenmielistäpracticehintaa.
- In a disagreeable episode which remains very obscure, Green in 1803 became involved with a woman called Agnes Brathwaite, on whose `abominablevastenmielisenperjuriesvalapattouden``he was committed to Kendal jail on 24th August.
- The revolt was suppressed withabominablekauhistuttavallacrueltyjulmuudella.
- `You don't have to be haunted by the past -- or by thatabominablevastenmielisenold sodvanhan idiootinupstairs.
- To be twisted, as it were, around Carnelian's little finger:thatsewasoliabominablevastenmielistä.
- On 7th October Green `went to Kendal where theabominablevastenmielinenAgnes BrathwaiteAgnes Brathwaiteforswore herself again, but said the child was born 10th December -- before, on the 5th of October ``.
- Sir Edward Heath has done anadmirableerinomaisenjobtyön, do you think that the die was cast anyway?
- Peter Wright has done anadmirableerinomaisenjobtyönand not just in the set scrum.
- What anadmirableihailtavapersonhenkilöshe was!
- Those who wish to pursue the matter further can readily turn to specialist books or tosuchsellaisiinadmirableerinomaisiingeneral worksyleisteoksiin,as Geoffrey Ashall Glaisher's Glossary of the Book (first published 1960 and recently reissued)kuten Geoffrey Ashall Glaisherin Glossary of the Book (julkaistu alun perin vuonna 1960 ja hiljattain uusintapainoksena).
- The Minister will know that the Holloway area includes a prison and that theadmirableerinomainenApex TrustApex Trustworks in that area.
- `I think it'sonadmirableihailtavaathat you're a nature-loverrakkautesi luontoon, Stevens, ``he said, as I served him.
- The close relationship between the British and American ServicesLäheinen suhde Britannian ja Yhdysvaltojen palveluiden välillä, whileadmirableihailtavaain most respectsmonessa suhteessa, has its dangers.
- `NoraNorawasoliadmirableihailtavain many waysmonella tavallabut no one could call her lovable.
- It is a difficult choice to make for whatis theonmore<empty>admirableihailtavampaaabout EssexEssexissä-- their financial or cricketing performance.
- He was more formidable and, leaving aside the way he had treated her,more<empty>admirableihailtavampiin so many other waysniin monella muulla tavallathan any man she had ever encounteredkuin yksikään hänen aiemmin tapaamistaan miehistä.
- He admitted that, whileEnglish at Oxford and Londonenglanninopetus Oxfordissa ja Lontoossahad been ``oli ollutadmirableerinomaistafor training editors and literary historianskustannustoimittajien ja kirjallisuushistorioitsijoiden koulutukseen, it was ``too inflexibly academic to meet more general contemporary needs.
- Theseadmirableihailtavatsentimentstunteetare certainly not those of a nihilist.
- Now from certain points of view -- mainly political ones -- this is anadmirableihailtavamoveliike.
- `This new-found modestyTämä uusi säädyllisyytesiisonveryvarsinadmirableihailtavaa, sweetheart, but a little out of place when you've just spent the night in my arms.
- In an act ofadmirableIhailtavanbut ultimately misguidedloyaltyuskollisuuden, the national coach Andy Roxburgh stood by his dispirited keeper.
- AreOvatkopersons who inflict physical or sexual assault in the domestic contexthenkilöt, jotka käyttävät fyysistä tai seksuaalista väkivaltaa kotioloissa,reallytodellakinlessvähemmänblameworthypaheksuttaviathan their counterparts on the streetkuin heidän vastineensa kadulla?
- She did not wish to remain outside of her usual,blameworthypaheksuttavanselfitsensäfor longer than was necessary.
- Social Worker: Why isexperiencing some pleasure in that situationmielihyvän tunteminen tässä tilanteessablameworthypaheksuttavaa?
- Richard's second victim, Clarence, is also taken in by the hypocrite's feigned concern, but since the real plot against him has been done through intermediarieshehänmay seemvoi vaikuttaalessvähemmänblameworthypaheksuttavalta.
- The lack of liability in unlawful act manslaughter for an omission which caused death has been criticised on the grounds thatan omission, especially a deliberate one,laiminlyönti, etenkin tahallinen,isonblameworthymoitittavaa, and it can cause death.
- ItisOncommendablekiitettävää,that they have once again quickly seized the opportunity to involve themselves fully with my Department in working towards the successful implementation of the council tax in 1993että he ovat jälleen kerran tarttuneet nopeasti tilaisuuteen ja ryhtyneet täysipainoisesti toimimaan ministeriöni kanssa, jotta vuoden 1993 kunnallisvero saadaan otettua onnistuneesti käyttöön.
- `ThatSe'sonveryhyvincommendablekiitettävää toimintaaof youteidän puoleltanne, Mrs Morey, ``said Daniel.
- ThisTämäisoncommendablesuositeltavaain districts where parents have a contribution to make.
- A vagrant jazz trio have set up their tattered equipment on a grassy knoll and are tearing into the theme from The Flintstones withcommendablekiitettävällägustoantaumuksella.
- This is acommendablekiitettäväsolution to a thorny problemratkaisu visaiseen ongelmaanbecause, unlike ordinary bills of lading, charter party bills rarely mention the total amount of freight paid or due.
- The scientists hope to try again today, which showscommendablekiitettävääpatiencekärsivällisyyttä.
- It had never been fully constituted or trained as a squadron, but it had achievedmostmitäcreditablekunnioitettavimpiaresultstuloksianonetheless, with over 100 victories plus many more probables and damaged.
- And in spite of the Chief Whip'screditableansiokkaastashowingesityksestä, Earle could not believe that Urquhart would succeed because he had no senior Cabinet experience of running any great Department of State, and at the end of the day experience really counted for the top job.
- In the meantime, the milk remains ideal for cheese-making andthe breed's beef productionrodun lihantuotantoisoncreditablekiitettävääfor a dairy typemaitoroduksi.
- There was nothingparticularlypoikkeuksellisencreditableansiokastain giving up an immoral lifemoraalittomasta elämästä luopumisessawhen you had fully satisfied that nagging curiosity.
- However, in a society that in general believed the fate of the poor to be a direct result of their own shortcomings, the work showedcreditablekunnioitettavaacompassionmyötätuntoaand worthy intentions.
- Picking it up and pretending to do a rather elaborate waltz along the road with it, on the other hand, would be thought of as amuch morepaljoncreditableansiokkaampanaact of hooliganismhuliganismin ilmauksena.
- Charles is right; there are others in the town who have done well for themselves, sometimes bymethodskeinoilla, jotka ovatless<empty>creditablearveluttavampiathan the undertaker'shautausurakoitsijaakin, and they're highly thought of.
- Mr Foster said he thought thatthe Durham Service's rate of 97 per cent of call-outs having an arrival time of less than 19 minutesDurham Servicen saapumisaika hälytyspaikalle – 97 prosentissa tapauksista alle 19 minuuttia –was `olicreditablekiitettävä``.
- They had been held in the Military Prison outside Kuwait City, some for over a month, reportedly indeplorablekehnoissaconditionsolosuhteissa.
- Vincent had looked up Sien and been dismayed to find her and the children in poor health anddeplorablekehnoissaconditionsolosuhteissa.
- Coroner: `It seems to medeplorablepaheksuttavaa,that you did not go into the workhouseettet mennyt köyhäintaloon.
- I became lively, hard-working, and so well-organised that I foundinefficiency in othersmuiden tehottomuuttadeplorablepaheksuttavana.
- To confront you at that particular momentSinua vastaan asettuminen sillä hetkelläwasolideplorablepaheksuttavaa.
- Tory Andrew Hunter -- a guest at the Yorks' engagement party -- brandedFergie's frolicFergien hulluttelun`deplorablepaheksuttavaksi``.
- HoweverOlipadeplorablepaheksuttavaa tahansathe level of his abusehänen solvaustensa taso kuinka, he became master of the insult that stuck to its target and was remembered.
- `He said coldly, `Of all human failingjealousykateellisuusis perhaps theon kentiesmostkaikkeindeplorablepaheksuttavintaand most dangerous.
- She saidthe inactivity of the Governmenthallituksen toimettomuuswas `deplorablepaheksuttavaa``.
- I foundthe film's final frenzied violenceelokuvan lopun hillitöntä väkivaltaadetestablevastenmielisenä.
- Ramsay MacDonald told the House of Commons in 1924 that `Coalitionskoalitiotareovatdetestablevastenmielisiä, are dishonest ``.
- Perhaps the magic of science would overcome thisdetestableinhottavanwitchcraftnoituuden(or whatever it was that held me in thrall).
- She turned, heart pounding, head spinning with the unjustness of his whole attitude, and marched back towards the house, oblivious of everything except her need to get away from thatdetestableinhottavanmanmiehen.
- `Has anyone ever told youhow perfectlykuinka täydellisendetestablevastenmielinenyousinäare?
- After a lifetime of being emotionally devoured by him, she was suddenly discarded in favour of thedetestablevastenmielisenDamian FlintDamian Flintin.
- The soloist throughoutis theonestimablekunnioitettavaNorbert KraftNorbert Kraft, and this label's predilection for Canadian ensembles introduces us this time to the Winnipeg SO under Kazuhiro Koizumi.
- The morallyestimablekunnioitettavaact of exposing to us the worst in ourselvesteko, joka paljastaa meille huonoimmat puolet itsestämme,nearly always has something morally equivocal about it.
- After a few minutes, she was shown into thatestimablekunnioitettavanif forbiddingwomannaisen's presence.
- Major-General (Sir) Thomas Picton [q.v.] wrote on 25 January that he was `a most gallant, intelligent officer andestimablekunnioitettavinmanmies.
- There was some speculation by theestimableArvostettupolitical correspondent, John Cole,politiikan kirjeenvaihtaja John Cole(brought back by the BBC for the conference) about the role Lady Thatcher might play.
- ExecrableSurkeatpresentersjuontajatget in the way of Shonen Knife and the Stereo MC's in THE WORD.
- The qualityLaatuis by nowon nytprettyvarsinexecrablesurkeaaand suffers from drop-out and flutter, but the performance itself captures the transparent, luminous quality of the score as well as its geniality of character.
- Predictably, he chortled at his ownexecrablesurkeallepunsanaleikilleen.
- He had been a `lamentablemurhellisestifailure ``as Radical MP for Tower Hamletsepäonnistunut Tower Hamletsin radikaalipuolueen parlamenttiedustajanabetween 1847 and 1852.
- All current affairs in the whole world oflamentablemurheellistenwar and strifesotien ja selkkaustenneeded to be weighed in this balance.
- `Hislamentableikäväreputation in historymaineensa historiassa, ``it has been said, `derives less from what he did than from what he never tried to do.
- Lucy pushed her flaxen curls from her forehead, her reproving tone hinting that such open prejudice showedlamentablevalitettavaaimmaturityepäkypsyyttä.
- Theseare allkaikki ovatlaudablekunnioitettaviaaimspäämääriä.
- Drive it in smooth roads at regulated speeds and it makes an earnest, evenlaudableansiokkaanattempt at portraying an enthusiast's machineyrityksen esittää autoharrastajalle sopivaa ajopeliä.
- The Friends of the DMH, alaudablekunnioitettavagroup of peoplejoukko ihmisiä, hope to raise more than £30,000 for the hospital during this financial year.
- This may well be alaudablekunnioitettavaobjectivepäämäärä.
- Itwas, of course,Oli tietystilaudableansiokastato clear the rookeriesraivata hökkelit pois; essential to drive new roads through slum areas.
- Therefore thelaudablekunnioitettavaadesire to contextualise the messagepyrkimystä viestin kontekstualisointiinmust not be pressed to provide a carte blanche advocacy of every aspect of a particular culture.
- Similarly, the indiscriminate and thus unhelpful use of praise -- rather than more judicious and exact feedback -- may stem from alaudablekunnioitettavastaconcern that children should be encouraged and supported in their learningasenteesta, että lasten tulisi saada kannustusta ja tukea oppimiseen.
- Although the acquisition and preservation of data arelaudablekunnioitettaviaactivitiestoimiathey will not result in widespread use of the data unless the archives take an active role in promoting use.
- Wellthatse'sonextremelyäärimmäisenlaudablekunnioitettavaa, but I don't think on the whole the public are too worried about whether the thing is legally constituted.
- The attemptYritysisonlaudableansiokasand worthy of imitation.
- THE captain of the USS Vincennes, which shot down the Iranian airbus, has been awarded a medal for `exceptionallypoikkeuksellisenmeritoriousansiokkaastaconducttoiminnasta``.
- And nine unnamed UDR soldiers have been given honours ranging from a CBE to Mentions-in-Despatches in awards for gallant ormeritoriousansiokkaastaservicepalveluksesta.
- In America recalcitrant administrators who implement the regulation of industry with excessive enthusiasm are noticed, and quickly purchased for private sector employment iftheyheareovatexceptionallypoikkeuksellisenmeritoriousansiokkaita.
- To kill it with two blowsSen tappaminen kahdella iskullaisei olelessyhtämeritoriousansiokasta!
- James had done training under Dr John Conolly at Hanwell, the Middlesex County pauper lunatic asylum, and to himthe insanemielisairaatwereolivatthe mostkaikkeinpitiablesurkuteltavimpiaof all human flotsamkaikesta inhimillisestä hylkytavarasta.
- They appeared to apologize for theirpitiablesäälittäviäweaknessesheikkouksiaan, instead of forming themselves into a counter attack.
- Sylvie was no longer the withdrawn,slightlyhiemanpitiablesäälittäväfigure she had last seen in New Yorkhahmo, jonka hän oli viimeksi nähnyt New Yorkissa.
- To tell the truth, it took me quite a while to realize that thepitiablesäälittävächirruping I heard all about meviserrys, jota kuulin kaikkialla ympärilläniwas, in fact, human speech.
- But if this really was the sum of Hoover's sexuality -- sad, mean and sporadic, a slight release from the need to control himself utterly --hehänseemsvaikuttaaalmostlähespitiablesäälittävältä.
- “ In terms of performancethe filmelokuvaisansaitseepraiseworthykiitosta, with a consistent, naturalistic, undeclamatory style that still respects the poetry …
- And that's aparticularlypoikkeuksellisenpraiseworthyansiokasfeatsaavutuswhen you consider the set of parts the Limited boasts.
- The Committee concluded that the broadcasters could legitimately claim to have made apraiseworthykiitettävänattempt to deliver the sort of programmes they had promisedyrityksen toimittaa sellaisia ohjelmia, joita he olivat luvanneet.
- But could it not be argued that the RSPCA, and others who carry out such apraiseworthykiitettävääactivitytoimintaa, are interfering with the natural selection process?
- The government'spraiseworthyansiokkaatefforts to improve efficiency in health and educationtoimet terveydenhuollon ja koulutuksen tehokkuuden parantamiseksihave been undermined by too little cash.
- Ferguson's promiseFergusonin lupauswasolimore<empty>praiseworthyansiokkaampithan pondering how much Germany might have been holding in reservekuin pelkästään sen pohtiminen, kuinka paljon Saksalla saattoi olla varalla.
- In 1951 the words `I'm all right, Jack ``still meant, as they meant in the cruder wartime version, atotallytäysinreprehensibletuomittavaaattitude towards Jack, whom you were supposed to care aboutasennetta Jackia kohtaan, josta oli tarkoitus pitää huolta.
- Such actionsTällaiset toimetareovatentirelytäysinreprehensibletuomittavia.
- Whilst in general each supported the other, there were clashes from time to time, both sides accusing the other ofreprehensibletuomittavistaactsteoista.
- Just as Lydia had gradually grown fond of Betty as she recognised her good qualities, so Betty realisinghowkuinkareprehensiblemoitittavastiLydiaLydiacould be liked her less.
- ItwasOlihighlyerittäinreprehensiblemoitittavaa,for a young girl who had not been properly initiated into the status of motherhood to become pregnantettä nuori tyttö, jota ei oltu oikealla tavalla vihitty äitiyteen, tuli raskaaksi.
- Keeping remand prisoners in police stationsTutkintavankeudessa olevien vankien pitäminen poliisilaitoksillais another matter andisonreprehensibletuomittavaa.
- An opinion poll published by the magazine Paris-Match yesterday showed that 48 per cent of voters questioned thought MrBeregovoy's conduct over the loanBeregovoyn toimet laina-asiassawasolivatreprehensiblemoitittavia, while 42 per cent said it was not.