TransFrameNet:Personal relationship
amigo.n 🔎
- `That wasyoursinunamigoamigosiMiguelitoMiguelitoon the phone.
- `Ah, Tomas, tomorrow,amigoamigo, when you are not here and I am alone, I will be sad.
- Then I felt Dana squeeze my hand, and he said: `Buenas noches,amigoamigoJimJim.
- So read on,myminunmost excellentamigosystäväni…
bachelor.n 🔎
- When the harem-masters become too old or too sick, new overlords will emerge from the strongest in thebachelorpoikamiestengroups and will take over the females.
- Freelance cameraman Andy Styczynski, 32, spotted the elusivebachelorpoikamiehenat the wheel of a white Rover Montego -- and chased after him in a VW Golf GTi.
- Fortunately for her, however, Pétain's Staff-Captain, Serrigny, knew — as a good ADC — something of the elderlybachelorpoikamiehen's habits.
- The confectionery shop next door was owned by abachelorpoikamiesnamed White.
- HeHänwas aolibachelorpoikamies,with (largely) homosexual instincts, melancholy and prone to drinking bouts, but with an enormous capacity for new interests and enthusiasms.
beau.n 🔎
- Standing a magnificent 12 inches high, Action Man looks set to see offKenKenin—Barbie'sBarbienbeaupoikaystävän— who stands just 11½ inches tall.
- I was very shy but his mischievous grin put me at my ease and we strolled along behind Sally andherhänenbeaupoikaystävänsä.
- Violette is driving up from Geneva with from what I can make outis<empty>herhänenlatestuusinbeaupoikaystävänsäand two friends.
- Twenty minutes later he returned, smiling as ifhehänwereolisihernaisenbeaupoikaystävä.
- All she wantedwas aolidotingjumaloivabeaupoikaystäväon hand, and Rossmayne's fortune.
- Although she describes astereotypicalstereotyyppistäbeaupoikaystävää, Leapor emphasizes that Strephon's artificial appearance is part of his strategy to deceive Celia.
- `Yousinullagot abeaupoikaystävä? ``said Fieldfare, coming closer in a conspiratorial way.
betrothed.a 🔎
- He thought of the forsaken wedding preparations, of the thoughts running through the head of thebetrothedkihlatunmanmiehen, whose name he did not even know, of the decorations which were now mockeries.
- The putative father is one Mr Piers Jackson,an artist to whomtaitelija, johonthe traditionally-minded Miss Jadevanhoillinen neiti Jadeis, of course, notbetrothedkihloissa.
- WeOlemmeare<empty>betrothedkihloissa, that is all.
- `Lord Khan,AlexeiAlexeiisonbetrothedkihloissaas you have heardto my grand-daughterlapsenlapseni kanssa, and so I consider him a member of my family.
betrothed.n 🔎
- `Madam, mayyourteidänbetrothedkihlattunnetake you to lunch?
- `MyMinunbetrothedkihlattuniasked a question, ``Philippa demanded.
- My hazy memory of your novel suggests that you were entirely too kind toVictor'sVictorinbetrothedkihlatulle, Elizabeth, and more than entirely too kind to his friend, Henry Clerval.
- And -- but wasn't this the most important? thebetrothedkihlattu(well, almost)of the Viscount Tristramvarakreivi Tristramin.
- The young man'sNuoren miehenbetrothedkihlattuis related to him but only in the seventh degree.
boyfriend.n 🔎
- Single White Female star JENNIFER JASON LEIGH once dated ERIC STOLTZ, the currentboyfriendBRIDGIT FONDAN poikaystävää,of BRIDGIT FONDA, who is Ms Leigh's room-mate in SWFjoka on rouva Leighin huonetoveri SWF:ssä.
- `And of course that drippyboyfriendpoikaystävänsäof hershänenbacked her up.
- Instead, it's been sold to Paddy MacNally, former racing driver, and one-timeboyfriendpoikaystävälleof the Duchess of YorkYorkin herttuattaren.
- A POLICEMAN was fined £500 yesterday after using the main police computer to check up on theboyfriendpoikaystävänof a neighbour's daughternaapurin tyttären.
- It gets a bit crowded whenCamilla'sCamillanboyfriendpoikaystäväis here, but they're on holiday at the moment.
- Freddie Mills andhishänenboyfriendpoikaystävänsäMichael Holiday each clasped Michael to them.
- A BANK clerk robbed the till of £850,000 to keepherhänenmarriedboyfriendpoikaystävänsäin luxury.
- The man ordered her out of the car at Farley Mount and then boundherhänen23-year-oldboyfriendpoikaystävänsäbefore forcing him into the car's boot.
- Myminunfirstboyfriendpoikaystäväniseemed to like me, specs and all.
- Perdita needs aboyfriendpoikaystävän.
- For some girls, especially those coming from a single-sex school, aboyfriendpoikaystäväwho was interested in engineering could provide them with crucial information and encouragement unavailable from any other source:
- But what about theboyfriendpoikaystävä?
- Why did he keep questioning her aboutboyfriendspoikaystävistäand engagements?
- The case began when the girl's lawyers obtained an order from a judge at Guildford County Court, which prevented the parents taking the girl from theboyfriendpoikaystävän's home.
- ``Mum knew I was sleeping withmyminunboyfriendpoikaystäväni.
- Jean, 24, was killed withherhänenboyfriendpoikaystävänsäGary Pettitt, 25, after they disappeared from their home in Aigburth.
- The 40-year-old told one of the sisters if anyone asked who the father of her baby daughter was she should lie and say itwas<empty>herhänenboyfriendpoikaystävänsä, Leeds Crown Court was told.
- Iminullahave aboyfriendpoikaystävä, a serious one; his name is John.
- Well, it's about these two women and one of them's married and the other one's, like,shehänellä's got aboyfriendpoikaystävä.
break-up.n 🔎
- The Marquess of Blandford'sBlandfordin markiisittarenmaritalbreak-upkariutuminenhas replaced his spell in jail as a subject of public debate.
- She stopped, on the verge of revealingher<empty>break-uperonneensawith HughHughista.
- AfterourMeidänbreak-uperommeshe went to Australia for a period.
- The 31-year-old duchess partly blamedher<empty>marriageavioliittonsabreak-upkariutumisestaon Andrew's work in the Navy.
- THE Princess of Wales spoke of her first-hand experience offamilyperheenbreak-uphajoamisestayesterday.
- These elements were inspired by his own experiences during thebreak-uperoamassawithSandraSandrastaafter she had suffered a bad LSD experience in her search for enlightenment.
- Until then McEnroe, under intense pressure because of thebreak-upoli kariutunutof his marriageavioliittonsato Tatum O'NealTatum O'Nealin kanssa, had kept his notorious temper under control.
- OUTSPOKEN DUP politician Sammy Wilson has revealed how politics contributed to thebreak-upkariutumiseenof his marriageavioliittonsa.
buddy.n 🔎
- `Abuddykaveriniof mineminun-- we were in the same outfit -- was killed there.
- The young paratrooper turned to look at me, his eyes alarmed, as if he expected somehow to see thathishänenbuddieskaverinsahad caught him in a moment of vulnerability.
- `I sat patiently waiting formyminunbuddykaverinito join me, ``Jinky continued.
- Actor Russell Means, who playsHawkeye'sHawkeyenbuddykaveriaChingachgook (on left of picture), tells us: `This film has revolutionised the way Indians are played on screen.
- It would always be the partner with a wife and kids who got shot down in the line of duty, givinghishänenbachelorpoikamies-buddykaverilleenthe chance poignantly to break the news to his loved ones.
- A few paces away, Rocky raised an amused eyebrow as he recognised the unruffled drawl ofhishänentruckerrekkamies-buddykaverinsaChuckChuckin.
- In all this, Liotta, who came to prominence in Field of Dreams and GoodFellas, plays thecharming and concernedhurmaavaa ja huolehtivaista`instant ``buddykaveria.
- It became very much a matter of the oldtouringmatka-buddieskumppanuksetlooking after each other.
- Howard'sHowardinfriend anddrinkingryyppybuddykaveri,William HoldenWilliam Holden, was less fortunate in his final moments.
- HisHänendrinkingryyppy-buddieskaverinsacheered and hooted.
- After the race, Ibn Fayoud moves all his horses to Bill and suddenlyhehän's bigon ylinbuddiesystäväwith ButlerButlerin kanssa.
- Former gang membersEntisille jengiläisilleshall be given a chanceto be patrolryhtyä vahti-buddiestovereiksiin assisting in the protection of the neighbourhoodsja auttaa asuinalueiden suojelussa.
- He and RonnieHän ja Ronnieareovattremendousylimpiäbuddiesystäviä, and he's doing wonders at the mill.
- Bringing up the rear wereRocky'sRockynthreebuddieskaveria,Chuck, Jube and RedChuck, Jube ja Red.
chum.n 🔎
- I remember Evelyn Waugh coming in, a greatchumkaveriniof mineminunin those days.
- Aunt hasn't let on much aboutherhänenchumystävästään.
- SchoolchumkaveriRebecca ReedRebecca Reedpushed the bed with her two friends, joined by school secretary Angela Truscott and Mr Dawson.
- So when the team plays at home,hishänenchumkaverinsain Derby switches on the local sports show ready for Mike's call.
- YourSinunchumskaverisiin the Treasury the Secret Service they could be behind you.
- Vivian Ellis of Mr Cinders and Bless the Bride talked enchantingly about Joyce, whilst Reggie and family and Simon Williams and otherchumskaveritqueued down the stairway for a hug and a plastic cup of champagne.
- Guppy and Marsh turned to another old universitychumkaveriaan, Indian-born merchant banker Isham Chandra Dutta,, intialaissyntyistä sijoituspankkiiri Isham Chandra Duttaato help their scheme.
- Ah sink you weeel remaaamber me,yoursinunoldchumkaverisiEriqueEriquenfrom 1991-2 when ah played for ze Leeds.
- Two business peopleKaksi liikemiestämay bevoi ollachumskavereita keskenään.
- As soon as it's light,myminunold schoolchumskaveriniFinlayson, Richards and CallaghanFinlayson, Richards ja Callaghanwill come with me and patrol the area Roeux-Riencourt.
cohabit.v 🔎
- This feature is not present in the case ofa husband and wifeaviomies ja vaimocohabitingasuvat yhdessäwith each other when an act of sexual intercourse occurs without the wife's consent.
- It is characterized by equal inheritance among brothers,married sonsnaimisissa olevien poikiencohabitingyhdessä asuvienwith their parentsvanhempiensa kanssa, but no marriage between the children of siblings.
- It is no easier for evidence to be obtained wherea manmiesis<empty>cohabitingasuu yhdessäwith a womannaisen kanssa, yet rape is a crime in these circumstances.
- Light and shadeValo ja varjocohabitkuuluvat yhteenlike life and deathniin kuin elämä ja kuolema, the one more vivid for the dread presence of the other.
- TheyHemet in 1968 and beganto<empty>cohabitavoliittoonin 1969, although they did not marry until 1978.
- A widow whoLeski, jokahasoncohabitedmennyt avoliittoonand loses her entitlement to widows' pension will, if the cohabitation ends, be entitled to claim it again.
- The squads arrive, often unwelcomed by DHSS staff, scour the files and pull in the mothers in order to ensuretheyhe're noteivät asucohabitingavoliitossa.
- They do this despite evidence of noncohabitation, or by forcingcouplespariskunnattocohabitavoliittoon.
cohabitation.n 🔎
- For those who have already been married, therehad been pre-maritalesiaviollisessacohabitationavoliitossaby 62 per cent of women remarrying aged under 25 years, and 74 per cent remarrying between 25 and 34 years62 prosenttia alle 25-vuotiaina ja 74 prosenttia 25–34-vuotiaina uudelleen naimisiin menevistä naisista..
- In these, inheritance rules are uncertain, being egalitarian in theory but flexible in practice;cohabitationyhteisasuminenof parents and married childrenvanhempien ja naimisissa olevien lastenis similarly rejected in theory but accepted in practice.
- They went on to form a government led by Edouard Balladur of the RPR thus ushering a second period ofcohabitationrinnakkaiselonof a right-wing governmentoikeistolaisen hallituksenwith a socialist President (François Mitterrand)ja sosialistipresidentin (François Mitterrandin).
- CohabitationRinnakkaiselowith reform-minded Communistsuudistusmielisten kommunistien kanssais their only chance of breaking out of their lonely weakness.
- Older men are usually polygynous; thus a youth rarely has available for marriage an age-mate female, and he must wait for a younger generation of females to mature beforecohabitationsolmii liitonwith themheidän kanssaan.
- For some adultsJoillekin aikuisillecohabitationavoliittobefore marriage is unthinkable (in Asian families, for example); for others the idea of marriage without first living together to get to know each other is equally unthinkable.
- CohabitationAvoliittoseems to offer them more freedom.
- This trend is partly accounted for by the steady increase incohabitationavoliittojen määrässä.
- The former values tolerate childlessness,cohabitationavoliiton, and liberal sexual attitudes.
companion.n 🔎
- Thecompanionsseuralaisetof invalidsInvalidienexplored the island on foot, on horseback and in hammocks and palanquins.
- A sense of humour mixed with the weighty seriousness ofourmeidäncompanionseuralaisemmeof the night is shown to the full in this place.
- As sympatheticcompanionseuralaisenaof the suffering godkärsivän jumalan, the satyr embodied man's highest and most intense emotions.
- The housewife'sKotirouvanonly faithfulcompanionsseuralaisetareher childrenhänen lapsensa.
- `Last time we came, back in February, ``reminisced acompanionseuralainen, `snow lay on the ground.
- `It's quite pleasant, ``herhänencompanionseuralaisensaconceded.
- GosseGossewas an entertainingoli viihdyttäväcompanionseuralainen; his somewhat mordant manner hid an essentially kind personality, and he was especially fond of young company.
- TheyHeistäbecame constanttuli ainaisiacompanionstovereitaand Corbett often found them playing cat's-cradle in some comer or window embrasure.
- But he always had to give the next,hishänencompaniontoverilleen, a chance, and he himself just looked on.
- You realise how very lucky you are to be given another chance to be happy, and appreciate the blessing you have received in finding a soulmate andcompanionkumppanin,you can trust.
- And Thomas hadEla DelahayEla Delahay, thecompanionseuralainento Donna LuciaDonna Lucianand earnest love of Babberley, for fate to act kindly on the poor boy.
- Five months laterIminullahave a friend andcompanionkumppaniwho will never be sold or replaced; a friend who knows more about Clare than anyone else.
- `Poor little lad, only six-and-a-half years old! ``, saidmyminuncompanionseuralaiseni.
couple.n 🔎
- Now the happycouplepariskuntaplan a new ceremony to bless their marriage.
- `Me too, ``she said, thinking of the happycouplepariskuntaaup in the villa.
- The migration of families or even marriedcouplespariskuntienwas uncommon.
- ONE allowance which looks almost certain to disappear altogether at some point in the not-too-distant future, judging from its treatment in the Budget, is the marriedcoupleavioparin's allowance, or MCA.
- One female neighbour described thecouplepariskuntaaas `quiet and ordinary ``.
- The Incident happened in the 1930s when a Hartlepoolcouplepariskuntawere jailed for attacking a shop owner who'd remonstrated with them for drinking out of the vinegar bottle.
court.v 🔎
- Shehäntäis<empty>courtedkosiskeleeby Mr VenusHerra Venusbut has an objection to his trade.
- `But it isn't interestingto be<empty>courtedkosiskeltavanaby someone you knowtuntemansa henkilön.
- Only 4% of the females did not mate, and eventhoseheitäwere vigorouslytarmokkaasticourtedkosiskeltiin; but 21% of the males did not mate at all, even though they courted hard.
- My parents called me Glen after the bandleader who took one too many cross-channel flights Swing was the musictheyhe'd grown up with andcourtedseurustelleetto.
- Were notadolescentsmurrosikäisiäbeing<empty>courtedliehitelty, persuaded and, where possible, forced to adopt modes of behaviour acceptable to established political and cultural authorities (which were often in conflict with those of their parents)?
- It was unfortunate thatBoldwoodBoldwood, whencourtingkosiskellessaanherhäntä, had forgotten to tell her, even once, that she was beautiful.
date.v 🔎
- IMinädatedtapailinherhäntämyself, as a matter of fact -- well, actually, we're married now.
- `He promises the world to get you into the mood, ``saida Kensington socialite whokensingtonilainen seurapiirihenkilö, jokadatedkävi treffeillähimhänen kanssaanseveral times.
- `Yousinä'redatingTapailetkothe guytätä tyyppiä?
- He turned up for the audition withhis art teacher, Rose, whokuvataideopettajansa Rosen kanssa, jotahehänwas<empty>datingtapailiat the time.
- She had no intention of telling him about Ian White,the medical registrarerikoistuvasta lääkäristä, jotashehänhadolidatedtapaillutfor over a year and who she had once thought might have come to mean much more in her life.
- TheyHedatedseurustelivat, they rowed and they finally got married.
divorced.a 🔎
- Slightly moredivorcederonneitamenmiehiä, 37,000, marry single women.
- It's too easy, as adivorcederonneenamanmiehenäliving away from your children, to buy into self-pity.
- `Some stoutly affirmed that as Head of the Church of England he could not marry adivorcederonnuttawomannaista.
- WeMe'reolemmedivorcederonneet: I never see him.
- IMinäamolendivorcederonnut.
divorcee.n 🔎
- TheyHeare, according to recent research, bringing up the next generation of offenders, truants,divorceeseronneitaand generally inadequate people.
- Our activities fill the newspapers and magazines -- siring more children; making, or failing to make, ends meet; grappling with the intricacies of our lives as workers, parents,divorceeseronneina.
- I remain convinced that only lesbians anddivorceeseronneetinsist on being addressed in this manner.
- THE number of marriages between adivorceeeronneenand someone who is marrying for the first time is on the slide.
- His Palm Beach socialite mother Naoma was so outraged when John, 35, wed the notoriousdivorceeeronneenRoxanne PulitzerRoxanne Pulitzerinin Las Vegas, she cut him off.
engaged.a 🔎
- In those three weeksthe couplepariskuntafell in love and becameengagedkihloihin.
- In the same month, in what was for her the last term of her formal education,AlixAlixbecamemeniengagedkihloihinto Sebastian ManningSebastian Manningin kanssa.
- The other part questioned whether in factshehänreally did wantto getmennäengagedkihloihinto HarryHarryn kanssa,if it meant leading a dreary life waiting for him to make his way in the world.
- `Well -- getengagedkihloihinfirst, then get married.
- `EngagedKihloissato the Earl of WoodleighWoodleighin jaarlin kanssa, you know.
- `I've always made a point of avoiding married women, andengagedkihloissa olevatwomennaisetfall into the same category.
- I think he favours an intimate setting, but, ” and Simone laughed, “ I told him thatengagedkihloissa olevatwomennaisetonly favour intimate settings when it's with their fiancé.
- Nevertheless they regardedthemselvesitseäänas unofficiallyengagedkihloissa olevana parina.
- `TheyHe'reovatengagedkihloissa, ``she wailed as soon as Sid had closed the door.
- Photographed whenengagedkihloissa,shehänis now married to Peter Bell from Kilmarnock.
- An excellent seminar for allengagedkihloissa olevilleand marriedcouplespariskunnille.
engagement.n 🔎
- They had lit upon Sarah Ferguson instead, who was hotly tipped to be announcingherhänenengagementkihlauksensato Prince Andrewprinssi Andrew'n kanssaany day, and her appearance in Klosters was their dream come true.
- By the time McAvennie arrived in Scotlandhishänenbrieflyhytaikainenengagementkihlauksensato Anita BlueAnita Bluen kanssahad ended and his pursuit of Jenny Blyth was paying dividends.
- But, without warning, she broke offherhänenengagementkihlauksensa.
- not since we'd been married, but, erm, and erm, it was in the March wasn't it, just before we announcedourmeidänengagementkihlauksemme.
- Some said this loss of funds was what lay behind a recent brokenengagementkihlauksenbetween the rather unattractive Miss Pinkney and the third son of a titled but impecunious familymelko ruman neiti Pinkneyn ja nimekkään mutta vähävaraisen perheen kolmannen pojan.
- All the family felt that Stephen had been hustled into theengagementkihloihinby Claire, who was a hard, devious girl, and were relieved when it was broken when he returned from Newcastle.
- `What better place for anengagementkihlaukselleparty ýT0 deux? ``said the baronet, pouring out wine.
- ROYALKUNINKAALLISETENGAGEMENTSKIHLAUKSETThe Princess of Wales, Patron, Help the Aged, attends the annual council meeting of HelpAge International at 77 Crouch End Hill, London N8.
- Gerald notched up another victory when Angela returned herengagementkihla-ring to Walter a few days before Christmas.
estranged.a 🔎
- Fleck'sestrangedetääntynytwifevaimoturned their private tragedy into a public slanging match.
- His death in Brisbane is the third tragedy to hitestrangedetääntyneellewife Suevaimolle Suelleand heartbroken parents Maurice and Marlene.
- Mr Gardiner said that while he was in Gloucester prison in 1988, he recieved packages of cannabis posted by hisestrangedetääntynytwife Maggievaimonsa Maggie.
- Marvin finds his weapon in Amelia's cousin Lymon (Cork Hubbert) -- the tragic triangle resulting in a fist fight between theestrangedetääntyneidenhusband and wifeaviopuolisoiden.
- I still feel Ferguson took the plunge partly to appease a following that feltestrangedvieraantuneeksi,when United entered the world of big money institutions.
- Few of them improve, and even fewer recover, many behave like members of cults, obeying their doctor without question, paying huge sums of money, and becomingestrangedvieraantuenfrom their familiesperheistään.
- Yesterday theestrangedvieraantunutcouplepariskuntaarrived in separate cars to join princes William and Harry at Ludgrove School, in Wokingham, Berkshire, for a Christmas carol concert.
- But it should be news based on fact, not conjured up disinformation designed to damageestrangedetääntyneitäspousesaviopuolisoitaor commercial competitors, ``he added.
- Theestrangedetääntynytcousinserkkuof AquinoAquinonand a former Marcos associate, Cojuangco was supported by a faction of the Liberal Party, and by his faction of the Nacionalista Party.
- A FAMILY were terrified when theestrangedetääntynythusbandaviomiesof their neighbourheidän naapurinsaburst into their home wielding a knife.
- In one class, almost half the pupils had spent Saturday and Sunday away from home -- visiting grans, aunties,estrangedetääntyneidenfathersisienand mothers in far-off towns.
friend.n 🔎
- Afriendystäväniof mineminun, a policeman, once stopped a huge wrestler late at night.
- `Gina -- I'd like you to meet Lotta Petterson -- Lotta, this isGina PriceGina Price, afriendystäväniof mineminunfrom England.
- Syntax is whatmyminunfriendystäväniKevin RiceKevin Rice, who was at Manchester with me, was always talking about.
- I hopemyminunclassicistfriendsystäväniwill forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme.
- And Alexandre was certainly describing them, right now, tohishänenfriendsystävilleenat the entrance to the pier.
- I<empty>made a lot offriendsystäviäand was introduced to the wonders of television for the first time.
- She spent the night at afriendystävänsä's house -- the one who is with her now.
- Jean toldherhänenbestfriendystävälleenabout the latest puzzle.
- HeHänwas a goodoli hyväfriendystäväto meminullein difficult times.
- It would be a shame to lose a goodfriendystävä.
- As he says, `Iminullahave very fewfriendsystäviä.
- I had neglectedmyminunfriendsystäviäni, family, job, social life, virtually everything to do with living a normal life.
- `Your Uncle TerryTerry-sedälläsi's got an oddfriendystävä, Gerry, ``she told the baby.
- It is hesitantly -- butwemeare oldolemme vanhojafriendsystäviä,
girlfriend.n 🔎
- But thegirlfriendtyttöystäväof deputy manager John Onanugavarajohtaja John Onanuganleapt to his defence.
- CHESHIRE housewife Tamara Kennerley, agirlfriendtyttöystäväof ClintonClintoninwhen he was at Oxford, was among the first to offer her congratulations.
- `MyMinungirlfriendtyttöystäväniand I have talked about sex seriously, ``says Steven, who is planning to go to college to study mechanics.
- I think I'm just gon na go roundmeminungirlfriendtyttöystäväni's and sleep after she's given me my food.
- Last summer I split up withmyminungirlfriendtyttöystävästäniafter five tumultuous but happy years.
- He lives with Sally,hishänenblondegirlfriendtyttöystävänsäfrom Nottingham, just down the coast from Sampdoria's training ground, which is high up in Bogliasco.
- A FATHER-to-be kicked and punchedhishänenpregnantgirlfriendtyttöystäväänsäin a row.
- He drove 40 miles from his house at Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, to die neargirlfriendtyttöystäväJean MannersJean Mannersin' home at Forcett, near Richmond, North Yorks.
- Stallone, 44, stayed there last month withgirlfriendtyttöystävänsäJennifer FlavinJennifer Flavinin.
- The lengthy interview from a formergirlfriendtyttöystävänattempted to portray an alternative version which inevitably placed the dead man in a more favourable light.
- He is still on good terms with allhishänenex-wives andgirlfriendstyttöystäviensä; he is bemused that anyone should think this odd.
- Surely there are no irategirlfriendstyttöystäviäin your life any more?
- POLICE last night were hunting for a 31-year-old man afterhishänenformergirlfriendtyttöystävänsäwas found strangled and their toddler son missing.
- He broached the idea of bringing Anthony to his mother's next party, hintinghis sonhänen poikansaneeded help in getting agirlfriendtyttöystävän, too.
- RussellRussellillahad a whitegirlfriendtyttöystävä,and the police would approach her and call her `nigger lover ``.
- The startled youngster said: `Iminullahaven't got agirlfriendtyttöystävää, but I reckon I can afford one now.
husband.n 🔎
- Grace met Herbert throughMajor Chaplin Court Treattmajuri Chaplin Court Treattin, thehusbandaviomiehenof her sister Stellasiskonsa Stellan.
- Members will be very sad to hear thatJohn HewittJohn Hewitt,husbandaviomiesof our secretary, Hildasihteerimme Hildan, has died.
- `When I first split frommyminunhusbandaviomiehestänithe prince said he was terribly sorry, but I didn't reciprocate, ``she said.
- `She had stolenmyminunhusbandaviomieheni.
- Her triumph in securingDombeyDombeyas ahusbandaviomieheksifor EdithEdithinis dashed by Edith's unconcealed contempt and resentment after the marriage, and she dies in confusion of mind and physical incapacity brought on by a stroke.
- Your father -- washeisäsia goodhusbandaviomiesto herhänelle?
- She accusedherhänenhusbandaviomiestäänof fucking around and retained me to prove it.
- The death of ahusbandaviomiehenwould almost certainly have resurrected for Jean the complicated feelings associated with her earlier bereavement.
- In 1989 more than 25,000 divorce decrees were made because of thehusbandaviomiehen's adultery, 18,000 because of the wife's.
- `Sometimeshusbandsaviomiehillähave a bad habit of doing things like that, ``he chuckled.
- In my viewtheyheneed good steadyhusbandsaviomiehetas soon as they can be found, and Harry Burrows needs a commission in the army and to be sent somewhere really uncomfortable.
- TV celebrity Anne Diamond presents her latest spectacular -- a new image forherhänenhusbandaviomiehensäMike HollingsworthMike Hollingsworthin.
- The money was handed over by Jackie Hamilton andher mother Evelyn Raw whosehänen äitinsä Evelyn Raw, jonkalatehusbandaviomiesDouglasDouglaswas a patient at the hospice.
- Princess Diana is to join Anne andherhänennewhusbandaviomiehensäat Sandringham for a `happy families ``royal Christmas.
- HerHänennewhusbandaviomiehensäwas eighteen years her junior.
- If in effect, therefore, the wife and newhusbandaviomieswish to hold the property as beneficial joint tenants, they must make the declaration contained in Precedent 35.
inamorata.n 🔎
- In flagrant breach of Victorian moralityhehänpersuaded hisinamoratarakastajattarensa,Elspeth ThomsonElspeth Thomsonin, to follow him down to Cornwall and into a whirlwind marriage at St. Fimbarrus's Church on 22nd July, 1899.
- HisHänennewinamoratarakastajattarensais a 22-year-old mannequin named Jennifer.
- An authoritative source avers thathishäneninamoratarakastajattarensa,Ms Mandy Smithrouva Mandy Smith, the former spouse of Mr William Wyman, is not in sufficiently robust form to `make love ``.
- We are confidently informed that the `amazing dreamgirl ``with whom he partook of a `romantic stroll through the mistis<empty>hishäneninamoratarakastajattarensa.
lover.n 🔎
- The blazingloverrakastajaof TeresaTeresan,
- HerHänenloverrakastajansais with her, a French officer.
- ET wild child Drew Barrymore will star as Long Island Lolita in an American TV movie about the true story of a schoolgirl who shotherhänenmarriednaimisissa olevanloverrakastajansa's wife.
- Annie held the kiss, both hands toherhänenloverrakastajansa's cheeks, using her tongue until Tessa responded and washed Ellwood away.
- He starred as playwrightJoe Orton'sJoe Ortoninhomosexualhomoseksuaalistaloverrakastajaain Prick Up Your Ears, and will play Tony Hancock in a BBC1 television film to be shown in the autumn.
- Working withyoursinunloverrakastajasiby day, and sleeping with him at night --
- Spying on the woman andherhänenloverrakastajaansafrom afar with his telescope, he disrupts their encounter by reporting a gas leak in the apartment.
- LoversRakastavaisetseek all, take all, letting words, sorrow and the future -- like the Devil -- take the hindmost!
- Oh, they would make a show of looking — taking my belongings was, after all, theft — but would I really prosecutemyminun…loverrakastajaani?
- XiolaXiolawas aoliloverrakastajansaof hishänen.
- It was strange thatan impulsive, warm personimpulsiivinen, lämmin henkilöcould be such a calculatingvoisi olla niin laskelmoivaloverrakastaja.
- Sometimes I thinkshehänellähad a secretloverrakastaja.
- Like all newloversrakastavaisetthey made love all night, laughed, stopped for a cigarette whose smoke tantalised in the lazy glow of the room.
- It was also the first time that her 21-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi,Allen'sAlleninnewloverrakastaja, was not at the traditional family meal.
- Put them together in a lonely hotel room to await the first night with a newloverrakastajan.
marriage.n 🔎
- Under the Adoption Act 1976, amarriageavioliittobetween a child and one who has once adopted itlapsen ja hänen adoptiovanhempansa välilläis prohibited, but not a marriage between the adoptee and one of the adopter's own children.
- The court, without offering any reasoned argument, decided that the right to marry in Article 12 `refers to the traditionalmarriageavioliittoonbetween persons of the opposite biological sexvastakkaisten biologisten sukupuolten välillä``.
- `Is it an arrangedOnko kyseessä järjestettymarriageavioliittobetween the two of youteidän välillänne? ``she hazarded.
- The orthodox account of scientific practice represents amarriageliittoabetween the two traditions just outlinedjuuri hahmoteltujen kahden perinteen.
- If becoming a person can only arise through communion with God, then in the same way themarriageavioliittoof two personskahden henkilön välinenarises and is sustained only in God.
- She does not mention the break-up of themarriagesavioliittojenof Diana and Charles or Andrew and FergieDianan ja Charlesin tai Andrewin ja Fergiendirectly.
- He told mehehänwas in amarriageavioliitossaof convenience.
- DuringCatherine'sCatherinenbriefmarriageavioliitonto Henryja Henryn, Culpepper and another former lover, Richard Dereham, were arrested and tortured into admitting having lain with Catherine before she wed the King.
- Itwas<empty>hisHänenmarriageavioliittoto his wife Danielle, the heiress to a family fortuneDanielle-vaimonsa kanssa, joka oli sukunsa omaisuuden perijätär,, which finally secured the soap-opera image.
- `Unfortunatelymyminunmarriageavioliittonito AndrewAndrew'n kanssahas come to the end.
- HisHänenmarriageavioliittonsawith the lovely Susyihastuttavan Susyn kanssa, designed to give him stability, peace and quiet -- things that I believe James actually, despite occasional appearances to the contrary, cherishes -- had broken up.
- She thought of the inevitable disdain with which her friend would react to the news thatConstanceConstancehad been seduced into a recklessmarriageavioliittoonwith a virtual strangerkäytännössä katsoen tuntemattoman miehen kanssa.
- Louis VII'sLouis VII:nmarriageavioliittowith Eleanor, duchess of Aquitaine,Eleanorin, Akvitanian herttuan kanssameant more royal charters for Poitou and Gascony; his own political endeavours resulted in an increase for Berry and the Auvergne.
- She felt the balance ofherhänenmarriageavioliittonsawith BernardBernardin kanssa solmitunwas thereby restored.
- Charles and Diana may not have had many interests in common when they first met, but one that they did have, and have enjoyed together throughouttheirheidänmarriageavioliittonsa, is skiing.
- I am sorryDiana'sDiananmarriageavioliittohas failed but she doesn't know what a tragedy is.
- She reasoned that if she could help the girl, she could savetheirheidänmarriageavioliittonsaas well as the child.
- It didn't help that, intellectually, I knew that she was reliving her own feelings about the way in which a second child -- me -- had wreckedherhänenmarriageavioliittonsa.
- Palin's history, fromhishänenmarriageavioliitostathrough his professional life, is a history of successful and enduring partnerships.
- This month we explore the modern dilemma ofmarriageavioliitonversus living together.
- But Charlie also sets out on a series of scandalous liaisons and unfortunatemarriagesavioliittoihinwith very young girlshyvin nuorten tyttöjen kanssa.
- What Henry wanted was control of Scotland, no matter whether bymarriageavioliitontreaty or by force.
- According to this law,both partnersmolemmilla puolisoillain amarriageavioliitossahave a duty to help each other, must share the housework and have the same obligations and duties concerning the raising and education of their children.
- There had been sick mothers, suddenmarriagesavioliittoja, several funerals of grandparents who had mysteriously resurrected themselves in time for work at the mills.
married.a 🔎
- Resident in the UK, she's as comfortable mocking the English (`Iminä'molenmarriednaimisissato an English guyenglantilaisen miehen kanssa.
- “WeMe've beenolimme olleetmarriednaimisissafor sixty years.
- `Iminägotmarriednaimisiin.
- `Is a special Irish celebration night --;one of their saintsyksi heidän pyhimyksistäängotmarriednaimisiinor something.
- We<empty>wantto stay happilypysyä onnellisestimarriednaimisissa.
- Happilymarriednaimisissawith two childrento an Americanamerikkalaisen kanssa,shehäncarries around a secret she can not bring herself to tell her mother, Winnie.
- Newlymarriednaineet,Charles and DianaCharles ja Dianaon the steps of St Paul's Cathedral
- It was hardly a situation conducive to producinga relaxed and committed rugby playerrennon ja vannoutuneen rugbynpelajaan, just newlymarriednainut.
- One largely unforeseen consequence of rural housing policies has therefore been to increase the relative deprivation of low-paid rural workers (and their newlymarriednaineidenoffspringjälkeläistensä).
- First the bride's parents with attendants visited the newlymarriednaineencouplepariskunnanin their home; then after a further interval the married couple made a similar formal visit to the bride's parents.
- Neither recentlymarriednaimisiin mennytPattiePattienor thrice-married Marianne seem to have illusions that marriage is a lifetime affair.
- I seem to remember reading abouthimhänestärecently, living in California,marriednaimisissato someone whojonkun kanssa, jokais noted for being controversial in some kind of way.
- MarriedHän on naimisissato JoanJoanin kanssa, they have 4 children.
- God,yousinä'reoletpracticallykäytännössämarriednaimisissato TonyTonyn kanssa, don't deny it.
- Mr Beavers, 37, amarriednaimisissa olevamanmieswith two children, won a bravery award for the rescue but is suffering from viral fatigue syndrome which strikes at the nervous system and brain.
- Established birth control and resulting low fertility permitted a unique advance in marriage at a time whenmarriednaimisissa olevatwomennaisetwere not yet committed to the work-force.
- In 1986/8 56 per cent ofmarriednaimisissa olevistamothersäideistäwere employed, 18 per cent full-time and 38 per cent part-time (OPCS, 1990).
- Aged 37,marriednaimisissa, no children.
- Consistency with the argument presented earlier would seem to demand that such a couple should enjoy all rights and privileges available to a `marriednaimisissa olevan``couplepariskunnan.
mate.n 🔎
- Don't dirty your mouth,oldvanhamatekaveri.
- Ask a scientist to do a scientist's job -- not anoverblownsuurenneltuaplumber'sputkimiehenmatekaveria.
- Sohishänenmatekaverinsawith him said, `Let's change this.
- `In Redruth to see anoldvanhaamatekaverianiof mineminun.
- I thoughthehäntäwas an<empty>oldvanhaksimatekaveriksiof Connon'sConnonin?
- HeHän's aonmatekaveriof my husband'saviomieheni.
- I expect that's why it hasn't been re-published, `Hitler is doing wonderful things, ``the old English craftsmen used to say, sharing their wisdom with me andTollidayTollidaynmyminunmatekaverini.
- Now why don't you takeyoursinuncroaky-facedkähisevänmatekaverisiand sod off back to boring boxed set land and bother the world no more!
- `I'mDerek BeasleyDerek Beasley, anoldvanhamatekaveriof Jim'sJiminfrom collegeyliopisto-, ``the man murmured.
- If I'm going down to the pub withmyminunmateskavereideni, I will probably just wear jeans but, again, I'll wear a nice shirt and smart shoes.
- But you can manage with the cooking; and the other part helpyoursinunmateskavereitasi.
mistress.n 🔎
- This group is led by Ms Jayalalitha, a former film star, and, more important, a formermistressrakastajatarof the late Chief Minister, Mr M.G. Ramachandranedesmenneen pääministerin, herra M.G. Ramachandranin.
- Hired to get evidence on themistressrakastajattarestaof an older man whovanhemman miehenhas supposedly cheated on him, Diquet and his girl-Friday Leone find themselves involved in a strange plot that involves wartime collaboration and a fabulous diamond.
- Couturiers and provision merchants, caterers and decorators never refused Lady Hamilton,mistressrakastajattareltaof Admiral Lord Nelsonamiraali Lord Nelsonin, all the credit she needed.
- Mary Read,John'sJohninmistressrakastajatar
- She accused her of beingher husband'saviomiehensämistressrakastajattareksi.
- Remind me to tell you some time about my Uncle Morton's wife andhishänenmistressrakastajattarensaboth turning up to his funeral in the self-same dress …
- He kepthishänenmistressrakastajattarensain an apartment in Moscow.
- Wycliffe said to Kersey: `Nomistressrakastajatartafor FrancisFranciksellayet?
- Built forGeorge II'sGeorge II:nmistressrakastajattarelle, Henrietta Howard (later Countess of Suffolk) in 1724-29, this magnificent villa is set in open parkland by the Thames.
- Sara Hart was not his wife,was no longereikä enäähishänenmistressrakastajattarensa, and could not have affected him financially.
- Jenny was still clinging desperately to the notion of everyday duties, but herewas theolimistressrakastajatarcarrying on in a way that went straight past the mundane.
- SheHänmight be asaattoi ollamistressrakastajatar, but she might equally well be a daughter, a wife, a sister -- perhaps someone weak-minded, perhaps someone elderly.
- wife of a London goldsmith wholontoolaisen kultasepän vaimo, jostabecamemistressrakastajatarto King Edward IVkuningas Edvard IV:nabout 1470.
- She later became better known asLord Nelson'slordi Nelsoninmistressrakastajattarena, Lady Hamilton.
- ShouldIminunbecomeryhtyähishänenmistressrakastajattarekseen?
- In 1898the twenty-nine-year-old Alice29-vuotias Alicemet and soonbecame thehänenmistressrakastajattarekseenof the fifty-six-year-old Albert Edward, Prince of Wales56-vuotiaan Albert Edwardin, Walesin prinssin,.
- Allegations thatMr Bushherra Bushillahad amistressrakastajatarhave been investigated by newspapers and referred to on radio and television.
- He forced his wife to put up with havinghishänenmistressrakastajattarensaliving in the house with them.
moll.n 🔎
- Dianne Wiest has her moments, though, as a fluffygangster'sgangsterinmolltyttöystävänäwith claws of steel.
- In Dennis's presence I became an outlaw once again, andKarenKarenistamyminunmolltyttöystäväni.
- Take the charmed prince John F Kennedy, the Casanova of the Casa Blanca, whose paramours included a mafiamolltyttöystävä.
- The Cook … is an art movie, referring as much to Rembrandt, Vermeer, Frans Hals and Dutch/Flemish still-life painting as to films noirs about brutal gangsters and downtroddenmollstyttöystävistään.
- Her first major film part was in Grease 2 (which flopped) and she followed it up by playingAl PacinosAl Pacinonhard-faced, cocaine-snortingmolltyttöystävääElviraElviraain the blockbuster Scar-face.
pal.n 🔎
- Dick Ryan, whowas a realoli hyväpalkamuniof mine<empty>not only because he was such a good all-round chap, but also because he was a teacher of English Literature at Ross Collegiate, thought so too.
- I have six Knights -- Brian Blessed, Oliver Reed, Bernard Manning, Keith Healy (aplatonicplatoninenpalkaveriof long standing), Malcolm and Kenneth.
- TheAmerican Ed Schuyleramerikkalainen Ed Schuyler, the boxing correspondent of the Associated Press, and along-timepitkäaikainenpalkaveriof McIlvanneyMcIlvanneyn, testifies to his uncommon zeal.
- `I was very fond of ffeatherstonehaugh's from the time I was introduced to it by apalkaveriniof mineminunin the late 1940s.
- I don't see why we have to drag in father andfather'sisänpalskaveritwith all this art business.
- HeHänwasolimy<empty>bestparaspalkaverini,and he died aged forty-six.
- Had they but known, these were the same bushes in which Jim Miller andhishänenpalkaverinsaTom SheppardTom Sheppardhad sheltered at the start of their ill-fated escape bid.
- He and PatsyHän ja Patsywereolivatpalskavereita.
- Taylor added: `What is wrong with the Saturday tradition of a fan meetinghishänenpalskavereitaanat the pub, then going to the game?
- Anthea has only just stepped into Yvette's shoes but has already madepalsystävystynytwith the other presenters and, course, Bonnie the dog.
- Daine'sDainenclosestpalsystävätwereClaude Rains, the radio criminologist, and Otto Kruger, who was some sort of phony-baloney mysticClaude Rains, kriminologisti radiosta, ja Otto Krueger, joka oli jonkinlainen humpuukimystikko.
- A BOY was `almost killed ``after being savaged by a rottweiler while playing withhishänenpalskavereidensain the street.
paramour.n 🔎
- Then AlexanderSitten Alexanderistabecame king, with no living heir and married his Frenchparamourrakastajattarensa, lusting after her, proclaiming he would beget an heir.
- How do you share a date whenyoursinunparamourrakastajattaresiis unavoidably detained on business in another town halfway across the country?
- `Perhapsshenainen'sonhishänenparamourrakastajattarensa, ``said Julia, delighted to have found a use for the word.
- They bade boththe merchantkauppialleand hisparamourrakastajattarellensaadieu.
- Fishbane, perhaps, will have been wildly in love withthe Admiral'samiraalinparamourrakastajattareen, while Blenkinsop …
partner.n 🔎
- Part of him hankered after the poetic Victorian times when women died in childbirth at twenty leavingtheirheidänpartnerkumppaninsafree to get another young girl.
- If you andyoursinunpartnerkumppanillasihave more than £6000 in savings between you, you can't get any help under the low-income scheme.
- DOCTORS have determined that Woody Allen did not sexually abuse one of the children he adopted withhis<empty>estrangedpartnerkumppaninsaMia FarrowMia Farrow'n kanssa, representatives for both sides said yesterday.
- Lack of imagination may also prevent onepartnerpuolisoafrom recognizing what the other is coping with.
- If so, try to involveyoursinunpartnerkumppanisiin how you are feeling.
- Nopartnerpuolisollahas a guarantee that the other will turn out exactly as he or she would wish.
- With a long-termpartnerkumppaninit is sometimes too easy to take things for granted.
- It brought a tragic end to a love story that began when they met as they walked their dogs aftereachkumpikinhad lost a marriagepartnerpuolisonto cancer.
- You obviously know she and Steve had an affair, but what it has to do with me dining withmyminunpartnerkumppaniniI fail to see.
seeing.v 🔎
- Alison's eyes had brightened at the word `divorce ``and she said thatshehänwould go onseeingtapailuahimmiehen.
- Seemsshehän's beenonseeingtapaillutMr Marumbaherra Marumbaafor a few months.
significant other.n 🔎
- Ian, is that you,myminunsignificant otherrakastettuni?
- The idea is that the person turns homosexual as a way of avoiding competition, conflict, or tension with asignificant otherrakastettunsa.
- JAKARTA (JP): Plans to spend Valentine's withyoursinunsignificant otherrakastettusitoday?
single.a 🔎
- Who thosesinglenaimattomatmenmiehetwere who sometimes crossed our path I do not know.
- `She's asinglenaimatongirltyttöand he is a free man, nothing really to stand between them.
- Bob says he thinks Senada was initially wary about accepting hospitality from asinglenaimattomaltamanmieheltä.
- No woman in her right mind would choose to be asingleyksin-parenthuoltaja,and the tiny minority who set out to be are, in my view, incredibly selfish, unimaginative and cruel.
- It is also evident in the growing numbers of unmarried mothers andsingleyksin-parenthuoltaja-families.
- They say the project helpssingleyksinhuoltaja-mumsäitejä, children, and people with problems.
- The devout Roman Catholic said she got involved with Richard because he said he cared for her andhehänwasolisinglenaimaton.
spinster.n 🔎
- Prior to World War I, a majority ofspinstersvanhoistapiioistafaced an often lonely and marginal life in their parents' home or in the households of a male relative.
- Only 63% of marriages were between a bachelor andspinstervanhanpiianin 1989, compared with 79% in 1971.
- MaisyMaisywas aolispinstervanhapiika, and appreciated cider almost as much as Sooty `Silly old bugger, ``muttered Knocker, `but he never makes any trouble, so what can I do?
- It had been clear from the start that thespinstervanhapiikahad taken an instant dislike to both Ashi and her daughter.
spouse.n 🔎
- As they square up to each other thespousesaviopuolisotof the first three menensimmäisten kolme miehen`Enter above ``and implore them not to fight.
- The ambivalence lies in the representation of the Goddess as either alone or as thespouseaviopuolisonaof a male Godmiespuolisen jumalan.
- An authoritative source avers that his inamorata,Ms Mandy Smithrouva Mandy Smith, the formerspouseaviopuolisoof Mr William Wymanherra William Wymanin, is not in sufficiently robust form to `make love ``.
- Mr X and thespouseaviopuolisoof Mr Xherra X:nmay be excluded from all benefit.
- You quarrelled withyoursinunspouseaviopuolisosion the way out to the shops and you are feeling angry.
- This mainly reflects the carespousesaviopuolisotgive to one another, and underlines the importance of the spouse as the first source of care in old age.
- This mainly reflects the care spouses give to one another, and underlines the importance of thespouseaviopuolisonas the first source of care in old age.
- Together they plot to undermine and ruintheirheidänerrantspousesaviopuolisonsaby hitting them where it hurts corporate types the hardest: their egos and bank balances.
- Such joint relationships could occur betweenspousesaviopuolisoidenof very different backgrounds.
- If President John Kennedy could appoint brother Bobby to the post in the Sixties, why not apresidentialpresidentinspouseaviopuolisotoday?
- This intensification seemed to be triggered by the loss of other significant relationships, for example the death of aspouseaviopuolison, or retirement from paid work which removed relationships with workmates and colleagues.
- Even if the employee is successful in the job, if thespouseaviopuolisocan not adapt to live in the English culture and speak the language, the assignment may well fail.
- She was not impressed whenherhänenspouseaviopuolisonsainformed her there was a member of the gentry below, for the only visitors of that sort to frequent her humble hostelry were those who had fallen on evil times.
- There were also others who felt that they had to stop work because of their own ortheirheidänspouseaviopuolisonsa's ill health.
- During the second six months he can, and may get a little work; but until at least a year after the end of pupillage he will probably have to live onhishänenparents orspouseaviopuolisonsa.
sugar_daddy.n 🔎
- THE much-maligned men of the Jockey ClubPaljon parjatut Jockey Clubin miehethave found a `sugar daddyvarakkaan sedän``to boost their image with a little cosmetic surgery.
- SheHänelläalways had asugar daddyvanhempi varakas mies.
- A bill comes in and along comessugar daddyvanhempi varakas mieswith a loan, you can t resist it.
- ``It's a continuation of this attitude that theUnited StatesYhdysvallatis thejakaasugar daddyrahaa kuin vanha setäto the worldmaailmalle, said Rep. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.
- They defy the stereotypes of Chinese women who migrate to Shenzhen to net a Hong Kongsugar daddyvanhemman varakkaan miehen, and Hong Kong businessmen who come here for cheap sex and cheap factory labor.
suitor.n 🔎
- Lord Roger MarshallerLordi Roger Marshaller, the most nearly decent ofVanessa Vail'sVanessa Vailinsuitorskosijoista, emerged from the sacristy and walked across the aisle to the organ.
- The old lady smiled at Harry like a dowager duchess greetingher granddaughter'slapsenlapsensasuitorkosijaa.
- Female garter snakes often lure so manysuitorskosijoitawith their scents that the males form a frenzied writhing ball.
- They put it down to indecision and the overwhelming charms of bothsuitorskosijoiden.
- As reward for gallantry the Duke of Suffolk is sent toLilleLilleen, chosensuitorkosijaksito the Duchess of AustriaItävallan herttuattaren(his own widowhood having occurred).
- Fairfax tells me thathehänis aonsuitorkosija, eager to lay claim to a girl who is now only eleven.
- There'd be dozens ofsuitorskosijoitafor her childrenhänen lapsillaan, anyway, this was a little trouble, it was bound to happen now they'd grown up.
- And I had a strong need to pit myself againstherhänenmanysuitorskosijoitaan, and win.
- Playing hard to get is a game which can go on for some considerable time, especially ifonejollakinhas as ardent asuitorkosijaas the French.
- I have no objection toBenedictBenedictiäas asuitorkosijana.
widow.n 🔎
- In 1847-8Queen Adelaidekuningatar Adelaide,widowleskiof William IVVilhelm IV:n, visited Madeira on her doctor's advice.
- The Yale University Art Gallery has received $10 million from thewidowleskeltäof Senator John Heinz III of PennsylvaniaPennsylvanian senaattori John Heinz III:n.
- In the year 1170,SancieSancie, thewidowleskiof Count Gaston V of BrnBrnin kreivi Gaston V:n, was sentenced to trial by water here, having given birth to a child rather too long after her husband's death.
- Now, in 31 and 32, lived a prosperous widow, thewidowleskiof a butcherteurastajan, a mistress Jane Hawks, who was carrying on her husbands business, and doing quite well at it.
- ROBERT Maxwell'sROBERT Maxwellinwidowleskimay be allowed to live in the family mansion at Oxford until the turn of the century, it was revealed yesterday.
- But he died rather young, leavinghishänenwidowleskensäto carry on the farm and bring up their three children.
- Captain Kinloch himself died in 1775 andhishänenwidowleskensäin 1782.
- He thought of thewidowleskeäin her ramshackle hut at the end of the village and the gratitude in her eyes when he gave her a purse of coins.
- She accused thewidowleskeäof stealing her husband's love away from her by dosing the milk of the dead cow and giving it to him to drink.
- He is still remembered with great affection within the Association andhishänenwidowleskensä, Lady Peck, continues a most welcome interest in the House.
- Mancini may be guilty of garbling the story here, since the woman who later emerged as Edward's betrothed wasEleanor Butler (nee Talbot)Eleanor Butler (o.s. Talbot), thewidowleskiof Thomas Butler of Sudeleysudeleyläisen Thomas Butlerin.
- “ Well, now thatHelenHelenis aonwidowleskiand this old friend is a widower … ”
- M E Tralbaut recounts the story of Vincent's actual departure from Belgium's black country, as told to him by his old friend Louis Piýrd, who knew thewidowleskenof the pastor of WarquigniesWarquigniesin pastorinwell.
widow.v 🔎
- Two of our groupKaksi ryhmästämmehave beenovatwidowedjääneet leskiksialready, and they know they have a familiar place and a familiar setting to settle in.
- I heard thatshehänwasjäiwidowedleskeksia few days before the baby was born.
widowed.a 🔎
- Less than ten per cent of lone parentsareovatwidowedleskeksi jääneitämothersäitejä.
- `IMinäwasjäinwidowedleskeksitwo years ago -- you know that.
- There were also changes in the numbers and age distribution ofwidowedleskeksi jääneidenand divorcedwomennaisten.
- `Yousinäcould bewidowedleskeksiyoung, and with no children or grandchildren to fill those lonely years.
widower.n 🔎
- HerHänenwidowerleskensä, Sir Walter, rose in power and influence.
- AwidowerLesken-'s pension as a right used to be very rare in the public sector, although the civil service has now introduced one.
- Widows, however, greatly outnumberwidowersleskimiehiä(Figure I.3).
- A forty year old Glasgowwidowerleskimies,who admitted sex offences against children has been sent to jail for five years.
- BillBill, awidowerleskimies, said he was secretly revelling in his new-found fame.
- A man is still being questioned tonight after the body of an elderlywidowerleskimiehenwas found with shotgun wounds.
wife.n 🔎
- One `very satisfied ``housewife isSandra BishopSandra Bishop, the twenty-three-year-oldwifevaimoof a painter and decoratormaalarin ja remonttimiehen, an ex-factory machinist and the mother of one daughter aged eighteen months.
- Opposite my house on Bronnaya Street there used to live the remarkable actressAlice KoonenAlice Koonen, thewifevaimoof TaývTaývin, and she and I were very fond of each other and got on very well together.
- And at last, Clare felt nothing but love for this passionate, lovingwifevaimoaanof hishänen.
- Thewifevaimoof the chief coinerpäärahanväärentäjänhowever, being tipped off about the search had the stack of coins, the moulds and other equipment thrown into Rusland Pool.
- MyMinunwifevaimoniis always going on to me about it.
- The Althorps first met the extrovert university-educated entrepreneur andhishänenartistwifevaimonsa, Janet Munro Kerr at a dinner party in London.
- The imprisoned Mr Mandela has met in recent months more than a dozen of the chieftains and assorted dignitaries --hishänenXhosawifevaimonsa, Winnie, among them-who were on the podium.
- Even money, I'd go for a nice simple runawaywifevaimonor daughter.
- What would all those splendid wartimewivesvaimotand sweethearts have done?
- I divorcedmyminunwifevaimostanifor smoking in the toilet!
- Ousted oil boss batterswifevaimonsa, then dies in sea
- Mr OnanugaHerra Onanugahas leftwifevaimonsaBernadetteBernadettenand their 12-week old son Abdul at their flat in Tulse Hill, south-east London, and is staying with friends nearby.
- But it must have taken some sweet talking from Newman to persuadeMansell'sMansellinwifevaimonRosanneRosannento agree.
- I had this letter frommyminunwifevaimoltani.