TransFrameNet:Path shape
- A harsh smileJulma hymyangledkallistuiacross his mouthhänen suunsa poikki.
- What brought her to a standstill was the realisation that her bedroom was under the eaves, so thatthe wallsseinätangledkallistuivatsharplyjyrkästitowards the ceilingkohti kattoa, lending the room a special character.
- The roadTieangledkallistuitowards the rim of the valleykohti laakson reunaa, climbing 2,000 feet in eight relentless miles.
- Half a dozen different black-mouthed corridorsPuolenkymmentä erilaista mustasuista käytävääbeckoned,anglingkääntyenawaypoisvariously.
- Cut away the waste wood around the ears with the coping saw, and use the 1in shallow gouge to further shape them and the nostrils so thattheyneanglekallistuvatbacktaakseat each side.
- The enclosed cab is covered in lightly-grained black Tolex with no corner pieces, whilethe frontetupuoli,whichjokaangleskallistuugentlylievästiback towards the toptaakse huippua kohti, is more rock'n'roll than it looks.
- A paved roadPäällystetty tieascendsnouseethe gentle gradient from the eastloivaa rinnettä idästä, leading from the now-drowned site of the Minoan harbour, through the lower town to the main gate of the temple.
- In those parts where they call hills foins and mineshafts soughs,the paths thatpolkuja, jotkaascendnousevatthe hillsidesvuorten rinteitäin hairpin bendsserpentiinimutkinaare crinkle-crankle paths.
- As he reached the end of the quay, wherethe roadtieascendsnouseesteeplyjyrkästifrom the harboursatamasta, he turned for one parting shot: ``You marry him, then! he shouted.
- The valley narrows as the enclosing heights crowd in andthe roadtieascendsnouseeto a large car park and signs inviting a visit to the Falls of Measach nearbysuurelle parkkipaikalle ja kylttien luo, jotka kutsuvat vierailemaan läheisillä Measachin putouksilla.
- It has been compared to the firstascentnousuunof EverestEverestin.
- Officially, the bike route ends here; more experienced cyclists may care to carry on theascentnousulleto the Krimml waterfallsKrimmlin vesiputousten.
- Cnicht's south-west ridge provides a rapid directascentnousunto the summithuipulle, with some pleasant scrambling thrown in near the top, and as height is gained the views across Snowdonia gradually unfold.
- The unremittingfour-mileneljän mailinascentnousuto the high pass over the ridgeharjanteen korkeaa solaa pitkinreduced me to a walking wet rag; I was literally soaked to the skin and could feel rivulets chasing each other down my bosom.
- At that pointthe small stream, having flowed into the pond and out again,pieni virta, joka on virrannut lampeen ja takaisin ulos,bearskääntyyrightoikealleand is joined by Burden Creek.
- In the fourth wherethe track to the farmreitti maatilallebearskääntyyrightoikealle, keep walking on the grass until you reach a gate.
- It shows the city from Bonsecours churchyard: the bridges, the spires,the riverjoki, jokabendingkaartuuaway past Croissetpois Croissetin ohi.
- At church follow road asitsebendskääntyyto rightoikeallebut immediately take enclosed path on left, signposted Knightley Way.
- Then came the corner,the roadtiebendingkaartuiround the walled compound of a Sheikh's racing stablessheikin hevostallien aidatulle alueelle.
- The roadTiebentkaartuislightlyhiemanto the rightoikealle.
- As hedgerows become rarer, voles have fewer places to live, and asmore roadslisää teitäare builtcrisscrossingristeilemäänthe countrysidemaaseudulle, they stand more risk of being killed by passing cars.
- On the map it was pretty well blank space, save forthe thin blue lines of creeks or marsh drainsohuille sinisille puroja tai kuivatettuja soita kuvaaville viivoille, jotkacrisscrossingristeilevätitsen halki.
- The parcelPakettiwas substantial, tightly wrapped in brown paper,oli suuri, kääritty tiukasti ruskeaan paperiin,crisscrossedjonka päällä risteiliby waxed brown twine with many knotsruskeita vahanaruja, jotka oli solmittu useilla solmuilla.
- Hamburg is one of Germany's largest ports, yet it's alsoa green and spacious cityvihreä ja tilava kaupunki, jotacrisscrossedhalkovatby waterwaysvesitiet.
- All three Sergeants asked questions simultaneously,the interrogationkuulustelunwending back on itself,crisscrossingristeillenthrough my lifeelämäni poikkiin an arbitrary yet efficient way.
- Miranda wore a sheer cream chiffon Grecian gown withthonged gold sandals thatkultaisissa varvassandaaleissa, jotkacrisscrossedristeilivätto her kneeshänen polviinsa saakka.
- Within the reserveAlueella, signals rear above silver birch groves,drainsviemäritcrisscrossristeilevät, embankments loom, the pumping station emits strange noises, a converted railway hut serves as a field station and a disused marshalling yard sprouts rose bay willow-herb.
- Black diagonalsMustat lävistäjätcrisscrossristeilevät.
- Their detour to Fort GeorgeHeidän paluumatkansa Fort Georgeencrossedylittiwhat is how the main road from Nairn to Invernesspäätien Nairnista Invernessiin, and they arrived some time in the late morning.
- Ore was also carted down from a hopper at Top Level,the trackraidecrossingylittithe beckpurondirectly below the waterfall then winding around to connect with the Levers Water -- Paddy End track.
- In the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia,the Burgess PassBurgessin solacrossesylittääa ridge between two high snowy peaksharjanteen kahden lumisen huipun välissä.
- The cars parked one behind the other ina row on the road thatriviin tielle, jokacrossedylittithe greenviheriönfrom the Hallkaupungintaloltato the churchkirkkoon.
- When constructed,the lineviivacrossedylittiopen fieldsavoimet kentätfrom Waterloo HotelWaterloo Hotelistatowards Bloomfield Roadkohti Bloomfield Roadia; and Central Drive was constructed round it!
- Yet of those linesonly 10vain 10actuallycrossedylittithe borderrajaninto Russian PolandVenäjän Puolaan, and even as late as 1918 there was no direct railway link between Poznán and Warsaw.
- When the track meets a road turn left and go along it for 150yds until you come toa bridge made of railway sleepers whichsillalle, joka oli tehty rautatiepölkyistä ja jokacrossesylittääthe streamjoenon the right.
- Looking out, Sikes sawa stream of peoplemonien ihmistencrossingylittävänthe bridge towards themheitä kohti suuntautuvan sillan.
- Cars may be parked onBirkdale Summit whichBirkdale Summitille, jonkais<empty>crossedylittävätby both the county boundary and the watershedsekä kreivikunnan raja että vedenjakaja.
- The river LimmatLimmat-jokiflows through Baden andissencrossedylittääby an old wooden bridgevanha puinen silta.
- This minor road runs parallel tothe Union Canal whichUnion Canalin, jonkaitsecrossesylittääby a narrow humped back bridgekapean kaarisillan avulla.
- The subject never came up whenour pathspolkummecrossedristesivätin SydneySydneyssäthree years ago, did it?
- At Force Mills, follow the road leading up to Satterthwaite, keep on it asitsecrossesylittääover Grizedale BeckGrizedale Beckin.
- The nature of the underground drainage can give rise to international problems whenstreamsjoetcrossristeävätunder frontiersrajojen alla.
- Amongst these are two significantly older churches at Upper Witton, the first near the canal with a rather short spire and the other set amidst a cemetery although there is little peace here these days asthe M6M6crossesylittääback oversen.
- An unfractured mass of glorious red sandstone thatMurtumaton massa loistavaa punaista hiekkakiveä, jokarises one and a half kilometres up from the flat desert floor anddescendslaskeutuufour kilometres beneath itneljä kilometriä sen alle.
- An iron ladderRautatikkaatdescendslaskeutuvatthis accidental chasmtähän satunnaiseen kuiluunfrom the nave roofkirkon katolta, but it stops a good fifteen feet above the moss-feather-and-shit-covered earth.
- Vertical pitchesVertikaaliset syötötdescendlaskeutuvat250 feet250 jalkaato an immense cavernsuunnattomaan onkaloon, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
- Given the topography of Madeira, it is understandable thatthe island roadssaaren tietare full of twists and turns, climbing anddescendinglaskeutuenall the time.
- He said -- `From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic,an iron curtainrautaesirippuhadolidescendedlaskeutunutacross the continent of EuropeEuroopan mantereen päälle``.
- From the summitHuipultaa pathpolkudescendslaskeutuualong Bowfell's eastern ridgeBowfellin itäharjannetta pitkinbefore swinging sharply south to Three Tarns Pass (0.5 miles).
- ItSedescendslaskeutuusteadilytasaisestialong the line to Leicester where it joins the Soar Navigationlinjaa pitkin Leicesteriin, jossa se liittyy Soar Navigationiin, continuing through Leicester and Loughborough on its way to Trent Junction.
- ThisSedescendslaskeutuualongside the ridge wall over High Pike and Low Pikepitkin harjanteen seinämää High Piken ja Low Piken yliand then diverges due south in a direct line down a steep slope to Bruntscar.
- A fingerpost points toa short pathlyhyttä polkua, jokadescendinglaskeuuamongst treespuiden keskelläto a footbridge over the riverjoen ylittävälle jalankulkusillalle, flowing erratically on and under its limestone bed.
- The buildings which line either side of the bridgeRakennukset sillan molemmilla puolilladescendlaskeutuvatas far below the street as they rise above itniin pitkälle kadun alapuolelle kuin ne nousevat sen yläpuolelle.
- PathPolkusoondescendslaskeutuuinto small baypieneen poukamaanand climbs hillock to reach Coldingham Bay (with huts and café).
- Keepthe line of broken wire fence whichlinja rikkoutunutta rautalanka-aitaa, jokadescendslaskeutuuthrough the woodmetsän halkito a gate leading onto a broad trackportille, joka johtaa leveälle reitille.
- The roadTiedescendslaskeutuuto valley levellaakson tasollein lovely birch woodsihanassa koivumetsässäand reaches a junction where the old road for Tomdoun and Kinlochhourn turns off.
- The valleyLaakso, as itdescendslaskeutuutowards Ribeira BravaRibeira Bravaa kohti, is probably the most beautiful in Madeira, and it has many picnic tables and pull-offs for the car.
- Subduction zones, whereoceanic platesvaltamerilaatatdescendlaskeutuvatunder continental onesmannerlaattojen alle, and obduction zones, where spreading centres are concealed beneath sedimentary cover, are of considerable interest, not least because ophiolite sequences formed in obduction zones have given rise to economically significant concentrations of metallic minerals.
- At initial impact the aircraft was heading approximately 185°M ona flight pathlentoreitillä, jokadescendinglaskeutuuat around 15° to the horizontalnoin 15°:n kulmassa vaakatasoon, whilst essentially level in pitch and rolled around 10° left.
- ItSethendescendslaskeutuuin nearly a dozen zigzagslähes tusinana siksakkina, traverses a gorge and continues along the Urnerboden high valley of near-level alpine meadow, crossing the stream which is the cantonal boundary.
- Convection currentsKonvektiovirratrise and diverge below mid-oceanic ridges and converge anddescendlaskeutuvatalong subduction zonesalastyöntövyöhykkeitä pitkin.
- The trackReittidescendslaskeutuuback to the starttakaisin alkuun.
- Before me laya deep gulley choked with oleanders and thorny scrubsyvä rotko, jossa oli oleantereita ja piikkisiä pensaita,whichjokadescendedlaskeutuiprecipitouslyjyrkästidown to the private beachyksityiselle rannalle.
- ThedescentLaskufrom the second Munrotoiselta Munroltawas knee-wrenching, and although it's a relief to regain the track in the glen, it's not such a relief to remember how far away the starting point is.
- This was the case in Snowdonia where theLlanberis PathLlanberis Pathindescentlaskufrom the top of SnowdonSnowdonin huipultais very quick.
- He closed the throttle for adescentlaskuainto WaddingtonWaddingtoniin.
- The road tops a hill and commences alongpitkändescentlaskunto a built-up area that, even when seen at a distance, is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journeyrakennetulle alueelle, joka, myös kaukaa nähtynä on selvästi tärkeämpi paikka kuin mikään muu matkalla nähty.
- On theslowHitaassadescentlaskussato Bristol airportBristolin lentokentällea creature had attached itself to one of the wings.
- The route is mainly over the Coniston Fells giving a high rocky ridge walk, with a finaldescentlaskudown Little Langdalealas Little Langdalea-- another quiet valley which still retains much of its old world character.
- So, if you want adescentlaskunof 600 ft/min600 jalkaa/minyou will reduce power by 600 rpm.
- Their maximum lead was two and a half minutes and on thedescentlaskussaof Blackstone EdgeBlackstone EdgelleRice broke a spoke and had a wheel change as the Dutchman eased until they were together again.
- Ernest Hemingway is reputed to have considered thedescentlaskuafrom MonteMonteltain a toboggankelkallaone of the strongest emotions of his life.
- ThedescentLaskuthrough the forestmetsän läpiis best glossed over.
- The shuttle had not been attacked since Daak had started thedescentlaskuntowards the stationkohti asemaa.
- Our brief but interesting tour completed we returned to the landing place, negotiating theslipperyliukkaastadescentlaskustawith caution.
- After High Crag there is asteepjyrkkä,badly erodedpahasti kulunutdescentlaskuto Scarth GapScarth Gapiinfrom where it would be easy enough to descend down into Ennerdale.
- It is always tempting to push on, but why not consider the pleasures of a few hours snoozing in the sun followed by aswiftnopeadescentlaskuon hardening snowkovettuvassa lumessa?
- He had two options, he thought, as the plane began thedescentlaskeutumisento BrusselsBrysseliin.
- She said, `Thank you, Father, ``and began theuneasyvaikeandescentlaskeutumisen.
- They topped a rise and began aslowhitaandescentlaskeutumisentowards the townkohti kaupunkia.
- Finallythe roadtieturns away and makes alongpitkänandroughrajundescentlaskeutumisen, with Loch Hourn dramatically in view ahead, to the few buildings of Kinlochhourn where there is life but no sign of it.
- It was postmarked Manchester, the paper was poor, andthe writingkirjoitusscrawled anddippedlaskeutuiacross the stained envelopetahraista kirjekuorta pitkin.
- Within 2.5km (1½ miles) the road forks andthe right-hand branchoikealla puolella oleva haaradipsviettääacross a hollow towards Schwendinotkelman poikki kohti Schwendiä; but continue forward, climbing on the left-hand (main) road which ascends towards Goldiwil at a higher level with even more rewarding views.
- This is especially important whenan aquiferpohjavettä sisältävä kerrosdipsviettääbeneath another layer that is much less permeabletoisen, paljon vähemmän läpäisevän kerroksen alle.
- The groundMaadippedlaskeutuibetween two minor cliffskahden pienen kallion väliin, and the architect must have figured they would make swell windbreaks.
- The seaMeri, rather thandippinglaskeutumisento the horizonhorisonttiin, curled up like the lip of a dish.
- The bedSänkydippedpainuiheavily to the right of her where Gabriel satraskaasti oikealle, jossa Gabriel istui, holding her hand.
- Then, a few moments later, at twenty-five minutes to five,the trailreittidippedlaskeutuisteeplyjyrkästifor thirty yards30 jaardin verran, and there was the Land Rover at the bottom.
- We went carefully up the rickety stairs, wall bulges out here, androofkattodipsviettäädownalasthere, torn matting and straying hooky rugs.
- Before it reached it, though,the roadtiesuddenlydippedlaskeutuidownalasagain and ran into a shallow hollow filled with sunshine.
- Shiva's Fifth Avenue wasa long, curving, treeless street thatpitkä, mutkikas ja puuton katu, jokadippedviettisteeplyjyrkästidownalasand switchbacked up again, though the neighbourhood was not in general a particularly hilly place.
- Beyond the farm,trackreittidipslaskeutuudown to gatealas portilleand bends left.
- Whenthe roadtiedippedlaskeutuidown to the curved span of the bridgealas sillan kaareutuvalle osalle,she saw the water far below, snaking its way between the high rock walls of a narrow gorge.
- From BoscastleBoscastlestathe pathpolkudipslaskeutuusharplyjyrkästidown to Rocky Valleyalas Rocky Valleyhin.
- The grassy trackRuohoinen reittiran level, curved anddippedlaskeutuia littlehiukan, emerged from the trees.
- The roadTiedippedlaskeutuisteeplyjyrkästihere then curved back wickedly upon itself.
- The driver took the road carefully asitsedippedlaskeutuiand turned, and forded rivers that shone like a newly tarred road and roared and pounded against the floor.
- From the pass which stands at 6700ft, theTujetschtal valleyTujetschtalin laaksodropslaskee3000ft3 000 jalkaathrough Alpine meadowsAlppiniittyjen poikkito Disentis town, ten miles to the eastDisentisin kaupunkiin kymmenen mailia itään.
- The landMaadropslaskeebehind himhänen takanaan.
- The groundMaadroppedlaskisharplyjyrkästibeneath ustakanammeas we bounced off the nearest trunk.
- Some are in a state of imminent collapse and in others, side passages branch off in all directions andshaftskuiluja, jotkacan suddenly appear at your feetdroppingputoavatdownalashundreds of feetsatoja jalkojainto the darknesspimeyteen.
- A dirt trackLikainen reittidropslaskeefrom the Tizi n'TestTizi n'Testistäto Souk SebtSouk Sebtiin, but this is now being extended too produce can flow in and out: an extraordinary effort.
- Sharpe urged his horse downthe rutted lane thaturaista tietä, jokadroppedlaskiinto a shallow valleymatalaan laaksoonbefore climbing between two unhedged pastures.
- The landMaaappearedto<empty>droplaskevantowards the seakohti mertaon one side of the trianglekolmion yhdellä puolellaand to lift to a wooded escarpment on the other.
- `But suddenlythe sea bottommerenpohjajustdroppedlaskiaway<empty>and it was waist deep.
- The roadTiewas open, anddroppedlaskidownalasto cross a valley.
- Whenthe accompanying streamvieressä oleva jokidropslaskeeover a ledgekallionkielekkeen yli, it is a signal to retreat and return to daylight.
- He pulled away the towel from her head, letthe loose flow of golden hairkultaisten hiusten irtonaisen suortuvandroplaskeaover her shouldershänen olkapäilleen.
- She swayed,her lasheshänen ripsensädroppinglaskeutuivatover her enormous lagoon-blue eyeshänen valtavien laguuninsinisten silmiensä päälle.
- Thenthe groundmaawas gone,droppinglaskeutuenaway<empty>in a series of gentle jerksvarovaisten nykäisyjen sarjana.
- To her leftthe landmaadroppedlaskiaway<empty>to the river belowalla olevaan jokeen, sheer and terrifying.
- On my leftthe groundmaadropslaskeeaway<empty>through uncertain undergrowthepävarman aluskasvillisuuden läpiinto back gardens and a view of rooftopstakapihoille, joista näkyy katonharjoja.
- The landMaaobviouslydroppedlaskisteeplyjyrkästiaway<empty>into a small valleypieneen laaksoon, woodland rising up on the other side towards the slopes of the Downs.
- Our pathPolkummedroppedlaskidownalasto the relative calm of the sea shore, edging craggy inlets beneath overhanging cliff topssuhteellisen tyynelle merenrannalle, kiertäen jyrkkiä lahdelmia yläpuolella roikkuvien kalliohuippujen alla.
- It climbs steeply through trees, into quiet hillside streets from whichlittle lanes and stairwayspienet tiet ja portaikotdroplaskevatsuddenlydownalasinto the blue distances of the citykaupungin siniseen etäisyyteen.
- She had to get them away fromthe rocks thatkivistä, jotkaedgedreunustivatthe shorerannikkoalike jagged teethkuin rosoiset hampaat.
- Now he ran alongthe concrete passage thatbetonikäytävää, jokaedgedreunustithe stack-yardaumapihaa.
- Her habits of riding out are known, and she often goes tothe forest thatmetsään, jokaedgesreunustaathe marshsuota.
- In these ancient, mountainous regions -- the Alps and the Carpathians --the Citykaupunkistopped abruptly,edgingreunustaenthe wildernesserämaata.
- Nearlyevery lanejokaista reittiäis<empty>edgedreunustaaby a dykeojato drain the land.
- Here the fenceless field spread out tothe ditch whichojaan, jotawas<empty>edgedreunustivatwithhawthornorapihlajat, elder and hazel marking its further boundary, a huge stretch of green-gold already lightening.
- Meanwhile,the canalkanavaais<empty>edgedreunustavatwith black bricks laid with black mortarmustat tiilet, jotka on kiinnitetty mustalla laastillawhich provides a very smart finish to the canal.
- She sat on the chair by the window and gazed out atthe wide lawnsleveille nurmikoille, joitaedgedreunustivatby chestnut treeskastanjapuut.
- The trackReitti-- optimistically marked on the map as Daleside Road --edgedlaskithrough a final gatefinaaliportin läpiandonto the roadtielle.
- By this time Paddy seemed to be quite enjoying himself as we trotted on throughthe silent, thistle-filled fieldshiljaisten, ohdakkeisten peltojen, joitaedgedreunustivatwith woodspuut.
- Her stomachHänen vatsansaedgednousiupylösover the waistband of her slackshänen housujensa vyötärönauhan yläpuolella.
- North from Chonku ChuliChonku Chulin pohjoispuolellathe pink granite mass of MakaluMakalun vaaleanpunainen graniittimassaemergedtuli näkyviinabove the seemingly vertical snow walls of the West Col (6135 m)West Colin (6 135 m) ilmeisesti vertikaalisten sivuseinien yläpuolelta.
- One branch went down directly to the Horse Fair,the other, this one,toinen, tämä,cut throughto<empty>emergeilmestyäkseenhalfway along the Foregate, almost within sight of the abbey gatehousepuolivälistä Foregateen menevää tietä, lähes luostarin portinvartijan mökin näkyvissä.
- Alsoemergingilmestyybeneath the cliffs of the narrowskapeikkojen kallioiden alapuoleltaisthe railwayrautatie, resolutely maintaining a level contour despite all the difficulties of the terrain.
- Wherepipesputketexitpoistuvatthrough an external wallulkopuolisen seinän läpi, use an expanding form filler both to seal the hole and to insulate the pipes.
- Follow this path through Gleann Choinneachain untilitsefordskahlaathe streamjoen yli.
- The path leading tothe stepping stones whichastinkiville, jotkafordedkahlasivatHodge BeckHodge Beckissäwound narrowly between high sheltering hedges.
- The routeReittileftpoistuiTalbot SquareTalbot Squareltaby Talbot Road, Abingdon Street and Church StreetTalbot Roadin, Abingdon Streetin ja Church Streetin kauttato Devonshire SquareDevonshire Squarelle, thenalong Whitegate Drivepitkin Whitegate Driveato Oxford Square at its eastern extremityOxford Squaren itäisimpään nurkkaan.
- To visit Everdon Stubbs continue alongthe road whichtietä, jokaleavespoistuuthe villagekylästätowards Everdonkohti Everdonia.
- ApipelinePutkistomeandersmutkitteleeamong the springslähteiden keskellä, collecting steam for distribution to rows of neat houses.
- Beyond them, beyond this enclosure,the lush countrysiderehevä maaseutumeandersmutkitteleeto its low horizonmatalaan horisonttiin.
- From the Outdoor Pursuits Centre at the end of a lane,several footpaths and sheep tracksuseita polkuja ja lammasreittejämeanderristeileeup the rock-strewn hillkivisessä rinteessä, which was scattered with blooming thickets or scrambled egg-yellow gorse swaying in the wind.
- The Knightley Way skirts its western edge and manyfootpathspolkujameanderristeileethrough the treespuiden keskellä.
- The DanubeTonavameandersmutkitteleethrough valley after beautiful valleykauniiden laaksojen halkifrom GermanySaksastato Austria to HungaryItävaltaan ja Unkariin.
- In the gardenPuutarhassaa footbridgejalankulkusiltameandersmutkitteleeover the BrookBrookin yli-- the only section remaining in its original course until it reaches the railway bridge.
- Less known are the inland regions, wheresingle-track roadsyksikaistaiset tietmeanderristeilevätthrough stark valleys where vines, planted singly and each surrounded by a protective wall of lava rock, struggle to produce the excellent local vintagesjyrkkien laaksojen läpi, jossa on yksittäin istutettuja viiniköynnöksiä, joita suojaavat laavakivet ja joiden avulla pyritään tuottamaan loistavia paikallisia vuosikertoja.
- A four-mile pathNeljä mailia pitkä polkumeandersmutkitteleeround the lake in the centre of the parkpuiston keskellä olevan järven ympäri; our project was to lay red shale on a popular and consequently very worn stretch along the north side.
- Many miles ofpathspolkujameanderristeileethrough beautiful woodlandkauniin metsämaan halki, parkland and alongside lochs and rivers.
- ItSereachesylettyy529 feet above ground529 jalan korkeuteen maan pinnalta.
- Incidentally,a 50m abseil50 m:n köysireachesylettyythe groundmaahanfrom the belay at the top of the big corner of The Batköyden ollessa kiinnitettynä The Batin suureen kulmaan.
- There was even one tunnel which, afteritsehadolireachedsaavuttanutits original destination outside the wirealkuperäisen kohteensa langan ulkopuolella, was continued twenty or thirty yards to further cover.
- From AcharacleAcharaclelta,the A.861A.861climbs over a low ridge to Salen, a village on the shore of Loch Sunart,reachingsaavuttaenitsenthrough a pleasant woodlandmiellyttävän metsämaan kauttaandbetween ditches of yellow flag iriskeltaisia kurjenmiekkoja täynnä olevien ojien välissä.
- The ash cloudTuhkapilvireachedylettyiover 15,000 metres in heightyli 15 000 metrin korkeuteenand was carried by the prevailing winds to the north-east, into Argentina.
- Towards the centre of that area were roses and rhododendrons that had been left to grow like weeds, anda willow tree whose branchespajupuut, joiden oksatreachedylettyivätright to the groundmaahanto create a shady den around its trunk.
- The line of typistsKonekirjoittajien nauhawould<empty>reachylettyisiright round the Earthmaapallon ympäri500 times.
- M9 is slightly more vigorous;treespuutwill<empty>reachylettyvätabout 8ftnoin 8 jalkaan, and need good soil.
- His reputationHänen maineensareachesylettyybeyond the countykreivikunnan ulkopuolelle, I believe.
- We go off toanother sitetoiseen paikkaan,reachedsaavutimmeby a quarter mile trek along the main railway lineneljännesmailin reitin päärautatielinjan varrella.
- SCENE:An arc of pale sand-colored hessianKaari vaaleaa hiekanväristä säkkikangastareachesylettyyfrom floorlattiastato beyond eyeviewsilmänkantamattomiin.
- He sawthe shadows thatvarjot, jotareachedylettyivätfrom the furniturehuonekaluista, that slipped from a man and the woman of his life.
- Withvineyardsviinitarhojenreachingylettyessäinto the townkaupunkiin, wine is an integral element to any Stuttgart meal.
- His hairHänen hiuksensa,whichjotkanowreachedylettyivätpast his shoulder bladeshänen lapaluidensa ohi, curled as lustily as honeysuckle.
- The winter sunTalviaurinkoreachedylettyithrough the bare branches of the limeslehmusten paljaiden oksien läpi, making bars of startling light and shade that flickered in the carriage like a pyrotechnic display.
- The thatched pyramid roofsOlkikattoiset pyramidikatotreachedylettyivätalmostto the groundmaahanand rose to points twenty feet overhead.
- He thought thatits rootssen juuretreachedylettyivätbacktaakse, as the doctor thought,into earlier lifeentiseen elämään.
- On one side of the road the cotton plants stand knee-high in well-tended rows; on the othertheyneare besieged by weeds andreachylettyvätto just above the anklejuuri nilkan yläpuolelle.
- These breechesNämä perätreachedylettyivätto just below the kneesjuuri polvien alapuolelleand from there on down she sported green stockings with turn-up tops, which displayed her calf muscles to perfection.
- Longer outer bristlesPidemmät ulommat karvatreachylettyvätaround the teethhampaiden ympärille, while the shorter ones polish the surface.
- The Lloyd Baker estateisona few streets of plain Victorian housesmuutama katu viktoriaanisia taloja, jotkareachingylettyvätup a slope near King's Crossrinteelle lähellä King's Crossia.
- Outside, he headed for the bridge and there, halfway across, he came at last to a halt, with traffic rushing past, the river gleaming below andthe citykaupunkireachingulottuessaaway<empty>in an infinite complex parade of shining white and pearly grey with light snapping from windows and cars.
- Two bright gold stripesKaksi kirkasta kullanväristä nauhaareachylettyybacktaaksefrom the eyesilmästä,through the operculumkiduskannen läpi,to either side of the base of the pectoral finrintaevän tyven kummallekin puolelle.
- Complete withprovenancealkuperällä, jokareachingulottuuback to the artist's lifetimetaaksepäin taiteilijan elinaikaan, and in the present owner's family since 1690, this painting's attribution to Rembrandt has never been questioned.
- The moves for an extended system of university educationToimet laajennettua yliopistokoulutusjärjestelmää vartenreachulottuvatback to the 18405 when it was aimed at providing more qualified candidates for Anglican ordinationvuoteen 1840, jolloin sen tavoitteena oli tuottaa pätevämpiä hakijoita anglikaaniseen pappisvihkimykseen, but it was very soon transformed into a more lay-oriented mission.
- It was a picture of a girl wearing a frilly bonnet andlong, frilly drawers thatpitkiä, röyhelöisiä alushousuja, jotkareachedylettyivätdown below her dress to her ankleshänen mekkonsa alareunasta hänen nilkkoihinsa.
- In another,stalactitestippukivipuikotreachedylettyivätdown to the floorlattiaan saakkaand they walked through a forest of pillars.
- They chose a point at whichthe bankpenkkareachedylettyisteeplyjyrkästidown to a poollammikkoon, a slight bend in the course having eaten away a miniature beach on the far side.
- However, half-a-thumb's-length beyond it (roughly two minutes at 75kts) is another very distinctive marker point,a 300ft mast300 jalan masto, jokareachingulottuito over 700ft amsl (L)yli 700 jalkaan amsl (L),which we can use to back-confirm our time over the half-way point as we pass south abeam it.
- Nothing distinguished this place:great sweaty limbs of treessuuret hikiset puunoksatreachedylettyivätup through the green twilightvihreän iltahämärän läpito the green ceilingvihreään kattoon, young trees grew in the spaces between them, thin stalks tipped with a few pale leaves.
- The houseTalowas part of a terrace, narrow andrisingnoustenfour storiesneljä kerrostafrom the level of the semi-private road running alongside Kensington High Streetpuoliksi yksityisen, Kensington High Streetiä pitkin kulkevan tien tasolta.
- The Little EmmeLittle Emmerisesnouseefurther east on the slopes of th Giswiler Stock (near the Lungern Lake)kauemmas itään Giswiler Stockin rinteitä (lähellä Lungernin järveä)and flows roughly north an then east to join the Reuss.)
- Hatton Locks on the Grand Union Canal wherethe 21 locks21 sulkuarisenouseeover 45 metresyli 45 metrin korkeuteenthrough the Warwickshire countrysideWarwickshiren maaseudulla.
- His tawny skin was stretched tight over the bone,his winged black eyebrowshänen siipien näköiset mustat kulmakarvansarosenousivatabove a nose that curved like a falcon's over his wide mouthhaukan nokan lailla kaareutuvan nenän yläpuolelle hänen leveän suunsa päällä.
- The ground outside this principal gateTämän pääportin ulkopuolinen maarisesnouseealong Watling StreetWatling Streetiä pitkinand it would seem a most suitable site for a large cemetery.
- Above Trow Gill,the pathpolkurisesnouseegraduallyasteittainalongside a wallmuuria pitkinand after half a mile reaches a stile admitting to the open moorland on the left.
- Monsieur Truffer came in our car and directed us through Cherbourg and up to Bourbourg, which is ona hillsidemäenrinteellä, jokarisingnouseebehind the east side of the Harboursataman itäpuolen takana.
- Damp leaves coveredthe rocky pathkivistä polkua, jokarisingnouseebetween old wallsvanhojen muurien välissä.
- Then she sawa thin trail of smokeohuen savujuovanrisingnousevanfrom her sister's clothingsisarensa vaatteista, and smelt the dry odour of smouldering cloth.
- Certainly, it was quite a strenuous walk -- though I can say it failed to cause me any real difficulty --the pathpolkurisingnouseein zigzags up the hillsidemutkitellen ylös rinnettäfor a hundred yards or sosuunnilleen sadan jaardin verran.
- Imagine yourself in a lush, green landscape, withhillsmäkienrisingnoustessaaround youympärilläsi.
- It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel; and beyond that the sun shining andthe mountainsvuoretrisingnousevatover the fruit treeshedelmäpuiden ylle.
- Another passageway stretched before them andmore shadowy stairsvarjoisammat portaatrosenousivatoverheadyläpuolella.
- Prior to the Iraq coup in mid-1958the routereittihadoliskirtedkiertänythostile Arab air-space to the northvihamielisen pohjoisessa olevan arabi-ilmatilanby overflying Turkey and Iraq to reach the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.
- The pathPolkuthenskirtskiertääwoodland at Nether HowNether Howin metsämaitaand returns via Mill Beck to Buttermere car park.
- Her final sight of Hatherley was fromthe lane whichtieltä, jotkaskirtedkiersithe parkpuistoafor a short distancelyhyen matkan.
- Next came one of the most spectacular sections of the whole Trans-Siberian,the Circumbaikal lineBaikalin reitille,whichjokaskirtskiertääLake BaikalBaikalinjärven.
- It was about 10.45 when he met William Tidbury onthe large track or roadway thatsuurella tiellä tai maantiellä, jokaskirtskiertääthe woodsmetsässä.
- The low-lying meadows, the WhistlesMatalat niityt, Whistles, jotka, nowskirtedkiersiby Victoria AvenueVictoria Avenue, have often been flooded in winter.
- Balerno is the terminus of the chain of villages linked bythe river valley whichjokilaaksoon, jokaskirtskiertääalong the northern slopes of the Pentland HillsPentland Hillsin pohjoisia huippuja pitkin.
- Cul-de-sacsUmpikujatskirtkiertävätwarilyvarovastidown to themheitä kohtiand then peter out.
- She stood still on the track, and, as she stared up at him,the shaft of moonlightkuunvalon säteilynslantinglangetessaacross herhäneen, her face betrayed surprise as she exclaimed, `Silas -- you amaze me.
- Shadows cast by the open doorAvoimen oven heittämät varjotslantedlankesivatacross the strong lines of nose and jawvahvojen nenä- ja leukalinjojen päälle, softening the hard line of his mouth.
- The lightValoslantedlankesiacross her skinhänen iholleenin such a way the tiny blonde hairs showed like fair fluff.
- Scarlet striationsPunaiset uurteetslantedlankesivatfrom his spinehänen selkärangastaanto his shoulderbladeshänen lapaluihinsa.
- Outboard interplane strutsKoneen ulkopuoliset tuetslantedlankesivatoutwardulospäinfrom the lower wingtipsalemmilta siivenkärjiltä, but a system of sturdy inverted V and single struts supported the three 485hp Bristol Jupiter IX radial engines mounted on the upper wing.
- Beyond the window,sunshineauringonvaloslantedlankesithrough the treespuiden läpito fall across Frankie's face as he enjoyed his morning feast.
- A much trodden tourist pathTallottu turistipolkuleaves Achintee Farm in Glen Nevis andslantsviettääupwardsylöspäinto a midway plateau of open ground where the superstructure of the mountain towersavointa puolivälin tasannetta, jossa vuorien superrakenne kohoaa.
- Students of French would be offereda coursekurssi, jokaslantedviettitowards the study of the contemporary spoken languagekohti nykyaikaisen puhutun kielen tutkimusta.
- By the time he arrived at the meeting,the floorlattiawas<empty>slantingviettilike a deckkuin laivan kansiagain.
- From behind the churcha ploughed fieldkynnetty peltoslantedviettiup to the uncompromising skylineylös tinkimättömään taivaanrantaan.
- All the good characters (i.e. the communists) have bright red faces andeyebrows whichkulmakarvat, jotkaslantviettävätup sidewaysylös sivulle, whereas the bad characters tend to have wrinkly eyebrows and yellowish faces.
- There were two black lines of metal there,two railskahden raiteenslantingkallistuessaupylösout of the hangarlentokonehallistaand disappearing in the darkness
- Note at lower right,slantingkallistuenupylösfrom beneath the end of the silver lace chevronhopeanvärisen hihamerkin pään takaa,the neatly stitched bottom edge of the patch on which the colour badge is workedsen merkin siististi neulottu reuna, johon värimerkki kiinnitetään.
- I don't mean to, it's just the waymy penminun kynänislantsvärittää.
- He turned and made a few fast strokes in pursuit, and swam intoa current of colder water thatkylmän veden virtaan, jokasnakedmutkitteliacross the baypitkin poukamaaand washed round him.
- So I continued south, making my way alongthe great chalk road whichsuurta kalkkitietä, jokasnakedmutkitteliacross the DownsDownsin ohito DoverDoveriin.
- The driveAjomatkasnakedmutkitteliacross the flank of the hillmäen reunaa pitkinto a levelled clearing which had once been the site of a minetasoitetulle metsäaukiolle, jossa oli aikoinaan ollut kaivos; a giant stack still stood within a hundred yards of their door.
- HosesLetkutsnakedmutkittelivatacross the floorlattian poikkifrom the freightersrahtialuksistato the tankstankkeihin, while cables stretched out from blocky generators like the arms of octopi.
- A rubber hose-pipeKuminen vesiletkusnakedkiemurteliacross the yardpihan poikkifrom the kitchen windowkeittiön ikkunasta, bringing hot water from the tap in the big sink.
- They rode through the wicket gate of the church, followingthe pathway whichkäytävää, jokasnakedkiemurtelibetween the trees and overgrown gravespuiden ja umpeenkasvaneiden hautojen poikkito the Norman church which stood on the brow of a small hillockNormanin kirkolle, joka sijaitsi pienen kumpareen huipulla.
- We followeda narrow path thatkapeaa polkua, jokasnakedkiemurteliprecariouslyepävarmastidown the escarpment sidealas jyrkkää rinnettä.
- Pale roadsPaljaat tietsnakedkiemurtelivatfrom themheidän luotaandown to the newer tourist settlements by the seaalas rannalla oleviin uudempiin turistikeskuksiin.
- Or drive south from Ramsey to Douglas ona road thattiellä, jokasnakesmutkitteleeupwardsylösinto the collar of cloud that rests on the shoulders of Snaefell, the highest mountain on ManManin korkeimman vuoren Snaefellin hartioilla olevan pilven kaulukseen.
- Most of this happens in three dimensions and is best seen from this canal asroadstietsnakemutkittelevatthrough the air in all directionsilman läpi kaikkiin suuntiin.
- It was interestingly designed, true enough, a charming affair of pink stucco backing against the hill, and withits own private pathsen oman yksityisen polkunsnakingmutkitellessatowards the seakohti merta, but there was still something unfinished about it.
- Smoke signalsSavumerkitsnakedkiemurtelivatout of the mountainpois vuorelta-- then tom-toms commenced with a beat
- A ropeKöysisnakedkiemurtelidownalas.
- She thought again what a point of defence the tower was, commanding the countryside, and then she saw that there wasa back road leading away from the tower, narrower, bumpier even than the drive to the front doortornilta pois johtava takatie, joka oli kapeampi ja kuoppaisempi kuin etuovelle johtava tie,whichjokasnakedkiemurteliquicklynopeastidown the hillalas rinnettäandout of sightpois näkyvistä.
- She lived in the Palestinian camp at Rashidiyeh, a wretched four square miles of breeze-block huts and cabins relieved only by the occasional tree, a straggling plant hanging from a poorly made brick wall andan open sewer thatavoin viemäri, jokasnakedkiemurteliuneasilylevottomanadown the centre of the mud roadsmutaisten teiden keskellä.
- By Thursday heavy, grey clouds enshrouded the city andthe queue at the central bus stationkeskusbussiasemalla oleva jonosnakedkiemurteliin and out of piles of colourful bags, trusty, slightly outdated skis and laughing Czechs of every agevärikkäiden laukkujen, luotettavien ja hiukan vanhentuneiden suksien ja kaikenikäisten nauravien tsekkien keskellä.
- Thick pipes sprouted from several places in the range, some disappearing through holes in the ceiling, others through the floor, whileoneyksisnakedkiemurtelialong the skirting boardjalkalistaa pitkinbefore vanishing through a door.
- Then, for the last twenty minutes,the roadtiesnakesmutkitteleedown the mountainsidealas vuorenrinnettä.
- The smelt mills hadlong flues thatpitkät savutorvet, jotkain some casessnakedkiemurtelivatup the hillsideylös rinnettäandacross the fellnummien poikki.
- From CardiffCardiffistathe routereittisnakesmutkitteleeupylösthrough the valleys south of CaerphillyCaerpillyn eteläpuolisten laaksojen läpi,over the Ebbw RiverEbbw-joen yli,through the Ebbw ForestEbbwin metsän poikkiand onvia the mining town of RiscaRiscan kaivoskaupungin kauttato PontypoolPontypooliin.
- The police car held the wet roads, eventhe treacherous lanes thatkavalia teitä, jotkasnakedkiemurtelivatup into the hillsylös kukkulalle.
- The roadTiestretched ahead,swervingkääntyengentlykevyestiup a hill through fields bounded by stone wallsylös mäkeä kiviseinien rajaamien peltojen läpi.
- Past little stands of foxglove in the green foreground before a copse,the floor of the woodpuun alaosaswerveskaartuusharply downjyrkästi alasto a fast stream the colour of nickelnopeaan nikkelinväriseen virtaan.
- You're never very far from urban centres butthe walkkävelylenkkisidesteps andswerveskaartuuas cleverly as the best Welsh fly-halves to follow a largely rural route.
- The roadTieswungkääntyiliback and forthedestakaisinbetween sandhills and glimpses of flat waterdyynien ja tasaisen veden näkymien välillä,toward the seakohti merta, theninlandsisämaanto villageskyliin.
- A hatchback is where it all comes up and it all swings up,the whole backkoko takaosaswingskääntyyupylös,doesn't it?
- At Isletena narrow mountain road (used by the postbus)kapea vuoristotie (jota postiauto käytti)alsoswingskääntyyoff<empty>to the leftvasemmalle, running for 19km (12 miles) to the rocky and romantic Isenthal from which the ascent to the ice-capped Uri Rotstock is approached.
- In the south west of Alaska,the volcanic chaintulivuoriketjupicks up again strongly, andswingskääntyyout to seamerelleto form the long arcs of the Aleutian and Kurile Islands.
- I came to the braided reaches of the river whereitseswungkääntyiout over the sandshiekan yli, and adjusted my steps so that I cleared all the channels easily and cleanly, a leap at a time.
- This line of islandsTämä saarijonoswingskääntyyround to the northpohjoiseen, and finallyback to the west through South Georgiatakaisin länteen Etelä-Georgian halki, describing a great loop, and then heads off for the extreme south of South America.
- Estate landKartanon maatswingskääntyvätround in a crescent to the eastpuolikuun muotoisesti itään,up to the A19ylös A19:lle.
- The gatePorttiswungkaartuioutwardsulospäin, and he found himself looking up at the massive head of a yawning dragon with creased cheek and jowl and a lolling red tongue.
- Keeping them functioning, not to mention well-maintained, was a formidable task, asnot all routeskaikki reitit eivätcouldpystyneettraversekulkemaanthe worldmaailman poikkion purely British turf.
- In addition,many rural areasmonia maaseutualueitawere<empty>traversedhalkoiby the rail networkrautatieverkosto, which gave them an additional lifeline and a link with main centres.
- The ocean basins themselvesItse valtamerialtaitaare<empty>traversedhalkoiby a vast system of mid-oceanic ridges up to 1000km in width and tens of thousands of kilometres in lengthsuuri järjestelmä keskivaltameren harjanteita, joiden leveys oli jopa 1 000 km ja pituus kymmeniätuhansia kilometreja.
- It coversabout 3630 acresnoin 3 630 eekkeriä,traversedsitä halkooby the River HolbeckHolbeck-jokiand drained by several small tributaries, mainly Fitlock Brook.
- The pathPolkutraverseskulkeeround this peaktämän huipun poikkiand leads down to the Old Church of Martindale (2.5 miles).
- Far below in the glens, pinpoints of yellow light, growing in number as darkness fell, served to accentuate the loneliness ofthe scree slopes whichirtokivisten rinteiden, joillaIminänowtraversedkuljin.
- Signs point the way along atwistingmutkittelevaapathpolkuatowards the site but give no warning of what is to come.
- A maze of low stone walls bounded thetwistingmutkittelevatpathspolutof the front lawn, and one wall of a former next-door cottage had been left standing as an ornament, with glassless windows.
- Behind the Stade the Old Town nestles in a valley filled withtwistingmutkitteleviapassagewayskäytäviä, flower-filled squares and lovely cottages.
- And down a tight,twistymutkittelevaaroadtietäit would disappear from either in a short order.
- Just the car to have on an island full of lots of narrow, high-hedgedtwistymutkitteleviaroadsteitäand a 60-miles-per-hour speed limit.
- Cars speed up and down thetwistymutkitteleviaroadteitäat all hours and residents and visitors frequently park vehicles on the road restricting access.
- From there on, the topography is less demanding,the roadtieundulatingkumpuileegentlykevyestiall the way to Monmouthkoko matkan Monmouthiin.
- Ifthe terrainmaastoisonundulatingkumpuilevaa,it is also important to peg the net tight to the ground in the bottom of the hollows for otherwise rabbits will escape beneath the net.
- Go straight uphill in second field, initially with right edge and the barn 100 yds away;the routereittifinallyveerskaartaarightoikealleto leave field by far right-hand corner.
- Before reaching Great End however, followthe main path whichpääpolkua, jokaveerskaartaato the rightoikealle,down to a broad elevated col called Esk Hausealas leveään, korkeaan solaan nimeltä Esk Hause(1.25 miles).
- The routeReittithen follows the Ebor Way for a stretch beforeveeringkääntymistäänoff<empty>rightoikeallejust before Hollin Hill Plantation.
- The railwayRautatieveeredkääntyioff towards the minekohti kaivosta.
- Ace sensed that its forward speed had slowed too, and thatits coursesen reittiwas<empty>veeringkääntyirightwardsoikealle.
- Wires upon wiresLangat ja johdotwovepunoutuivataround himhänen ympärilleen, binding him to his amplifiers.
- The trackReittidipped,weavingpuikkelehtieninto a wooded hollowpuiseen notkoon.
- Butleisure journeyshuvimatkojaweavepujotteleeall over the placekaikkialla.
- The white road linesValkoiset tieviivatweavepujottelevatminutelytarkastialongeteenpäin, being eaten by car rubber.
- The lineViivaweavespuikkelehtiiback and forthedestakaisinin the watervedessä,in sinister swayheiluen pahaenteisesti.
- The best parts of his book revealthe Honecker-like corruption thatHoneckermaisen korruption, jokaweavespunoutuuaround the top of the Communist partykommunistipuolueen johdon ylleand embraces even Mr Gorbachev himself.
- A small beard grew around the mouth anda pony tailponinhäntäweavedheiluidown his backhänen selässään.
- The linesViivatweavepujottelevatand turn and the stations are not regularly placed.
- Imaginea trackwaykarjareitti,windingmutkitellenacross a hillsidemäenrinteen poikki,no more than a sheep track, perhaps, or an ancient drove roadpelkkä lammaspolku, tai ehkä ikivanha ajotie.
- To producethe low scarps whichmatalat kalliot, jotkawindmutkittelevatacross the Mercurian surfaceMerkuriuksen pinnalla,the radius of Mercury need only have decreased by a few tenths of a percent.
- The little streamPieni jokiwoundmutkitteleeamong floating eyots of water flowers that looked like day stars reflecting a mystical heavenkelluvien vesikukkasaarien seassa, jotka näyttivät kuin mystistä taivasta heijastavilta päivätähdiltä.
- Then as the journey proceeds the harshness of the Stoer landscape softens,the roadtiewindingmutkitteleeamongst low heathery hillsmatalien kanervikkokukkuloiden seassaand skirting the shores of many small lochans.
- Goat bells, the smell of thyme,a pathpolku, jokawindingmutkitteleeamong olive treesoliivipuiden joukossa, and the hot sun on your back: this is the Greece that endures.
- The path leading to the stepping stones which forded Hodge BeckPolku, joka johtaa Hodge Beckin yli vieville askelkiville,woundmutkitteleenarrowlykapeanabetween high sheltering hedgeskorkeiden suojaisien pensasaitojen välissä.
- A bright orange riverKirkkaan oranssi jokiwoundmutkitteleebetween terraced houses and cleanly-painted pigeon lofts perched among the allotmentssiirtolapuutarhan ympärillä olevien rivitalojen ja siististi maalattujen kyyhkyslakkojen välissä.
- Alongside the walla narrow pathkapea polkuwoundmutkitteleebetween waist-high nettlesvyötärönkorkuisten nokkosten seassato a small structure whose function one could guess atpieneen rakennelmaan, jonka merkitystä voi vain arvailla.
- She drove fearlessly upa narrow dirt-track road thatkapeaa maarataa, jokawoundmutkitteleesteeplyjyrkästibetween scented pine treestuoksuvien mäntyjen välissäbecause she was still mad that Fernando could have done such a thing.
- The sharp declivities on all sides give depth to the prospect and reveal Mallerstang below andthe Eden valleyEedenin laakson, jokawindingmutkitteleeinto the distancekaukaisuuteenbacked by Cross Fell, with the town of Kirkby Stephen also easily seen.
- A steep hillJyrkkä rinnewoundmutkitteleesharply upwardsterävästi ylöspäininto MonpazierMonpazieriin.
- In the cold darkness within he groped his way tothe narrow stair thatkapeisiin portaisiin, jotkawoundmutkittelevatupwardsylösinto the triforiumtriforioon, and climbed it, clinging with nervous hands to the stone.
- The roadTiewoundmutkitteepast fieldspeltojen ohiand passed through a thicket of young trees.
- The trackReittiwoundmutkitteepast one last stand of treesviimeisen metsikön ohi, then petered out as it reached a wide, open space at the top of the hill.
- Narrow paved streets that are little more than alleysKapeat päällystetyt kadut, jotka ovat tuskin kujia isompia.windmutkittelevatinformallyepämuodollisestiround a low ridge once densely packed with housesmatalan kallion ympäri talojen ympäröiminä.
- For a few weeks in mid-winter, the steel-blue waters of the Zanskar river freeze intoa seventy mile ice passagewayseitsemänkymmenen mailin jääkulkutieksi, jokawindingmutkitteleethrough a deep canyon in the remote mountains of the northern Himalayasyvän kanjonin läpi Pohjois-Himalajan kaukaisilla vuorilla.
- To their right hand lay the marshlands, wherethe riversjoetwoundmutkittelevatseaward through their deep, reedy channelskohti merta syvien, kaislaisten kanavien läpi, and to the east the land showed rolling and forested towards the high lift of the downs.
- A pathPolkuwoundmutkitteleeaway from the housepoispäin talolta, leading through the ridges and furrows of fields long left to nature.
- Suddenly she came out through the last curtain of trees and found herself looking down over sunlit green meadowland to wherea railway linerautatielinjawoundmutkitteleelike a serpentkuin käärmethrough a cutting at the footalaosassa olevan reiän läpi.
- Below, a serpent of flame wreathed the ground:a burning river of light whichpalava valojoki, jokawoundmutkitteleefrom behind a dark knollpimeän kumpareen takaaand spilled, slow as honey, towards the blind gates of Famagusta.
- The variations within that calculation are not extreme -- perhaps an extra half-hour at breakfast; perhaps they did not leave Aberdeen precisely (Boswell says `about eight in the morning ``), perhapsthe roadtiewoundmutkitteleearoundympäriinsä,to make thirty milesjotta sen pituus olisi kolmekymmentä mailia.
- Ore was also carted down from a hopper at Top Level,the trackreitincrossing the beck directly below the waterfall thenwindingmutkitellessaaroundympäriinsäto connect with the Levers Water -- Paddy End track.
- The pathPolkuwoundmutkitteleein and out of deep ravinessyviin rotkoihin ja niistä pois,through thick oak and pine forests and dense undergrowthtiheiden tammi- ja mäntymetsien sekä tiiviin aluskasvillisuuden läpi.
- It is narrow with passing places;itsewindsmutkitteleein and outsisään ja ulosandup and downylös ja alasto circumvent natural obstacles, and progress is slow by main road standards.
- The deserted pathHylätty polkuwoundmutkitteleeon.
- Another staircase (up, this time) whichToiset portaat (tällä kertaa ylös), jotkawoundmutkittelevatround and roundympäri ja ympärias if it were in some kind of turret (Blythe had noticed two from the outside) until it reached a small dingy landing.
- Narrow lanesKapeat tietwoundmutkittelevataround the margins of these fieldsnäiden peltojen reunojen ympäri, sheltered from the prevailing wind and in the full face of the sun.
- The early canals werecontour canalsmaastonmuotokanavia,windingjotka mutkittelivataboutympäriinsäfor milesmailejain order to circumvent a hillkiertääkseen mäen; but the later ones were made as straight as possible by means of cuttings and embankments.
- Even I can remember there used to bea narrow strip of sandkapea kaistale hiekkaa,windingjoka mutkittelialongeteenpäinbetween the stoneskivien välissä, Ruth thought; it wasn't a total waste of time, bringing our buckets and spades here when we were kids.
- He continued to talk thus now, as they walked down the grand vista, away from the formal gardens and into the woodland rides, where classical figures loomed from the undergrowth andthe serpentine rillkiemurteleva purowoundmutkitteliawaypoispäintowards a distant templekohti kaukaista temppeliä.
- We noticed nowa trail of well-trodden snowtallatun lumisen polun, jokawindingmutkitteliback towards the shoretakaisin kohti rannikkoa, obviously a route known to be safe by the experienced locals.
- The path from Billy's cottagePolku Billyn mökiltäwoundmutkittelidown towards the river bankkohti joenpenkkaa.
- StreamsVirratwoundmutkittelevatdown to the shorealas rannalle, murmuring.
- But as he passed the crossroads and came tothat part of the road thattien sille osalle, jokawoundmutkitteleedownalasinto ChesneyChesneyhinhe couldn't help recalling the man he had seen skipping among the trees.
- ItSebegins just north of the Mexican border and continues as far as Vancouver, sometimeswindingmutkitelleninlandsisämaahan, occasionally merging with the multi-laned 101, but always providing fascinating variety.
- A natural harbour, set between two rocky headlands, formsa centre point from whichkeskeisen paikan, jostanarrow streetskapeat kadutwindmutkittelevatuphillylämäkeen.
- Gauging a spot which he thought might be level with Vic's house, Mungo struck up to the right on awindingmutkittelevallapathpolulla.
- He reached the river, crossed the ford, and climbed thewindingmutkittelevaapathpolkuaup the opposite cliff.
- Littlewindingmutkittelevatpathspolutrun through woodland and across sheep-grazed award.
- The land of clear air, snowy peaks and glaciers, chamois and ibex, perfect wild flowers, magnificent vistas, deep valleys andwindingmutkitteleviaroadspolkuja…
- Haslemere Border road runners took on awindytuulisenand hillycoursereitinat Cranleigh last Sunday.
- Freewheeling down this long,windytuulistaroadtietäcan be especially exhilarating because emergency action is often needed to dodge the tractors that chug around the hedge-blind corners.
- Every hundred metres or so when we metthe roadtien, jokazigzaggingmutkitteliits six kilometres to the topkuusi kilometriä huipullewe turned to the landscape: huge conical mountains with valleys that knit together as neatly as in a child's drawing.
- Once out of the village they picked up speed and tooka road thattien, jokawould<empty>zigzagmutkittelisithrough five hamletsviiden kylän läpibefore bringing them to the only cart track that wound up the lower slopes of the mountain.
- Barbed wirePiikkilankazigzaggedmutkitteliin front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
- There isa short cut across the fieldspieni railo pelloilla,zigzaggingmutkitellenalong the boundary banksrajapenkkoja pitkin.
- As I panted in the thin air, a herdboy passed me onthe broken steps whichrikkinäisille askelmille, jotkazigzaggedmutkittelivatup the mountainside, joining the smooth terraces with their retaining walls of stoneylös vuoren rinnettä leveten tasaisilla penkereillä, jossa oli jäljellä kiviseiniä.
- Cut into the sultry gold of his skin she sawa thin white line whichohuen valkoisen viivan, jokazigzaggedmutkittelidownalasfrom beside his eyehänen silmänsä vierestä,along his cheekbonepitkin hänen poskiluutaan,to his jawhänen leukaansa.
- A narrow pathKapea polkuzigzaggedmutkittelisteeplyjyrkästidownalasfrom in front of the colonnadepylväikön edestäto the shorerannalle.
- At end cross road, take signposted bridleway via gate opposite and turn left in field; faint grassy path gradually diverges from hedge on left and where bank of trees immediately on right ends,trackreitistäbecomes very clear andzigzagsse mutkitteleedownhillalaspäin.