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- In addition to the lectures,part 11osan 11participantsosallistujatattend two days of conferences related to archaeology and undertake a short practical survey project.
- One of the accepted reasons why mostparticipantsosallistujatagree to such a major shift is that the population a department services has grown particularly fast.
- It should be noted that the DTI provides support for about 7000 Britishparticipantsosallistujalle,attending over 300 overseas trade fairs.
- Some 13 out of 16participantsosallistujasta,attending the WACC seminar at the 1990 Frankfurt Book Fairjotka osallistuivat vuoden 1990 Frankfurtin kirjamessujen WACC-seminaariincame from the Asia Region.
- No such sacrifices were demanded of theparticipantsosallistujiltaat the Day Schoolpäiväkoulun.
- Anotherparticipantosallistujaat the consultationneuvottelun,Pedro Gilberto Gomes of BrazilBrasilian Pedro Gilberto Gomes, spoke on `Communication, Hope and Ethics ``.
- Even the General Strike of May 1926 had little impact as the five unions represented on the District's divisional committee were not among themajormerkittävienparticipantsosallistujienat national levelkansallisella tasolla.
- Of the 300participantsosallistujastaat the congressKongressin, over one third came from eastern European countries.
- She and Elizabeth Machin attended the Coburg course last May and brought back good wishes from `Usch ``, who looks forward to meeting the Britishparticipantsosallistujatat this year's Whitsun Coursetämän vuoden Whitsun-kurssin.
- Surrey police say the film would help identifyparticipantsosallistujatat the weekend party, near Reigate, Surrey, where 16 police were injuredviikonlopun juhlissa lähellä Surreyn Reigatea, jossa 16 poliisia loukkaantui.
- Nona as anactiveaktiivisenaparticipantosallistujanain their arrival at the tunnel partyheidän saapuessaan tunnelijuhliinwas a new idea.
- Just half a mile away, we could see the rampart of sand, 20 feet high, behind which the Palestinians lay waiting,unwillinghaluttominaparticipantsosallistumaanin a ceasefire which Arafat himself had already declared sacrosancttulitaukoon, jonka Arafat itse oli jo julistanut pyhäksi.
- The Romanian side accusedthe 14th Army14. armeijaaofbeing anettä se oliactiveaktiivinenparticipantosapuoliin the conflictkonfliktin.
- In effect, the new images, emanating from sociology, economics, eugenics and psychology, projected adolescents asactiveaktiivisinaparticipantsosapuolinain the social ordersosiaalisessa järjestyksessä, with a political identity, and capable of consequential behaviour.
- Sponsorship decisions that they face and must take because of their impecunity are based on a careful assessment of their impact upontheirniidenparticipantsosapuoliinand their supporters.
- So small is this world, and so insignificantareovatitssenparticipantsosapuolet, that detailed attention might be considered unnecessary.
- Firstly, astheirniidenparticipantsosallistujatconfessed, they were supposed to be balanced in composition, and were inevitably predisposed towards consensus.
- But it is just becauseparticipantsosallistujienin conversationkeskustelunmay be expected to observe the sub-maxim ``be orderly that we have that expectation.
- Similarly,participantsosallistujillain conversationkeskustelunhave certain -- no doubt highly culture-bound -- assumptions about possible courses for a conversation, length and type of turn, total duration, and so on.
- Eachmarketmarkkina-participantosapuolenwill have correctly forecast all the relevant decisions of others.
- On arrival,conferencekonferenssinparticipantsosallistujiawere invited to sign up for a workshop of their choice.
- Conference under which they will carry out the work whichconferencekonferenssinparticipantsosallistujatresolved that they should.
- This contract enablesinternational marketkansainväliset markkina-participantsosapuoletto hedge their positions during the European trading day.
- TrialOikeudenkäynninparticipantsosapuoletin BoiseBoisessawill use L M Ericsson Telefon AB DECT1800 radio base stations and handsets transmitting in the 1.88GHz to 1.9GHz band.
- Multi-bank loan techniques were readily adopted in the euro-currency markets, especially asUS banksUSA:n pankitareovatmayorsuuriamarketmarkkina-participantsosapuolia.
- That there are Parliamentarians who actually can't see wrong in this sadistic illness makes one realise that these, along withbloodsportmetsästykseenparticipantsosallistujat, need psychiatric treatment more than our votes.
- Dressed however in striking green riding outfits and cowboy-like felt hats,these boys and girlsnämä pojat ja tytötare noschool outingkoulun keskeyttäviäparticipantsosallistujia.
- Only between 10% and 20% of theclub'sklubinparticipantsosallistujistaare Sun clients, Saillard says.
- Our publicity is distributed toparticipantsosallistujilleof mass bike events such as the annual Edinburgh -- St. Andrews ridesuurten pyöräilytapahtumien, kuten vuosittaisen Edinburgh - St. Andrews -ajonwhich attracts over 600 entrants, and this publicity could include information about NFC.
- ParticipantsOsallistujiaof the follow up study among drug users in AmsterdamAmsterdamissa tehtävään huumeidenkäyttäjien keskuudessa tehtävään seurantatutkimukseenhave been recruited since December 1985.
- However, theparticipantsosallistujatof the Geneva conferenceGeneven konferenssinrecognised the incomplete nature of their work and they hoped to follow it up with another conference.
- Finally, it is intended to carry out some observational work at a selected site in the system, possibly courts, and interviewkeytärkeimpiäparticipantsosallistujia.
- New York City has a computerised riot control room which uses closed-circuit television cameras to relay detailed information about the movement ofriotmellakkojenparticipantsosallistujien(Manwaring-White, 1983:90-1).
- HeHänwas the mostolieloquent and persuasivekaunopuheisin ja vakuuttavinparticipantosapuoliat meetingskokouksissaand was hard to defeat in scientific argument -- not least because he often interpreted data more correctly than the actual presenter.
- However, it is also necessary to take account of the growth of total employment, again excludingspecial programmeerityisten ohjelmienparticipantsosallistujat, over the years in question.
- LASMO, which has a 25 per cent share in the projectLASMO, jolla on 25 prosentin osuus projektista,is aonvery activeerittäin aktiivinenparticipantosapuoli.
- All theparticipantsosallistujatin the secret groupsalaisen ryhmänwere themselves arrested within days.
- Other members of the Zwinger crew areDocumentaDocumenta-participantosapuoliEran SchaerfEran Schaerf, the Berlin performance group Die Tödlische Doris and the solo performance artist Susi Pop.
- Roman Catholicism preserves clear remnants of the medieval canonical teaching in its exclusion of women from the sanctuary as altar servers, or even asparticipantsosallistujinain the rite of footwashingjalkojenpesuriitin.
- In October 1990 anotherprominenthuomattavaparticipantosapuoliin the coup attemptvallankaappausyrityksen,Col. Alexander Nobleeversti Alexander Noble, emerged from hiding to lead a revolt on Mindanao.
- Now, therefore, and unlike the earlier period,only menvain miehetwere theolivatfulltäysiäparticipantsosallistujiain<empty>and officiants ofthe nation's religious lifekansan uskonnollisessa elämässä.
- Asparticipantsosallistujinain the OTCOTC:nfor over 15 yearsyli 15 vuoden ajan, 1993 was a special year for NDT Systems, Inc.
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- More time is needed for meetings to make sure thateveryonekaikillahas the opportunityto<empty>participateosallistuafullytäysillä.
- Polish womenPuolalaiset naisetassert their rightto<empty>participateosallistuain media and in churchestiedotusvälineissä ja kirkoissa
- Executive responsibility -- as part of a teamthe solicitorasianajajallahas the opportunityto<empty>participateosallistuato a greater degree than an outside solicitorsuuremmassa määrin kuin ulkopuolisella asianajajallain the commercial decisions resulting from advicekaupallisiin päätöksiin, joita tehdään neuvojen perusteella.
- `IMinäam delighted to have the opportunityto<empty>participateosallistuain this type of trainingtämäntyyppiseen koulutukseen.
- TheyHeparticipateosallistuvatactivelyaktiivisestiin the learning processoppimisprosessiinand receive direct feedback as to the progress they are making.
- ChinaKiinanwill not find it easyto<empty>participateosallistuafullytäysillä.
- These `research associates ``Nämä 'tutkimusapulaiset'will<empty>participateosallistuvatfullytäysilläin the main fieldwork stages of the investigationtutkimuksen pääkenttätyövaiheisiin.
- He or sheHänenwill be expectedto<empty>participateosallistuvanactivelyaktiivisestiwithin the Centre's research activitieskeskuksen tutkimustoimintaan.
- I think justeverybodykaikkiparticipatesosallistuvatvery wellerittäin hyvinin the lessonsoppitunneillaand make some good contribution.
- TheyHealso agreedto<empty>participateosallistuawith the business sectoryrityssektorin kanssain a ``national dialogue'kansalliseen vuoropuheluun'to reactivate productivity and encourage national reconstructiontuottavuuden jälleenaktivoimiseksi ja kansallisen uudelleenrakentamisen rohkaisemiseksi.
- Maybe it all stems from never being allowedto<empty>participateosallistuawith the big boysisojen poikien kanssain childhood beach games using oil drums as wicketslapsuuden rantapeleihin, joissa käytetään öljyrumpuja hiloina.
- We have developed a most successful Urban Design Initiative wherestudents from schools of architecturearkkitehtuurikoulujen opiskelijathaveovatparticipatedosallistuneetwith practitionersammatinharjoittajien kanssain developing imaginative approaches to exploring the potential of vacant urban siteskuvitteellisten menetelmien kehittämiseen potentiaalisesti vapaiden kaupunkialueiden tutkimiseksi.
- There are many opportunities for disabled people to join in team or individual sports, andwithin some sportsjoissakin urheilulajeissapeople with handicapsvammaiset ihmisetcanvoivatparticipateosallistuawith able-bodied peopletyökykyisten ihmisten kanssa.
- Since its inception, however, it had developed into a complex web of regulations which preventedcivil servantsvirkamiehiäfromparticipatingosallistumastain most political activitiesuseimpiin poliittisiin tehtäviin.
- Grants are not given into the control ofwomennaistenparticipatingosallistumisenin the projects being fundedrahoitettaviin projekteihin.
- The report also stated thatmore than 51 per cent of votersyli 51 prosenttia äänestäjistähad failedto<empty>participateosallistumasta.
- For many, the Students' Union will be the first opportunityto<empty>participateosallistuain making decisions on matters which will significantly affect their student livespäätöksentekoon asioista, jotka vaikuttavat heidän opiskelijaelämäänsä merkittävästi.
- FortunatelyRoyRoywas only toying with me, eventually agreeingto<empty>participateosallistuvansain good spirithyvässä hengessä.
- The remaining five DemocratsLoput viisi demokraattiaparticipatedosallistuiin a second nationally televised debatetoiseen kansallisesti televisioituun väittelyyn(the first having been held in December)on Jan. 1919. tammikuuta.
- In 1987, with the approval of the local medical and optical committees,Islington general practitioners and optometristsIslingtonin yleislääkärit ja silmälääkäritwere invitedto<empty>participateosallistumaanin a pilot prompting projectpilottikuiskausprojektiin.
- All teachersKaikki opettajatcouldpystyivätusefullyhyödyllisestiparticipateosallistumaanin an initial brainstorming exercisealkuideointiharjoitukseen, sharing ideas and strategies, and perhaps suggesting some local sites or resources.
- It is hoped thatthe readerlukijawill<empty>participateosallistuuto some extentjossain määrinin this activitytähän toimintoonby sharing the perspective of the workshop team who worked on this textjakamalla tämän tekstin parissa työskentelevän tiimin näkemyksen.
- Attempts are made to improve existing courses, either as a result of personal observations, or from discussions withparticipatingosallistuvienstudentsopiskelijoiden.
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- At the same time it will result in the spread of knowledge and involve theparticipationosallistumisenof most of the staffuseimpien työntekijöidenemployed on the information aspect of the personnel function.
- At the end of each week, local ITI centres will be used to invite families to Tennis Extravaganza weekends which, it is hoped, will further encouragefamilyperheenparticipationosallistumistain the gamepeliin.
- SERC's European Office promotesUKUK:nparticipationosallistumistain EC programmesEY:n ohjelmiin.
- Theparticipationosallistuminenof Palestinian representativesPalestiinan edustajien, with the support of most of the organizations within the PLO,at the peace conference in the MadridMadridin rauhankonferenssiinproduced tension and clashes in the West Bank and Gaza.
- My point here is a simple one: modern technology has made the directparticipationosallistumisestaof the peopleihmistenin political debate and decision-makingpoliittiseen keskusteluun ja päätöksentekoona perfectly practicable possibility.
- Thus the use of the vernacular is a great step forward in permittingparticipationosallistumisenby the majorityenemmistön.
- There was little vocalparticipationosallistumistaby the peopleihmisten puoleltain the Massmassaan, and such music as they used was generally in the context of other services or `devotions ``.
- For some teachers in some schools, the guidelines requiring whole-school involvement meantparticipationosallistumistaby representatives of all curriculum areaskaikkien kurssialueiden edustajienon the library committeekirjastokomiteaan.
- This process is aided and abetted by the trend over the past twenty years to encourage theactiveaktiiviseenparticipationosallistumiseenof fathersisiäin the process of childbirth itselfsynnytysprosessiin.
- They did feel thatincreasedlisääntynytparticipationosallistuminenby subordinatesalaistenmay be a more effective way of motivating people but that time limitations made this impossible.
- A partner is entitled tofulltäyteenparticipationosallistumiseenin the management of the partnershipkumppanuuden hallinnassa.
- However, this could halve the workforce and on one farm in Wales a young couple with a 10-months old child had a workload of 923 s.m.d. which demandedvery fullerittäin täyttäparticipationosallistumistaby the wifevaimon.
- In addition to the emphasis onvocaläänekkääseenparticipationosallistumiseenby congregationsseurakuntien, there was the recognition for the first time of indigenous musical traditions.
- Might notDerek Pringle'sDerek Pringlenparticipationosallistuminenin the World cup finalmaailmancupin finaaliinwith the help of a cortisone injectionkortisoniruiskeen avullahave been at the risk of permanent damage to himself
- He also promised to ``study the question ofwomen'snaistenparticipationosallistumisestain parliamentary lifeparlamentaariseen elämään, and hinted that the status of naturalized ``second category citizens would be reviewed.
- Lang has also played a part in the admission of rock and graffiti to the cultural fold and given a helping hand to the young unemployed with subsidies fortheirheidänparticipationosallistumisestaanon archaeological digsarkeologisiin kaivauksiin.
- It was unfortunate that the Arab-Israeli war broke out at the same time and some overseas commentators took the presence of Canberras in this guise as proof ofBritishbrittienparticipationosallistumisestain the warsotaan!
- A foot abscess had cast doubts on thecolt'spelaajanparticipationosallistumista kohtaanin the Epsom ClassicEpsom Classiciinon Wednesday weekkeskiviikkona.
- Maria is one of the many examples of the younger generation who has become politically involved against the regime throughherhänenparticipationosallistuttuaanin a Christian communitykristilliseen yhteisöön.
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- One of the most prominentplayerspelaajistain the share marketosakemarkkinoiden, the Government, has used shareholder perks as a major plank of its privatisation programme.
- VauxhallVauxhallin, amajorsuuriplayertekijäon the safety frontturvallisuusalalla, is to offer twin airbags as standard equipment on its pricier Calibra and Cavalier models.
- Software houses will be the target andmajorsuurtenplayerstekijöiden,like Lotus Development and Borlandkuten Lotus Developmentin ja Borlandin,are reportedly starting to kick Bristol's tyres.
- BootsBootsis anotheron toinenmajorsuuriplayertekijä, both as a retailer and manufacturer, and its own brand holds the number two position with 20% of the market.
- Neville Chamberlain, for instance, expressed fears that British and imperial interests might suffer ifthe United StatesYhdysvalloistabecame atuleemajormerkittäväplayertekijäin world affairsmaailman liiketoiminnassa.
- The threat of a price war led to plunging shares for all themajormerkittävilleplayerstekijöillein the marketmarkkinoiden.
- Sharing information and current knowledge of the market acrosschannelkanavanplayerstekijöilleachieves some of the same objectives — at lower cost — of formally reaching forward or backward into markets.
- Or, there's the home-schooling movement, aplayertekijäon the rightoikeistopuolensince the 1960s.
- A plant's adaptively variable behavior or plasticity during it s lifetime has been described as' plant intelligence' [79] and Ca 2+ and it s sensorsare keyovat avain-playerstekijöitäin this adaptive behaviortässä mukautuvassa käyttäytymisessä.
- Ifthe fast-food worldpikaruokamaailmassahad only threeplayerstekijää, and McDonalds's proposed to buy out Burger King, how reassured would we be if they offered the palliative of selling a few franchises to Taco Bell?
- Theseplayerspelaajatare much better than the low-stakes players and take my money in a hurry.
- These players are much better than the low-stakesplayerspelaajatand take my money in a hurry.
- To further confuse things, the LAT and NYT quoteClinton administrationClintonin hallituksenplayerstekijöitäas saying that the official U.S.
- And what's perplexing about this, particularly in light of the Microsoft case, is that mergers often have an immediate anti-competitive impact, in the simplest sense that they reduce the number ofplayerstekijöidenin a marketmarkkinoilla.
- Since this way of framing the conflict treats NATO but not Yugoslavia as a rationalplayertekijänäsusceptible to threats, punishment, failure, and re-evaluation, Yugoslavia is happy to encourage it.
- But in the match-up between AOL and Microsoft -- at least in the online space -- the giant from Redmond has proved time and againto be the decidedly weakerolevansa ehdottomasti heikompiplayertekijä.
- Despite the assertions of some CEOs, while one keyplayertekijäcan make a difference, it requires a team of talented executives to add shareholder value and manage shareholder risk over time.
- United Artists, however, was plagued by inept management and a lack of resources, and neverbecame atullutpowertehokastaplayertekijää.