`As an Adjudicator, I am a trained,
The Scottish Office is now reassessing the costings but
its judgments
sen päätöksien will hardly be seen as
`I may have told Mrs Quatt that my position demands that
, but one can not entirely prevent oneself from having human feelings and preferences!
What I needed was
The Chief Inspector
Päätarkastaja and disinterested, owing allegiance neither to government nor to industry, and he decides every case in relation to the air safety aspect, without fear or favour.
untainted by personal prejudices has always been the aim of the Citizens Advice Bureaux.
It was expected to lead to the appointment of an
to determine responsibility for the conflict.
in their approach
lähestymistavassaan or the chairman so dominated the proceedings that dissent was difficult.
Both the Congress Party and India's constitution have kept the rivalry in check by standing firmly for a secular India in which
between religions
uskontojen välillä .
The inquiry recommended that an independent, trained,
should be employed to invite and investigate allegations of sexual abuse in schools.
An ``unseen exam paper allows different examiners to mark the same answers independently and to arrive at a fairly consistent and
assessment of the candidate's overall performance and potential
arvioon hakijan yleisestä suorituskyvystä ja potentiaalista .
Martin O'Neill summarising
Martin O'Neilin yhteenveto , as he is a ex-Norwich player.
The whole time I spoke Gyggle maintained his desk-propping position, fingers steepled to beard,
cast down into my own.
Party Election Broadcasts (PEBs) at election-time and the equivalent Party Political Broadcasts (PPBs) at non-election times are one method by which broadcasting attempts to achieve balance and
tasapuolisuuden between the parties
puolueiden välillä .
Our own content analysis also suggests that British television news has not, in fact, achieved its goal of
puolueettomuudesta in absolute terms.
If the single market is to come about, it will require far more
puolueettomuutta within the European Commission
Euroopan komissiossa .
It was both out of proportion to any social need to protect the
tasapuolisuutta and the rights of litigants, and it was not a restriction necessary in a democratic society to uphold these values.
We need an idea that can not be found there: that the community as a whole has obligations of
tasapuolisuudesta toward its members
jäseniään kohtaan , and that officials act as agents for the community in acquitting that responsibility.
Nothing is more disastrous than that any suspicion of the
puolueettomuudesta should be possible.
But it was when he came to his summing-up or, as they say in Scotland, charge to the jury, that Lord Robertson abandoned all attempts at
puolueettomuuteen .
`In my opinion it is wrong to say
, ``he said.
Their personal responsibility for decision-making seemed to elevate them above the social struggle, to make them
between the competing interests of nobles, townsmen, and peasants
aatelisten, kaupunkilaisten ja talonpoikien välisissä kilpailevissa eduissa .
In most cases it is also useful to develop a statement of the primary task of the enterprise, based on a
assessment of what is actually happening or is being achieved
arvioon siitä, mitä todella tapahtuu tai mitä saavutetaan (such as making motor cars, or providing a specified service and so on).
I can not accept that I should adopt a live-and-let-live
attitude to hawks and pigeons
asenne haukkoihin ja kyyhkysiin even though I accept the fact that we share very similar body mechanisms and an identical world.
Solihull teachers
Solihullilaiset opettajat in their attitudes towards this aspect of SSE
asenteissaan SSE:n tätä näkökulmaa kohtaan .
Carlson wondered if
knew which side he was on, and was trying
in the conflict
konfliktissa .
He is not a
who first learns to define Truth and then applies it to different aspects of life.
, was now adopting a
on Aristide's restoration
Aristideen valtaanpaluuseen , stating that it was still a matter for parliament to decide.
`Pakistan have been officially pleading for the introduction of
thought the pitch was playable after overnight rain, but it had not been marked and now Connahs Quay plan to protest.
can not be distanced from or
tunneperäisesti about issues of self-knowledge
itsetuntemuksen ongelmista .
As with other strong personalities,
were seldom
olivat harvoin .
The principles of justice adopted in the original position
Alkuperäisessä asemassa käytetyt oikeusperiaatteet between different conceptions of the good
erilaisten hyvyyskäsitysten välillä .
between Copts and Moslems
koptien ja muslimien välillä .
P.S. I am Gabby's biggest fan so I consider
on the Graf/Seles controversy
Graf/Seles-kiistassa .
Government action
Hallituksen toimien regarding ideals of the good life
koskien hyvän elämän ihanteita .
Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication, but
were thought
about fundholding
rahoittamisessa .
Clearly, conscious processes are central to an individual's own experience, but
most of us
suurin osa meistä as to whether they are central to cognitive processes
sen suhteen, ovatko he tärkeitä kognitiivisissa prosesseissa given that many, if not most, of these are not conscious.
Monetary targets were left virtually unchanged and
the fiscal stance
talousasenne .
were encouraged
, which meant submission, and those bent on resistance received gloomy oracles.
The conflict which some people see between the Commission's role in attempting to improve the economic position of Catholics and
between Protestants and Catholicism
protestanttien ja katolisten välillä is more apparent than real.
The Iranian government maintained
neutraaliutensa on the Gulf crisis
Persianlahden kriisin aikana [see p. 37696], reacting cautiously to news of the allied attack on Iraq on Jan. 16.
Further, the term suggests its user is indicating a type of
towards the events
tapahtumaa kohtaan , an indefinable right and wrong existing on both sides of the conflict.
One can deviate from
neutraaliudesta to a greater or lesser extent.
They called for the removal of Eyadema,
, and the creation of a special peacekeeping force.
Now this would be unthinkable in Britain, because we have a much stronger tradition of
for our civil servants
valtion virkamiesten parissa .
He had made an allegedly anti-Turkish speech on Sept. 21 and had reportedly criticized US President George Bush for
neutraaliudesta over Nagorny-Karabakh
Vuoristo-Karabahissa , an attitude which the Armenian leadership feared could jeopardise Western aid.
During the Second World War, in order to maintain Allied access to the Mediterranean, it had been enough to ensure
, Japan forcibly seized all German concessions in the Shandong Peninsula, as well as taking over German-owned islands in the Pacific.
The doctrine of political neutrality is a doctrine of restraint for it advocates
between valid and invalid ideals of the good
hyvyyttä koskevien pätevien ja epäpätevien ihanteiden välillä .
One's admiration for the brilliance of Fussell's writing can not suppress doubts about the
puolueellisuudesta of the picture he is drawing
hänen piirtämänsä kuvan , with all its entertaining anecdotes and quotes.
And, in an oblique attack on the
puolueellisuutta , she has said she wants a commission to review appointments to the higher levels of the judiciary.
Specifically, it can uncover
kurinpidollisen partiality
puolueellisuuden , ideology, hidden interests, professional skullduggery, deception and illusion.
was apparently more than a question of convenience.
This followed accusations during angry debate on the Knin affair that
the Presidency
presidentti had shown
puolueellisuutta towards the Serb cause
serbien asiaa kohtaan .
The violence had placed severe strains on the ANC's relationship with the government over the issue of perceived
puolueellisuudesta towards Inkatha supporters
Inkatha-puolueen tukijoita kohtaan , and had delayed the holding of negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution.
In these discussions the prudent expert will avoid conduct which might be thought to cast doubt on
puolueellisuudestaan .