TransFrameNet:Part piece
chip.n 🔎
- But the best of the lotis theontinypienichipsiruof violet nail polishviolettia kynsilakkaa,we found caught in a torn portion of the table-cloth.
- Even when achipsiruof hailrae-cut her cheek, the worsening weather made her smile grimly: it would confuse heat-seeking and auditory shells.
- Although real operational amplifiers can never provide such properties, a modern operational amplifier formed within a singlechipsirunof siliconpii-comes impressively close to meeting the ideal specification.
- Any lumberjack who was feeling sufficiently ill-disposed towards his fellow drinking companions could place on his shoulder asmallpienenchiplastunof woodpuu-to indicate he would take on any man who cared to flick it off.
- There was more firing and I could hearchipslastujenof woodpuu-being torn from the trees.
chunk.n 🔎
- He told them both never to leave the house again, and stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard enough to break achunkkimpaleenof plasterlaastiaout of the wall.
- Then three-quarters of Rokeya's olive-shaded face appeared bearing the same expression of suffering as it had all the years Lee had known her, relieved only by the same amethyst earrings and necklace of variegatedamethystametisti-chunkskimpaleista.
- So the nose of the flow is unstable and there is a constant gentle clatter ofsmallpieniälavalaava-chunkskimpaleitafalling forward.
- Place the lamb in a large casserole and arrange remaining garlic, thelemonsitruuna-chunkslohkotand herbs around the edge.
- Until 15 or so years ago most of us knew pineapple only from cans -- who hasn't usedchunkslohkojato make sweet and sour pork, or rings in an upside down cake?
- I came out to get myself a drink and stepped on the edge of the bar of the block, taking abigsuurenchunkpalanof skinihoaout of my foot.
- There were ornate neck circles with chippings of moonstones and slender, silver anklets engraved with the tree symbols of fertility andgreatsuuretchunkskimpaleetof raw goldraakaa kultaasomehow veined with amber which would be used as Coronation accessories.
- Half of Amy's cottage was also her studio andhugevaltavatchunkslohkareetof stonekiven-took up the space under the windows.
- Try canned apricot halves andpineappleananas-chunkspaloja, or frozen raspberries and blackberries.
- As Taff poured me a good measure of cider and handed me a boiled egg and achunkpalanof meatliha-I described the situation at No. 4.
- I was still chewing on thechunkpalaaof meatliha-Taff had given me.
clod.n 🔎
- They are used for the final stages when working down a tilth and levelling the surface once thelargesuuretclodspaakutand turf have been broken.
- It uses ordinary light, not X-rays, to distinguish between potatoes,clodspaakutof earthmaa-and stones during harvesting at a rate of 25 tonnes per day.
- His plimsolls were now caked in heavyclodskokkareissaof wet earthmärkää maataand his jersey was already wet from his soaked mackintosh.
- Dong dug frantically with the shovel, lifting theheavyraskaitarain-soakedclodskokkareitaof earthmaa-with difficulty.
- The horse, reluctant to hurt me, fidgeted and kicked upclodspaakkujaof snowlumi-, but the rider urged him nearer until the pistol was inches from my face.
- Waters reversed the Shogun and did a backward handbrake turn, shooting off in a cloud of exhaust fumes andclodspaakkujenof grass and earthruoho- ja maa-.
- SmallPieniäclodspaakkujaof soilmaa-are thrown on the surface and also small quantities of animal excreta around the holes.
clump.n 🔎
- Dodging through prickly gorse andclumpsrykelmienof brackensananjalka-, we hurtled onto the jetty.
- Away to their left, the bank sloped down again intoclumpsrykelmiinof alderleppä-, among which the stream could be heard chattering over gravel.
- But the slopes are grassy, and thickets of brambles, stands of alexander with dark, shiny green leaves,clumpsrykelmiäof elder and the Japanese spindlekoiranheisi- ja kartiopuu-, offer shelter to migrating birds.
- Cells failed to proliferate in culture, which limits any potential for increasing cell number in vitro, butsurviving cellselviävät solu-clumpsrykelmätimpregnated in gelatin squares showed development in vivo.
- The Trangia looks good withicejää-clumpspaakkujenpoking out of its kettle.
- Spanish and Portuguese N. lapillus tend to live undermusselsimpukka-clumpsrykelmienand in this habitat banded shells are undoubtedly cryptic.
- Trees andtreepuu-clumpsrykelmillähave a special attraction for me as they symbolized my own introduction to Earth Mysteries, through Tony Wedd.
- Watering after sowing, means it is all too easy to washthe seedssiemenetintoclumpspaakuiksi.
- If all the frogs pursue this policy,theynesit in atighttiiviinäclumprykelmänä.
- As the day wore on they heard everywhere around them the rill of running water, andgrassruohobegan to poke up through the snow inclumpsrykelminä.
- Tall firs form a copse at the back of the house andgreatsuuretclumpsrykelmätof rhododendrons and laurelsalppiruusuja ja laakeripuitasurround the lawns to the south, conserving the safe, dark Victorian atmosphere of the place.
- Theclumpsrykelmätof colourVäri-grow in size until they become visible and are held together whilst the water evaporates.
- This includes breaking up thewormmato-clumpsrykelmätby agitation with a stick and then thoroughly washing the worms under a slow-flowing tap for at least five minutes.
- Plantthesenämäin quitedensetiiviiksiclumpsrykelmiksiat the front of beds and borders, for bold pockets of colour as the summer flowers finish.
- The edificeresembled anmuistuttienormousvaltavaaclumprykelmääof towering vitrified black fungikohoavia lasimaisia mustia sieniä.
- Those that can not find room formsphericalpallomaisiaclumpsrykelmiä, hydrophobic tails innermost, called miscelles.
- If your Bearded Irises have grown intobigsuuriksiclumpsrykelmiksi, split them.
- The food plant for both the small tortoiseshell and the peacock is the stinging nettle, so to stand the best chance of finding their caterpillars, start inspectinglargesuuriaclumpsrykelmiäof nettlesnokkos-about the middle of May.
- Here, asmallpieniclumprykelmäof scarlet tulipshelakan punaisia tulppaanejabrings a disproportionate flash of brilliance to a spring dalliance of Daphne mezereum, muscari, erythronium and Magnolia stellata
- I took the swing for my own, and revelled in its leafy solitude and the soft pungent moss which grew beneath it, carpeting a pillowyclumppaakkuaof earthmaa-.
flake.n 🔎
- Drizzle with olive oil and top withflakeslastuillaof fresh Parmesantuoreilla parmesaani-for an elegant starter.
- The torrents are loosening high mountain rocks and soil, and are washing downstream with the graveltinypieniäflakeshippujaof goldkulta-.
- AlittlePieniblackflakehiutaleof mascararipsiväri-'s got trapped behind it.
- Theflakeshiputof mudmuta-would have been carefully removed and put in the rubbish bin in the kitchen.
- Break up chocolate flakes, press some around sides and decorate with strawberries and the remainingchocolatesuklaa-flakeslastuilla.
- The Nubian looked up from the couch where she half lay by a low table on which a number oflimestonekalkkikivi-flakeslastujawere scattered.
- She nibbled a few moreflakeslastuaof meatlihaaand dropped the bone back on to her plate.
- For some reason it began in a thick snowstorm oflarge whitesuuria valkoisiaflakeshiutaleita.
- Other officers got on hands and knees to collectredpunaisiaflakeshiutaleitaof the benches' paintpenkin maalistafrom the track for forensic examination.
- The baboon has a bath every day and he leaves dark wisps of hair all over the place, and little crumbs of plaster andflakeshiutaleitaof paintmaali-.
- DarkTummatflakeshiutaleetof snowlumi-tumbled past the candlelit windows of the Countess of Ratho's townhouse in Charlotte Square.
- As they turned the corner, the firstflakeshiutaleetof snowlumi-fell.
fragment.n 🔎
- The material consisted of loose black ash andclaystonesavikivenfragmentspalasistawith some sandstone and wood.
- Presumably it will prove possible to incorporateantibodyvasta-aineenfragmentsosiawith different binding specificities, and indeed the restriction sites of pNIPenv were designed to facilitate the cloning of other scFv cassettes from filamentous phage vectors 4.
- Fragmentspalojaof slateLiuskekivi-appeared as if by magic on the lawn.
- In addition, about 36fragmentspalaaof metallic nickel-iron meteoritesmetallisten nikkeli-ionimeteoriittienhave been collected, one of which contains minute diamonds, and is the second of its kind known in the world.
- The wind had ripped the tarpaulin off some of the laid-up boats, andhugevaltaviafragmentspalojaof oilclothvahakangas-were flying at random, wrapping themselves round masts and rails.
- BoneLuun-fragmentsosiawere recorded to the nearest 25 per cent of the original unbroken element or part thereof, and this enabled distinctions to be drawn between some of the seven predator species compared.
- Then the young woman laughed merrily, her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence, and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter, and theglasslasin-fragmentssiruttinkled like broken bells.
- The only force generally believed to be sufficiently powerful is the high-energy impact of a largeasteroidalasteroidin-fragmentpalanon the Moon.
- Other major buildings have been identified in the Northgate area, where much painted plaster andfragmentsosiaof quarter-round mouldingsneljännesympyrän muotoisista puristeistahave been recovered.
- She drew the antler necklace from her neck, unslung threefragmentspalastaof tine.piikin
- The cone begins to vibrate more and more -- then it explodes into thousands offragmentssäteiksiof lightvalon-, which fall gently around you.
- The leaves andsmallpienetfragmentspalatof the sugar beet or swedesokerijuurikkaan tai lantunare of obvious value until such time as the field is deep-ploughed and the remaining food buried beyond retrieval.
- If the clusters grow too big before they collapse, they will be unable to shake off enoughsmallerpienempiäcarbonhiilenfragmentspalojato get back down to 60 atoms.
- Conversely, impacts will also shatter rocks intosmallpieniksifragmentsosiksi.
- The resultant systems have been able to perform detailed analyses ofsmallpienistäfragmentsosistaof languagekielen.
- He lifted Tallis in his hand, thesmallpienifragmentpalaof coalhiilen-that she had become.
- Everytinypienetfragmentpalatof fibre, denim and leatherkuitu-, denimi- ja nahka-was picked up and dropped in the bags.
- In the tests, Prof Jeffreys had to match aminusculeerittäin pienifragmentpalaof DNA from Mengele's leg boneDNA:ta Mengelen jalkaluustawith blood samples from his son Rolf.
- These biological remains include pollen,plantkasvienfragmentsosia, seeds, bones, shells, and insects.
- The precision high speed cutting rollers are also to be protected frompotentially damagingmahdollisesti vahingoittaviltametalmetalli-fragmentsosiltaby metal detectors.
- Itis the myriadovat lukuisatsolidifiedkovettuneetfragmentsosatof this rock frothtämän kivirikasteenwhich form the large volumes of ash mantling the countryside round the volcano which is definitive of a Plinian eruption.
hunk.n 🔎
- Buick has even revived the Roadmaster, a name last used in Buick's heyday 30 years ago formassive, popularmassiivisille, suosituillehunkslohkoilleof steel and chrometeräs- ja kromi-.
- `Nuts and cheese and abigsuurihunkpalaof cakekakun-.
- AbigSuurihunkpalaof porkpossuahad been hanging -- in a wagon tipped up on its side
- Huge hunks of bread, I had ahugevaltavahunkpalaof breadleivän-at tea time.
- He turned round, offering me ahunkpalanof breadleivän-and margarine with cheese on top -- real luxury.
- `Hey up, there's some more 'ere, ``said Mickey, with a bottle in one hand and ahunkpalaof meatlihaain the other.
- Hunkspalojaof red meatPunaisia liha-torn from the bone.
- The male got up first, and wrapped his lantern jaws around ahunkpalanof meatliha-.
lump.n 🔎
- I don't believe that we're all born equal, aslumpsmöykkyinä,of doughtaikina-that are later shaped by our peers and parents and so forth …
- I remember an officer diving into a culvert during a raid -- he thought he had been hit again but itwas only aoli vainlumpmöykkyof mudmuta-on his seat!
- The `Shivering Mountain ``derives its name frombeing a distinctly unstablesiitä, että se on huomattavan epävakaalumpkokkareof landmaa-, given to landslips.
- They drank thé à menthe from dirty glasses, while acharcoalhiili-lumpkokkarefizzed in the clay bowl of the hookah.
- I carrysugarsokeri-lumpspalojaaround with me and feed him those.
- To follow the process fromclaysavi-lumpkokkareestato glazed decoration demands discipline.
- It is much more than simply abigsuurilumplohkareof rockkiven-.
- AsmallPieni,shapelykurvikaslumplohkareof granitegraniitti-, a little smaller than a hen's egg.
- She picked up asmall flowerpot-shapedpienen kukkaruukun muotoisenlumpkokkareenof earthmaa-.
- Alumplohkareof coalHiili-cracked and a tongue of flame spurted out of it.
- GreatSuurialumpslohkareitaof icejää-, sometimes kilometres across, broke off and were buried in sand and gravel as the glaciers retreated ten thousand or more years ago.
- In reality it's just verglas withfist sizednyrkinkokoisialumpslohkareitaof icejää-dotted around on the wall.
- `If we didn't all turn intodisgustingällöttäviksilumpskokkareiksiof decaying meatmätänevää lihaa, men would be even more arrogant than they are.
- A little boy came up withlumpslohkareitaof rockkiven-in his hand.
- If the horse gets restive, give him alumppalanof sugarsokeri-.
- Chris Tasker peeled the paper from twolumpspalastaof sugarsokeri-with surprising delicacy for such robust fingers and dropped them into his cup.
morsel.n 🔎
- Such an elegant and delicate little salad with its walnuts and its lemon dressing and its fresh lettuce base and itsmorselsmurusetof white fowl-fleshvalkoista kananlihaa.
- Chambers swallowed amorselmurusenof choppilkottua lihaahe had forgotten to chew.
- May I persuade you--anothermorselherkkupala?
- Every now and again, with an unselfconsciousness lovely to see, Simon Maslin brought a fork primed with a specially lusciousmorselherkkupalallato the boy's lips, which opened obediently to receive it.
- Mrs Ainsworth reached out and lifted the bedraggledblackmustaamorselherkkupalaa.
- A big crust on the surface when the sun is beating down will be taken with relish, and atinypienimorselpalaof crumbleipä-on the bottom will often tempt a chub even in a snowstorm.
- Antonio devoured half of his burger in one bite, whilst Susanna took atinypienenmorselpalanof lobsterhummeria.
- To buy him amorselpalaof breadleivän-.
- The ``morselpalaof breadLeivän-; offered to the guests turns out to be a meal of fresh cakes, curds and milk, and the best veal.
- She fed it tidbits,morselsmurusiaof breadleivän-soaked in milk.
- In addition, the subject is provided with a `yes ``button to press if the photo is identical, and is rewarded with amorselmurusellaof foodruoan-if the correct answer is given.
piece.n 🔎
- Susanna Rance finds out why serious-minded La Paz dwellers can be seen walking down the streets intently fondling toy cars, play-money anddoll's housenukkekodinpiecesosia.
- Gently frythe bananabanaanin-piecespalat.
- Apart from the inevitable sausages, there were numerouschickenkanan-piecespaloja, lamb chops and cubed steak on skewers.
- Drain the rollmops and slice them into1cm (½in)1 cm:n (½ tuuman)piecespaloiksi.
- `I'm not sure you're allowed to make cheese if you're not registered for it, Ma, ``Edward teased, cutting himself agenerousreilunpiecepalan.
- Divide it into tenpiecespalaan.
- If this was true, anypiecepalaof DNADNA:nwas just like any other piece, whereas every gene must be different from every other one.
- New DNA arises by making two copies of apiecepalastaof DNADNA:nwhich was previously present only once, and then altering the sequence, and hence the meaning, of one of the copies.
- Dramatic evidence of a more active process comes from research into human plasmids:nomadicliikkuvat,circularpyöreätpiecespalat,of DNADNA:nwhich resemble cancer-causing viruses.
- Dessert is usually something like a biscuit orsmallpienipiecepalaof cakekakun-or rice pudding or pie and custard (but dessert is not eaten every night).
- Rain perched on afoldedkäärityllepiecepalalleof carpetmaton-which was presumably to be her seat.
- For his tea, for the sixpence he got bread, bread, margarine and either apiecepalaof cheesejuustoaor some jam.
- Twothickpaksuapiecespätkääof cordjohdon-were tied horizontally and vertically around it.
- Oliver dangled apiecepätkänof cordjohdon-in front of her.
- If apiecepalaof glasslasin-is dipped in water, the drops of liquid stay on the surface for several seconds; with a diamond they run off instantly, leaving the stone dry as a bone.
- Outside, moreknife-likeveitsimäisetpiecespalasetof glasslasin-flew through the narrow streets in the heart of Bombay's business quarter.
- Attached to the ringwas theolipiecepätkäof wirelangan-he used to pick locks.
scrap.n 🔎
- Still on the May issue,smallpienetscrapspätkätof unused yarnkäyttämätöntä lankaaare best burned, not thrown away to cause trouble later.
- Then he saw them -- the sametinypienetscrapsmurusetof red paintpunaista maalia, clustered around the handle of the bottom desk drawer.
- The service is for the collection of HOUSEHOLD WASTES such as paper and packaging, ashes and cinders,foodruoan-scrapsmurusia, dust and normal household rubbish.
- An aid specialist had told me that before the Gulf crisis about thirty per cent of the rubbish collected by the Baghdad municipalitywasolifoodruoan-scrapsmurusia.
- To some extent, it broke new ground by placing emphasis on organic wastes, such asfoodruoan-scrapsmurusiaand garden litter, which make up over half of all household waste.
- Days eatingscrapsmurusia,because I could not bear to enter a shop, talk to another human being, have people see me.
- They are likescrapsmurusetfrom a tailor's cutting room which have taken clumsy wing.
- It probably began when jackals huddled round his camp-fire to snatch bones andscrapsmurusiaof foodruoan-.
- His note consisted of a few words, impersonal, noncommittal, on atinypienistäscrappaloistaof paperpaperin-written with a burned matchstick.
- Eventually, I found a song on ascrappalaltaof paperpaperin-by his bed.
- He held out a grubbyscrappalanof paperpaperin-.
- There are shreds, silkscrapspalojaof leaflehtienfrom the woods on black
- A fewscrapspalasiaof woodpuun-, a pair of pants stained with blood that's the same group as Ephraim's.
shard.n 🔎
- Bent double, nipping to the car boot to get the drug bag, I see the car's rear window has been bashed in; brokenglasslasin-shardssirpaleetcover the rear seat.
- Helen screamed and fell back from the window just as it exploded over her, showeringheavyraskaitaglasslasin-shardssirpaleitaacross the dining room table.
- Shardssirpaleitaof glassLasin-were still falling 12 hours after the blast and computers had been blown on to the pavement.
- Casey stood above him, awicked-lookingilkeännäköinenshardsirpaleof glasslasin-in her hand.
- MinutePienetshardssirpaleetof glasslasin-slashed across Rohmer's ecstatic face.
- His blue eyes heldshardssirpaleitaof icejään-as he glared down at her, his features darkening in annoyance.
- Over a hundredsherdspalaaof potterysavitavaranwere recovered from the rampart.
- A bone needle, some animal bones and a fewsherdspalojaof potterysavitavaranwere found here.
- She started to scrape again with theshardsirpaleillaof potterykeramiikan.
shred.n 🔎
- The distant winter sun still held enough heat to dry the sky of everyshredhäivästäof moisturekosteuden.
- There were nothing butshredsriekaleitaof leaveslehti-, gnawed stems, and barren shoots.
- TinyPienetshredshitusetof tobaccotupakan-scattered across his shirt front and he brushed them away.
- If, on the other hand, someone had dragged his unconscious body after slugging him with Dora's missing golf-club, theremight besaattaisi ollaothermuitashredsriekaleitaof clothvaate-lying about.
- (An irony of the conference was that not oneshredhäivääkäänof evidencetodisteidenwas produced for the central assertion that three years' full time training in research was essential.)
- The onlyshredhitunenof hopetoivonwas a bundle of letters shoved behind the copper kettle, in Dad's handwriting, to his mum.
- She relinquished herlastviimeisestäshredhitusestaanof hopetoivon.
- And with him had gone Miss Gemma Dallam's brown Chinese satin and everyshredhitunen,of hopetoivonCara had cherished for the future.
- Both Sotheby's and the lawyers for Lord Northampton have assured us that up till now they have not seen ashredhitustakaanof prooftodisteiden.
slice.n 🔎
- Decorate with asliceviipaleellaof kiwikiivi-and a sprig of mint.
- There are round, flat tarts, full of concentric circles ofappleomena-slicesviipaleita, thin as whispers, or fat little apricot halves, under a sticky glaze of jam.
- Scatter a little grated cheese over the nachos and top each one with either chopped green chillis,jalapenojalapeno-slicesviipaleitaor olives.
- When they begin to pop, add theshallotsipuli-slicesviipaleetand cook for 1 min.
- He put the cold sausage and thesliceviipaleenof tarttorttu-in his pocket.
- Success hinged on timing their arrival just as the lastfatpaksuslicekappaleof sunauringon-slid below the horizon.
- The boy cut himself anotherthickpaksunsliceviipaleenand started eating it fast.
- AthinOhutsliceviipale(section)of a clay or stone objectsavea tai kivistä kohdettais mounted on a microscope slide such as this.
- Cut aubergine intothickpaksuiksislicesviipaleiksi, then cut into quarters.
- Line the bottom of the basin with the small bread circle then arrange thebreadleipä-slicesviipaleetaround the sides.
- Put thebreadleipä-slicesviipaleetin an oven dish, buttered beforehand, cover them with cheese cream and leave in the oven to brown.
- As they worked he would disappear every fifteen minutes and return with some food, usuallyslicesviipaleidenof breadleivän-, which he finished almost before he sat down again.
- Floy, who had been cutting himself asliceviipaleenof hamkinkkua, looked up, because there was a lick of anticipatory pleasure in Goibniu's tone.
- They sat one on either side of him, at the ends of the table, each with a cup of coffee and ahalf-eatenpuoleksi syödynsliceviipaleenof toastpaahtoleipä-.
- I prod it with a fork and brown it on the fire before introducing it to thethickpaksunsliceviipaleenof toastpaahtoleipä-.
- Hasan was sitting up at the table, eating alargesuurtasliceviipalettaof toastpaahtoleipä-.
sliver.n 🔎
- Yeremi, Tundrish, and Akbar shot down others who had survived thecrystalkristallin-sliverspirstaleistaand the death cloud but who had slowed in apparent shock.
- Digital watches work because asmallpienetsliverpirstaleetof quartzkvartsi-inside them pulses at a rhythmic and unchanging frequency, which is stimulated by energy from the battery.
- Bergson smiled and slipped thethinohuensliverlastunof icejää-into his jacket pocket, then stood up again.
- Maureen took hers with athinohuensliverviipaleenof lemonsitruuna-, and delicately helped herself to a square of fudge.
- She shows me the marrow, which looks like thick dark blood, and thetinypienetsliversirpaleet,of boneluun-she has removed.
- A coldsliversirpaleof icejään-slid up her spine.
- He belched loudly when the account was finished and picked at his teeth with asliverlastullaof woodpuu-.
- She bent over Rob's hand and slowly, deftly drew out thesliverlastunof woodpuu-.
smidgen.n 🔎
- Looking up you would see an alluringsmidgenhitusenof skytaivastathrough the spiky branches.
- The immediate effect of the announcement was to lift the shares asmidgenhiukan, and they were up 25 cents at $49.50 at the opening.
snippet.n 🔎
- You'll also be overlooking some nonchalantly slysnippetspalojaof humourhuumori-: the sleeve of `Oomalama ``features half a dozen plastic animals.
- Television, radio and even the popular press carriedregularsäännöllisiäsnippetsotteitaof educational materialkoulutuksellisesta materiaalista.
- The same old commentators are wheeled from channel to channel to comment on thesamesamojasnippetspätkiäof filmfilmin-.
- He swans off to the room whilst I wrestle with yards of umbilical elastic intestine, and hard cyst-like sacs which remain as elusive asendloppu-snippetspalatof soapsaippuan.
- Out of interest and this bitter loss, I had even started to collectsnippetspalojaof `Camera Stories ``Camera Storiesininstead.
- LittlePieniäsnippetspalojaof their talkheidän puheestaanregistered in her brain as she strolled past, looking vague and preoccupied.
- Maps of Lappland were fingered and anysnippetsmurusetof informationtiedon-gathered.