The Brookes model for aging
Brookesin ikääntymismallia by Griffith and others
Griffith ja muut , who used the Journal Citation Reports as a base.
Few of these products
Vain harvaa näistä tuotteista although they may be of assistance to some people.
It is very often assumed, particularly by non-technical persons, that
for stability
vakauden varmistamiseksi, and that after a certain time a result is obtained proving stability of the product and/or pack.
the last six months
viimeiset kuusi kuukautta and now going into formal beta, will be available direct and through VARs in the second quarter.
69,520 medical, dental and veterinary products
69 520 lääketieteellistä, hammaslääketieteellistä ja eläinlääketieteellistä tuotetta .
these models
näitä malleja with palaeomagnetic data from undeformed portions of the South Mountains, a typical Cenozoic MCC in the southern Basin and Range province
paleomagneettisilla tiedoilla, jotka on saatu South Mountainsien epämuodostumattomista osista, eteläisen altaan tyypillisestä kenotsooisesta MCC:stä ja Rangen provinssista .
The Americans
Amerikkalaiset ,
at the University of California at Berkeley
Kalifornian yliopistossa Berkeleyssä ,
onnistuneesti a one-fifth scale model of a seven-storey reinforced concrete building in Tsukuba
viidesosan skaalamallia Tsukubassa sijaitsevasta seitsemänkerroksisesta vahvistetusta betonirakennuksesta , the -- science city ``near Tokyo.
The EC is blocking pork and beef imports because it claims that American slaughterhouses are unsanitary; the Americans are blocking some wine imports because
a drug used in its production
sen tuotannossa käytettyä ainetta .
different products
erilaisia tuotteita, to find one that really suits
jotta löydät sen, joka todella sopii .
We're recording for the National Corpus and
at the moment
tällä hetkellä for sound quality
äänenlaatua .
All the new Marshall spares
Kaikki uudet Marshallin varaosat are exclusive Marshall items, as used in the regular production amps, and
in exactly the same way
täsmälleen samalla tavalla for durability and reliability
kestävyyden ja luotettavuuden osalta .
From more than 80 strains, four have been singled out to be grown from
seeds which
siemenistä, joita for protein, which helps them to withstand heat
sellaisen proteiinin osalta, joka auttaa niitä kestämään kuumuutta .
were required to complete twenty arrested landings at El Toro both to gain or regain currency in the tailwheel aircraft and
the aircraft structure
lentokoneen rakennetta for weaknesses
heikkouksien varalta .
Having walked back to the cottage,
put the ladder against the wall, then
to make sure it was firm
varmistaakseen, että se oli tukeva .
Each batch of Child-Safe
Jokaista Child-Safen erää to comply with the British and European toy safety standards
jotta se noudattaisi brittiläisiä ja eurooppalaisia leluturvallisuusstandardeja , making it ideal for use on children's furniture, cots and toys.
This means that
but you will need to register to compile your programs fully.
This procedure
Tätä menetelmää by moving the reference card in all possible directions from the correct position and comparing with the resulting message on screen
siirtämällä viitekorttia kaikkiin mahdollisiin suuntiin oikeasta asennosta ja vertailemalla siitä aiheutuvia viestejä näytöllä .
Its present form dates from the 1920s and
and explored
(though not without problems).
By 1899
Vuoteen 1899 mennessä had completed and
a 4-hp engine weighing only 40 lb.
4-hv:n moottorin, joka painoi vain 40 lb and had built a triplane in which to mount it.
Research at three other sites, including the sites of
nuclear weapon
ydinaseiden , have detected radically different strains of bacteria.
DARLINGTON people have backed a ballot by the town's animal welfare group for a Europe-wide ban on
The competence of the adjustment mechanism under managed floating
Hallitun kellunnan alaisen säätelymekanismin toimivuutta was given a
by the oil shocks
öljykriiseissä of 1973 -- 74 and 1979 -- 80
vuosina 1973-74 ja 1979-80 .
Our objective is to expose
those treatments in orthodox medicine that
ne ortodoksisen lääketieteen hoidot, joita have never been subjected to
to prove their safety and effectiveness
niiden turvallisuuden ja tehokkuuden todistamiseksi .
It is suggested that
should be a continuing process involving samples from each stage of the development of a product.
of the first ten Class 91s
ensimmäisten kymmenen Class 91 -luokan started in the spring of 1988 and the first public services with the new Mk 4 stock started between King's Cross and Leeds in October 1989.
In other words,
should not be used as a substitute for theoretical ideas by simply dredging the data for any statistically significant relationships that happen to be present.
More than 25 glass lined and stainless steel reactors, which hold from 50-1200 litres, are used for development and