the manor farm
kartanon maatilaa , Dolly was spending much time at the dairy there.
I've gained a great deal of experience these psst two and a half years and I think
a stud farm
siitosmaatilaa quite easily
melko helposti .
From two of its existing operations -- Software Sciences, which produces the CHAMPS hotel management system and
other companies' data facilities
muiden yritysten tietopalveluita -- the new company has taken the name Data Sciences.
Those companies
Ne yritykset between them owned or
95 fishing vessels which were until 31 March 1989 registered as British fishing vessels under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894
95 kalastusalusta, jotka oli 31. maaliskuuta 1989 saakka rekisteröity brittiläisiksi kalastusaluksiksi vuoden 1894 kaupallista kalastusta koskevan lain perusteella (57 & 58 Vict. c. 60).
The RSPB recommends setting up a conservation programme with a target of
one million hectares of surplus farmland
miljoona hehtaaria ylimääräistä maanviljelysmaata, for wildlife
villieläimiä varten by the year 2000
vuoteen 2000 mennessä .
Thereupon Southey announced that, Pantisocrat or no, his private resources were his own, and that
on the Welsh farm
walesilaisella maatilalla each person
jokaisen henkilön his own affairs
omat asiansa .
Every group who use
sports facilities
urheilutiloja by their Local Authority
paikallisen viranomaisen should make sure that provision for their space is included in bid specifications.
The ability to operate as part of a management team and
an expanding group
kasvavaa ryhmää is essential.
By that, Dawes means
software solutions
ohjelmistoratkaisuja -- hidden from the user --
and administer
large networks of powerful workstations
tehokkaiden työasemien suuria verkkoja .
RAMSEY Island off the Pembrokeshire coast is to become
a nature reserve
luonnonsuojelualue, jota by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
lintujensuojelun kuninkaallinen yhdistys .
The opening ceremony
Avajaisseremoniaa for us
by Cosmo PR in Tokyo
Cosmo PR Tokiossa, and a specially selected audience of 120 people came to the event including around 70 customers from the four business areas represented at KITEC.
`You all know, ``Jeremiah went on, `that
under the terms of the trust
luottamuksen ehtojen mukaisesti that
are required
and sell when it's no longer profitable.
The market garden
Markkinapuutarhaa on a shared basis
jaetulta pohjalta , as are the bees, whose honey is sold in the shop.
Very large numbers of old people, especially women, live alone or with an elderly spouse and
capably and competently
pystyvästi ja osaavasti .
English Heritage is dedicated to preserving it all, not just
the properties
omaisuutta, jota .
a voucher parking scheme
kupongeilla toimivaa pysäköintijärjestelmää, replacing the traditional parking meters in the town centre.
a number of pension schemes
useita eläkemalleja , the principal schemes being those in the United Kingdom, which are of the defined benefits type.
Ten years ago
Kymmenen vuotta sitten , a computer was
a large, static and very expensive piece of machinery
suuri, staattinen ja erittäin kallis laite ,
by an expert elite who communicated with it in a language which only they understood
asiantuntijaeliitti, joka viesti sen kanssa kielellä, jota vain he ymmärsivät .
There is just about enough annalistic evidence to suggest that
this system
tätä järjestelmää at least in the second half of his reign
ainakin hallituskautensa jälkimmäisellä puoliskolla .
A similar system
Samanlaista järjestelmää by the British Angora Goat Society for Angora Goats
brittiläinen angoraturkkiyhdistys angoraturkeille (ref. 9).
The arrests of 26 people in Palermo, Milan and Modena on March 18 came as part of a police operation to break up what was alleged to be
by the Sicilian Mafia
Sisilian mafia .
Scotland and Wales enjoy
separate administrative systems
erillisistä hallinnollisista järjestelmistä, joita by their own government departments which are headed by ministers with seats in the Cabinet
heidän omat hallinnolliset osastonsa, joita johtavat hallituksessa istuvat ministerit .
In addition to the brewery at Park Royal,
Guinness Brewing GB
Guinness Brewing GB also
a packaging plant
pakkaustehdasta at Runcorn in the North of England
Rincornissa, Englannin pohjoisosassa .
The inspector contended that
the quarry
kivilouhoksessa in terms of rock falls from the quarry face.
by the Electrophone Company of Gerrard Street
Gerrard Streetin Electrophone Company under licence from the National Telephone Company Ltd.
in NSW Registered Clubs in Australia
NSW-rekisteröidyissä klubeissa Australiassa for over a year
yli vuoden ajan .
Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s, for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker,
Frederick Wiggins
Frederick Wiggins ,
apparently only
for a few years
muutaman vuoden ajan .
Then it was in the hands of
the Foley family
Foleyn perheen ,
were also