arson.n 🔎
- Harper, of Uckington, Smith, 20, of Bishops Cleve, and Winter, 19, of Cheltenham, deny manslaughter andarsontuhopoltonwith intenttarkoituksellisen.
- Harte, of Walworth, London, deniedarsontuhopolton,with intent to endanger lifejonka tarkoituksena oli vaarantaa elämä.but admitted reckless arson.
- Warin who's 29 and comes from South Hinksey in Oxford faces two charges ofarsontuhopoltosta.
- A judge directed Wisdom Smith and Daniel Winter be cleared of manslaughter andarsontuhopoltostaafter the hayloft sex romp turned to tragedy.
- Pearson, of Tadcaster, admitted threearsontuhopoltto-charges and asked for eight others to be considered.
- Yesterday they both pleaded guiltyto<empty>arsontuhopolttoon,endangering livesjoka vaaransi ihmishenkiä.
assault.n 🔎
- And if B's violence takes the form ofassaultpahoinpitelynwith a deadly weapontappavalla aseella suoritetun, A may even inflict death if his own life is in peril.
- Another aggravated offenceisonassaultpahoinpitely,with intent to resist arrest or to prevent a lawful arrestjonka tarkoituksena on vastustaa pidätystä tai estää laiton pidätys, contrary to section 38 of the 1861 Act and carrying a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment.
- Procedurally speaking, thisis not anei oleaggravatedtörkeäassaultpahoinpitely, since it carries the same maximum penalty as common assault (six months' imprisonment) and is also triable summarily only.
- He had had a fight with the insurance inspector and ended up in court charged withAssaultpahoinpitelystä.
- He was arrested by a uniformed PC and charged withassaultpahoinpitelystä,causing actual bodily harmjoka aiheutti todellisia ruumiin haittoja.
- A separate count forcommontavallisestaassaultpahoinpitelystämust be added.
- For the driving offence and theassaultpahoinpitely-charge Penn was thrown in the pen for two months.
- Superior Court Judge Stanley M. Weisberg, who had presided over the King trial, on May 15 ruled that the principal assailant, Officer Laurence M. Powell, should be retried on afelonytörkeän rikoksenassaultpahoinpitely-charge.
- Defendants would, however, plead guilty to lesser offences such as assault, assault and battery andassaultpahoinpitely,with intent to commit rapejonka tarkoituksena on suorittaa raiskaus,which carry low penalties.
- Dempsey, of Grange Road, Middlesbrough, was cleared ofassaultpahoinpitelystä,with intent to robjonka tarkoituksena oli ryöstö.
battery.n 🔎
- AbatteryPahoinpitelyisthe infliction of unlawful force on another personlaittoman voiman käyttämistä toista henkilöä kohtaan.
- Police can be charged only with assault andbatterypahoinpitelystä,and few are ever punished.
- In her first trial, she was acquitted of mayhem and assault, but the jury deadlocked onbatterypahoinpitelyyn.
- Charges ranged fromsexualseksuaalisestabatterypahoinpitelystäand aggravated assault to robbery and violation of probation.
- LOS ANGELES (AP) --- Actor Charlie Sheen was charged withmisdemeanorrikoksestabatterypahoinpitely-against his ex-girlfriendentistä tyttöystäväänsä kohtaanafter a confrontation that allegedly left her bloody and unconscious.
burglary.n 🔎
- He had a conviction forburglaryvarkaudestain South Africa.
- He once defended a racist skinhead who'd committed aburglaryvarkaudenwhile on parole.
- Fenton admittedaggravatedtörkeänburglaryvarkaudenat a house in Roseberry Road, Billingham, where Graham Watson, 20, and Dolan admitted burglary.
- The best deterrent againsthousemurto-burglariesvarkauksiaat the moment is an alarm system.
- Nicholas Higgs also admittedburglaryvarkaudenat another house in Kensington Road.
- Some two thirds to three quarters of all solvedburglariesvarkauksistaare committed by young men under the age of 21.
- `One is that, like I said, I could probably frame you for the kiosk and theburglaryvarkaudesta.
- Senior officers have targeted car thefts andhousemurto-burglariesvarkaudetas the two biggest problem areas and a new team has been put in place to spearhead the campaign.
- McCann, in which the Court of Appeal reduced the sentence for arelatively minorsuhteellisen pienestäburglaryvarkaudestaby an offender who had only one distant previous convictionrikoksentekijän, jolla oli vain yksi kaukainen aiempi tuomio, from two years' imprisonment to nine months.
child abuse.n 🔎
- Sadly, the Venets' experience of being accused ofchild abuselasten hyväksikäytöstäis not uncommon.
- Many people involved with theallegedväitettyynchild abuselasten hyväksikäyttö-case in South Ronaldsay think that the roots for believing that `ritual ``abuse was taking place in the island were established at that controversial summer camp.
- It was at this time he was indicted onchild abuselasten hyväksikäytöstächarges.
- Woody Allen denieschild abuselasten hyväksikäytön
copyright infringement.n 🔎
- Mac-on-RISC house Quorum Software Systems Inc, Menlo Park, California, last week filed a suit against Apple Computer Inc seeking to counter allegations of patent andcopyright infringementtekijänoikeusrikkomuksestamade by Apple.
- Macmillan has woncopyright infringementtekijänoikeusrikkomus-claims against Thomas Reed Publications Ltd and its distributor, Barnacle Marine Ltd.
- These three important exceptions tocopyright infringementtekijänoikeusrikkomukseenare described and examined below.
- Intel Corp duly launched a newcopyright infringementtekijänoikeusrikkomus-case against Advanced Micro Devices Inc over the latter's just-announced Am486 parts that include Intel microcode.
felony.n 🔎
- But because Torres is 2 1/2 months pregnant, deputies Saturday charged Camacho with afelonytörkeästä rikoksesta.
- Each forgery chargeJokainen väärennössyyteis aonfelonytörkeä rikos,punishable by up to five years in prison and a dlrs 5,000 fine.
- Ohad Skornick, 23, from Tel Aviv, suspected of conspiracy and failure to prevent afelonytörkeän rikoksen.
- The decision announced Thursday by Attorney General Janet Reno means the department has found specific and credible allegations that Brown may have committed afederalliittovaltionfelonytörkeän rikoksen.
- The law, enacted last year, requires longer prison sentences for felons with at least one prior conviction for aserious or violentvakavasta tai väkivaltaisestafelonytörkeästä rikoksesta.
- CarjackingAuton ryöstäminenis aonfederalliittovaltionfelonytörkeä rikosin this U.S. commonwealth, falling under the jurisdiction of the local U.S. District Court.
- A new federal crime bill provides the death penalty for somefederalliittovaltiongunase-feloniesrikoksista,in which a person is killedjoissa kuolee ihmisiä.
hijacking.n 🔎
- Between June 9 and Aug. 31 there were five otherhijackingskaappaustaof Soviet domestic flights (three to Stockholm and two to HelsinkiNeuvostoliiton sisäisten lentojen (kolme Tukholmaan ja kaksi Helsinkiin) and nine unsuccessful hijack attempts.
- For similar reasons,hijackingskaappaukset,involving aircraft, ships and carsjoihin liittyy lentokoneita, laivoja ja autoja,are not uncommon.
- Sending it by sea, on the other hand, would run the risk ofhijackingskaappauksistaby terrorists or even governmentsterroristien tai jopa hallitusten suorittamista.
- A series ofhijackingskaappauksiaand bomb hoaxes in the west of the city was apparently designed to act as a diversion as a mass escape was made.
- I also did one or two of thosehijackingskaappauksistaover NevadaNevadan yläpuolella-- but that wouldn't have interested you.
- Habash was placed briefly in custody while in a Paris hospital to be questioned by an investigating magistrate about an arms and explosive cache found near Paris in 1986 and about several bombings andhijackingskaappauksista.
homicide.n 🔎
- Sutherland, 50, of Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, denied theculpablesyyllisyytensähomicidehenkirikokseenof Mr Buckleyherra Buckleynon 10 April last year.
- Involuntary manslaughterisonunlawfullaitonhomicidehenkirikoswithout malice aforethoughtilman pahoja ennakkoaikeita.
- Lord Taylor, sitting with Mr Justice Pill and Mr Justice Sedley, described it as a tragic case ofhomicidehenkirikoksenawithin a family.
- In 1990, 11 per cent of femalehomicidehenkirikoksenvictimsuhreistawere not known to their attackers, and experts believe these figures will increase.
indecent assault.n 🔎
- In June Paul Callaghan, 27, was jailed for 15 years after he admitted five robberies, a rape and anindecent assaultsiveellisyysrikoksen.
- A DOCTOR who treated three woman for backache by fondling them was convicted ofindecent assaultsiveellisyysrikoksestayesterday.
- A female can be charged with anindecent assaultsiveellisyysrikoksestaon another femaletoista naista kohtaan.
larceny.n 🔎
- Under the old law of larceny he may not have been guilty ofattemptedyritykseenlarcenyvarkaus-.
- The essential difference between this offence and larceny is that inlarcenyvarkaudessathe victim does not part with the ownership but in obtaining by false pretences he does.
- On that footing the taxi driver could have been guilty oflarcenyvarkauteenby a trickhuijaamalla(in old-fashioned terms), so as to be guilty of theft under any interpretation of section 1(1).
manslaughter.n 🔎
- A man charged with themanslaughtertapostaof twin sisterskaksossiskojenin a barn fire has been speaking of his ” sheer panic ” when the fire broke out.
- Rebecca and Emma Harper died in a barn fire last year — the men accused oftheirheidänmanslaughtertapostaanwere all acquitted after a crown court trial.
- The boy deniesmanslaughtertapon, and the case continues tomorrow.
murder.n 🔎
- A proposal to abolish capital punishment was defeated; the death penalty could be imposed for treason,aggravatedtörkeämurdermurha, rape of a minor, and ``crimes against peace and the safety of mankind.
- Lucio, 32, and partner Wayne Merced, 26, have both been charged withmurdermurhasta.
- An intention to kill must be proved in order to convict someone ofattemptedyrityksestämurdermurha-.
- Itwasolimurdermurhaof the first degreeensimmäisen asteen.
rape.n 🔎
- What she is clear about is thatraperaiskausis a war crime and ought to be prosecuted.
- Police investigated, a file was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service and Mr Lockwood was arrested and charged withraperaiskauksestaand indecent assault.
- The outcome may have turned on the closing arguments of Mr Lozano's lawyer, Roy Black, who had previously defended William Kennedy Smith on charges ofdatetreffeistäraperaiskaus-.
- A CHARGE ofraperaiskauksestaon a mentally handicapped girlhenkisesti vammaisen tytönwas dropped yesterday after a judge ruled she could not give evidence against her alleged attacker.
- Generally men sentenced forraperaiskauksestaget off very lightly.
- A BOY of 14 will appear before a youth court in Crewe today, charged with theattemptedyrityksestäraperaiskaus-of a 92-year-old woman92-vuotiaan naisen.
- In many criminal cases there are victims -- casualties of assault,raperaiskaus, theft or fraud.
- A man has been arrested in connection with theraperaiskauksenof a teenagerteininin Essex.
- Like buggery, which generally involves penile penetration of the anus,raperaiskaustais regarded with extreme gravity and carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
- Recent US research has shown that women who resist assault, either by showing aggression or physically fighting back double their chances of avoidingraperaiskauksen.
- Well, the cape would do no more than implicate Putt in theraperaiskauksestaof the gipsy girlmustalaistytönand it seems she's married and gone.
robbery.n 🔎
- Last summer he was placed under a supervision order after being found guilty of burglary,armedaseelliseenrobberyryöstöönand car theft.
- Four of those arrested are being held on suspicion ofarmedaseellisestarobberyryöstöstä.
sabotage.n 🔎
- New Zealand had been outraged by the Frenchsabotagesabotoinnistaof the Greenpeace shipGreenpeacen aluksen, which had planned to monitor France's nuclear tests in the Pacific.
- They didn't actually go in forsabotagesabotoidakseenor anything, did they?
- The idealists also include extremists who are prepared to break laws and commit acts ofindustrialteollisuus-sabotagesabotoinnin(or ecotage) in order to further their aims.
- The chief task of MI5 between 1939 and 1945 was to counter German espionage andsabotagesabotointiain Britain and the empire.
sexual assault.n 🔎
- Two weeks ago he was given a seven-year sentence for two rapes and twoseriousvakavaasexual assaultsseksuaalirikosta.
- Women, however, are reluctant to report evenseriousvakaviasexual assaultsseksuaalirikoksiato the police.
- YELLOWKNIFE, Northwest Territories (AP) --- The adopted son of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien surrendered to police a day after a court upheld hissexual assaultseksuaalirikos-conviction.
- He also is charged withaggravatedtörkeästäsexual assaultseksuaalirikoksesta, kidnapping, forcible confinement and indignity to a human body.
sexual harassment.n 🔎
- She reckons thatmore than 70% of schoolgirlsyli 70 % koulutytöistäare subjected to some form ofsexual harassmentseksuaaliselle häirinnälleby their male teachers, and that a significant number are physically exploited or even raped.
- A HIGH-FLYING executiveKORKEALLA LENTÄVÄ johtajahounded out of her job after complaining ofsexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästäby her boss has won the maximum award of Pounds 10,000.
- There is rich irony in President Bush's complaint yesterday ofsexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästäagainst the wife of an American soldieramerikkalaisen sotilaan vaimoa kohtaan.
- A POLICEWOMAN claimed yesterdayshehänetwas ignored for promotion after complaining aboutsexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästäby male officers.
- Kiam has also become embroiled in the `Great Locker Room Scandal ``-- an incident involvinga woman sports reporternaispuolinen urheilureportteri(whojokais now suing forsexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästä) and several naked and semi-naked Patriots players.
- In a different context, feminists have worked within trade unions to mobilise grievance procedures to protectwomen whonaisia, jotkacomplain ofsexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästä, either by their bosses or by fellow workers.
- THREE out of four nursesKOLME neljästä sairaanhoitajastasuffersexual harassmentseksuaalisesta häirinnästäat work from patients and colleagues, a new report reveals.
theft.n 🔎
- Forty sixtheftsvarkauttaof vehiclesajoneuvo-were reported last week.
- For this reason the owner may be guilty oftheftvarkauteenfrom the possessor or controller.
- DirectSuoratheftvarkausfrom the parastatal system was common in Tanzania by the 1980s.
- This will tend to incline them towardpettymitätöntätheftvarkautta.
- Photographers were asked to pay fifty pounds a head to take pictures of the troubled businessman, who's facingtheftvarkaus-and fraud charges.
- This, the Home Office itself suggests, is exactly what happened with offences of burglary andtheftvarkaus-in a dwelling in the 1970s (Home Office, 1983a, p. 29) in England and Wales.
- He was fined £100 and given a conditional discharge after he admittedtheftvarkauden, possession of a knife and not surrendering to court on an outstanding warrant.
- Karen reported thetheftvarkaudenthe police and the ranger, and spent hours driving around the roads looking for Tang.
- I got charged with that and theattemptedyrityksestätheftvarkauden.
treason.n 🔎
- Then came Sunday 3 September and the news which, it was later argued, turned political preference intohighmaan-treasonpetokseen:
- As an extension of this military competence, the constable was by this date the established authority in cases oftreasonmaanpetos-which had involved raising war against the kingjoihin liittyi sodan julistaminen kuningasta vastaan.
- How do we know Buckingham committedtreasonmaanpetoksen?
- He also underwent several periods of de facto house arrest and trial fortreasonmaanpetoksestabetween 1956 and 1961.
- They were named as Col. Mangwane Khosana, Gqozo's former right-hand man who had recently escaped from custody facingtreasonmaanpetos-charges, and Lt.-Gen.