TransFrameNet:Observable body parts
ankle.n 🔎
- `You need to be comfortable with thatanklenilkkasiof yourssinun, ``said Joe, picking up the tray.
- He felt a stabbing pain at the back ofhishänenanklenilkkansa.
- Dalziel pulled up his trouser-leg and began scratchinghishänenanklenilkkaansa.
- HisHänenanklenilkkansais badly swollen and he is struggling for the weekend.
- A Great Tightness lies on most pavements unleashing itself round all passinganklesnilkkoja.
- Haney spent a moment watching the slim figure, admiring the honey-coloured hair and the soft lift of young breasts against linen and the occasional glimpse of aslimohuistaanklenilkoistabeneath white petticoats.
- Some sports magazines and shops sell weighted strips of material that you can wear aroundyoursinunwrists oranklesnilkkojesiwhilst doing other exercise (such as suppleness exercises or when running).
- SheHänellähadbeautifulkauniitanklesnilkat, invisible under the domestic jeans.
- She walked ahead of me on the narrow path;shehänellähad slender legs andprettysievätanklesnilkat.
- The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his rightanklenilkkansa, went slowly, resting several times on the way.
- The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer abovehishänenrightoikeananklenilkkansa, went slowly, resting several times on the way.
antenna.n 🔎
- Bright little creature -- it took her just three minutes to work this out ashersenantennaetuntosarvetfluttered in the sudden sweet smelling breeze.
- ItsSensecondarysekundaarisestaantennaetuntosarvestahave become adapted, forming claws with which it digs in and fastens itself to the delicate gill lamellae.
- The rear ends of their wings are elongated into long tendrils which resemble antennae and are, indeed, more conspicuous thanthe insect'shyönteisenrealtodellisetantennaetuntosarvet.
- The slightest vibration of the surface is detected by theantennatuntosarvet, and the whirligig can distinguish between its own ripples and the myriad ripples produced by other whirligigs.
- Only about 200 molecules need to hit theantennaetuntosarveenof the maleuroksen, for him to fly off in search of the female.
- The traces of these appendages are preserved in exceptional circumstances, so we do know thattrilobitestrilobiiteillähad walking legs gills,antennaetuntosarvet, and the bases of the legs modified into primitive jaws in some species.
- Sometimesmothskoillahavethickpaksutantennaetuntosarvet,that look like feathers.
- If the ground is moving slowly, the insect movesits<empty>antennaetuntosarviaaninwards and so beats its wings more strongly, while if the ground is moving by too fast, it compensates by moving the antennae outwards.
- In addition to usingits<empty>antennaetuntosarviaan, the locust has a patch of hairs on its head, which are sensitive to air currents.
- HisSenantennaetuntosarvetwere quivering now.
antler.n 🔎
- The head andantlershirvensarvetof the magnificent full grown maleupean täysikasvuisen uroksenappeared on the skyline not fifty yards away.
- However, the flight was extremely enjoyable and we travelled low enough almost to touch theantlerssarviaof the wild moosevillien hirvienthat were in the area and to see the countryside from the most advantageous position.
- With a shake ofits<empty>magnificentmahtaviaantlerssarviaanthe stag charged down the slope towards them.
- The male roe deer'sUroskauriinbranchedhaarautuneitaantlerssarviaare used in the breeding season when rutting against other males.
- The brown of the plains has been replaced by an underlying green, like the velvet ona stag'suroshirvenantlerssarvissa.
- Yanto had an idea The stag had stopped momentarily,itssenspreadlevitetytantlerssarvethad tangled in the thick brambles.
- A stone hearth, possibly of the Iron Age, about 200 AD, was found quite close and the adjacent midden contained many remains of bones anddeerhirvienantlerssarvia.
- Kodiak barked a farewell, themoosehirvenantlerssarvetseemed to wave and the ripples on Lough Corrib frowned at me reproachfully.
- Cernunnos is most often described as The Homed One, for his head is adorned withreindeerporonantlerssarvilla.
- Hartebeests rub the glands by their eyes along the sides of their bodies, while deer rubtheir<empty>antlerssarviaanon vegetation previously coated with their own scent.
- We know male deer developenormousvaltavatantlersarvetat vast cost to themselves to dominate harems of females, but not all male deer do that.
- If there is a trend towards large antlers for a while in evolution, there can easily be a subsequent trend towardssmallerpienempiäantlerssarviaagain.
- The Third Labour was the capture ofthe wild Keryneian Hindvilli Keryneian kauriswithgoldenkultaisetantlerssarvet.
- The male, as it reaches maturity developsstag-likeuroshirven sarvien kaltaisetantlerssarvet.
- There are pigmy giraffes,large giraffessuuria kirahveja, joillawithmoose-likehirvensarvia muistuttavatantlerssarvetand elephant-like creatures with downward-curving tusks in the lower jaw.
- Among primates again, large species like the baboon tend to have extra-large canine teeth, just aslarge deersuurilla peuroillahaveoversizetavallista suuremmatantlerssarvet.
- They are unique among the deer family in thatboth the males and femalessekä uroksilla että naaraillahaveantlerssarvetwhich are eaten when shed to build up the reindeer's calcium stocks.
- An example of sexual selection emphasizing male-to-male exclusion (intrasexual selection) is provided by theantlerssarvetof deerhirven.
- Thus, as Richard Lewontin put it, `it is then unnecessary to give a specifically adaptive reason for theextremely largeäärimmäisen suurilleantlerssarvilleof deerhirven-``(Box 1).
anus.n 🔎
- One of the circumstances constituting this offence is where the penis penetrate theanusperäaukkoonof a male or a femalemiehen tai naisen, and the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.
- In another, an elderly woman forced a pronged implement into theanusperäaukkoonof a muscular manlihaksikkaan miehenwearing the mask of Horus.
- HisHänenanusperäaukkonsahurt and his legs were weak.
- They inserted a truncheon intohishänenanusperäaukkoonsa.
- `MyMinunanusperäaukkooni.
- She watched him kneel on the floor and, taking a deep breath, she switched off all sensitivity to close her lips overhishänenwrinkledryppyisenanusperäaukkonsa.
- At first I thought it was piles, as I had terrible itching roundmyminunanusperäaukkoni.
- It also gives the animal unusually short front legs and long hind legs, and anabnormally smallepätavallisen pienenanusperäaukon, so that it hops along like a rabbit and suffers from constipation.
- Badgers smell musky, which is not surprising because they habitually deposit tiny amounts of musk, a smelly fluid secreted from a gland near theanusperäaukon, to mark the home territory and individuals within that territory.
appendage.n 🔎
- Appendagesulokkeisiinoften include powerful claws, and it does not take much imagination to conclude that these eurypterids were among the fiercest predators of their day.
- The palpifer carries the maxillary palp, the most conspicuousappendagejatkeof the maxillayläleuan.
- On the one hand, the prolegs or gills develop from what seemto be theolevanappendagesjatkeitaof the polypod embryomonijalkaisen sikiön(Friedman, 1934).
- For a long time some of its parts -- its mouth anditsseneatingsyömis-appendageslisäkkeet-- were classed as separate animals.
- It appears to have rather generalized habits, feeding on everything from worms to clams, which it can crush withits<empty>powerfulvoimakkaillaappendageslisäkkeillään, using the bases of its legs like nutcrackers.
- Although he was affectionately known to all as `Broomstick ``, this fetching nickname severely underestimated the enormity ofhishänenappendagepeniksensä.
- AninsectHyönteisenappendagelisäkeconsists typically of a limb base and a shaft.
- Because we do not have the legs preserved, it is not possible to see how theappendageslisäkkeetfunctioned in feeding, and neither are the stomach contents preserved.
- Predatory habits are typical, andmany speciesmonilla lajeillahavespecialized clutchingerikoistuneet tarttumis-appendageslisäkkeet, or stinging organs.
- It resembleda huge, tubby fish, about three times as long as I was tall,valtavaa pulskaa kalaa, joka oli noin kolme kertaa leveämpi kuin se oli pitkäwiththickpaksutappendageslisäkkeetlike fins trying to become legs.
- The term ``gonapophysis is sometimes also used loosely to denote anygenitalsukupuoli-appendagelisäkkeitä.
- In front there is a pair ofpowerfulvoimakkaita,flattenedlitistyneitäappendageslisäkkeitä,
- Facivermis is peculiar because the anterior region bears five pairs oflobopod-likelobopodimaisiaappendageslisäkkeitä, whereas the rest of the body is smooth.
- They are very diverse, butthey allniillä kaikillahaveprominenthuomattavatlobateliuskaisetappendageslisäkkeet, a well developed head with eyes, and sometimes a tail-fan.
- Structurallytheyniillähave fewappendageslisäkkeitäand the buccal capsule is vestigial.
arm.n 🔎
- Kopyion bounded forward and slammedhishänenarmkäsivartensaagainst Carlson's chest.
- She could not help but wonder what he would be doing now; could he be wrapped in thearmskäsivarsilleof Sarah MillerSarah Millerin, putting Eline completely out of his thoughts?
- And Daeve said, `Heroin, it's whatyoursinunrightoikeaarmkäsivartesi's for.
- She held upherhänenwrinkledryppyistäarmkäsivarttaan.
- Towards the front of the hall, which was coldly functional and had none of the baroque charm of Blackpool's Winter Gardens, sat a group of Young Conservatives,theirheidäntattooedtatuoitujenarmskäsivarsiensahidden beneath designer jackets.
- Mafouz was coming round inhis fathershänen isänsäarmskäsivarsille.
- HisHänenoverlongylipitkätarmskäsivartensasurrounded her and before she knew what was happening the strings of her skirt were untied.
- To beOllamyminunswordmiekka-armkäsivarteniand my scourge, the bane of my enemies and the defender of my children.
- At the Pessarane Behesht camp the young man had been known as Matchsticks because he was very tall and thin, withlong monkeypitkät apinanarmskäsivarret,which he moved in an uncoordinated fashion that amused his comrades.
- He was leaning down,hishänenspearkeihäs-armkäsivartensaback, the gleaming bronze blade wavering as it came towards her.
- He hadn't dared to dwell on her in thoseagingikääntyvillearmskäsivarsillelest his rage should drive him to deeds he might regret for the rest of his life.
- The remainder of the sequence then degenerates into a mêlée of pumpingarmskäsivarsienand legs.
- She was short and square, with a small head poked forward,long swingingpitkät heiluvatarmskäsivarretand a bent-kneed running walk.
- And it's all done with flashing eyes, wavingarmskäsivarsien, tossed heads and wringing hands.
- Midnight swunghishänenleftvasentaarmkäsivarttaanwith all the force and weight of his body -- a hammer-blow on the man's right cheekbone.
- AngusAngusput anarmkäsivarrenround Flora, drew her to him and kissed her.
- Nancy raised alargesuurenarmkäsivarrenwith the authority of a policeman directing traffic.
- The bridesmaid eventually turned up with a tale as long asherhänenarmkäsivartensaas to why, which nobody listened to.
- While in hospital for that,shehänbroke anarmkäsivartensaas well.
- One man is just taking another by thearmkäsivarrestaas he passes, and laughing in surprise.
- She was sitting crying on the bottom step of the staircase outside Bert's cubbyhole withJohnny, the ASM and callboyJohnnyn, ASM:n ja puhelinpojan,whojollahadhis<empty>armkäsivarsiround her shoulders.
- Maggie's sobs were becoming more natural, but she still hadherhänenarmskäsivartensatight round Phoebe's neck and her head pressed against Phoebe's breast and her voice was muffled.
- SheHänellähasrather longmelko pitkätarmskäsivarretwith slightly curved fingers, short legs and broad feet.
back.n 🔎
- Some skin came away with it, andherhänenbackselkänsästung.
- The next day he rescued one of his men from a shell crater and was shot in thebackselkäänby a sniper.
- She turnsherhänenbackselkänsäto him to look in the mirror beside the cherrywood armoire.
- The two noddies are fairly similar, but the lesser has a longer beak andthe brownruskealla, as its name suggests, has apaler brownvaaleammanruskeabackselkä.
- I had an 80ft oak tree land onmyminunbackselässäni.
beak.n 🔎
- Thebeaksnokatof flamingosFlamingojenare usually inverted when feeding, the algae and shrimps are filtered from the water by hair-like lamellae on the rims of the bill openings.
- The characteristicgaudykirjavabeaknokkaof the puffinlunninis but a summer adornment, and is shed in winter.
- Few, however, will escape thepredatorypetomaisiabeaksnokkiaof our Vangmoor songstersVangmoorin laululintujen, bent upon feeding their young.
- Her words were brisk, like thebeaknokkaof a birdlinnun, and nasal.
- It would knock on the door withits<empty>beaknokallaanwhen it required feeding.
- The coot is one of the most common water birds withits<empty>whitevalkoisenbeaknokkansaand face shield.
- The bonds were too tight to allow the muscular body any movement, but the bird crossly jerked its head and openedits<empty>pointedteräväkärkisenbeaknokkansato hiss at Joseph's fingers.
- Turkey Lurkie blewhis<empty>beaknokkaansaloudly and sniffed a few more times.
- At the same time, her oars sent her spinning into a turn, so thatherhänenironrautainenbeaknokkansapointed outward, ready to gore the towering sides of the Genoese.
- A battleground of historic events and a jungle of eyes watching him out of the gloom, bright eyes and eyes dulled from misuse, flaring nostrils and faded plumage and gaping jaws andoncekerranbeaksnokat.
- For example, the type ofparrotpapukaijanbeaknokkathat cracks Brazil nuts admirably would, on Diatryma, be wildly oversized for even the most enormous nuts.
- The jaw muscles turn out to have been placed to generate the most powerful bite possible, especially when Diatryma brought into play the powerful downwards hingeing action of theupperylemmänbeaknokanon the skull.
- At first Creggan had mantled at these free birds, raising his great wings and lunginghis<empty>beaknokkaansatowards them in a threatening way.
- Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts,yellowkeltainenbeaknokkain a grimace -- take me with you?
- Don Roscoe had his arm torn open by therazorpartaveitsenteräväbeaknokkaof one such birdyhden sellaisen linnun.
- TheyoungNuoretbeaksnokatare not strong enough to break the yarn (have you ever tried breaking acrylic?) and of course, they can not unpick the yarn.
- There's something about watching little birds, even dead ones, being torn to shreds by apowerfulvoimakkaanbeaknokanthat turns my stomach.
- A kea, New Zealand's native parrot, swooped by out of the gloom, its green wings flapping round my head anditssencurvedkäyränbeaknokanfrighteningly close to my face.
- He noticed thatsomejoillakinhadbeaksnokat,that seemed to be perfectly created for the needs of the locality.
- Like most birdwatchers, I have only seen them in pictures -invariably in supremely elegant poses,theirniidenlongpitkien,thinohuidenbeaksnokkiendelicately probing the water for weeds.
- TheirNiidenlong slenderpitkä ja sirobeaknokkaalso assists in capturing their prey.
- TheyNiillä've gotlongpitkätbeaksnokatlike that.
beard.n 🔎
- Sure enough, down the steps another group was approaching, and Pugwash shook with fright as he recognised the heavy shape andhugevaltavanbeardparranof his greatest enemyhänen pahimman vihollisensa.
- On one embarrassing occasion Queen Mary caught her earring on thebeardpartaaof the plumber who was showing her that the lavatory cistern really workedputkimiehen, joka näytti hänelle, että vessan säiliö todella toimi,.
- I love theout-of-controlvilliintyneitäbeardspartojaof the elders like `Moses ``vanhempien miesten, kuten Mooseksen,.
- He had just turned 38, buthishänenbeardpartansawas nearly all grey.
- Karlinsky strokedhishänenbeardpartaansaand smiled.
- HisHänenwhitevalkoinenbeardpartansawas ragged.
- The visitor sipped his coffee and looked at the impish old man withhishänengoateevuohen-beardpartoineen.
- HeHänellähad a winging moustache and agoateevuohen-beardpartabut he moved tentatively, uncertainly, and Melanie guessed it was Finn who worked him.
- From his shiny, greasy, biker-looking jeans tohishänenshortlyhyeen,greyingharmaantuvaanbeardpartaansa, he was muscle and bone.
- HeHän's well over six feet tall, sports arough-and-tumble greyinghäikäilemättömästi harmaantuvabeardpartaand, as a physical specimen, he's around the same mass as, say, Norway.
- HeHänellähad asmallpieni,pointedteräväkärkinen,elusivehämäräbeardpartalike the Don, and wispy grey moustaches drooping to join it.
- Whatham's hunch in castingCrawfordCrawfordia,whojollasported aneatly cutsiististi leikattubeardpartafor the role, had been proved correct.
- Dyed-in-the-wool Labourites can still be heard muttering oaths intotheirheidänbeardspartoihinsaagainst `cellphone socialists ``-- barely one step up the political rung from those most reviled of all creatures, champagne socialists.
- HeHänellähad abeardparta.
- The menfolkMiesväellähave an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear along greypitkät harmaatbeardparrat.
belly.n 🔎
- Sun Microsystems Inc turned biblical for the virtual reality display it mounted at Siggraph last week: equipped with a headset, the wearer got swallowed up and landed in thebellyvatsaanof a fishkalan.
- `There, now -- that should fill thebelliesvatsatof those young fellows, ``he remarked with satisfaction.
- At the bottom of the drive, Wayne started to totter, andhishänenyellowkeltainenbellyvatsansagave such a thunderous rumble, he started looking round at it in surprise and reproach.
- MyMinunbellyvatsaniis swollen and my … breasts are full. ”
- He groaned again peevishly, scratchedhishänenhairykarvaistabellyvatsaansa, lifted his sunglasses and said, `Liver.
- But it hurtsmyminunbellyvatsaani!
- But that is because love is a social emotion, not a biological one: young women don't lovesaggingroikkuviabelliesmahojaand grey hair, they love money and power which men have to offer more often than women do.
- The dog measureditssenblondvaaleaabellyvatsaain the mud, agitating its stern.
- Violet lay onher<empty>bellyvatsallaanon the bed.
- Her hands massaged his testicles and fondled the shaft of his risen pole, while she coveredhismiehenchest andbellyvatsanwith a flurry of butterfly kisses.
- What was comfort only a roof over your head, afulltäysibellyvatsa, a fire, books to read and nothing on your mind?
- ThebellyVatsawent into little convulsions.
- Oozing sexual orifices puckeredhis/herhänenslumpinglysähtänyttäbellyvatsaansa.
- No,very largehyvin suuretbelliesmahat.
- Ye never knew what it was to have a dacent meal inyersinunbellyvatsassasiuntil ye married me!
- HeHänellähas ahugevaltavabellyvatsaand is always drooling.
bill.n 🔎
- There isa small but distinctive group of larger birdspieni mutta merkitsevä ryhmä suurempia lintuja,with longer wings,hookedkoukkumaisetbillsnokatand forward vision.
- Analogies played almost as important a part in the system as affinities did; animals with long snouts should occupy a place similar tobirdslinnuilla,withlongpitkätbillsnokat, for example.
- The male starling has a steel blue tinge to the base ofitssenbillnokanand the female, a pink tinge.
- DrakeUrossorsallahas white face and forehead, and in summerbluesininenbillnokka; duck's pale face is crossed by white line; both have base of bill swollen.
- Oystercatchers usetheirniidenbright orangekirkkaanoranssiabillsnokkaansato open shellfish, but use two distinct types of opening techniques.
- The swan stuckhis<empty>billnokkaansain the air and paddled upstream slowly.
- Through one of the glass panes in Plover Hide I could see a twite:a plump little linnet-like birdpullean, pienen hemppomaisen linnun, brown, streaky-breasted, with abright yellow stubbykirkkaankeltainen paksubillnokka.
- In and out of coves flittedthe gullslokkeja, small and pretty, with softly rounded heads andneat yellowsiistit keltaisetbillsnokat.
- The contrast between theyellowkeltaisenbillnokanand the red spot on the bill of a herring acts as a stimulus to cause the young gull to feed off their parents by pecking their gulls.
- Thesmall thinpieni ohutbillnokkaof the birdLinnunis the ideal tool for prising concealed invertebrates out of crevices in the bark but it is a rapier rather then a bludgeon.
body.n 🔎
- She hid in the silent, stony rooms and watched Tallis secretly when the woman came into the castle, dragging with her thebodyvartaloaof a manmiehen.
- Thebatteredpahoinpidellytbodiesruumiitof Margaret Godfrey, aged 54, Susan Godfrey, aged 22, and Florence Jeffrey, aged 7854-vuotiaan Margaret Godfreyn, 22-vuotiaan Susan Godfreyn ja 78-vuotiaan Florence Jeffreyn, were found in two different houses in Oxford in August this year.
- But the women were crouched so low over their work that their shawls shroudedtheirniidenwholekokobodiesruumiita, and I didn't once see them raise their eyes from the carcass.
- HisHänenbodyruumiinsastiffened silently.
- She tiltedher<empty>bodyvartalonsasideways.
- ToherHänenshiveringvapisevassabodyvartalossaan, he felt like a furnace.
- Try dancing, the movement of limbs andbodyvartalonto the beat of the music.
- Thebodiesruumiitof at least 30 peopleVähintään 30 ihmisenwere found in the streets, an army officer said.
- As you can see from the first diagram, thebodyvartaloof even the toughest fighterjopa kovimmankin taistelijanis covered with `soft spots ``(or vulnerable areas) which can easily be seen and reached.
- And, in Newton-le-Willows, an 11-year-old boy suffered burns tohishänenupperylä-bodyvartalossaanafter falling onto a bonfire.
- I had an arrow right throughmyminunbodyvartalonifrom back to front somewhere in the region of my lower ribs.
- WeMeillädon't haveperfect airbrushedtäydellisen ruskettuneitabodiesvartaloita, and we don't want `em.
- Diane hadn't been a stunner, butshe'dhänelä olihad a pleasant face anda more than tolerably decentenemmän kuin siedettävän hyvännäköinenbodyvartalo.
breast.n 🔎
- This awareness is evident in the best prints, in the feeling of light on thebreastrinnallaof a fellvuodanor a break in the cloud in one of his small aquatints.
- In their natural state,empusaeempusoillahad the head andbreastsrinnatof a lovely girlihanan tytönand the body and legs of a donkey.
- This did indeed occur, for when she went to embrace him the bodies of the lover and the beloved merged forever, becoming a double-sexed being --a youthnuorukainen,with thebreastsrinnatof a womannaisen.
- Thebreastsrinnatof the womenNaisenwere small, and no more developed than those of the men.
- He did not release her, he drew her closer untilherhänenbreastsrintansawere pressed against him.
- This gave a man opposite her the chance to wonder whyherhänenbreastsrintansawere so small.
- She is clothed in a simple shift which reveals the outline of her thighs, the slight curve of her abdomen,herhänensmall roundpienet pyöreätbreastsrintansa.
- He had had to conceal his revulsion at the creased and thumbed photographs handed round from desk to desk at school -- those grey girls withtheirheidänballoonilmapallon kokoisinebreastsrintoineenand gaping hairy forks.
- There was just enough moonlight to see that one of the rocks did indeed resemble a naked woman withherhänentwinkaksinebreastsrintoineenthrust towards the stars.
- Now, as she moved slowly forward,herhänenquiveringvärisevät,upthrustkohoilevatbreastsrintansathreatened to break loose from her low-cut gown of mantis-green gauze.
- The scene where Kathleen Byron puts on bright red lipstick is far sexier than most modern bedroom scenes with thrashing limbs andhoveringhuojuvinebreastsrintoineen.
- Where werethe luscious slave-girlsuhkeat orjatytötwithswellingturvonneinebreastrintoineenand buttocks like ripe fruit, on which he could feed his harmless, middle-aged lechery?
- Rapidly, she undressed, to prance before him, coquettishly covering and uncoveringbreastsrintojaand quim with outspread hands.
- Succeeding, she rotated the garment, leveredherhänenformidablemahtavatbreastsrintansainto the cups and thrust her arms through the shoulderstraps.
- Upperparts boldly patterned, with white belly in summer andpure whitepuhtaanvalkoisetbreastrinnatin winter; legs black, cf.
- WomenNaisillawere seen to havecompletetäydellisetbreastsrinnatwith nipples on themja niissä nännit.
- Then her finger moved in the moonlight, her musket shattered the moonlight, shatteredherhänenbreastrintansain the moonlight, and warned him with her death.
- Many girls longed to `lose ``theirheidänbottoms orbreastsrintansaor stomachs -- and not just those with eating disorders.
- But it's not really that much of a boast given thattheyheilläalso havebiggersuuremmatbuttocks,breastsrinnat, and just about everything really.
- Like a large rufous and grey domestic fowl or a giant partridge, with whitish cheeks, and distinctive blackish striations onupperylä-breastrinnassa; the snowcock with least white in its plumage.
- In summer is onlysmall waderpieni kahlaajalintuwithblackmustalowerala-breastrintaand belly.
- His fingers drew strands across her bosom, lightly caressing thesmallpieniäbreastsrintojabeneath.
- Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled intohishänenbreastrintaansain an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.
brow.n 🔎
- Alice put her finger toherhänenbrowotsalleenin the classic pose of thought.
- He raised adarktummiabrowkulmakarvojain her direction.
- MPs shifted around, loosening ties and wipingbrowsotsiain the uncomfortable heat.
- HisSenbrowotsabanged hard down once then settled gently
- HisSendarktummatbrowskulmakarvatdrew together.
- The brown hair, thedarktummatbrowskulmakarvatand, when he took her hand, the open brown depths of her eyes were like molasses drained from white sugar.
- `Well? ``he queried with a lift of oneblackmustaabrowkulmakarvaa.
- He furrowedhishänenbrowkulmakarvojaan.
- Walt took out a large coloured handkerchief and moppedhishänendampkosteaabrowotsaansa.
- He wiped the sweat fromhishänenwideleveältäbrowotsaltaanand hitched his belt up over his nascent paunch.
- `It's too much, ``she said slowly, wrinklingherhänenslopingkaltevaabrowotsaansathoughtfully, as though she would elaborate further.
- Gav said, swivelling that thick neck of his to look at me,hishänenmassivemassiivistenbrowskulmakarvojensafurrowing.
buttocks.n 🔎
- When in Auckland A cultural misunderstanding has led to a young Cook Islander being fined £75 by a New Zealand judge for squeezing thebuttockspakaroitaof two white womenkahden valkoisen naisenin a Wellington street.
- The arms, legs andbuttockspakaratof these childrenNäiden lapsienare often stripped of flesh so that the skin hangs in folds.
- When you are in the air use the back foot to pull the tail of the board up underyoursinunbuttockspakaroittesi.
- HerHänenbuttockspakaransawere twitching rhythmically to the music.
- HeHänellähad big, brown eyes, long furry ears anddimpledkuopalla olevatbuttockspakarat.
- `I saw everything, ``saida young mothernuori äiti,withclenchedkireätbuttockspakarat.
- I turned from my contemplation of the inclement evening and easedmyminunbuttockspakaroitanion to the warm radiator beneath the window.
- Her breasts were crushed and pinched by callused fingers, her thighs lifted to meet the demands of themuscularlihaksikkaidenbuttockspakaroidenthrusting against her.
- He kissed her lightly upon the lips, and turned her soherhänenslim, shapely back andplump, roundedpulleat, pyöreätbuttockspakaransafaced him.
- Her slim waist emphasised the voluptuous curve of her hips; andherhänenpert, plump, roundedpirteät, pulleat, pyöreätbuttockspakaransastuck out like two shapely globes.
cheek.n 🔎
- Red as the clouds which flush beneath the sun's slant rays, says Ovid, red as the rosy Dawn,were theolivatcheeksposketof DianaDiananas she stood there in view without her robes.
- He occasionally drops a phrase to provoke a smile from thesoftpehmeistächeeksposkistaof ladies and gentlemenrouvien ja herrojen, and to make them think that they could say the thing better …
- Tears trickled down thecheeksposkillaof some stout veteransjoidenkin tukevien veteraanien.
- She looked up and saw the serene brown eyes andnutshellpähkinänvärisetcheeksposketof old Rabiavanhan Rabian, the midwife.
- That really is the limit: there's a string of her spit linkingmyminuncheekposkeniand her chin.
- He was just looking down on her face, one hand smoothing the hair fromherhänencheekposkillaan.
- Her shoulders shook with laughter,herhänenalabasteralabasterinvalkoisetcheeksposkensaflushed with warmth.
- If Marguerite noticedJenna'sJennancrimsonpunaisetcheeksposket,she chose to ignore it, but Claudine missed nothing and when they were alone for a moment she turned on Jenna with flashing dark eyes.
- Delicate colour tingedherhänenporcelainposliinisillacheeksposkillaan.
- She gazed at thegirl'stytönwild-rosevilliruusun värisiincheeksposkiinand half-closed eyes.
- Your face will be more likely to have a dull complexion, with podgy,saggingroikkuvatcheeksposketand double chin.
- Eline seated herself on a flat piece of stone and felt the warm breeze fanherhänencheeksposkillaanwith an almost sensuous pleasure.
- Marco's fist struckBrian'sBrianinnose andcheekposkeenwith a crunch, but Brian hardly felt it.
- It brought a smile to his face because he recognised the lie though no word had been spoken and he trailed his lips acrossherhänenburningpolttavallacheekposkellaanbefore catching her mouth lightly with his own.
- `He kissed me on thecheekposkelleand I waved him off at the door and watched TV before going to bed.
- SheHänellähadplumppulleatcheeksposketwith dimples and pretty brown hair.
chest.n 🔎
- But her gaze edged upwards, taking in the long, muscular legs and narrow hips, thebroadlaajachestrintain its businesslike white shirt …
- Curled againsthishänenchestrintaansa, Lais sighed happily.
- He was propped up on one elbow, his dark hair sweat-curled, his eyes gleaming with desire,hishänennakedalastonchestrintansaand arms magnificent in their absolute masculinity.
- He prodded the boy in thechestrintaanwith the cane.
- I was always a stick walking down the road with aflatlatta-chestrintaisena.
- `And one look atmyminunflatlitteäänchestrintaaniconvinced her I was the love of your life, I suppose!
- AhairlessKarvatonchestrintawould have been a great advantage for a bisexual like myself.
- David sat up, turned on the light, yawned, and scratchedhishänenhairykarvaistachestrintaansa.
- This exercise develops theupperylä-chestrintaaand the front deltoid.
- The shot hit the raider in theupperylä-chestrintaanand killed him instantly.
- They'd X-rayedmyminunchestrintaniwhen any fool knew that it was the kidney that had had to come out.
- Don't worry if you don't have ahairykarvaistachestrintaa, buy a suitable wig or other rug.
chin.n 🔎
- From thetremblingvapisevastachinsleuastaof old menVanhan miehen,
- A woman stood at the shallow end, her hand under thechinleuanof a small childpienen lapsen, encouraging it along.
- HerHänenchinleukansawas straight.
- The agogiati raisedhishänenbluesinistächinleukaansaand eyebrows in a silent no, then turned contemptuously away.
- HerHänenbabyvauvamainenchinleukansa, her drooping petal of lower lip, her tousled mane of blonde tresses, her girlish gingham dresses with white dýlletage, combined to create a look of chaste girlhood with a strong hint that she would be quite prepared for you to sully it.
- He strokedhishänenroundpyöreää,dumplingpaksuachinleukaansa.
- He looked down at her, atherhänenout-thrustulostyöntyväächinleukaansaand flashing eyes, and, to her surprise, he laughed, really laughed, in a way he had not done before.
- Many of the publicity stills make a great play of the stiff, straight back, theproudly juttingylpeänä törröttävächinleuka, and the tranced demeanour crossed with a hint of aloofness.
- There's a display of shrugging, nodding and strokingchinsleuan, so Rufus keeps at them: `Well, what's he going to do -- put it down to experience?
- She tiltedherhänenchinleukaansaat him.
- The high cheekbones, ``he ran his finger fromherhänenchinleuastaanto just below the eye.
- You get a build up of black heads around the nose, and around thechinleuan.
- UnshavenAjamatonchinsleukaappeared regularly at the Animal Amnesty stand in Darlington.
- SheHänellähad anobstinateitsepäinenchinleuka, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes.
- IfBootsyBootsyllähad achinleuka, it was not much in evidence and Matthew could see two distinct pimples beside his nose.
- His hair was almost black, without a trace of grey, andhehänellähad one of thosesmoothsileistä,delicately bluishhienostuneen sinertävistächinsleuoista, which suggest the use of expensive after-shave preparations on a virile male skin.
- Winston Smith,hishänenchinleukansanuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.
claw.n 🔎
- And a cat scratchedits<empty>clawskynsiäänagainst the tree,
- ItSeis the offspring of a lion and an eagle, with the hindparts of the former and the head, neck, wings andclawskynnetof the latterjälkimmäisen.
- A WOUNDED British woman told yesterday how her lover gave his own life to save her from death in theclawskynsissäof a crazed grizzly bearvilliintyneen harmaakarhun.
- In place of a human hand several hybrids sported theterriblekamalat,strongvahvatclawkynnetof the purestrain Genestealerpuhtaan geenirosvon.
- The beautiful beast was motionless withitssenclawskynsienstill clasping the bait.
- Some lizards climbed higher still in that primordial forest,theirniidenclawskynnetchanging into fingers with opposing thumbs.
- The poor bird squawked and scrabbled,itssenclawskynnetbeating the madman's stomach, ripping his rags still further, but Red Hand held it firmly by the neck.
- Nevertheless, I eat more than my fair share of oysters, and filch one of herlobsterhummerinclawssaksistaafter I've eaten my own.
- He waved adecorativekoristeellistacrabravunclawsakseaaround in growing triumph.
- ThetigerTiikerinclawkynnenstrike can be seen in several kung fu systems.
- Bellowing, the thing was trying to reach over the stair-rail withitssenotherencrustedpäällysteinen,decomposingmätäneväclawkynsi.
- She could even hear the little lizards darting onscratchy littlerahisevissa pienissäclawskynsissäamong the bougainvillaea on the low ornamental wall.
- She opened aclawsaksenand pulled out a sliver of succulent flesh.
- The pistol shrimp then holds the disoriented fish in anotherclawsaksessa, and fires a barrage of sound shots to its head before settling down to a quiet meal.
- He held out ablackmustaaclawkynttäwhich she stroked.
- With a great heave theblackmustatclawskynnetripped away Bill's scalp, his face split from top to bottom revealing the three demonic masks of Hades rising from within.
- A species of BOGEY-BEAST ormischievous HOBGOBLIN whichilkikurinen HOBGOBLIN, jollahas horns,clawskynnet, pointed fangs and blood-red eyes.
- This lobsterTällä hummerillahas only oneon vain yksiclawsaksi!
- Even when they are only a few months old,theyniillähaveclawskynnetand teeth quite long and sharp enough to damage one another.
- ItSillähadclawskynnetlike an eagle talons; she could hear them shredding and splintering the wood.
- `Sothe little kittenpienellä kissanpennullahasonclawskynnet, ``he murmured.
crown.n 🔎
- See, he's fallen down and brokenhishänencrownkallonsa.
- This evening a figure eight would do, reaching fromcrownpäälaeltato nape.
- He was a stout man with abaldpaljascrownpäälakiround which a ruff of brown hair grew thickly.
- I noticed a small bald patch on thecrownpäälaella.
- Reed removed his fisherman's hat, uncovering abaldpaljaancrownpäälaenand a fringe of auburn hair.
- Vici Moorhouse at Rare Moods styled this asymmetric bob with ahighkorkeancrownpäälaen
- AhighKorkea,centre-partedkeskeltä jakautuvacrowntukkaand sweeping fringe ring the changes on short hair.
- Other small birds like the house sparrowMuut pienet linnut, kuten varpunen,can follow a similar format but havesquarerneliömäisemmätcrownsosiot.
- JuvenilePoikasillahasunbarred dark brownraidaton tummanruskeacrownpäälakiand nape.
- SakerAavikkohaukallaalways haspalervaaleampicrownpäälakiand is less slender and rakish, but may otherwise be hard to distinguish.
- Her long hair was pulled through its centre to spring fromherhänencrownpäälaeltaanlike a pony-tail that swished from side to side as she moved.
ear.n 🔎
- She rams a power drill into theearkorvaanof her baby dollvauvanukkensawhile going through appalling `cute ``histrionics that are like Kate Bush with a soiled nappy and a gallon of helium.
- Eachearkorvaof each childJokaisen lapsenwas investigated separately, thus enabling the comparison of four different types of ear: unoperated, ventilation tube alone, adenoidectomy alone, and adenoidectomy in combination with a tube.
- On the way down the corridor Martinho hissed inmyminunearkorvaani, `You want to get us all shot?
- Shrugging the collar higher aroundtinglingkihelmöivienearskorvienhe thought of Carrie.
- The hall light was still on and he puthishänenearkorvansato the letter box; he could hear her voice on the telephone but could not distinguish her words.
- “ You know I don't … but a few soft curls over eachearkorvanlook very becoming — everyone says so. ”
- `Keep your voice down, can't you? ``he murmured, buthis two sonshänen kahdella pojallaanhadsharpterävätearskorvat.
- HeHänellähadsuch beautiful furryniin kauniit karvaisetearskorvat.
earlobe.n 🔎
- He didn't look effeminate, even when you considered the plain gold ring that piercedhishänenleftvasemmanearlobekorvanipukkansa.
- Howard sits up front with a shotgun grazinghishänenearlobekorvanipukkaansa, whilst Miki, Emma, Chris and myself are squashed in on the back seat, staring through the grating at the road ahead.
- Rose gaveBaptiste'sBaptistenearlobekorvanipukallea hard pinch.
- `But sir, I don't know -- ``Clint began, pulling athishänenearlobekorvanipukkaansa,where he'd been forbidden to wear a ring in school, and Bowring rounded on him.
- He rubbed his nose, tugged at anearlobekorvanipukkaa, shuffled his feet on the carpet.
- Sometimes we give them a little canvas pack, or they will fasten on totheir keeper'sniiden hoitajanneck orearlobekorvanipukkaan, armpit or face.
elbow.n 🔎
- It caught her on theelbowkyynärpäähänand sliced right through the botched teflon sutures that held the forearm below it in place.
- Elaine'sElainenelbowkyynärpääwas resting on the edge of hers and her hand was supporting her head.
- Reverse asyoursinunrightoikeaelbowkyynärpääsitouches your left knee, turning to see the left side.
- The priest restedhishänenelbowskyynärpäitäänon his knees and looked down at the floor.
- Repeat the same exercise, holding your right arm below theelbowkyynärpäänby stretching over your left arm.
- `The League saw a video which clearly showed theelbowkyynärpäänraised in an unprovoked attack on an inexperienced and defenceless opponent.
- Apply once or twice a week, especially to backs of arms and thighs,yoursinunfeet,elbowskyynärpäihisiand knees.
- She had learned the harp because she had once been told thatshehänellähadbeautifulkauniitelbowskyynärpäät, and harp playing seemed to make better use than most careers of the Lord's stingy gift.
- Giles still had his hand underherhänenelbowkyynärpäänsä; she stopped to adjust the strap of her sandal as a pretext to shake it off.
eye.n 🔎
- Theeyessilmätof predatorsPetojenare finely tuned to the slightest movement, but are less well equipped to distinguish static shapes, especially if their outlines are blurred by broken patterning or by foliage cover.
- So on a cold dark night the body heat of warm-blooded animals interferes with the clarity of vision, but theeyessilmätof a toadkonnancan still pierce the gloom.
- When asked what frightens me most about London, I say, itis not theeivät olepinwheeledseisovateyessilmätof junkiesnarkkareidenon the street.
- `Oh yes, ``said Tealtaoich,hishäneneyessilmänsäon the shadowy forest and the struggling Tree Spirits.
- She hesitated for a moment,herhäneneyesilmänsäon the bathroom door.
- If the NI can do something to focuseyessilmäton a more distant horizon, it has a valuable role.
- Like the animals in a taxidermist's or a museum, withtheir<empty>glasslasi-eyessilmineenthat don't move.
- His wife stared,herhänenpiggysian-eyessilmänsäspeculativepohdiskelevina, at the door.
- There was the slightest flicker of light deep withinhishänensapphiresafiirinsinisissäeyessilmissään, but when he spoke, his voice was as chill as hers.
- ItSeis gold withvivid garnetelävät granaatti-eyessilmätand when wound up runs around in circles.
- The red-and-white skull-cap above themonkeyapinaneyessilmiengave him the air of a performing chimpanzee.
- This is the pattern of thesquid and octopuskalmarin ja mustekalaneyesilmienas well as of the artificial mechanical one built by man, the camera.
- I asked the conductor to tell me when we came to my stop, and he said, ``Lady, you thinkIminullagotX-rayröntgen-eyessilmätor something?
- TTX was injected into therightoikeaaneyesilmäänof P10 ratsP10-rottienand both optic nerves were examined 2 days later, as described in Fig. 1.
- He then proceeded to stare intoCharlie'sCharlienears andeyessilmiinbefore going on to hit his kneecaps with a rubber stick.
- They were all big men, topping six feet, but Charlie Hatton wasa little fellowpieni kaveriwith a brown face andvery brilliant sharperittäin teräväteyessilmät.
- Ifhumanihmiseneyessilmätwere sensitive to the same radiation as the goldfish's retina, we would see the infra-red remote-control beams that operate televisions and videos.
- They settled Iris in the passenger seat of the Golf, where she sat withclosedsuljetuineyessilmin.
- As the light went, leaving its afterglow onhishänenblindsokeisiineyessilmiinsä, he was vaguely distracted by a ringing sound, far off at first but closer with every repetition.
- Marx blinkedhishänenbloodshotpunoittaviaeyessilmiään.
- He blinkedred rimmedpunareunaisiaeyessilmiään.
- I closedmyminuneyessilmäniweakly.
- I had tears inmyminuneyessilmissänifrom laughter.
- SheHänellähad a small mouth andlargesuureteyessilmät, darkly outlined with kohl.
- In common with Johnson,ThomsonThomsonillahadpoorheikoteyessilmät.
- It's mainlythe southern Italians whoeteläitalialaiset, joillahavedarktummateyessilmätand olive skins.
- HisHänennarrow, bloodshotkapeat, verestäväteyessilmänsäglared at the replacement.
- Without communicating criticism, David was able to convey to Julia something which helped her to see herself through theeyessilmienof othersmuiden.
- Shutyoursinuneyessilmäsi: see if you can see the word in your head.
- He wipedhishänendampkosteitaeyessilmiäänwith a huge linen handkerchief.
- The National Museum has an exhibit that makesmyminuneyessilmäniblink.
- When she looked again at Nicola Hammond's face, she could tell thatthe woman'snaiseneyessilmätwere fixed, but unseeing.
- Coleby was leaning forward,hishänensmall bluepienten sinisteneyessilmiensägleaming in his bland red face.
- HisHänengoodhyväeyesilmänsäglittered as he stared at them.
- Her face was ashen andherhänenambermeripihkanväriseteyessilmänsäglowed with the pent-up anger which was now released in a torrent of words.
- The religious officer'sUskonnollisen upseerinartificial sapphirekeinotekoiset safiirinsiniseteyessilmätglowed with an inner light as he gazed at Lexandro.
- HisHäneneyesilmänsälit again upon the dinosaur.
- The farmer'sMaanviljelijänpatientkärsivälliseteyessilmätlooked down at me from his stooping height.
- Bluesiniseteyessilmätbehind rimless glasses stared at him.
- Twenty pairs ofeyessilmä-stared at Flora.
- A stunned silence greeted her appearance, everyeyesilmätturned to watch the progress of the girl who looked like a goddess.
- Theeyesilmäof the affected sideVaurioituneen puolenmay water with tears.
eyelid.n 🔎
- freezing thelong-closedpitkään suljettujaeyelidssilmäluomiaof Romansroomalaisten.
- An all-nighter was a triumph of will andmyminuneyelidssilmäluomeniwere already dropping, but I kept my eyes on the thin figure.
- Emma'sEmmanlong-lashedpitkäripsiseteyelidssilmäluometblinked rapidly, her mouth opened and shut twice before she said, `Mother never did.
- SHe wheezed,hirhäneneyelidssilmäluomensafluttering, blood spilling from hir working lips.
- She was speaking blindly into the mirror, concentrating on smudging violet shadows ontoherhänenclosedsuljettuihinandbulgingpullottaviineyelidssilmäluomiinsa.
- HeHänelläalso hadunusually heavyepätavallisen raskaat,droopingroikkuvateyelidssilmäluomet,which could make him look comic or sinister, benevolent or supercilious.
- Tom didn't bat aneyelidsilmäluomeaat the warm fog.
- It trained its beams onmyminuneyelidssilmäluomiiniwith all the casual cruelty of a schoolkid playing with a compact mirror.
- She looked weird with onegreenvihreäneyelidsilmäluomenand one veined pink.
- He was kissing her now with a delicate urgency, her cheeks and temples,herhänenclosedsuljettuihineyelidssilmäluomiinsaand long, slender throat.
- I'd blacked my eyebrows till they were like tarmac, I'd put raspberry-coloured gloss thick on my lips and I'd donemyminuneyelidssilmäluomeniin a limey shade of green.
face.n 🔎
- The window on the driver's side was lowered to reveal theunmistakableerehtymättömätfacekasvotof Jack ButlerJack Butlerin.
- `At least you're honest enough to want to end one affair before starting another -- ``He broke off abruptly, his eyes narrowing as they rested onherhänentensekireissäfacekasvoissaan.
- I paintmyminunfacekasvoni, cover myself in beads.
- IntheirHeidäncalmrauhallisiltafaceskasvoiltaanI can find no clues
- Made the more appealing, perhaps, by alcohol and half-light, she was nonetheless beautiful,herhänenelfinkeijumaisetfacekasvonsacrossed by a touching sadness, her brow furrowed by some longing she could not define.
- We had eaten and drunk well,ourmeidängallowshirsipuu-faceskasvommeflushed with wine, our stupid mouths bawling out some raucous song and planning our next escapade.
- `In some respects, ``said Prior Tuathal,hishänenpigskinsiannahka-facekasvonsaagreeably blank.
- HisHänenmongrelsekasikiönfacekasvonsawas full of concern.
- His normally responsive facial expression was firmly controlled; an Oxford contemporary remembered that for all its serenity an observer seemed `to be gazing upon some great portrait of afacekasvoistarather than upon a face ``.
- He picked up the tins; then, leaning towards her, he said, `Nice to be served by aprettysievienfacekasvojen.
- HisHänenstrongvahvat,squareneliömäisetfacekasvonsalooked drawn and his thinning brown hair hadn't been combed.
- She rinsedherhänenhands andfacekasvonsa, and combed her windblown curls into a smooth feathery cap.
- Nothing perturbed him, andhehänellähad asphinx-likesfinksimäisetfacekasvot, with amber eyes which seemed to look into your soul.
- SheHänellähad apleasant untidymiellyttävän epäsiistitfacekasvotand chubby warm hands that were nice to touch.
- It's no surprise I had a frown onmyminunfacekasvoillani.
- It depicted simply anenormousvaltaviafacekasvoja, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.
- It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: thefacekasvotof a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome featuresnoin neljäkymmentäviisivuotiaan miehen, jolla oli voimakkaat mustat viikset ja rosoisen komeat piirteet.
- His hair was very fair,hishänenfacekasvonsanaturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended.
fang.n 🔎
- Sometimes these similarities are quite obvious: the ferocious teeth of a predatory dinosaur are a sure indication of hunting habits, with hardly a glance at thefangshampaisiinof living mammalian carnivoreselävien lihansyöjänisäkkäiden.
- The spiderHämähäkillähasonfangshampaatand with these it paralyses the prey by injecting it with poisons.
- A rattlesnake'sKalkkarokäärmeenfangshampaatare neatly folded away when not in use but are swung forward for the strike.
- The three killer dogs burst from the trees in hot pursuit,theirniidengleaming whitehohtavan valkoisetfangshampaatbared for the attack.
- Straining his ears over the slight sounds of their careful progress for any alien noises in the night, Grant found his thoughts increasingly filled with unsettling images of leaping dark shapes andgleaminghohtavistafangshampaista.
- The Giant or Great Wolf of the Warhammer World is a fearsome monster withslaveringkuolaa valuvinefangshampaineenand huge claws.
- The moment it is within range it strikes with sudden speed, buryingits<empty>fangshampaansain the soft neck tissues of its prey.
- This means that when the jaws gape fully open, thesharpterävätfangshampaatare aimed directly forward.
- Thefangshampaatare hollow and are linked to a venom gland.
- However, when fighting against another rattlesnake it does not useits<empty>poisonmyrkky-fangshampaitaan.
- It kills its victims withvenomousmyrkyllisilläfangshampailla.
feeler.n 🔎
- `I don't know whether he uses aslimohuttafeelertuntosarveaof the hydramonipäisen käärmeen-- I can't see if he does -- but I suppose he does.
- The human crabs scuttled clear ofits<empty>feelerstuntosarvensa.
- Compensating for this loss of sight, some species have small extendable tentacles at the angle of their jaws which serve assensitiveherkkinäfeelerstuntosarvina.
fin.n 🔎
- Although you have a good-sized tank, many other fish may be inclined to nip thefinseviäof a Batfishlepakkokalan, so tankmates will have to be chosen with care.
- The prominent patch of red on the flank of Scott's Wrasse immediately takes the eye, but the entire body andfinsevätof this speciestämän lajinis beautifully coloured.
- The newt's legs, advanced though they are compared with thefineväänof a coelacanth or a mudskippervarsieväkalan tai leijuryömijän, are not very efficient.
- Thefinsevätof these fishnäiden kalojenmake ideal targets for `fin rippers ``so be careful what other fish you introduce into the aquarium.
- This fishTällä kalallahas a deep body, narrowly compressed from side to side, very large eyes,prominenthuomattavatfinsevät, and a manlike tail.
- This isa stout-bodied fish, something like a perch in general proportions,tukevavartaloinen kala, jonka yleiset mittasuhteet muistuttavat ahventawithlongpitkät,lowmatalatfinsevät(fin rays finely divide near their ends).
- If the piranha fish did not brushits<empty>finseviäängently against a member of the opposite sex each month it would not exist as a species.
- Both parents, like all good cichlids, guard the eggs and keep them clean and well-oxygenated by fanning them withtheirniidenfinsevistä.
- TheirNiidenfinsevätand tail are freed for guidance and rapid propulsion.
- The most famous of Dorset's natural oddities is the rock arch at Durdle Door -- it looks like ajaggedrosoiseltasharkhainfinevältä.
- TheyNeeventually leave their holes, develop true eyes andlong ripplingpitkät aaltoilevatfinsevät, grow to the size of an eel and turn into lampreys.
- ItSillähasleg-likejalkamaisetfinsevätwith fleshy bases like the coelacanth; it seems very likely that it had air-breathing pouches from its gut like a lungfish.
- The drooping snout and the torpedo-like body, coupled withbigsuuriinfinseviinand muscles like Charles Atlas, make him one of the best, if not the best, fighting coarse fish.
- TheyNiilläseem to have neitherfinseviänor limbs, and they twist and turn through the water like snakes.
- When stocking a pool with fish, take care to selecthealthy individualsterveitä yksilöitä,with firm, meaty bodies anderectpystytdorsal finsselkäevät.
- The swordfishMiekkakalalladoes not haveei olepelvic finslantioeviä.
- Thepelvic finsLantioevätare shining violet, as is the leading edge of the anal fin.
- ItSillähas notail finpyrstöeväälike those of other fish, merely a fleshy stump.
- The maleUrosis a little larger than the female and hasvery bright orangeerittäin kirkkaanoranssitventral finsvatsaevätwhen in breeding colouration.
finger.n 🔎
- I usually put one piece on the index finger of the left hand and the other piece on thesecondtoisessafingersormessa.
- Thefingerssormetclutched tightly at her pencil; those of her left hand were crossed, firmly, desperately.
- A Malaysian was jailed for five years for biting off thefingersormenof a policeman who stopped him from stealing a motorcyclepoliisilta, joka pysäytti hänet moottoripyörän varastamisesta.
- She blushed furiously, then moaned ashishänenfingersormensafound the centre of one breast and a million sparks flew to every corner of her body.
- I followedhishänenpointedteräväkärkistäfingersormeaanand saw the plane, not very high above the horizon.
- `You can't force me, ``she whispered, protecting her nakedness with her hands, each breast splayed in a plump cushion aroundherhänenspreadlevitettyjenfingerssormiensa.
- She reached out and stroked the cat's rump,herhänenplumppulleat,taperingsuippenevatfingerssormensasinking into the fur.
- But asherhänentremblingvapisevatfingerssormensaclosed around it, a more satisfying notion flew into her head.
- She swallowed convulsively, and tightened the belt of her Burberry, turning up the collar as if she was preparing to weather a blizzard before closingnumbtunnottomienfingerssormienround the hand-grip of her bag.
- Ricky put a hand over Daisy's, a large rough hand with callouses beneath the base of eachlongpitkänfingersormenfrom endlessly holding a polo stick.
- Starke looked at thefingersormea, so he withdrew it when he remembered how dirty his fingernails were.
- She has some movement inherhänenfingerssormissaan.
- He squatted, then lay down, he edged and wriggled along and hadhishänenfingerssormensaround those curved shallow indentations when the train started.
- One woman hadher<empty>fingersormicut off in a slicing machine and never received any compensation.
fingernail.n 🔎
- Dexter noticedherhänenfingernailskyntensäwere long and primed with pink varnish.
- Starke looked at the finger, so he withdrew it when he rememberedhow dirtykuinka likaisethishänenfingernailskyntensäwere.
- Only then did the American boy noticehishänenextraordinarily long curlingharvinaisen pitkät ja kaareutuvatfingernailskyntensä, the mark of a high-ranking courtier that would have made a Western-style handshake awkward and discomfiting for both parties.
- She plucked the top document from the desk, regardingherhänenbatteredkuluneetfingernailskyntensäwith a groan, and vowed to manicure them tomorrow night.
- Lorton flicked afingernailkynttäagainst his glass.
- Her sense of inadequacy escalated rapidly; not only was the receptionist extremely pretty,shehänwas also immaculately dressed, well-mannered, and hadperfectly cleantäydellisen puhtaat,shell-like littlesimpukankuorimaiset pienetfingernailskynnet.
- HisHänenhands andfingernailskyntensäwere filthy, his face and legs were covered in muck, his clothes were sodden and he was glorying in the wetness of it all.
- AllIminullahad at the end was a sore hand andbrokenrikkinäisetfingernailskynnet.
- The mere sight of a dandruff-laden shoulder, a grimy collar or agrubbylikainenfingernailkynsiis enough to bring the most promising of romances to a sudden end.
- Jamila nodded and bitherhänenfingernailskynsiään.
- Clare bit off atornrepeytyneenfingernailkynnen.
- Erm, I'm perfectly comfortable that any bit ofmyminunfingernailkynsieniis completely accidental to me, that I can lose it without losing my arm, but the finger is rather stronger.
- “ I broke afingernailkynnen. ”
- The Prince chewed at afingernailkynttäas he stared at the map.
- It's a funny thing -- I cutmyminunfingernailskynsiäniall the time, and every time I think to cut them, they need cutting.
- `She's so little, ``I said, looking atherhänentinypikkuruisiafingernailskynsiään, all so perfect in every detail.
- She stared at me and then flicked ash with ablackmustillafingernailkynsillä.
- Eachfingernailkynsigrows about an half inch every three months, and toenails about a third of that rate.
- I'd far rather do something exciting, like sit here and watchmyminunfingernailskynsienigrow.
- A moment later the frenzied cadet pitched forward and skidded prostrate for many metres,hishänenstrengthenedvahvistettujenfingernailskynsiensäscratching sparks from the plates of the deck before he came to rest.
fingertip.n 🔎
- Place thefingertipssormenpääton your shoulders, bending your arms at the elbow.
- ABOVE Part of a Kirlian photograph of thefingertipsormenpäästäof a drug addicthuumeaddiktin.
- She sighed, her pale brow resting on thefingertipssormenpäihin.
- Trembling helplessly, she pressed her hands against his chest,herhänenfingertipssormenpäidensäof their own volition moving through the short, rough curly hair to brush the hard, flat nipples of his chest.
- Lýie stroked the pattern withherhänenfingertipsormenpäällään, to flatten it.
- Repeat the exercise, but placeyoursinunleftvasemmatfingertipssormenpääsionto your right knee.
- ``Nancy touchedfingertipssormenpäilläänto his cheek.
- He kissedhernaisenfingertipssormenpäitäagain.
- He rested his elbows on the desk, supporting his chin withfingertipssormenpäillä.
- She bent double and stayed that way, and her brown hair hung down, andherhänenlittlepienetfingertipssormenpäänsätouched the ground.
- `See here, ``he said, andhishänenfingertipsormenpäänsäbrushed Culley's eyelash.
flesh.n 🔎
- The winter wind skeetered viciously along the dirty pavement and the grey air was so thick with cold that it felt like frosted glass against therawraakaafleshlihaa.
- Thefleshlihaof fishKalangives only a weak sonar signal; more than half the signal from a fish comes from its gas-filled swim bladder, which is relatively small.
- They simply tear at thefleshlihaaof the victimuhrinuntil the animal is weak from loss of blood, when they pull it over and start to devour it.
- The superintendent narrowed her eyes, crinkling thedarktummaafleshlihaa.
- A chicken farmer called Edmund James Thorne fed thefleshlihanof his wifevaimonsato his fowls.
- In his heart, even as the first shaft sliced into thefleshlihaan, he did not really blame them.
- A drip still connected to his arm, andhishänenfleshlihansawassallowkalpeaa, but the old Ray Doyle sparkle was back in his eyes, and Bodie was glad to see it.
- The chicken's skin was crisped nicely anditssenyellowkeltainenfleshlihawas succulent.
- And -- unbelievably -- as I watched, the cuts and stabs inherhänenfleshlihassaanhealed.
- He saw himself, as in a mirror, lifting the black cloth fromherhänenwhitevalkoisestafleshlihastaan, felt, as if it had already happened, the softness of her body closing around him.
- HisHänenfleshlihansawas soft; a badly-fitting mask that around the eyes showed a moist pink edge.
- In 1985 Peruvian fishermen caught around 10,000 dolphins and porpoises, most of them destined for the fish markets of Peru's capital Lima, making Peru second only to Japan in the consumption ofdolphindelfiininfleshlihan.
- In the case of the Dysoxylum, thefishkalan-fleshlihais rendered rather unpalatable by substances from the seeds.
- They lived in filth and fed on shit and vomit androttingmätänevääfleshlihaa.
- His lips savaged hers, his hand kneading thetenderherkkääfleshlihaaas though he would make her one with him.
- His hot hands brandingherhänenfleshlihassaanfor evermore was the very worst punishment of all.
- However, the thought ofsweatyhikisestäfleshlihastaexposed by cut-off jeans and short-sleeved T-shirts is horrible.
- MonkfishMerikrotillahas avery firm and meatyerittäin kiinteä ja lihaisafleshliha, so it's easy to use for kebabs.
flipper.n 🔎
- A dolphin drew alongside, and by counter-opposingits<empty>flippersviiksiään, barrel-rolled right in front of his mask.
- Two kicks ofhishänenbigsuurtenflippersviiksiensäwere sufficient to send him drifting back up towards the surface that quivered in the harsh sunlight like a sheet of liquid mercury.
- All eventually disappeared exceptthe rorqual'suurteisvalaanflippersviiksetand teeth, for which the Marine Biological Laboratory had put in a request.
- The structure of adolphindelfiininflipperräpylänresembles the bone structure of an arm and hand with lingers, and a dolphin still has pelvic bones and remains of hipbones that once held limbs.
- During swimming the young may pressits<empty>flipperviiksiäänagainst her side and thus be helped to move with her.
- And the seal waved aflipperräpylääas the lights rose like the curtains on an opera and said: `See how Aurora casts her dice and rolls us red?
- `We encountered a baby common dolphin trapped only a few feet from the surface,itssenbeak andtallpitkänflipperräpylänhopelessly wrapped in layer upon layer of nylon mesh.
- As I changed from listening to walking mode, I tried to work out whetheritsillähad feet orflippersräpylätor ran on rollers.
fluke.n 🔎
- Flicking through the travel brochures the browser is confronted by an astonishing number of photographs ofwhales'valaidenflukesmadoista.
- Theflukesmadotradiate heat from the body most effectively, and they should be consistently cooled with water to avoid overheating.
- Some of the larger whales, measuring over 100 feet in length, may be quite unable to perceivetheirheidänownflukesmatonsavisually.
- GreatSuuretflukesmadotslapped the ocean with a sound like thunder.
- Once againitssenflukesmadotslapped the water, and this time the effect was disastrous.
foot.n 🔎
- There was nothing in the tradition which implied a man with the humility and charity to sit down and wash thefeetjalatof a common prostituteyleisen prostituoidun.
- MyMinunfeetjalkaniare cold!
- I swungmyminunfeetjalkaniup on the desk and lay back in the chair.
- He showed no desire to get up and greet me but I was merciless and dragged him inch by inch over the cobbles till he was lying atmyminunfeetjalallani.
- On the balls ofhishänensoddenläpimärkienfeetjalkojensahe advanced along the corridor to his room.
- Her teeth were chattering andherhänenunshodpaljaatfeetjalkansafelt like blocks of ice.
- `In this same room I once helped a pretty young woman who came in withcut and bleedingkipeine ja vertavuotavinefeetjalkoineen, who gave birth to a boy and then died.
- Unable to use his hands, he raised aleather-bootednahkakenkäisenfootjalkansatowards us.
- The dark eyes were raking her from head to toe, appraising her -- from the long, tousled russet hair to thebarepaljaisiinfeetjalkoihinprotruding from beneath the hem of her wrap.
- IMinullahavebigsuuret,squareneliömäisetfeetjalat; there was a corn on my left little toe.
forearm.n 🔎
- 4 Placingherhänenleftvasemmanforearmkyynärvartensaagainst his elbow joint, the defender applies pressure downwards.
- 4 She completes the block withherhänenouterulommallaforearmkyynärvarrellaan, in a walking stance.
- She gave a shaky little laugh, holding outherhänenskinnylaihaaforearmkyynärvarttaanto display the number written there in blue biro.
- The cuts were always superficial and usually consisted of between 20 and 40 neat parallel scratches onherhänenwrist andforearmkyynärvarressaan.
- The cuffs were rolled back to revealtannedruskettuneetforearmskyynärvarret.
- `I was clipping the hedges, ``saida colleaguekollega, jollawithredpunaisetforearmskyynärvarret.
- HerHänenforearmkyynärvartensabelow the elbowkyynärpään alapuolellawas bruised.
- He will tell you if you are rotating theleftvasentaforearmkyynärvarttaproperly on the backswing.
- Enhancing the Carlton's diminutive appearance still further is some very Stratocaster-like chamfering on its upper side to produce the familiar contouring beloved of rib cages andright-handoikean kädenforearmskyynärvarsieneverywhere.
- She started to turn, just in time to glimpse and duck beneath thehairykarvaistenforearmkyynärvarsienthat was sweeping towards the side of her head.
- HerHänenforearmskyynärvartensa,huge and smoothvaltavat ja sileät, were like two hams ready for hanging.
- He broke both bones inhishänenrightoikeanforearmkyynärvartensaand will be in plaster for eight weeks.
- Mr Dovaston said Magee had a tattoo onhishänenleftvasemmassaforearmkyynärvarressaanof a heart with the letter A inside, with the names Pat and Joe underneath.
- She had a fairly thick neck andherhänenforearmskyynärvartensa, well, the only way to describe them was meaty.
- MaximMaximillahad asorekipeäforearmkyynärvarsiand stomach, a slight headache and a torn seam in his light jacket.
forefinger.n 🔎
- At least the socket in the tip ofherhänenleftvasemmanforefingeretusormensahardly showed.
- She rubbed her chin slowly withherhänenforefingeretusormellaan.
- Her silent philosophising ended with a yelp of indignation as she foundherhänenforefingeretusormensanipped between strong white teeth.
- He stopped and pushed his spectacles further up his nose with aforefingeretusormellain the gesture Meredith recalled.
- The shirt was placed separately andCurtisCurtisjabbed at it with athickpaksulla,squareneliömäiselläforefingeretusormella.
- She wiped her eyes with the back of agrubbylikaisenforefingeretusormenand added more practically, `You don't have to worry about them, I'm sure.
- Eventually just two members of the jolly band remained, one a fellow of Irish extraction and the othera manmies,with atwitchingnykivärightoikeaforefingeretusormi.
- The womanNainenstabbed abonyluisevanforefingeretusormenjust below Caroline's breasts.
- He held uphishänenforefingeretusormeaan.
- He held uphishänenleftvasentaforefingeretusormeaanin front of her.
- He leaned over the desk and jabbed astubbypaksunforefingeretusormenat the flushed major.
- I lifted the vase betweenmyminunthumb andforefingeretusormeni.
- IMinä'll grip it between thumb andforefingeretusormen, look it straight in the eye and say, `You've got to be fucking kidding.
- Mildred eased her flabby body off the sofa and they sat opposite each other,forefingersetusormienresting on the bottom of the glass.
- Sucked the blood from theforefingeretusormesta.
forefoot.n 🔎
- He tried to twist away, but instead his horse plunged back ontoits<empty>forefeetetujaloilleenand threw the Lieutenant's weight fast forward.
- Heel, midfoot andforefootetujalkarefer to the area of the foot you strike the ground with.
- ItSeis covered in a dense, waterproof fur and haswebbedräpylämäisetforefeetetujalatand partially webbed hind feet.
- In Europe, it used to be believed that devils took up residence inside pigs by entering through a tiny hole in theforefootetujalassa.
forehead.n 🔎
- Mrs Feather looked quite pale, and there was a constant and discreet pressing of handkerchiefs to the upper lips andforeheadsotsilleof all the womenkaikkien naisten.
- Appearance money is officially frowned upon by the European Tour but the creases in theforeheadsotsillaof the officersupseerienhave not been discerned by the Spaniard.
- I crushed some of the flowers and rubbed them onmyminunforeheadotsaanias I'm told it has an invigorating effect on cabbages and thought it might do the same for me.
- The spectre carried a great staff and, withhishänenhighkorkeanforeheadotsansaand blond hair, bore an uncanny resemblance to a painting of St John.
- I should have sat up, eyes staring and sweat pouring offmyminunforeheadotsaltanilike in some old Hammer Brothers movie.
- Quite different from drake Eider, having differently shaped head,markedly peaked orangeilmeisen terävä oranssiforeheadotsa, red bill, pale grey head and black back.
- He had abroadlaajaforeheadotsa, rather sallow face, and thinning hair.
- She hadthe nicestkauneinforeheadotsaI ever saw.
foreleg.n 🔎
- This may in turn have caused theforelegseturaajoistaof prosauropodsprosauropodien(the Triassic forerunners of sauropods) to become more massive, stimulated as they were by the repeated dropping onto all fours when moving slowly.
- The woman threw her stick and the dog raced past to the water, going almost under theforelegsetujalkojenof the horsehevosen.
- HisSenforelegseturaajatsupport his horizontal body and the great back legs do the work.
- In 1914, the upper part ofitssennearsidelähemmänforelegeturaajanwas broken by a kick from a mare and the Baron had to be destroyed.
- TheforelegsEturaajat, seen from the front, are straight and not set too close together.
- If the catoplebas was especially peckish it would gnaw onitssenownforelegseturaajoja.
- Buckthorn had been bitten in theforelegeturaajaanand the wound, in the manner of a rat-bite, was irritant and painful.
- Soon they dozed beside the gurgling brook, muzzles resting onoutstretchedojennetuillaforelegseturaajoilla, recovering their strength after their earlier exertions.
- The fly on top is on the contrary quite agitated, jerking tremendously, then convulsively, putting outits<empty>leftvasemmanforelegeturaajansato whip, or maybe to stroke some sort of reaction out of the fly beneath, which, however, remains so still that it seems dead.
forelimb.n 🔎
- There, hanging bytheir<empty>forelimbseturaajoillaanfrom a vine or branch, the sloths dug a small depression in the soil with their hind legs into which they defecated.
- Like the smaller copepods, euphausiids are mainly herbivorous, combing algal cells from the water and gathering them in a basket-like arrangement of bristles ontheirniidenmany-jointednivelikkäissäforelimbseturaajoissa.
- “ You reach down from your exalted position, beyond their understanding, and put your — the things on the ends ofyoursinunforelimbseturaajojesi…. ”
- Thus the wing of a bat and the paddle of a porpoise are homologous because they show the same underlying pattern of bones typical of amammaliannisäkkäidenforelimbeturaajalle.
- Later discoveries would show that in fact both are bipedal, with massive hind legs anddiminutivepienetforelimbseturaajat.
forepaw.n 🔎
- But you never saw the king of beasts claphis<empty>forepawsetukäpäliäännor balance a ball on his nose!
- He only curled up, laying his head down onhis<empty>forepawsetukäpälilleen, looking up at Fox with mocking amusement clear in one tilted eye.
- Hazel held him down with bothforepawsetukäpälistäand he grew quieter.
- TheforepawsEtutassutgrew thicker, the hind legs longer, the torso broader.
groin.n 🔎
- `Oh no ``he muttered as the animal athishänengroinnivusissaanstirred again.
- He injuredhishänengroinnivusensaduring the friendly with Ajax on Wednesday, but was improved yesterday.
- `Oh, it's you, ``she said, and kneed me in thegroinnivusiin.
- Marvin shrieked like a gutshot coyote as the dark, boiling liquid soaked through the front of his shirt and trousers, staining blackhishänenbelly,groinnivusensaand upper thighs.
- Two years ago, I had a vasectomy, and since then I have had pain inmyminungroinnivusissaniand scrotum when exercising.
hair.n 🔎
- Thehairhiuksetof the third sonKolmannen pojanwas cropped almost to the skin.
- I'll pull thatlongpitkiähairhiuksiasiof yourssinunif you don't obey me at once!
- I used to envy you your looks -- tall, wandlike, elegant -- and thatredpunaisiahairhiuksiasiof yourssinun!
- `The hair, too, you see,is theovathairhiuksetof a temptressviettelijättären.
- As she ran a hand overherhänenshortlyhyidenhairhiustensa, she pulled a face.
- HerHänenhairhiuksensawas glossyolivat kiiltävät, perfectly straight and almost black, and it hung thickly around her perfectly-shaped head in a faultless bob that must have been done at Brisbane's most exclusive hair salon.
- Shiona regarded him harshly, tossing backherhänenauburnkullanruskeathairhiuksensa.
- Another man rode beside him, equally tall and broad, big-boned,hishänenchestnutkastanjanväristenhairhiuksiensaonly partly covered by his flat-brimmed cap.
- As she gently pushedhishänendrippingläpimärkiähairhiuksiaanback, her fingers lingered on his broad forehead.
- In they came accompanied by a Sister whose red QA cape clashed horribly withherhänenbeautiful auburnkauniiden kullanruskeidenhairhiustensa.
- Everything about her flowed, particularlyherhänenlong luxurious auburnpitkät ja loistavat kullanruskeathairhiuksensa-- that is, when she was not obliged to roll it up in order not to fall foul of the army authorities.
- `Tis not your inky brows,yoursinunblack silkmustat silkkisethairhiukseesi,
- SheHänwas tall withshiningkiiltäväthairhiuksetthe colour of copper.
- At its centre was a man of less than average height withthinningohenevinehairhiuksineenand a somewhat barrel-chested build.
- They have tiny holes drilled in their heads for the insertion of twisted pairs of gold-plated bronze wire to represent tresses ofwavinglaineilevienhairhiuksien.
- This is ideal for dryinglongpitkiä,curlykiharoitaorwavyaaltoileviahairhiuksiawithout causing frizziness.
- These are long, flexible curlers that are heated in a plug-in carrying wallet and can be used ondrykuivillehairhiuksillefor all-over curly styles.
- ThehairsIhokarvatstood on end as that electrifying pulse of need sparked through her.
- Er, I'm sure we didn't put a brush throughmyminunhairhiuksieniin the bath.
- I put the brush on the side and carry on smoothingherhänenhairhiuksensawith just my hands.
- `He was a middle-aged guy and I was beginning to think that he never sawa guymiestäwithlongpitkä-hairhiuksistabefore.
- The sixties look adopted by Betty Boo and by Deee-Lite's Lady Miss Kier is visible in the eye kohl, the bodysuits and the dark,straightsuorathairhiuksetcurled at the ends.
- `GingerKellanpunaisethairhiukset, eyeglasses.
- `There he is again! ``cried Izz Huett, a palegirltyttö,withdarktummathairhiukset.
- Though she had the liquid brown eyes, theshiny blackkiiltävän mustathairhiuksetof a childlapsen, already this toddler had the little rough hands of a campesina.
- And do you thinkhehänelläshould havedarktummathairhiuksetor blond hair?
- In his sixties,hehänellähad a mane ofwhitevalkoisiahairhiuksiaand a kindly expression.
- The girlTytönhadhairhiuksetlike a charred bush, and was wrestling with a tolerant Labrador, while the other two lounged laughing.
- HisHänenhairhiuksensawas very fair, his face naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended.
hand.n 🔎
- `I'm worried that the pills might get into thehandskäsiinof childrenlasten.
- The dyingman'smiehenrightoikeahandkäsispasmed open.
- Kinnear laidhishänenhandkätensädown.
- `No, ``whispered Francesca, andherhänenhandkätensäfluttered.
- After washinghishänenwounded forearm andhandkätensäin the clear cold water, he tore the T-shirt into strips and bandaged the injuries, as he had done earlier with the knife wound in his leg.
- He quoted a letter in which Phillips says `I continue to believe that Mike Edwards bent a key inmyminunhandkäteeniwithout ever touching it.
- I am so sorry, ``he said, holding out ahandkättäto help her up.
- HeHänellähadsmallpienethandskädet, but his wrist was flexible, so that was his advantage.
- He had a black trench coat on andhishänenrightoikeahandkätensäwas deep inside the right pocket.
head.n 🔎
- She shookherhänendrippingläpimärkääheadpäätään.
- `A lady of light weight may ride to the top of Skiddaw without alighting, and descend it to the town in safety, if in the steepest parts someone managesher horseshänen hevosensaheadpäätä.
- I restedmyminunheadpäänion the glass, and up went a pigeon.
- The chosen person stands with her back to the rest and throws the ball overherhänenheadpäänsäwithout looking to see where it lands.
- She indicated Chris with a quick nod of theheadpään, and ran up the garden to the house.
- Nervous or aggressive horses will adopt a tense carriage with ahighkorkeallaheadpäälläand neck.
- HeHänellähad alargesuuriheadpääand a round red face and while he repeated `What a wet night!
- He was hustled up to London to havehishänenheadpäänsäcut off with less mercy than we would treat a chicken.
heel.n 🔎
- Primaflora sat back onherhänenheelskantapäilleen.
- Fabio watched as he loweredhishänenheelkantapäätäänon to it.
- The student lies on his back, raises both feet in the air and grabs each ankle at a point above theheelkantapään.
hindleg.n 🔎
- Camels operate each foreleg and its associatedhindlegtakajalkaain unison, more like a pantomime horse than a regular quadruped.
- A relaxed horse will be somewhere between the two, with little tension in the head, neck and tail, maybe arestedlepuutettavahindlegtakajalka, but still showing interest in his environment.
- When a Kachin householder makes a present to his local chief of therightoikeastahindlegtakajalastaof every animal he killsjokaisen tappamansa eläimen, he is ``saying the same thing.
hindlimb.n 🔎
- In whales, the digits are longer in the hand and thehindlimbtakaraajahas disappeared.
hindquarters.n 🔎
- The bear scarcely repaid the compliment but sat onhishänenhindquarterstakamukselleen, hungrily stuffing his great muzzle from a pile of scraps thrown around him.
- Her narrow waist emphasised the rounded curve ofherhänenhips andplumppulleanhindquarterstakamuksensa.
- ThehindquartersTakamusare the means of support and act as a leverage for locomotion.
- Diarrhoea is intermittent and althoughstainedtahraantuneethindquarterstakamuksetare common, the fluid faeces which characterise bovine ostertagiasis are less frequently seen.
- Nick got the impression that he was running round them, wagging his tail, wrigglinghishänenhindquarterstakamustaan, barking his tinny flatteries, his dubious sincerities.
hoof.n 🔎
- He went out and Robertson heard thehooveskavioidenof his garronhevosensaclopping on the road.
- `It's ointment, ``he lied, `culled from thehoofkaviostaof an elkhirvenand mixed with herbs.
- The noise oftheirniidenhooveskavioidenboomed as they came closer.
- Every so often the animal would rear, lashing out withhis<empty>sharpenedteroitetuillahooveskavioillaan, as the men struggled with a stream of oaths to back it into the stable.
- That morning, as he galloped along the ride between the trees in the Tiergarten,his horse'shänen hevosensahooveskaviotkicked up the powdered snow filling him with a fierce joy.
- On the other hand, Tamburlaine isn't one to mince his words, as Bajazeth can testify: `we use to march upon the slaughtered foe, tramping their bowels withour horseshevostemmehoofskavioilla``.
- Filled with the devil, Perdita swung Hermia even closer to the boards, so theponies'poniennearsidelähemmäthooveskaviotwere scraping the paint off, and Paul, who'd been instructed to mark Perdita at all costs, stayed with her.
- The house was always cold, full of stale animal smells and decorated with grotesque knick-knacks made fromdeerpeurojenhooveskaviotor ram's horns which gave her nightmares.
- I lie in my sleeping bag, listening to the shuffling ofreindeerporonhooveskavioiden, and thinking this over.
- Suddenly their random bleating was joined by the rhythmic thud ofdrummingrummuttavienhooveskavioiden.
- Chola and Mina were watching from the doorway with the twins hovering behind, peering out, both curious and scared by the rush oftramplingpolkevienhooveskavioiden.
- The suspense in `Lord of the Flies ``is made by building up to seeing the pig from the squealing andtrottingratsastaviltahoofskavioilta.
- ItSeis a fine-boned animal, withsmallpienethoofskavioton slender but strong legs, and the very wide pelvis enables easy calving, even to large continental bulls such as the Charolais.
- I caughthissenhoofkaviostain my hand, right up here.
- For example, does body size have a less important effect on the reproductive success of male zebras than male bovids because zebras fight withtheirniidenteeth andhooveskavioillarather than by pushing?
- He noticed a picture ofa furry creaturekarvaisesta oliosta,with a goat's head andclovenpukin-hoovessorkatas they entered the sitting room.
- As soon as thehooveskaviottouched the ground the legs crumpled and carefully he rearranged them, folding them over to one side, out of the way of the body.
- The horse still searched desperately for a footing in the soft, moving earth of the cliff-side and Maggie felt that every bone in her body was jarred as theflyinglentäväthoofskaviotfound what they sought.
- TheyNeare typically blocky in conformation but havesmallpienet,neatsiistit,hardkovathoofskavioton which they seem to stand and walk daintily, almost on tip-toe.
- It rarely speaks, though if frightened it may bleat like a goat.somejoillakinoccasionally havegoats'pukinshanks andhoovessorkatas well.
- She may be identified by the factshehänellähas hairy haunches andclovenpukin-hoovessorkat, like a goat, concealed under her gown.
- OneYhdellähadhoovessorkatten inches long.
- Thehooveskaviotof the galloping horsesLaukkaavien hevostenhad bitten deep into the soft earth of the ride so that a blind man might have followed them.
- The heavy grey body fell to the ground with a scree and was lost to view amid theplungingsyöksyvienhoofskavioidenof Riven's horseRivenin hevosten.
- When he stopped before me, thesteel-shodteräskenkäisethooveskaviotof his war horsehänen sotaratsunsadrew sparks from the ground.
horn.n 🔎
- The warriors hurled themselves at the heads orhornssarviinof their animalseläintensäto make them lie down.
- The goats lunge at each other withtheir<empty>hornssarvillaanand try to flip each other off the ledge.
- The name reflects the fact that theanimal'seläintenhornssarvetand head resemble the Arabian oryx, but DNA analysis has shown that it is most closely related to the oxen family.
- Burun guessed that Kiku had been no more than a hair's-breadth away from being impaled on thest'lyan'sst lyaningildenkultaiseenhornsarveen.
- He gestured at the dog-eaten hoofs and roots ofbuffalobuffalonhornsarvienwhich stretched before us.
- ItsSenattractiveupeat,spreadingleviäväthornssarvetand cheerful, open face add to its appeal.
- Theroundpyöreät,taperingsuippenevathornssarvetare white and can be quite long, growing outwards and forwards, curving up at the tips.
- So he wisely avoided a clash ofhornssarvienin front of the herd.
- It is said that James VI frequented the Sheep's Head Inn and in 1580 presented an embellishedram'spässinhead andhornssarviafor adorning the bar.
- THE ANIMAL WORLD is so full of savage teeth, sharp claws andpointedteräväkärkisiähornssarvia,that many species have sought protection behind a powerful wall of body armour.
- Summoning up all her courage, she keeked in through a window and was startled to see a pair oflargesuuriahornssarvia.
- ItSeis a beautiful animal, withhugevaltavat,curvedkäyräthornssarvet.
- Only when Chuck reloaded and shot a third time did the animal slowly crumple to the ground and roll onto its side, leaving onegreatsuurenhornsarvencurving majestically upward above the tall grass.
- Although sometimes appearing as a short man covered in hair, it is most often identified as a wild young bogey-horse, or a cross between a horse and abullhärän,displaying twolongpitkää,sharpterävähornssarvea.
- One player is chosen to call out, `Horns, horns,bull'shäränhornssarvet, ``and everyone taps their knees and puts their fingers to their forehead to make horns at the animal's name.
- Other speciesMuilla lajeillahad radiator-type cranial frills andhornssarvet,through which blood vessels could dilate and cool, rather like the blood vessels in mammalian horns (such as in stags, antelopes, etc.).
- He stood up while we watched and I realizedhesillähad magnificenthornssarvet, far longer than any I had yet seen.
- Benjamin Moyo, a member of parliament and member of the ruling ZANU-PF party, was recently jailed for five years, with five accomplices, for trying to sell tworhinosarvikuononhornssarvea.
- RhinocerosSarvikuononhornssarvet, in reality agglutinated masses of hair, are not attached directly to the skull but grow from the tough hide.
- Through the billowing smoke, shadows can be seen writhing about, one of which is wearing a devil mask that leers out of the fog and shakesits<empty>hornssarviaanto the hellish racket.
- The fights of mountain sheep both look, and sound, spectacular as males clashhornssarviaanwith a resounding `crack ``that echoes through the mountains.
incisor.n 🔎
- If this grinding touch is missing, there will be a clear space between theincisorsetuhampaidenand those of the lower jaw.
- These include the curved canines andstraightsuoratincisorsetuhampaatof hippopotamusvirtahevon, walrus tusks, which project downwards from the upper jaw, the teeth of the sperm whale and the spirally twisted left tusk of the narwhal.
- Murid, cricetid and microtine molars are structurally different from each other, buttheirniidenincisorsetuhampaatare more similar and appear to alter in a similar way when subjected to digestive corrosion.
- They sneered at her, baringtheirniidentinypieniäincisorsetuhampaita.
- The crevice, upon further examination, was found to be stuffed full ofyellowingkellertäviäincisorsetuhampaitaand weathered molars.
- The ascending ramus and incisor alveolus of the mandible were also broken after one event, with the subsequent separation of theincisoretuhampaanfrom the mandible.
- Why trim the grass so short that not even a goat could getits<empty>incisorsetuhampaitaaninto the chlorophyl?
- `I did a section on oneincisoretuhampaallefrom each of themheidän kummankinand I would estimate both the man's and woman's age as in the early twenties.
- Oesophageal biopsy specimens, taken 20-40 cm from theincisorsetuhampaistain 72 patients72 potilaan, were graded histologically and adjacent specimens were taken for immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of EGF.
- It is the natural, regular set of teeth, which all dogs have, whereby theupperylä-incisorsetuhampaatseize -- slightly grinding -- a little bit over the lower ones.
- Teeth 42 in number (20 upper, 22 lower), strong correctly placed, meeting in a scissors bite --lowerala-incisorsetuhampaidentouching inside of upper incisors.
- The cynodontsKynodontit, with their cheek teeth andincisorsetuhampaineentypical of carnivores, no doubt preyed on them.
- The ape gave Huy a baleful stare as he passed, then blinked and yawned, displaying a set offormidable yellowpelottavia keltaisiaincisorsetuhampaita.
- Then Satan's upper lip lifted, exposing thebig gleamingsuuret kiiltävätincisorsetuhampaat, as a growl rumbled deep in his chest, and the three big Dobermans leapt forward in unison.
jaw.n 🔎
- He grew dirtier than ever and often would not shave for three or four days together, tillhishänenjawleukansalooked coated or grown over with yellow fungus or sprayed like a car with glistening tangerine.
- Terence came close to being stroppy until Mallachy got to his feet and squaredhishänenironrautaistajawleukaansa, but the incident was enveloped by a late surge to the bar.
- HisHänenmastiffmastiffin-jawleukansajutted.
- The brown hairless face with its flat nose,projectingulkonevajawsleukaand large teeth revealed in a friendly smile, is decidedly more human than apelike, though there are definite resemblances to the chimpanzee.
- Extending one finger to trace a line downAce'sAcenjawleukaanto her jugular, Carrefour felt a trembling of excitement at the prospect of ending this one's life.
- That tightened Mala's back muscles -- and mine too, though I was more concerned with keepingmyminunjawleukanifrom falling open.
- When these hatch, the young ants serve their captors, collecting food and feeding it to them, forthe slave-makersorjapiiskureillahave suchlargesuuretjawsleuatthat they can not feed themselves.
knee.n 🔎
- Pickett, who was shot in thekneepolveenby the Secret Service after allegedly firing two shots outside the White House, used crutches to walk into the court.
limb.n 🔎
- SheSeground her teeth with the effort of keeping her strained lungs in check, using all fourlimbsraajaansafor propulsion through water which echoed hollowly with the slap of bullets seeking her.
- She kicked away theheavyraskaatlimbsraajatof the man who was sharing her bedhänen kanssaan vuoteen jakavan miehen, at the same time dislodging a grey cat from the bed's foot.
- He drew the sliver of light across thatlimbraajanof the hydramonipäisen käärmeenas if slicing cheese.
- Rosalba saw Zenaida beautiful, glowing in the soft green dress she had made her, with the almond eyes andslendersorjatlimbsraajatof CaterinaCaterinan….
- The forest became a blur of green around her until at last she tore into Mada Joyce's yard,herhänenlongpitkienlimbsraajojensaflailing, sending the fowls squawking under the house in panic.
- Laughing and joking we flop by the tent and lie in the bliss ofourmeidänachingsärkevienlimbsraajojemme.
- It depicts the children of a Beirut orphanage in 1915,theirheidänmatchsticktulitikkumaisialimbsraajojaanand skull-like faces appended to huge, distended bellies.
- His thin companion foldedhishänenlimbsraajansalike an insect as he sat down.
- And laytiredväsyneetlimbsraajansaon stinking straw, or chaff!
- Occasional mute mind-wiped drones trudged by on some robotic task, perhaps simply ordered to exercisetheirheidänzombiezombiemaisialimbsraajojaanprior to cleaning out a toxic sump; and cyborged Servitors trundled here and there.
- ThelimbsRaajat, which are tubular and jointed, are operated by internal muscles.
- Mirror-image embryonicPeilikuvan kehittymättömätchickkanan-limbraajatafter graft of a polarizing region
- Each of the elements of thechickkanan-limbraajojenshows a striking early sense of autonomy.
- In 1944wemeillämay have hadshatteredsärkyneetlimbsraajatand horrendous wounds but we were young and until we were wounded had been fit.
- TheyNiillähave very large bodies andlittlepienetlimbsraajat, so the heat lost from their heads and their bodies could be quite great.
- With an immense effort of will she goaded herself into activity, striking life into her numbed brain, forcinglimbsraajat,as heavy as wet sandjotka olivat yhtä painavia kuin märkä hiekka, to respond.
- I don't think anything is worth the risk of losing your life or losing alimbraajaa.
- This is the finest war memorial you could set up to the men who gave their lives,theirheidänlimbsraajansa, or their health, and those who lost their dear ones in the country's cause.
- `Or injury, or fire, or loss oflimbraajan, or getting the sack.
- She says children can get it from a very tiny age and if you think of a child starting its every day, not even able to moveits ownomialimbsraajojaanfreely.
- A simple movement of thestrikinghuomiota herättävänlimbraajanis not enough to ensure a score.
- Brassard was looking drawn, and the nervous movements ofhishänenlimbsraajojensawere more pronounced than usual.
- Distorted faces peered from walls,agonisedtuskaisetlimbsraajatwrithed from the pavements, and pillars of stone groaned with voices that came from once human lips.
- This system allows direct comparison ofcontralateralpäinvastaistenlimbsraajojenfrom a given embryotietyssä sikiössä, controlling for variability among embryos and culture conditions.
- She came, shyly; her knees under the hem of her dress seemed huge, like boles, forherhänenlimbsraajansawere emaciated with rickets and sallow from malaria.
- Meredith easedherhänencrampedkramppaavialimbsraajojaanfrom the taxi.
lip.n 🔎
- Jurnet could see his lips -- theredpunaisten,perpetually moistjatkuvasti kosteidenlipshuultenof an old manvanhan miehen-- moving, hear the inarticulate hum of what he was saying.
- She longed, at that moment, to feel his strong arms around her,hishänenfirmkiinteätlipshuulensaon hers …
- Instead he coveredhernaisenquiveringvärisevätlipshuuletwith his own, and at once Robbie felt the familiar tightness in her chest, the growing warmth in the pit of her stomach.
- She feltherhänenlipshuuliensapucker and her eyes grow moist.
- These new lipsticks contain thousands of colour fluid capsules which are released every timelipshuuletare pressed together -- from drinking, or even from kissing!
- Not until she had been sitting there for several minutes did Isabel realise that no sound at all had come fromherhänentorn and bleedingrikkonaisilta ja vertavuotaviltalipshuuliltaan.
- Eventually, frantic with frustration, I managed to force them over the raw meat of my knuckles with my teeth,myminunsore and bleedingkipeiden ja vertavuotavienlipshuultenispreading red stains through the grating wool.
- Then she saw Nigel dancing witha well-rounded girlkurvikkaan tytönwith yellow hair andpoutingmutru-lipshuulisen.
- I held her hand tomyminunlipshuulillanifor a moment.
- He let her go and make repairs to her make-up, to try to disguiseherhänenbruised and swollenruhjoutuneet ja turvonneetlipshuulensabefore the official photographs were taken.
- Her teeth caught inherhänentremblingvapisevaanlowerala-liphuuleensafor a moment.
- HerHänenwhite blonde hair andbright redkirkkaanpunaisetlipshuulensa, the blatant hard-bitten sex appeal and the coiled danger camouflage a vulnerable woman underneath.
- SheHänleaned forward, withpartedavoiminlipshuulinand shining eyes.
- She feltherhänentopylä-liphuulensaswell up as she tasted blood, and she said nothing more.
- She bitherhänenlowerala-liphuultaanto stifle the cry in her throat and felt the goosepimples bristling across her skin.
- Blanche was bitingherhänenliphuultaanin thought.
- Bitingherhänenfulltäyteläistälowerala-liphuultaanhard between her teeth, she crossed her arms quickly over her breasts, but not before the glimmer of recognition in Guy Sterne's enigmatic eyes.
- The horse puts its head high in the air, muzzle uppermost, and curls back theupperylä-liphuulenand sniffs long and noisily through its squashed nostrils.
- Elaine turned to her husband, who was lighting a cigarette, letting the smoke curl fromhishänenthickpaksuiltalipshuuliltaan.
- Bunny curled aliphuulta.
- SheHänellähad abloodyverinenliphaavanearly down to her ankle.
- The man lickedmud-cakedmutakakkuisialipshuuliaan, eyes half-closing in weariness.
- Slamming the tankard back on the oak table, he smackedhishänenwetmärkiälipshuuliaanand sucked at his beard.
- The scar onhishänenupperylä-liphuulessaantwitched occasionally, yet she could never be sure.
- HerHänenthinohutliphuulensacurled in a rare smile -- one might say she had been pursuing her own studies.
- HerHänenlipshuulensaparted slightly, then she looked down.
- She pulled away from him, shakily, her eyes wide and misted,herhänenmoistkosteatlipshuulensaparted in turmoil.
- `I've done a daft thing, ``said Bella,herhänenthinohuenlipshuulensatrembling.
mane.n 🔎
- That plats themanesharjojaof horseshevostenin the night
- An awesome beast who figured in Egyptian legend,the DevourerTuhoajasported themaneharjaaof a lionleijonan-, the body of a hippopotamus and the jaws of a golden crocodile.
- Surelyhehänwore themaneharjaaof a lionleijonan-upon his head and clutched in his upraised claws, the lifeless body of a small child!
- The pony, irritated by her slow pace, tossed its head, tore the reins from her grasp, knocked her over and trotted away with a malicious whinny and a triumphant shake ofits<empty>maneharjaansa.
- Trim your horse's tail, beard (not whiskers) and fetlocks and pullhissenmaneharja.
- The males stay behind, fortheirniidenshowynäyttävätmanesharjatwould only disturb the hunt whose technique is stealth.
- Their owd coats andtheirniidenowdvanhatmanesharjatused to shine like silk.
- A lionLeijonapadded towards them withshaggy goldpörröisine kullanvärisinemaneharjoineenand blood-stained jaws, came straight up to the car window.
- Thelongpitkät,flowingliehuvatmanesharjatand tails were like silk and their high-stepping stately walk was a delight to watch.
- Themaneharjaand the wingof the Corinthian pegasusKorintin pegasoksenare visible beneath and to the left of the corn ear of Metapontum.
- The horsesHevosetall looked spruced up for the occasion withplaitedpalmikoituinemanesharjoineen, even the two disgruntled piebald ponies on which perched two identical solemn small girls.
- She tried it; immediately she relaxed, her hands opened on themaneharjallaand she seemed to roll with the movements of her obviously good-tempered animal.
- TheyNiidenare said to be yellow or mottled brown in colour, often withseaweed-likemerilevää muistuttavatmanesharjat.
- The American Quarter horses used in this type of ridingAmerican Quarter -hevosilla, joita käytetään tämäntyyppisessä ratsastuksessa,have long tails andmanesharjat.
maw.n 🔎
- Perhaps the heat had given his mind the boost it needed to throw off the dream world that had gradually surrounded him since Paula's fall into themawkitaanof the Beastpedon.
- He saw Madra fighting with her reins, hair wild; then a face out of a nightmare lunged up at him, and for the second time he confronted thetuskedtorahampaisenmawkidanof a grypeshhirviön.
- The mouth was a mouth no longer, but a muzzle, apointed snarlingterävä murisevamawkitawith snapping teeth that would certainly rend human flesh to shreds, with a lolling red tongue that would snake out and lick the blood and the marrow …
- What was in store for them and their young but thefox'sketunmawkita, the poisoned grain and the angry scatter-shot of the farmer's gun?
- I said flinging a pillow athishänengapingammottavaanmawkitaansa.
- Ev'n Farmer's Hog may fillhishänenhungrynälkäisenmawkitansa,
- AroaringKarjuva,drippingläpimärkämawkitayawned with monstrous hunger.
- He had twisted in that grip, tried to bring the gun round to bear on thatmonstroushirviömäistämawkitaa.
midriff.n 🔎
- He let the tip of his tongue traverse the valley between her breasts, and continue down over thesensitiveherkkäämidriffkeskivartaloato the taut hollow of her belly.
- I should have kept my mouth shut because he manoeuvred his machine until it was touchingmyminunmidriffkeskivartaloani.
- The Old Man, displayinghishänenthickeningpaksuuntuvanmidriffkeskivartalonsa, standing proud against the ocean.
- Amaranth'sAmaranthinmidriffkeskivartalowas revealed to the multitude.
- Bruno is turned out in a set of white-sequined boxing trunks with blue stripes and a matching set of Masters of the Universe shoulder pads,hishänenincredibly muscleduskomattoman lihaksikasmidriffkeskivartalonsaexposed between.
- Jean Paul Gaultier also showed a collection which looked firmly forward, the sexiest pieces being bras, corsets and skirts slit to revealmidriffkeskivartalonand belly.
- He found himself confronted now by amidriffkeskivartalonand a pair of legs; the wall behind the legs was draped in scarlet.
- He was staring atherhänenmidriffkeskivartaloaan.
- Ruth flinched as droplets of water landed onherhänenbarepaljaallemidriffkeskivartalolleen.
- The titty girl on page 3'sKolmossivun rintavan tytönmidriffkeskivartalowas stained and transparent with grease from the fish and chips.
mouth.n 🔎
- I smiled politely and scaldedmyminunmouthsuunion the tea.
- He tried protesting to Selkirk, who simply struck him across themouthsuulleand pushed him through the metal-studded door.
- He pursedhishänenbigsuurenmouthsuunsainto such a babyish pout that Meredith found him comical; he sniggered.
- He has blood caked roundhishänenmouthsuunsa, a blindfold over his eyes, and his shoulders are hunched.
- This time when he kissed me, his mouth stayed on mine, and I opened my lips a little, and so did he, and I could taste him inmyminunmouthsuussani.
- He looked athernaisenwideleveäämouthsuuta, the full lips that kissed him so often and so lusciously.
- HisHänenmouthsuunsawas dry.
- Her bosom heaved,hernaisenwetmärkämouthsuuopened, her wide eyes stared.
- The fragrant steam madehishänenmouthsuunsawater.
mustache.n 🔎
- It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face ofa man of about forty-fivenoin neljäkymmentäviisivuotiaan miehen, with a heavy blackmoustacheviiksetand ruggedly handsome features.
muzzle.n 🔎
- One of Danny's birthday presents had been a puppy -- a rough-haired mongrel with a dash of Airedale, theshaggysotkuinenmuzzlekuonoof an Irish terrierirlanninterrierinand paws like a wolfhound.
- He rubbed themuzzleturpaaof a horsehevosenwhen it nosed up to him, and scratched its ears.
- The bear roared at him with fury,itssenblackmustanmuzzlekuononand huge jaws covered in a thick white froth.
- He would swinghishänenmuzzleturpaansaat a fly
- The bear scarcely repaid the compliment but sat on his hindquarters, hungrily stuffinghis<empty>greatsuurtamuzzlekuonoaanfrom a pile of scraps thrown around him.
- I'm thinking of polled cattle ordogskoirat, joillawithvery, very shorthyvin, hyvin lyhyetmuzzleskuonotor dwarf legs and so on.
- With regard to your pony, ifshesillähascreamy/mealykermanvärinen/kalpeamuzzleturpaand eyes and light in colour on an otherwise dark coat, she is definitely an Exmoor.
- The GloucesterCloucesterillahas aslate-colouredsavenharmaamuzzleturpaand black tongue and teats.
nape.n 🔎
- He went across and stroked thenapeniskaansa, and she sniffed and stiffened and then relaxed.
- Into thenape<empty>of the youngest, who was lying on his stomach with part of his spine exposed,nuorimman, joka makasi vatsallaan osa selkää paljaana,the flesh and muscle ripped away by the 9mm bullet.
- Thenapeniskansabegan to prickle.
- Charsky stroked her shoulder, kissedherhänennapeniskaansa.
- HerHänennapeniskansawas bare for kissing all day long.
- `And didn't we all know you for a darling girl? ``he whispered in her ear as his fingers continued to blaze fire acrossherhänenexposedpaljaallanapeniskallaan.
- He stood behind her, his hands falling toherhänennapeniskalleenlike someone about to fix the clasp of a necklace.
- From Black-headed Gull differs in summer by black hood extending overnapeniskanon to upper neck, in winter by blackish bill and at all times by smoky grey underwing and no black on wing-tips.
- `Long hair will be dressed, with soft chignons into thenapeniskaanas well as on top.
- Ducks and immatures, known as `red-headsSorsilla ja niiden poikasilla, jotka tunnetaan punapäinä,: havechestnutkastanjanvärinenhead andnapeniska, with white chin.
- Immature, withgreyharmaanapeniskaand black-tipped tail, lacks diagonal dark wing-bar of immature Kittiwake and Little Gull.
- The unusually deep, bass voice was amused, making the hair onCaroline'sCarolinennapeniskassarise, and her heart lurch.
- He was stroking her hair, thenapeniskaansa, rhythmically caressing her bare shoulders, tracing the slim length of her upper arms.
- The hairs on thenape<empty>tingled and my tired heart lurched with fear.
- The baby's navel's attached to the mother, not themother'säidinnavelnapato the baby.
- `I was bitten lots of times by mosquitoes, once just abovemyminunnavelnapani, where my shirt buttons were bursting open.
- Massage by pressing gently with palms of hands, then knead with fingertips gently around thenavelnavan.
- Such things as fingers, hernias andextendedlaajenneetnavelsnavathave caused problems in practice when the defence has submitted that it was not the penis which was exposed but some other similar looking object.
- It struck her as a terrible waste, for she felt nothing as Kattina erotically licked her sensitive flesh in dainty, small circles commencing at her throat, and finishing insideherhänendinkysievännavelnapansa.
- the baby contemplatesherhänennavelnapaansa,
- He also created the first man, Purusha, from thenavelnavastaof VishnuVishnun.
- The one for American showing had to cover thenavelnapa.
- For the first time, I saw -- with what sense of shock I can not explain -- thatshehänellähad nonavelnapaa.
neck.n 🔎
- Mrs Totteridge banged theneckkaulaaof her maretammansawith the flat of her hand.
- She imagined a steel splint insideherhänengiraffekirahvin-neckkaulansa, and felt the pain as it appeared inside her unfamiliar flesh.
- The rain slicedmyminunneckkaulanilike a miniature guillotine.
- Tonton, coming up behind Flora, nudged her; she put an arm roundhishänenwoollyvillaisenneckkaulansa.
- He smiled and I felt the hairs on the back ofmyminunneckkaulanigo rigid.
- Sherries showed, primrose or gold, through their elegant bubble-shaped decanters; enamelled labels chained totheirniidenstork-likehaikaramaisiinneckskauloihindeclared them dry or medium.
- `The horseHevosellahas alongpitkäneckkaula, and that helped me get back in the saddle, ``he added.
- ``I can feel the danger like a wire roundmyminunneckkaulani-- like a wire -- Hazel, help!
- Stickherhänenneckkaulansaout and her life would be a succession of errands for Mrs Fanshawe, running about the town sending crazy messages to a girl who didn't exist.
- She appeared in the doorway, blue winter coat buttoned tight toherhänenneckkaulalleen, black and white checked scarf thrown loosely over it, a living fashion plate.
nose.n 🔎
- It is not considered friendly to grab thenosenenäänof the person speaking with youkanssasi puhuvan henkilön.
- But we could do nothing with thatEnglishenglantilaisellenosenenällesiof yourssinun.
- No flesh that she could see, just thepinkvaaleanpunaisetnosesnenätof the dogskoirien, bloodied from the hare they had eaten alive.
- HisHänennosenenänsäwas broken in two places by a player he had sent off for violent play.
- If all you could seewereolivatyourteidännosenenänne, or the side of your face, nature's design system would clearly have slipped up somewhere.
- There was nothing the matter with his features.Thenosenenäwas roughly in the right place.
- Dark hair, brown eyes,straightsuoranosenenä, not too short.
- HeHänellähad a forehead andnosenenä,any Greek might have acknowledged with pride, and long, grey-blue eyes like slivers of self-illuminating stone, somewhere between lapis-lazuli and granite.
- Then, one fine day, at one of these parties,someonejoku, jollawith abigsuurinosenenäand a wide pinstripe will stumble up to you, notice your tie, and say: `Wair-you-a' schoo'?
- That'sonhishänenbigsuurinosenenänsäand double chin.
- HerHänenbig beakysuuri nokkamainennosenenänsägives her a masculine look.
- Preston's glance took in the broad shoulders, a black beard, a lean, dark face and abigsuureennosenenään.
- A six foot two giant with black hair and eyebrows joined over the bridge ofhishänenlargesuurennosenenänsä.
- It was then that I felt the first cobweb -- one sticky tendril, unbelievably strong, across my right eye and the bridge ofmyminunnosenenäni.
- TheirNiidenlong mobilepitkiä liikkuvianosesneniäare used for rooting around in search of small animals.
- `Forgive me, I must go and powdermyminunnosenenäni.
- Auntie JulieJulie-tätiwas a bossy wee body with apugnykerö-nosenenäand a big bust, and she had Uncle Geordie completely under her thumb.
- He squatted on his haunches,hishänenpugnykerö-nosenenänsäon a level with the table.
- It putitshänenwetmärännosenenänsäon each of their knees in turn, for titbits.
- England used to be a country with red pillar boxes andpolicemenpoliiseja, joillawithredpunaisetnosesnenätand decent law-abiding citizens you could eat your dinner off.
- Corbett was looking for a suitable place as the crowd began to disperse when Benstede returned, accompanied bya thin, stooping figurelaiha, kyyristynyt hahmo,with watery eyes, adrinker's redjuopon punainennosenenäand a wispy beard.
- Waldegrave, the chaplain, was small, fat and balding, with the coarsened features andbright redkirkkaanpunainennosenenäof an inveterate drinkerparantumattoman juopon.
- Grinning, he gently rubbedhishänenswollenturvonnuttanosenenäänsä, newly broken a fourth time.
- He rubshishänennosenenäänsäand fiddles with his ear, he must be insecure! ``we say.
- Mother and daughter were very like each other, tall, dark, slim,pleasant-looking womenmiellyttävän näköisiä naisia,with mid-brown curly hair andslightly snubhiukan pystytnosesnenät.
- Her hair was light ginger and she had long ago given up trying to curl it;shehänellähad asnubpysty-nosenenäand blue eyes in an oval face that was cheerful but perhaps forgettable.
- He looked like one of the carefree devils he had carved, withhis<empty>fat, cheery face,snubpysty-nosenenineenand large blue eyes which seemed to dance with wicked merriment.
- I might decide to thumbmyminunnosenenääniat him ``, he wrote.
- Only the tip of apinkvaaleanpunaisennosenenänwas visible above the cot blanket, but Ernest declared, `She is a beautiful child, to be sure.
nostril.n 🔎
- The thin hooked bill, withitssenexternalulkoistennostrilssieraintenin tubes on the upper mandible, remind you that shear waters are members of the strange `tube-nose ``petrel family.
- He took the perfume, and sprayed into thenostrilssieraimiinof both stallionsmolempien orien.
- Thenostrilssieraimetof a fishKalanare not involved in any way with breathing but are U-shaped tubes that contain receptor cells capable of sensing the taste of water.
- The man in the shadows waved something green and glistening, and the waft of entrails touchedthe cat'skissansensitiveherkkiänostrilssieraimiaand made it sit up and watch the stranger.
- The fourteen-year-old stuck the gun upmyminunnostrilsieraimeenito see if it would fit.
- To havewide flaringlaajat, levenevätnostrilssieraimetto sniff out those stinkwaves.
- I moved to the head and opened thenostrilsieraimenwith finger and thumb, revealing a slight muco-purulent discharge.
- A film of golden strands coveredherhänenmouth andnostrilssieraimensa.
- Three more lids were shut and boxes returned home and finally a large pinch of the selected substance was taken to therightoikeaannostrilsieraimeen, another to the left.
- Dry herb smells filledhishänennostrilssieraimensa.
- Overgrown hair stuffed into a baseball cap, gold stud winking inherhänenleftvasemmassanostrilsieraimessaan, face unblemished by make-up.
- Zacco drew a long breath throughpinchedyhteen nipistettyjennostrilssieraimien.
- Anthea inhaled sharply, andherhänennostrilssieraimensaflared.
paw.n 🔎
- I see the way the snow is kicked up off thepawskäpälistäof the dogskoirien, the way their breath explodes around their heads.
- The dog reared onhissenhindtaka-pawstassuilla, his wide open mouth almost gripping my face, his front paws scrabbling and scratching at both of us.
- The tiger'sTiikerinfrontetu-pawstassutare its main hunting weapon.
- Misha'sMishanlittle whitepienet valkoisetpawstassutwere differentiated by cream tinted pink.
- When I putmyminunfrontetu-pawstassunion my lady's shoulders, I was about a foot taller than her.
- This tiger (above) licksits<empty>pawtassujaanwith its large, rasping tongue.
- Angela shrank back before Bully could jump up and mark her Gnome costume withhissendirtylikaisilla,wetmärilläpawstassuilla.
- And when I said I was he held out amassivemassiivisetpawkäpälätthat gripped my hand as though in a vice.
- It was Snappy, a squirming bundle of wet fur andmuddymutaisiapawstassuja, greeting her with excited yaps while his mistress uttered a torrent of ineffectual commands and reproaches.
- Over one-hundred feet long, with ninety-four teeth,itsillähad a long tail and fourwebbedräpylämäistäpawskäpälää.
pelt.n 🔎
- The thin pelts of hair (phocid) seals anddensertuuheammatpeltsturkitof fur sealsturkishylkeidenprobably afford better protection against wind-chill than against the cold of the sea (Figure 6.5).
- The old dog ambled lamely towards them, shookhis<empty>wetmärkääpeltturkkiaanand stood shivering beside his master.
- An animal'sEläimenpeltturkkicovered his scalp, its empty legs dangling beside his ears, yet it seemed not at all absurd.
- Hunters would pursue it relentlessly during the snow season, foritssenwintertalvi-peltturkkiwas especially prized in coat and hat making.
- On the lawn, the cat Hastings lay stretched out like arabbitjäniksenpeltturkki, his fur ruffled by the breeze, and feigned sleep.
- SealHylkeidenpeltsturkitare thin to the point of transparency and seabird chicks are too weak to stand.
- More or less fancied herself as a fox, the largest predator in the British Isles,beautifulkaunispeltturkki, amber eyes, full and gorgeous tail; a stink to drive away the timid.
rump.n 🔎
- As a final gesture of international goodwill, I was given a massive injection intomyminunrumptakapuoleeni, before being released on Friday morning.
- The noiseherhänensubstantialsuurirumptakapuolensaand the side of the bus produced as they came into contact, increased her alarm.
- She yanked the reins and brought the whip down hard uponitssenbonyluiseenrumptakapuoleen.
- A muscular Company goon in macho combat gear slappedherhänenrumptakapuoltaan.
- She reached out and strokedthe cat'skissanrumptakapuolta, her plump, tapering fingers sinking into the fur.
- Rounding the bend from the top path down towards the stable she was brandishing a stick, beatingthe cows'lehmändrippingläpimärkiärumpstakapuoliaand cursing them aloud for refusing to hurry.
- ABBERLEY:YouSinullastill have avery niceerittäin kivarumptakapuoli.
- The grapeshot strikes her in therumptakapuolelle.
- It bestrode her severely-parted hair like a sequined circus girl, riding backwards on thesolidkiinteällärumptakapuolellaof a matronly old marerouvamaisen vanhan tamman.
- HerHänenamplerehevärumptakapuolensastuck out towards him.
skin.n 🔎
- TheskinIhowas pulled tight with tension.
- Unwrap salmon; cut theskinnahka, tail and along backbone, then peel it off.
- Her eyes had drooped forward because theskinnahkahad become too squishy to contain them, and her nose seeped to become one large dewdrop.
- His head was raised towards the sky and the loose folds ofskinnahka-stretched, like a condemned man offering his neck to the executioner's blade.
- Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis) is a fungal infection of theskinnahkan.
- Not a drem oftheirheidänskinihostaanwas uncoloured, and the variety of the designs fascinated Jehan every time he looked at them.
- He scratched theskinihoa.
- However, examination of his foot showed that he had lost one-third of theskinihosta.
- HerHäneneyes were black, wide as though with some sustained surprise, theskinihotauttiukka.
- In spite of herself, Shiona was aware of a warming ofherhänenskinihonsa, and her reaction both humiliated and angered her.
- One of the cheap cigars to which she was addicted burns ignored between her fingers, theskinihodragging down with indifference.
- Because it was wearing theskinnahkaaof her own lambhänen oman lampaansa, and smelt the same, she would with luck think it was hers.
- The liver must be in contact with theskinihoonof the userkäyttäjän, however, to be used.
- The uppers, though, curl around grow up through theskinihonand, still curling, turn back towards the animal's forehead.
- He had even tried to stretch himself by hanging from the limb of a tree by his hands until theskinihowas blistered.
- She discovered the dirt and thickened wax deep in his ears, the grubbiness at the back of his neck, thehoof-likehuppumainenskiniho, the bitten nails.
- A pumice is also ideal for dealing withtoughkovaaskinihoa.
- Mountain goats, on the other hand, aim for the opponent's rump and, just as the musk ox's skull is enormously reinforced, so toois theonskinnahka.
- She wanted Luke too badly,herhänenskinihonsaon firetulessaand an even more intolerable conflagration deep inside her, stoked by the possessive mastery of his kiss, an inferno of need, consuming her.
- For daytime, make-up artist Judith Pallan suggested she try Colourings' foundation and powder in one compact (£5.75) to even outdarkertummemmanskinihon.
- He had aged, M ler decided, noticing thepuffyturvonneenskinihon.
- There were bags ofskiniho-, and she had a deep, posh, drawling voice, like an actress in an old film.
- i have therefore shedmyminunskinihoni.
- HisHänenskinihonsaclung very close to his skull.
- YourSinunskinihoneeds care and attention, too, and will repay pampering by looking and feeling softer and smoother.
- She was dressed in navy and white,herhänenivorynorsunluunvalkeaskinihonsaslightly tannedkevyesti ruskettunutand for once minus make-up.
- She had dutifully done so and together they had selected an array of clothes in the deep greens and blues, the rich wine shades that Thomas said best set offherhänenporcelainposliinisellaskinihollaanand burnished hair.
- Withherhänenporcelainposliinisenskinihonsa, glossy black hair and perfect features, she looked like the effigy of a goddess, beautiful in an almost inhuman way.
- Fur has seen its best days on the clothing front, although seriously rockin' on the footwear front right now isleopardleopardinskinnahka.
- Broad, high cheekbones and amahoganymahonginruskeaskinihounderlined his Indian blood.
- When the door swung open, I could see nothing but bars of light, curving together like aluminoushohtavazebraseepran-skinnahkahigh above.
- He traced a delicate figure of eight across thesmooth palesileää valkeaaskinihoa.
- His hands swept boldly over her body, pushing aside her flimsy robe to scorchherhänentremblingvapisevaaskinihoaanwith his touch, and she pressed closer still, aching for more of the devastating fire.
- The stretched,polishedkiillotettuskinihogleamed golden, the pits of the eyes were black but bright.
- All their children, including Buddie,Kaikki heidän lapsensa, mukaan lukien Buddie,were born withbrownruskea-skinihoisinaand crinkly hair and grew up to be entertainers, just like their father.
- Polly found herself staring at his thighs, mesmerised by the powerful muscles that bunched and flexed beneathbronzedruskettuneenskinihondusted with gold-brown hairja kullanruskeiden hiusten.
- Small blades of grass fall from her legs as theskinihodries and they come out into the sunlight.
- A wave of clammy perspiration broke out onmyminunskinihollani.
- `It just broke theskinihon, ``he said.
- The quillons (guards) are straight and the two-handed grip is still covered withfishkalan-skinnahkaan.
- The arms are covered inskinnahalla.
- The ventral interradial areas are also covered bynakedalastomallaskiniholla.
- Julia could feel thecoolviileän,faintly bristlyhiukan karheanskinihonagainst her face and she was bitterly ashamed that in the middle of his awful pain she was conscious of the pleasure of it.
- Trembling and overwhelmed, Belinda slid into the passenger-seat, feeling its cool leather againstherhänenhotkuumaaskinihoaanlike a new caress, her nerve-endings were so alive to every sensation now.
- HeHänellähad abrownruskeaskiniho, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth.
- They had two towels they wetted in the by now black water to save theskinihon.
- Four tribesmen waited at the edge of the village, spears in their hands, their loinclothed bodies slick with rain,theirheidänskinihonsathe colour of tartervanvärinen.
- Sleek, long-limbed, withsmooth, velvety-lookingpehmeä, silkkisen näköinenskiniho,the colour of bleached coffee beansjoka oli haalistuneiden kahvinpapujen värinen.
- His lethal smile madeherhänenskinihonsacrawl.
- Peculiar things happened to his body: his toes clenched, his hands prickled, theskinihocrawled.
- After being in the sun for some time,myminunskinihonifeels like tissue.
snout.n 🔎
- Young may be carried on thesnoutkuonossaof the motheremonif they are in distress (or stillborn), a behaviour that is also sometimes extended to humans in distress.
- One ketos disgorging Jonah has a dolphin's tail and the head andsnoutkuonoof a boarvillisianand with feline feet and presumably claws.
- She rose from her seat and swiped the dog a hefty blow acrossitssensnoutkuonon.
- This pet turtle will continue walking into the glass untilitssensnoutkuonois bloody.
- At her touch it raisedits<empty>tinypienensnoutkuononsaagain, quested here and there, and then found hers.
- This stimulates the male to lead her to his nest and show her the entrance by pointinghissensnoutkuonoainto it.
- The purse seine nets are made of large mesh in which it is easy for a dolphin to getitssenflipper orsnoutkuononcaught.
- Notice thenarrowkapeasnoutkuonoextending beyond the mouth which helps it to seek out small rodents, reptiles and invertebrates.
- Many of the larger species are fruit eating and, because oftheirniidenbright eyes andpointedteräväkärkistensnoutskuonojen, are often misleadingly referred to as `flying foxes ``.
- `In the sea, ``he said, `there arecreaturesolentoja, joillawithsmilinghymyilevätsnoutskuonot, full of teeth.
- The door opened a few more inches and a pair ofwide darklaajoja, tummiasnoutskuonojapushed through, snuffling noisily.
- Kune Kune pigshave all the usual piggy characteristics like the curly tail and thestubbypaksusnoutkuono.
- The body is long and slender, with a pointed head anditsillähas along pointedpitkä teräväsnoutkuonothat forms a `bill ``.
- He seemed a sinister character withhishänenlongpitkinesnoutkuonoineenand bony body, alert, watchful, suspicious.
sole.n 🔎
- He kicked out as if kicking himself and yelped as his bare feet hit the end of the basket and a sharp end of wicker stabbed intohishänensolejalkapohjaansa.
- Once the little ones had left the room, I shifted my position on the floor and sat cross-legged, trying to cover thesolespohjaniwith my skirt.
- That done, he leans over to the other side and does the same thing with his other hand and foot so that both his palms andhishänensolesjalkapohjansaare anointed with his pungent urine.
- He looked at thesolespohjia, making careful note of what he saw.
- Nikos is, among other things, a barefoot waterski champion and does the most wonderful tricks flying through the water at 60 mph on nothing but thesolespohjat!
- Using a firm press-release motion, work alternate thumb pads rhythmically over the surface of thesolejalkapohjan.
- In like manner put your left leg behind you, laying it across your right shoulder; and be sure to take care that thesolespohjatmeet under your chin.
- He wore a patched gallibaya and thesolespohjansawere split with deep cracks like dried mud.
tail.n 🔎
- She lashed out withher<empty>tailpyrstöllään, overturning ships, smashing down a lighthouse.
- Relatively small head and less well marked facial disc than other owls are its best field marks, together with distinctive habit of flickingtailpyrstöä.
- Every time she went out she missedhishänenpleading eyes andthumpingjyskyttäväntailhäntänsä; but today it seemed worse than ever, somehow, to set forth quite alone.
- Cleo cast a dubious glance atthe dogs who were all looking up at Lorimerkoiriin, jotka kaikki katsoivat Lorimeriinwith smiling, gaping mouths andwaggingheiluvintailshännin.
- We tend to dismiss the ability of a lizard or a salamander to regrow alostpudonneentailhännänby saying that these are relatively simple and unspecialized creatures.
- HisHänenupper body, dorsal andtailpyrstöare a rich orange, his lower body bright green, and his chin, chest and short triangular pelvic fins a dramatic contrast of jet black.
- The early fossil bony fish have tails with the long blade uppermost, whereasthe more advanced living bony fishkehittyneemmällä elävällä luukalallahave atailpyrstö,that is symmetrical, and more effective in producing a horizontal thrust.
- This beast wasa cross between an enormous DRAGON and a snakevaltavan LOHIKÄÄRMEEN ja käärmeen risteymä, having great purple and green scales, aforkedhaarakastailpyrstöand long fangs.
- ItSillähad anelephant'snorsuntailhäntäand a boar's head which was bearded, goat-fashion.
- Only other white-breasted duck is short-necked heavy-billed Shoveler drake, andonly the white-headed maritime drake Long-tailed Duckvain valkopäisellä merisorsalla, pitkäpyrstöisellä ankalla,also has alongpitkätailpyrstö.
- Looking like huge, animated pine-cones, these unusual animals are covered in large, overlapping scales that extend right down to the tip of thelongpitkän,prehensiletarttuma-tailhännän.
- It was the wet nose of one of Raimundo's shaggy lurchers, who was frantically wavingher<empty>long crookedpitkää, käyräätailhäntäänsä.
- Initiallythe malesurokset, joillawithslightly longer than averagehiukan keskimääräistä pidempitailshäntä,might have been fitter than average; females who preferred to mate with them would have an advantage because they would produce better sons.
- Female (Greyhen) is likea much smaller female Capercailliepaljon pienempi naarasmetso, jollawithforkedhaarakastailhäntäand narrow pale wing-bar, and no rufous patch on breast or white on flanks.
- From paler forms of much smaller Tawny Owl, differs also inits<empty>longpitkäntailhäntänsä, which hangs down in flight, and relatively smaller eyes.
- The only difficult character is the catfish, which during its formative life feeds upon aquatic insect life, but which will turn its attention to small fish and thetailspyrstöihinof larger onessuurempienas it reaches maturity.
- She poked about in the brambles and waggedher<empty>tailhäntäänsä.
- The poster shows Campese arrested in full flight by thetailhäntäänof a pursuing red dragontakaa-ajavan punaisen lohikäärmeen, with the caption: `Capture the magic of the wizards of Oz ``.
- Thesinuouskiemurtelevatailhäntäof a dragonlohikäärmeen, also in gold and jewel colours, wreathed itself like a border round the edge of the other tile.
- Loden's hackles subsided,hissentailhäntäbegan to wag.
talon.n 🔎
- And as rats are so abundant (as many as 5000 may live in a pair's range) many will escape thetalonskynsistäof the nocturnal predatorsyöpetojen.
- But for me, in that garret at Hampton Court, I felt like a rabbit having to choose between the jaws of the fox and thetalonskynsienof the eaglekotkan.
- It's too heavy for her to carry, so she pulls it to pieces with her beak, holding it tightly inher<empty>talonskynsissään.
- HisSensilver-tippedhopeakärkisettalonskynnetflashed, and then suddenly he looked up.
- `Can we explore with him as far as there! ``they said, pointingtheirniidenyoungnuoriatalonskynsiäat a clump of dog's-mercury.
- In addition in the Jurassic there weresome truly great coelurosaur typesjoitakin todella upeita koelurosaurustyyppejä,withfearsomekauhistuttavattalonskynnet.
- I've heard screams from those tunnels, and the sound of moles running, and of talons,crueljulmattalonskynnet, scraping on flint, and things I'll never talk about not ever.
- The face of the creature was pointed, animal-like, goat-like, and there werecruel curvingjulmat kaarevattalonskynnetprotruding from its front paws and curling toes with gristly joints and sharp nails at the back.
- Eight times larger than a lion, the griffin has an acute sense of hearing, anditssentalonskynsiäare highly prized for their ability to change colour when they come into contact with poison.
- The eagle still hadits<empty>talonskyntensäin the goat, and the goat had its horns embedded in the eagle.
temple.n 🔎
- She pressed her forefinger intoherhänenleftvasempaantempleohimoonsato ease the escalating migraine that threatened.
- Ruth touchedherhänentempleohimoaan, feeling the bruise where Adam had hit her.
- Sweat trickled frommymimuntempleohimoltaniinto my eye; I blinked and blinked again.
- His reddish hair was receding at thetemplesohimoilleand his grey eyes rested upon Doreen with obvious relief.
- She felt hot blood shoot straight to her head, makingherhänentemplesohimonsathrob.
tentacle.n 🔎
- Often different coral species grow beside one another, mingled with sea pens arching above and beds of anemones that wavelongpitkiätentaclestuntokarvojain the current.
- The immunity enjoyed by clownfish from thevenomousmyrkyllisistätentaclestuntokarvoistaof the anemonevuokonhas only recently become properly understood.
- This can only be defined by a large claw-like grasp on his left forearm, which could be identified as atentaclelonkeroksiof the Hydramonipäisen käärmeen.
- Crustaceans are able to amble freely among theanemone'svuokontentaclestuntokarvojenbecause their hard exoskeletons protect them from stings from the nematocysts.
- These species float near the surface of the water ontheirniidenfeathery extendedhienojen pidentyneidententaclestuntokarvojenand hunt jellyfish.
- Its body measured about 3 metres, anditssententaclestuntokarvatwere another 13 metres long.
- Eventually they migrate within the sea slug's tissues and are concentrated in thetentaclestuntokarvoihin.
- Compensating for this loss of sight,some speciesjoillakin lajeillahavesmall extendablepienet laajenevattentaclestuntokarvatwhich serve as sensitive feelers.
- AtentacleLonkerowaved towards her.
- Another, named rather despairingly by the scientist who first examined it Hallucigenia,Toisella, jonka sen ensimmäiseksi tutkinut tiedemies oli nimennyt melko epätoivoisesti Hallusigeeniksi,had seven pairs of limbs beneath and sevententacleslonkeroawaving above, each of which ended, apparently, with a mouth.
- NewUudettentacleslonkerotwrithed and grew, variously greasy and glassy and jelly-like.
thigh.n 🔎
- Her hand drew his to rest casually onherhänenthighreidellään.
- JOHNSON 'SJOHNSONINpistonmäntämäisetthighsreidet, bulging biceps (and bulging eyes) were achieved through the banned intake of stanozol.
- Male all dark grey withchestnutkastanjanvärisetthighsreidetand under tail coverts, with bright red bill, cere, bare skin round eye and legs.
- Whole rows ofchickenkanan-thighsreisiä, galleries of boneless chicken breasts, chicken escalopes coated with breadcrumbs, ready seasoned, free-range, corn-fed chicken that -- Hang on.
- Her exquisitely modelled buttocks andsatinsatiinisetthighsreidetwere visible under those ridiculous rags as she walked towards the clearing.
- He was too drunk to be driving, he thought, angling a glance atherhänenwideleveisiin,slopingkalteviinthighsreisiinsäon the seat beside him.
- Flex your knees, grasp the top of the harness with both hands, lift the pack and balance it onyoursinunrightoikeallathighreidelläsi.
- Marvin shrieked like a gutshot coyote as the dark, boiling liquid soaked through the front of his shirt and trousers, staining black his belly, groin andupperylä-thighsreidet.
- She wanted to run her hands over the firm masculine planes of his body, the broad shoulders and narrow hips, his long,muscularlihaksikkaidenthighsreisien.
- The back plays an essential part in the forward movement, the powerful extensor muscles of the neck and back co-operating with the lower neck muscles, as well as with those of theinsidesisä-thighreidenand stomach.
- And thosesturdyvankatthighsreitensäof hershänenare just what you need for a good rumbustious kazatzki.
- From as young as ten I was very conscious of havingfatlihavatthighsreidet.
- He had a lovely mouth andlovely muscularihanat lihaksikkaatthighsreidet.
- He rubbed clenched fists alonghishänenthighsreisillään, then open palms, and finally clasped his hands together.
- I had to slapmyminunthighreisiäniand cavort around.
- He slappedhishänenenormousvaltaviathighsreisiäänand laughed some more.
thorax.n 🔎
- Thethoraxkeskiruumisof the large-eyed trilobiteSuurisilmäisen trilobiitinis remarkably long compared with the average trilobite (compare Fig. 33).
- ThethoraxKeskiruumisis coupled to the wings by an ingenious structure at the wing base, and its contractions causes them to beat up and down.
- ThethoraxKeskiruumisemerges and there on its back are two flat crumpled objects, its wings, wrinkled like the kernel of a walnut.
- The praying mantis has a single ear in the middle ofitssenthoraxkeskiruumiinwhich it uses for bat detection.
- In 1978 the 10 year old son of a fisherman presented with acute respiratory distress and surgical emphysema inupperylä-thoraxrintakehässä, neck, and face after accidentally swallowing a live fish.
- Cicadas have circular eardrums on either side of thethoraxkeskiruumista.
- The most seriously injured werethe pilotlentäjä,whojollahad acrushedmurtunutthoraxrintakehäand whose lung had been pierced by one of his ribs, the man with his legs trapped, and the woman with spinal injuries.
thumb.n 🔎
- Placeyoursinunthumbspeukalosiat the centre between the eyebrows (the `third eye ``) and this time slide your thumbs a little more firmly over the brow bone and off the head.
- Drew leant against the wall,hishänenthumbpeukalonsaon the control button.
- Then positionyoursinunrightoikeathumbpeukalosiover the camera button, and rest your index and second fingers just clear of the zoom switches.
- Moran sat on, brooding in the car chair,hishänenthumbspeukaloidensaidly revolving around one another.
- `HisHänenthumbpeukalonsahad been completely ripped off but he was just worried that he might need stitches.
- Morgan ran athickpaksuathumbpeukaloaacross his jowl, puffed at his cigar.
- After five years of living with the natives and being offered the delicacy of ahumanihmisenthumbpeukalonby cannibals -- a feast which he gracefully declined -- Terry was feeling homesick.
- His distinguishing marks were a duelling scar across his hand, and also adeformedepämuodostunutthumbpeukalo,that had been broken and badly reset; it gave the impression of a parrot's bill.
- `In the first hour we lost Mahmood Hussain with a hamstring injury andNasimNasimwith abrokenrikkinäinenthumbpeukalo, leaving us with three bowlers.
- The F attachment can be switched in instantaneously by a valve operated by theleftvasemmallathumbpeukalolla.
- Place the first two fingers of your right hand on the main artery of the inner wrist of your left hand just below the base of thethumbpeukalon.
- Culley made a duck-quack motion with fingers andthumbpeukalolla.
- I gently touched her starfish hand and her tiny fingers closed roundmyminunthumbpeukaloni.
- Other than that, the hip-flask carries the prints of the fingers andthumbpeukalon, and the stopper, of the thumb and forefinger of his right.
- He held uphishänenforefinger andthumbpeukaloaan.
- He jabbed athumbpeukalonover his shoulder at the interior.
- `There was no natural character to the room: it was a white box with modern doors, modern units and a Rayburn that stuck out of the wall like asorekipeäthumbpeukalo.
- When she brought it, he was sitting at his typewriter, suckinghishänendamagedvahingoittunuttathumbpeukaloaan.
- I like him enormously, but he was also very much under thethumbpeukalonof his fatherisänsä.
- HisHänenthumbpeukalonsaand forefinger pinched the sides of my neck, one big pad pressing into my carotid artery.
- Thethumbpeukaloais used as a pointer to the other fingers on the same hand.
- Now, I could count on thethumbspeukaloillathe times I've forgotten myself in a theatre.
- The line must have tangled, because the next thing I knew, or rather felt, was a searing pain inmyminunthumbpeukalossanias the hook dug in.
toe.n 🔎
- Furthermore, there is a much wider and more flexible gap between the twotoesvarpaanof the mountain goatlumivuohenthan there is in other ungulates.
- Barefoot and in a panic, she missed the bottom step of the wrought-iron spiral staircase, stubbingherhänentoevarvastaanand grazing her right shin.
- Righting the stool with his foot, he pushed it underJason'sJasonindanglingheiluvientoesvarpaidento support some of the weight.
- The cuckoo'sKäenzygodactylepämuodostuneettoesvarpaat, with two pointing forwards and two pointing back.
- Funny that no one has ever noticedMrs Thatcher'srouva Thatcherinknock knees andpigeonsisäänpäin kääntyneitätoesvarpaita, but then, the ever considerate television news cameras always film her from the knees up, so who's to know.
- TheyNewere a sub-order with sharp claws and aprominenthuomattavasecondtoinentoevarvaslooking like a huge sickle.
- `There's a fantastic-looking man called Rob English whom I found when I trod onhishänentoevarpaalleenin a shop in Brighton, ``says Sarah.
- He blinked again and shivered from head totoevarpaisiin.
- His size belied the touch of a new born babe and he gently coaxed the life back into thecoldkylmiintoesvarpaisiinas a nurse cleaned up the cut hand.
- Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he began to draw circles in the air with thetoesvarpailla.
- It is easy to putyoursinunleftvasentoevarpaasiinto the low fuselage-side kick-in step, swing your right foot over the sill and down onto the cockpit floor to settle into the surprisingly upright seat.
toenail.n 🔎
- Cuts are not common in karate competition though, on occasions, a cut eyelid may be caused bythe opponent'svastustajanlongpitkättoenailsvarpaankynnet.
- `You see, ``put in her sister, `there's nothing wrong with Bruno, buthishänentoenailsvarpaankyntensäare rather long.
- I sat with my head between my legs and looked at thedirt-encrustedlian peittämiätoenailsvarpaankynsiäof the silent Yugoslavian on my leftvasemmalla puolellani olevan hiljaisen jugoslavialaisenuntil-'Jennings' was called from the next room.
- SheHänelläwore a burgundy one-piece swimsuit, burgundy high-heeled sandals andburgundyburgundinpunaisettoenailsvarpaankynnet.
- I sayIminulla've gotingrowingsisään kasvavattoenailsvarpaankynnet.
- And yet, I never, to the best of my knowledge, cutmyminuntoenailsvarpaankynsiäni.
tongue.n 🔎
- Wool of bat, andtonguekieliof dogkoiran,
- Against therubberkumi-tongueskieliäof cowslehmienand the hoeing hands of men
- TheyNiillädo not have abrushharja-tonguekieltäbut an extremely long one divided into two from its middle down to its tip.
- My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip,myminuninfantlapsentonguekielenicould make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.
- The grill had mutton chops and mash; the buffet ran things like smoked salmon, potted shrimps and cornedoxhärän-tonguekieltä.
- Then you will be served a dish which tastes to your palate the way the hotter dish would to aseasonedmaustetulleThaithai-tonguekielelle.
- Because of the fissure of thetonguekielen, the speech of a Down's person may be impaired, and many are short-sighted.
- If the animal does take a mouthful, then thetonguekielessäalso has a sensitive reaction to the food's temperature.
- The final weaponis theontonguekieli, which is as rough as a rasp and is used for stripping hair and skin from the flesh, though the tiger eats plenty of both, probably as roughage.
- I've bittenmyminuntonguekieltäniso many times it's got holes in it
- When I opened my mouth to speak on this topic it was as though my lips were sewn together with great stitches in the flesh, andmyminuntonguekieleniwould not move in my mouth.
- She feasted onlarks ``kiurujentongueskielilläand sturgeons' eggs and fruits brought all the way by sea from St Thomas.
- I like -- I'd like -- to smoothe his eyebrows withmyminuntonguekielelläniand maybe more besides.
- ApinkVaaleanpunainentonguekielidarted uncertainly over his lips and he swallowed hard.
- Young Jack ranhishänenforkedhaarakastatonguekieltäänabout the tip of his dart.
- HisHänennarrowkapeatonguekielensäflicked once across each dry lip.
- The death-feigning snake often lies with its jaws gaping open anditssentonguekielenhanging out.
- Seated on top of it was a fluffy white dog,itssenredpunainentonguekieligrotesquely hanging out, its head lolling to the side.
trunk.n 🔎
- Thetrunkrunkoaof this armoured fishTämän panssarikalanis preserved in a fine-grained siltstone.
- The limbs are generally thin, but there is a marked tendency to distend or inflate thetrunksvartaloitaof the bodiesruumiidenso that they become unnaturally broad.
- Having chosen such a one, he appeared to her as a vision of a white elephant, and conception took place as he struck her womb withhishänentrunkvartalollaan.
- Evans looked up suspiciously, his body tensing,hishänentrunkvartalonsaleaning forward as if he were going to rise.
- These figures have been replaced in the still life by loaves of bread, echoing the position of their arms;theirniidentrunksvartalotand heads have been eliminated.
- The patientPotilaallawould have to have analmost normallähes normaalitrunkvartalo, without any associated reactions or increased spasticity as he was placed in the prone position on the plinth.
- You know some sayitsillähad atrunkkärsä
- AN elephant in Dublin Zoo haditssentrunkkärsäsevered by a visiting elephant from Chester Zoo, the Dail has been told.
whisker.n 🔎
- His tongue had not been cut out -- it loomed thick and purple behind those savage teeth and thethickpaksujenwhiskersviiksienof severed whip -- however his throat was dry as dust.
- This he had learnt from Ann herself, who had forecast the sex of both babies by means of a golden ring suspended bythe longestpisimmätwhiskerviiksetof a white catvalkoisen kissan.
- Apparently he was setting out to growwhiskersviiksetof the latest fashion, for his lips were carefully shaved.
- He grinned and strokedhishänenwhiskersviiksiään.
- Properly done, this prevents the ferret from opening its mouth, but care must be taken to make sure thatthe animal'seläimenwhiskersviiksiäare neither disturbed nor disarranged.
- ``I'll kill him, repeated Bigwig, spluttering throughhis<empty>fouledsotkuisiawhiskersviiksiäänand clotted fur.
- Omally grinned handsomely beneathhishänenwhiskersviiksiensä.
- Mr Kobold brushed cakey fragments fromhishänensideposki-whiskersparrastaan.
- HisHänensideposki-whiskerspartansawere magnificent.
- Marsh examined a number ofwhiskersviiksiäin the electron microscope and found that, for the substances he was using, the root radii of the growth-steps was roughly constant at about 40 ngstr NN2.
- It proves nothing of the sort, ``thought the Magistrate, strokinghishänencinnamonkanelin värisiäwhiskersviiksiäänwith excitement that bordered on ecstasy.
- Ruth wondered if she was gazing at thedarktummiawhiskersviiksiä,which sprouted on her chin and made her so appropriately, though unfortunately, named.
- The one person amongst them who didn't move back wasthe young mannuori mieswith thewhiskersviiksekäsand the private placard of his own.
- A tall, haughty manPitkä, ylimielinen mieswithluxuriant blackloistavan mustatwhiskersviiksetand beard, he wore a formal uniform of horizon blue trimmed elaborately with gold.
- His iron-grey hair was parted in the middle andhehänellähad themutton-choplampaankyljys-whiskersviiksetof a bygone age.
- His dark hair was thinning on top, buthehänellähadbushytuuheasideposki-whiskerspartaas if it had all slipped downwards, and his chin was a dimpled mound seeming to support an ever-smiling mouth.
- SomeJoillakinhaveonfleshyrehevätwhiskersviiksethalf as long as their bodies which they project forward and wave about, like a blind person with a stick.
wing.n 🔎
- TheirNiidenwingssiivetare formed like the flippers on aquatic mammals such as seals.
- ItsSenfoldedtaipuneetwingssiivetwere nevertheless still wide enough to scrape the wall on both sides of the room.
- But, high in the hills,true hoodiestodelliset variksetare common with pale grey bodies, black heads, black tails andblackmustatwingssiivet.
- ItSillähasstripedraidallisetwingssiivetand lives on the bark of trees.
- And the dragon, curving gracefully at the top of his flight, gave a lazy flip ofhis<empty>wingssiipiäänand soared through a cavemouth into the morning air.
- A VET clipped thewingssiivetof a valuable parrotarvokkaan papukaijanto stop it escaping -- but when the owner got it home it flew off and was never seen again.
- When he flappedhis<empty>stumpylyhyenläntiäwingssiipiäänand heaved his fat body up above the topmost branches, Cassowary was as pleased as pie.
- GullsLokitare gliding birds and thus havelong narrowpitkät kapeatwingssiivet.
- I forget whetheritsillähadwingssiiveton it or not.
- It spreadits<empty>wingssiipensäagain, and the heavy dark beating of them filled the air.