TransFrameNet:Name conferral
baptize.v 🔎
- `Sarah Byrne, unmarried, of Stone Alley, Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, lefta female infanttyttövauvan, joka, subsequentlybaptizedkastettiinAnna BeckettAnna Beckettiksi.
- The child born to Sarah ByrneSarah Byrnelle syntynyt lapsihad beenolibaptizedkastettuAnna BeckettAnna Beckettiksi.
- At six weeks old,hehänetwas<empty>baptizedkastettiinwith the names John CyrilJohn Cyriliksiat Holy Trinity Church, RustenburgRustenburgin Pyhän kolminaisuuden kirkossa.
- Accordingly,the five bodiesviisi ruumistaare<empty>baptizedkastetaanwith the names of famous Blues songs: `Dippermouth ``, `Gut Bucket, `Potato Head ``, `Tin Roof, and `Really ``kuuluisien blues-laulujen mukaan: `Dippermouth ``, `Gut Bucket, `Potato Head ``, `Tin Roof ja `Really ``.
christen.v 🔎
- When found,hehänetwas immediatelyvälittömästichristenedkastettiin`Harry LauderHarry Lauderiksi``, after the celebrated Scottish comedian who was popular at that time.
- A sizeable public proves faithful: it is there that the large nineteenth-century operas are given;itsehas beenonchristenedkastettuin Berlioz's nameBerliozin nimelläand inaugurated with a production of Les huguenots.
- Moreover, his father was also called George, and so was his grandfather, andhehänchristenednimesihis eldest sonvanhimman poikansaGeorgeGeorgeksi, and his grandson was called George also.
- My parentsMinun vanhempanichristenednimesivätmeminutEmpyreanEmpyreaniksi, but there had to be a way out.
- SheHänetwas apparentlyoli ilmeisestichristenedkastettuAnnAnniksi, but, as she informed me, `I think Angelique is more me, somehow, ``
- A few years agoa minute fossil only about 2 mm longpienen pieni, vain noin 2 mm pitkä fossiiliwas recovered from limestones of Ordovician age, andchristenednimettiinJanospiraJanospiraksi.
- A year after their marriage she produced his only legitimate child,a daughter whomtyttären, jonkatheyhechristenedkastoivatJenniferJenniferiksi.
- Christian missionaries were sent at the request of Duke Géza, andhis son, Prince Vajk,hänen poikansa, prinssi Vajkwas<empty>christenedkastettiinas StephenStepheniksi.
- `To myself, by myself, I'll be John, just John, plain John, theJohnJohn, joksiIminutwas<empty>christenedkastettiin.
- Williams soon became a great favourite with the Palace crowd,whojokachristenednimesihimhänet`GingerInkivääriksi``, although some of the local press gave him another nickname -- `The Palace Terrier.
- Another television series, Seven Ages (1987), an inquiry into the stages of existence enumerated by Jacques in As You Like It, led acritickritiikkiä siitä, ettäto<empty>christenkastettiinhimhänet`Ron Hot-EyreRon Hot-Eyreksi``.
- His name wasMr Mouleherra Mouleand, being a reverend,was promptlyhänet pikaisestichristenednimesivät,`Holy Moly`Holy Molyksi``by all the childrenkaikki lapset.
dub.v 🔎
- Butthe Neighbours crewNeighbours-sarjan porukkadubbednimittimeminutBruiserLuidenmurskaajaksiafter a scene in which I was supposed to hit Jasonsellaisen kohtauksen jälkeen, jossa minun piti lyödä Jasonia, ``she said.
- COHSE member Christine WildeCOHSE:n jäsen Christine Wildewas<empty>dubbednimettiinthe `condom queen ```kondomikuningattareksi ``after calling for delegates to be issued with contraceptivessen jälkeen, kun hän soitti valtuutetuille ja pyysi jakelemaan ehkäisyvälineitä.
- SheHänetwas promptlypikaisestidubbednimettiin`Ruby ```Rubiiniksi ``,as she was found on Tuesday and reminded Hansom of the Rolling Stones' song Ruby Tuesdaykoska hänet löydettiin tiistaina ja hän muistutti Hansomia Rolling Stonesin laulusta Ruby Tuesday.
- British GasBritish Gashasondubbednimennytthe projectprojektinArmadaArmadaksi,but one group of partners has named their discoveries after Elizabethan heroes Drake, Hawkins and Howard -- hardly the favourites of the original invasion fleet.
- Two hundred years ago, those people who drank substantial quantities of cider often suffereda strange disabilityoudosta vammasta, jokadubbednimettiinthe Devonshire colicDevonshiren koliikiksi.
- A little farther on she came to a small white cottage, in the porch of which stooda nutcrackery old woman whomomituinen vanha nainen, jonkaBreezeBreezementallymielessäändubbednimesithe Witch of EndorEndorin noidaksi.
- The tournamentTurnaushas beenondubbednimettythe Aggro CupAggro Cupiksi.
- Austria's smallest and most westerly province, bordering on the Tryol, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and Germany, VorarlbergItävallan pienin ja läntisin maakunta Voralberg, jonka rajanaapureita ovat Tiroli, Lichtenstein, Sveitsi ja Saksa,has beenondubbednimettyThe Children's WonderlandLasten Ihmemaaksi.
- This is wherethe riverjokidubbednimettythe `Mighty Tay ```Mighty Tayksi``really starts.
- Then there is17-stone David Lightbown107-kiloinen David Lightbown,dubbedjoka on nimettyTerminator ThreeTerminaattori kolmoseksi.
- `IMinädubkastantheesinutSir Roger Chatwin of Spignel MeuSpignel Meun Sir Roger Chatwiniksi, ``the King declared.
- Here, as elsewhere,HitlerHitlerwas<empty>dubbednimettiin`the carpet-biter ```matonpurijaksi ``because of rumours of his blind fits of ragehänen sokeita raivonpuuskiaan koskevien huhujen vuoksi.
- Appointed a Privy Counsellor two years ago, his promotion seems to have been a long time coming, promptingsome commentatorsjotkut kommentaattoritto<empty>dubkutsumaanhimhäntä`The Nearly Man ```The Nearly Maniksi ``.
- A leader on the centre pageKeskisivulla ollut pääkirjoitusdubbedkutsuihimhäntä`Clean Sweep Ignatius ```Clean Sweep Ignatiukseksi ``, the new broom every guilty man feared.
- The hard rock band were also ordered to leave the country by government officials afterreligious groupsuskonnolliset ryhmätdubbedkutsuivatthemheitä`Devil worshippers ```Saatananpalvojiksi ``.
entitle.v 🔎
- ModrowModrowentitlednimesihis proposalsesityksensä``For Germany, united fatherland``Saksalle, yhdistyneelle isänmaalle, using a slogan often chanted by East German demonstrators.
- Already she could visualise the lay-out --`The Other Side of Fashion ```Muodin kääntöpuoli ``shehän'dolientitlednimennytitsenin her mind's eyesielunsa silminwhen she'd discussed it with Nickkeskustellessaan asiasta Nickin kanssa.
name.v 🔎
- After thisthe `Pugwash Conference ``of scientists from East and Westidästä ja lännestä tulleiden tieteilijöiden Pugwash-konferenssi--sosellaiseksinamednimettyafter the site of their first meeting in Nova Scotiaheidän ensimmäisen Nova Scotian tapaamispaikkansa mukaan-- was held annually.
- The NonesNonesitwere<empty>soniin,namednimettiinbecause they occurred on the `ninth ``day before the Ideskoska ne ilmenivät 'yhdeksäntenä' päivänä ennen Idejä.
- Philip Ball and his fellow prisoners feared that life inthe stricter Queen's Bench Prisontiukemman kuningattaren Bench-vankilassa(soniinnamednimettysince 1837vuonna 1837), to which they would be transferred, would be less jovial.
- Interestinglythe blue metal deposit, cobalt,sinisen metallisaostuman, kobaltin,was<empty>soniinnamednimesivätby minerskaivosmiehet,because it was useless and troublesome, reminding them of harassment suffered at the hands of these GOBLINSkoska se oli hyödytöntä ja ongelmallista ja se muistutti heitä näiden PEIKKOJEN käsissä kärsitystä häirinnästä.
- The first may be thought of as the historical, the second the statistical method, andtheynewere<empty>soniinnamednimesiby Clerk MaxwellClerk Maxwell.
- Hugh and Bel McGuire's third daughterHugh ja Bel McGuiren kolmas tytärwas<empty>namednimettiinMacrae McGuireMacrae McGuireksiin honour of James MacraeJames Macraen kunniaksi.
- Janus developed into a god of all beginnings, and accordinglythe month of Januarytammikuu (January)was<empty>namednimettiinin his honourhänen kunniakseen.
- There, on 17 June, Constanze gave birth toher first child, a boy,ensimmäisen lapsensa, pojan, jokanamednimettiinRaimund LeopoldRaimund Leopoldiksiin honour of his godfather, Baron Raimund Wezlar, and his grandfatherhänen kummisetänsä, paroni Raimund Wezlarin, ja hänen isoisänsä kunniaksi.
- His descendantsHänen jälkeläisensänamednimesivättheir kingdomkuningaskuntansaCaledorCaledoriksiin his honourhänen kunniakseen.
- He acquireda small ship of 40 tonspienen, 40 tonnisen laivan,whichjonkahehännamednimesithe Golden HindKultaiseksi hirveksiin honour of Sir Francis Drake [q.v.]Sir Francis Draken kunniaksi [q.v.].
- John Bugg died in January andpeace campaignersrauhan puolustajathave nowovat nytnamednimenneetthe pathpolunin his memoryhänen muistolleen.
- SheHänetwas launched in 1965 to replace the Vincent andnamednimettiinVigilantVigilantiksito perpetuate the traditional nameperinteisen nimen jatkamiseksi.
- The cultureKulttuuriisonnamednimettyafter a village away from the lakekaukana järvestä olevan kylän mukaan, though the better finds have been at Sesto Calende, the town at the end of the lakebound autostrada that heads north from Milan.
- SheHännamednimesiBeatriceBeatricenafter one of Victoria's daughtersyhden Viktorian tyttären mukaanand a previous book, Victoria And Albert, alluded to her spiritual closeness with her estranged husband's ancestor.
- He waited until the taxi had driven off before crossing the road to the Windorah, a small bar run by Dave Jenkins,an Australian whoaustralialainen, jokahadolinamednimennytitsenafter his birthplace in QueenslandQueenslandissa sijaitsevan syntymäpaikkansa mukaan.
- The babyVauvawas<empty>namednimettiinEva EvangelineEva Evangelineksiafter her mother's sister, Eva, and Evangeline Booth, the fiery red-haired daughter of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Armyhänen äitinsä sisaren, Evan, ja Evangeline Boothin, pelastusarmeijan perustajan William Boothin kiihkeän punahiuksisen tyttären, mukaan.
- `First timesomebodyjokumade something andnamenimesiitsenafter meminun mukaani``.
- Daniel thought aboutdead Ann Maguire who, like Anna Van Gogh, the Dutch pastor's wife,kuollutta Ann Maguirea, joka, kuten Anna Van Gogh, hollantilaisen pastorin vaimo,hadolinamednimennyta younger, hopeful childnuoremman, toiveikkaan lapsenfor a dead onekuolleen lapsen mukaan.
- It was a large town of some character, witha slow-moving sinuous riverhitaasti liikkuva kiemurainen joki,aptlyosuvastinamednimettythe Great OuseGreat Ouseksi, meandering between bosky banks.
- The new partyUusi puolue,tentativelyalustavastinamednimettythe Democratic Liberal Party (DLP),Demokraattiseksi liberaalipuolueeksi (DLP),would control approximately 220 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly.
- Even the Beatles used it to symbolize their vision of a more just world whentheynenamednimesivättheir businessyrityksensäApple Corp.Apple Corpiksi
- Hindu seersHindunäkijätthousands of years agotuhansia vuosia sittennamednimesivätthis energytämän energianSaktiSaktiksi-- the creative, formative energy of the Gods.
- WORK has started to demolishthe flats in Weycombe Road, Haslemere, whichasunnot Haslemeren Weycombe Roadilla, jotkaover the yearshave beenonnamednimettythe Barracksparakeiksibecause of their appearanceniiden ulkonäön vuoksi.
- This new residenceTämä uusi virka-asunto, jonka, recentlynamednimesiAlexander CourtAlexander Courtiksiby the former Principal, Sir Kenneth Alexander,entinen johtaja Sir Kenneth Alexanderis the first of a series of residential developments planned for the eastern end of the campus, beyond Airthrey Castle.
- Cape Cleveland and Cleveland Bay in AustraliaAustralian Cape Clevelandin ja Cleveland Baynwere<empty>namednimesiby CookCook.
- This overt political scrutiny of applicants to the civil servicetämän siviilihallinnon hakijoiden ilmeisen poliittisen tarkastelunwas<empty>namednimesivätby its criticsKriitikotthe `vocational ban ``ammatilliseksi kielloksi(Berufsverbot).
- The eventTapahtumahas beenonnamednimetty`Encore -- The Three Tenors ``nimellä `Encore -- Kolme tenoria ``and will be a repeat of the memorable live performance in Rome 1990 which captivated the world.
- Verre anglaisVerre anglais, joka,namednimettiinthussiksibecause of its English originenglantilaisen alkuperänsä vuoksi, was the result of Admiral Sir Robert Mansell's concern for the future of British shipbuilding.
nickname.v 🔎
- Minto was `more excited ``than Warnie had ever seen her when he returned from Aldershot far week-end leave, happy to leave behind himhis fellow-officersvirkamieskollegansa,whomjoillehehännicknamedoli antanut lempinimenthe AldershitsAlderpaskat.
- But it was his two spells at Rangers, wherehehänwassaiaffectionatelyhellännicknamedlempinimen`Bud ```Bud ``that the mercurial Johnson established a reputation as a daring winger with a short emotional fuse.
- TheyHeretaliated bycruellyjulmastinicknamingantamalla lempinimeksihimhänelle`the Chinese Jew ``'kiinalainen juutalainen.
- `He'll get excited, thinking he's going to race, ``said Wayne Peckham, who was still at school whenhehän antoinicknamedlempinimeksithe bargain-buytarjouskaupoille`Duke`Duke.
- The Shropshire pressShropshiren lehdistönicknamednimesiherhänet`the ice queen ```jääkuningattareksi ``; local policemen claimed she treated them `as though we were the scum of the earth; Shropshire neighbours declared her a loony.
- Meanwhile, in Havana harbour, American reporters managed to get on boardwhatsen, minkätheyhenicknamednimesivät, perhaps too easily,, ehkä liian helposti,`the ship that shamed the world ```laivaksi, joka saattoi maailman häpeään ``.
- They brought with them a bag of tomatoes and a giant panda;theyhehadolivatnicknamednimenneetCrawfordCrawfordin`Panda ```Pandaksi ``because of all the bruises his body had accumulatedkaikkien hänen kehonsa keräämien ruhjeiden vuoksi.
- Loretta and Bridget had belonged to the same women's group several years before,a group whichryhmä, jonkaTraceyTraceyhadolinicknamednimennyt`the coven ```noitien kokoukseksi ``.
- Bob Jackson and the boysBob Jackson ja pojathadolivatnicknamednimenneettheir little whisky and dry ginger grouppienen viski- ja inkivääriryhmänsäEldoradoEldoradoksi, and maybe Eldon Lane is still not the Golden Land.
- All the ArgentinesKaikki argentiinalaisetadored him andnicknamednimesiväthimhänetSeñor GraciasSeñor Graciasiksi,because he was so grateful for the smallest favourkoska hän oli niin kiitollinen piemmästäkin palveluksesta.
- His neighboursHänen naapurinsa, caustically,, ivallisesti,nicknamednimesiväthimhänetGod's FriendJumalan ystäväksi.
- weMenicknamednimesimmehimhänetAlbertAlbertiksi, I don't know why.
- From this, Combsburgh men of that generation got a bad name for sheep stealing and cattle lifting andmen from the next parishseuraavan pitäjän miehetretaliated on them bynicknamingnimeämälläthemheidätBaa-LambsBää-lampaiksi.
- Everyone, but especially the two Lewises, loved the zoo, and Jack made friends witha bear whomkarhusta, jollehehännicknamedantoi lempinimeksiBultitudeBultitude.
- `The elegant Eleanor ```Elegantti Eleanor ``,JessamyJessamyhadolinicknamednimennytherhänet, all those years ago.
- The centre forwardKeskushyökkääjä,whomjolletheyhenicknamedolivat antaneet lempinimeksiOssieOssie, wore his sideburns long and his shorts even longer -- but at least he kept them on for the duration.
- Back in Plymouth he worked with J. N. Darby [q.v.] and became a leader ofthe newly formed community at Providence Chapel whojuuri muodostetun Providence Chapelin yhteisön, ja hänetwere soonpiannicknamednimettiin`Plymouth Brethren ```Plymouth Brethreniksi ``.
- IMinäwassainnicknamedlempinimeksiPune, an inverted pun on puny,Pune, mikä oli vitsi hintelästä,a physical status I retained, no matter how many press-ups I did.
- The family live onthe notorious Penrhys estatekuuluisalla Penrhys-tilalla,nicknamedjota kutsutaanAlcatrazAlcatraziksiby locals who say anyone who moves there never gets outpaikallisten keskuudessa, ja he sanovat, että kaikki, jotka muuttavat sinne, eivät koskaan pääse pois.
- With her milky complexion set off by chestnut hairHänen kastanjanruskeiden hiustensa maitomaisen olemuksen vuoksithe artiststaiteilijatnicknamednimesivätherhänet`coconut ```kookokseksi ``.
- “IMinä'veolennicknamednimennytherhänetEver ReadyAina valmiiksi.
- Dour and meticulous, Merry was respected, however, especially byyounger colleaguesnuorempien kollegoiden keskuudessa,whojotkanicknamedkutsuivathimhäntä`Toujours Gai ```Toujours Gaiksi ``.
- Butthis animaltämä eläin--whichjonkaIminänicknamednimesin`Ginger ```Inkivääriksi ``-- is fawn or biscuit-coloured all over.