When found,
was immediately
välittömästi `
Harry Lauder
Harry Lauderiksi ``, after the celebrated Scottish comedian who was popular at that time.
A sizeable public proves faithful: it is there that the large nineteenth-century operas are given;
in Berlioz's name
Berliozin nimellä and inaugurated with a production of Les huguenots.
Moreover, his father was also called George, and so was his grandfather, and
his eldest son
vanhimman poikansa , and his grandson was called George also.
My parents
Minun vanhempani , but there had to be a way out.
was apparently
oli ilmeisesti , but, as she informed me, `I think Angelique is more me, somehow, ``
A few years ago
a minute fossil only about 2 mm long
pienen pieni, vain noin 2 mm pitkä fossiili was recovered from limestones of Ordovician age, and
A year after their marriage she produced his only legitimate child,
a daughter whom
tyttären, jonka .
Christian missionaries were sent at the request of Duke Géza, and
his son, Prince Vajk,
hänen poikansa, prinssi Vajk .
`To myself, by myself, I'll be John, just John, plain John, the
Williams soon became a great favourite with the Palace crowd,
``, although some of the local press gave him another nickname -- `The Palace Terrier.
Another television series, Seven Ages (1987), an inquiry into the stages of existence enumerated by Jacques in As You Like It, led a
kritiikkiä siitä, että `
Ron Hot-Eyre
Ron Hot-Eyreksi ``.
His name was
and, being a reverend,
was promptly
hänet pikaisesti ,
by all the children
kaikki lapset .
After this
the `Pugwash Conference ``of scientists from East and West
idästä ja lännestä tulleiden tieteilijöiden Pugwash-konferenssi --
after the site of their first meeting in Nova Scotia
heidän ensimmäisen Nova Scotian tapaamispaikkansa mukaan -- was held annually.
because they occurred on the `ninth ``day before the Ides
koska ne ilmenivät 'yhdeksäntenä' päivänä ennen Idejä .
Philip Ball and his fellow prisoners feared that life in
the stricter Queen's Bench Prison
tiukemman kuningattaren Bench-vankilassa (
), to which they would be transferred, would be less jovial.
the blue metal deposit, cobalt,
sinisen metallisaostuman, kobaltin, because it was useless and troublesome, reminding them of harassment suffered at the hands of these GOBLINS
koska se oli hyödytöntä ja ongelmallista ja se muistutti heitä näiden PEIKKOJEN käsissä kärsitystä häirinnästä .
The first may be thought of as the historical, the second the statistical method, and
by Clerk Maxwell
Clerk Maxwell .
Hugh and Bel McGuire's third daughter
Hugh ja Bel McGuiren kolmas tytär Macrae McGuire
Macrae McGuireksi in honour of James Macrae
James Macraen kunniaksi .
Janus developed into a god of all beginnings, and accordingly
the month of January
tammikuu (January) in his honour
hänen kunniakseen .
There, on 17 June, Constanze gave birth to
her first child, a boy,
ensimmäisen lapsensa, pojan, joka Raimund Leopold
Raimund Leopoldiksi in honour of his godfather, Baron Raimund Wezlar, and his grandfather
hänen kummisetänsä, paroni Raimund Wezlarin, ja hänen isoisänsä kunniaksi .
His descendants
Hänen jälkeläisensä their kingdom
kuningaskuntansa in his honour
hänen kunniakseen .
He acquired
a small ship of 40 tons
pienen, 40 tonnisen laivan ,
the Golden Hind
Kultaiseksi hirveksi in honour of Sir Francis Drake [q.v.]
Sir Francis Draken kunniaksi [q.v.] .
John Bugg died in January and
peace campaigners
rauhan puolustajat in his memory
hänen muistolleen .
was launched in 1965 to replace the Vincent and
to perpetuate the traditional name
perinteisen nimen jatkamiseksi .
after a village away from the lake
kaukana järvestä olevan kylän mukaan , though the better finds have been at Sesto Calende, the town at the end of the lakebound autostrada that heads north from Milan.
after one of Victoria's daughters
yhden Viktorian tyttären mukaan and a previous book, Victoria And Albert, alluded to her spiritual closeness with her estranged husband's ancestor.
He waited until the taxi had driven off before crossing the road to the Windorah, a small bar run by Dave Jenkins,
an Australian who
australialainen, joka after his birthplace in Queensland
Queenslandissa sijaitsevan syntymäpaikkansa mukaan .
Eva Evangeline
Eva Evangelineksi after her mother's sister, Eva, and Evangeline Booth, the fiery red-haired daughter of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army
hänen äitinsä sisaren, Evan, ja Evangeline Boothin, pelastusarmeijan perustajan William Boothin kiihkeän punahiuksisen tyttären, mukaan .
`First time
made something and
Daniel thought about
dead Ann Maguire who, like Anna Van Gogh, the Dutch pastor's wife,
kuollutta Ann Maguirea, joka, kuten Anna Van Gogh, hollantilaisen pastorin vaimo, a younger, hopeful child
nuoremman, toiveikkaan lapsen for a dead one
kuolleen lapsen mukaan .
It was a large town of some character, with
a slow-moving sinuous river
hitaasti liikkuva kiemurainen joki ,
the Great Ouse
Great Ouseksi , meandering between bosky banks.
the Democratic Liberal Party (DLP),
Demokraattiseksi liberaalipuolueeksi (DLP), would control approximately 220 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly.
Even the Beatles used it to symbolize their vision of a more just world when
their business
yrityksensä Apple Corp.
Apple Corpiksi
thousands of years ago
tuhansia vuosia sitten this energy
tämän energian -- the creative, formative energy of the Gods.
WORK has started to demolish
the flats in Weycombe Road, Haslemere, which
asunnot Haslemeren Weycombe Roadilla, jotka over the years
because of their appearance
niiden ulkonäön vuoksi .
This new residence
Tämä uusi virka-asunto, jonka , recently
Alexander Court
Alexander Courtiksi by the former Principal, Sir Kenneth Alexander,
entinen johtaja Sir Kenneth Alexander is the first of a series of residential developments planned for the eastern end of the campus, beyond Airthrey Castle.
Cape Cleveland and Cleveland Bay in Australia
Australian Cape Clevelandin ja Cleveland Bayn .
This overt political scrutiny of applicants to the civil service
tämän siviilihallinnon hakijoiden ilmeisen poliittisen tarkastelun the `vocational ban ``
ammatilliseksi kielloksi (Berufsverbot).
`Encore -- The Three Tenors ``
nimellä `Encore -- Kolme tenoria `` and will be a repeat of the memorable live performance in Rome 1990 which captivated the world.
Verre anglais
Verre anglais, joka ,
because of its English origin
englantilaisen alkuperänsä vuoksi , was the result of Admiral Sir Robert Mansell's concern for the future of British shipbuilding.
Minto was `more excited ``than Warnie had ever seen her when he returned from Aldershot far week-end leave, happy to leave behind him
his fellow-officers
virkamieskollegansa ,
oli antanut lempinimen the Aldershits
Alderpaskat .
But it was his two spells at Rangers, where
that the mercurial Johnson established a reputation as a daring winger with a short emotional fuse.
retaliated by
antamalla lempinimeksi `the Chinese Jew ``
'kiinalainen juutalainen .
`He'll get excited, thinking he's going to race, ``said Wayne Peckham, who was still at school when
the bargain-buy
tarjouskaupoille .
The Shropshire press
Shropshiren lehdistö `the ice queen ``
`jääkuningattareksi `` ; local policemen claimed she treated them `as though we were the scum of the earth; Shropshire neighbours declared her a loony.
Meanwhile, in Havana harbour, American reporters managed to get on board
, perhaps too easily,
, ehkä liian helposti, `the ship that shamed the world ``
`laivaksi, joka saattoi maailman häpeään `` .
They brought with them a bag of tomatoes and a giant panda;
because of all the bruises his body had accumulated
kaikkien hänen kehonsa keräämien ruhjeiden vuoksi .
Loretta and Bridget had belonged to the same women's group several years before,
a group which
ryhmä, jonka `the coven ``
`noitien kokoukseksi `` .
Bob Jackson and the boys
Bob Jackson ja pojat their little whisky and dry ginger group
pienen viski- ja inkivääriryhmänsä , and maybe Eldon Lane is still not the Golden Land.
All the Argentines
Kaikki argentiinalaiset adored him and
Señor Gracias
Señor Graciasiksi, because he was so grateful for the smallest favour
koska hän oli niin kiitollinen piemmästäkin palveluksesta .
His neighbours
Hänen naapurinsa , caustically,
, ivallisesti, God's Friend
Jumalan ystäväksi .
, I don't know why.
From this, Combsburgh men of that generation got a bad name for sheep stealing and cattle lifting and
men from the next parish
seuraavan pitäjän miehet retaliated on them by
Everyone, but especially the two Lewises, loved the zoo, and Jack made friends with
a bear whom
karhusta, jolle nicknamed
antoi lempinimeksi .
`The elegant Eleanor ``
`Elegantti Eleanor `` ,
, all those years ago.
The centre forward
Keskushyökkääjä ,
olivat antaneet lempinimeksi , wore his sideburns long and his shorts even longer -- but at least he kept them on for the duration.
Back in Plymouth he worked with J. N. Darby [q.v.] and became a leader of
the newly formed community at Providence Chapel who
juuri muodostetun Providence Chapelin yhteisön, ja hänet `Plymouth Brethren ``
`Plymouth Brethreniksi `` .
Pune, an inverted pun on puny,
Pune, mikä oli vitsi hintelästä, a physical status I retained, no matter how many press-ups I did.
The family live on
the notorious Penrhys estate
kuuluisalla Penrhys-tilalla ,
by locals who say anyone who moves there never gets out
paikallisten keskuudessa, ja he sanovat, että kaikki, jotka muuttavat sinne, eivät koskaan pääse pois .
With her milky complexion set off by chestnut hair
Hänen kastanjanruskeiden hiustensa maitomaisen olemuksen vuoksi `coconut ``
`kookokseksi `` .
Dour and meticulous, Merry was respected, however, especially by
younger colleagues
nuorempien kollegoiden keskuudessa ,
`Toujours Gai ``
`Toujours Gaiksi `` .
`Ginger ``
`Inkivääriksi `` -- is fawn or biscuit-coloured all over.