TransFrameNet:Moving in place
judder.v 🔎
- The doorsOvetjudderedtärähtivätopenaukito reveal him waiting to greet us.
- The doors on the landing behind CardiffCardiffin takana olevan tasanteen ovetjudderedtärähtivätopenaukiwith a loud clatteräänekkäästi kolahtaen.
- The top hinge flew apart andthe doorovibeganto<empty>juddertärähtääinwardssisäänpäin.
- The dispenser hummed as the null-grav units tried to compensate, andthe machinekonejudderedtärähtito one sidetoiselle puolelle.
quiver.v 🔎
- His lashesHänen ripsensäquiveredvärähtelivätbut didn't lift, and she saw that his lips had parted to reveal his teeth.
- SamSamquiveredvärähtiwith suspensejännityksestä.
- Churchill shook his head sorrowfully,his fleshy jowlshänen pyylevien poskiensaquiveringväristessäin agitationkiihtyneinä.
- Even the glasses on top of the cigarette vending machineJopa tupakanmyyntiautomaatin päällä olevat lasitquiveredvärähtelivätin time to the musicmusiikin tahdissa.
- If the telescope is mounted upon a spidery stand,itsewill<empty>quiverväriseecharminglyhurmaavastiin the slightest breezepienimmässäkin tuulessa, and the image will dance about so violently that it will be useless.
- ShadowsVarjotquiveredvärähtelivätin his fallen cheekshänen pudonneilla poskillaan.
- WolseyWolseyjustquiveredvärähteliin terrorkauhusta, shaking like one of the jellies his chefs had so recently served us.
- `We have to talk about this rationally, ``she tried,her bodyhänen vartalonsaquiveringväristessäfrom his onslaughtmiehen hyökkäyksestä.
- But he was looking at her with a dark intensity that madeher nerveshänen hermonsaquivervärisemäänvery oddlyerittäin oudosti.
rotate.v 🔎
- TheyHerotatedpyörivätthree timeskolme kertaaon the planklankkua vastenand the chain was removed.
- He went silent and dark and withdrew into himself,the two thumbskahden peukalonrotatingpyöriessäabout one anothertoistensa ympärilläas he sat in the car chair by the fire.
- An impeller fanSiipipyörätuuletin,rotatingpyörienat a maximum of 7,000rpmenintään 7 000 rpm, sucks air and any loose garden debris up the tube and into the attached canvas bag.
- Bernice watched, amazed, asa spiral of pink fleshvaaleanpunaisen lihan spiraalirotatedpyöriin the air behind the Doctorilmassa lääkärin takana.
- A hurricane isa storm of strong circular wind flow whichmyrsky, jossa on voimakas pyörötuulivirtaus, jokarotatespyöriiin a counter-clockwise directionvastapäivään.
- The balloonIlmapallorotatedpyörigentlykevyestiin the evening breezeiltatuulessa, presenting its serial number to him.
- Moving like a boy in treacle,Iminärotatepyörinon the axis of my right kneeoikean polveni akselin ympärilläand pick up the yard and a half of large bore nozzle between hands slick with sweat.
- The snag to this is that althougha pan-headkatkaistu pääcanvoirotatepyöriäthrough a full circlekokonaisen ympyrän, your hips are limited to about a quarter of this movement.
- These particlesNämä partikkelitrotatepyörivätwith the star and help to slow it, transferring the spin to the outer reaches of the globular dust cloud.
- The mirrorPeiliwould thensittenrotatepyörisiin proportion to the strength of the currentsuhteessa virran voimakkuuteen.
- The escape podPakokapseliwas<empty>rotatingpyöriso rapidly that its four occupants were pinned against their couchesniin nopeasti, että sen neljä matkustajaa puristuivat istuimiinsa.
shake.v 🔎
- The earthMaashookjärisiagain.
- My heart was racing andmy kneespolvenishooktärisivätuncontrollablyrajusti.
- SheHänwas<empty>shakingtärisiviolentlyrajusti,and leant against the door for support.
- HeHänwas<empty>shakingtärisifrom the shock of the recoil of the gun, which had sent him flying backwardsaseen potkaisun aiheuttamasta iskusta, joka oli saanut hänet lentämään taaksepäin.
- WARRINGTON General Hospital consultant Barry TaylorWARRINGTONin yleisen sairaalan konsultti Barry Taylorshooktärisiwith emotiontunteestaas he described the savage injuries of the bomb wounded.
- HeHänshooktärisiduring the interviewshaastatteluiden aikanaand said he had a history of mental illness.
- BeckyBeckycontinuedshakingtärisemistäas she began to speak againalkaessaan taas puhua.
swing.v 🔎
- LampsLamputswungheiluivatabove their headsheidän päidensä yläpuolella,red and green and white in the warm darknesspunaista ja vihreää ja valkoista lämpimässä pimeydessä.
- Dad steadied the bottom of the ladder butitsestillswungheiluiaboutympäriinsäa bithiukanwhich really frightened me.
- An inn signKievarin kylttiswungheiluito and froedestakaisinin the wind.
- The precession of the satellite's orbit -- the wayitseswingspyöriislowlyhitaastiround the Earthmaapallon ympäri-- will mean that successive 30o-segments will overlap by 15o, so assisting the procedure of confirming sources.
- Ships are advised to give the islands a wide berth, as the seabed is constantly shifting and massive magnetic anomalies causecompasseskompassitto<empty>swingheilahtelemaanwildlyvillistiround the roseruusun ympärillä.
- Caroline hesitated, then took a step towards the fireplace, butNicolo SabatiniNicolo Sabatiniswungkäännähtitowards herkohti häntä.
- Amused by this demonstration of Portuguese laissez-faireHuvittuneena tästä portugalilaisen välinpitämättömyyden osoituksesta,AshleyAshleywatched for a minute or two,thensittenswungkäännähtiawaypoisto begin her shoppingaloittaakseen shoppailun.
- The doorOviswungheilahtibacktakaisinslowlyhitaasti,silentlyhiljaa, and he went in.
- Lissa switched on the light, andRebeccaRebeccaswungkäännähtiroundympärisharplyterävästito face herkohdatakseen hänet,shock startling a gasp on her lipsjärkytyksen saadessa aikaan huokaisun hänen huuliltaan,the torch falling with a muffled thudlyhdyn pudotessa jysähtäen vaimeasti.
- Whenthe dooroviquietlyhiljaaswungheilahtito<empty>, she paid it no mind.
- Inside the shrine the bells start ringing, rhythmically clanging astheyneswingheilahtelevatup and downylös ja alas,round in an arcpyörien kaaressa,as the cord is pulled and releasedkun johtoa vedetään ja vapautetaan.
- A dim lampHimmeä lamppuswungheilahtiover the entrance where three steps led up into the foyersisäänkäyntiin, jonka kolme porrasta johti eteisaulaan.
- As he loosed the mainsheetKun hän löysäsi isopurjetta,the sailpurjeswungheilahtiacross to its new positionuuteen asentoonsa.
- The heavy boomRaskas puomiswungheilahtiacrosskohti, catching him high on the left side of his forehead.
twirl.v 🔎
- SomeJotkutmimed dances andtwirledpyörähtelivätaround himhänen ympärillään, humming popular songs.
- SheHäntwirledpyörähteliand swayedaround the roomympäri huonettain a slow dancetanssien hitaasti, her skirt billowing and her long hair shining beneath the bright lights.
- SheHäntwirledpyörähtelislowlyhitaasti, feeling his eyes on her so that it was as though she was receiving an injection of adrenalin.
- SheHäntwirledpyörähteliaround the roomympäri huonettabut Mary wasn't interested and returned upstairs with her friends to complete dressing.
- SheHäntwirlspyöriiabout the shop like a sugar-plum fairyympäri kauppaa kuin suloinen keijukainen,and Mr Roberts chuckles and claps and calls her his Little Precious and his Cute Little Sweetheart.
- SheHäntwirledpyörähteli, big as a bus.
- She clung to me, and then she ran away; she dashed through the flowers in the long grass,shehäntwirledpyörähteliaround a treepuun ympärilläand sent lizards scuttling, she skipped along a sandy path.
- They joined hands,theyhetwirledpyörähtelivätround and round and roundympäri ja ympäri ja ympäri.
- KatyKatytwirledpyörähteliin front of the mirrorpeilin edessäand smiled and smiled.
vibrate.v 🔎
- From one of the other rooms came the harsh sounds of Guns'N'Roses, the heavy guitar makingthe wallsseinätvibratevärisemään.
- We might say we perceive them as separate becausetheynevibratevärisevätat different frequencieseri taajuuksilla.
- The thunder thumped from some nearer point,the glasslasivibratedvärisiin the windowikkunassa, and Cameron came out of his doze to find Menzies grinning quizzically at him and offering him some more claret.
- Literallyeverything in the roomkaikki huoneen tavaratstartsvibratingvärähdelläto the beat of the bass drumbassorummun tahdissa.
- Penry stared at her incredulously, then to her relief the tension drained from his face before her eyes ashis muscular, beautiful torsohänen lihaksikas ja kaunis kehonsabeganto<empty>vibrateväristäwith laughternaurusta.
- He walked across the floor and, although he caused little sound,the whole roomkoko huonevibratedvärisiwith his weighthänen painostaan.
- He squatted down,his clotheshänen vaatteidensavibratingvärähdellessäagainst his bodyhänen vartaloaan vasten, and injected something into Ari's neck.
- The great compound curves which swept out from the guardSuuret yhdistelmäkäyrät, jotka tulivat ulos suojasta,vibratedvärisivätunder his handhänen kätensä alla, and the bowstring produced a low musical sound.
- By impacting with neighbouring particlestheynevibratevärisevätabout a locuskeskittymän ympärillä, and only appear to remain in a fixed position.
- At any temperature, a real crystalline solid is in a state of dynamic unrest, withthe various electrons and atoms in its latticeristikon erilaisten elektronien ja atomienvibratingvärähdellessäabout their mean positionsniiden keskisijaintien ympärillä.
- John feltthe hull of the yachtjahdin rungonvibratingvärähtelevänas the tanker approachedtankkerin lähestyessä.