TransFrameNet:Motion noise
- HeHänwasbangingkolistelinon-stoptauottaaround the houseympäri taloaall day, bellowing `TELEPHONE ``when everyone could hear it ring, sitting at the piano without even looking at the keys, and making an excruciating racket.
- We could hearthemheidänbangingkolistelevanaboutympäriinsä, shifting things and wondered nervously if we were in for another move.
- The reception doorsVastaanoton ovetbangedläimähtivätopenaukiagain.
- Stray shotsHarhalaukauksetbuzzinglensivätall aroundympäriinsä, Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags, just as her ammunition ran out.
- Then the driver hunched down with a magazine,the doorovibuzzedpaiskattiinopenaukiand Maxim went in.
- 'T isthe flykärpänen, jokabuzzingpöriseeabout the blazevalon ympärillä,till its wings are scorched.
- I listened tothe flieskärpästenbuzzingsurinaaabout meympärilläniand the murmur of the bees in the clover as they tumbled at our feet.
- You may have seensmall single engine aircraftpienen yksimoottorisen lentokoneenbuzzingpörisevänabout the skiestaivaallaon warm sunny mornings.
- The dronePuhebuzzedsorisicuriouslyuteliaastiacross the roomhuoneessaand vanished behind the table, making its own checks on the Doctor's health.
- In the morninga little aeroplanepieni lentokonecamebuzzingpöristenacross the blue window-pane of skytaivaan sinisen ikkunalasin läpiand alighted on the sugary beach.
- Visit the Channel Islands and you will seeBritten-Norman TrislandersBritten-Norman Trislander -koneidenhappilybuzzingpörisevänbetween the islands and the two adjacent mainlands of England and Francesaarten ja Englannin ja Ranskan vierekkäisten manneralueiden välillä.
- Sometimes I'd just walk along the beach, sometimesIminä'd<empty>buzzpyörininto the tiny townpienessä kaupungissaand browse around the patchwork, dried flowers, and charming chiming doorbell shop.
- Benny sprinted for the doors she had come in by, but already more guards were arriving from their stations, andthe first few shotsensimmäiset laukauksetbuzzedlensivätpast herhänen ohitseen.
- The door of the grocer's shop was flung open with a `crash ``anda small rotund figurepieni pyylevä hahmo, angry as a bee that has sat on its own sting,buzzedlensipast the rubber merchantkumikauppiaan ohiand accosted the sedan-chair operator.
- The presence ofthese large populations of insectsNäiden suurten hyönteispopulaatioiden, whirring andbuzzingsuristenthrough the air of the ancient forestsikivanhojen metsien ilman halki, was eventually to play an extremely important part in a revolution that was taking place among the plants.
- Onlythe drugged flieshuumatut kärpäsetlumbering andbuzzingpöristenthrough the airilman halkiand the idiot, eager frogs bellowing recognize no siesta.
- ThoughtsAjatuksetbuzzedkuhisivatthrough herhänen lävitseenlike swarming beeskuin parveilevat mehiläiset.
- ItSebalanced forwards and stroked its back legs over the sheen of each wing in turn beforebuzzingpörisifranticallyraivokkaastiagainst the glasslasia vastenfor a momenthetken aikaathen landing again and repeating the whole process.
- Ostentatious day-flying moths,the scarlet and black six-spot burnetspunaiset ja mustat kuusipisteiset luppiotbuzzedkuhisivatwith whirring wingsfrom yellow birds foot trefoilhentomaitea,to blue sheep bit to mauve tufted vetchvuorimunkkia ja malvanväristä virnaa.
- Although she had little time to help organize the newspaper project, asshehänbuzzedhyöriaroundympäriinsädiscussing it with friends and jotting down ideas it began to get up steam.
- The second is from50cc motorbikes with silencers removed50cc:n moottoripyöristä, joiden äänenvaimentimet on poistettu, no better than turbo-charged lawn-mowers,whichjotkaconstantlyjatkuvastibuzzpärisevätup and down one's peaceful roadylös ja alas rauhallista katua pitkinshattering the peace, often late at night.
- Asshehänbuzzedhyörialong the M1 back into townkaupunkiin palanneen M1:n ympärillä, Jessica's resentment grew to flame heat.
- The tension mounted asthe flykärpänenbuzzedsurisiaround the roomympäri huonettagiving the audience, every now and again, a fleeting glimpse of the girl.
- All day longthe wasp-like little planeampiaismainen pieni konewhizzed andbuzzedpörisiabout over the Aboriginal communityaboriginaaliyhteisön yläpuolella.
- UpYlösfrom the riverjoestachugspuksuttaaa little blue trainpieni sininen juna.
- A dredgeRuoppaaja, jokachuggingpuksuttaaaround the Cornish coastlineCornwallin rannikkoa pitkin,will suck up, with equipment resembling a giant vacuum cleaner, the mining waste that previous generations of tin miners have allowed to flow out to sea in streams and rivers.
- By the time he had got clear of the dog fight the Albatros was a couple of hundred yards away, closing on the two-seater asitsechuggedpuksuttiwestwardslänteenagainst the implacable wind.
- ChuggingPuksuttaenacross the dark riverpitkin tummaa jokeawith these two fellers in the outboardnäiden kahden tyypin ollessa perämoottorin luona,Iminärelax with them.
- As the train left the suburbs of Glasgow I settled into my very comfortable corner seat to enjoy the views as the hills and lochs passed slowly by, andthe trainjunachuggedpuksuttisteadilyvakaastialong the West HighlandWest Highlandia pitkinLine.
- Only some sailors in blue jerseys who appeared asthe ShirleyShirleychuggedpuksuttialongside the boarding pontoonnousuponttoonin vieressä.
- The snow was coming down in thick flakes, adding to the unreal appearance astheyhechuggedpuksuttivatslowlyfrom one bank to the otheryhdeltä pientareelta toiselle, and she was delighted that they stopped at every single stop.
- Not more than half an hour had passed whena little grey tractorpieni harmaa traktorichuggedpuksuttiinto the car parkpysäköintitaloon.
- With some trepidation I went with him withthe trusty Seagull Outboardluotettavan Seagull-perämoottorinchuggingpuksuttaessamanfullymiehekkäästiover the huge swellvaltavissa aalloissa.
- The weather was fine, and they rode on the open top deck, from where one had a-lofty view of sooty old London and felt high above the Thames asthe vehicleajoneuvochuggedpuksuttiover Westminster BridgeWestminster Bridgen yli.
- WeMechuggedpuksutimmepast the famous Dawlish Warrenkuuluisan Dawlish Warrenin ohi, a sandy spit, rich in wildlife, which juts out across the mouth of the Exe.
- For a honeymoon with an unhurried pace why notchugpuksuttaathrough the serene Victorian waterways of EnglandEnglannin tyynten viktoriaanisten vesireittien läpion a 60′ canal barge?
- This line is to be reopened soon for tourists and againthe steam-trainshöyryjunatwill<empty>chugpuksuttavatto Aqaba on the coastrannikolla sijaitsevaan Aqabaan.
- Thinking that was a dig at female priorities, she smiled but said nothing astheyhechuggedpuksuttivatslowlyhitaastito a small jettypieneen rantalaituriin.
- At that moment, there came a phut-phut-phut from the drive below asa tiny Fiat Topolinopikkuruinen Fiat Topolinochuggedpuksuttitowards the housekohti taloa.
- Quickly she put together a few sandwiches and, suitably dressed for walking, waited impatiently astheyhechuggedpuksuttivatslowlyhitaastitowards their planned point of departuresuunniteltua lähtöpaikkaansa kohti.
- Asthe boatvenechugspuksuttaaunder the low arched bridgesmatalakaaristen siltojen ali, the driver catalogues in Dutch, French, German and English the exhibits in this living museum.
- It was a beautiful sunny morning, and at eleven o'clock, after I had done a quick surgery,wemechuggedpuksutimmequietlyhiljaaoutulosof the harboursatamasta, with Lucy at the controls.
- Peons were even brought in sustain the illusion by prodding at the land, anda bulldozerpuskutraktorichuggedpuksuttiaboutympäriinsä.
- With Williamson at the wheelthe boatvenechuggedpuksuttialongmatkaanmerrilyiloisestiwhile the rest of us lolled on deck-chairs with plenty of laughter and good cheer.
- Church bells sounded across the city and as they crossed the road they could seetwo brightly painted bargeskahden kirkkaasti maalatun proomunchuggingpuksuttavanaway up the canalylös kanaaliabeneath the overhanging willows.
- Most of the apartments face over the harbour and you can sit on your balcony and watchthe fishing boatskalastusveneidenchugpuksuttavanin and out of the harboursisään ja ulos satamasta.
- The trainJunachuggedpuksuttion northwardspohjoiseen, further and further away from the enemy, until it finally came to a halt at Waverley station in Edinburgh.
- Finally, on a bright sunny morning,our trainjunammechuggedpuksuttialong the wide expanse of the Fraser River and Vancouver InletFraser-joen ja Vancouverin lahden laajaan väliköstäto that great city itselfsuureen kaupunkiin.
- The carAutowas<empty>chuggingpuksuttialong the Promenade des AnglaisPromenade des Anglaisia pitkin, a boulevard lined with splendid palm-trees.
- TheyNechuggedpuksuttivatdown riverjoen varrellafrom the pierlaituriltatowards the entrance to the tunnelkohti tunnelin suuaukkoa.
- In response to a frantic waving of arms a few minutes later,Iminäopened up our trusty Seagull motor andchuggedpuksutinround the harbour armsataman poukaman ympärito brave the swell.
- The trainJunachuggedpuksuttidownalasto the mountain-ringed plains where sheep and alpaca were herded by bowler-hatted womenvuorten ympäröimille tasangoille, jossa knallipäiset naiset paimensivat lampaita ja alpakoita.
- Asthe trainjunachuggedpuksuttislowlyhitaastiforwardeteenpäin, stopping inexplicably for long periods and even occasionally travelling backwards, Ludovico enjoyed the luxury of being able to examine his travelling companion openly while she slept.
- Some days, when it's damp, he has to use the stick inside, too, and I can hearhimhänenclackingkopistelevanabout the uncarpeted rooms and corridors of the housetalon kokolattiamatottomissa huoneissa ja käytävissä; a hollow noise, going from place to place.
- Guy heard the sound ofbad-tempered heelspahantuulisten korkojenclackingkopistelevanaway across flagstonespoispäin kivilaattoja vasten, and relaxed slightly.
- Asthe dooroviclangedkalahtiupwardsylöspäinhis head turned slowly round so that he was facing the garage.
- Steam cars hold speed records, libraries fly, leg-propelled carriages run, double-boilered steam engines balance on monorails,tramsraitiovaunutclangkalskahtelivatcross-countrymaastossaand trains lean a little.
- Thenthe dooroviclangedkalahtiopenaukiand she thought in surprise, We're down!
- She could imagineitsenclangingkolisevanacross the hallaulan poikki,up the stairwayylös portaita,along the draughty corridorspitkin vetoisia käytäviä,around the drawing-roomsalin ympäriandout through the open windowsulos avoimista ikkunoista.
- The lidKansiclangedkalahtidownalas, rattling on its pulleys.
- Unfortunately, the announcement of free time seemed to be the local signal formetal shuttersmetalliluukuilletoclangkalskahtaadownalasover everything one might have wanted to seekaiken sen eteen, mitä joku olisi voinut haluta nähdä.
- The gatesPortitclangedkalahtivatshutkiinniagain, Berwick succoured, after a fashion, with a day to go.
- Whenthe dooroviclangedkalahtishutkiinniwe all turned to tend to Brian.
- Eyes averted,coinskolikotclankedkalahtivatinto the tinpurkkiin, there was no need to flash the identity card.
- Austerity No. 90129Kieltäymys nro 90129clankskalahtaathrough Kirkby BentinckKirkby Bentinckin läpiheading a northbound freight in the 1950's.
- Whenher tramhänen raitiovaununsaclankedkolahtito a haltpysäkillein front of her Maggie climbed aboard and went upstairs.
- The lorries came and went on a service road near the town; on some daysthe bulldozerpuskutraktoriclankedkolisteliback and forthedestakaisin, crushing the rubbish into the soft, orange earth.
- As a youngster she had always been truly terrified at the point in the narrative whenMarley's ghostMarleyn haamuclankedkolisteliinsisään.
- The machineryKoneetclankedkolisivatup and overylös ja ohiandup and overylös ja ohiagain, gulping down first him, then the shorts-to-be, then me.
- Another daya gang of convictsjoukko vankeja, chained together and bearing the mark of the broad arrow,clankkolistelialong the platformlaituria pitkinen route for Portland, Dartmoor or Warwick …
- Armoured men with swordsMiekoin aseistautuneet miehethadolivatclankedkolistelleetdown the stairwellsalas porraskuiluunhere; now the steps were used by gunmen in grubby camouflage fatigues whose rifles lay propped against the walls of the round towers.
- It's all very well this constant dancing and dressing up in Patrol uniform —Field Officerseverstitclankingkolistelivataboutympäriinsäwith highly hazardous spurs, silver cross belts liable to scratch tender bosoms …. ”
- Woodsmoke drifted low on the light westerly wind and on the railway tracksgreat trainssuuret junatclankedkolistelivatbyohirhythmicallyrytmikkäästi, somehow accentuating the serenity of the place.
- Keith Thomas pressed a button anda huge doorvaltava oviclankedkolahtiupwardsylhänäso that I could peer into the heart of the furnace.
- AS Jack lay in hospital he heard the sound ofLiverpool tramsLiverpoolin raitiovaunujenclankingkolistellessaand roaringpastohi.
- Steve breathed, impressed, as they trundled up the last stretch of drive afterthe gatesportithadolivatclankedkolahtaneetshutkiinnibehind them.
- The doorOviclatteredkolahtiopenauki.
- He lost his balance andhe and the teapothän ja teekannuclatteredkolisivatdownstairsalakertaan.
- HeHänraised his wings andclatteredkolisteliabout his cagehäkkiään, dashing his talons and beak against the bars and wire mesh to make as much noise as possible.
- He longed for London Land, with gas lamps still flickering in the dusk,horse-drawn cabshevosten vetämät rattaatclatteringkolisivatacross the cobblestonesmukulakiviin, criminals no scarier than little boys scrounging for their supper.
- ItSeclatteredkolisiacross the pathpolkua pitkinand bounced against what looked like the battered frame of an old pram, with a bang like a pistol shot.
- `Too late, ``interruptedthe skipperkippari,clatteringkolistellendown wooden stairs which led from the deckalas puisia portaita, jotka johtivat kannelta.
- Each passing minute brought one, two, or even more cabs andpost chaisespostivaunutclatteringkolistelivatdown the streetpitkin katuato great cheers and cries of `In time!
- As he fell,the knifeveitsiclatteredkolahtifrom his grasphänen tarttuessaan siihen.
- Sometimesmoneyrahaaclatteredkolahtiinto the traytarjottimelle.
- A few minutes later she heardthe tractortraktorinclatteringkolistelevaninto the yardpihalle.
- TheyNeclatterkolisevatonto the floorlattialleloudlyäänekkäästi.
- Tilting it to one side he allowedthe objectkohteento<empty>clatterkolahtaaonto the tablepöydälle.
- From the gravelled sweep of the entrance to the Old Rectory came Mrs Hadley on a gleaming chestnut horse;shehänclatteredkolahtipast the Glovers, the old man, other passers-byGloversin, vanhan miehen, muiden ohikulkijoiden ohiwith the age-old superiority of the mounted over those on foot.
- The trainJunaclatteredkolisteliswiftlynopeastithrough the backs of darkened villagespimeiden kylien takaa.
- Horsemen rode among the infantry, andwaggonsvankkuritclatteredkolistelivatthrough the forestmetsän läpi, butting against trees, being forced through marshy ground and over fallen trunks.
- `Quick, quick, pull on the rope, ``just beforethe first horseensimmäinen hevonencameclatteringkolistellenthrough the gaprotkon läpi.
- As he yanked one out for himself,somethingjokinclatteredkolahtiloudlyäänekkäästito the floorlattialle.
- Luke tightened his grip on her andthe pitchforkhankoclatteredkolahtito the groundmaahan.
- He was whistling to keep up his spirits, that was all, Robert said to himself asthe boyspojatclatteredkolistelivatafter himhänen peräänsä.
- VictorineVictorineshoved her out of her worries, opening the bedroom door without knocking andclatteringkolistelleninsisään.
- `Macbeth, Act One, Scene Seven, ``he announced asthe boyspojatclatteredkolistelivatinsisään.
- `I'll go, ``sobbed Perdita, and, leaping on to Hermia's back,shehänclatteredkolistelioffpoisdown the driveajotietä pitkin.
- TheyNeclatteredkolistelivatonmenemäänas far as the doorovelle saakka; under workbenches, into cracks, finding every obscure corner.
- With his unbuttoned shirt hanging outside his trousers, and his bare feet thrust into his shoes,hehänclatteredkolistelioutulosanddown the stairsalas portaita, his socks clutched ridiculously in his hand.
- She scarcely saw the streets of Swansea asthe coachbussiclatteredkolistelialong the cobblesmukulakiviä pitkin, scattering a flurry of chickens that had been pecking at a fallen crust of bread.
- Great, round clouds rolled slowly across the sky like whales and a chill wind slapped their faces astheyheclatteredkolistelivatalong the pavementkatukiveystä pitkinto Angelo's CafeAngelon kahvilaan.
- The motor noise dropped to a rumble andfeetjalatclatteredkolistelivataround his carhänen autonsa ympärillä.
- Squeaky Sutton, the landlord of the `Windy Ridge ``for the past thirty years, looked up asthe noisy partyäänekkäät juhlijatclatteredkolistelivatdown the four steps into his cosy cellar barneljä askelta alas hänen kotoisaan kellaribaariinsa.
- They rode in single file, for the ground became broken as they climbed higher and the hoofs of their mounts dislodgedloose stonesirtokiviä,thatclatteredkolisivatdown the hillsidealas rinnettä pitkin.
- SomeoneJokuclatteredkolistelidown a wooden staircasealas puisia rappusia.
- It usually meansclatteringkolistelemistaover ice and rocks down a three-foot-wide pistejään ja kivien yli alas kolmen jalan levyistä latua, in gale-force winds and horizontal rain.
- The othersMuutclatteredkolistelivatover the loose uneven rockirtonaisen, epätasaisen kallion päälläfollowing Paddy's understandable impatience.
- Rosie at once scrambled to her feet,the marbles she had in her laphänen kädessään olevien marmorikuuliendropping andclatteringkolistessaover the polished wood floorskiillotetulla puulattialla.
- A small train, hauled by a tiny steam engine and comprising double-bogied cars carrying three sealed, hissing cauldrons each, trundled slowly by,wheelsrenkaidenscreeching andclatteringkalistessaover a set of pointstiettyjen kohtien yli.
- Outside, they heardSybil's shoesSybilin kenkienclatteringkolisevanup the stone stepsylös kiviportaita.
- George was frowning in thought astheyheclatteredkolistelivatup the prison-like stone stepsylös vankilamaisia kiviportaitato his sethänen kuvauspaikalleen.
- SheHänclatteredkolisteliback to her officetakaisin toimistoonsaand pounded away at the audio letters for an hour and a half, broken only by a trip to the kitchen for coffee.
- We waited in the shed whilerainsadeboomed andclatteredkolision to the metal roofmetallikattoon, and no aircraft took off or landed for hour after hour.
- Mrs ChalkRouva Chalkwas<empty>clatteringkolisteliround in the kitchenkeittiössä, and a savoury aroma was wafting from that region.
- The partySeurueclatteredkolistelibyohi, the gate opened to give them passage.
- TheyHeclatteredkolistelivatdownhillalamäkeenas though they were chasing an enemy.
- Jo's voice followsher heelshänen korkojensaclickingnapsahteluafastnopeaaover the cafe's tiled floorkahvilan laattalattialla.
- She was snapped out of her reverie asthe dooroviclickednaksahtishutkiinniand the secretary left them alone again.
- He caught her towards him and kissed her until she was breathless, and even in her daze she heardCandace's high heelsCandacen korkeiden korkojenclickingnapsahdellessaangrilyvihaisestiacross the back of the hallaulan takaosasta.
- Gaggia machines burbled on marble bars,new secretariesuudet sihteeritclickedkopsuttelivatacross polished floorskiillotetuilla lattioilla, uniformed valets twirled glass doors.
- I didn't see the great walled city of Chanchán, only the mist and rain, the blur of the headlights andthe windscreen wiperstuulilasinpyyhkijätclickingnapsuivatendlesslyloputtomastiacross my visionnäkökentässäni.
- The lockLukkoclickednaksahtisharplyterävästiinto placepaikalleen.
- He moved along the row, putting in money, pulling the handle, watchingthe drumsrumpujenrevolve andclicknaksahteluainto placepaikalleen, moving on.
- Her red high heelsHänen punaiset korkeat korkonsawere<empty>clickingkopisivaton the pavementkatukiveykseen.
- `No, I can't believe you, ``shehänlied,clickingnapsauttaenback to her chairtaakse hiuksiinsa.
- To turn the grinder on, the switch is eased forward untilitseclicksnaksahtaadownwardsalaspäin.
- The coinsKolikotclinkedkilisivätinto the slotreikään.
- His knifeHänen veitsensäclinkedkilahtito the floorlattialle.
- She noticed that the horses drawing the `olde ``cabs were not all that well cared for, andseveraluseitaclinkedkilahtialongirtiwith loose shoesirrallisten kenkien mukana.
- The heaviesHenkivartijatclumptömistelevätdownstairsalakertaanlaughingnauraen, and they jeer all the way down the garden path.
- SheHänclumpedtömisteliacross the star-patterned mosaictähtikuvioisen mosaiikin ylitowards the walk-in cupboard where the ski-gear was kept.
- HelenHelenclumpedtömisteliout of the officeulos toimistosta.
- After Doug felt it was safe to leave them, and a neighbour had come in to help Mrs Fraser,theyheclumpedtömistelivätdown the stairsalas portaita.
- I wasn't sure it was a girl, at first, what with the shapeless and grimly robe she wore -- ankle-length, made of coarse brown cloth -- and the heavy oversized boots in whichshehänwas<empty>clumpingtömistelialongeteenpäin.
- You're a fool, boy, ``hehänsaid, andclumpedtömistelivätoffpoisdown the hallkohti aulaa.
- ButTodTodis the last one left,clumpingtömistellenaround his empty ranchympäriinsä tyhjällä tilallaanwith two minders and his Rottweiler dogs.
- HeHänstared down at the Hoflin farm, thenclumpedtömisteliback to the cartakaisin autolle.
- Swedish feet in wooden sandalsRuotsalaiset jalat puisissa sandaaleissaclumpedtömistelivätdown the stairs past his dooralas portaita hänen ovensa ohi, then up again, paused, knocked, said `Telephone ``and continued back to their room.
- ItSeclunksklonksahtaainto positionpaikalleenand I sit on it to take off my shoes.
- The doorOviclunkedläimähtishutkiinni.
- InterferenceHäiriöcrackledrätisiacross the screenruudun poikki.
- Little lines of crawling blue firePienet viivat vilisevää sinistä tultacrackledrätisivätover Jekub's battered paintworkJekubin rähjäisen maalauksen yllä.
- The panels of her doorHänen ovensa paneelitcrackledrasahtivatopenauki.
- She was standing onthe tree thatpuussa, jokahadolicrashedkaatunutacross the fenceaitaa päin, looking like a garden plant in need of marriage guidance.
- He kicked the chair aside with a violence that sentitsencrashingräsähtämäänacross the floorpitkin lattiaa.
- The car ahead of themHeidän edellään oleva autosquealed to a halt,crashedsyöksyibackwardstaaksepäinacross the roadtietä pitkininto a stone wallkiviseinään, and came to an abrupt stop.
- TheyHecrashedsyöksyivätfrom the raised platform at the sternnostetulta laiturilta alukseen takaosaan,down among the feet, of the rowersalas jalkojen sekaan, soutajien,who hastily jumped out of their way.
- A badly-balanced packet of tapiocaHuonosti tasapainotettu tapiokajauhopaketticrashedputosifrom shelfhyllyltäto floorlattialleand burst open like a ripe seed-pod.
- Heart filled with pathos, I slipped through one of the windows, and stepped gingerly around the saplings and splintered tiles, afraidIminämightsaattaisincrashpudotainto the cellarkellariin.
- ItSecamecrashingräsähtäenthrough the windowikkunan läpi.
- Burning timbersPalavat puutcrashedputosivatto the groundmaahan, to be extinguished in the billowing cloud of dust.
- All over the islandtall old treeskorkeat vanhat puutcrashedkaatuivatdownalas, and less tall trees whipped about and were filleted of their leaves and branches.
- Any momentthe glasslasiwould comecrashingräsähtäendownalas.
- Fighting against the wind we ran along the beach and watcheda steel grey North Seateräksenharmaan Pohjanmerencrashingräsähtäväninsisään.
- `We have a newspaper! ``he yelled ashehäncrashedryntäsiinsisään, mopping the sweat from his brow.
- Stephen snapped with alarm asshehäncrashedryntäsiinsisään, slamming the door behind her and leaning against it, panting.
- He was disturbed whenhis 2 attackershänen kaksi hyökkääjäänsäcrashedryntäsiinsisäänthrough a back doortakaovesta.
- It hurls itself around the island and in seconds the sea is alive,ugly wavesrumien aaltojencrashingtörmätessäover the boatsveneisiin, white horses flicking over the surface on the hooves of the wind.
- 20ft seas20 jalan aallotwere running into the entrance andcrashingtörmäsivätover the sea wallsrantavalliinand visibility was virtually non-existent in the rain, spume and spray.
- Panting, Theda groped her way through the thick undergrowth, her direction signalled byBenedictBenedict, jokacrashingkiirehtithroughläpiahead of her, and the howls of the dog growing ever louder.
- I made myself very small asthe stagsuroshirvetcrashedryntäsivätdown the heathery, birch-studded hillsidealas kanervaiseen, koivikkoiseen rinteeseen.
- Anditsecrashedryntäsiback into metakaisin minun luokseniat high speedsuurella nopeudella.
- WeMeportage the bridge, cross the canal, into the mill stream,crashputoammedown through the slalom polesalas pujottelupylväiden läpi, don't quite make the sharp lefthand bend yet again and pull into Newbury.
- If he shouted aloud then -- as in the high alpine passes --the rockskivetwould<empty>crashputoaisivatdownalason himhänen päälleen.
- SomebodyJokubursts out of the toilet andcrasheskiiruhtaaoutulosinto the noisemeteliin.
- This was hard withBorisBorisincrashingkiirehtiessäaroundympäriinsä, with two Villa Russe kitchenmaids in his wake.
- TomTomput the blacks up in the front room,crashedryntäsiaround in the darknessympäriinsä pimeydessäand lit the gas and oil lamps.
- The F2BF2Bcreakednarahtithrough a 180-degree turntehdessään 180 asteen käännöksenand began photographing another strip.
- Asthe door of the empty boxtyhjän laatikon ovicreakednarahtiopenaukiin the windtuulessa, Liz heard the phone ringing, ringing.
- The doorOvicreakednarahtiopenauki.
- To me, it also rang of the distinct possibility thatitsewould noteicreaknarahtaisiopenaukiagain -- and that the next sound would be that of quickly hammered nails!
- The big whiteSuuri valkoinencreaksnarahtaauprightpystysuoraanand stands flexing his hands.
- CreakingNatistenup from her kneespolviensa yläpuolelta, Miss Lodsworth snorted with indignation.
- Thenthe doorovicreakednarahtiopenaukian inch or twotuuman tai kaksi.
- The room was lit by a red light from the burning houses behind it asAnneAnnecrunchednarskuiover broken crockery and plasterrikkinäisten astioiden ja laastin yli.
- She heardher mother's slippersäitinsä tohveleidencrunchingnarskuvanacross the sugar-strewn floorsokerisen lattian yli.
- They picked their way through broken pieces of furniture,their feetheidän jalkansacrunchingnarskuivatacross splintered glass and woodhajonneen lasin ja puun yli.
- Sometimeswemecrunchedratisimmeacross crystalline icekristallimaisen jään yli, or slid tiny steps at a time over glass ice, so we created shiny black footprints in the dusting of snow.
- FeetJalatcrunchednarskuivatpast meohitseni, I caught a glimpse of a brown boot, the tongue flapping, the sole tied on with string.
- Ace's bootsAcen saappaatcrunchednarskuivatcloserlähemmäs.
- The tourists ignore him, like they ignorethe battered silver Capri thatkolhiintuneen hopeanvärisen Caprin, jokacrunchesnarskuuup the driveylös ajotietäand dispenses a solid, mature dread into the yard.
- ProfitsTuototfizzedkohosivatby an eighthup to £126 million126 miljoonaan puntaanin six months.
- BallsPallotfizzedsihisivätinto ribskylkiluihinandpast noses (just) which had earlier spent a happier morning in the sun on the beachohi nenien (juuri), jotka olivat aiemmin viettäneet onnellisemman aamun auringossa rannalla.
- Table Tennis DouglasPöytätennis-Douglasaimsto<empty>fizzsihistäpast a flat championohi laimean mestarin.
- BulletsLuoditfizzsuhisivatthrough the airilman halkiin SarajevoSarajevossa.
- ElationRiemufizzedsihisithrough her veinshänen suonissaan.
- `Cole Porter -- and good champagne, ``she'd said, lifting her glass filled with a delicate golden liquid whosetiny bubblespienet kuplatfizzedsihisivätgentlykevyestiandsteadilyvakaastiupwardsylöspäin.
- When they come out, they are fry; as they grow a little, they become parr; larger still,theyheturn into smolt andfizzsuhisivatoffpoisdown to the seamerelle.
- Onlyan occasional bulletsatunnaiset luoditfizzedsuhisivatbyohi.
- The day of the opening of Danu to the emissions of the outside world,a couple of ancient boatsmuutama ikivanha venegurgledpulputtialongside the wharfsatamalaiturin ohi, bearing a crowd of stage extras from the outlying, historically malai islands.
- He choked for air,watervedengurglingpulputtaessainto his earshänen korviinsaand fighting to enter his mouth.
- Beyond the perimeter wall ran a vein of the Bradford Beck,its filthy waterssen likaiset vedetgurglingpulputtivatbelow groundmaan allabefore breaking free for some distance to pass Old Ashfield's wooded hillside.
- At one extreme the mighty Severn powers its way to the Bristol Channel, while at the othera Yorkshire brookYorkshiren purogurglessoliseeacross moorlandnummien halki.
- A BOAT that can run swiftly and silently without a churning propeller has been the dream of naval commanders ever sincethe first submarineensimmäinen sukellusveneslidgurglingpulputtaenbeneath the wavesaaltojen alapuolella.
- ChemicalsKemikaalitgurglelorisevatdown a drainalas putkestastraightsuoraaninto Hong Kong's sewersHongkongin viemäreihin.
- `All right, ``he said, his voice likewatervesigurglingsolisevadown a plugholealas viemäristä.
- ItSepounded the soft earth andgurgledpulputtialong the gutterskatuojissato splash with relentless monotony into the tub outside the back door.
- A guard moved back, letting them pass,the doorovenhissingsihistenopenauetessaat their approach.
- Although Viking was lying quietly enough at the moment we could tell bythe sudden gusts whichäkillisistä tuulenpuuskista, jotkahissedsuhisivatdown from the high southern cliffalas korkealta eteläiseltä kalliolta,that it was blowing quite hard on the weather side.
- The doorOvihissedsuhistenshutsulkeutui.
- February was wet, withgales thatmyrskytuultenhowledulvoessaup the valleyylös laaksostaand rattled the glass doors leading to the verandah.
- On one occasiona furious blizzardraivokas lumimyrskyhowledulvoiacross a landscape illuminated by a sunset of bloodshot goldmaisemassa, jonka valaisi verenpunainen ja kullanvärinen auringonlasku.
- We have covered more than 12,000 miles together, during whichitsehas won prizes,howledulvonutaround Switzerland and ItalySveitsissä ja Italiassa, been thrashed at Millbrook, and on race tracks and carried me home to Notting Hill through traffic and rain.
- The wind that blew tin cans along the streets of the dormitory suburb where I was growing up wasthe same wind thatsama tuuli, jokahowledulvoiround peak and scarvuorenhuippujen ympärilläand wrested piccolo tunes from the reed patches below the drystone walls.
- The windTuulistillhowledulvoithrough the chimney potssavupiipun jatkosten läpiand rattled through the cracks of the window frames.
- A heavy squallVoimakas tuulenpuuskadrove up the meadow, bowing the trees beforehowlingulvoiaway up the mountain facepois vuorenrinnettä ylös.
- WhenGloriaGloriacame,patteringkipittäenacross the wardosastoa pitkinin all her best, Dot couldn't bear to see her pretty face and turned away on the pillow with shut eyes.
- When eventually she left the sitting-room to go to bed,shehänpatteredkipittiinto the hallaulaan, knowing in advance that she was in for another wretched night of it.
- A white waterfall of plasterValkoinen laastiputousburst down from the ceiling and slapped andpatteredropisiall over himhänen päälleen.
- With little enthusiasm for the day, Fabia got out of bed and, mulling over her problems and the fact that anywhere she went from now on would have to be on foot,shehänpatteredkipittito the bathroomkylpyhuoneeseento take a shower.
- `Well, ``Melissa murmured aloud as she listened tohis footstepshänen askeliaan, jotkapatteringkipittivätthrough the hallaulan läpi, followed by the slam of the outer door, `there goes a man with a guilty secret.
- EvenPedroPedro,patteringkipittäennervilyhermostuneenaabout the roomympäri huonetta, seemed more restless than usual, and when he slept his dreams were troubled.
- Ringed ploversPyöreät kurmitsatpatteredkipittivätat the water's edge of a muddy creekmutaisen lahdelman veden reunallaand a whimbrel whistled as it flew overhead.
- StuartStuartjumped out andpatteredkipittiplumplyroundympärito Gillian's doorGillianin ovelle.
- There we watched the rout of the dive-bombers, butthe shrapnelsirpaleetpatteredropisivatdownalasagain, and we drew back into the doorway.
- She gazed upwards at the newly painted ceiling for a little while, too contented to stir, then with a sudden movementshehänthrew back the covers andpatteredkipittiover<empty>to the windowikkunaan.
- There was not a sound from Lily's room until eleven when the bedroom door banged open andLilyLilypatteredkipittidown the stairsalas portaita.
- What should have happened is that the soft, natural gold would be spiked by the pin … what actually happened was thatthe nuggethippunenwas<empty>pingedkilahtioutulosinto the riverjokeenlike a tiddly winkkuin kirppu.
- The man from Forensic arrives,his steel heel-capshänen teräksisten korkosuojiensapingingkilahdellessaacross the tarmacasfalttia pitkin.
- The carAutocontinuedto<empty>purrkehräämistäpowerfullytehokastaalong the motorwaymoottoritietä pitkin, effortlessly passing everything in sight.
- Mdina wasn't called Malta's `Silent City ``for nothing, Caroline decided later, astheyhepurredhyrräsivätthrough the ancient gatewayikivanhan sisäänkäynnin läpiinto the traffic-free streetsliikenteestä vapaille kaduille.
- Their BMW carsHeidän BMW-autonsapurrkehräävätthrough the streets of the capital, La Pazpääkaupungin, La Pazin, kaduilla.
- Donald John was back to meet me and soon he hadhis limousinehänen limusiininsapurringkehräsitowards Castlebay along the single track roadskohti Castlebayta yksikaistaisilla teilläeasing smoothly into passing places all to the Island-compatible accordion music perpetually in the background on his cassette player.
- SomethingJokinpurredhyrräsitowards himhäntä kohti.
- A sleek blue BMWKiiltävä sininen BMWpurredkehräsipast himhänen ohitseenand halted about ten yards ahead.
- `What Bert was saying about my `harem ``, he said easily asthe carautopurredkehräsiforwardseteenpäininto the trafficliikenteen sekaan.
- For at that moment, directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip,the float of dummy Capellansjoukko tyhmiä Capellanejawas<empty>purringhyrräsiserenelytyynestibyohi.
- It is not only track-owners who want machines; it is any community that wants to tap into tourism, or (especially round desert retirement cities) into the boredom ofsenior citizensseniorikansalaiset, jotkaputteringsiirtyivätfrom one amusementyhdestä viihdykkeestäto the nexttoiseen.
- Robot tendersRobottivaunutputteredkulkivatbrisklyytimekkäästithrough the waterveden läpi, humming to themselves.
- The WaverleyWaverleyputteredputtasidown the still narrow riveryhä kapeaan jokeenlike a little terrier keen to get to the open fields of the Firth and the sea beyond.
- By Cairnbaanonly three motor yachtsvain kolme moottorivenettähadoliputteredpörissytbyohi.
- `Faster, faster, ``she ordered, astheyheputteredkuljeskelivatup Brownlow Hillylös Brownlow Hilliä, empty of Meredith.
- But it was a very exclusive part of town and there were alwayseccentric ladiesomalaatuisia naisiaputteringkuljeskelemassaaroundympäriinsäat night.
- Emily Grenfell clasped her hands together, sitting on the edge of her seat gazing through the small window of the coach asitserumbledjyristelialong Mumbles Roadpitkin Mumbles Roadiain the fashionable area of SwanseaSwansean muodikkaalla alueella.
- By lunchtime,loose gunsirralliset aseetwere<empty>rumblingjyrisivätall over the Tory deckkaikkialla konservatiivien kannella.
- Amazingly, she slipped into a gap between the tracks and lay flat asthe Intercity 125Intercity 125rumbledjyristeliover herhänen ylitseen.
- Another lorryToinen kuorma-autorumbledjyristelipast the rented basement roomvuokratun kellarihuoneen ohi.
- BUSESBUSSIT, jotkarumblingjyrisivätthrough the city streetspitkin kaupungin katujain 1986 could need 30 per cent less fuel than they do now to bring the cry `standing room only ``to impatient queues.
- Doreen hunched miserably over her film magazine in the corner of the compartment, asthe trainjunarumbledjyristelithrough the nighttowards the northkohti pohjoista.
- As the two girls stood there, Isabel dubiously eyeing the rickety-looking structure at her feet,a wagonvaununrumbledjyristento a stoppysähtyessäbehind them, filled with women.
- The first personnel carriersEnsimmäiset miehistönkuljetusajoneuvotrumbledjyristelivätout of the main gateulos pääportista, blocking the workday traffic, and he watched them now with envy because they were off to play soldiers and he hadn't been invited.
- His driver, though no speed merchant, had to be reminded to draw rein asthe carriage aheadedellä olevat vaunutrumbledjyristelivätinto the StefansplatzStefansplatzille, disappearing behind the cathedral as Lefevre's vehicle entered the square.
- A truck full of VOPOsSaksan Volkspolizeita täynnä oleva rekkarumbledjyristelipastohi.
- A lone motor-cruiserYksinäinen moottorialusrumbledjyristeliupstreamylävirtaan, tidily cluttered, steered by an elderly man with a black labrador sitting on the cockpit seat behind him.
- The truckRekkarumbledjyristeliawaypois.
- The windTuulirustledkahisilightlykevyestithrough the cottonwoods and willows alongside the Mattolevirginianpoppeleissa ja pajuissa Mattolen varrella, not 60 yards from Euclid's peaceful nose.
- There was glittering blue mystery in his eyes, and his voice was lethally soft, like asnakekäärmerustlingkahisisithrough dry grasskuivassa ruohikossa.
- Laura sighed, lying back against the head-rest of the open sports car, closing her eyes as she relishedthe cool breezekylmän henkäyksenrustlingkahinastathrough her blonde hairvaaleissa hiuksissaan.
- But soon, yes, she would have to take the telegram and walk to the shop and watch Enid fainting andMotheräitirustlingkahisteliout from behind the counterulos tiskin takaa.
- Dr JafferyTohtori Jafferyrustledhyöriaround the roomympäri huonetta, picking up books and looking behind cushions for his mosque cap before remembering that he was already wearing it.
- The pick-up truckAvopakettiautobeingscreechedujelsiround the cornernurkan taakseby a masterful herovoimakkaan sankarin ajamana, the soft drink sipped by the teenage lead actress -- both products paid good money to be there.
- It was only a moment or two beforea couple of carspari autoacame up the hill andscreechedujelsiinto the side of the roadtien sivuun.
- Bodie's carBodien autoscreechedujelsithrough the London streetsLontoon katuja.
- The carAutoscreechedkirkuento a haltpysähtyiin the middle of the roadkeskellä tietä.
- TrafficLiikennescreechedkirkuento a stoppysähtyiand dozens of people dashed to grab handfuls of notes swirling in the wind.
- ItSecamescreechingkirkuenout of the darknesspimeydestä, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
- WineViiniäwas<empty>splashedroiskautettiinfrom jugkannustato cupkuppiinand then often drained in one loud gulp.
- Save the horses! ``, asthe chiefjohtajasplashedpolskiacross the creeklahdelman ylito gather mounts for the fleeing families.
- Even when the foremost ranks reached the ford-end and without pause turned in,to<empty>splashpolskiakseenacross the two hundred yards or so of shallowssuunnilleen kahdentuhannen jaardin matalan läpi, there was no immediate change, the enemy obviously taken by surprise.
- There was water at the bottom covered by a thin skin of ice andhehänsplashedpolskahtiinto itsiihenface firstkasvot edellä.
- TheyNesplashedpolskahtivatinto the shallowsmataliinand slipped on the smooth stones.
- His fatherHänen isänsäsplashespolskahtaadeepsyvälleinto the waterveteenand pulls him out.
- Down through the seameren halkisheHänsplashedpolskahtito himmiehen luokse.
- DelaneyDelaneysplashedpolskahtiacrosskohtito one wall where a mass of underwater tackle was storedyhtä seinää, jonne oli varastoitu paljon merenalaisia varusteita.
- Rain joined him in the doorway but there was no time to speak beforeCobaltCobaltsplashedpolskahtithrough the puddlelätäkön läpito themheidän luokseen.
- TheyNewere<empty>splashingpolskivatthrough shallow watermatalassa vedessä,between massive, brooding willow trunksvaltavien, painostavien pajunrunkojen välissä.
- ZigzagsSiksakkejasplutteredsylkiacross her facehänen kasvoilleen.
- Jamie Shepherd drove the accelerator almost into the floor asthe vanpakettiautosplutteredpaukahtelipast a milk cartmaitokärryjen ohi.
- Where previouslytheyhewould on occasion lose direction andsplutteryskähdellento a haltpysähtyä, now their relentless barrage seamlessly moves from one epic song to another.
- Meanwhile the couple in bed were so engrossed in each other that neither of them heard the fuse asitsesplutteredpaukahtelitowards themheitä kohti.
- Charlie kepthis sectionalueensasquelchinglitisevänäforward through the mudmudastawith songs from the music-halls, accompanied by Tommy on the mouth-organ.
- WeMesquelchedastelimme kengät lotistenacross the fieldkentän poikki, finally reaching the altar, a single slate slab mounted on stones, on the side of a bank overlooking a tangle of briars.
- Torrential rain put a damper on the event, sendingbedraggled guestssotkuiset vieraatsquelchinglitisevilleacross lawnsnurmikoilleto seek shelter.
- WeMewalked on, jumping over trickles of water,squelchingkävellen kengät litistenthrough soggy bitslikomärkien alueiden läpi, scrambling over dry stands of heather, bouncing off spongy peat, clambering around rocky outcrops.
- The BrigadierPrikaatinkenraaliset down a fat puppy that he had been holding andsquelchedasteli kengät lotistentowards the yardkohti pihaa, driving a dozen pullets before him.
- `I'll save them for later ``he said stuffing them into a soggy pocket ashehänsquelchedasteli kengät lotistenup the roadylös tietäalongside me.
- IMinäsquelchastelin kengät lotistenupstairsyläkertaanto the flatasuntoonafter my half-hour walk, and Kenneth answers the door with his specs on the end of his nose and the now permanent book in his hand.
- What else was there to do? she thought miserably asshehänsquelchedasteli kengät lotistenbehind himup to the bathroomylös kylpyhuoneeseen.
- Aswemesquelchedastelimme kengät lotistenalong the roadtietä pitkinandinto the farmyardmaatilalleI felt a feeling of utter exhaustion.
- A jovial, curly-headed man,MulverinMulverinwas<empty>squelchingkäveli kengät litistenaround in a muddy yardmutaisella pihallaoutside the cowshed, mucking out with a spade.
- SheHänsquelchedasteli kengät lotistenalong in the muddy ruts left by the cattlekarjan jättämissä mutaisissa urissa, avoiding other more unpleasant tokens of their passage.
- Cologne was sprayed about andlipstickshuulipunaaswishedhuiskittiinup and downylös ja alas.
- Sensations rushed in: the cries of the traders in the street below them mixed with the screams ofthe swallowspääskyjenthatswishedsuhahtelivatlowmatalallaacross the roofskattojen toisella puolella; the dark aroma of the strong coffee mingled with the fresh smell of the bread.
- She'd tried to read, but her attention kept being drawn to what was happening outside and, even though she was annoyed at herself for giving in so easily, she kept returning to watchDane's powerful figureDanen voimakkaan hahmonswishingviuhahtavanexpertlyasiantuntevastiacross the snowlumen halki.
- WaveletsLaineetswishedsuhisivatidlyover white sandvalkoisen hiekan yliand the broad plain of the sea stretched away into darkness.
- It was wonderful to be up in the air and to feelthe airilmanswishingviuhahtavanpast his facehänen kasvojensa ohi.
- He was both puzzled and annoyed bythe number of drivers whomonista ajajista, jotkaswishedsuhahtelivatpast himhänen ohitseenas though they were driving in bright sunshine.
- Within an hour20 cross-country skiers20 maastohiihtäjääswishedsuhahtipast meohitseni.
- From early morning there is the sound oftennis ballstennispallojenswishingviuhahtavienthrough the airilman halki.
- TheyHeleft in the early morning,swishingsuhistenthrough the wet grass on the valley floorlaaksonpohjan märän ruohon läpi, then climbing steeply into the thick of the mist and cloud.
- There were some trees below them, and when they reached them he slowed, she followed suit, and thenhehänswishedsuhahtito a haltpysäkille.
- Even if it was just for a bollocking it had still given him the chanceto<empty>swishviuhahtaapurposefullymäärätietoisestithrough the outer officeulomman toimiston läpiwith all the pretty girls saying, `Hullo, Mr Tyron.
- Ifthe lady of the housetalon emäntähadoliswishedvilahtanutdown the stairsalas portaitain a crinoline en route to her waiting carriage it would not have seemed out of place.
- Velvet curtainsSamettiverhotswishedsuhahtivatgracefullysulavastiasidesivuunonce more and the scene was set for act three.
- The curtainsVerhotswishedsuhahtivatopenauki, gathering in swags at each side of a small stage, arranged as a grotto in a hushed, expectant woodland, with cardboard rocks.
- The town was grey and empty in the dull afternoon light;carsautotswishedsuhahtelivatthrough on the road going northpohjoiseen menevän tien halki, some with their headlights on, making everything else seem even dimmer.
- He turned as he heardthe doorovenswishsuhahtavanshutkiinnibehind herhänen takanaan.
- This is an extremely powerful kick that leaves no one in any doubt whenitsethudsmätkähtäähomekotiin!
- Heavy footstepsRaskaat askeleetthuddedtömähtelivätacross the front porchetukuistia vasten.
- Mary shivered and turned away asthe first clods of earthensimmäiset maakokkareetthuddedtömähtelivätonto the coffinarkkuun.
- They could hearher marehänen tammansathuddingtömähtelevänthrough the thick forestsankan metsän läpiahead of them, and the swish and crackling of the bushes and dead stuff underfoot.
- Whentheynethudtömähtävätthrough the letter-boxpostilaatikkoon, £150 will go a long way to ease your mind.
- SomeJotkutcaught in the rigging andthuddedtömähtelivätto the deckkannelle, spitting and baring their fangs at us before being hurriedly kicked overboard.
- NuttyNuttyarrived on time,thuddingmätkähtäenout of the duskhämärästäand pulling to an abrupt halt.
- A long way southa plump caiquepullea kaiikkithuddedtömähtipastohitowing a line of six little lamp-boats, like a mallard with ducklings.
- His legsHänen jalkansathuddedtömähteliväton and oneteenpäin, but the movement was mechanical, with no spirit in it.
- And asthe horsehevonenthuddedtömähteliover the frozen grass of the common landyhteismaan jäisen ruohon yliand came to the high road in a clatter of hooves, she sensed, beneath the fear, some ripple of excitement.
- His bare feetHänen paljaat jalkansawould<empty>thudtömisivätalong the wooden floorpuisella lattiallaand land on the springboard.
- HeHäncrossed the road,thumpedmätkähtiacross a pasturelaitumen poikki, then dropped into a small valley where a tangle of thorns grew either side of a trickling brook.
- The thunderUkkonenthumpedkumisifrom some nearer pointjossain lähempänä, the glass vibrated in the window, and Cameron came out of his doze to find Menzies grinning quizzically at him and offering him some more claret.
- ItSewill come over here in a minute, Lee had thought, andthumpmätkähtääinto the bedsänkyyn.
- Suddenly,the polesauvathumpedjysähtiso hardniin voimakkaastiinto an unseen objecttuntemattomaan kohteeseen,it almost dislodged Maggie.
- And sometimes, whenthe heaviest bouldersraskaimmat lohkareetthumpedjysähtivätto the groundmaahan, I could feel the reverberations jolting the house.
- Bales of goodsTuotepaalitthumpedjysähtivätfrom even blacker openings in the wallsseinien yhä mustemmista aukoistainto barges at landing stageslastauslaitureilla oleviin proomuihin, and tiers of narrow windows rose upwards with all the hopefulness of blinded eyes seeking light.
- The tow rope sprang taut, plucking the dinghy clear asthe swellpauhubroke,thunderingjylistenforwardeteenpäinon to the waiting coralodottavaan koralliin.
- Exhilaration filled Roget ashehänthunderedjyrisiforwardeteenpäin.
- When the beachmaster is angered by a serious challenge,hehänthunderstömisiacross the sandhiekan yli, humping and heaving his huge body with surprising speed and taking no notice whatever of what lies in his way.
- `Not so fast, ``she cried astheyhethunderedjyristivätalong Rodney StreetRodney Streetiä pitkin.
- Asthe coachbussithunderedjyristeliinto GlasgowGlasgowiin, the post-horn would be sounded and a blunderbuss fired into the air.
- You could feel the dismay amongst the Leeds players and their fans asitsethunderedjyristelipast John LukicJohn Lukicin ohiandinto the back of the netverkon takaosaan, leaving them searching for three goals to progress in the competition.
- Two fingers I had waved at that driver ashehänthunderedjyristelipast meohitseni, cursing me through the open cab window and fighting the wheel, and those two fingers I now regretted having on my hand.
- IMinälaughed and set spurs to my horse andthunderedjyristelinthrough the convent gatesluostarin porttien läpias fast as a deerpeuran nopeudella.
- The juggernautTäysperävaunurekkathunderedjyristelithrough the countrysidemaaseudun läpi, returning to Salisbury Plain.
- More adrenalin poured into her system, raising her pulse, sendingthe bloodverenthunderingkohisemaanthrough her veinshänen suonissaanas her face paled.
- His description of how he watched helplessly asone of the deadly missilesyksi tappavista ohjuksistathunderedjyrisitowards himhäntä kohtimakes chilling reading.
- We camped about five kilometres north of Låddejåkkåstugan on the open moors bya stream thatvirran, jokathunderedjylisitowards the distant watershedkohti kaukaista vedenjakajaafrom VirihaureVirihauresta.
- He was still in the middle of the road whenthe horseshevosetthunderedtömistivätup to the innmajataloon.
- The tramcarRaitiovaunuthunderedjyristelipastohi.
- To his left, increasingly distant,the lorrieskuorma-autotthunderedjyristeliväton towards Riokohti Rioa.
- The jeep left the road and was fishtailing violently through a stretch of gravel asthe fire truckpaloautothunderedjyristelibyohi.
- When she had chosen the least remarkable and staggered downstairs in a pair of high-heeled purple bootsthe othersmuutgot their revenge bywheezingpihistenabout the roomympäri huonettain hysterics once more.
- I stopped but he didn't andIminäwheezedvinguinafter himhänen peräänsä.
- Three or four carsKolme tai neljä autoawheezedvinkuipast usohitsemmeon the dusty road.
- Hydraulic pressure built up slowly untilthe dooroviwheezedvinkuiopenauki.
- At three o'clock when they were still awake, still in a no-man's land of self-absorption,a carautowhinedulisiinto Sunday StreetSunday Streetilleand stopped, its engine running.
- Doors stood half open andthe windtuuliwhinedulvoithrough black, unglazed windowsmustien, lasittomien ikkunoiden läpi.
- He heard the clang of metal on metal, anda ricochetkimmonnut luotiwhinedvinkuiviciouslyrajustipast his headhänen päänsä ohi.
- He felt the heat of the bullet asitsewhinedvinkuiangrilyvihaisestipastohi, missing his forehead by a hairsbreadth, and exited via a starred hole in the driver's window by his side.
- Five of the stray bulletsViisi harhaluodeistabracketed him,whiningvinkuenangrilyvihaisestipastohito star the wall behind him.
- A second little amphibious songsterToinen pieni amfibinen laululintuwhirredhurisiacross streamvirran varrella, calling, `Zurp, zurp, zurp.
- She was just about to rattle the huge gates in fury when there was a clunk andthe gatesportitwhirredsuristenopenavautuivat.
- Rincewind peered around the doorframe and jerked back asa heavy throwing axepainava heittokirveswhirredsurisipastohilike a partridgekuin pyy.
- Tallis felt wind on her face asa stonekiviwhirredhurisipastohi.
- Guillemots and razor billsEtelänkiislat ja ruokitwhirredsurisivatrapidlynopeastiout to seamerelle, surface-dived for fish, and whirred back again to feed hungry chicks.
- And then we stood for ages whilestreams of carsautojonotwhirredhurisivatrhythmicallyrytmikkäästipastohi.
- A red and black burnet mothPunamusta punatäpläperhonenlanded on her hand, crawled over it andwhirredhurisiawaypoisagaininto the grassruohoon.
- Outside,a milk trolleymaitokärrytwas<empty>whirringsurisivatbyohi.
- The crossbow boltVarsijousen nuoliwhirredhurisioutulos, nicking the hindquarters of the second dog, which turned and fled howling into the darkness.
- People began throwing suggestions at him, some kindly, some less so, asthe same shopssamat kaupatcamezingingviuhuenpastohifor the third and fourth times.
- Sinceelectrical pulsessähköpulssitzingingviuhuvatdown a wirejohtoa pitkinare more regular and predictable than a steel cable moving inside a plastic cover, the result should be more precise control of engine revs and better fuel consumption.
- We watchthe insects in the headlightsetuvaloissa olevien hyönteistenzingingviuhuvanback and forthedestakaisinwithout apparent logic.