sin.n 🔎
- No need, I submit myself, I ownmyminunterriblekauheansinsyntini!
- To refuseKieltäytyminenwould be aolisiterriblekauheasinsynti.
- Christians are used to confessingtheirheidänsinssyntejäänagainst God and against other humansJumalaa ja muita ihmisiä vastaan, but is it really possible to sin against an ideal?
- The next thing is to make sure that thesinsynticommitted against you is not causing you in turn to sin.
- Pilate knew thatitsewould be aolisisinsyntiagainst GodJumalaa vastaan.
- Comfort for Beleevers, a pastoral treatise never intended for the press, provoked a storm by declaring that God was in part the author of thesinssyntienof the godlyhurskaiden.
- In this relationship God forgives his peopletheirheidänsinsyntinsä.
- Itwasolitheirheidänsinsyntinsä,that had caused the death of John Parker.
- He said something about repenting foryoursinunsinsyntiesi.
- But by the end of the poem, he has become a character of extra-terrestrial proportions, a romantic sufferer carrying on his shoulders thesinssyntejäof societyyhteiskunnan.
- And thesinssynnitof the fathersisien
- We were born insinsyntisinäas as as David said, and shape in inequity.
- Asinsyntiof omissionLaiminlyönninrather than of commission, quite possibly.
- Thegreatestsuurinsinsyntiin the worldMaailmanis to have sex when you don't want it.
sin.v 🔎
- `Amen, ``said Mother Mary, hopingshehänhadn'tei olisisinnedtehnyt syntiä,by being caught in her private underwearkun hänet yllätettiin käyttämästä omia alusvaatteitaan.
- `BecauseIminäsinnedtein syntiäagainst them bothheitä molempia vastaanall those years agovuosia sitten.
- TheyHehad allolivat kaikkisinnedtehneet syntiäagainst herhäntä vastaan, and in some way rejected her advances.
- Like in confession when I tell Father McCormack thatIminähaveolensinnedtehnyt syntiäin a personal mannerhenkilökohtaisella tavalla-- I don't tell him I'm having it off, do I?
- IMinähaveolensinnedtehnyt syntiämost grievouslyvakavimmalla tavalla. ”
- What counts assinningsynninteoksigreatlysuureksi?
- `She was a screen idol who fell in love,a goddess whojumalatar, jokasinnedteki syntiä, a mother who wouldn't let go.
- HeHänhadolisinnedtehnyt syntiä.
- SheHänhadolisinnedtehnyt syntiäso muchniin paljon, could she ever find salvation?