Later, if
about what these components are and how Microsoft decided which components belong to Internet Explorer
sen suhteen, mitä nämä komponentit ovat ja miten Microsoft päätti, mitkä komponentit kuuluvat Internet Exploreriin , read two key documents, both written by David Cole, the Microsoft vice president in charge of the Internet Client and Collaboration Division.
about what you think
siitä, mitä sinä ajattelet .
there were enlightening things that broke some of my stereotypical thoughts i'm digressing here but uh
when you said Middle East
kun sinä sanoit Lähi-Itä if you didn't mind me asking
It's a lovely 3 km- (2 mile-) stroll down from the Porta Nuova, and is a point of pilgrimage for
to see the wooden crucifix that spoke to a troubled 27-year-old Francis in 1209, telling him to go and repair the world
nähdä puisen krusifiksin, joka puhui huolestuneelle 27-vuotiaalle Francisille vuonna 1209 ja käski hänen mennä korjaamaan maailman .
In 15 or so calls to the Helpdesk, I encountered only
one person
yhden henkilön, who sounded annoyed rather than
(and even, dare I say, gleeful) at the fact I was firing up Linux.
's an at home part-time paralegal so i'm thinking hm and we get along fantastically so i'm thinking you know and that's the way you have to um how was
on kotona osa-aikainen lakinotaari joten luulen hm ja me tulemme toimeen upeasti niin luulen tiedätkö ja se on tapa jolla sinun on hm miten how was the Middle East in terms of that with children
minkälainen Lähi-Itä oli sen suhteen lasten kanssa
yeah not something to be curious about and not something to be totally scared of if it if it's just one more piece of something but but they've got to understand like you said never touch it but yeah
curious yeah not
about and not something to be totally scared of if it if it's just one more piece of something but but they've got to understand like you said never touch it but yeah
would be the the Freons i mean for air conditioning the one i guess that's
is how they're going to replace the Freons in air-conditioning
about technological innovation
tekniikan kehityksestä , Degas may have been excited by the new colors made available by the chemical industry at century's end.
about what was going on
sen suhteen, mitä tapahtui , he said.
did they just have like over a weekend is that how they did it uh-huh well
because my family i didn't sound i don't think my family is as big as your husband's i don't think we'd need a whole church but um
uh it was it was it was interesting but uh
what he has to say now that they've got them all lit
siitä mitä hänellä on sanottavana nyt, kun he ovat saaneet ne kaikki sytytettyä
I wasn't looking forward to the scenes with Joe's wife, Maggie, because the stick-in-the-mud spouse has become such a cliché -- although
to see what the vivid young actress Anne Heche could do with a role in which she didn't have to shed her clothes
näkemään, mitä eloisa nuori näyttelijätär Anne Heche pystyisi tekemään roolissa, jossa hänen ei tarvinnut riisua vaatteitaan .
oh okay all right yeah i i i the reason
um i uh that's the other place i would like to visit uh most
and uh so i'm
'm really quite
olen todella how that would work to have both
miten se toimisi jos olisi molemmat i mean you know and i believe in the in a certain uh Soviet block countries you are are obliged to vote too in fact it was even pretty much spelled out who you did vote for up until fairly recently
what you think of this and perhaps about the broader issues of so much personal information sloshing around about Internet users
mitä mieltä olet tästä ja ehkä laajemmista ongelmista siinä, että niin paljon henkilökohtaisia tietoja on näkyvissä Internetin käyttäjille .
but i mean the people that are
to if the people that are wouldn't you think the people that are breaking in are probably
If the answer to either question is yes, then here we have a case of the cost of parental irresponsibility being doled out to everybody else,
uh strategic assistance from other countries i'll
to see what happens in this elections
näkemään, mitä näissä vaaleissa tapahtuu because it doesn't seem as though that's forth coming right now um
He said the reason for the continued correspondence was that if he stopped writing
He was a party man and he had sort of a florid face and I,
A week later, Dan Rather observed that
Clinton's verbal gymnastics about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky (``It depends upon what the meaning of the word' is' is
Clintonin verbaaliakrobatia hänen suhteestaan Monica Lewinskyyn ('se riippuu siitä, mikä sanan 'on' merkitys on ) had made
of how Clinton was ``parsing his words about Kosovo
sen suhteen, miten Clinton 'jäsenteli' sanojaan Kosovosta .
Arvosanojen antajat that students were sharing answers via e-mail and using the World Wide Web to search for information
opiskelijoiden jakavan vastauksia sähköpostilla ja etsivän tietoa verkosta when they noticed similarities in the students' work -- some to the point of being identical.
about Furbys
Furbyjen suhteen when I read their online instructions, which sounded like an excerpt from a pornographic version of G.B.
when cranking up the system
tutkiessani järjestelmää : in the descriptive text that appears on the screen, the word labeled is spelt ``labelled -- decidedly unAmerican.
when cranking up the system
tutkiessani järjestelmää : in the descriptive text that appears on the screen, the word labeled is spelt ``labelled — decidedly un-American.
the ingestion of too much corporate PR
liiallisen yritys-PR:n nieleminen has made
are said
of the refusal of the girl's parents to be interviewed separately by police
siitä, että tyttöjen vanhemmat ovat kieltäytyneet menemästä erikseen poliisin haastateltaviksi .
The piece finds
the Supreme Court justice
korkeimman oikeuden tuomarin bitter at his lot and
of the white world
valkoista maailmaa kohtaan .
of the entire transaction
koko tapahtumaa kohtaan , the administrator distanced himself from Hazmi and Mihdhar, but not before they had received the assistance they needed.
Kovan linjan kannattajat ,
jotka ovat epäluuloisia of U.S. ideological influence
USA:n ideologisia vaikutteita kohtaan , asserted themselves in March 1996, when missile tests in the Straits of Taiwan were timed to intimidate Taiwan's politicians and electorate as the country held its first direct elections to the presidency.
And I only praised Giuliani's press strategy for instilling the kind of staff loyalty that Al Gore so desperately needs; I duly noted that
and vituperative.
Kutchins and Kirk like to refer to the DSM as ``psychiatry's bible, implying that
inspires reverence and is in need of
, but the DSM is better described as psychiatry's dictionary.
since she began to show signs of what he was convinced was a male mind.