TransFrameNet:Mental property
absent-minded.a 🔎
- HeHänhad beenoli ollutsoniinabsent-mindedhajamielinenof late, so preoccupied with his work, his writing, the morality of being an expert witness.
- All thoseabsent-mindedhajamielisetold peoplevanhat ihmiset.
- However, she was pleased that Liz's husband, Owen Wyndham -- despite being a perfect example of anabsent-mindedhajamielisestäprofessorprofessorista-- had obviously realised his wife needed a short holiday.
- The students at Cuddesdon still foundhimhänetvery odd, and very unpractical, andverytodellaabsent-mindedhajamielisenä, and much given to muttering to himself.
- If the accused leaves without paying becausehehänisonabsent-mindedhajamielinen, he is not liable, and remains not guilty even though he discovers his mistake afterwards.
absurd.a 🔎
- No objection had been raised at the time, he said, and `it isabsurdabsurdia,that they should start to quibble a week later and try to reopen the issueettä heidän pitäisi alkaa saivarrella viikkoa myöhemmin ja yrittää avata asian uudelleen``.
- It feltabsurdabsurdilta,that we should be indoors poring over papersettä meidän pitäisi olla sisällä tutkimassa papereitawhen we might have been out there, basking in dappled sunlight, bathing in the lake.
- `Look, it'sonabsurdabsurdiato stand here bandying wordsseisoa täällä levitellen sanoja.
- “ Andhowmitenabsurdabsurdiato think that there's any need for all this cloak and dagger stuffajatella, että tälle kaikelle salamyhkäisyydelle olisi tarvetta…
- THERE is stillsomethingjotainslightlymelkoabsurdabsurdiaabout the notion that 4,812,000 people cast their votes for Mr Dan Duffysiinä huomiossa, että 4 812 000 ihmistä antoi äänensä herra Dan Duffylle.
- Itwould beolisiabsurdabsurdiafor EliotEliotiltato advocate that head-hunting would reinvigorate British societykannattaa sitä, että kykyjenetsintä elvyttäisi Britannian yhteiskunnan uudelleen, just as it is absurdly funny to listen to the description of Sweeney's `missionary stew ``.
- Since the end of Athens' archaic war with Eleusis itwould have beenolisi ollutabsurdabsurdiafor any deme of Atticamille tahansa Attikan deemilleto think of rivalling Athenskuvitella taistelevansa ateenalaisia vastaan.
- Butwould it beolisiko sesoniinabsurdabsurdiafor those who sought refuge in tranquilisers or pep pillsniille, jotka hakevat turvapaikkaa rauhoittavista tai piristeistäto try instead a course of Beethoven, Mozart or Chopinyrittää sen sijaan Beethovenia, Mozartia tai Chopinia?
- Trouserless menHousuttomat miehetlookedabsurdabsurdeiltain sockssukissa.
- The labels also tell us that the United States courts seenothingei mitäänabsurdabsurdiain admitting the multiplicity of meanings that a statutory term can have, nor in accepting that the agency's choice as to the precise meaning should governmyöntäessään, että lakisääteisellä termillä voi olla useita merkityksiä, eikä sen hyväksymisessä, että edustajan valitsema tarkka merkitys olisi hallitseva.
- But it should be possible to create and enforce enough common rules to prevent theabsurdabsurdinsee-sawing of industrial relations legislation we have seen since 1969teollisuussuhteiden lainsäädännön heilahtelun, jota olemme nähneet vuodesta 1969 saakka.
- An ancient actor, with anabsurdabsurdiway of talkingtapa puhua, taught elocution to the future preachers.
- `ThatSe'sonabsurdabsurdia! ``said Mrs Lomax.
- `YouSinä'reoletabsurdabsurdi!
- ``Don't beÄlä olesoniinabsurdabsurdi.
- TheyHeseemedvaikuttivatfaintlyhiukanabsurdabsurdeilta.
- Indeed itwould beolisiquitemelkoabsurdabsurdia,if companies can not correct any mistake if all interested parties agreejos yritykset eivät saa korjata virheitä kaikkien osallisten hyväksyessä sen.
- `It was an outlandish,absurdabsurdiand unbelievablethingasiafor an intelligent young manälykkään nuoren miehento do, ``he added.
absurdity.n 🔎
- That time lag is a feature that bedevils the software industry and led to theabsurdityabsurdiuteen,that the first generation 32-bit chip, the 80386, had been superseded and obsoleted by the 80486 before there was a 32-bit desktop operating system available for the processorettä ensimmäisen sukupolven 32-bittisen sirun, 80386:n, oli korvannut ja vanhentanut 80486 ennen kuin prosessorille oli saatavana 32-bittistä pöytäkoneen käyttöjärjestelmää.
- I smiled to myself at theabsurdityjärjettömyydelleof itsen.
- One has only to mouth that thought to recogniseitssenabsurditymielettömyyden.
- But Great-Aunt Alicia had always been famous forher<empty>absurditiesjärjettömyyksistään.
- That makes readers naturally conservative, sometimes to the point ofabsurditymielettömyyteen.
astute.a 🔎
- BarleyBarleyisonmuch tooaivan liianastutetaitavato state this baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.
- No doubtall judgeskaikki tuomaritwill beovatastutetaitaviato ensure that counsel does not in any way impugn or criticise the minister's statements or his reasoningvarmistamaan, että oikeusavustaja ei millään tavalla kyseenalaista tai kritisoi ministerin lausuntoja tai hänen perustelujaan.
- Mrs Thatcher may feel itwould beolisipoliticallypoliittisestiastutetaitavaato take a lead in getting a convention under waysiirtyä johtoon puoluekokousta ennen.
- SheHänelläalways had an eye for a bargain andwashän oliverytodellaastutetaitavain her shoppingshoppailussaan.
- WomenNaisethave provedto beolevansaastutetaitaviain businessliiketoimissaan.
- `VeryErittäinastutetaitavaaof yousinulta, ``the Doctor said approvingly.
- `Howverytodellaastuteneuvokastaof yousinulta, Luke, ``she remarked.
- VeryErittäinastutetaitavaaof yousinultato notice thathuomata se.
- YouSinäbecometuletastutetaitavaksiat picking up the vibeshuomaamaan tunnelmia.
- Kylie'sastutetaitavaaccountant fatherkirjapitäjäisähad been particularly impressed by Blamey's management of stars like Mark `Jacko ``Jackson.
- More important from the governmental viewpoint was thathehänwas extremely active and intelligent, a good speaker and a skilled,astutetaitavanegotiatorneuvottelija.
- Thanks toastutetaitavienadviceneuvojenfrom his business manager, apart from $4500 a week and ten per cent of the gross box-office receipts, Dustin also received half of the profits from every souvenir programme sold.
- Thisastutetaitavamoveliikeby Sony looks like capturing the attractive, generic `electronic book ``name for the benefit of their own platform.
- It is quite clear from studies of aboriginal peoples elsewhere thattheyhecould beastutetaitaviatraders and politicianskauppiaita ja poliitikkoja, using the European newcomers for their own ends as much as they were being used.
- WilsonWilson, who was still in his early thirties, was anastutetaitavatrainertreenaajawho sparred with his boxers.
- Trevor Anderson has proved what anastutetaitavamanagermanagerican do with an average squad, imagination -- and money.
- `Then he's anastutetaitavamanmiesindeed, ``he said solemnly.
- `That's asurprisinglyyllättävänastutetaitavaremarkhuomio.
- It also provided anastutetaitavananalysisanalyysin:
- Reynard LennonReynard Lennonwasoliastutetaitava, analytical, an expert in self-preservation, and very, very polite.
- HeHänis notei olefinanciallytaloudellisestiastutetaitava.
- He is loathed by some, more traditionally minded officers forhishänenastutetaitavuudestaanand readyuse of publicityjulkisuuden käytöstä.
astuteness.n 🔎
- Kate couldn't stop her face from flaming at theastutenessneuvokkuudelleof his answerhänen vastauksensa, and sought to cover up her confusion in attacking him again.
- Leith only just managed to stop her jaw from dropping at theastutenessneuvokkuudestaof the manmiehenwhen he continued, `Having left Ardis and applied for a job here, you then made a conscious decision to dress down your looks and conceal your figure, though not because of any sexual hang-up?
- First, he comments on theking'skuninkaanastutenessneuvokkuuttain seeing through the arguments of the hereticstämän nähtyä harhaoppisten mielipiteiden läpi, though he implies that for some while Clovis had been persuaded by them.
- HisHänenpoliticalpoliittinenastutenessneuvokkuutensameans he has no sentimentality about ditching unpopular and unworkable policies bequeathed to him.
- `Withpsychologicalpsykologisellaastutenessneuvokkuudella, the Dadaists spoke of energy and will and assured the world that they had amazing plans.
brainless.a 🔎
- Still, a certain chiaroscuro grimness attached to their surreal exchange and cries out for somebrainlessjärjetöntä, comicinterventionväliintuloa.
- `You sound as if you have turned into abrainlessaivottomaksininnytyperykseksi, like the rest of them, ``Catherine said crossly.
- Fashion -- one sillybrainlessaivotonbitchnarttutrying to outdo the others because she's bored out of her tiny mind and isn't interested in anything other than the way she looks.
- He was the ideal caricature used bybrainlessvähäjärkiset,anti-semitic writers of fictionantisemitistiset fiktion kirjoittajat,who were conceived in sewers.
- AnotherbrainlessaivotonMickMick… ”
- `Merebrainlessaivotontachatterjaarittelua!
- Every year when the mares come to stud, there are always a few who we initially think are quite sensible and intelligent but who then surprise us by behaving as iftheyheareolisivattotallytäysinbrainlessaivottomia!
- He had the body of an athlete, every sinew honed down to perfection, buthehänwasn'tei ollutbrainlessaivoton.
brilliance.n 🔎
- To some extent the verybrillianceloistokasof the court lifehovielämäled by the sovereigns and its impact on public opinion was their undoing for the fête impériale is indelibly associated with them.
- Superb courage and unlimited patience supported an altogether exceptional political intelligence, and in both speech and writing he could express his beliefs with all thebrilliancenerokkuudellaof a highly original mindalkuperäisen mielen…
- I was struck more and more by the fact that there are comparable celebrations ofhumaninhimillisestäbrilliancenerokkuudestain the most deprived places.
- Aren't you just bowled over withmyminunbrilliancenerokkuudestani?
- HisHänenbrillianceetevyytensäas a tax consultantverokonsulttinawas matched by his remarkable skill in historical analysis, and experts in the one field were often unaware of his achievements in the other.
- We agents, however, must represent anything with the air of a cock-up only as an opportunity to demonstrate thePartei'sParteinbrillianceetevyyttäin extricating itself from itlöytäessään tien pois siitä.
brilliant.a 🔎
- `It'sonbrilliantnerokastato get things out in the opensaada asiat päivänvaloon.
- SheHäntäwas respected by everyone she worked with andwashän olibrilliantloistavaat the jobtyössä.
- Playing the piano is something I love andIminäwantto beollabrilliantlahjakasat itsiinä.
- SheHänwasolibrilliantlahjakasin courtoikeudessa.
- `Bloody good,thatse'sonbrilliantnerokastaof RupertRupertilta.
- Someone whoJoku, joka'sonbrilliantnerokason the cinema screenelokuvaruudullaisn't necessarily a good talk show guest.
- Having a fat youth in your crew, whose shoulders were way above his head andwhojokawasolibrilliantlahjakasat bristlingintoilemisessa.
- The fruit of somebrilliantloistavanopening analysisavausanalyysin.
- AbrilliantLoistavan30-metre solo try by Allan Bateman30 metrin sooloyritys Allan Batemaniltaand two tries from John Devereux and Rob Ackerman saw Wales roar into an 18-4 lead.
- They forget that Picasso was abrilliantnerokasdraughtsman, composer, colouristpiirtäjä, säveltäjä, värittäjä.
- After being tripped by Terry Hurlock, Andy Sinton got up to curl abrilliantnerokkaan25-yard free kick25 jaardin vapaapotkunround the wall.
- Scientists and science educators might do well to worry about the attractiveness of computers and the sense of power they unlock forbrilliantnerokkailleyoung peoplenuorille ihmisilletoday.
- HeHänenhadto beoltavabrilliantnerokas, she thought, to be so well up in his profession at his age.
- In the pairs Ronnie Oliver and Ian McClure had a 21-14 win over Emmet Downey and Gary Rutledge in a match which saw thebrilliantnerokkaanMcClureMcClurenon the top of his form.
broad-minded.a 🔎
- Today his seducer was a respected Tory backbencher while Henry -- in this as in all other matters of pleasure, abroad-mindedsuvaitsevainenmanmies-- had retained a part-time interest in members of his own sex.
- Their narrow perspective alienates them frombroad-mindedsuvaitsevaisistapeopleihmisistä,who value the business in broader terms, who value certain immeasurable bit critical factors such as morale, expertise and goodwill.
- `No more do I, ``said Harry, surprised byMadeleine'sMadeleinenbroad-mindedsuvaitsevaisestaapproach to the circumstances of his birthsuhtautumisesta hänen syntymäolosuhteisiinsa.
- But, there again,actressesnäyttelijättärienwere knownto beolevanbroad-mindedennakkoluulottomia.
- I like to thinkIminäamolenbroad-mindedennakkoluuloton, but the language my father used was beyond the pale, and all because he couldn't have a shave!
- The BBC's own survey of public opinion also indicated thatsuch listenerssellaiset kuuntelijatprovedto beolevanmore<empty>broad-mindedennakkoluulottomampiaand imaginativethan their masters thought likelykuin heidän esimiehensä pitivät todennäköisenä.
- `HeHänwas single-minded, butbroad-mindedennakkoluulotontoo -- open to other disciplines.
- Teddy disassociates himself from her and eats lots of broccoli almost with his mouth open, just to showhowmitenbroad-mindedsuvaitsevainenhehänis.
- In thisTässä asiassa,continental European researchersmannereurooppalaiset tutkijathave generally beenovat yleensä olleetmore<empty>broad-mindedennakkoluulottomampiathan those in Britain, and it seems to me a view that should be adopted more widely.
bull-headed.a 🔎
- Nevertheless the chaos which resulted in our schools (a result ofbull-headeditsepäisenintransigence on both sidesmyöntymättömyyden vuoksi molemmilla puolilla) did not suggest professionalism either from politicians or teachers.
- `In other words, you don't want me to behave inmyminunusualbull-headeditsepäisellämannertavallani.
- The boyPoikamay have soundedbull-headeditsepäiseltäand arrogant to you, but he knew something more.
- She already knewhow verykuinkabull-headeditsepäinenhehäncould be when he was going after something he wanted.
canny.a 🔎
- Howcannykieroaof herhäneltäto have chosen a new sweater with a roll neckvalita uusi neule, jossa on poolokaulus.
- IMinunwill haveto beoltavaa bithiemancannykierowith himhänen kanssaanas I don't expect he will be very well handicapped.
- WomenNaisten, I think, haveto beoltavacannykierojain creating these opportunities for themselvesluodakseen näitä mahdollisuuksia itselleen, since they do not, on the whole, lead such compartmentalized lives as men, with separate times for `work ``and `play.
- CannyKieroScotScotthat he is, he guessed what was happening, followed them out of the shop and offered them a tenner for the amp.
- Hiscannykierobank manager approachpankinjohtajan lähestymistapansaprobably means he will hasten slowly but prepare for some stand-offs with his civil servants and possibly with the chairman of British Rail too.
- Opting for a diesel car can be acannytaitavamoveliike,if your annual mileage is around 10,000 a year or more.
- She was absolutely convinced that what she liked other people wanted too; acannytaitavainstinctvaisto,which she used always as her guiding principle and from which no one could shake her.
- THIS group of youngsters from Durham Sixth Form Centre showed themselvesto beolevancannytaitaviaconsumerskuluttajiawhen they won the county heat of a national competition this week.
- SheHänisoncannytaitavaand determined, and her talent is so special that she could be running her workshop from an oil rig in the North Sea -- people would buy her work just the same.
- As with most herbs, it was used bycannytaitavatand resourcefulRomans and Greeksroomalaiset ja kreikkalaisetfor medicinal and culinary purposes.
- The reeve of Ullesthorpe was acannytaitavaforty-five year oldneljäkymmentäviisivuotias, wiry and spry, and adroit at defending not only himself and his position, but the interests of his village.
careless.a 🔎
- He said, `Itwasolicarelesshuolimatontaof meminultato leave that one in the recorderjättää se soittimeen.
- SomeoneJokuwasolisingularlytavattomancarelesshuolimatonto allow him to walk out of that hospital in Hollandantaessaan hänen poistua sairaalasta Hollannissa.
- SheHänisoncarelesshuolimatonabout her possessionsomaisuutensa suhteen, even though she enjoys them -- the houses, the cars, the money.
- This is a dangerous time to be slipshod orcarelesshuolimatonabout anythingminkään suhteen, for your mistakes will be ruthlessly and embarrassingly exposed.
- SheHänwasolia bithiemancarelesshuolimatonat adding dropslisätessään tippoja-- a kind of baker's dozen approach-but she knew the answer would be salt and she identified the right one.
- A badly constructed letterHuonosti laadittu kirje, crude in style, vague in wording andcarelesshuolimatonin grammarkieliopissaan, will create an unfavourable impression, whereas a well framed letter, clear and concise in wording, indicates efficiency.
- `My, my,thatsewasolicarelesshuolimatontaof yousinulta.
- `Itwasoliverytodellacarelesspiittaamatontaof your brother-in-lawlangoltasito leave that brochure lying aboutjättää se esite lojumaan.
- For a bankerhehänwasoliprettymelkocarelesspiittaamatonwith moneyrahasta!
- YouSinä'reoletcarelesspiittaamatonwith what you saysiitä, mitä sanot, you are careless with your possessions, and you are careless with your … no, no, about your best interests.
- There have been lots of accusations about howparty headquarterspuolueen päämajahas beenon ollutverytodellacarelesspiittaamatonin allowing damaging material to leak out in recent monthsantaessaan vahingoittavien materiaalien vuotaa viime kuukausina.
- The court held that this did not show an absence of negligence sincesomeonejonkunmust have beenon täytynyt ollacarelesspiittaamatonin not following the proper systemjättäessään noudattamatta asianmukaista järjestelmää.
- He has had three previous bans this season, two forcarelesshuolimattomastaridingajamisestaand one for improper riding, and has now lost 18 days through suspension.
- AcarelessAjattelematonacttekocarrying foreseeable risk of harm to another is not, of itself, a breach of duty owed under the law of negligence.
- It might be very important, for example, that it be settled, and settled decisively, whether and whencarelessajattelemattomatdriverskuljettajatare liable for emotional injury to people other than their immediate victims.
- But amazinglywemeare just asolemme aivan yhtäcarelessajattelemattomiawhen it comes to bank notessetelien suhteen.
carelessness.n 🔎
- Anthony would probably move on sooner or later; his bosses, two Anglo-Italian academics, had already warned him about thecarelessnesshuolimattomuudestaof his worktyönsä.
- How wide the sphere of the duty of care in negligence is to be laid depends ultimately on the court's assessment of the demands of society for protection from thecarelessnesshuolimattomuudeltaof othersmuiden.
- Central to this is, of course, the realisation that most cases of food poisoning result fromcarelessnesshuolimattomuudestaby food handlersruoankäsittelijöiden-- hence the emphasis now on training.
- The seventeenth-century poet Robert Herrick thought that a littlecarelessnessrentousin appearanceulkonäössäwas actually very exciting:
- The way to convince this Matron of my mother's extreme need of a hospital bed is not through any show ofcarelessnesspiittaamattomuudestaon my partminun puoleltani.
- Whatever Romania's military aspirations, Bucharest certainly has a record ofcarelessnesspiittaamattomuudestawith nuclear materialsydinmateriaalien kanssa.
- People lose money from pockets, purses, wallets and handbags in such large amounts thattheirheidäncarelessnesshuolimattomuudellaanwith coinskolikoiden suhteenactually has an effect on the profitability of the Royal Mint.
- He sat, petrified, the implications ofhishänencarelessnesshuolimattomuudestaanseeping into his brain.
- Vaisey J went on to say that the employers had shown ``theutmostäärimmäistäcarelessnesspiittaamattomuuttain allowing this defendant to get knowledge of what they knewantaessaan vastaajan saada tietoonsa tietämiään asioitawas a very valuable secret …
- CarelessnessPiittaamattomuuscould be dangerous.
crafty.a 🔎
- HeHänis alsoon myössuperblyerinomaisencraftyovelain the bookin inserting, so gently that the recipient wouldn't even notice, the odd barblisätessään, niin varovasti, että vastaanottaja tuskin huomaa sitä, oudon ivallisuuden.
- LORD Hanson, thecraftyoveladeal-makersopimuksentekijä,who three months ago clinched Britain's biggest takeover bid by paying £3.3billion for Consolidated Gold Fields, yesterday confounded the City with the £420million sale of a US offshoot.
- He was acraftyovelabusiness manliikemies
- `I don't know whetheryousinä're being considerate,craftyovela, or just plain calculating.
- `ThatSewasolicraftyovelaa, ``I remark.
- He saw howcraftyjuonikastheir questionheidän kysymyksensäwas, and said, `Why are you trying to catch me out?
- We could see right through yourcraftyviekkaanbut loosePropagandapropagandasi.
- Buthehänwasolicraftyviekasand buried his chin in my shoulder.
crazy.a 🔎
- As Lesley Bell, director of Joint Initiative for Community Care, says: `Itisonabsolutelytäysincrazyhullua,that anyone can set up a home care agency with no form of regulation whatsoeverettä kukaan voi perustaa kotihoitotoimiston ilman minkäänlaista lainsäädäntöä.
- “ It'soncrazyhullua,that he even refused to use my blend when he must have known it was working wellettä hän jopa kieltäytyi käyttämästä sekoitustani, vaikka hänen on täytynyt tietää sen toimivan hyvin… ”
- Itwould beolisicrazyhulluato leave it emptyjättää se tyhjäksi, and I don't think I could bring myself to sell my old family home.
- `Itisonabsolutelytäysincrazyhullua,to have 9,000 tonnes of limestone a week going by road when the Government is offering grants to try to ensure that freight is carried by railettä 9 000 tonnia kalkkikiveä kuljetetaan viikottain teitse, kun hallitus tarjoaa tukia yrittääkseen varmistaa, että rahti kuljetetaan rautatiellä.
- Itmight seemvoi vaikuttaaa littlehiukancrazyhullultato move house rather than decorate the kitchensiirtää taloa eikä koristella keittiötä, and then finish up taking on an almost derelict house instead.
- YouSinä'd beolisitcrazyhullu,to sell todayjos myisit tänään.
- Consultant anaesthetist Dr Mike Jordan, who has been on the planning team for nine years, adds: `Itwould beolisicrazyhullua,for it not to be usedjos sitä ei käytettäisi.
- And they'd go on for many years with incredible perseverance, believing when they had no reason to believe, when itwasolicrazyhulluafor themheiltäto believeuskoa.
- Darlington MP Michael Fallon said itwasolicrazyhullua,for the brochure to encourage people to stay so far from the townettä esite rohkaisi ihmisiä pysymään niin kaukana kaupungista.
- He remembered Katherine's admonition about Berlin being like a cage, and howanimalseläimetoften gocrazyhulluiksiin captivity.
- PSYouSinä're definitelyolet ehdottomasticrazyhullufor giving everyone TWO Megatapesantaessasi kaikille KAKSI Megatapea.
- Tock was striking at the cogs at the top of the pole, banging the machinery and shouting at it like acrazyhulluold manvanha mies.
- THE St Patrick's Night Ball in Queen's Students' Union promises to be one of thecraziesthulluimmistaeventstapahtumistastaged all year.
- What acrazyhulluideaidea, picnicking up a mountain at this time of year.
- I've tried to tell him that the last thing Project Eden needs isan Administrator whohallintohenkilö, joka'soncrazyhulluas a dakkabugkuin dakkabug, but will he listen to me?
cunning.a 🔎
- YouSinunshould be as devious andcunningovelaabout thistämän suhteenas the book is itself.
- Take a couple of instances fromAgatha ChristieAgatha Christieltä,whojokawasolimarvellouslymahtavancunningovelawith itsen suhteen.
- You were full of fire oh, maybeyousinäwereolitcunningovelawith itsen suhteentoo!
- As I became more withdrawn, soIminustabecame more secretive and morecunningovelampiin finding ways of being alonelöytämään tapoja olla yksin.
- This almost utopian-sounding conclusion -- that niceness and forgivingness pay -- came as a surprise tomany of the expertsmonille asiantuntijoille,whojotkahad triedto beollatooliiancunningoveliaby submitting subtly nasty strategies; while even those who had submitted nice strategies had not dared anything so forgiving as Tit for Two Tats.
- The young woman in question, a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna, had inflamed me withcunningkavalillacaresseshyväilyillä.
- He said that in fact the gulden was very healthy, that nocunningkavalaaploy against Polish businessjuonta Puolan liiketoimintaa vastaanhad been intended, and that everything would be well again within two months.
- ButheretässäMicrosoftMicrosofthas beenon ollutcunningovela.
- HeHänwas fickle and false, clever andcunningovela, and was usually symbolised by the tricksy flame of a forest fire, a classical emblem of wanton destruction.
- Certainlythe scheme you've worked outlaatimasi suunnitelmaisonverytodellacunningovela.
- `I've told you; he's crazy buthehän'sonverytodellacunningovela.
curious.a 🔎
- Mostly I am concerned that my nieces' reputations will suffer when they return home to the inevitable questions fromcuriousuteliailtafriendsihmisiltä.
- Many dispute the modern scientific tests that have proven it to be a medieval fabrication, and crowds of faithful andmerelypelkästääncuriousuteliaitastill visit its black marble chapelkäydäkseen sen mustassa marmorikappelissa, a masterpiece of Guarini's High Baroque, with its cone-shaped, six-tiered dome formed by a web of intersecting arches that rise to a 12-pointed star.
cynical.a 🔎
- Itmay bevoi ollaoverlyliiancynicalkyynistäto suggest two thingsehdottaa kahta asiaa.
- `All one to me, ``he said, and Mother Mary thought his smile hadsomethingjotaincynicalkyynistäabout it.
- Life in Paradise Street had madeherhänetcynicalkyyniseksiabout police workpoliisityön suhteen.
- Outside the Kremlin he was mobbed by supporters, formanymonille, disillusioned with the system,cynicalkyynisiäabout Gorbachov's intentions, Yeltsin is their last hope for real political change.
- The ruling classJohtava luokka, by contrast, was ruthless andcynicalkyyninenin its resort to violenceturvautuessaan väkivaltaan.
- AmIminägrowingcynicalkyyniseksiin my old age?
- Forgivememinulleforbeing a littleolen hiukancynicalkyyninenof thatsen suhteen.
- A lot of reports saidwemewere very negative andcynicalkyynisiäagainst the scumroskaväkeä kohtaan.
- It's just acynicalkyyninenpublicity campaignjulkisuuskampanjato promote himself and sell more copies of the video.
- We believe it would be acynicalkyynineninterpretation of sustainable developmenttulkinta kestävästä kehityksestäto pass it on to future generations to solve.
- Is my right hon. Friend at all surprised that the local health authority wants nothing to do with that document because it is pure Labour party propaganda and acynicalkyyninenmanipulation of the elderly and the frailvanhusten ja heikkojen manipulaatio?
- This is a clear indication of the effectiveness of thecynicalkyynisestäpropaganda used by political and military leaderspropagandasta, jota poliittiset ja sotilaalliset johtajat käyttivät.
- ThecynicalKyyninenreaderlukijawill suggest that these tactics are not peculiar to developing countries.
- AmIminäbeing<empty>undulyliiancynicalkyyninen?
- SarinSarinis bothon sekäcynicalkyyninenand shrewd.
- `The rest of the field couldn't compete, and it didn't occur to us thatMacQuillanMacQuillanwasoliutterlyäärimmäisencynicalkyyninenand making pledges he meant to disregard, ``he said.
daft.a 🔎
- `But in reality itisondafthölmöäto talk in terms of the title yetpuhua otsikosta vielä.
- `All the same, itseemsvaikuttaaa bithiemandafthölmöltä,to have the whole family going demented because she's lost a little rabbit that isn't even realettä koko perhe tulee hulluksi, koska hän on kadottanut pienen jänikset, joka ei edes ole todellinen.
- She was not responsible for him andhehänwasolidafthölmöto allow it to become so badantaessaan sen mennä niin pahaksi.
- It'sondafthölmöäfor you to get a stiff neck on the sofa when there's room in my bedsinulta saada jäykkä niska sohvalla, kun minun sängyssäni on tilaa.
- SheHänmight have beenon ehkä ollutdafthölmöin some waysjoillakin tavoilla, but she knew what was in and what was out, did Mary M. She knew the right clubs to go to.
- Itwasolidafthölmöäof their business partnerheidän liikekumppaniltaanto say every Kray fan will want the gamesanoa, että jokainen Kray-fani haluaa peliäand even more incredible for him to add: `Neither Reg or Ron would ever condone crime.
- HOWDAFTHÖLMÖÄof ManchesterManchesteriltato bid to host the Olympic Games in the year 2000haluta isännöidä vuoden 2000 olympialaisia.
- `DaftHölmöäof meminulta,not to be able to remember who the girl wasetten pysty muistamaan, kuka tyttö oli, ``he said, `but I tell you what I do remember.
- It rises with the tide, onlyno onekukaan ei'solesoniindafthölmö,as to stay and see how highettä jäisi katsomaan, miten korkealle.
- Less likeable is a thoroughlydafthölmöidea by Rochdale Council to purchase compulsorily weavers' cottages in Clegg, Lancashireidea Rochdalen valtuustolta ostaa pakollisia kutojan mökkejä Lancashiren Cleggissä.
- Must say I've hearddafterhölmömpiäkinideasideoita, luv, but not lately.
- It was a pogrom against New York Jews, said Mr Giuliani -- adafthölmöremarkhuomautus,that simply suited his purposes by provoking another row over what really happened.
- It's the hangover from twenty-four hours ofdafthölmöstäbehaviourkäytöksestä.
- ThatSeseemed to meto beolevandafthölmöä, bordering on snobbery.
- The lad has learned a harsh lesson for doingsomethingjotaindafthölmöä, but this type of injury could happen to any player at any time in training.
- YouSinun'd haveto beolladafthölmö,not to want to give it a gokun et antanut sille mahdollisuutta.
- All the pick-ups you've mentionedKaikki mainitsemasi pokatareovatdafttyhmiäas a brushkuin saapas.
- HowMitendafthölmöcanyousinustaget?
diligent.a 🔎
- Itisonuncharacteristicallyepätyypillisendiligenthuolellistaof a ministerministeriltäto seek precisely to understand what money spent will accomplishetsiä tarkasti ymmärtääkseen, mitä käytetyillä rahoilla saadaan.
- Not having done very well at school (not even allowed to sit the Oxbridge exams),shehänhad nevertheless beenoli kuitenkin ollutdiligentahkeraabout her piano lessonspianotunneillaan, and was in fact quite good on the instrument.
- It is the Holy Bible and if you will turn to Proverbs 22:29 the following quotation will be found: `Seest thoua manmiehen, joka ondiligenthuolellinenin his businessliiketoimissaan?
- Although she knew the answers to those questions before she asked them:hehänwas, always had been, less thandiligenthuolellinenin the matter of communicationviestintäasioissa.
- The VendorMyyjänshould betulisi olladiligenthuolellinenin their disclosurespaljastuksissaan.
- Through hisdiligenthuolellistendirectionohjeidensaa collector was found, transport organised and distribution arranged amongst those in this country best fitted to propagate and redistribute these rarities from the West.
- Romney Marsh, which lacks a central inaccessible fastness, is crossed by a maze of switchback lanes which seem determined to throw off even the mostdiligenthuolellisimmankinmap-readerkartanlukijan.
- Theirdiligenthuolellinenenforcement of the Government's industrial lawstoimeenpanonsa hallituksen teollisuuslaeillehas helped to transform the role of the trade unions; their role as guarantors of public order has led them into bitter conflict with pickets and demonstrators.
- Past experience has shown, on more than one occasion, that the adequate functioning of a modern `high-bay ``warehouse depends upon the correct implementation anddiligenthuolellisestaapplication of a highly disciplined systems approacherittäin kurinalaisten järjestelmälähetysmistapojen käyttämisestä.
- He was educated at local schools and at the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, where he was adiligentahkerastudentoppilasin drawing and mathematicspiirustuksessa ja matematiikassa.
- Any one of them might have been used for an unlawful occasion, but, if so, the mostdiligenttarkimmatkininquirieskyselytfailed to bring it to light.
- Girls write morediligenthuolellisempiaessaysesseitä.
- Nevertheless, despite the above positive features of assessment and certification, there may be some well-motivated anddiligentahkeriapupilsoppilaitawho still fail to achieve all the learning outcomes.
- After four hours ofdiligentahkeransearchingetsinnän, he found a small parcel which looked rather like a discarded packet of sandwiches.
- HeHänwas shrewd,diligentahkera, methodical, and impartial.
- Almost apologetically, Mr Coughlin conceded that `BritainBritanniaalsohas beenon ollutlessvähemmändiligenthuolellinenthan some of its neighbourskuin jotkut sen naapuritin setting out a timetable for reducing nitrate in watermäärittäessään aikataulua nitraattien vähentämiselle vedestä``.
- As a pastorPastorinahehänwasolidiligentahkeraand although iconoclastic, he defended the clergy against outside attack.
dim-witted.a 🔎
- Ten years after the death of Jean de Florette his 18-year-old daughter Manon still haunts the hills overlooking the farm stolen from her father the canny Soubeyran (Montand) and hisdim-wittedhölmöltänephewveljenpojaltaanUgolin (Auteuil).
- Mildred, however, had been given arathermelkodim-wittedhölmötabbykissa,because there hadn't been quite enough black ones to go round.
- Because the machine's speed is reliant upon the whim of its ratherdim-wittedääliömäisestäcrewmiehistöstä, the player has little control over its speed at all.
- Do you know that it took all my self-control not to throttle thatdim-wittedääliömäistäboypoikaa?
dim.a 🔎
- `Oh, indeed I did, ``he said brightly, as though he merely indulged arathermelkodimheikonchild'slapsencuriosityuteliaisuuden.
- Further, adimheikoncounsellorasianajajanis easily outwitted by the ``cunning, baffling and powerful addictive disease, as described in the ``Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- He felt at bay, like averyerittäindimheikkoministerministerifacing a hostile House.
- was divided between his brother, arathermelkodimyksinkertaisenstockbrokerpörssimeklarin, and Charles.
- For someone who appeared so gleefully wicked and amoral,CleoCleoseemedvaikuttisurprisinglyyllättävändimyksinkertaiselta,when it came to character judgmentmitä tuli hahmojen arviointiin.
- `Robin-AnneRobin-Anne's notei oledimheikko, ``I said.
- `I expect you thinkIminä'molenawfullykamalandimheikko. `
discerning.a 🔎
- Increased awareness of `green ``issues, together with fierce competition, meansconsumerskuluttajatareovatmore<empty>discerningtarkempiaabout the environmental impact of the products they buyostamiensa tuotteiden ympäristövaikutuksista.
- AIthough the three theories are engaged in a debate over the role of services in the economy and whether or not this represents the arrival of post-industrialism,theyheareovatdiscerningtarkempiain their use of evidence and the points on which they engage one anotherkäyttäessään todistusaineistoa ja kohdissa, joissa ne kiinnittyvät toisiinsa.
- TheyHeistämerelybecametuleemore<empty>discerningtarkempiain the façade they showed to the publicyleisölle näyttämänsä julkisivun suhteen.
- Viola's right leg (stockinged) and a frizz of her pubic hair next to his would show thediscerningtarkkanäköiselleviewerkatselijalle,what was going on.
- ThediscerningTarkkanäköinenreaderlukijawill have noticed a distinct lack of mention of the planets among his predecessors; they were lost amidst the mass of the stars.
- Wallis was also adiscerningtarkkanäköinencollectorkeräilijä.
- Formentera is a haven for the morediscerningtarkkanäköisemmälletouristmatkailijalle,who wants sun and sea in a tranquil setting.
- Sadly,shehänenwould haveto beollaveryerittäindiscerningtarkka.
- prepare detailed specifications of plant items and thereby become adiscerningtarkkanäköinenand knowledgeablepurchaser of equipment and serviceslaitteiden ja palveluiden ostaja;
discernment.n 🔎
- `Invention is a `quick and sagacious penetration into the true essence of all the objects of our contemplation ``, and `Judgmentis `theondiscernmentarvostelukykyof differenceseroavaisuuksien``therein.
- What I should have said was that there was no serious dispute amongprofessionals of quality wholaadukkaiden ammattilaisten, joillahad anydiscernmentarvostelukykyäin such matterssellaisissa asioissa.
- At first glance, such precise and long-winded accounts of restorations, alterations and embellishments might indicate thatMr Frickherra Frickemployedlimitedrajallistadiscernmentarvostelukykyäin his choice of purchaseshankintavalinnoissaan, but this is definitely not the case.
- Grant that the audiovisual media which nourish your gifts of hearing, speech and sight, may serve for growth in wisdom anddiscernmentarvostelukyvynin all your peoplekaikissa ihmisissä.
- The capacity to makesophisticatedälykkäitädiscernmentarvostelujain thought-processesajatusprosesseissais within the grasp of almost everyone and constantly demonstrated in everyday life.
- Not for the first time, the British voter has confounded the pundits and returned a shrewd, sensible verdict which should renew our respect forhishänendiscernmentarvostelukyvylleen.
- But then, of course, I hasten to add, there are many valets who would never dream of indulging in this sort of folly -- who are, in fact,professionalsammattilaisiaof thehighestkaikkeindiscernmenttarkkanäköisimpiä.
- Men and women of God gifted withspiritualhenkistädiscernmenttarkkanäköisyyttäand wisdom found that they were, often in quiet and hidden ways, being sought out to help direct Christians of different traditions.
- “ All I can say is, I hopeyoung Pamnuori Pamshows a bit more taste anddiscernmenttarkkanäköisyyttäwhen she chooses her parents-in-lawvalitessaan appivanhempiaan. ”
enlightened.a 🔎
- I mean has er er are there not moreenlightenedvalistuneitaattitudesasenteita?
- The most impressive contemporary tribute to the idea ofenlightenedvalistuneestadespotismdespotismista, therefore, is the number of idealists who accepted that only through this form of government had their ideals any chance of realization.
- AnenlightenedValistunuttacompany culture which encourages the reporting of incidents and `near misses ``yrityskulttuuria, joka rohkaisee raportoimaan onnettomuuksista ja 'läheltä piti' -tilanteistais recommended.
- In June he replaced anenlightenedvalistuneenMinister of Educationkoulutusministerinwith an admiral who had conducted the Russian mission to Japan during the Crimean War and was identified in the public mind with oriental despotism.
- WeMeidänmust use our freedomto becometullaksemmeenlightenedvalistuneiksi, or we are doomed.
- A syllabus, a methodology, a plan of work, an outline study drawn up by some central authorityOpetussuunnitelma, menetelmäoppi, työsuunnitelma, jonkun keskeisen viranomaisen laatima koulutussuunnitelma, no matter howenlightenedvalistunut, imposed upon teachers is to be rejected.
- Despite his arrogance and cruelty towards opponents, he had been a remarkablyenlightenedvalistunutand often liberal and generousrulerhallitsija.
- Other more `enlightenedvalistuneemmat``strategiesstrategiatare possible, and may in the long run prove more profitable.
- Younger workers, observing this, have turned elsewhere in order to be part of a moreenlightenedvalistuneempaaand progressiveindustryalaa.
- No ruler of the later eighteenth century except Joseph II was willing to press home `enlightenedvalistuneempia``policieskäytäntöjäin the face of really formidable opposition; and his fate showed the near-impossibility of doing this successfully.
enlightenment.n 🔎
- It was not licence he wanted; alas! not even freedom — his goalwas theoliforciblevoimakasenlightenmentvalaistuminenof mankindihmisten….
- The answers that his analysis might produce were not intended for theenlightenmentvalaistumiseenof participantsosallistujienbut for the enlightenment of anthropologists.
- Considerations of illustrations aside, the reader will be hoping forenlightenmentvalaistumistafrom the text.
- He reached into any dip of information forenlightenmentvalaistumiseenon the customs and manners of the people of OceaniaOseanian ihmisten tapojen ja käyttäytymisen.
- The Buddha's first sermon afterhishänenenlightenmentvalaistumisensa, given in the deer park at Banaras, is entitled `The Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma ``.
- He praised the Bishop of Llandaff forhishänenenlightenmentvalistuneisuudestaanas a land ownermaanomistajana,but the Bishop, who lived at Calgarth, was an enthusiastic planter of larch trees.
- The public are entitled to rely upon libraries for access to information andenlightenmentvalistustaupon every field of human experience and activitykaikilla ihmistiedon ja -taitojen alueella.
foolish.a 🔎
- McNamara told the press bluntly: `It is Labour Party policy to achieve a united Ireland by consent and, therefore, itwould beolisifoolishhölmöäto create a further obstacleluoda lisää esteitä.
- Itwasolifoolishhölmöäof meminultato forget how news spreads in a villageunohtaa, miten uutiset leviävät kylässä.
- TheyHeareovatfoolishhölmöjäto stayjäädessään.
- She thought thatElizabethElizabethwasolifoolishhölmöto have married a silent countryman and to have condemned herself to a life of boredommentyään naimisiin hiljaisen maalaismiehen kanssa ja tuomittuaan itsensä tylsään elämään, and that she should have known better.
- Itwould beolisifoolishhölmöäfor politicianspoliitikoiltato accept interest group claims or activity at face valuehyväksyä eturyhmien väitteitä tai toimintaa nimellisarvolla, since the signals from organized groups do not represent any kind of reliable picture of underlying citizen views.
- I am convinced that itwould beolisifoolishhölmöäfor the Government to formulate policyhallitukselta muotoilla käytäntöuntil we are clear, from the European Court, what that policy should avoid so as not to become entangled in the law.
- As she lay there self-indulgently, she was struck by the idea that perhapsshehänwas beingolifoolishhölmöin remaining faithful to her husbandpysyessään uskollisena aviomiehelleenwhile Joe was so obviously unfaithful to her.
- ``ItSewasoliveryerittäinfoolishhölmöäof meminulta.
- `SingularlyTavattomanfoolishhölmöäof Motheräidiltäto leave it lying aroundjättää se lojumaan.
- ThatSeisonfoolishhölmöäof himhäneltä, because we have discovered that there is agreement more or less across the spectrum.
- `It is not as thoughwemeare bad shopkeepers orhave beenolisimme olleetfoolishhölmöjäwith our moneyrahojemme suhteen.
- SheHänhovered uncertainly near the front door, clasping the glass, feelingfoolishhölmöksiwith her long scroll of plans and her hammering heartpitkän suunnitelmakäärönsä ja hakkaavan sydämensä kanssa.
- `And now you're a magic carpet that can take me to paradise, ``shehänsaid, not feeling in the leastfoolishhölmöksifor saying something so idioticsanottuaan jotain niin idioottimaista.
- A few remarks of mine in the past about the nature of my so-called `disease ``were simply rather embarrassed asides to explain away thisfoolishhölmönaffectationteeskentelyn.
- “ What afoolishhölmöquestionkysymys! ”
- Mr Imrie wouldn't makefoolishhölmöjäsuggestionsehdotuksialike that.
- `Unless I'm bored, of course -- and I have to admit, in the light of recent developments, that it was a singularlyfoolishhölmöthing to doteko.
- But I see I am becoming preoccupied with these memories andthistämäis perhapson ehkäa littlehiukanfoolishhölmöä.
- `Don't beÄlä olefoolishhölmö, Pip, ``she answered.
- To say, in the abstract, that birds have a right to flySen sanominen tiivistelmässä, että linnuilla on oikeus lentää,seems to me ratherfoolishhölmöltä,if it be taken as saying more than that most birds fly naturally.
- IMinäwas so young andfoolishhölmöand I did not know what I was doing.
- `I was just thinking about yourfoolishhölmöäand utterly misguidedbelief that there's a drugs ring in this clubuskomustasi, että tässä kerhossa on huumepiiri, ``she said coldly.
foolishness.n 🔎
- But with thefoolishnesstyperyydelläof youthnuoruuden, she convinced herself that somehow, somewhere, there was an answer to their problem.
- And the only thing I cared aboutwas the damnoli hitonfoolishnesstyperyysof the banningkiellon.
- That was that, for if I now refused my mother would see to it that I regrettedmyminunfoolishnesstyperyyttäni.
- `I would have died for you when I married you, and now you laugh atmyminunfoolishnesstyperyydelleniin marrying youmennessäni naimisiin kanssasi!
- Bella shook her head as she had shaken it since childhood when she thought abouther sister'ssisarensafoolishnesstyperyyttäin almost everythinglähes kaikessa.
- Ithad beenoli ollutfoolishnesstyperääto be so jealousolla niin mustasukkainen.
forgetful.a 🔎
- At what point does mildlyforgetfulhajamielisestäbehaviourkäytöksestäbecome dementia?
- Habitually a somewhatforgetfulhajamielinenpersonhenkilö, I had also for a couple of days been trying to remember the name of the director of the film Such Good Friends.
- Elsewhere, particularly in sitcoms,older peoplevanhemmat ihmisetare crudely portrayed as being either enfeebled, vague andforgetfulhajamielisinäor, at the other extreme, cantankerous battle axes.
- My behaviour had accordingly been unstructured:Iminäwas lazy, untidy, uncommunicative,forgetfulhajamielinenand generally inefficient.
foxy.a 🔎
- AnotherFoxykavalascheming method to miss conscriptionsuunnittelumenetelmä kutsuntojen välttämiseksiis to join the Quakers, avoiding being drafted because of religious immunity [not because of bloating on porridge].
- Wasn't it fine just to cruise the freeway, in the afternoon sunshine, afoxykavalaladynainenin the seat beside you …
- At 25 he'd found his way into the hearts — and often the beds — of everyfoxykavalanfrauleinneidinin the fatherland.
- No, they'rebusiness heads on business shouldersliiketoimintapäitä liiketoimintaharteilla, keen-sensed andfoxykavalia, not young-looking either but tough, tanned and weathered.
idiotic.a 🔎
- IMinäwasolinsufficientlyriittävänidioticidioottimainento love with a longing that weakened me as though I was bleedingrakastaakseni kaipauksella, joka heikensi minua kuin verenvuoto.
- If itwasoliidiotictyperääof the BP juryBP-tuomaristoltato make the award to such an obviously vested interestantaa palkinto niin selvästi oman edun mukaisesti, it seems even odder that Mr Whittam-Smith, who places such store on journalistic integrity, should have seen fit to accept it.
- `IdioticTyperääof meminulta, really, but I just didn't have time to ask.
- I'd hoped to gain sympathy from thoseidiotictyperiltäjournaliststoimittajilta.
- To Erlich, it was anidiotictyperäplace to meetpaikka tavata.
- You'd be quite right to call me anidiotictyperäksi, romanticfoolhölmöksi.
- She felt consumed with the mostidiotictyperintäresentmentkaunaa.
- That was after he accused Berkeley's Philosophy Professor of having `idiotictyperimpiä``notionshuomautuksiaduring a long debate on whether computers will `think like people in three centuries hence.
- Mr Kohl insisteda trade war across the Atlantickauppasota yli Atlantinwould be `olisi 'idioticidioottimainen``.
- IdioticTyperääand dangerousto send an untrained man to Moscowlähettää kouluttamaton mies Moskovaan… inadequate preparation on East Europe desk … incompetence … and now the turned bloody ankle of embarrassment.
- Howidioticidioottimaistait wasfor a man of fortynelikymmenvuotiaalle miehelleto allow his head to be turned once more by prettinessantaa kauneuden kääntää taas kerran hänen päänsä.
ill-advised.a 🔎
- Yetwemewould beolisimmeill-advisedharkitsemattomiato dismiss any of themohittaessamme niitä.
- Itmay bevoi ollaill-advisedharkitsematontaof a young woman dressed in a titillating mannernuorelta, kiihottavasti pukeutuneelta naiseltato accept lifts from a strangerhyväksyä kyyti vieraalta, just as it would be foolish for the owner of an expensive motor car to leave his vehicle parked overnight in an ill-lit side-street.
- It would imply thatLabourtyöväenpuoluewasoliill-advisedharkitsematonin ever tabling the amendment, and in believing it to undermine the opt-outehdottaessaan muutosta ja uskoessaan heikentävän poisjättäytymistä.
- Thisill-advisedharkitsematonconceitomahyväisyyscasts a pall on the piece from the outset, and it doesn't help that the skits (rewritten and reconstructed) are crushingly unfunny.
- This was risky and proved to be an extremelyill-advisedharkitsematontactictaktiikka.
- That this was anill-advisedharkitsematonstepaskelis very clear to us, but Eadmer was only pressing a claim which he believed to be inherent in the original jurisdiction of Canterbury.
- That was anill-advisedharkitsematonplanning decision by the city councilsuunnittelupäätös kaupunginvaltuustolta, and questions could well be asked about the considerable waste of public money involved in building the new houses in Goodwood road.
- A formal statement from the company added: `In the unlikely event of thisill-advisedharkitsemattomanactiontapahtumancoming to court, we have no doubt about its successful conclusion for us.
- Therefore, although hard work is necessary,slavishly following a ``suggested regime month after month hoping that it will some day ``click'ehdotetun hallinnon' orjallinen seuraaminen kuukausi kuukauden jälkeen toivoen, että jonain päivänä se onnistuu,may bevoi ollaill-advisedharkitsematonta.
- He would think judges should retain the power to overrule past judicial decisions, iftheyhewereolivatespeciallyerityisenill-advisedharkitsemattomia, even when they were clear enough to provide crisp guidance to litigants.
inane.a 🔎
- In fact, there's no end to the things that irritate me about television news -- theinanetyperätscriptskäsikirjoitukset, for one.
- And her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world and the characters it attracts such as theinanetyperäcritic who believes everyone will buy whitekriitikko, joka uskoo kaikkien ostavan valkoista, and a dealer trying to sell an empty frame.
- InaneTyperätadolescent power gameskeskenkasvuisten valtapelitare numbly played out, with all the usual navel-gazing and self-justification supplanting any insight or honesty between our irritating trio of protagonists.
- He saysinaneidioottimaisiacommentskommentteja`for fun ``.
- Excuse theinanetyperäsubject headingaiheotsikko,but this is the standard call of the average programme seller outside Upton Park.
- The nearest we got to an official pronouncement on the recent escalation of terrorism was theinanetyperäcomment of Security Minister Sir John Wheeler that the IRA was defeatedturvallisuusministeri Sir John Wheelerin kommentti IRA:n kukistamisesta.
- As dinner was being served, Chopin's nocturnes and polonaises were included as a tasteful background to incessant, and sometimesinanetyperälle,chatterjaarittelulle.
- For a moment balanced against London's distracting inanity arethe equally distracting primitive ritualsyhtä häiritsevät alkukantaiset rituaalit, joitanow seen asinanetyperinä,because sundered from the Word:
- On top of that, they have shackled themselves with some of the mostinanetyperimpiäand restrictivelawslakejaimaginable, laws that leave you wondering what on earth they were thinking about.
- `The First Amendment guarantees that every citizen, organisation and news agency has the right to express an opinion about science, even ifitseis untenable orinaneidioottimaista``.
- He smiled at her, the while thinking, why was ithehänalways soundedinaneidioottimaiseltawhen talking to any of the Smiths, with the exception of Mick?
inattentive.a 🔎
- HeHänis as intent as his father on saving his own skin, and just asinattentivetarkkaamatonto the possible consequences for his wife and for the purposes of God.
- `It's nothing to do with business, you just don't feel right emotionally, Richard, ``he would say, in the manner of a schoolmaster lecturing a particularly dull andinattentivetarkkaamatontapupiloppilasta.
- Nicandra's answerNicandran vastauswasoliinattentivetarkkaamaton.
- Teachers have been found to attend to disruptive,inattentivetarkkaamatonta('off-task')behaviour in their classroomskäyttäytymistä luokkahuoneissaanthree times more often than they attend to appropriate behaviour.
ingenious.a 🔎
- And once they were christened, as we might expect, the `Hooligans ``were understood as an entirely unprecedented and `un-British phenomenon: indeed, we must allow that itwas mostoli kaikkeiningeniousnerokkaintaof late Victorian Englandjälkiviktoriaaniselta Englanniltato disown the British Hooligan by giving him an `Irish ``namekatkaista välinsä brittiläiseen huligaaniin antamalla hänelle 'irlantilainen' nimi.
- Buthuman beingsihmisetare endlesslyovat loputtomaningeniousnerokkaitaabout promoting their own miseryedistäessään omaa surkeuttaan.
- The brands on buffaloes were difficult to read after a couple of years, andthievesvarkaatwereolivatingeniousnerokkaitaat altering themniiden muuttamisessa.
- HeHänwas a magnificent surgical technician, a perfectionist who constantly improved his techniques andingeniousnerokasin developing many new surgical instruments and splintskehittäessään monia uusia kirurgin instrumentteja ja lastoja.
- Durkheim developed thisingeniousnerokkaanthesisteesinby contrasting the economic and social conditions in primitive and modern societies.
- You can simply enjoy watching your players come up withingeniousnerokkaita, crazy or simply bizarreplans to avoid the inevitablesuunnitelmia välttääkseen välttämättömän.
- The experimental demonstrationKokeellinen esitysisonquitemelkoingeniousnerokas.
- BeggingKerjääminen, sometimes veryingeniousnerokas, is rife, in urban areas where most familes live in one or 2 rooms in unfinished blocks of flats.
- The collection was notable for chinoiserie, and for a mechanical dining table devised by theingeniousnerokasEnglish Abbe Woodenglantilainen Abbe Wood.
- Even more shocking than the corruption was theingeniousnerokas`slave systemorjajärjestelmä``we found in the jail.
- SoNiinvarious andingeniousnerokkaitaarethe defensive techniques adopted by the huntedtakaa-ajettujen käyttämät puolustustekniikat,that, in some cases, hunters find it worth their while to work together in teamsettä joissakin tapauksissa metsästäjien mielestä kannattaa työskennellä yhdessä tiimeinä.
- He is a cunning military strategist: he has a `game plan ``for the war, and according to General Colin Powell,hehänis `resourceful and `on 'kekseliäs' ja 'ingeniousnerokas``in implementing ittoteuttaessaan sitä.
- The admirablyingeniousnerokkaatand astuteorchestrators of jazz musicjazzmusiikin orkestroijatsoon learned this.
insightful.a 🔎
- But a picture of the mind as consisting of atomic mental states causally interacting is not a million miles from the Humean view -- a view of which Hume himself was the mostinsightfuloivaltavincritickriitikko.
- But there was an interesting sequel, which gave him his first,insightfuloivaltavimman, smallstab at directingsuuntapotkun.
- Indeed, this is precisely how the moreinsightfuloivaltavimmatpsychobiologistspsykobiologit, such as Weiskrantz (1968) and his collaborators, carry on.
- Thisinsightfuloivaltavaanalysisanalyysiis, nevertheless, not without its difficulties.
- Nor does the loud ovation after a well-played, but not veryinsightfuloivaltavanaccount of the finalefinaalin.
- The problem is that our managerial hierarchies are so badly designed as to defeat the best efforts even of psychologicallyinsightfulnäkemyksellisistäindividualsyksilöistä.
intelligent.a 🔎
- `I don't think it'sonverykovinintelligentälykästäto swearkiroilla, ``said Brown, squinting in an atmosphere thicker with smoke than obscenity.
- Itwasoliintelligentälykästäof yousinultato bring it upottaa se esille.
- He put himself right before every one of them, andhehänwas sooli niinintelligentälykäsat the jobtöissäthat all I had to do was to ride him quietly and let him jump without fussing him.
- How coulda manmies, joka onsoniinintelligentälykäsin every other waykaikilla muilla tavoilla,be so obtuse when it came to ordinary everyday living?
- I have no doubt thathehänwasolivery, veryerittäin, erittäinintelligentälykäsin the ordinary meaning of the word.
- I thinkitsewasoliquitemelkointelligentälykästäof yousinulta, my dear.
- `Be aware ``will prefer theintelligentälykästäto the stupidreactionreaktioon, irrespective of any value set on self-preservation.
- SheHänwas both friendly andintelligentälykäswith none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful women.
- No doubtintelligentälykkäistä20-year-olds20-vuotiaistahave become successful foreign exchange dealers within a year, but to train a graduate-level engineer takes five years or more.
- But the first visitors did findintelligentälykästälife within the planetelämää planeetalta, in a vast hallowed-out area that has as much land area as some smaller worlds.
- However, there are ideas, hypotheses and techniques of analysis which can help us make anintelligentälykkäänguessarvauksen.
- The wasp, whosebehaviourkäytösappears eccentric butintelligentälykkäältä, invariably leaves the cricket she has caught lying on its back, its antennae just touching the tunnel entrance, while she inspects her burrow.
irrational.a 🔎
- And although she had not warmed instantly to either of her colleagues, it was early days yet, and unfair as well asirrationaljärjenvastaistato draw conclusions on such brief acquaintanceshiptehdä johtopäätöksiä niin lyhyen tuttavuuden perusteella.
- The slippery slope argument should never be dismissed as irrelevant; itwould beolisitotallytäysinirrationaljärjenvastaistato reach policy decisions without consideration of their likely consequencestehdä poliittisia päätöksiä huomioimatta niiden todennäköisiä seurauksia.
- Itseemsvaikuttaasoniinirrationaljärjenvastaiseltaat eighty to be thinking where's my mothermiettiä kahdeksankymmenvuotiaana missä äitini on… ”
- Is it thenOnko se sittenirrationaljärjetöntäfor the Secretary of State, by devolution, to allow such decisions to be taken by a minister of state or Parliamentary under-secretary of stateulkoministerille taantuman vuoksi antaa ministerien tai parlamentaaristenalivaltiosihteerien tehdä sellaisia päätöksiä?
- ITIS notEI oleirrationaljärjetöntäfor a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the firsttuomaristolta päättää, että ensimmäinen kahdesta syytetystä toimi yhteistyössä toisen kanssa, mutta että toinen syytetty ei toiminut yhteistyössä ensimmäisen kanssa, because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other.
- And what is it about the cat that is the specific trigger for theirrationaljärjettömänpanicspaniikin?
- It brought home to me that even tinpot local councillors will ruthlessly exploitirrationaljärjettömiäprejudiceennakkoluuloja,if there is political mileage in it.
- Her faith in O'Neill, with his public bravado and his private remorse, his inexplicable behaviour and hisirrationaljärjettömätoutburstspurkauksensa, was slowly and painfully fading.
- But Christianity was a high religion because it implies a clear-cut discontinuity between ethically conscious human beings, who have souls, andirrationaljärjettömiäbeastspetoja, who do not.
- In a period of cultural stability, the infantile,irrationaljärjettömätdemands of the superego which conflicted with the mature superegovaatimukset superegolta, joka oli ristiriidassa kypsän superegon kanssa,could be worked out in the analytic process.
- His results refute the commonly expressed `irrationaljärjetöntäeconomic nationalismtaloudellista nationalismia``explanation of forced divestment in the countries of the Third World.
- This idea has spawnedirrationaljärjettömiädiets that defy science, cause much inconvenience, and may even threaten nutritiondieettejä, jotka kieltävät luonnon, aiheuttavat paljon epämukavuutta ja voivat jopa uhata ravinnonsaantia.
- Anirrationaljärjetönangervihaswept over Rose, so that, although she had planned his favourite food and was anxious for him to enjoy it, she now wanted to strike the fork from his lips.
- HeHänestäwould become irate andirrationaljärjetön, shouting at Caroline and me and from time to time even at the nurses, who were patient and sweet and had done nothing to deserve it.
- But after the sterling crisis, Mr Major had been quick to brandthe same marketssamat markkinatasirrationaljärjenvastaisiksi, Mr Smith declared.
- This does not mean thatfaith itselfusko itsessäänisonirrationaljärjenvastaista, nor is it mere emotional `feeling ``.
- Atheism is an expression of neurosis in a way that belief in a personal God can never be, for it is anirrationaljärjenvastainenand emotionalreaction to personal hurts and disappointmentsreaktio henkilökohtaisiin vahinkoihin ja pettymyksiin.
ludicrous.a 🔎
- It'sonabsolutelytäysinludicrousnaurettavaa,that it's not advertised and that no one does anything about itettä sitä ei mainosteta eikä kukaan tiedä siitä mitään.
- ItwasOliludicrousnaurettavaato see them as a threat to securitynähdä heidät uhkana turvallisuudelle.
- Itwould beolisiludicrousnaurettavaafor me to think of doing something elseminulta ajatella tekeväni jotain muuta.
- Ordering herHänen määräämisensäwould beolisiludicrousnaurettavaaunder the changed circumstances, and in any event, a waste of time.
- Malcolm Muggeridge asked whether it wasn't time for the monarchy to engage professional public relations consultants, `in place of the ratherludicrousnaurettaviencourtiers who now function as suchhovimiesten, jotka nyt toimivat sellaisina.
- She leaned forward on her elbows and looked up at Briant with an expression of almostludicrousnaurettavaaearnestnessvilpittömyyttäon her face.
- It is aludicrousnaurettavasituation of expecting people in high areas of unemployment like the Falls or the Shankill to look for jobs that don't exist, to train for jobs that are not theretilanne, että korkean työttömyyden alueilla, kuten Fallsissa tai Shankillissa, asuvien ihmisten odotetaan etsivän työpaikkoja, joita ei ole, ja kouluttaa ihmisiä olemattomiin töihin.
- I got ready withludicrousnaurettavallahastekiireellä(why?
- When people of the late 1970s and 1980s remembered those heady times it was theludicrousnaurettavalack of realismrealismin puute,that they recalled rather than the idealism -- `hippie ``had become simply a term of abuse.
- The last time I debated Sunday trading with the hon. Gentleman, he made the perfectlyludicrousnaurettavansuggestion that his party would have a conference on the matterehdotuksen siitä, että hänen puolueensa pitäisi konferenssin asiasta.
- I've never heard suchludicrousnaurettavaanonsensehölynpölyäin the whole of my life.
- I said thatthistästäwas becomingludicrousnaurettavaa.
- Some members of this GovernmentJoistakin tämän hallituksen jäsenistäare becomingmorevieläludicrousnaurettavampiathan their Spitting Image puppetskuin heidän kustannuksellaan pilailevista nukeista.
- HowMitenludicrousnaurettavaait was, she thought,to have to swallow alcohol simply because of its temporarily narcotic effectjoutua nielemään alkoholia vain sen hetken kestävän huumaavan vaikutuksen vuoksi.
- Finally, after Pooley had madea suggestionehdotuksensoniinludicrousnaurettavanas to bring the naturally short-tempered Irishman within a hairbreadth of killing him there and thensiitä, että luonnostaan lyhythermoinen irlantilainen tapettaisiin siellä ja silloin, Omally put his foot down once and for all.
moronic.a 🔎
- Throughout its history, the game has been pursued by statisticians and pub bores who can recite teams like somemoronicidioottimainenmantramantraand remember facts that are best forgotten.
- Stationary exercise bikes are no better, with the need for long periods of hamster-likemoronicidioottimaistatrundlinglaahustustato get any real benefits from them.
- Typing and correcting your misspelt, illiterate,moronicidioottimaisenletterkirjeesi, Chimp, nearly made me sick.
- At the bottom end, the masses were being fed on a diet of bingo,moronicidioottimaisetcompetitionskilpailutand `news ``reduced to a jumble of tits and bums, Tory propaganda and invented Royal Family rubbish.
- I had heard it in the evenings at the school, and at first thought it made by somemoronicidioottimainenvillage boykyläläispoika.
- He widened hismoronicääliömäisengrinvirneensäinto another leer while Mala went into a revolting spasm of tittering.
- She applies the same, common sense philosophy to the music -- despite those who regardher Stock, Aitken and Waterman produced recordshänen Stockin, Aitkenin ja Watermanin tuottamia levyjäänas mass-produced andmoronicidioottimaisiksi.
- `My dear girl,Iminämay bevoin ollamoronicidioottimainenas far as modern music is concernedmitä tulee nykyaikaiseen musiikkiin, but I have attended classical concerts in my time.
- Natural meeting places for today'smoronicidioottimaisilleyoungnuorille.
naive.a 🔎
- Is it justOnko vainnaivenaiiviato hope that a voluntary system will worktoivoa, että vapaaehtoisjärjestelmä toimii?
- Many might seek to use the asylum route and, indeed, itwould beolisinaivesinisilmäistäto think otherwiseajatella toisin.
- Yethehänhad clearly beenoli selvästi ollutnaivenaiivito suppose that his American-accented Italian would be acceptableolettaessaan, että hänen amerikkalainen italian-aksenttinsa olisi hyväksyttävä.
- According to the mostnaivenaiivimpienof inductivistsinduktivistien, the basis of scientific knowledge is provided by observations made by an unprejudiced and unbiased observer.
- `WeMe're stillolemme yhäa bithiemannaivenaiivejawith all that stuffkaiken sen suhteen, ``nods angel-tonsilled guitarist Paul Yeadon.
- There's no such thing as a text book jump and catch in international rugby:Iminäwasolinnaivenaiiviin thinking soajatellessani niin.
- They accepted that Massingham had gained his promotion on merit althoughtheyhewere not soeivät olleet niinnaivenaiiveja,as to suppose that being the elder son of a peer did any man harmettä he olisivat olettaneet, että päärin vanhimpana poikana oleminen tekisi kenellekään pahaa.
- You gentlemen here, forgive me, but you are just a bunch ofnaivenaiivejadreamershaaveilijoita.
- However, we believe that not only is such a stance disingenuous, but it also promotes a fundamentally flawed political strategy and reproducesnaivenaiivejanotions of academic objectivityhuomioita akateemisesta puolueettomuudesta.
- The letter had no place in any magazine which seeks to promote rugby and to me it was an extremely biased andnaivenaiiviview of the Principalitynäkemys ruhtinaskunnasta.
- It involves pushing one crate into an adjacent space, thus producing a new naive state, and also extending the sequence ofnaivenaiivejaoperations by this extra pushtoimintoja tällä ylimääräisellä ponnistuksella.
- And unless the green consumer movement constantly reiterates this point, it lays itself open to being hijacked by industrialists who simply wish to look green enough to makenaivenaiivitshoppersostoksilla kävijätpurchase more of their wares.
- By the current standards of research finance, this is a far-fetched, politicallynaivenaiivischemejärjestelmä, long on committee intricacies so beloved at the committee-bound Academy.
- This accountTämä kuvausis at beston parhaimmillaannaivenaiiviand at worst apologetic for the behaviour of the Organization's largest member -- the United States.
- Low, the last question I want to ask you is really a rathernaivenaiivione<empty>.
narrow-minded.a 🔎
- To someall thiskaikki tämäwill appear to be petty, intrusive andnarrow-mindedahdasmieliseltäalong the lines of “ What right had they to … ”; to others it will appear an example of the chapel's commitment to their beliefs.
- Of course they're going to find in Scripture the sexist views which conform to their ownnarrow-mindedahdasmielistäview of the worldnäkemystään maailmasta.
- Seeing as you seem to have such a small andnarrow-mindedsuvaitsematonattitudeasenne, you will never have heard of them.
- Or he could start his own venue, impose his ownnarrow-mindedsuvaitsematontadoor policyovikäytäntöäänand see how few people turn up and how few bands agree to play.
- Earlier in the day's debate, Viscount Whitelaw, former Tory Deputy Prime Minister under Margaret Thatcher, accused treaty opponents of `taking anarrow-mindedahdasmielisenviewnäkökulman.
- A theatre-goer has congratulated Darlington Civic Theatre director Brian Goddard for his `stand against thenarrow-mindedahdasmielistäprovincialism of Coun Jonesprovinsialismia Coun Jonesilla``.
- DonaldDonaldwas boring, sensationally incompetent at his job, complacent, vain, narcissistic, almost aggressivelynarrow-mindedsuvaitsematon.
- HeHänwas toooli liiannarrow-mindedahdasmielinenand prejudiced -- and bigoted.
- The `established ``genetic thinking and the `established neo-Darwinian thinkingVakiintunut geneettinen ajattelu ja vakiintunut uusi-darwinilainen ajatteluhave been `unnecessarilyovat olleet tarpeettomannarrow-mindedahdasmielisiäand complacent ``(how much would be necessary?) -- and so on and on.
- Itwould beolisinarrow-mindedahdasmielistäand bigotednot to welcome these convergent developmentsolla toivottamatta tervetulleeksi näitä lähentyviä kehityksiä.
nonsensical.a 🔎
- Itisonnonsensicalälytöntäfor the governmenthallitukseltato suggest the benefit changes are, to quote the title of the regulations, `consequent upon the introduction of community care ``ehdottaa, että korvausmuutokset ovat, lainataksemme määräysten otsikkoa, 'seurausta yhdyskuntahoidon käyttöönotosta'.
- Indeed their background as Greek intellectuals would have made itnonsensicalälyttömäksito themheille,to have said of a particular item in our world (a particular human being) that he was `God ``että he olisivat sanoneet tietystä maailmamme kohteesta (tietystä ihmisestä) hänen olevan 'Jumala'.
- Why should thenonsensicalälytönNationalization -- Privatization ping-pong of English politicsEnglannin politiikan kansallistamis-yksityistämispingpongbe copied in Ireland?
- The same kind of inertia had held him prisoner a few seconds before, but common sense made him brush hisnonsensicalälyttömätthoughtsajatuksensaaside.
- If there had been a decline, it could be blamed on social factors: `We have witnessed a diminishing of collectivist morality because of the promotion of thisnonsensicalälytöntänotion of the individualhuomiota yksilöstä.
- This is not to say that itisonnonsensicalälytöntä, in the context of the constitution of the United Kingdom,to speak of `civil rights ``or `civil libertiespuhua 'siviilioikeuksistaä tai 'siviilivapauksista'.
- Since we create our own reality,blaming othersmuiden syyttäminenisonnonsensicalälytöntä.
perceptive.a 🔎
- Indeedshehänhad been sharp andperceptivetarkkanäköinenabout peopleihmisten suhteen.
- `YouSinun're always havingto beollaperceptivetarkkanäköinenin that line of worksiinä työssä.
- HowMitenperceptivetarkkanäköistäof herhäneltäto realize that the entity might thrive on violent oppositionhuomata, että kokonaisuus saattaa nauttia väkivaltaisesta oppositiosta.
- `VeryErittäinperceptivetarkkanäköistäof yousinulta.
- He thoughtthatsewas veryoli erittäinperceptivetarkkanäköistäof herhäneltä.
- `Anditsewas veryoli erittäinperceptivetarkkanäköistäof yousinulta.
- `HowMitenperceptivetarkkanäköistäof yousinulta, cara.
- Some peopleJotkut ihmisetare just muchmore<empty>sensitive andperceptivetarkkanäköisempiäin transmitting or receiving datasiirtäessään tai vastaanottaessaan tietojathan otherskuin toiset.
- Eight minutes later Mullin'sperceptivetarkkanäköinencross-kicksaksipotkufound Rees unmarked for an easy short-range try.
- All of which is behaviour that theperceptivetarkkanäköinenhorse ownerhevosen omistajawill accept.
- `What aperceptivetarkkanäköinenquestionkysymys, ``she commented, patronisingly.
- He speaks Bahasa Malay fluently; he is an astute andperceptivetarkkanäköinenprofessional anthropologistammattimainen antropologi; and he genuinely likes the Javanese and their culture.
- He is often lambasted for his failure to give the works he conducts structural cohesion; I have never thought this was either a fair or aperceptivetarkkanäköistäcriticismkritiikkiä.
- A pugnacious as well asperceptivetarkkanäköinendramatic criticdramaattinen kriitikko, Macdonell at one point occupied twelve pages of the London Mercury with a criticism of the art of (Sir) Noel Coward [q.v.].
- And a question remains: would a moreperceptivetarkkanäköisempi, persuasivestatesmanvaltiomieshave captured Saddam Hussein to answer the war crimes charges he still faces?
- An absorbing study, full ofperceptivetarkkanäköisiäpointskohtia.
- Butpeopleihmisetwere noteivät olleetthatniinperceptivetarkkanäköisiäand for God's sake this was London, not Johannesburg in the fifties.
- Rather moreperceptivetarkkanäköisempi(I felt) wasan article in The Independent, a London newspaper, which said that even a serious scientific book like A Brief History of Time could become a cult bookartikkeli lontoolaisessa lehdessä Independentissä, jossa sanottiin, että jopa vakavasta tieteellisestä kirjasta, kuten Ajan lyhyt historia, voi tulla kulttikirja.
- This paperTätä paperiawas thoughtsufficientlyriittävänperceptivetarkkanäköisenäand importantto be reprinted in England in 1876, in France in 1877, and in the USA in 1895jotta se painettiin uudelleen Englannissa 1876, Ranskassa 1877 ja USA:ssa 1895.
reasonable.a 🔎
- ItwasOlireasonablejärkeenkäypää,that Hester should be surprisedettä Hester yllättyisi, but her attitude was definitely hostile.
- Since it was undisputedly colonized by the Vikings, itisonreasonablejärkeenkäypääto assume that Baldersdale experienced a long and vivid historyolettaa, että Baldersdalella oli pitkä ja eloisa historia.
- `But so are you, ``I protested, really astonished becausehehänhad been sooli ollut niinreasonablekohtuullinenabout my activitiestoimintani suhteenup to now.
- In its early days software is tested byprogrammers and expert, hand picked usersohjelmoijat ja asiantuntijat, käsin valitut käyttäjät,whojoillatendto beollareasonablejärkeviäabout they way they use machinestavassa, jolla he käyttävät koneita.
- `Look, ``said Quigley, `let'sollaanbe<empty>reasonablejärkeviäabout thistämän suhteen, shall we?
- Itwould be perfectlyolisi täydellisenreasonablejärkeenkäypääfor the policepoliisiltato check their address and details such as car ownership on the computertarkistaa tietokoneelta heidän osoitteensa ja yksityiskohtia, kuten auton omistajuus.
- These will involve their giving notice to the tenant and his being able to withhold consent if itisonreasonablekohtuullistafor himhänento do sotehdä niin.
- He clashed with the former Labour MP on air, arguing the bombing was `justified ``in law becauseitsehad been `oli ollutreasonablekohtuullistain all the circumstances.
- HowMitenreasonablejärkevääof himhäneltäto admit that Scotland is, as it always was, a separate and distinct nationmyöntää, että Skotlanti on, kuten se on aina ollut, erillinen ja erilainen kansakunta.
- Justbeolereasonablekohtuullinenwith your dietruokavaliossasi-- be aware of what sugary foods and drinks can do to your teeth.
- The tribunal therefore considered thatthe employeetyöntekijäwasolireasonablejärkeväin refusing the offer of alternative employmentkieltäytyessään vaihtoehtoisesta työtarjouksestaand recommended a redundancy payment.
- Would not a morereasonablejärkevämpidecisionpäätöshave been to fix the subscription at the direct debit level but offer a discount of £5.00 for payment say within 14 days of the due date?
- But on reflectionwhat he saidse, mitä hän sanoi,sounded perfectlyreasonablejärkeenkäyvältä, despite the ever-present note of wry mockery.
ridiculous.a 🔎
- Itwasoliridiculousnaurettavaa,how she felt about Alainminkälaisia tunteita hänellä oli Alainia kohtaan.
- He had a way of dealing with objections which, even if he didn't face them, made itappearnäyttämäänabsolutelytäysinridiculousälyttömältäto maintain the opposite positionsäilyttää vastakkainen asema.
- The truth is that Mark had always known him as Steven and naturally found itridiculousälytöntäto change to Morrisseyvaihtaa Morrisseyhin.
- ThatSewould beolisiridiculousnaurettavaaat my age anyway.
- Itseemsvaikuttaaridiculousnaurettavalta,for me to try and offer excuses why we were so comprehensively beatenettä yritän tarjota selityksiä sille, miksi meidät lyötiin niin täydellisesti, but the fact that we were well below full strength certainly gave Alborne a ten-goal advantage.
- They say: It'sonridiculousälytöntäfor the council to want the flag downvaltuustolta haluta laskea lippu alas.
- The hon. Gentleman's remarks about the privatisation of PSAArvoisan herrasmiehen huomautukset PSA:n yksityistämisestäare fanciful andridiculousnaurettaviain the extremeäärimmäisen.
- HOWMITENridiculousnaurettavaaof Prime Minister Major's son Jamespääministeri Majorin pojalta Jamesiltato flare up and get sent off in a public school friendly football matchsuuttua ja joutua lähetetyksi pois julkisen koulun ystävyysjalkapallo-ottelussa.
- Mallachy could tellhehän'd beenoli ollutridiculoushuvittavafrom his face, and Rory had confessed immediately.
- Most censorship decisionsUseimmat sensuuripäätöksetappearnäyttävätfaintlyhiukanridiculoushuvittaviltain the light of day.
- LeonoraLeonorakept her temper with difficulty, feelingridiculousnaurettavaksiwith her legs dangling from the high stooljalkojensa heiluessa korkealla tuolilla.
- It'sonridiculousälytöntä,one should be so shocked by falling downettä jonkun pitäisi olla niin shokissa ja kaatua maahan.
- That's aridiculousälytönstatementlausunto!
- His methods of computationHänen laskentamenetelmänsämay bevoivat ollaridiculousälyttömiä, but he is right to think that they do not love him, and his sense of bitter ingratitude causes his madness.
- I have to say, however that, in the end -- and this applies particularly to the right hon. Gentleman's peroration -- I thought thathehänwasolirathermelkoridiculousnaurettava.
- The very idea of Kenneth Williams protecting anyoneIdea siitä, että Kenneth Williams suojelisi jotakuta,isonsoniinridiculousälytön,that it is laughableettä sille voi nauraa, but Halliwell didn't see things that way.
sagacious.a 🔎
- Ghofar has a good deal in common with Last Suspect, the 50-1 shot on whom thissagaciousviisasWelshmanwalesilainenwon the 1985 Grand National.
- And you, mysagacioustarkkanäköisetreaderslukijani, will have perceived and understood that Otto was the very same hound into which the young brother of the lady of the coffin had been transformed.
- `Invention is a `quick andsagaciousviisaspenetration into the true essence of all the objects of our contemplationpääsy kaikkien mietiskelymme kohteiden todelliseen olemukseen``, and `Judgment is `the discernment of differences ``therein.
- The warm hold of Rochester was chosen by thesagacioustarkkanäköinenbruteelukka, and Willis, always up very early, found her on the ruins of the new locker cushions, with live mud-coloured kittens.
- However,his deeply felt and meticulously researched rhetoric conveyed in all his bookshänen syvästi tuntemansa ja huolellisesti tutkittu retoriikkansa, joka välittyi hänen kaikista kirjoistaanis hard hitting, provocative andsagacioustarkkanäköistä.
- A great general shows his mastery by attaining the object of his campaign bysagacioustarkkanäköisilläand suremanoeuvresliikkeillä, without incurring any risk.
sage.a 🔎
- Theywereolivatsageviisaitayoung peoplenuoria ihmisiäand got on with Christopher.
- `You can have too much of anything, ``was Gay'ssageviisasrejoindervastaus, `and I rather think her mother's been overdoing this entertaining stunt.
- Dr Ed Wheat in his book Love Life for Every Married Couple makes some verysageviisaitacommentskommenttejaregarding the nature of love:
- Yet those same bankers are people to whom managements are supposed to turn forsageviisastaguidanceopastusta.
- She remembered the years of forethought and carefulness (methods described by Lal, always hersageymmärtäväinenexperiencedfriendystävänsä), and she thought of them without regret.
- As I understand it, he said that Master Patrick had asked him to advise Miss Senga thathehänwasolisageymmärtäväinenand would be home in a year or two.
sensible.a 🔎
- Furthermore, in practice, we are often interested in making comparisons among the strata so that itisonsensiblejärkevää,that each be well representedettä kaikkia edustetaan hyvin.
- Briefly it occurred to Kelly that itwould beolisisensiblejärkevääto lievalehdella.
- He wondered ifhehän'd beenoli ollutsensiblejärkeväto bring so muchtuodessaan niin paljon.
- BeOlesensiblejärkeväabout thistämän suhteenso that everything will be organised and ready on time.
- Market research has shown us thatpeopleihmisetare far more health conscious and far moresensiblejärkeviäabout what they drinksen suhteen, mitä he juovat.
- Obviously itwas no moreei ollut enääsensiblejärkevääfor a politicianpoliitikolleto compromise his own position at court by allowing enemies to point to a connection between his politicsvaarantaa omaa asemaansa oikeudessa antamalla vihollisten osoittaa yhteys hänen politiikkaansa.
- So ithad seemedoli vaikuttanutsensiblejärkevältäfor RossRossilleto have his old bedroompitää vanha makuuhuoneensa, while she'd been far too weary to care where she slept.
- He said that he had enjoyed working on his own behalf, but felt thatstaying out of the professionpysyminen poissa alaltawould not beei olisisensiblejärkevääin the long run.
- Andwemewill tryto beollasensiblejärkeviäin this debatetässä keskustelussa.
- VeryErittäinsensiblejärkevääof yousinultato come upilmestyä paikalle, as we'll need your consent for any treatment the doctor may decide on for your lad.
- Verysensiblejärkevääof HildaHildalta: nothing is more ridiculous than an old-age pensioner gabbling on about his or her risqué past.
- No real problems iftheyhe've beenovat olleetsensiblejärkeviäwith their moneyrahojensa suhteen.
- As the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons had demonstrated, however, neither the Government nor the health authorities had accurate information on the exact numbers employed or anysensiblejärkeviämeans of controlling numberskeinoja lukujen hallitsemiseen.
- It does not have the arithmetic to make anysensiblejärkevääcapitalistkapitalistiatake time off from lunch.
- So the criticisms levelled against citation analysis as guide to value in science distil down into a few fragmentary points that anysensiblejärkeväfunding bodyrahoittava elinwould be more than capable of bearing in mind.
- `What we need is asensiblejärkeväimmigration lawmaahanmuuttolaki, ``Ralph said.
- Frederick's rejection of thissensiblejärkevänadviceneuvonand subsequent acceptance of the Bohemian crown sparked off a series of events which culminated in the Thirty Years' War.
- They have to, in order to be able to decide what constitutes asensiblejärkevänexperimentkokeilun.
- Sober reflection would have shown him that thesensiblejärkeväproceduremenetelmäwould have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out.
- HeHänen's supposedto beolevansensiblejärkevä.
- `Surelyshehän'sonmore<empty>sensiblejärkevämpithan thatsitä, ``said the doctor, smiling at me.
- A Downing Street spokesman said: ``The latest ideasViimeisimmät ideatsoundmuch morepaljonsensiblejärkevämpiäthan the original oneskuin alkuperäiset.
shrewd.a 🔎
- But itwasolishrewdälykästäof CesarCesariltato take him thereviedä hänet sinne.
- HeHäncould bevoisi ollashrewdteräväin analysisanalyysissä, as when he told Eden that if war came `the country will want [Churchill] to lead them ``, but that Eden's chances were better in peace.
- ShrewdTerävänäin businessliiketoimissaan,hehänellähad a ready wit and a distinctive appearance, with a full beard and piercing eyes.
- ThisTämäwasolishrewdovelaaon George's partGeorgen puoleltasince i meant that Dersingham had done something which George's father had been wont to do and which, in fact, Dersingham hated having to do for himself.
- He made a large personal fortune, partly from fees, partly fromshrewdälykkäistäinvestmentsinvestoinneista.
- Pre-match preparation andshrewdälykäsorganisationorganisointihave created consistency.
- The Syrian king, told by his captains that Elisha was theshrewdälykäsadviserneuvoja, determined to capture him, and surrounded the hill town of Dothan where the prophet was said to be.
- On the other hand, Ferrasse, ashrewdälykäspolitician and operatorpoliitikko ja operaattori, sensed the prevailing mood in France and played the conspiracy card.
- It was ashrewdteräväresponsevastaus.
- Yes, but Mrs., Mrs. Thatcher is a very clever and veryshrewdälykäspoliticianpoliitikko.
- HeHänwas careful,shrewdälykäs, and thoroughly able, and made up for the collapse of the older coastal trades by sending his ships farther afield.
- Mr Gorbachev's words -- and the wave ofshrewdälykkäitäand generally conciliatorydiplomatic actions that followeddiplomaattisia toimenpiteitä, jotka seurasivat-- sent a tremor through the American diplomatic establishment.
- Anne Ridler noticed how Eliot ``affected a certain detachment from the proceedings, and did The Times crossword during the meetings, buthis business judgmentshänen liiketoiminta-arvionsawereolivatasyhtäshrewdälykkäitäas anyone'skuin kenen tahansa…
- The analysis of Burun's characterAnalyysi Burunin hahmostawasolisoniinshrewdterävä,that Alexei was startledettä Alexis oli hämmästynyt.
- HeHänwasolishrewdälykäs,when it came to manipulating Jettmitä tuli Jettin manipuloimiseen.
- All credit to the Ayr workforce, which has clearly earned respect in a demanding company, and all credit to Scotland's development authorities, notably Locate in Scotland, who played ashrewdälykästäand effectivegamepeliä.
smart.a 🔎
- Right I'll just seewhokuka's lookingsmartälykkäältäto start.
- HeHän'sontooliiansmartälykästo pretend to be Labouresittääkseen työväenpuolueen jäsentä, but he makes sure we don't forget him.
- You knewhehänwas<empty>smarttiesiabout carspaljon autoista; he was savvy about life too.
- There's an awful lot of television now, screaming for the public's attention, andyousinun've got to bethat muchniin paljonsmarterfiksumpiat creating `event ``television, a sense of occasionluodessasi 'tapahtumatelevisiota', tilanteen tuntua.
- `You know Preston,yousinäare kindaolet tavallaansmartfiksuat thatsiinä.
- Some people might thinkyousinäwereolittooliiansmartfiksufor your own healthomalle terveydellesi.
- That's mightyon melkosmartfiksuaof yousinulta!
- `WhichMikäwasolismartfiksuaof yousinulta.
- Itwasn't veryei ollut kovinsmartfiksuaof meminultato upset the guy in the first placeärsyttää tyyppiä alun perinkään.
- I favour the approach that if the band is worth 2,000 people in a town, then itisonsmartfiksuato book the 1,500-seat venuevarata 1 500-paikkainen tila.
- For one thing,wemeidänhaveto beoltavasmartfiksujaat spotting new trends in feedstock usageetsiessämme uusia trendejä raaka-ainevaraston käyttöön, because this can make or break our profitability.
- Cruising Altitude has put up two reallysmartfiksujaperformancesesityksiäthis season both at Newbury.
- The Super Rocks use an improved Rock design (recessed wire, more curves etc.) and come in sizes which fill the half size gaps between existing Rocks --smartfiksuathinkingajattelua.
- `Then the onlysmartfiksuthing to do isto stay out of itpysyä erossa siitä.
- Their parents pay $8.00 a term (about £5.00) to have them looked after bysmartfiksutAfrican ladiesafrikkalaisnaiset.
- Chatterton's a verysmartfiksumanmiesand he understands small print.
- Virtual reality, `smartälykkäät``materialsmateriaalit, biosensors and other examples of leading-edge science also feature.
- ButDaineDainewasolismartfiksuenoughto grab hold of youtarttuakseen sinuun.
stupid.a 🔎
- The 29-year-old complained bitterly about pin positions, said itwasolistupidtyhmää,that players shooting scores of `101 and 98 ``should be allowed to competeettä pelaajien, jotka tekivät tulokseksi 101 ja 98, pitäisi antaa kilpaillaand claimed a tournament allowing such poor players should not be a Ryder Cup points-counting event.
- Itwasolistupidtyhmääof meminultato try to marry you like that without explainingyrittää mennä naimisiin kanssasi sillä tavalla ilman selitystä.
- Itwasolistupidtyhmääto be like thisolla tällainen.
- Itwasolitooliianstupidtyhmääof herhäneltäto let the memories come crowding in so easilyantaa muistojen tulvia esiin niin helposti.
- It'sona bithiemanstupidtyhmääto have all these doors openpitää kaikkia näitä ovia aukiyou know?
- My clientAsiakkaaniisontooliianstupidtyhmäto have committed these crimesollakseen suorittanut näitä rikoksia.
- IMinäwasolinstupidtyhmäto kiss you firstsuudellessani sinua ensin.
- IMinä'molensoniinstupidtyhmä,that I started doing cocaine to try to understand him -- to get close to him and understand where he was coming fromettä aloin käyttää kokaiinia yrittäessäni ymmärtää häntä - päästäkseni hänen lähelleen ja ymmärtääkseni hänen ajattelutapaansa.
- Does she thinkmeminuasoniinstupidtyhmänä,that I don't know they do thatettä en tiedä heidän tekevän sitä?
- Andthe charactershahmotareovatsoniinstupidtyhmiä,you can laugh at themettä voit nauraa heille.
- And itisonveryerittäinstupidtyhmääfor anyone in any position of power to think that what goes around does not come aroundkenelle tahansa missä tahansa asemassa ajatella, ettei löytäisi edestään sitä, minkä taakseen jättää.
- “ We thought itwasolistupidtyhmääfor him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Joneshäneltä lentää koko matkan takaisin Isoon-Britanniaan ja huomata, että meillä oli ongelma Jonesin kanssa, ” said Lions' manager Geoff Cooke.
- Asking the way down with the glory of sight restoredTien kysyminen palautetun kyltin loistaessawould have beenolisi ollutstupidtyhmääin the extremeäärimmäisen, and I gave secret thanks for my ego salvation.
- Itwasolistupidtyhmääof meminulta, ``Backley said.
- `PrettyMelkostupidtyhmääof meminulta, I suppose, ``he replied, `but then I always was a sucker for a sob story.
- But let'sollanotbe<empty>stupidtyhmiäabout the freedom we enjoynauttimamme vapauden suhteen.
- Bernie laid right into me, telling meIminäwasolinstupidtyhmäfor losing themmenettäessäni heidät.
- `Don't be silly, why dosomethingjotainstupidtyhmää,like hurling yourself in front of a trainkuten heittäytyä junan eteen, ``the thoughts crowded his mind.
- On Harper's behalf it was said that althoughhehän'd been reckless, dangerous andstupidtyhmäby starting the firealoittamalla tulen, there'd been no evil or mischief in his mind.
- Buttheyhewould never beeivät koskaan olisisoniinstupidtyhmiä,as to allow us to find himettä he antaisivat meidän löytää hänet.
- Charts are areallytodellastupidtyhmäway to value musictapa arvostella musiikkia.
- “ You must think I'm averytodellastupidtyhmäpersonhenkilö! ”
- It's astupidtyhmähabittapa, not putting the price on.
- PeopleIhmisetcould bevoivat ollaamazinglyhämmästyttävänstupidtyhmiä.
- Really, Honor,yousinäareoletsoniinstupidtyhmä.
- The poorKöyhätwereolivatjust asaivan yhtästupidtyhmiäas the richkuin rikkaat; he had only contempt for both of them.
- Everyone who subsequently learned of this action condemneditsenasutterlyäärimmäisenstupidtyhmäksiand irresponsible, but perhaps such criticism may be tempered by the fact that the man was in a deep state of shock.
suspicious.a 🔎
- Going national had its own good reasons, but wereJewsjuutalaisetbeing<empty>overlyliiansuspiciousepäileväisiäin thinking that one reason, which they did not think was so good, was to recruit from areas in which fewer Jews livedajatellessaan, että yksi syy, jota he eivät pitäneet niin hyvänä, oli rekrytoida alueilta, joilla asui vähemmän juutalaisia?
- Meanwhile, hersuspiciousepäileväinenfiancesulhasensahas apparently been furiously searching for her for much of the night.
- especially if you have an interest group that comes up with a study that supports their own position if they did the workiminullaalways tendto beollaa littlehiukansuspiciousepäileväinenof itsen suhteenand that might've been the Southern Poverty Law Project or something that did that
- As long as psychiatry is in the business of forced institutionalization (and it still is, though less so than in the '60s), it seems clear that the diagnoses that license dragging people off the street can hardly be subject to enough old-fashionedsuspiciousepäileväisenscrutinytutkimuksen.
- King George III and his ministers were actually just blundering their way through the tricky business of running a trans-Atlantic empire, butsuspiciousepäileväisetAmericansamerikkalaisetviewed each restriction of their rights -- the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and so on -- as part of a scheme to reduce them to slavery.
- As those who use infer for imply might be somehow stigmatized in (some) educated circles, failure to report such a usage leaves thesuspiciousepäileväisenuserkäyttäjänof a dictionary (or grammar) who has the wit to look it up facing a serious lacuna in the information given about the language.
- That is, he remembered he was entrusted by the Big Humpback Himself to bring in thesuspiciousepäileväinenOedipaOidipusfor testing.
- Why did the equally conservative Richard Gid Powers call Heilbrunn's accusations against Yale ``absurd and existing ``only in the minds of the pathologicallysuspiciousepäileväistenon the same page?
- Nixon, though alwayssuspiciousepäileväinenof his political enemiespoliittisia vihollisiaan kohtaan, consistently underestimated their ruthlessness and willingness to sacrifice the national interest in the pursuit of their institutional vendetta.
unreasonable.a 🔎
- One local radio contractor said itseemedvaikuttiunreasonableälyttömältä,that the Home Office should be deciding between two competing claims on the spectrum when it was responsible for running one of themettä sisäministeriö päättäisi kahden kilpailevan väitteen välillä, kun se oli vastuussa toisesta niistä.
- `However, on this occasion I thought it notunreasonableälytöntäto take a riskottaa riski.
- In the case of non-consumer contracts, it was proposed that the buyer would not be allowed to reject the goods for breach of s13 where itwasoliunreasonablejärjetöntäto do sotehdä niin.
- As an alternative, he proposes that the test be `whether itwould have beenolisi ollutunreasonablejärjetöntäfor the doctorlääkäriltä,not to have proceededjos hän ei olisi edennyt``.
- The Queen's Bench held that the crew was so reduced that it was dangerous to life to sail andunreasonablejärjetöntäfor the masteresimieheltäto require his crew to do sovaatia omaa miehistöään tekemään niin.
- It came as some surprise to the board when they were informed that, although itseemedvaikuttiunreasonablejärjettömältäfor themheille,to have to know what was going onettä he olisivat tietäneet, mitä tapahtui, they could be made liable for the damage.
- The proposal is that a buyer who is a non-consumer should not have this right where the breach is so slight that itwould beolisiunreasonableälytöntäfor himhäneltäto reject the goodstorjua hyödykkeet.
- It doesn't mean they get an easier ride, but it does meanIminä'm not goingto beollautterlyäärimmäisenunreasonablejärjetönin the demands I maketekemissäni vaatimuksissa.
- Fenella was trying to be very patient, becauseitsewas not in the leastunreasonablejärjetöntäof CasparCaspariltato want to go on and leave the Dark Workshops as far behind them as possiblehaluta siirtyä eteenpäin ja jättää Dark Workshops mahdollisimman kauas taakse.
- Arewemejustbeing<empty>unreasonablejärjettömiäin asking why the predictions holdkysyessämme, miksi ennusteet toteutuvat?
- Poor diary completion may result from havingunreasonablejärjettömiäexpectations of patientsodotuksia potilailtaand giving incomplete instructions.
- AnunreasonableJärjetönmistakevirhein this context might be described in Pickard's words as `an easily avoided and self-serving mistake produced by the actor's indifference to the separate existence of another.
- Look, ``he ran one hand through his hair, further dishevelling it, `I'm not anunreasonablejärjetönmanmies.
- This is not anunreasonablejärjetönprovisionsäännös, and even though the accountant may be an appointee of the landlord, one would expect him to act fairly.
- `The more evidence we accumulate of theirunreasonablejärjettömästäbehaviourkäytöksestäänthe more likely it is the Government will legislate.
- She knewshehänwas beingoliunreasonablejärjetön, but his domesticity seemed like an intrusion and she resented it.
- A few, a tiny few, recognisehowmitenunreasonablejärjetönthis attitudetämä asenneis, but the overwhelming majority are for the time being standing firm.
- I had said thather viewhänen näkemyksensäwasoliunreasonablejärjetönand Syl was free to go out in the evening as he wished.
- Butto make this charge for all journeys regardless of lengthtämän veloituksen tekeminen kaikille matkoille niiden pituudesta riippumattaisonunreasonablejärjetöntäand unacceptable.