commit_to_memory.v 🔎
- In theory this sounds quite unrealistic but the worker is reassured that none ofthese topicsnäistä aiheistaneedbe<empty>committed to memorypainaa muistiin.
- HeHänturned over passages of the interview as he drove back to Regent's Park Road,committingpainaenthemneto memorymuistiinfor later recitationmyöhempää selontekoa varten.
- Shallow or superficial learning -- like learning a name, address and telephone number that you promptly forget unlessyousinäwrite them down orconsciouslytietoisesticommitpainathemniitäto memorymuistiinor use them habitually.
- The rhythm had been wrong forpoetry circa the sixteenth centurynoin 1500-luvun runoudelle, jokabeingolicommitted to memorypainettu muistiinfor homeworkkotiläksynä, but that had been its flavour.
- Under the present examination system, where a good memory is of real assistance, it is necessaryto<empty>commitpainaathese factsnämä faktatto memorymuistiin, and this is where the swot cards help.
memorise.v 🔎
- Read through your full speech several times, preferably aloud and preferably into a tape-recorder, but do not tryto<empty>memoriseopetella ulkoaitsitäword for wordsanasta sanaan.
- This duty might vary according to the nature of the contract of employment but would be broken ifthe employeetyöntekijäcopied ordeliberatelytarkoituksellamemorizedopetteli ulkoaa list of customersasiakasluettelon.
- In large hotels it would be impossible forstaffhenkilöstönto<empty>memoriseopetella ulkoaall the names of the guests and their room numberskaikkien vieraiden nimiä ja huonenumeroita.
- `MemorizeOpettele ulkoathose names, addresses and numbersne nimet, osoitteet ja numerot.
- There was a number on the pad;shehäntriedto<empty>memoriseopetella ulkoaitsenbut a large hand was placed squarely on the pad.
- Almost as thoughhehän's tryingto<empty>memorisepainaa mieleensä,what I look likemiltä minä näytän, thought Juliet, knowing she could never forget his brown eyes and curling eyelashes, and the smile that hovered on his lips.
- Each nightJoka iltaIminätryto<empty>memorizeopetella ulkoaa spot of Dantekohdan Dantea.
- HeHänmemorizedopetteli ulkoapages of itsen sivujajust because he loved itvain siksi, että hän rakasti sitäand often recited his favourite bits to himself on those inevitable odd moments of waiting about in queues and so on.
memorization.n 🔎
- The approach to course design emphasises the development of understanding of key ideas rather thanextensivekattavaamemorisationulkoa opetteluaof detailed factual informationyksityiskohtaisten faktatietojen.
- Both the actual process of creating such notes and the appropriateness and variety of the finished product will aid understanding andmemorisationmuistamista.
- Memorisationulkoa opetteluaof materialmateriaalinis also greatly helped by such a system.
- The reforms are intended to reduce the emphasis onrotemekaaniseenmemorizationulkoa opetteluunfor senior high school entrance examslukioiden pääsykokeisiin, focusing on classes that will give students expertise and a sense of responsibility, the Xinhua News Agency reported.