Franciscan friars, such as the 16th-century Bishop Diego de Landa, were dispatched from Europe to spread the Christian faith throughout the peninsula, though
with some resistance
vastustusta -any similarity between the early Yucatecan churches and military fortresses is not accidental.
More serious,
the business of assessing a county rate
maan sijoituksen arviointi with strong resistance and directed criticism against the Crown itself rather than its purveyors
paljon vastustusta ja ohjasi kritiikin Crowniin itseensä eikä sen ajajiin .
Considerable exploration effort in those areas
Merkittäviä tutkimuspanostuksia niillä alueilla has been felt by the industry to be worthwhile, and
in the United States
Yhdysvallat with some commercial success
kaupallista menestystä .
Professor Nikolaus Fiebiger, president of the University Erlangen in Nuremberg, has proposed
an alternative
vaihtoehtoa, that
with better success
parempaa menestystä : to create a number of professorships that would be eliminated as older professors left the university.
`Well, I'm sorry if
with your approval
hyväksyntääsi , Mr Denner, she snapped icily, `but we can't all afford brand-new Range Rovers!
, almost glares, as though he had voiced the unthinkable.