TransFrameNet:Meet with response
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- Franciscan friars, such as the 16th-century Bishop Diego de Landa, were dispatched from Europe to spread the Christian faith throughout the peninsula, thoughtheyheitä kohtaanwere<empty>metkohdistuiwith some resistancevastustusta-any similarity between the early Yucatecan churches and military fortresses is not accidental.
- More serious,the business of assessing a county ratemaan sijoituksen arviointimetsai osakseenwith strong resistance and directed criticism against the Crown itself rather than its purveyorspaljon vastustusta ja ohjasi kritiikin Crowniin itseensä eikä sen ajajiin.
- Considerable exploration effort in those areasMerkittäviä tutkimuspanostuksia niillä alueillahas been felt by the industry to be worthwhile, andin the United StatesYhdysvallathasonalreadyjometsaavuttanutwith some commercial successkaupallista menestystä.
- Professor Nikolaus Fiebiger, president of the University Erlangen in Nuremberg, has proposedan alternativevaihtoehtoa,thatmaysaattaameetsaavuttaawith better successparempaa menestystä: to create a number of professorships that would be eliminated as older professors left the university.
- `Well, I'm sorry ifitsedoesn'teimeetsaavutawith your approvalhyväksyntääsi, Mr Denner, she snapped icily, `but we can't all afford brand-new Range Rovers!
- ThatSitäwas<empty>metkohtasivatby starestuijotukset, almost glares, as though he had voiced the unthinkable.