TransFrameNet:Meet with
meet with.v
- i couldn't really conceptualize how hard it was to understand that until i untiliminämet withtapasinthemheidätand i realized that they some of the information that i just you know don't even realize and know is information
- Russian President Boris YeltsinVenäjän presidentti Boris Jeltsinflew to Istanbul Wednesdayto<empty>meet withtavatakseenBill ClintonBill Clintoninat the European security summitEuroopan turvallisuuskokouksessawith strong backing from his country's press for the war in Chechnyasaatuaan vahvaa tukea maansa lehdistöltä Tshetshenian sodasta.
- Specifically, to prepare the office in case suspicious materials are received,the senior executivevanhemmat johtajatreviewed and updated its emergency evacuation plan and thenmet withtapasivatemployeestyöntekijöitäto ensure they understood the plan's procedures and were comfortable with their responsibilitiesvarmistaakseen, että he ymmärsivät suunnitelman menetelmät ja hyväksyivät vastuunsa.