TransFrameNet:Medical specialties
- I visited theneurologyneurologiandepartment at the Middlesex hospital this morning.
- Each of these students has to be taughtneurologyneurologiaain a hospital department that has fewer than 100 beds.
- Indeed,clinicalkliininenneurologyneurologiapredates the emergence of psychology as an independent discipline.
- He was fascinated by abiogenesis or spontaneous generation, and this interest ultimately resulted in his premature retirement fromclinicalkliinisestäneurologyneurologiasta.
- Bastian also made several fundamental contributions toneurologyneurologialle.
- Oxford Medical, whose headquarters are in Abingdon, are world leaders in the field of instruments for research into cardiology andneurologyneurologian.
- In the case of South Ayrshire, there has been support from a majority of consultants in general surgery, orthopaedics andradiologyradiologian.
- Yvonne is a GP, Irene a World Bank nutritionist, John aradiologyradiologianprofessor.
- After a gap for her family she is retraining inRadiologyradiologiaan.