TransFrameNet:Medical instruments
- By taking ascalpelskalpellinto his work he felt he was challenging these.
- Colin Brewer finds that thescalpelskalpelliis oft mightier than the couch
- Cut the tape from the reel using ascalpelskalpelliawhilst attempting not to cut through the film, lifting off any excess tape from the drafting film.
- Using a dissecting microscope for visualization of follicles, puncture large follicles with a sterilescalpelskalpellilla.
- `Scalpel! ``, then, takes on the indexical value in this context of `Pass me that particularscalpelskalpelli.
- By providing patients and their owners with organised puppy parties, I can save more lives than I will with drugs orscalpelskalpellilla.
- Anaesthesia, vaccines,scalpelsskalpellit, and contact lenses are all examples of technological innovation and development.
- Of 70 injectors interviewed in depth, only 25% reported never having shared syringes; 57% reporting reusingsyringesruiskujain the previous six months, using a range of cleaning agents including household bleach.
- Stand thesyringeruiskuupright for 1 min to allow larger pieces of debris to settle into the tip.
- It is best to use a new needle andsyringeruiskuafor every injection.
- If you have a serious reaction to these, ask your GP about asyringeruiskuaof adrenalin for emergencies.
- He put thesyringeruiskunin her hand.