TransFrameNet:Measure volume
bag.n 🔎
- To the first he gave five bags of gold, to the second, two bags, and to the third,oneyhdenbagsäkillisenof goldkultaa.
- Salt -- again buyayksilargesuuribagsäkillinenand use as a pond additive at 1 z per-gallon as a stress removing antiseptic, or 5oz per gallon as a short term bath.
- AYksibagsäkillinenof gourmet jelly Wunder beansherkullisia viinikumikarkkejamakes an ideal Christmas stocking filler.
- It saves throwing away the remains ofayhdenlargesuurenbagsäkinof cementsementti-, too.
- All a long way from a pint of mild andayksibagpussillinenof chipsranskalaisiaafter a night at the City Varieties …
- Terry didn't appear to have thought about this before and he puzzled over it, staring into his bitter andayhtäbagpussillistaof smoky bacon crispspekoninmakuisia perunalastuja.
- Six juveniles were arrested after breaking into Park View garage, at Chilton in which an £800 window was smashed and1212bagspussiaof crispsperunalastu-taken.
- The case involved the sale of a specific lot of700700bagspussiaof nutspähkinä-lying in the seller's warehouse.
- To give you an example: in our house atwo poundkahden paunanbagpussillinenof sugarsokerialasts six weeks.
- Therefore, when I openayhdenbagpussinof sugarsokeri-, I write on the sixth page o f my notebook `2lb sugar ``.
- 4 Now many250g250 g:nbagspussiaof sugarsokeri-can be filled from a 20kg sack of sugar?
bagful.n 🔎
- It was one of thebagfulmonistaof jokesvitseistäthat friends had given Alan, 50, of Henley, Oxon, as he sails around Africa on a four-month trek.
- His postcard was drawn fromayhdestäbulgingbagfulsäkillisestäof entriesvastauksia-- nearly all of them correct -- after the closing date.
barrel.n 🔎
- Freshbarrelstynnyreitäof ale and wineolutta ja viiniäwere rolled from the cellars.
- Thebarrelstynnyritof sodium hypochloritenatriumhypokloriitti-, which is used to clean beer bottles, fell onto the side of the A 40 at Witney in Oxfordshire.
- Michael Baly, president of the American Gas Association, reckons that within ten years gas could be a substitute for2 billion2 miljardiabarrelstynnyriäof oilöljyä-- an eighth of current American oil consumption.
- More than100 million100 miljoonaabarrelstynnyrillistäof oilöljyähave been produced by BP in Dorset since the first well at Kimmeridge came on stream in 1959.
- It usually sells1010barrelstynnyrillistäof beeroluttaa weekend.
- Steve Denny says he's supposed to sell450450barrelstynnyriäa year but has only managed 306 and owes the brewery 4,000 pounds.
- Paul was an apprentice electrician at Watneys brewery in Mortlake so he broughtsomemuutamanbarrelstynnyrinof beeroluttaalong and we set up a proper bar.
- Though the industry has the capacity to brewabout 52mnoin 52 mbulkbarrelstynnyreitäof beerolut-a year the consumer is only drinking about 38m.
- In 1980ayksibarreltynnyrillinenof oilöljyäcost 420 kilogrammes of bananas.
- The A-26 well encountered 1,100 feet of pay in three zones and is producing1,5001 500barrelstynnyriäof oilöljyäper day.
- The first commercial oil was discovered at the McKee onshore field in 1980 and production of some50005 000barrelstynnyriäper day is hoped for in 1985.
- Earnings per share in 1992 rose from 1.72p to 2.90p as the company's production reached a record average of13,88813 888barrelstynnyriäper day.
- These funds would be repaid by the oil companies who must have $500 million of oil spill liability insurance, before tye qualify for permission to transportbarrelstynnyreitäof cruderaakaöljy-through state waters.
boatload.n 🔎
- The firstboatloadvenelastillinenof coalhiiliäwas carried along this section of the canal in June 1912, having been evidently lifted to the cut by the Foxton tramway.
- AYksiboatloadvenelastillinenof menmiehiäcame ashore to demand a ransom of 2000 guineas [£2100], or the surrender of the local vicar as a hostage, for not attacking the town.
- He went, knowing that the fishermen were being sent back to Berwick withayksiboatloadvenelastillinenof provisionsvaroja, and even some powder and ball, from Dunbar, with offers of more.
- Ms Greenberg must surely champion Quebec's newly opened Musée de la Civilisation which greetsboatloadsvenelastillisiaof St Lawrence cruise ship passengersSt Lawrencen risteilyalusmatkustajiawith a garish jumble of consumer items and gimmicks borrowed directly from the shopping mall.
- And I've asked them to bringayhdenboatloadvenelastillisenof garlandsköynnöksiä--
- It can take a whole day to produceoneyksiboatloadvenelastillinenof rushesvihviläkasveja.
bottle.n 🔎
- The colour lasts up to five washes andayksi100ml100 ml:nbottlepullogives between 12 and 15 applications.
- At a cost of one hundred and fifty thousand zlotys, about eight pounds, I buy Elena and Barbaraayhdenbottlepullonof `champagne ``shampanjaa.
- Later that Christmas Gabriel had drunkayhdenbottlepullollisenof rumrommiawatching a pirate film on the television, and she had known then that, really, it was all over.
- Last month a coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death on the young Marine, who had drunkfour or fiveneljä tai viisibottlespulloaof lageroluttaand six quadruple or triple glasses of a mixture of whisky and vodka.
- Then he dropped the rest of the portion back on the plate, went to the fridge, poured the dregs ofayhdenbottlepullonof wineviini-into a glass and drank it.
- He opened thebottlepullonof beerolut-.
- But Mr Onanuga is adamant that he sold Mr Lamontthreekolmebottlespulloaof Australian wineaustralialaista viiniäand two packets of Hamlet cigars for a total of Pounds 18.37 on a Gold Access card.
bowl.n 🔎
- Eleanor Thorne would have enjoyedayhdestäbowlkulhollisestaof soupkeittoa.
- He made periodic dives at thebowlkulhoonof cherrieskirsikka-poised on a coffee table by the sofa.
- Research shows that something as simple asayksibowlkulhollinenof cornflakesmaissihiutaleitacan improve moods dramatically, one researcher saying that the dose of carbohydrate acted on women like a tranquilliser.
- Minutes later she was in the kitchen, frantically preparing a pot of tea, slices of toast andthreekolmebowlskulhollistaof cornflakesmaissihiutaleita.
- I eat tremendous amounts of bread and jam andbowlskulhollisiaof cornflakesmaissihiutaleitawith cold milk -- delicious!
- With hot, sizzling barbecued food, servelargesuuribowlskulhollinenof saladsalaattia, pasta tossed with herby tomato sauce or olive oil, chopped basil and pine nuts.
- The lads were having lunch at the time and when `Jacki ``leaned over to shake hands with Peter Grant, his tie fell intoa<empty>bowlkulhoonof soupsoppa-.
- Purposely pressing the button implying `fat in five seconds ``pills, she held out thebowlkulhoaof soupsoppa-and let a small, white pill drop in.
box.n 🔎
- Theboxlaatikkoof dolls' clothesnukenvaate-is on the table.
- She worked the slide of the Beretta, then took fifteen rounds from theboxlaatikosta,of 9mm ammunitionjossa oli 9 mm:n ammuksia.
- He nipped out to the off-licence at lunchtime and bought hera<empty>hugevaltavanboxrasianof chocolatessuklaa-.
- The small fishing rod he had bought, with the reel and theboxlaatikollinenof flieskärpäsiä, was still in Stuart's cupboard.
- `I have seven hundred and seventy Swiss francs left, ``said Adam, thumbing through some notes, `and while we're here I must get my motherayksiboxrasiallinenof decent liqueur chocolateshyviä liköörikonvehteja.
- Economic Man, seeingtwokaksiboxesrasiaaof chocolatessuklaa-, of which one is cheaper because the manufacturer has not had to pay for consequential damage to some third party, would choose that cheaper box.
- The traditional story is that Edison sketched out the idea to his mechanic John Kruesi, who built it and betayhdestäboxaskistaof cigarssikari-it would not work.
- They've had people leavingboxesrasioitaof cigarssikari-and bottles of vintage port and silver-topped canes and even wigs and sets of false teeth, apart from all the other obvious things.
- The smallest being the size ofayhdenboxaskinof matchestulitikku-to the largest which are capable of winching a 40lb load.
boxful.n 🔎
- Now here you are,ayksiboxfullaatikollinenof toolstyökaluja.
- Farrar came back withayhdensmallpienenboxfullaatikonof heroinheroiini-.
- Hereisonayksiboxfullaatikollinenof tiny poulpes, a variety of squid which never grow big and which are exquisite fried crisp in oilpieniä tursaita, kalmarilajikkeita, jotka eivät koskaan kasva isoiksi ja jotka paistetaan rapeiksi öljyssä.
- Slowly she wandered back into the kitchen and started to unpack theboxfullaatikollistaof foodruokaa.
- `Unless you know how to use it, ``she sighed, `a Scrabble gameis juston vaina<empty>boxfullaatikollinenof junkroskaa.
- I foundayhdenboxfullaatikollisenaround the back.
- A few days later he came back, said they gave tactile pleasure to his patients, a little on the lines of worry beads, and off he went withayhdenboxfullaatikollisen.
bucketful.n 🔎
- Asik became angry as he thought of all the people in his village who could have been saved by the fruit in the lorry which had just passed him, throwing upbucketfulsroppakaupallaof dustpölyäinto his face.
- `When we played my school a bloke managed to wangle some dry ice from work and he dropped it intoayhteenbucketfulämpärilliseenof warm waterlämmintä vettä.
- I getayhdenbucketfulämpärillisenof watervettäand I heat it on this little stove and I strip and wash myself all over.
bushel.n 🔎
- An example provided by a kachcheri mudaliyar shows that out of a crop which yieldedsixtykuusikymmentäbushelsbusheliaof paddyriisiä, a little over eight bushels was paid for cattle hire.
- He also ownedtenkymmenenbushelsbusheliaof wheatvehnää, and fourteen of barley, and had sown three dayworks (roods) of winter wheat, but no husbandry implements were listed.
- 307 million307 miljoonaabushelsbusheliaof grainviljaapassed through the city's elevators in 1907, representing an 88 per cent increase over 1887.
busload.n 🔎
- `AYksibus-loadbussilastillinenof boring belly dancerstylsiä vatsatanssijoita, ``I said, and pranced around the room.
- The mourners were relatives of 14-month-old Vedrana Glavas and two-year-old Roki Sulejmanovic, killed when snipers ambushed abus-loadbussilastillisenof childrenlapsiafleeing from the civil war last Saturday.
- Piccadilly Circus is the traditional haunt ofbusloadsbussilastillisilleof Day-Glo European schoolchildreneurooppalaisia koululaisia,loitering with intent to spend their last tenner on a Sex Pistols T-shirt.
- Yesterday,busloadsbussilastillisiaof ladsnuoria miehiäwere disgorged at the city square to make their feelings plain.
can.n 🔎
- `There are somecanstölkkejäof drinkjuoma-on the back seat if you're thirsty.
- We danced, and shared thecantölkillisenof champagneshampanjaa.
- Two men withcanstölkitof GuinnessGuinness-strapped to their baseball caps wore yellow T-shirts emblazoned with the logo of the Leprechaun Society.
- He worked his way through a bag of sandwiches andfourneljäcanstölkkiäof PepsiPepsiä.
- On another occasion, l had asked a group to work out the “ best buy ” betweenayhden25 cl25 cl:ncantölkinof wineviini-at £1.19 and a 150 cl bottle at £4.59.
- There were four boys in the van, drinkingcanstölkillisiäof cokekokista.
- Stalin sat at the table, drinkingayhdencantölkinof beerolut-.
- Roberts told the police that he had drunkfiveviisicanstölkkiäof beerolutta.
- In the room which focuses on sight, visitors see, hear and feel themselves being poured out ofayhdestäcantölkistäof draught Guinnesshana-Guinnessia, into a glass, down a mouth and through the human body.
- Adda<empty>drained and rinsed400g/14oz400 g:n/14 oz:ncantölkillinenof red kidney beans andkidneypapuja jaa drained and rinsed 225g/8oz can of flageolet or haricot beans.
carload.n 🔎
- Otherwise, it costs £3 percar-loadautollistaof peopleihmisiä.
- And behind the steamed-up windows sat their drivers, sometimes alone, sometimes with a companion, sometimes withayhdencarloadautollisenof passengersmatkustajia.
- AYksicarloadautollinenof friends and relationsystäviä ja sukulaisiadrive up to his premises, sign a visitors' book and ring for service.
- 2.30AM Outside a gutted supermarket, I stop to talk to a group of young men peltingtwokahtacarloadsautollistaof policepoliisejawith pilfered eggs.
- Shortlythreekolmecarloadsautollistaof young womennuoria naisiaarrived, followed by the limousine carrying Long John Silver.
cup.n 🔎
- `Master MacAirth, ``he said, pouringtwokaksicupskupillistaof wineviiniä.
- He waved the clerk to a seat and served himayhdencupkupillisenof watered winevedellä laimennettua viiniä.
- On washing day I fill a bucket half full of very hot water and add mycupkupillisenof soap powderpyykinpesujauhettabefore going back to the house for breakfast.
- We kept awake withcupskupeittainof cocoakaakaota, which was off the ration.
- As with the BROWNIES, gruagachs will happily serve their masters for nothing more thanayhdencupkupillisenof milkmaitoa.
- With a shudder, Sylvie refuseda<empty>cupkupillisestaof teatee-.
gallon.n 🔎
- It was all right for her, she'd got through two packets of fags andayhdengallongallonanof teateetäsince they'd started, not to mention all the old souvenirs.
- They swooped on two ICI plants to block pipes pouring outthousandstuhansiaofgallonsgalloneitaof poisonmyrkkyä.
- Forty or fifty a day,threekolmegallonsgallonaaof beerolutta, drop dead one of these days--
- The driver drinkstwokaksigallonsgallonaaa day of a fluid that dissolves gallstones, cures arthritis, and can eat through the cylinder head of a Land Rover in four minutes flat.
- He calculated that the aircraft was fairly light, the only payload being himself with a twentypound bag andtwelvekaksitoistagallonsgallonaaof fuelpolttoainetta.
- They had started with235235gallonsgallonallaof fuelpolttoainetta, enough for 5.22 hours of flying, but things were now getting critical.
- Recycled glass is called `cullet ``and for every tonne of cullet used in making new glass,2929gallonsgallonaaof fuel oilpolttoöljyäand 1.2 tonnes of raw materials are saved.
- Every tonne of glass which is recycled saves3030gallonsgallonaaof oilöljyäand we threw away 1,750,000 tonnes of glass last year!
- THERE 'S A VERY good chance, that the next soft drink to pass your lips, or the nextgallongallonanof petrolbensaain your car, is there courtesy of P&O Roadtanks.
- TenKymmenengallonsgallonaaof watervettäentered the engine room through an air intake, but both engines continued to run normally.
glass.n 🔎
- Iraqis traditionally offer guestsayhdensmallpienenglasslasillisenof very hot teaerittäin kuumaa teetäand drink it three or four times a day themselves.
- Jen went to the sideboard and took the half-full bottle of `cheap Italian ``of which Helen expressed herself very fond, although she never drankmore than twoyli kahtaglasseslasillista.
- Paul and Bill haveayhdenglasslasillisenof BudBudiaeach: Bill's third, Paul's fourth.
- He came back withtwokaksiglasseslasillistaof beeroluttaand handed one to Ellis.
- The housemistress even presented me witha<empty>glasslasillisenof milkmaitoaat lunch.
- Three or moreKolme tai useampiglasseslasillinenwhole milktäysmaitoadaily for children.
- Harvey pouredtwokaksiglasseslasillistaof milkmaitoaand put two doughnuts on to paper plates.
- Callers of any sort were scarce at Four Winds, mostly people who came asking for directions or evenayhtäglasslasillistaof watervettäwhen the weather was hot.
- All aim to restrict calorie intake but most allow for one small treat a day, such asayhdensmallpienenglasslasillisenof dry winekuivaa viiniäor a chocolate biscuit.
- If you believe thatayksiglasslasillinenof wineviiniäwill sell a motor car, you are underestimating the customer.
jug.n 🔎
- You have to drink thislargesuurijugkannullinenof orange juice with a chemical in it that makes the tumour show up if it is thereappelsiinimehua, joka sisältää kemikaalia, joka saa mahdollisen kasvaimen näkymään.
- There were alsojugskannullisiaof aleolutta, bottles of amber wine, port and Bristol `milk ``-- the finest sherry in all England.
- There were two tiny windows, each with one bar across originally, but friends of the prisoners delayed the sobering up process by passingjugskannullisiaof aleoluttathrough the windows, so two bars were fitted.
- There was cheese, pickled onions, corned beef, cottage loaves, pig's pudding and evenayksigallongallonanjugkannullinenof aleolutta.
- Bryant turned to Marion, who had arrived withayksifulljugkannullinenof aleolutta.
- When one of his servants first saw him smoking, he thought Sir Walter was on fire and threwayhdenjugkannullisenof aleoluttaover him.
- He hastily ordered large amounts of red ochre to be brought from Elephantine and to be ground to powder by the High Priest of Heliopolis and stirred intoseven thousandseitsemäntuhattajugskannullistaof beerolutta.
- Nettie, after all, had gone to some trouble, with dishes of peppermint fondants and dark after-dinner chocolates, in addition to the steaming silver coffee-pot and the matching silverjugkannullinenof thick fresh creampaksua tuoretta kermaa.
- HugeValtaviajugskannullisiaof fruit juicehedelmämehuawere being pressed on guests, rather than booze.
- There would be a few eggs,ayksijugkannullinenof milkmaitoaor if there was a meal cooking, some potatoes.
litre.n 🔎
- Nearly 300Lähes 300litreslitraaof diesel oildieselöljyäwere spilled into a tributary of the River Tamar in Plymouth yesterday after vandals released the fuel from a tank in a timber yard.
- Up to 100 million can occur perlitrelitraaof sea watermerivesi-, as a result of blooms measuring several hundred miles across.
- Mercenaria pumpsup to 11jopa 11litreslitraaof watervettäan hour through its tissues, becoming the penultimate depository for toxic chemicals and metals until served up as chowder or clams casino.
- He demonstrates how when the patient is helped to weep the kidneys can produce sometimes as much asayhdenlitrelitranof urinevirtsaa.
- Over 1,300Yli 1 300litreslitraaof highly alcoholic brewerittäin alkoholipitoista oluttahad been seized from one wing alone, in nine months.
- Shake one or two drops of an essence suitable for your skin-type (see page 63) into a bowl containing½½litrelitraaof steaming waterhöyryävää vettä.
- `I drankat least fourvähintään neljälitreslitraaduring the canoeing, ``Bramwell said.
- On the drinks front, alitrelitranbottlepulloof red Fitoupunaista Fitoutais going for the price of a 75cl bottle (£3.15), as is a litre of Lutomer Riesling (£2.85).
- In post-race scrutineering it was revealed that the car had2525litreslitraaof fuelpolttoainettaleft in the tank.
- Each packet of ORS produced had contents enough for11litrelitraanof solutionliuosta.
- Another one revealed that the villagers who did not havelitrelitranbottlespullojain their homes also did not have the ingredients for preparation.
mug.n 🔎
- Nothing important, Piper the Trog said, handing meayhdenfulltäydenmugmukillisenof cidersiideriä.
- It may not go with a tableful of curry, butayksimugmukillinenof cold beerkylmää oluttais not what I need.
- My catering was limited to brewing endlessmugsmukillisiaof insipid coffeeväljähtynyttä kahviaand opening packets of custard creams.
- The police were a minute or two behind but, before the inevitable string of questions began, I insisted on making and drinkingayhdenhugevaltavanmugmukillisenof teateetä.
- She looked at Ruth drinkingayhtämugmukillistaof teateetäat the table.
- I made Joanna respectable by putting up my anchor lantern, made myselfayhdenmugmukillisenof cocoakaakaota, and turned in.
- Sergeant Morrison put hismugmukillisensaof teatee-down on the greasy bar and turned.
- When she had gone, Sarah poured herself outayhdenlargesuurenmugmukillisenof thick black teapaksua mustaa teetä.
pack.n 🔎
- Sainsbury sellpackspakkauksiaof 12 mini party eggs12 minikananmunanat £1.19, and vegetable rolls at £1.25 for 30.
- I am not averse topackspakettejaof informationtieto-on what happens when someone goes into prison.
- `I'll bringayhdenpackpakanof cardskortti-as well, ``said Joe on his way out.
- Thepackpakkaof cardskortti-was shuffled and the subject held the cards face up in one hand.
- She had smokedoneyhdenpackaskillisenof cigarettestupakka-daily for six years and was taking no medication.
- Cookayksi4-oz.4 unssinpackpakkausof frozen peas or runner beanspakasteherneitä tai ruusupapujaand serve with an uncooked grated sharp-tasting eating apple to save the trouble of making apple sauce.
- SHOCKED Colin Creasey saved a kitchen fitter's severed thumb by keeping it ina<empty>packpakkauksessaof frozen peaspakasteherne-.
- Both explained thatsmallpienetpackspakkauksetof productstuote-were not only more convenient but also meant less wasted packaging.
- Here'sonayksipackpakettiof barley sugarrintasokeriaall for you.
packet.n 🔎
- Packetspakkauksetof seedsSiemen-are much less expensive than florists' flowers in the long run, but they do cost a lot more in time and effort.
- Having eatentwokaksipacketspaketillistaof bacon-flavoured potato crispspekoninmakuisia perunalastuja, he had purchased another tube of Rowntree's Fruit Gums, which he was now enjoying while waiting for the lights to dim.
- As she ate she cast worried glances up towards the cupboard by the stove, where lay a small sack of potato crisps, some Liquorice Allsorts andtwokaksipacketspaketillistaof biscuitskeksejä.
- After a tough day at the office, Nancy covetsayhtäpacketpaketillistaof crispsperunalastuja.
- Todaysome 5,000 millionnoin 5 000 miljoonaapacketspakettiaof crispsperunalastujawere sold in Britain each year.
- Police have said there was evidence of drug taking at the £17-a-head event, including discardedpacketspakettejaof white powdervalkoista jauhettaand some cannabis resin, but there were no arrests for drugs.
- She owned thepacketpaketinof tea bagsteepussi-in the kitchen.
- The day we met her diet was soup at dinner time, pineapple and cottage cheese for tea withayksipacketpaketillinenof crispsperunalastujaand a cup of tea.
pint.n 🔎
- withayksipinttuopillinenof GuinnessGuinnessia
- I gota couplemuutamanofpintstuopillisenon my way home.
- This contains44pintspintiäof very corrosive organic aciderittäin ruostuttavaa orgaanista happoa,which only attacks living or organic items such as wood or leather, but not metal or stone.
- They were still chatting happily together as they walked inside the inn and Seb called, `TwoKaksipintspintiäof aleoluttaplease, landlord.
- To wash it down, fifteen thousand bottles of champagne, twenty five thousand bottles of wine, anda quarter of a millionmiljoonan neljännesosapintspintiäof beerolutta.
- Terry lost1010pintspintiäof bloodverta.
- Two cart horses and one nag are kept on the farm; Mr Long employs three labourers, at wages of 15s a week, and33pintspintiäof cidersiideriäper day.
- Billy looked annoyed and was about to say something when Knocker came back with theirtwokahdenpintstuopinof cidersiideri-, looking more like tea cups in his massive fists.
- aboutayksipinttuopillinenof milkmaitoaa day
- Erm, could you pick upayhdenpintpintinof milkmaitoaat the Seven Eleven for us, hang on, I'll give you some money.
- oneyksipintpintof fluidnestettäsuch as: water, soup, low calorie drink, lemon tea
- With his dinner he drank a pint of wine andayhdenpintpintinof watervettä, and another pint of each with his supper.
planeload.n 🔎
- A protest outside fleet headquarters had been whipped up, he said, by deliberately spread rumours thattwokaksiplaneloadskoneellistaof Ukrainian National GuardUkrainan kansalliskaartin jäseniäwere arriving to arrest Adml Kasatanov.
- When Czechoslovakia was in terminal crisis she raised money from the Royal Institute of British Architects to bring backayhdenplaneloadkoneellisenof children from Praguelapsia Prahasta.
- A firstplaneloadkoneellinenof ANC exilesANC-pakolaisiareturned home from Zambia on March 7, and a further 550 were expected during the ensuing weeks.
- On Aug. 24 a 45-truck WFP convoy arrived in Gelib, southern Somalia, carrying 450 tonnes of food and by Sept. 2 the WFP had flown infourneljäplaneloadskoneellistaof food aidruoka-apuato Bardera.
platter.n 🔎
- Svend Larsen pushed a pile of papers to one side of his desk, tookayhdenplatterlautasellisenof open sandwichesavoimia voileipiäfrom the top of his bookcase and set it down between Elisabeth and himself.
- There immediately behind the silverplatterlautasenof Salmon à la RégenceSalmon à la Régencen, was James Halden.
- There werehugevaltaviaplattersvadillisiaof cooked meatkeitettyä lihaaat intervals of every three or four settings.
- There were barrelsful of butter andplattersvadillisiaof fruithedelmiäand great sides of bacon and ham and sizzling sausages.
- Bring the water to a simmer and put theplatterlautanenof fishkala-into the steamer or on to the rack.
- A servant brought a tray of wine cups filled to the brim with white Rhenish wine, as well asayksiplattervadillinenof sweet pastriesmakeita leivoksia.
- Suddenly the Trunchbull lunged forward and grabbed the large empty chinaplatterlautaseen,on which the cake had rested.
- Garlands of fresh bay were looped around a table containing a silverplatterlautanen,with a two-foot-high mound of Beluga caviarejossa oli kahden jalan korkuinen keko Beluga-kaviaaria.
quart.n 🔎
- For the Rover P4 there's `A solid car if you don't mind buyingayhdenquartneljännesgallonanof oilöljyäa week ``.
- ``Sweetenayksiquartneljännesgallonaof cydersiideriäwith refined sugar, grate a nutmeg over It; and milk the cow into your liquor.
- I hollered for fortified wines and drankquartsneljännesgallonoitaof tongue-frazzling black coffeekieltä polttavaa mustaa kahvia.
- He sank into a fireside chair and I poured himayhdensmallpienenmedicinalquartneljännesgallonanof Absintheabsinttiato steady his nerves.
- ``Stew very slowlyoneyksiquartneljännesgallonaof green gooseberriesvihreitä karviaisiawith half a pound of white sugar and enough water to prevent fruit from burning.
- ``Puttwokaksiquartsneljännesgallonaaof gooseberrieskarviaisiainto about a quart of water, and set them on the fire.
- Another discovery he claimed was that of a cure for glanders: one horse had remained `cured ``for four years after treatment with what was popularly known as `Sewell's Blue Broth --three ounces of copper sulphate inayhdessäquartneljännesgallonassaof watervettä.
roomful.n 🔎
- She barked back, the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in aroomfulhuoneesta, joka oli täynnäof damesnaisiaall with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand.
- A wholeroomfulhuone täynnäof precious stonesarvokkaita kiviä.
sackful.n 🔎
- The arrival of each vendor is greeted by the crowd rather as the appearance of a man withayksisackfulsäkillinenof riceriisiäwould be greeted in a Kurdish refugee camp in midwinter.
- By the end of `The Daleks ``the Doctor Who office was regularly receivingayhdensackfulsäkillisenof mailpostiaper day, sometimes two sackfuls.
scoop.n 🔎
- TULIP wafer cups can holda singleyhdenscoopkauhallisenof ice creamjäätelöäor desserts such as fruit and cream.
- Ali requests chicken with some cherry pie with `twokaksiscoopspalloaof ice-creamjäätelöä``.
- Serve the purée in a pool around22scoopspalloaof ready-made sorbetvalmista sorbettiasuch as passion fruit.
- Customers vary in age, he added, although the younger ones tend to ask for a pea buttyayhtäscoopkauhallistaof mushy peassohjoisia herneitäin a bun.
- 44scoopspalloavanilla ice creamvaniljajäätelöä
scoopful.n 🔎
- She divides it into greatscoopfulskauhallisiksiand fills a cornflake bowl for each of us.
spoon.n 🔎
- He poured an inch of condensed milk into the mug plusfourneljäspoonslusikallistaof sugarsokeriaand stirred the coffee before straining it.
- A tea-bag,ayksispoonlusikallinenof Marvel milk-powderMarvel-maitojauhetta, and the green plastic mug was steaming triumphantly by my side.
- She breakfasted on fried bread and bacon, and tea withfourneljälläspoonslusikallisellaof sugarsokeria, before a full turkey dinner with the other 33 residents at her nursing home in Redcar, Cleveland.
- She stirredfourneljäspoonslusikallistaof sugarsokeriainto her cup.
spoonful.n 🔎
- `SixKuusispoonfulslusikallistaof strawberry jammansikkahilloabefore you go out the harbour.
- She made the tea quickly and stirredayhdenspoonfullusikallisenof honeyhunajaainto Nina's cup.
- Melissa almost choked onayhdenspoonfullusikallisenof yoghurtjugurttia.
- He paused,ayksispoonfullusikallinenof eggkananmunaahalfway to his mouth.
- Placespoonfulslusikallisiaof the battertaikinaain the oil and cook for about two minutes.
- Christina sweetened it withtwokahdellaspoonfulslusikallisellaof golden local cane sugarpaikallista kullanväristä ruokosokeria.
- Coventry made the tea, addedfourneljäspoonfulslusikallistaof sugarsokeria, stirred clockwise, and then they took sip for sip of scalding tea and cheap whisky.
- Polly poured the coffee, adding milk andthreekolmespoonfulslusikallistaof sugarsokeria.
tablespoon.n 🔎
- Beat 100g/4oz vegetarian Stilton with 25g/1oz softened butter,oneyksitablespoonruokalusikallinenof portportviiniä, one finely chopped pear and one teaspoon of snipped chives.
- 1 Heatoneyksitablespoonruokalusikallinenof the oilöljyäin a large pan, add half of the onion and garlic and fry until the onion begins to brown.
- Two to threeKahdesta kolmeentablespoonsteelusikallistaof tinned tomatoestomaattimurskaaare enough for a sauce made from 2 lb. of the fresh fruit or for 3 pints of stock.
- Now placeayksigeneroustablespoonruokalusikallinenof fillingtäytettäin the centre of each pastry disc and spread slightly.
- Mixoneyksitablespoonruokalusikallinenof mayonnaisemajoneesiawith ¼ teaspoon of creamed horseradish.
- Put apples in a pan withthreekolmetablespoonsteelusikallistaof watervettä, cover and cook gently until soft.
- I'm only meant to useoneyhdentablespoonruokalusikallisenof itsiitäin a whole basin of water and you've gone and put it all over your head neat!
- Using kitchen paper, ruboneyksitablespoonruokalusikallinenof oilöljyäon all sides of a 20cm/8in square cake tin.
tankful.n 🔎
- It's not a sum you'd throw away; but you'd be happy if it bought a new handbag, a train fare to London orayhdentankfultankillisenof petrolbensaa.
- Turned out that some well-meaning wally had given itayhdentankfultankillisenof unleaded two-starlyijytöntä kahden tähden bensaa.
- AYksitankfultankillinenof petrolbensaawouldn't come amiss.
- McVeighty gambled on going the complete four laps ononeyhdellätankfultankillisellaof petrolbensaa, while Bell made one pit stop.
teaspoon.n 🔎
- Mix the arrowroot withoneyhteenteaspoonteelusikalliseenof cold waterkylmää vettäand stir into the syrup along with the shreds.
- Breakfast cereals are mostly sugar-coated; when she occasionally has a wholegrain cereal (like Weetabix) she addstwokaksiteaspoonsteelusikallistaof sugarsokeria.
- Addayksiteaspoonteelusikallinenof saltsuolaa, and a sprinkling of milled pepper.
- Stir in yeast, make a well in the centre and slowly pour in the onion liquid andoneyksiteaspoonteelusikallinenof the olive oiloliiviöljyä, stirring constantly to form a smooth dough.
- Place the potatoes, apples, sugar,oneyksiteaspoonteelusikallinenof saltsuolaaand the vinegar in a large pan and just cover with water.
teaspoonful.n 🔎
- To finish the planting scheme, there are tiny species which can eke out an existence inayhdessäteaspoonfulteelusikallisessaof soilmaata.
- Alternatively, add2 or 32 tai 3teaspoonfulsteelusikallistaof soilmaata, or a few dead leaves.
- You will find thattwo to fourkahdesta neljäänteaspoonfulsteelusikallistaof oilöljyäwill be enough for the average back.
- LSE graduate Lesley Satchell tells me that she tookayhdenteaspoonfulteelusikallisenof oilöljyäto her arthritic grandmother Mrs Wyn Butler.
trainload.n 🔎
- A locomotive was gliding in, hauling atrainloadjunalastillisenof coacheslinja-autoja.
- I was at the station with my father when the firsttrainloadjunalastillinenof childrenlapsiaarrived.
- For this latest effort, the greatest since February 21st, the Germans had expendedseventeenseitsemäntoistatrainloadsjunalastillistaof ammunitionammuksiaand many thousands more men.
tray.n 🔎
- A butler, a Polynesian in a trim white jacket, approached us with atraytarjottimenof drinksjuoma-ranging from champagne to gin fizzes or Scotch and sodas.
- Small vans burst into the forecourt through the arch of the gatehouse, to park at the front door and unload pot-plants, piles of plates, crates of wine,traystarjottimellisiaof freshly baked rollstuoreita sämpylöitä.
truckload.n 🔎
- To ease the pressure,ayksitruckloadrekkalastillinenof Commandoskommandomiehiäwere taken to the rear where they could relax for a couple of days.
- There are more moving images at Middleton, in south-east Leeds, where the world's first commercial railway was opened to carrytruckloadsrekkalastillisiaof coalhiiliäfrom Middleton Colliery to the city's mills.
- The food, thetruckloadsrekkalastillisetof champagneshampanjaa, accommodation, fees for the gala stars and 800 musicians, and air fares for many of the guests add up to a bill of millions for the weekend.
- The driver, who is stuck withayhdentruckloadrekkalastillisenof orangesappelsiineja, called his company to tell of his ordeal.
- Five hundredViisisataatruck-loadsrekkalastillistaof holly and mistletoepiikkipaatsamaa ja misteliäarrived from the New Forest for Christmas 1899, and in May and June `we are flooded with potatoes and also with strawberries ``.
- The infantry regiment performed miracles: it gottwokaksitruckloadsrekkalastillistaof troopsjoukkojaon the road to Barce only seven minutes after Schramm had asked for help.