TransFrameNet:Measure mass
gram.n 🔎
- This is not the case with thermoluminescence (TL) dating, which requiresseveraluseitagramsgrammojaof potterykeramiikkaa.
- Stir in 2 or 3 drops of essential oil to every5050gramsgrammaanof creamkerma-or 1 or 2 drops to every 25 ml of lotion and shake well.
- ANYONE who feels like investing ina fewmuutamiagramsgrammojaof silverhopeaa,should call up a certain Carroll Jones in his office in Washington.
- I said, `I am getting off here and walking to the Astoria, where I will drinkone hundredsatagramsgrammaaof port wineportviiniä.
- It will separate and purifymoleculesmolekyylitranging from a few milligrams toseveraluseisiingramsgrammoihinfrom solution.
- Fraser and Azhar experimented to see how the feedforward net reacted when they fixeda piece of metalmetallinpalan,weighing450450grammesgrammaaonto the gripper.
- In the last chapter I said that the average consumption offatrasvanin the Western worldis abouton noin130130gramsgrammaa(over 4 UNC ounces) a day.
- On the other hand, the smallest dinosaur known -- of the type that were probably the immediate ancestors of modern birds -- was no bigger than amistlethrushkulorastas,weighing onlya fewmuutamangrammesgramman.
- It is available in 250 gram and400400gramgrammanbagspusseissaas well as 20 kilogram bales, to suit individual requirements.
- The average Briton who is not attempting to shed weight is consuming between 2,000 and 3,000 calories daily and only around15 to 2015–20gramsgrammaaof fibrekuitua.
kilo.n 🔎
- The gang produced a sample oftwokaksikiloskiloaof PE4PE4:ää-- similar to explosives used in the Gulf War.
- Scientists on the ground had final control over the detonation of the larger200200kilokilonexplosive packageräjähdepakkauksenand set it off directly on the magnetic field lines in the middle of the auroral arc.
- The ladies, who run about a third of the distance of the men's race and carrytwentykahdenkymmenenkilokilonsackssäkkejä, can win similar prizes, a trophy, voucher, money and goblets instead of tankards.
- He secured afortyneljänkymmenenkilokilonsandbaghiekkasäkin, used as ballast, into the rear seat and was seen to check every part of the machine.
- His car was found to contain19.9319,93kiloskiloaof cannabis resinkannabishartsia, with a street value of £65,000.
- According to police they had3.73,7kiloskiloaof heroinheroiinia, valued at US$7 million on the streets of New York.
kilogram.n 🔎
- In 1980 a barrel of oil cost420420kilogrammeskilogrammaaof bananasbanaaneja.
- GoldKullanproduction rose by144144kilogramskilogrammastato 29,594 kilograms, despite a 3 p.c. dip in the amount of ore milled to 3.51m tonnes.
- MeatLihawas the predominant ingredient of the Mongol diet, with average consumption ofeightkahdeksankilogrammeskilogrammaaper person per month.
- It is available in 325 gram bags or as10 or 2010 tai 20kilogramkilogrammanbalespaaleina.
- Johnson Matthey Noble Metals produced55platinum/iridiumplatina-/iridium-kilogramkilogrammancylinders during the early 1980s, both for the NPL and BIPM in France.
- Emergency services were called to the M four when afiftyviidenkymmenenkilogramkilogrammancontainer of calcium hypochloridesäiliö kalsiumhypokloriittiasplit open during peak hour traffic.
- The shipment of16.4816,48kilogramskilogrammaaof 93 per cent enriched uranium93-prosenttisesti rikastettua uraaniais destined for a 14-megawatt research reactor at Potesti, which was supplied by the California-based General Atomics company in the 1970s.
- It is now estimated that abouttwentykaksikymmentäkilogramskilogrammaaof uraniumuraaniaescaped through the pile chimneys, posing a risk even greater than that from the short-lived 1957 accident.
milligram.n 🔎
- `I was going to give Mr MacFadyen thehundredsaramilligramsmilligrammaaof seconalSeconalia,he'd been ordered.
- Jeff went to the psychiatrist and they start babbling on saying about thefortyneljästäkymmenestämilligramsmilligrammastaof valiumvaliumiahe's taking.
- It will separate and purifymoleculesmolekyylitranging froma fewmuutamastamilligramsmilligrammastato several grams from solution.
- ItSeweighs200200milligramsmilligrammaa.
- Our average intake ofcaffeine from tea and coffeeTeestä ja kahvista saadun kofeiininis aroundon noin500500milligramsmilligrammaa(mg) per day, enough to produce a significant effect.
- The court accepted both the widow's evidence and expert evidence that the defendant's demeanour would have appeared reasonably sober despitean alcohol levelalkoholitasostaof131131milligramsmilligramman.
- Since most pastes contain fluoride at a concentration of 1000 parts per million, a daily intake in excess of0-50–5milligramsmilligrammaafluoridefluoridiafrom this source alone is common.
- Each application delivers 3 to 5 ml of gel and the patient is exposed to as much as6060milligramsmilligrammalleof fluoridefluoridiafor four to five minutes.
- FO Well,our non-ferrous metals limitraudattomien metalliemme rajahas usually beenon yleensä ollutoneyksimilligrammemilligrammaper litre, they have recently changed to 0.5 milligrams per litre now.
- A government spokesman commented that substantial resources were being allocated to improve water quality, and that East Anglian water would meet the EC safety threshold of5050milligramsmilligrammaaof nitratesnitraattejaper litre by 1995.
ounce.n 🔎
- As thin as ever withoutan<empty>ouncehitustakaanof excess fatylimääräistä rasvaa, he had the long face and gaunt look of the true desert Arab.
- AnYhdenounceunssinof coral beadskorallihelmienwas reckoned to be worth ten large jars of oil.
- For instance I have increased theskimmed milkrasvattoman maidonallowance from44ouncesunssistato 10 ounces per day and I have allowed red meat to be included twice a week.
- Fear of inflation in America depressed bond markets and drove the price ofgoldkullanover $175anyhdeltäounceunssiltain New York, its highest price since the Gulf war.
- Conventional shellac records were very brittle; onlya fewmuutamaouncesunssiof shear stresskuormitustawould crack them in half.
- In February 1980, for instance,24 carat24 karaatiapeaked at $850anyhdeltäounceunssilta.
- So, 130 grams of fat is equal to almost55ouncesunssiaof buttervoita.
- You allow, or at any rate, I allow,an<empty>ounceunssinof buttervoitaper Portuguese sardine.
- With a pair of macaws fetching up to £10 000 and with an ounce of ground rhinoceros horn costing more thananyhdenounceunssinof goldkultaain Asian medicine shops, the stakes are high.
- The210,720210 720ouncesunssiaof Latvian goldlatvialaista kultaawas frozen by the bank after Stalin's Red Army overran the state, with its neighbours Lithuania and Estonia, in 1940.
pound.n 🔎
- TwentyKaksikymmentäpoundspaunaaof honeyhunajaaeach hive, they gathered, or more; sometimes twice that.
- Some2525poundspaunaaof enriched uraniumrikastettua uraaniawere apparently salvaged from Osirak.
- It's an expensive business having so many children … the weekly shopping list includes a hundred andtwenty fivekaksikymmentäviisipoundspaunaaof potatoesperunoita, twenty one loaves of bread and seventy pints of milk.
- For everypoundpaunaaof applesomena-eaten, the cholesterol level can be reduced by one per cent.
- She even made pound cake -- you know,ayksipoundpaunaof buttervoita, a pound of flour, a pound of eggs -- without weighing anything.
- The Marquess of Londonderry arrived with his traditional gift to a new bishop of two pheasants andayhdenpoundpaunanof buttervoita.
- Anne and Elizabeth arrived with an armful of baguettes hot from the baker, a basketful of ham, garlic sausage, p) andseveraluseitapoundspaunojaof unsalted buttersuolatonta voita.
- In 1718 Jean Godinot claimed that Dom Pýgnon addedoneyhdenpoundpaunanof sugarsokeriaper piece of wine, a charge which was hotly contested much later by Dom Grossard.
ton.n 🔎
- In Holland about400400tonstonniaof lead shotlyijyammuksiaare scattered every year.
- It was opened in 1951, by which time the men had moved 400 tons of rubble,154154tonstonniaof gravelsoraaand laid 44,000 bricks.
- The ship was carrying80,00080 000tonstonniaof oilöljyäwhen it hit a rock off Corunna last Thursday.
- Over four years, Ukraine would receive 75,000 million cubic metres of gas and50,000,000-70,000,00050 000 000–70 000 000tonstonniaof oilöljyä, some of which would be passed on to other European countries.
- But in their hurry to get off the mountain, exhausted climbers have discardedtonstonniaof rubbishjätettä.
- Already 70 per cent of the capital's annual total of13.5 million13,5 miljoonastatonstonnistaof wastejäte-goes to counties outside the city.
- I don't drink any alcohol but I love papaya juice and drinktonstonnejaof mineral watermineraalivettä.
- Over a hundred thousandYli satatuhattatonstonniaof watervettäpressed on the landfall and each foot eaten away from its face sapped its ability to withstand the massive weight.
- Statistics declare that1,2001 200tonstonniaof watervettäevery second feed that tempestuous wrath beneath.