TransFrameNet:Measure linear extent
- These have onlyoneyksicentimetresenttimetriof paddingtäytettäand leave the thumb free to fold in safely.
- If a transmitter operates at 6m of perforated tape/min and there are ten centre holes per2.542,54cmcmof tapenauhaa, this would amount to 40 centre holes per second or, put another way, 40 dots/s.
- The manual tells you 27 stitches for every1010centimetressenttimetrinof seamompeleelle.
- As a rule, allow5 cm to 75 cm -7cmcmof fishkalaafor every 900 sq cm of water surface.
- After scoring, the distal88cmcmof the colonkooloniawere blotted dry and weighed using a Sartorius laboratory balance.
- During laparotomy,22cmcmof more proximal bile ductläheisempää sappitietäwas missing and bile leaked from the common hepatic duct into the abdominal cavity, explaining the absence of obstructive jaundice.
- Made from chipboard with ash veneer, it measures85 cm by 4085 cm x 40cmcmby 153 cm; diameter of mirror, 40 cm; £796, designed by Peter May for Ligne Roset
- The head of the intussusception was found to be an ileal polyp just proximal to the ileocaecal valve which measured 4.5 cm with a1.51,5cmcm:nstalkvarrella.
- The specimenNäyteison1515cmcmlong.
- Five minutes footage a day is good going and they use only11footjalanof filmfilmiäout of every 15 feet shot.
- The 2140 machine prints98.598,5feetjalkaaof paperpaperiaa minute and can produce half a million cheque books a month.
- Brand A sells at £150 per month and takes up1010feetjalkaaof shelf spacehyllytilaa.
- It had undermined pillars erected to give extra support to the roof of the workings and about 6 p.m. that day the pillars gave way andabout 200noin 200feetjalkaaof the roofkattoacollapsed.
- The sea would be rising fast, flooding inland over the mangrove swamps, drowning the coast underten or twenty or thirtykymmenen tai kahdenkymmenen tai kolmenkymmenenfeetjalanof watervesi-.
- Flamesliekitleaping tothirtyKolmeenkymmeneenfeetjalkaanin the air were reported just off the road at Wheatley causing a stretch of the road to be closed all day.
- The executioner, usingan iron barrautatankoathreekolmenfeetjalanlong and two inches square, would strike the limb over each hollow, thereby shattering each arm and leg in two places.
- Even Torquay, when there istwo-and-a-halfkaksi ja puolifeetjalkaaof snowluntaon the ground, will lose some of its appeal.
- AYKSIFOOTJALKAof snowluntafell in the Scottish Highlands yesterday, bringing chaos to road, rail and air services.
- `But you had something liketwokaksifeetjalkaaof snowluntain New York, you said! ``laughed Caro.
- It was expected that therewould beolisi1313feetjalkaaof watervettäduring the lowest tides.
- I hid theinchtuumanof yellow knittingkeltaista neuletta, which represented two hours' work, under my chair, tipped the lampshade to a more discreet angle, and called, ``Come in.
- If the distance between bait and bullet was, say, 12 inches, then I would have1212inchestuumaaof lineviivaathat would be out of my control.
- The Thames region is short of1616inchestuumaaof rainsadettain the fourth successive year of drought, and the Southern Region short of more than 20, the NRA said yesterday.
- TwoKaksiinchestuumaaof rainsadettafell in Oxfordshire in twelve hours … equivalent to the average rainfall for the entire month.
- The June weather had included rain, sleet andthreekolmeinchestuumaaof snowlunta!
- Two women were trapped in the cabin, with onlyinchesmuutama tuumaof air spaceilmatilaa, as the boat filled with icy water.
- By 1985 Mercury plans to install10001 000kilometreskilometriäof cablekaapeliato link Britain's business centres, but work on laying the cables has not yet begun.
- Some 20,000Noin 20 000kilometreskilometriäof new hedgerowuutta pensasaitaahave been planted in the same period.
- Away from the human-made cacophony of towns and cities, elephants call to each other throughkilometreskilometrienof dense foresttiheän metsänusing sounds too low for us to hear.
- The turkey vulture can detect a freshly killed carcass throughkilometreskilometrienof dense foresttiheän metsän.
- The survey found that water quality has seriously declined along6,3236 323kilometreskilometrinof riversjokien, canals and estuaries in England and Wales.
- The100100kilometreskilometrinof riversjoetand canals which criss-cross the city are heavily polluted because most industrial plants and utilities have no waste-treatment systems.
- Approximately 1,100Noin 1 100metresmetriäof special miniature cableerityistä miniatyyrikaapeliawere used to change the wiring in the seventy light fittings from 4 volts DC to 24 volts AC lighting at 2 lumens per square foot.
- 4 12 hand towels can be made from88metresmetristäof towellingkangasta.
- The prospect of a gentle ski out disappeared with the arrival ofayksimetremetriof glutinous snowtahmeaa lunta.
- Brand B sells at £75 per month and takes up77metresmetriäof spacetilaa.
- It depicted simplyan enormous facevaltavia kasvoja, more thanayhdenmetremetrinwideleveitä: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.
- Over eightYli kahdeksanmilesmailiaof black clothmustaa kangastawere sold in one day.
- They race through the277277milesmailin pituisenof the Grand CanyonGrand Canyoninin six or seven days, drinking beer and spewing exhaust fumes all the way.
- Between 1850 and 1870,50,00050 000milesmailiaof new lineuutta rataawere laid in Europe, as against 15,000 in all the years before.
- There aremilesmailejaof well kept pathshyvin hoidettuja polkujafor walking or cycling.
- The day begins early and hours of endless sunshine stretch ahead withmilesmailien pituisenof perfect beachtäydellisen rannanjust yards from the Club, the dedicated sunbather couldn't wish for more.
- He says: `The initial expectation was that Eastern Europe would replay the last 30 years of telecommunications history in Western Europe, buyingmilesmailejaof copper cablekuparikaapeliaand so on.
- FROM Bristol to Bournemouth thereareonmore than 600yli 600milesmailiaof coastlinerannikkoa; it is hard to imagine living in the West Country without taking advantage of this natural bounty.
- It seems certain to blackenmilesmailejaof pristine coastlinekoskematonta rannikkoa, kill hundreds of birds and wreck lucrative shellfish grounds.
- It's a lot easier to sound sweet and helpful when there'sfortyneljäkymmentämilesmailiaof roadtietäbetween you.
- The largest planned for Regional Railways would mastermind train movements on about100100milesmailinof trackradalla.
- In Japan the first railway line between Yokohama and Tokyo (18 miles) was opened in 1872, and within thirty Years there were3,0003 000milesmailiaof trackrautateitä.
- Together they have some25,00025 000milesmailiaof trackrautateitä, employ about 400,000 people, and turn over DM 25 billion (£10bn).
- Stretched out my whole body into the petals so that every squaremillimetremillimetriof my skinihoniwas softly touched.
- He peered more closely and snipped awayayhdenmillimetremillimetrinof hairhiuksia.
- It has been estimated that these various small-scale erosional processes require tens of Ma to overturn a fewmillimetresmillimetriäof dustpölyä.
- {{{1}}}77mmmmof duodenumpohjukaissuolta, including the pancreaticobiliary ducts and papilla, to the middle of the small intestine.
- Bone loss on the mandible proceeded at a rate of22mmmmper hour, resulting in erosion of the inferior border and loss of the incisor (Fig. 1.8h).
- The lesion was 3 mm in diameter and showed aneroded large vessel stumpsuuren kuluneen suonenpätkänof22mmmmin diameter protruding into the lumen (Fig 1).
- Thus 7 × 50 indicates a magnification of 7, witheach object-glassjokainen objektiivi5050millimetresmillimetriäacross; 12 × 50 gives a magnification of 12, again with 50-mm object-glasses, and so on.
- With the same1414mmmm:nbaitsyötilläI will now be using a size 4 and possibly a size 2.
- The federal government has spent $2-8 million drilling 1635 holes, injecting 122 556 tons of fly ash, and flushing117 220117 220yardsjaardiaof sandhiekkaainto the burning tunnels in an attempt to put out the fire.
- Thosetwentykaksikymmentäyardsjaardiaof crunching gravelratisevaa soraa,where the lights of the house were momentarily screened were a weekly horror.
- A 500 gram cone of airy acrylic would have many more metres oryardsjaardejaof yarnlankaaon it than a 500 gram cone of much denser cotton.
- The gang tackled a wide variety of tasks including complete replacement of8080yardsjaardinof trackradanwest of Quarry Siding.
- Withfifteenviisitoistayardsjaardiaof quite lush fairwaymelko rehevää väylääto cover before the ball even reached the putting surface, the margin for error was dangerously small.
- Today, of course, the process is mechanized; four hundred razor-sharp cutting discs slice more thanayhdenyardjaardinof clothkangastain one swift pass.
- The skipper of the Lady Hamilton also had to cope with a bird's nest on his reel halfway through the fight and had to strip offyardsjaardinof linelankaabefore he could resume the battle.
- Well, she thought, it won't be difficult to judge how right I am, if I pay outa fewmuutamiayardsjaardejaof linesiimaafor him.
- A fewyardsjaardiof materialmateriaaliahave changed her from one person into another.
- Her clothes were unpacked and the low-cut coral chiffon evening dress laid out, with its underskirt of black silk, itsyardsjaardiof ribbon and lacenauhaa ja pitsiä.
- In a little plastic bottle with ayardjaardiof red ribbonpunaista nauhaaround it.