standing outside burst in to see what was happening and
around the empty cage
tyhjän häkin ympärille .
So, there you are in the final minute,
and space becoming limited.
`The plane is wrecked, Brownies, ``Brown Owl said, as
all the Brownies
kaikki Browniesit to meet her, `but happily the pilot escaped with only a damaged leg.
Carroll House lashed out at
well-wishers and photographers who
kannattajat ja valokuvaajat, jotka round him
hänen ympärilleen as he was led back after winning and struck a rail with his hind leg.
round the displays
näyttöjen eteen , reading the posters with great intensity and, by and large, in silence.
There seemed to be more quarrels indoors when
She saw them then, with shattering clarity;
in a cold eddying radiance, each spear-point a spark of light, grimly staring as if from a trance.
By that time
Siihen aikaan mennessä as a shift ended and staff poured in for a swim before going home.
The afternoon performance
iltapäivän esitys , and Paul did not go; waiting till Monday evening was torment to him, but he contrived it.
Throughout the two-day hearing, she appeared relaxed and confident, often turning to share a joke with her two male accomplices in the dock or smile at
friends and family who
ystäville ja perheenjäsenille, jotka the court's public benches
oikeussalin yleisöpenkeillä .
He nodded a greeting to
the other three visitors
kolmelle muulle vieraalle ,
as if they were playing some bizarre game of sardines.
As I waited,
Hundreds of people
Sadat ihmiset into St Briavels church
St Briavelin kirkkoon to see the Reverend Patricia Pinkerton installed in her new parish.
closer to the shore
lähemmäs rantaa , a swamp of them; their branches formed a vault.
past the wedded couple
hääparin ohi , kissing them, shaking their hands.
MOSCOW (Reuter) --
Thousands of Soviet citizens
Tuhannet neuvostokansalaiset outside the American embassy
Amerikan suurlähetystön ulkopuolelle clamouring for new forms to apply for emigration to the United States.
as I make my way along the ancient track.
A woman fainted when he spoke the previous day,
Those behind ran into those in front,
tried to
, and in a very short time the result was, as Nikos had forecast, a shambles.
Madonnas, cherubs, birds, fauns and flowers
Madonnat, kerubit, linnut, faunit ja kukat and pushed
in a design that defied logic and allowed no place for the eye to rest.
to peer down the open manhole as though it were an interesting accident.
The Ironclaws and the Broken Tooths were all that was left of
the countless Orc tribes that
lukemattomista örkkiheimoista, jotka to Gorbad's banner
Gorbadin alaisuuteen .
thousands of Ulster fans of Bono, the Edge, Larry and Adam
tuhannet ulsterilaiset Bonon, the Edgen, Larryn ja Adamin fanit to Dublin and Cork
Dubliniin ja Corkiin to see their heros in the flesh once more and pay homage to their idols.
By this time Gorbad Ironclaw's reputation had spread amongst all the Orc and Goblin tribes of the Great Forest, and
many more green-skinned warriors
monet muut vihreäihoiset sotilaat to join him.
One of the busiest streets was Fisherton for
hundreds of country people
tuhannet maaseudun ihmiset , taking advantage of the very economical Saturday tickets offered by the railway.
THE sun's out and
hundreds of Merseysiders
sadat merseysideläiset into their gardens
puutarhoihinsa for a good old barbie.
into her office
hänen toimistoonsa .
On a freezing October Monday like this,
the visitors
vierailijoita aren't exactly
ei varsinaisesti through the gates
porttien läpi .
to the polls
äänestyspaikoille , despite drizzle, rain and snow, in record numbers.
out of the mosque
ulos moskeijasta , and the first to emerge into the sunlight was a thin figure covered with blood.
Siirtolaiset, jotka in panic
from the battle zone
taistelualueelta provided a useful veil of confusion.
Within a year,
10,000 miners
10 000 kaivostyöläistä from the Walla Walla settlement
Walla Walla -asutusalueelta on to the reservation
reservaattiin , and Lawyer's followers readily signed an agreement exchanging mining rights north of the Clearwater for $50,000.
continued to
searching for work, lured by often misplaced hopes, discontented with their inability to secure a decent standard of living in the rural areas, or driven out by the impossibility of securing any living at all.
The stone `bunkers ``on the shore were swept away, the Parade took their place, a new pier was built with a proper promenade and
by paddle-steamer and train
siipirataslaivoilla ja junilla .
The economic situation worsened dramatically in the months that followed October as
and military orders to industry abruptly halted.
By this time Gorbad Ironclaw's reputation had spread amongst all the Orc and Goblin tribes of the Great Forest, and
many more green-skinned warriors
monet muut vihreäihoiset sotilaat to join him
liittyäkseen häneen .
Letters of thanks
Kiitoskirjeitä into our offices
toimistoihimme .
Dr Glyn Vale, of the Rekomitjie research station in northern Zimbabwe's valley, claims that the ecologists lack the evidence to prove that the tsetse has prevented
into treasured wildlife areas
arvokkaille luontoalueille .
Travel restrictions are abolished and
over 2,000,000 East Germans
yli 2 000 000 itäsaksalaista through the Berlin Wall
Berliinin muurin läpi over the next two days
seuraavien kahden päivän aikana [pp. 37024-25].
JALKAPALLOKANNATTAJAT to England's crunch World Cup match
Englannin tiukkaan maailmancupin otteluun against Poland at Wembley tonight will pass under a bridge named after one of England's greatest players.
Behind him, spurred on by his example,
a ragged mass of dismounted Dragoons and sweating infantry
rähjäinen joukko alas laskeutuneita ratsuväen sotilaita ja hikoilevaa jalkaväkeä towards the bridge
kohti siltaa .
On Monday 10 October `General ``Forster's little army reached Morpeth and were joined by some well-off Scots, riding their own horses, from across the Border, swelling their numbers to 300 but, lacking arms, Forster was unable to accept
the volunteers
vapaaehtoisia, who
offering to serve as infantry.
Since then,
and Jackie, of Newcastle, works on as many as 25 cakes at any one time.
from Japan, the US and from all over Europe.
In a spirit of defiance shoppers and
office workers
toimistotyöntekijöitä back into the heart of Manchester
takaisin Manchesterin keskustaan that was targeted by the IRA on Thursday, leaving 67 people injured.
The large men
Suuria miehiä back into the room
takaisin huoneeseen .
I drive home,
through the window
ikkunaa , depressed and angry; musing on what other professional would be doing emergency night-work without uniform, driver, radio or specialist vehicle.
It would save her waiting for the rain to stop, and the way
it looked as if it never would stop.
Jimmy halted between the two policemen when he saw Cardiff sitting behind a desk,
against the outside window
ikkunan ulkopuolta vasten .
So why was she sitting here now, moodily watching
outside the patio doors
terassin oviin ?
One moment the sun was on her face, the next
raindrops the size of golf balls
golfpallon kokoiset sadepisarat , drenching her as thoroughly as a bathroom shower.
and raced through the cheering crowd, up the steps, to hammer at the door.
In spite of freezing temperatures,
ostoksilla kävijöitä into Cheltenham in Gloucestershire
Gloucestershiren Cheltenhamiin for the second day of the annual sales
vuosittaisten alennusmyyntien toista päivää varten .
Once the programme was broadcast, the BBC received forty telephone calls and
hundreds of letters
satoja kirjeitä into our recently acquired PO Box
äskettäin hankkimaamme postilokeroon , many containing donations.
Hundreds of thousands of people
satojatuhansia ihmisiä to watch the firework display-a fact which, Mr Deng boasted, proves that `China's social order has returned to normal ``.
those enemies
ne viholliset through non-existent defences
olemattoman puolustuksen läpi and laying waste the cities of the Reich.
As the dust cleared Duregar saw
through the gateway
sisäänkäynnin läpi .
Casting a disgusted glance at the buckled trike and at
the throng
väkijoukkoa, joka , south-bound, Grimm trotted northwards after the Assassin.
His stomach jumped as
grey shapes
harmaita hahmoja from behind the boulders ahead
edessä olevien lohkareiden takaa and loped towards them.
The thousands of East German refugees in West German embassies,
the tens of thousands who
sadattuhannet, jotka through Hungary
Unkarin kautta, are a terrible and unending indictment of his Stalinist regime.
The repetitious blows
Toistuvia iskuja on Clarissa
Clarissan niskaan `have no rebound ``.
Since the new rule was rubber stamped last Monday,
upon racing's legislators
kilpailujen lainsäätäjiin in Portland Square, London
Lontoon Portland Squaressa , have come from fairly predictable sources.
Lepine was knocked unconscious by the impact and a few seconds later his head was hacked from his shoulders by
a flurry of coupe-coupe blows
puuska coupen iskuja, jotka in the driving seat by the surviving coolies
kuskin paikalla selviytyvien kulien taholta .
As Alfred Oliver begins to rise, a blunt instrument is smashed forcibly upon his head, followed by
more blows
lisää iskuja, joita upon the elderly tobacconist
vanhempaan tupakkakauppiaaseen .
She almost screamed when she felt
The dancer approached, grinning stupidly as
on his backside
hänen taakseen .
He suddenly laughed and began to kiss her again, quick,
hot kisses
kuumia suudelmia on her skin
hänen iholleen , her face cupped in his hands.
Ruza Glavas, who was mourning a victim of war, became a target herself as
six mortar bombs
kuusi kranaattipommia on a Sarajevo cemetery
Sarajevon hautausmaalle .
A piece of shrapnel hit her helmet when
six mortar bombs
kuusi kranaattipommia outside the BBC's base near the UN headquarters in Sarajevo
BBC:n tukikohdan ulkopuolella Sarajevossa lähellä YK:n päämajaa .
Poxed, disfigured scavengers scuttled across
hillocks of debris which
jätekumpareiden, jotka into this underworld
tähän alamaailmaan from a low steel sky
matalalta terästaivaalta by way of chutes and grilles
kouruista ja ristikoista .
Falling debris
Putoavia pirstaleita as eight men in breathing apparatus fought the flames.
There was mayhem as
on shoppers
ostajien päälle from devices placed in cast-iron litter bins less than ten yards apart
laitteista, jotka oli asetettu valurautaisiin roskasäiliöihin alle kymmenen jaardin päässä .
Then the front door was smashed down and
On Monday and Tuesday, however, the government's forces in the capital disintegrated as
in the garrison ignored orders and
from the barracks
parakeista to fraternize with civilian demonstrators.
The beach was literally covered with neat rows of deck chairs on the white sand, and
a continuous flow of swim-suited tourists
jatkuva virta uimapukuisia matkailijoita to the protected swimming area
suojellulle uima-alueelle .
Even in these latter years, `Only three old women at church yesterday, ``my father would greet me hopefully, as
in all directions.
In a bid to protect the Yanomami Indians, Brazilian police and military are evacuating
the illegal gold miners who
laittomat kullankaivajat, joita into the Indian reserve in Roraima state
Roraima-valtion intiaanien reservaattiin .
The two of them had slowed almost to a stop, and
the other delegates
muita valtuutettuja towards the relaxation of the Seraglio
kohti Seraglion rentoutumista .
through the connecting door
yhteysoven kautta , muttering discontentedly and clutching their books and papers as they looked hopelessly around for somewhere to sit.
out of the building
ulos rakennuksesta .
The numbers swelled later as
to the Neumarkt square
Neumarkt-aukiolle after work to hear the Chancellor speaking in front of the church ruins.
, and went close several times before the woodwork again came to Tottenham's rescue, denying Sinton in the 16th minute.
At invisible signals
dropped into trees, then rose again to
, circle, and resettle.
`With the haughty air of a general in charge of manoeuvres he was watching
[there was no petrol rationing until April 1917].
In the late 1970s,
from the civil war in Uganda
Ugandan sisällissodasta .
However it was to no avail:
across the river
joen poikki floating on broken timber beams and other debris.
Across the floor
Lattian yli a group of nomes
joukko menninkäisiä past around the slowly moving bulk of the battery
ohi hitaasti liikkuvan patterin ympärillä .
THE SNORTING TRAIN sent steam swirling through the buzzing crowd of people as
from the platform
laiturilta into the open wagons drawn up at Leicester station
Leicesterin asemalle vedettyihin avoimiin vaunuihin .
One must imagine
five or six hundred soldiers
viisi- tai kuusisataa sotilasta, jotka into the Garden of Gethsemane
Gethsemanen puutarhaan .
Soviet troops
Neuvostoliiton joukot into the Reichstag
Reichstagiin , but at the bunker, all that remained was Hitler's charred corpse.
I could picture that: a Technicolor sunrise, and
three singing sailors
kolme laulavaa seiloria through the docks
laitureiden halki .
A wolfpack of ragged children
Lauma rähjäisiä lapsia through the streets
katujen halki , snatching at whatever was insufficiently guarded.
with the agility of rats and leapt for the defenders.
in an endless moving blanket
along every surface inside the shuttle
kaikille sukkulan sisäpuolisille alueille .
Then Thorfinn looked up and, catching sight of the Prior, walked to his side as
eager helpers
innokkaat auttajat to the messenger
lähetin luokse .