Employing one full-time and two trainee staff,
and supplies
brass fittings for fireplaces
messinkiheloja takkoihin and produces architectural brass fittings to order.
by technicians hired by businessmen
liikemiesten palkkaamat teknikot ; its audiences are passive consumers, their participation limited to the choice between buying and not buying.
Already during the first half of the second millennium B.C.
Jo toisen vuosituhannen ensimmäisellä puoliskolla eKr Minoan smiths
minolaiset sepät gold jewellery
kultakoruja from metal most probably imported from Egypt
todennäköisesti Egyptistä tuodusta metallista .
Steel panels
Teräspaneelit have
, with size limitations set by platen size and press tonnage, and then welded together.
Ford imports the Merkur, a line of cars made by its West German subsidiary, while
the body of its Cadillac Allante
Cadillac Allanten runkoja .
plans to begin
Mips R-series RISC chips
Mips R-sarjan RISC-sirujen at its Roseville, California plant
Kalifornian Rosevillen tehtaassaan ,
at a claimed rate of tens of thousands a month
ja väitetty tuotantomäärä on kymmeniätuhansia siruja kuussa .
Our shuttering
Laudoituksemme , complete with risers reinforced with some 75? 50 mm timber, but we could have made it up on site.
is also a licensee of the Sparc architecture, but
a device in the HyperSparc class
HyperSparc-luokan laitteita .
The 601s that Motorola intends shipping in high volume in the third quarter
601-malleja, joita motorola aikoo viedä suuria määriä kolmannella neljänneksellä, under the tie-up with Motorola and Apple Computer Inc
Motorolan ja Apple Computer Incin kanssa tehdyn sopimuksen mukaisesti .
And, just as
an effective fishing lure
tehokas kalastusviehe from cheap, shiny metal
halvasta, kiiltävästä metallista , it is generally possible to summarise a commercial movie's hook in one sentence.
Precious metals and stones and objects
Arvokkaat metallit sekä kivet ja kohteet, joita serve as conspicuous trophies of successful emulation, as gauges of affection and assurances of personal worth and well-being.
around this chassis
tämän alustan ympärille without too much difficulty
ilman suurempia vaikeuksia (or one might be bought).
on a particular face of the silicon crystal structure
silikonikristallirakenteen tietystä lohkosta, (the so-called (100) face) are the best.
DEC has firmed up plans for
its new chip plant
sen uudelle sirutehtaalle, jossa the Alpha RISC
Alpha RISCiä , and now says it will definitely build a $425m 526,000-square-foot research and manufacturing facility in Hudson, Massachusetts.
Busy backyard workshops
Kiireiset pihapajat wood, metal, glass fibre and stone
puuta, metallia, lasikuitua ja kiveä , while tailor and cobbler make clothes and shoes to order.
Although the long-term outlook for
may be uncertain, engine production there is more secure.
The main method of
was that of Nicolas Leblanc, which had the defect of pouring into the air large quantities of hydrogen chloride gas, a pollutant of extreme severity.
Mr John Hammond, design director, said: `Until recently there have been two sides to our business namely
at our Cockfield site
Cockfieldin tehtaallamme and retailing from our Darlington showrooms.
When his father died, Marshall ventured with two partners into
by the new process of spinning flax by machinery
uudella menetelmällä, jossa pellavaa kehrättiin koneellisesti .
For example, the first stage might be iron ore extraction, the second stage
from iron ore
rautamalmista , and the third stage production of cars from steel.
Mitsubishi is expected to be the next Japanese company to begin
following in the footsteps of Nissan, Toyota and Honda.
Although the Shurmur family retained ownership, in 1706 it was leased to Edward Yeate, who was later replaced by his son, still engaged in
in the latter half of the 18th century
1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla .
This was a crude nuclear reactor whose job was simply to produce plutonium for the
of atomic bombs
atomipommien .
On very rare occasions the design might even give prominence to the individual moneyer, the man responsible for
valmistuksesta .
By the 1920s Frank Hender had bought it and installed a small brass finishing workshop on the upper floor, the lower section being let to a Mr Thompson for
shoe stiffening
kengänjäykistäjien manufacture
valmistusta varten .
More information than that provided by the PST is needed for
John Makepeace's aim then was to bring the courses a step further with the potential for
Figures for 1987, compared with those for 1984, show that the total annual output has increased by 18,000 tonnes, while
within specification
vaatimusten mukainen has gone up by 36,000 tonnes.
The tramways had suffered from a lack of maintenance, repair facilities being reduced by the
in Blundell Street Depot
Blundell Streetin varikolla .
Although the American achievement in obtaining high yields of penicillin from mould cultures was crucial to the practical introduction of penicillin on a worldwide scale,
by chemical synthesis
kemiallisen synteesin avulla was naturally an attractive alternative.
Huddersfield Polytechnic has opened a new biotechnology laboratory which will carry out research in to the
valmistamisesta of chemical products
kemiallisten tuotteiden using biotechnology instead of traditional chemical routes
käyttämällä bioteknologiaa perinteisten kemiallisten reittien sijaan .
Rivers in the Katmandu Valley, Nepal, are suffering from dangerously-high levels of pollution as a result of the introduction of chemical washing practises in the
valmistuksessa of ``Tibetan carpets
'tiibetiläisten' mattojen for export to the West
vietäväksi länsimaihin .
The petitioning of parliament to enforce Tudor statutes proscribing the use of machinery in
valmistuksessa , however, had an unintended consequence.
It has been estimated that in 16 years he acquired a fortune of £40,000, despite apparently losing a lot of money in a project for the
valmistuksesta of seated cast-iron horseshoes
istukalla varustettujen valurautaisten hevosenkenkien .
would remain as the basic technique of production in the society which would replace capitalism.
The government hoped to arrest the overall decline in domestic investment by ``restructuring industrial production away from the
työvoimaa vaativasta manufacture
valmistuksesta of goods such as toys and textiles
lelujen ja tekstiilien kaltaisten tuotteiden towards more capital-intensive high technology products.
An often acceptable compromise
or assembly by a multinational company.
A spokesman for Nestle UK said yesterday that
or sell
infant formula
äidinmaidonvastiketta .
Duckhams Oils, like the companies nominated for this award, is
a specialist company
asiantuntijayritys, that
high-performance products
suurtehotuotteita to the highest standards
korkeimpien standardien mukaisesti
It has given the go-ahead -- and a $3 million grant -- to
a British company which
brittiyritykselle, joka plans
soap containing mercuric iodide
saippuaa, joka sisältää elohopeajodidia, for export to Africa, where it is used to lighten skin colour
vietäväksi Afrikkaan, jossa sitä käytetään ihonvärin vaalentamiseen .
Some animals
Jotkut eläimet from other sources
muista lähteistä , but the cat can not do so.
Success going to his head,
on such a large scale that eventually he was arrested and held in a tower in Klein Amburg
niin suurissa määrin, että lopulta hänen pidätettiin ja vangittiin torniin Klein Amburgissa .
A place where
Paikka, jossa .
Many countries of the world could not only make better use of wastes, but increase agricultural production of the crops of which surplus produce could best be used
valmistamiseen .
Increased spending on machinery represents higher incomes for
involved in
valmistukseen .
Like all of Sun's chips,
by one or more of its semiconductor partners
yksi tai useampi sen puolijohdinkumppaneista .
The other de-luxe range
Toista de-luxe-mallistoa from leather and real hide
nahasta ja oikeista vuodista and is priced at £95.
the GEC Plessey-Siemens kit
GEC Plessey-Siemens -sarjaa , Alcatel's was developed in Australia by QPSX Pty Ltd -- the company behind both technologies.
The complete unit or coupling
Täydellinen yksikkö tai kytkentä manufactured
valmistettiin within the works
tehtaalla from design to smithing, machining, assembly to the fitting on the vehicles
ajoneuvojen suunnittelua, takomista, koneistusta, kokoonpanoa ja asennusta myöten .
The Norton product is in short supply, but
hopes to begin
valmistamisen software itself
itse ohjelmiston in the near future
lähitulevaisuudessa .
A new company is to be set up by Sanken Electric of Japan, and the Gooding Group of the UK,
valmistusta varten special types of power supplies
erityisten virtalähteiden for the electronic and computer industry
elektroniikka- ja tietokoneteollisuuden .
All Thermax boxes
Kaikki Thermax-laatikot ,
jotka on valmistettu of foam injected polyethylene
vaahtoruiskutetusta polyetyleenistä , are made in one complete piece and, the company claims, are totally leak-proof, sturdy, lightweight, compact and easily cleaned.
is licensed
at its facilities
tiloissaan systems based on IBM RISC System/6000 architectures, and related circuit boards and sub-assemblies, which can be used for licensed Bull products
IBM RISC System/6000 -arkkitehtuureihin perustuvia järjestelmiä, niihin liittyviä piirilevyjä ja alikokoonpanoja, joita voi käyttää lisensoiduissa Bull-tuotteissa .
The same colour can appear subtly different on
at different mills
eri tehtaissa , due to the variance in type and amount of sizing used.
The fitting of
these items
Näiden kohteiden ,
at Severn Valley workshops, Bridgnorth
Bridgnorthin Severn Valley -verstaassa , made completion of this ex-Great Western 2-8-0 tank engine seem much more believable.
Readers who were detecting in the late 1970s and 1980s will remember
the range of excellent specialist diggers
erinomaisen ammattilaiskaivurien sarjan, jonka designed and
by Buffallo Tools of Rayleigh
Rayleighin Buffalo Tools .
during the war
sodan aikana ,
at least not for the home market
ei ainakaan kotimaisille markkinoille .
The firm exports 85 per cent of its products and 40 per cent to
asiakkaille, jotka for Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencerille .
The variety in shape, size and function has also improved and
specific brushes
erityisiä harjoja for a myriad of tasks in food industries
moniin ruokateollisuuden tehtäviin .
joka on tehty from grp (glass-reinforced plastic)
grp:stä (lasilla vahvistetusta muovista) , features a Georgian panelled design, but with an attractive wood grain effect in place of the conventional high gloss white finish.
All equipment
Kaikkien laitteiden, jotka manufactured
on valmistettu for use in the aquarium
käytettäväksi akvaariossa should be non-toxic.
Zilog accounts for another 40 per cent of sales and the rest is made up of
on valmistettu under licence from Zilog
Zilogin lisenssin alaisina by companies like Mostek, SGS and Sharp
Mostekin, SGS:n ja Sharpin kaltaisissa yrityksissä .
The report stresses that the entire standardisation process could be devalued by inspectors concentrating on minor infractions of the rules and on monitoring
valmistettujen outside their own country
oman maan ulkopuolella .
There are thirteen ranges,
to the highest standard
tiukimpien standardien mukaisesti , available.
The new solvent-based Stonewall Allweather High-performance Masonry Coating
Uusi liuotinpohjainen Stonewall Allweather High-performance Masonry -päällyste, jota ,
with Plioway resin
Plioway-pihkan avulla , will tolerate very damp surfaces.
Designed in Scandinavia and
valmistettuja to exacting UK standards
Ison-Britannian standardien mukaisesti ,
Randi-Line door furniture
Randi-Line-ovikalusteita is available in this country from Thomas Laidlaw.
`So if my company wishes to supply the domestic market of this large and expanding population,
has no alternative but
from within the country itself
tuotteita itse maassa .
will design,
and sell
for use in low-priced, high-volume products such as X terminals, printers and multimedia applications.
The glass-reinforced plastic containers
Lasivahvisteisia muovisäiliöitä using a new centrifugal moulding system designed to meet stringent EC rules on pollution and food storage
käyttäen uutta keskipakoismuottijärjestelmää, joka on suunniteltu täyttämään tiukat saasteita ja ruoansäilytystä koskevat EY-säännöt .
With an appreciation of this,
have produced a whole range of equipment that can simulate a gentle tumbling stream, crashing waterfall or sparkling dancing fountain.
The company, the world's largest
of commercial aircraft
kaupallisten lentokoneiden , has experienced five straight years of record orders.
The latest rebuff to the
valmistajille of substitutes for breast milk
äidinmaidonkorvikkeiden came in a rare secret session of the WHO's executive board.
If he had been associated with a major
it could have been different, but his character was too individualistic.
Sadevaatteiden has launched a high density polyethylene corrugated board designed to drain ground water away from foundations and underground structures, while also acting as a protection board.
does not design for failure because he believes that his cars will not fail.
National food poisoning figures indicate a possible trend resulting from the impossible demands placed upon
valmistajille and caterers even with professional help from specialist hygiene and pest control contractors.
of carbon tetrachloride
hiilitetrakloridin up until this month when it closed down its production plant.
fourth largest
neljänneksi suurin -- ahead of the UK.
world's largest
maailman suurin of precious metal fuel cell catalysts
arvokkaiden metallisten polttoainekennokatalysaattoreiden and a world leader in the development of fuel cell catalyst technology.
third biggest
kolmanneksi suurin after Fujitsu and IBM Japan.
The product push from Courtaulds Fibres Viscose has attracted interest from several specialist
urheiluvaatteiden manufacturers
valmistajien in the UK and Europe
Isossa-Britanniassa ja Euroopassa .
became the first
tuli ensimmäinen to be registered with the 1987 version of British Standard 5750 for Quality Assurance.
Lowa must rank as one of the
valmistajista and have produced some fairly dull products over the years.
Times are so hard for the major
valmistajille right now that they plan to lobby the government for financial aid to keep their surplus employees on the payroll.
Lady Astor became the first woman to be elected a member of parliament in 1919, and
Sir Herbert Austin
Sir Herbert Austin , a
, was elected as the member of parliament for King's Norton.
will also soon be selling computers with all the necessary hardware built-in.
of sun care products
Auringonsuojatuotteiden has just issued a report showing that the view on tanning has come full circle.
The Cotswolds were at the forefront of
valmistuksessa until the rise of factory industry gave precedence to Yorkshire.
Normalair-Garrett (NGL) at Crewkerne was among the first companies to introduce
valmistuksen in the UK
Isoon-Britanniaan .
There is considerable evidence to show that
valmistaminen in multinational corporations
monikansallisissa yrityksissä has been reorganized along the lines described above.
Lotus is a world leader in the development and
valmistamisessa of this material
tämän materiaalin , so expect the fit and finish of the Elan's body panels to be excellent.
DAINTYFIT is a major employer in the North West, employing more than 500 people at its Limavady site in the
valmistuksessa for Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencerille .
For example from the relative disaster in
valmistuksessa might arise a new concept of the car that is amazingly successful.
Ikarus, the Hungarian
valmistuksen and exporting company, announced on July 1 a deal with a Soviet consortium, ATEX, and a guaranteed Soviet order of 6,000 buses per year until 1995.
Employment in
valmistuksessa and chemicals fell by 40.8 per cent.
Additional government spending is particularly important in such areas as advanced wing design, air traffic management systems and
valmistuksessa .
Richard Schonberger, a Midwestern engineer by training, is credited with introducing the Japanese just-in-time system to
valmistukseen .
Instead of tenanting, the locals would become the focus of
valmistuksen .
Those car firms that build a more or less complete organisation for
valmistukseen , supply and design
in America and Europe
Amerikassa ja Euroopassa will be most likely to do well.
In the case of the automobile industry, for instance, sophisticated expertise in
valmistuksessa is necessary to judge the trade-offs between the risk of changes and the benefits of early die making.
is still a sweatshop industry
Given the higher demand curve D 2 D 2, short-run marginal cost pricing will lead to a price P 2 and
at full capacity
täydellä kapasiteetilla .
But Richard Fleming says eventually
all the charcoal we need
kaiken tarvitsemamme puuhiilen .
When it gets the parts, DDE claims it will be
the first manufacturer
ensimmäinen valmistaja, joka a multi-processing system based upon the 50Mhz R4000
50Mhz R4000:een perustuvia monikäsittelyjärjestelmiä -- it's aiming for deliveries by year-end.
Montupet, the French aluminium manufacturer, has recently opened
lightweight aluminium cylinder heads
kevyitä alumiinisylinteripäitä in the former DeLorean car plant.
The manufacturers
Valmistajat identical products
identtisiä tuotteita (say, for simplicity).
The fact that
manufacturer B
valmistaja B a safer razor
turvallisemman partakoneen after the razor in question had been supplied by manufacturer
sen jälkeen, kun valmistaja A oli toimittanut kyseisen partakoneen, A is not enough to enable us to say that manufacturer A's razor was defective.
Manufacturers of hi-tech,
highly durable carpets
erittäin kestäviä mattoja for unique clients such as Gleneagles Hotel, Liberty's of Regent Street and Concorde
ainutkertaisille asiakkaille, kuten Gleneagles Hotel, Regent Streetin Liberty's ja Concorde .
Many goats' milk cheeses
Monet vuohenmaitojuustot organically
luonnonmukaisesti by small-scale farmers and smallholders
pienillä maatiloilla .
coffee has a winey, gamey flavour.
We use oil in so many different ways in our lives that our lives are going to be affected by any crisis in the area where
Bewl Valley wines
Bewl Valley -viinit by the Chapman family
Chapmanin perhe at the Bewl Valley Vineyard (0580 241741) near Tunbridge Wells, East Sussex,
Bewl Valley -viinitilalla (0580 241741) lähellä Tunbridge Wellsiä, East Sussexissa, from Bacchus and Faber varieties
Bacchus- ja Faber-lajikkeista .
An even more portable computer
vieläkin kannettavamman tietokoneen by Fujitsu Persona; Systems
Fujitsu Persona; Systems .
from this fibre
Tästä kuidusta are fine, strong and hard-wearing can be washed frequently without the shape and size altering, and can be drip dried.
Three leading German companies are experimenting with
from rape seed oil
rapsiöljystä to power a new low pollution truck engine.
Man-made fibres were first developed to imitate natural ones, and ultimately to keep pace with the growing demand for fabrics, as it is not possible
from natural sources alone
pelkistä luonnollisista lähteistä .
This time-proportionality determines the value of depreciation in the value of
hyödykkeiden, joita with the aid of such fixed capital
sellaisten kiinteiden pääomien avulla , that is to say, it is an element of the total value of the commodities.
For some time now
a Canadian company, Delrina Technology,
kanadalainen yritys Delrina Technology without doubt
the best fax software, for both DOS and Windows
parhaita faksiohjelmistoja sekä DOS:lle että Windowsille .
Hornby obtained his first patent in 1901; the following year
in rented premises
vuokratiloissa and marketed as `Mechanics Made Easy ``, appeared in Liverpool toy shops.
It is inefficient
if production at B is possible
jos tuotanto arvolla B on mahdollista .
on an artificial medium
keinotekoisin välinein is now possible and for some formulations the endotoxin is extracted.
Saudi Arabia threatens unilateral increase in
unless OPEC convenes soon in emergency session.
This increase will be largely due to a 30% fall in
Nissan says that after two years
will be concentrated in a new factory in Fukuoka, southern Kyushu, where the Zama workforce is to be relocated.
Its arrival strengthens
Japanese car
Japanin auto- .
The expected
of 3.6 million units of electricity
3,6 miljoonan sähköyksikön would create much-needed income for the maintenance of the estate.
The budget cuts would mean significant delays in
, a handful of which are due to be sold to Britain.
Conversely, state hospitals in the National Health Service involve
public sector
julkinen sektori, joka of private goods
yksityisiä hyödykkeitä .
of basic foodstuffs
perusruoka-aineiden for local consumption
paikalliseen kulutukseen is still insufficient; and rural poverty, under-employment and out-migration intensify acute urban problems.
Now that change of policy has been forced upon the E.C.C., it is taking the form of decreasing
when half the world is starving.
Digital Equipment Corp told the Microprocessor Forum last month that
its Alpha chip
sen Alpha-siru is in
, with usable yields up to 182 MHz.
Rhône-Poulenc's Speciality Chemicals sector is to increase
xanthan gum
ksantaanikumin at its Melle, France, site
Ranskassa Mellen tehtaallaan by 30 per cent in the first quarter of 1992.
In any event,
will begin in late 1991 rising to 100,000 cars a year by 1995.
National, Rickenbacker, Gibson and a hundred other manufacturers all went for
steel-kitaroiden in a big way.
The card will be tried out in Northampton over the next six months and should go into
in nineteen ninety five.
for the front
rintamaa varten was stepped up, the output of civilian manufactures fell, prices soared, and peasants found less and less incentive to sell their produce.
for July 1991
heinäkuussa 1991 was 3,179,380 barrels, an increase of 3 per cent on the same month last year.
During the war
had fallen dramatically, and to meet the shortage production had been increased elsewhere in the Gulf.
NEC said it plans volume
of about 10,000 units
noin 10 000 yksikön in the spring of 1994, increasing to about 30,000 a month by early 1995.
In Chapter 16 we distinguished between government production of public goods such as defence and
of private goods such as steel
yksityisten hyödykkeiden, kuten teräksen, .