TransFrameNet:Locative relation
above.prep 🔎
- The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and hada varicose ulcersuonikohjujaaboveyläpuolellahis right ankleoikean nilkkansa, went slowly, resting several times on the way.
abut.v 🔎
- Takea 15-storey building15-kerroksinen rakennus, jokaabuttingrajautuua three-storey structurekolmikerroksiseen rakenteeseen.
- East of the towns of Biggleswade and Sandy, both of which lie on the A1 highway from London to the north,the county of BedfordshireBedfordshiren kreivikuntaabutsrajautuuCambridgeshireCambridgeshireen.
- As a matter of fact,one of my pasturesyksi laitumistaniabutsulottuuyour gardenpuutarhaasi… ”
- It is a collection of those countries which generally have two things in common:theyneabutrajautuvaton to the oceanmereen, and they are in some positive -- always positive -- way economically or politically vibrant.
- Davide took his usual place in the shade of the circolo's front room, onthe cathedral piazzakatedraalin aukiolla, jokaabuttingrajautuuthe wharfsatamalaituriin, overlooking the scene outside through the coarse cotton lace jalousy.
- The choir arm was short, ending inthree parallel apses whichkolmeen samansuuntaiseen alttarikomeroon, jotkaabuttedrajautuivatdirectlyon to the transeptspoikkilaivoihin.
adjoin.v 🔎
- At Fourstones, north-east of Haydon Bridge,a wheel housekajuuttaadjoinsvieressäthe engine housekonehuoneenbuilt to replace it when steam engines came into use for threshing.
- I ought to qualify this by saying that going direct from A to B can result in lost opportunities: The missed chances to connecthouseholds or businesses thatkotitalouksiin tai yrityksiin, jotkaadjoinvieressäthe roadtien.
- Their roomsHeidän huoneensaadjoinedolivat vierekkäin, and if she had a nightmare, he was first in to comfort her and laugh the fears away.
- Several old dwelling housesuseita vanhoja asumuksiaadjoinedvieressäIvamysIvamyn talonbut at the Guilder Lane corner was a small shop, taken over in 1922 by a Lancashire family called Farrer.
- The changing areaPukuhuoneimmediatelyaivanadjoinedvieressäthe showerssuihkujen.
- He was taking firewood and a large cauldron intothe smithy thatpajaan, jokaadjoinedvieressäthe cottagemökin.
- The brick-built garage whichTiilirakenteinen autotalli, jokaadjoinedvieressäthis west elevationtämän läntisen julkisivunwas demolished and rebuilt with its new external walls showing a flint facing matching the remainder of the structure.
- Putting golf, and amusementsGolfkenttä ja muut ajanviettomahdollisuudetalmostlähesadjoinvieressäthe sitepaikan.
- ScutumScutumadjoinsvieressäAquilaAquilan, and was formerly included in it.
astride.prep 🔎
- Originally a Celtic nature-goddess, depicted asa womannaisenaastridehajareisina maretamman päällä, or a woman's torso with a horse's head.
- Aysgarth isa villagekylä, joka sijaitseeastridemolemmilla puolillathe main road through WensleydaleWensleydalen läpi kulkevan päätien, and the proud guardian of a spectacular section of the River Ure.
- And when the great beast stopped to answer a call of nature, I felt as ifI<empty>was sittingastrideselässäMount PinatuboMount Pinatubon.
- But these were not just facsimiles of Big Ted and Little Ted, no: this time Hamble was dressedhead to toe in leatherpäästä varpaisiin nahkaanastrideja istui hajareisina miniatureminiatyyrikokoisenHarley Davidson.
- He lay beside her, hands caressing her,one legtoinen jalkaastridepäälläänherhänen, rubbing, stroking.
- HeHänsatastridehajareisinthe Lock gatesLockin porteillaand began to pull himself out along the top of them.
at.prep 🔎
- Alleged White House gunman Robert Pickettwas arraigned Wednesdaysyytettiin keskiviikkonaat<empty>a federal court in WashingtonWashingtonin liittovaltion oikeudessaand ordered held without bond.
athwart.prep 🔎
- This massive upthrustTämä valtava kohosiirrosstandsathwartvinostithe main watershed of the HighlandsHighlandsin päävedenjakajalla, its waters draining west into Loch Duich and the Atlantic, and east into Glen Affric with an ultimate destination in the North Sea.
- The king himselfItse kuningasstoodathwartpoikittainthe archkaareen nähdenand observed her from behind his mask.
- A classical palaceKlassinen palatsiwas created lyingathwartpoikittainPark and Fourth AvenuesPark ja Fourth Avenueen nähden, surrounded by a raised roadway offering access to the wheeled traffic which would soon pitch the railways into dramatic decline.
- The storms seem to be formed inthe strangely disturbed band of atmosphere thatoudoksi ilmakehän häiriintyneeksi nauhaksi, jokaliesathwartpoikittainthe equator between the two trade wind regionspäiväntasaajalla kahden pasaatituulialueen välissä, and is known as the intertropical convergence zone.
- Alcester therefore resemblesa minority of other small towns whichmuiden pikkukaupunkien vähemmistöä, jokalie beside rather thanathwartpoikittainmain roadspääteihin nähden, such as Dorn (p. 253).
- But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted Downthe green hillvihreää rinnettä, joka sijaitsiathwartpoikittaina cedarn coversetripuiseen suojaan nähden!
- The two wings of the Dutch-Belgian brigade stretched a half-mile on either side of the highway while,athwartpoikittainthe road itselftiehen itseensä nähden, wasa battery of six Dutch nine-pounder cannonskuuden hollantilaisen yhdeksännaulaisen kanuunan ryhmä.
atop.prep 🔎
- Lastly, and indisputably,wemeare sittingatoppäälläthe equivalent of roughly 200 million tons of TNTnoin 200 miljoonan TNT-tonnia vastaavan kasan.
- The weather-vaneTuuliviiriis perchedatophuipullethe Great TowerGreat Towerin, some 34 yards above ground level.
- Reinforcements fortunate enough to arrive got lost inthe chaoskaaoksessaatophuipullathe ridgeharjanteen, wandering all night to find their new positions.
- To the right rose the three swelling domes of the great Jama Masjid; to the left you could seethe ripple of small semi-domespienten puolikupolien aallonatophuipullathe ancient Kalan Masjidvanhan Kalan Masjidin.
- Reduced to its simplest elements the owl's form can be drawn as an ice-cream cone shape;a large circlesuuri ympyräatophuipullaan inverted trianglekäännetyn kolmion.
- Suddenly,hehängrinned, and clamberedupylösatoppäällethe altar stonealttarikiven.
- She sat bolt upright, hands folded in front of her,a shock of thin, frizzy, snow-white hairpehko ohuita, takkuisia lumivalkeita hiuksiaatopyläpuolellaher high-cheekboned facehänen korkeiden poskipäittensä ja kasvojensa.
- The Aircoupe has an unusual trimming device, centrally placed in front of the seat, best described as a screw-threaded brass plunger running in a guide, witha black plastic knobmusta muovinuppiatopyläpuolella.
- He shrank against the wall, felt himself embraced by coats hungonetoinenatoppäällethe othertoisensain untidy layers.
beneath.prep 🔎
- ``Big Brother is watching you,the captionkuvatekstibeneathallaitsenran.
beyond.prep 🔎
- Unlike light, which can reach the lens fromsourceslähteistäfarkaukanabeyondulkopuolellaour galaxyoman galaksimme, sound is a very localised phenomenon.
- Not when he has botched reunification and his country's interest rates cripplehome-owners and industrieskodinomistajat ja tehtaatfarkaukanabeyondulkopuolellahis own bordershänen omien rajojensa.
- Lefevre dunked another handful of bread in his soup and waved it in emphasis before continuing, `The place our man lives isa large mansionsuuri kartanojustaivanbeyondulkopuolellathe villagekylän.
- Still, there wasa little streampieni virtajustaivanbeyondtakanathe mound to his lefthänen vasemmalla puolellaan olevan kumpareen.
- The rendezvousTapaamispaikkawassix mileskuusi mailiaout<empty>beyondtakanathe reefriutanat 0100 hours.
- Tavey GrangeTavey Grangelayhalf a milepuolen mailinbeyondpäässäthe Manor House HotelManor House -hotellista.
- A hundred milesSadan mailinbeyondpäässäBahriyahBahriyahistaliesthe further oasis of FarafraFarafran kaukaisempi keidas, to which few people ventured.
- He was preaching that evening ata chapelkappelissaa couple of milesmuutaman mailinbeyondpäässäBurfordBurfordista.
- A sizable saithe dangling from its beak indicates another meal for its young up onthe hill lochIoch-mäelläbeyondulkopuolellathe villagekylän.
- The city began to light up,skyscraperspilvenpiirtäjätloomedbeyondtakanathe wallsmuurienlike neon pillars against the dusk.
in.prep 🔎
- `Good, ``saidthe Countkreivi,whojokawasin<empty>LondonLontoossahimself because of the importance of the venture and the advisability of maintaining direct contact with his operatives.
- For some years, consumers have been aware of the dangers ofadditiveslisäaineidenin<empty>foodsruoissa olevien.
- THE RSPCARSPCAin<empty>YorkshireYorkshirenis fighting a `vicious circle ``of cruelty and suffering to hundreds of animals, it is claimed today.
- Until now they have claimed it is a world away from the horrors just five hours'downvarrellathe roadtienin<empty>MiamiMiamissa-- so chillingly portrayed in the TV series Miami Vice.
- `The Libraries of Scots Colleges andmonasteriesmunkkiluostaritin<empty>EuropeEuroopan``by Alastair Cherry;
inside.prep 🔎
- Insidesisäpuolellathe flatAsunnona fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-ironmatala ääni luki luetteloa luvuista, joilla oli jotain tekemistä harkkoraudan tuotannon kanssa.
neighboring.a 🔎
- AneighbouringNaapuritilanfarmermaanviljelijällähad a lucky escape.
- I look at the dark house in front of me and the screens of tall shrubs and young trees on either side concealing the twoneighbouringvierekkäistävillashuvilaa.
- The siting of the circles were often on a saddle with a good view round toneighbouringvierekkäisillehilltopsvuorenhuipuille.
- These critical angles correspond to the condition at which the edge of the cone crosses theneighbouringviereisenatomatomin.
- Even if the race-track owners lose their bid,neighbouringvierekkäisettribesheimotwill get the machines too.
- A few weeks later and quite unrelated to David's experience a group of children from aneighbouringviereisestävillagekylästämade their way over the fields for a walk with their dogs.
off.prep 🔎
- Yetthe Malaysian island of Tiomanmalesialainen Tiomanin saari,20 miles20 mailinoffpäässäthe east coast of the peninsulaniemimaan itärannikosta, offers little else.
- I looked down at the chart and saw thatthe islandsaariwas not sovery farkovin kaukanaoff<empty>our coursereitiltämme, and I knew that the Beechcraft was brim-full with fuel.
- A small group of islandsPienellä saariryhmälläoffulkopuolellaThailandThaimaaneven has a genus of langur monkeys unknown anywhere else in the Oriental Region.
- We'd approachedthe remote, uninhabited Welsh islandkaukaista ja asumatonta Walesin saarta,twelve miles12 mailinoffpäässäthe coastrannikolta, in the Cubango.
- The Republic of Cape Verde, composed of10 islands10 saarestaoffulkopuolellathe west coast of AfricaAfrikan länsirannikon, achieved independence from Portugal in July 1975.
- One wasa sheltered lay-bysuojaisa levähdyspaikkajustaivanoffulkopuolellaEast Germany's Highway SevenItä-Saksan valtatie seitsemän, which runs in an east-west line parallel to the motorway E40.
- ItSewas now justa hundred yardssata jaardiaoffulkopuolellaour starboard bowtämänhetkisen tyyrpuurimme.
- Henry lived ina small mews flatpienessä tallirakennusta muistuttavassa asunnossa,justaivanoffulkopuolellaFitzroy SquareFitzroy Squaren.
- The second hit him in the right shoulder, the impact liftinghimhänetoff<empty>his feetjaloiltaanand sending him toppling towards the head of the stairs.
on.prep 🔎
- She stared down ather toe drawing patternshänen varpailla piirtämiään kuvioitaon<empty>the pavingpihakivissä.
- We sawa group of workersryhmän työntekijöitäon<empty>the right bankoikealla rantapenkereelläworking under military supervision.
- FenellaFenella,whojokaon<empty>RenasciaRenasciassahad walked everywhere, found her breath snatched from her as her mount followed Caspar down the great avenue of beeches that guarded Tara and out on to the Tree-fringed high road.
- Although the Austrian and Hungarian armies were ethnically very mixed and contained Germans, Magyars, Poles and even Italians, there werevery few Czech, Slovene and Ruthenian regimentsvain harvoja Tsekin, Slovenian ja Rutenian rykmenttejäon<empty>the Russian FrontVenäjän rintamalla.
- The driver,the only personainoaa henkilöäon<empty>the trainjunassa, was treated in hospital for shock.
- She perched herself uncomfortablyHän kyhjötti epämukavastion<empty>the only chair in the roomhuoneen ainoalla tuolillaas he sat down on the bed.
- Whenthe female settlesnaaras hautooon<empty>her eggsmuniaan, the male brings lumps of soil, moistened with his saliva, as she sits in the hole.
opposite.prep 🔎
- On each landing,oppositevastapäätäthe lift-shafthissikuilua,the poster with the enormous facejulisteen valtavat kasvotgazed from the wall.
outside.prep 🔎
- Pickett, who was shot in the knee by the Secret Service after allegedlyfiring two shotshän ampui kaksi laukaustaoutsideulkopuolellathe White HouseValkoisen talon, used crutches to walk into the court.
to.prep 🔎
- At one end of ita coloured postervärijuliste, too large for indoor display, had been tackedto<empty>the wallseinään.
- HeHänmovedover<empty>toluothe windowikkunan: a smallish, frail figure, the meagreness of his body merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were the uniform of the Party.
underground.a 🔎
- Leakingundergroundmaanalaisetpipesputketand drains present another common cause of subsidence.
- Community action marshalled against adeepsyvääundergroundmaanalaistacar parkparkkihalliabeing built beneath the cathedral square
- A notice informed the public that this was thedeepestsyvinUndergroundmetro-stationasemain London, three hundred stairs to the bottom.
- A second time-free environment is provided byundergroundmaanalaisetcavesluolat.
- The Forest of Dean is riddled withundergroundmaanalaisiastreams and springsvirtoja ja lähteitä.
- In London he gradually took over theUndergroundmetro-systemjärjestelmänand came to control every line except the Metropolitan.
underneath.prep 🔎
- When Mr Patel had passed, the previous evening and that morning,the man's head and shouldersmiehen pää ja olkapääthad beenunderneathallathe carauton, and no, he had not come into the shop at all.
- ItSeseemeddirectlysuoraanunderneathalapuolellaanherhänen.
- The crane then lowered me down towardsthe two menkahta miestäunderneathalapuolellanimeminunwho shouted for me to put my arms out so that they could grab me.
- She drewher legsjalkansaup<empty>underneathalleenher<empty>, sat cross-legged on the duvet.
- Dusting your hands with icing sugar or cornflour to prevent sticking, carefully pick up the fondant by sliding yourhandskätesiunderneathalleitsen.
- A riverJokiranunderneathalapuolellathe roadtienthere, and the car was lying next to the bridge wall, below the road.
- Underneathalapuolellathe tablePöydän, carved into the stone, wassome kind of designjonkinlainen kuvio.
- Underneathalapuolellathe coatTakinwasa mohair suit the same colour as minesamanvärinen mohairpuku kuin minulla.
up.prep 🔎
- The flatAsuntowasseven flightsseitsemän kerrostaupylempänä, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way.