TransFrameNet:Locale by ownership
- StewardshipHoidettavalandmaashall be quantified in terms of physical units (for example, acres) rather than in monetary terms.
- On the following page is a summary of thestewardshiphoidettavastalandmaastaby category of major use, broken down within each category by principal holding agency, at September 30, 199Z.
- They wanted nothing more complicated than to pursue their trade as they saw fit ontheirheidänownomallelandmaalleen.
- The federal government is the outright owner of most of thelandmaastain AlaskaAlaskanand has financial responsibilities the same as any other landlord.
- The issue oflandmaansales has a long history as a subtheme of the Jewish-Arab struggle.
- JewishJuutalaistenlandmaan-purchases were not the primary factor, these historians say.
- The implication was that alllandmaatwould be freely alienable, without being burdened by the residual control of lords higher in the feudal chain.
- StewardshipHoidettavaLandmaa-land other than that acquired for or in connection with general PP MYAMP amp; E.
- Stewardship Land-landmaaother than that acquired for or in connection with general PP MYAMP amp; E.
- ,stewardshiphoidettavalandmaa), or probability of being destroyed in use (e.g.
- Residents along the corridor worry that the highway would open up huge areas oflandmaatafor new developmentuudelle kehitykselle.
- The electric chair came to the state in the middle of the first greatFloridaFloridanlandmaa-boom, when Florida was conjuring itself up out of the sea of grass.
- The Israeli cabinet agreed in principle to cedemorelisäälandmaatato Palestinians.
- `Even iftheyhedon't own anylandmaata.
- The dominant class in feudal society consisted of thelandowners whomaanomistajista, jotkaownedurbankaupunki-landmaata, from which they extracted rents, and non-urban land, from which they usurped the surplus generated by peasants.
- They were not allowed to ownlandmaatanor speak in public.
- By marriagetheyheinheritedmorelisäälandmaataand a mansion on the banks of the River Ayr at Stair, from which they took their title.
- Santos Hernandez and his fellow campesino farmers wereone of hundreds of Honduran co-operatives whoyksi sadoista Hondurasin yhteistyöjoukoista, jotkaseizedlandmaanin 1981.
- HisHäneninheritedperimänsälandsmaatwere negligible and the bulk of the balance was represented by his acquisitions through marriage.
- Areyoursinunlandsmaasiworth the name of whore?
- It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314, where Gloucester was killed; and his performance in the battle, for whichhehänetwas later rewarded withlandmaallaworth 100 marks a year, may have brought him to Edward II's notice.
- Prohibitions on transactions involving land were removed in 1873, and between 1873 and 1881 a large-scale reform of the land tax assessed alllandmaanfor tax purposes.
- We've actually leased thatlandmaanfor this year, and wait and see what happens.