TransFrameNet:Locale by event
scene.n 🔎
- He never misses amurdermurha-scenepaikkaa.
- The film appears to query the notion of heroism in itsbattletaistelu-sceneskohtauksissaan, muddy, bloody, in marked contrast to the sunny patriotism of Laurence Olivier's wartime version.
- He died at thescenetapahtumapaikalla.
- The young gunman was on a truck fleeing thescenetapahtumapaikaltaof a shoot-outammuskelunwith marines in Mogadishu.
- `Removing a witness from thescenepaikaltaof a murdermurha-is an important crime.
- He nodded slowly, still observing thescenepaikkaabeyond the glasslasin takaa.
- Their system of working can lead toextraordinaryerikoisiinsceneskohtauksiin.
- In April he apologised again in Okinawa, Japan's southernmost island andscenetapahtumapaikassaof much wartime brutalitymonien sodanaikaisten julmuuksien.
- Thescenekohtausthat followed was one of the most dramatic in the history of warfare and destined to live, like the defence of Derry, in Irish Protestant annals.
- It was a pursuit which, with savage irony, took her across Lawrence Road,scenetapahtumapaikanof her last attackhänen viimeisen hyökkäyksensäin December 1991 when a youth punched her hard in the face.
- In McEnroe's case, the Gardenwas theoliscenetapahtumapaikkaof his last triumph of major significancehänen viimeisen merkittävän voittonsa.
- Leaning against the walnut table, Clare felt her face tighten as she, too, relived thatpainfultuskallisenscenetapahtuman.
- Many accounts of famous trials, and the daily fare of newspapers illustrate the amount of drama, comic and tragic, which can be culled fromcourtroomoikeussalinsceneskohtauksista.
- Thescenetapahtumapaikkaof operationsoperaatioidenhad also changed.
site.n 🔎
- Thesitetapahtumapaikkaof the `1066 ``Battle of Hastingsvuoden 1066 Hastingsin taistelun, this charming medieval town which is dominated by the magnificent Battle Abbey.
- They were warned it might fly over thecrashkolari-sitepaikan.
- Plate 10 Measuring the extension of an operating jack on thecrashkolari-sitepaikallahigh in the Alpskorkealla Alppien rinteilläto establish the configuration of the aircraft on impact.
- The media are thus also transformed into thesitetapahtumapaikalleof such struggleskyseisten taistelujen.
- Responding to growing public pressure, the Ukrainian parliament has voted to close the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, thesitetapahtumapaikanof the world's worst nuclear accident in 1986vuonna 1986 tapahtuneen, maailman pahimman ydinonnettomuuden, two years ahead of schedule.
- Often theburialhauta-sitepaikkais destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
- The high water-table in the area means it would be difficult to find asuitablesopivaasitepaikkaafor a burial groundhautausmaallebecause of the risk of water contamination.
- The Department of the Environment designated thesitepaikanas an Ancient Monument in 1973 thus ensuring that no further dismantling can take place.
- He started to plot lines ofancientmuinaisistasitespaikoistaand quickly got a feel for those which cropped up most frequently.