The proliferation of measures gives some indication of just how
monimerkityksellinen the term `money supply ``
termi 'rahantulo' is.
The disadvantage with this equation for the recognition task is that it would automatically demote
any word that
minkä tahansa sanan, joka is
syntaktisesti ambiguous
monimerkityksellinen .
The courts developed techniques to limit the effects of exclusion clauses, including the interpretation of an
monimerkityksellisen to the disadvantage of the party seeking to rely on it.
However, after hearing legal arguments, the judge, Clive Callman, said that
monitulkintainen .
many words in English
monet englannin kielen sanat syntactically
syntaktisesti ambiguous
monitulkintaisia , much of this ambiguity arises from rare usage.
monimerkityksellinen between the composing aspects of writing and the secretarial aspects, such as good handwriting and spelling
kirjoittamisen ja sihteerillisten näkökulmien, kuten hyvän käsialan ja kieliopin, välillä .
It not infrequently happens that
monimerkityksellisiä are related in such a way that in certain contexts one reading entails the other.
In the few cases just seen where
the to infinitive
infinitiivi , it also brings in the nuance of subsequence, of sudden movement from one instant to the next.
the other verbs
Toisista verbeistä, jotka , get and occasion resemble cause more than force and oblige do in that they evoke causality without the idea of coercion.
The obvious question is: If
both verbs
molemmat verbit causation
kausatiivisuutta , why are they not followed by the same version of the infinitive?
In medieval times
the word `road ``
sana "tie" something rather different to the meaning we give it today
jotain aivan muuta, kuin minkä merkityksen annamme sille nykyään .
can be used
functions in the organisation
organisaation toimintoja .
Traditional terms
Perinteiset termit, jotka , such as `labourer ``, `apprentice, `tradesman ``, and `mate, were no longer amenable to straightforward definitions.
There are numerous words for the hunting activity, mainly dependent upon the object of the hunt or the tools employed, but none corresponds to
violent acts
väkivaltaisia tekoja .
Words have different
in different contexts.
Mr. Leonard contended that the expression `office or employment ``is a term of art to be construed in accordance with its established
in other contexts.
She'd never really understood the
behind the adage
sananlaskun takana -- until now.
The multiplicity of
does not mean that any linguistic expression can mean anything at all in complete disregard of what it means as a sentence.
A dispute over what they do mean is, in principle, like a legal dispute over the
The story makes some very profound points about the role of ritual in religion, the development of conceptual understanding, the
of the word ``spiritual
'henkinen'-sanan and how it is related to religion.
are especially liable to change because people learn them by hearing them in context rather than by looking up the `standard ``definition, and the inferences they draw can vary.
`It follows ``, he says, `that the written language pays more attention to disambiguating
than the spoken language does (1980, p. 56).
Many of the words used in palaeography
Monilla paleomaantieteessä käytetyillä have broad
in normal English usage, or may be used in more than one way.
It should be said at the outset that this
is not the usual
ei ole tavallinen .
My proposed account of authority is not even an account of the
of the phrase `X has authority over Y ``
lauseen 'X:llä on määräysvalta Y:hyn nähden' .
The first requirement is for the terms to be written in grammatically correct English--errors of grammar may disguise or even distort the
is, after all, the
of the phrase `life cycle ``
ilmauksen 'elinkaari' .
The third
of the word `power ``
Sanan 'valta' is
on 'päätösvalta' .