TransFrameNet:Light movement
- Even as he watched, he sawlightsvalojenflamingliekehtiviänin the DaleDalessain answer -- and he saw Dunan and his men rush the longhouses with the moon glittering on their swords.
- ``The flames must have been 80ft (25 meters) in the air, and the road caught fire ---itsewas<empty>flamingliekehtiup through the concreteylös asfaltin läpi, a mass of flames, hr said.
- In the public end afiretuliflamedroihusiin a stone hearthkivitakassa.
- The mad moonHullu kuuflaresroihuaafrom behind the racing cloudshurjastelevien pilvien takaa.
- The lightningSalamaflaredroihahtiinto his facehänen kasvoilleenand, covering his eyes with one hand, he said desperately, `For God's sake can't we go downstairs?
- The memory oflightningsalamasta, jokaflaringroihahtelibetween the cracks in the boardslankkujen rakojen väleistäand me pushing home the four-inch nails with numb fingers arrived simultaneous with the patter of descending footsteps …
- Cardiff spun back to look at the windows to see if that bizarre shifting and swirling of shadows was somehow caused by alightningsalama, jokaflashvälkkyithrough the glass paneslasipaneelien läpi.
- ThemuzzleVaientunutflashvälkeilluminated Farrell and the yard around him for several feet as he raked the sub-gun back and forth, spent cartridge cases spewing from the weapon; smoke and steam rising into the damp air.
- There was a small explosion and aflashvälkefrom the flareroihustaas it curved into the air.
- Theflashessalamatfrom her cameraHänen kameransacame every few seconds as she moved around, taking pictures from every angle.
- PC Kelly went on: `I did not hear anything but I saw twoflashessalamaafrom the barrel of the gunaseen suuaukostaand I presumed he had shot Goodman twice.
- A beam of lightValonsädeflashedvälkkyiin front of herhänen edessään, the distorted face of Bryce behind the beam.
- She studied the reflections on the wall asthe lights of the Golden Dragonkultaisen lohikäärmeen valotflashedvälkkyivätblue and pinksinisenä ja vaaleanpunaisenaacross the streetkadun toisella puolella.
- It was onlythe sunaurinko,flashingvälkkyenbrieflyhetkenon her bleached hairhänen vaalennetuilla hiuksillaan, that made him shade his eyes and look again in that direction.
- A beamSädeflashedvälkkyiacross the runwaypolullaonly a few metres away from the shuttle's nose.
- Seconds latersunlightauringonvaloflashedvälkähtion metalmetalliinand the aircraft appeared in the skies above them.
- In the greenish light she sawthe pale blue rayskalpean siniset säteet, jotkaflashingvälkkyivätfrom her throathänen kurkustaan.
- He found the meter and turned on the mains, and then switched the lights on after closing the drapes -- it would look a lot less suspicious than theoccasionalsatunnainenflickervälkeof torchlighttaskulampunacross the glassikkunan läpi.
- Angie Ross lay in bed and watcheda spangle of lightvalonsäteenflickervälkkymistäand fuseon the wallseinälläas a breeze moved the curtain.
- Maggie glanced up aslightningsalamaflickeredleimahtiacross the skytaivaalla, followed seconds later by a loud crack of thunder.
- Spurred on by excitement, he snatched out another double handful of weed and there,moonlightkuunvalonflickeringvälkkyvänfrom itsiitäwith every feeble movement, was a small Severn salmon.
- SunlightAuringonvaloflickeredvälkkyithrough the treespuiden läpi
- Her torchHänen lyhtynsäflickeredvälkkyiacross the wallseinälläand she switched it off, holding her breath in case someone had noticed the distant gleam of light.
- Allen sawthe lightningsalamangleamloistavanon the blade of his knifeveitsensä terässäas they passed and made ready to snatch at it.
- Turning round she sawsunlightauringonvalongleamingvälkkyvänon fair hair and brown skinvaaleissa hiuksissa ja ruskealla iholla, the flash of blue from his shirt; he was standing about thirty feet away, watching.
- Psepha was suddenly rising gracefully,the afternoon sunlightiltapäivän auringongleamingvälkkyessäoff wings that were still no more than a golden filmsiivillä, jotka olivat edelleen vain kultainen kalvo.
- There was afaintheikkoglimmerkajoof lightvalon-from her windowhänen ikkunastaan; it was from the night-light which she kept burning.
- The candlesKynttilätglimmeredtuikkivaton the moon-blanched treekuun valaisemissa puissalike Christmas candleskuin joulukynttilät.
- Faint starlightTähtien heikko valoglimmeredvälkkyion the steep sloping rooftopsjyrkästi kohoavissa katoissa, the milky way a net of luminosity beyond the black silhouetted chimneytops of the Bell o' the Brae.
- For a few minutesthe sunaurinkoglimmeredvälkkyithrough the mistusvan läpito my rightoikealla puolellani, a red ball just risen above the mountain.
- But I was sitting on the sands of Ke Iki at midnight with a fairy-tale princess, a Botticelli Venus whose long blonde tresses reflected goldenglintsvälkkeitäfrom the firenuotiosta.
- The sunAurinkoglintedkimmelsifrom their armaments and their horses ``harnessesheidän aseistaan ja hevostensa valjaista.
- The candlelightKynttilänvaloglintedkimmelsifrom pearls and rubies, diamonds and goldhelmistä ja rubiineista, timanteista ja kullasta.
- The faint moonlightHeikko kuunvaloglintedkimmelsion the barrels of the gunsaseiden suuaukoistamost of them were carrying.
- It was hard to tell because ofthe sunaurinkoglintingvälkehtion his glasseshänen silmälaseissaan.
- Dappled sunlightTäplikäs auringonvaloglintsvälkkyythrough the treespuiden läpiinto the waterveteen, illuminating the river bed.
- The midday sunKeskipäivän aurinkoglintedkimmelsiagainst the bronze bas-reliefs of famous battle scenes on Napoleon'spronssisia Napoleonin kuuluisien taistelukohtausten patsaita vastencolumn as Chantal steered the Harley-Davidson through the place de l'Opéra and turned down the busy rue de la Paix.
- The lightValoglintedkimmelsioff a white tower at the very summit of the hillvalkoisesta tornista rinteen huipulla, and Riven caught the glitter of metal on the battlements as a helmet or spear blade caught the sun.
- SunAurinkoglintedkimmelsioff the watervedessäand the golden light was so pellucid, so dazzling, that she felt in her bag for her sunglasses.
- Harry could seethe sunauringonglisteningvälkehtivänon the naked patches of her bodyhänen vartalonsa alastomissa kohdissaalthough she had not yet removed her undergarments.
- As their eyes held Penry's changed, narrowing to a suddenglitterkiilunaksibetween his lasheshänen ripsiensä välissä.
- Her hair was black as jet, falling beyond her shoulders, straight and heavy,blue lightssinisten valojenglitteringvälkehtiessäalong its lengthkoko niiden pituudelta.
- He moved closer, reaching out to turn her face towards him so thatthe lightvaloglitteredvälkähtelion the tell-tale mist on her cheekshänen poskiensa selvässä udussa.
- It was intensely moving: all the more so in Zurich as the back wall of the theatre was lowered to revealthe morning sunaamuauringonglitteringkimaltaessaon the lakejärvellä.
- The sunAurinkowas<empty>glitteringvälkehtiremorselesslyarmottomastion rows of white yacht mastsvalkoisten jahtien mastoissaat the quayside.
- SunlightAuringonvaloglitteredvälkehtion the snowlumessaat the peaks and on the tiny white houses below.
- SunlightAuringonvaloglitteredkimalteliacross the waterveden pinnassaas though that too tingled with golden fire.
- A nightlight on a small table standing against the wall threw adimvaimeanglowhehkunaround the sparse roomniukkaan huoneeseen, revealing the small, white-sheeted bed, the bundle lying beneath the covers.
- At his back, theglowhehkufrom an outside lampulkopuolisen lampunfound its way through curtained windows to touch the glazed bathroom door with an eerie greyness.
- Thefaintheikkoglowloistefrom a street lightkatuvalonshowed him the outline of a hedge, neat flower beds, a black oblong of lawn.
- The lamp beside his bed threw a faintglowloisteenover his swollen, passionate, tormented facehänen turvonneisiin, kiihkeisiin, piinattuihin kasvoihinsa.
- With a roaring fire and candles shedding asoftpehmeänglowloisteen, the Dysons' home is an idyllic place to spend Christmas.
- Katherine Lundy sat back in the darkened sitting room, her eyes on the deepredpunaisessaglowhehkussafrom the firetulen, the only sound the soft hissing of the burning coal and the solemn ticking of the clock.
- The room was faintly illuminated by theglowhehkufrom the night-burning stoveyöllä palavan hellan.
- Bonfires blazed nearby, casting aDante-likeDantemaisenglowhehkunover the funereal proceedingshautajaisvalmisteluilleas other men sorted the blood-stiffened clothing into various piles, there to be recorded by a clerk.
- Diffused lightingHajanainen salamacast awarm amberlämpimän meripihkanvärisenglowhehkunover a couple of oak display cabinetstammisten näytevitriinien ylleand reflected off the glass-panelled walls.
- In the reflection on the glass door he thought he saw a redglowhehkunfrom his carhänen autostaan, and glanced back across the road.
- Two lampsKaksi lamppuaglowedloistisoftlypehmeästifrom brackets on the wallseinäkannattimista, and she stared at them stupidly, her thoughts unfocused, her mind disorientated.
- The evening sunIlta-aurinkoglowedpaistoifrom the westlännestäas brassy as a dinner-gongräikeänä kuin kumistin, throwing long purple shadows across the untidy lawn and into the bushes.
- This was the nature of the Lady's eyes: they were bright green, lacking iris or pupil, andtheyneglowedhehkuivatfrom withinsisältä.
- There was no light on in the room directly above, butambermeripihkaglowedhehkuifrom the darkroom doorwaypimeän huoneen ovella.
- To my surprise I sawa lightvalon joka,glowingloistithrough the curtains of the room I thought was her salonverhojen läpi huoneesta, jonka uskoin olevan hänen salonkinsa.
- When I close the front door behind me, the hall is lit only bythe streetlightkatuvalot jotka,glowingloistavatfaintlyvaimeastithrough frosted glasshimmeiden ikkunoiden läpi.
- He gestured to the row of Mercedes and the waiting chauffeurs gossiping,the red tips of their cigarettesheidän savukkeidensa punaisten kärkienglowinghehkuessain the darkpimeässä, and at the armed guards patrolling in front of the house.
- The cigaretteSavukeglowedhehkuiagainin the darkpimeässä, and he hitched himself up on one elbow and ground it out on the earth.
- On either side,white-painted kerb stonesvalkoiseksi maalatut reunakivetglowedloistivatfaintlyvaimeastithrough the blacknessmustuuden läpias she walked with the rest towards the sound of the dancing, for ears were of more use than eyes in the blackout.
- `You'll Never Walk Alone ``was sung with gusto andflaresvaloammuksetglowedloistivaton the terracesterasseillaas Liverpool started with barely controlled frenzy.
- It had taken almost half an hour to reach his office along streets jammed with tourist coaches, the Americans inside staring through the windows atthe neon Tel Aviv highway sign thatneonvärinen Tel Aviv -moottoritiekyltti, jokaglowedloistithrough the drizzletihkusateen läpi.
- LampsLamputglowedhehkuivatthrough the ports of boatsvenesatamien läpi, vehicles had driving lights on.
- Constance was thrilled at her first sight ofthe red terracotta tiles of ItalyItalian punaiset terrakottalaatat,glowingjotka hehkuivatin the morning airaamuilmassaas above them the pale blue sky deepened.
- Withthe sunAuringonshimmeringhohtaessaon the glass of the palm housepalmutalon ikkunoihinand the frost turning every shadow pale blue, the whole place looked like a gem, set perfectly upon the hillside.
- Cranston watchedthe sunlightauringonvalonshimmerhohtoaon the great tocsin bellsuuressa varoituskellossathen turned round abruptly.
- The man lowered his scarf, tucking it below his chin, causing Creed to flinch at the sight of the ravaged face now caught in theshineloisteeseenof the moonkuun.
- A yellow-red light jetted out from the eye-holes of the distorted faces, likea bright beamkirkas säde, jokashiningloistithrough a keyholeavaimenreiän läpiin a door.
- Tall stately chimneys,the lightsvalotshiningloistivatfrom behind mullion-paned windowsikkunan karmien väleistä.
- A single, necrotic lightYksi, kuoleva valoshinesloistaafrom a high windowkorkeasta ikkunasta, stark against the dark green-grey of the Castle walls.
- The lightvalofrom the lampLampunshoneloistisuddenly ona handsome young mankomeaan nuoreen mieheenin a bright red and gold army uniform.
- A lightValoshoneloistithrough a chinkraon läpiin the curtains of a window above the garage door.
- At that time of year the sun was so low thatitseshonepaistoidirectly into the livingroomsuoraan olohuoneeseenduring the whole of its brief traverse of the horizon.
- It was very nice in the summer, of course, when thesunaurinkoshonepaistoiand sparkledon the wee burnpieneen jokeen,that ran down the hill behind the house.
- Another very successful course was held in April; after the awful winter weather,the sunaurinkoshonepaistoidownon Avery Hill CollegeAvery Hill Collegeen, London, as folk gathered from far and wide to attend.
- The moonKuuslowly withdrew itself from its cloudy lair andshoneloistia broad beam of lightleveän valonsäteenthrough the open doorwayavoimen oviaukon läpi.
- Harriet, hiccuping, stands withthe beamsäteenshiningloistaessaat her feethänen jalkoihinsa, waving it unsteadily up into her eyes.
- But to these people, moving like phantoms in and out ofthe ultra-violet beamultraviolettisädettä, jokawhichshoneloistifrom the ceilingkatosta, style was everything.
- She looked around and sawdaylightpäivänvalonshiningloistavanfrom the end of the hallwaykäytävän päästä.
- The sunAurinkohad now lost its rosy tinge andshonepaistoiextremely painfullyinto his eyeshänen silmiinsä.
- The sunlightAuringonvalofrom an open windowavoimesta ikkunastashonepaistoiinto his eyeshänen silmiinsä, and she noticed that they were exactly the same shade of green as Stephen's, and just as opaque.
- MoonlightKuunvaloshoneloistiinto the roomhuoneeseen, its rays casting shadows over his hawklike profile, and tears blurred her eyes at the sight.
- Her room was lit bya single naked bulbyksi alaston hehkulamppuwhich hung from the ceiling andshoneloistiharshlyjulmastion EllenElleniinwho was standing in the doorway of her tiny bathroom.
- The woman looked down,torch beamlyhdyn säteenshiningloistaessaon the groundmaahan.
- He clicked on a torch anda weak beamheikko sädeshoneloistifortheteenpäin.
- I was woken bythe full moontäysikuu, jokashiningloistiin on mesisään minun ylleni, as I had forgotten to draw my curtains.
- Through the gap in the curtains, also casement cloth,a romantic moonromanttinen kuushoneloistidown on herhäneen, but Sally-Anne had little interest in romance or the moon.
- She ran from him, nightmare panic making her breathing and heartbeat echo down the long tree-lined path until she sawthe moonkuun, jokashiningloistithrough a stained-glass window of the garden of EdenEdenin puutarhan likaisen lasi-ikkunan läpi.
- It was an extraordinary sensation, floating here in the inky darkness, with moonbeams dancing off the top of the small waves, andthe twinkling stars aboveyläpuolella olevat tuikkivat tähdetshiningloistivatthrough the moth-eaten blanket of the night skyyötaivaan koinsyömän peiton läpi.
- Although thelights of the pleasure cruisershuvijahtien valotsparklingsäihkyivätfrom the watervedestämake the river look attractive, Baedeker's advice is forthright: `Bathing in the Rhine should be avoided at all costs.
- His dark eyes directed to beyond the window wherethe Expo lightsnäyttelyn valotsparkledloistivatcolourfullyvärikkäinäinto the distancekaukaisuuteen.
- The sunAurinkosparkledloistion the plateslaatoilleand, wet-haired from the pool, the children were being unusually helpful in the kitchen.
- April sunlightHuhtikuun auringonvalosparkledloistiover the waterveden ylle, dancing across snow-covered fields.
- Our first sight of the restaurant was one oflanternslyhdyistä, jokatwinklingtuikkithrough the duskhämärän läpi.