- The King had convened a special meeting of the Council to discuss the imprisonment of a Gallowaybaronparoninin EnglandEnglannissa.
- Tackling the power of thebaronsparonienof beeroluen
- Between 1263 and 1265 he was much involved in treating for peace at home between the king and hisbaronsparoniensa.
- Opium farmers' income is tiny compared withPakistan'sPakistanindrugbaronskuninkaatand owners of heroin laboratories, and they are regarded by many as the impoverished, innocent end of the country's narcotics business.
- Eat your hearts out Colombian drugbaronsparoni, this is legal.
- ThePoitevinPoitoulaistenbaronsparonienmust have felt the way Henry Morgan's old associates were to feel when he was appointed Governor of Jamaica with orders to stamp out piracy.
- He left the king's service for a few years after March 1245; it was probably during this period that he compiled a metrical grammar for the children of Hamo de Pecche, aCambridgeshireCambridgeshirenbaronparonin.
- A Richard son of Siward appears around 1215 in the retinue of William de Fors, count of Aumale [q.v.], aYorkshireYorkshirenbaronparonin.
- There they had sworn not to make peace with their father except with the consent of the King andbaronsparonienof FranceRanskan.
- MediaMedia-baronsparonitrule Brazil
- With fitzAlan, de Villiers and a chastened but still influentialBishoppiispaof WinchesterWinchesterinlistening to every word, Isabel had answered as best she could in the hope that by doing so she might appease her conscience.
- With the consent of theBishoppiispanof ElyElyn, who was Edward Wynn, the Bishop of Durham came to Howfield and confirmed his father and ministered the sacrament to him.
- The Catholicbishopspiispatof MalawiMalawinhave launched their own `Liberation Theology ``that deplores official repression.
- Richard de Bury, laterbishoppiispaof DurhamDurhamin, profited from his diplomatic missions to the French court by buying and exchanging books in Paris.
- With the exception of the queen herself and her brother,LionelLionelbishoppiispaof SalisburySalisburyn, the whole family apparently suffered forfeiture.
- We took advice from other friends, includingourmeidänbishoppiispamme, James Roxburgh, who all encouraged us to press ahead.
- TheIrish Roman Catholic ChurchIrlannin roomalaiskatolisen kirkonbishopspiispatyesterday made clear their disapproval of the form of wording chosen by the government to permit abortions in cases where the life of a mother-to-be is at risk.
- TheLow Churchmatalakirkollisetbishopspiispatproved to be valuable Parliamentary allies to the Whigs.
- Difficulties facingbishopsPiispojacould escalate when central and local politics overlapped.
- Yet he had no constitutional place in advising the Queen on the choice ofbishopspiispojen.
- Thebishopspiispathired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial.
- It was between Brian and Christy and thebosspomonat the end.
- You may feel secure in your role within the family, but a newbosspomoat worktöissä, for example, may mean that your assumptions about your professional status are challenged.
- Like Russian president Boris Yeltsin who still stands accused of continuing the cover-up over the execution while hewas aolilocal Communist partypaikallisen kommunistisen puolueenbosspomoin the 70s.
- As Bernard Arnault, thebosspomoof LVMHLVMH:n, points out, the hardest trick in managing luxury brands is `keeping a balance between volume and scarcity.
- Thebosspomoof Salomon IncSalomon Inc:n, John Gutfreund, also took a pay cut, down to $2.26m, reflecting the investment bank's 36% drop in net income.
- Now thebosspomoof the provisionals' counter intelligence departmentväliaikaisen siiven vastavakoiluosastonnicknamed `the headhunters ``has called a temporary halt to operations in North Belfast until the leak can be stemmed.
- His talent, like that ofhis labellevymerkkinsäbosspomoBoy GeorgeBoy George, is making quirky, quality, catchy pop tunes.
- According to Barry Morris,Blackpool's tourismBlackpoolin turisti-bosspäällikön: “ People are not prepared to accept less in a B&B than they have at home.
- The PEPES had vowed to attack Escobar and his family each time theMedellin cartelMedellinin kartelli-bosspäällikköplants a bomb or attacks innocent civilians.
- CLEVER Ulster investors are set to make a killing on the forthcoming NIE and British Telecom share sell-offs, alocal building societypaikallisen rakennusyhteisönbosspäällikköpredicted today.
- Onestoremyymälä-bosspäällikkösaid: `The place is buzzing.
- DAMON HILL has won a massive vote of confidence fromCanon Williams' teamCanon Williamsin tiimi-bosspäälliköltäFrank WilliamsFrank Williamsiltaafter his latest ration of rank bad luck in the Canadian Grand Prix.
- Manchester United skipper Bryan Robson has recovered from the muscle strain that kept him out of Saturday's win over Premier League leaders, Norwich, leavingbosspomolleAlex FergusonAlex Fergusonillewith a headache.
- There is brighter news for theRangersRangersinbosspomolleon the selection front.
- People may also trade good relations with theirbosspomonsafor better relations with their colleagues, or vice versa.
- Yesterday, workers and bosses celebrated the dawn of a bright new era at an official opening that drew hundreds of VIP guests andGMGM:nbossespomojafrom Europe and the United States.
- But beleagueredbosspomoGraham TaylorGraham Taylorasked if the pressure was off replied with a wry smile: `Not really.
- About 130 VIP guests, including internationalVauxhallVauxhallinbossespäälliköitäand representatives of the CBI and civic heads were expected at today's inauguration ceremony.
- It was to these fanatical warriors, and above all to their chieftain, that both Motamid and theCaliphkalifiof BadajozBadajozinappealed for aid against the steady encroachments of Alfonso.
- Several hours earlier thecaliphkalifiwoke feeling very strange.
- The secondcaliphkalifi, Omar, was assassinated in 644 after a reign which had seen, in addition to Qadesiyah and dramatic territorial expansion at the expense of Byzantium, an extremely important development within Islam.
- Finally, by a process which is not entirely clear, theAbbasidAbbasidincaliphkalifinal-Mutawakkilal-Mutawakkilinis said to have transferred to Sultan Selim and his heirs all rights to the caliphate.
- He said he would wait to see if theCaliphkalifiwould reward us for forcing the breach.
- THEcaptainkapteeniof a blazing tankerPalaneen tankkerinthreatening an environmental disaster along the Spanish coast was interrogated by a judge yesterday.
- Mr Waltonis aoncaptainkapteeniof a ship sailing in the ice flows of the Atlantic Oceanlaivassa, joka seilaa Atlantin valtameren jäisessä virrassa,when he meets Frankenstein who is, at that point, searching for his hideous creation.
- MARK NICHOLAS has been re-appointedHampshireHampshirencaptainkapteeniksifor next seasonseuraavalle kaudelle, ending speculation that he would be joining a Sunday newspaper as a cricket correspondent.
- Graham Gooch has been confirmed asEngland'sEnglannincaptainkapteeniksifor the winter tour of IndiaIntian talvikierrokselle.
- Freelance soldiers that they were, they depended upontheirheidäncaptainskapteeneistaanfor recruitment, organisation, distribution of booty, and pay.
- This agent, who may or may not be affiliated with a freight forwarder, prepares the charter party bill of lading and gives it to thecaptainkapteenillefor his signature, subject to charter party conditions.
- Colin will play at left back andisonclubjoukkueencaptainkapteenifor the seasonkauden ajan.
- And he ended up as the portcaptainkapteeniksifor Cunard in New YorkNew Yorkin Cunardiin.
- He is a navy-brat, son of acaptainkapteeninin the surface fleetmaajoukkojen.
- A friend of mine, when he was a little boy, was travelling in a train with his father whowas aolicaptainkapteeniin the navylaivaston.
- Bryan Robson, captain of Manchester United and England, gets a CBE alongside Finlay Calder, thecaptainkapteeniof the British Lions' rugby teamBritish Lions -rugbyjoukkueen.
- GrayGraysaved his money and is now half-owner andcaptainkapteeniof a fine shiphienon laivan.
- The atmosphere is bad and British sailors could get caught up in the bad feeling if they went ashore, ``saidthe Ark Royal'sArk Royal -aluksencaptainkapteeni, John Brigstocke.
- The first specks of light rain fell on Trent's face as he looked up to seethe motor yacht'smoottoriveneencaptainkapteeninstudying him from over the brilliantly-varnished taffrail.
- As an outside observer I was startled by the response -- a roar that would have drowned even the Parkhead faithful salutingtheir teamjoukkueensacaptainkapteeniaclutching the Scottish Cup.
- Scene six, though, is a clear exception, and its confrontational atmosphere is reflected in the nature of Anderson's interruptions ofthe Czech policeTsekin poliisi-captainpäällikön.
- First, at the Public Records Office, I inspectedthe submarinesukellusveneencaptainkapteenin's report of proceedings of the Patrol in question.
- In addition hemust be thetäytyy ollateamjoukkueencaptainkapteenin, strong and sympathetic.
- Underactingvirkaa toimittavancaptainkapteeninNeil FairbrotherNeil Fairbrotherin, they managed 48 overs in the 205 minutes allowed for 55 overs.
- ActingVirkaa toimittavacaptainkapteeniAlec StewartAlec Stewartalso did his best to inspire his team to greater efforts with two brilliant diving catches and a smart stumping.
- In World War I he served in the Royal Army Medical Corps astemporaryväliaikaisenacaptainkapteenina,in charge of the base laboratory at Salonikajoka vastasi Salonikan tukikohdan laboratoriosta(1916), and later in Northern Ireland as bacteriologist (1918).
- Thecaptainkapteenihad grabbed the hydrophone headset, listening for himself.
- Both Carl and theCaptainkapteeniwere too late.
- Led by AmericancaptainkapteeninTony Hanson they eventually lost before a capacity crowd.
- THEchairmanpuheenjohtajaof East Hampshire District CouncilEast Hampshiren piirivaltuuston,Elsa BulmerElsa Bulmer, paid an informal visit to the children of Liphook Infant School last week.
- Like the vice-president, thechairmanpuheenjohtajaof the joint chiefsyhdistyneiden päällikköjenmust keep his advice to the president secret.
- His motion is backed byLionel RandallLionel Randall,last year'sviimevuotinenchairmanpuheenjohtajaof the councilneuvoston.
- OurMeidänChairmanpuheenjohtajamme, Richard Newcombe, who has taken a particular interest in the museum, then spoke, welcoming the guests and thanking them for their support.
- The reaction fromFrancois CurielFrancois Curielin, Christie'sDeputyvara-Chairmanpuheenjohtajanand head of the company's French operations, was of guarded optimism.
- Late that Friday afternoon, Montague called hisdeputyvara-chairmanpuheenjohtajansa,Eric GoodwinEric Goodwinin, at his headquarters in London's West End.
- He was meeting theBritish RailBritish Railinchairmanpuheenjohtajan, Sir Robert Reid, this morning to discuss prompt implementation of the 93 recommendations.
- Sir Michael became Chemicals Coordinator in 1976, and was appointed director for North America in 1979, also becomingChairmanpuheenjohtajaand Chief Executive Officerof Unilever United States IncUnilever United States Inc:n.
- HeHänserved there for many years, ultimately becomingchairmanpuheenjohtaja.
- Seniority providescommitteekomiteanchairmenpuheenjohtajillewith an independent power base and helps to insulate them from control by party leaders and presidents.
- Three managers and threechairmenpuheenjohtajaain 18 months is a recipe for football disaster.
- Most of the following information was obtained from replies to a letter from theChairmanpuheenjohtajaltato more than fifty correspondents in various parts of the world (see Appendix 2.9).
- That's been the rule aboutsub-committeealikomiteanchairmenpuheenjohtajastafor as long as I can remember.
- Congress, I've come to the rostrum today because, some weeks ago, asChairmanpuheenjohtajanaof er Grimsby Constituency Labour PartyGrimsby Constituencyn työväenpuolueen, this leaflet arrived on the desk of our office.
- DorothyDorothywas aolipopularsuosittuchairmanpuheenjohtaja,who put in much hard work during her six years.
- And the flamboyantChelseaChelseanchairmanpuheenjohtajaannounced that his 11-year marriage to wife Pam is over.
- Thechairpersonpuheenjohtajaof Talc Mining AwarenessTalc Mining Awarenessin, Paddy Muldoon, responded: `We are determined to stay with this right to the very end.
- Denis Carroll,chairpersonpuheenjohtajaof the Residents' Associationasukasyhdistyksen, said `Objections from 93 per cent of the local community to the gold prospectors are 50/50 between environmental and religious concerns.
- The RRA'sRRA:nchairpersonpuheenjohtaja, Ted Forde, commented `It's clear now we live in a police state ``.
- The party'sPuolueenchairpersonpuheenjohtaja, Alan Warren, who is standing as a local government candidate in the Castle ward, has hit out at planning restrictions on commercial development in the north of the city.
- IncomingBASWBASW:nchairpersonpuheenjohtajaGraham ThompsonGraham Thompsonmused about language, confessing he had replaced his own references to `miners ``wives' with `women in mining communities.
- Chris HanveyChris Hanveyis divisional director of Leeds SSD andArea Child Protection CommitteeArea Child Protection Committeenchairpersonpuheenjohtaja.
- To identify a newchairpersonpuheenjohtajanfor the boardlautakunnalle, or to derive full value from bringing on those trustees, five years is too short.
- Decisions are often reached more quickly when achairpersonpuheenjohtajais doing their role effectively and pulling strands together than when opinions are being tossed haphazardly around a group.
- This could only be achieved through the support of thechairpersonpuheenjohtajanand headteacher.
- He might well have settledto be a goodollakseen hyvächiefpäällikköfor the clan that you say you're so concerned forklaanille, josta sanot olevasi niin huolissasi, Eachuinn Maclean.
- ALTON man Giles Stogdonwill become the new policetulee uusi poliisi-chiefpäällikköfor WinchesterWinchesteriinnext week.
- The comedian has got special permission fromArmyarmeija-chiefspäälliköiltäfor a two-day goodwill trip to Croatia next week.
- This did not necessarily mean that alllocal partypaikalliset puolue-chiefsjohtajatin the minorities were also lethargic during 1922.
- THE flourishing circular trade in drugs was a key reason for the sacking last month ofGlaxo'sGlaxonchiefjohtajanin France.
- Put half a dozen hell-raisers in a room with him and hewould beolisitheirheidänchiefjohtajansain ten minutes.
- He is starting with a teleconference with 100 IBM managers around the world.The selection board said that Gerstner was the first person they had spoken to when they began their quest for a newchiefjohtajaksiin January.
- HOUSINGASUNTO-chiefspäällikötin Warrington have approved a programme of pilot initiatives to improve energy efficiency in council houses.
- Admiral Carlisle Trost, thechiefjohtajaof naval operationslaivasto-operaatioiden, has warned Congressmen in a letter that any cuts could result in a `significant potential for strained relations with the United Kingdom ``.
- However, shortly before Anne Burford resigned aschiefjohtajan tehtävästäof the EPAEPA:n, she was due to announce her decision on whether to lift the ban in light of new evidence.
- Jerry RawlingsJerry Rawlings,whojokais Chairman of the PNDC andChiefjohtajaof Defence StaffDefence Staffin.
- He seemed quite content to sit back and let Stephen do the talking when Elvin Braithwaite, theisland'ssaarenImmigrationmaahanmuutto-chiefjohtaja, knocked and entered.
- Thehospital'ssairaalanPOAPOA-chiefjohtajaDave PreeceDave Preecewelcomed the report.
- After a boardroom tussle at Paramount,itssenstudiostudio-chiefpäällikkö, Frank Mancuso, quit.
- Labour councillors demanded the resignation of Mr Haywood andpublic protectionjulkisen turvallisuudenchiefpäällikönDavid JonesDavid Jonesinfor revealing the council's weak case should the matter go to an inquiry.
- ULSTER schoolULSTERIN koulunchiefsjohtajattoday revealed an action plan following the dismissal of a senior official over claims that £170,000 was paid out for goods never received.
- POSTMEN 'S unionPOSTIMIESTEN liitonchiefjohtajaAlan TuffinAlan Tuffinwas elected president of the TUC yesterday.
- If he let it loose here, his chance of becomingchiefjohtajaksiwould vanish.
- Somespendingmääräraha-chiefsjohtajatsee cuts desirable, especially in school maintenance budgets.
- ThracianTraakianchiefsjohtajatalong the route did homage, and bands of their tribesmen were taken with the army, incidentally serving as hostages.
- Mr Wright, 42, who will take up the post in SeptemberHerra Wright, 42, joka siirtyy tehtävään syyskuussa,isoncurrentlytällä hetkelläfinancetalous-chiefjohtajaat Wessex regional health authorityWessexin alueellisessa terveysvirastossa.
- CHANNEL 4 boss Michael Grade last night slammedBBCBBC:nchiefsjohtajiafor failing to boost morale on the sinking soap Eldorado.
- He was replaced by Willie L. Williams, a former Philadelphia police commissioner, who became the first black to head the LAPD and the first outsiderto becomejosta tulichiefjohtajafor over 40 years.
- He told the jury the `prime mover ``behind the swindle was formerNissan UKNissan UK:nchiefjohtajaOctav BotnarOctav Botnar.
- IN THE twelfth century, Nithsdale was ruled by Dunegal, a Scottishchieftainheimopäällikköof Irish descent.
- Azhag's career of carnage began whenhehänwasolichieftainheimopäällikköof a small Orc tribepienen örkkiheimonfrom the Troll country.
- Provision has been made to include a general, but we do not specify that the general should be a particular Orc or Goblin warlord, thechieftainheimopäällikköof a powerful tribevoimakkaan heimon, or any given individual.
- Gorfang RotgutGorfang Rotgutis theonchieftainheimopäällikköof the Orcs of Black CragBlack Cragin örkkien, the ancient Dwarf hold taken over by Orcs many years ago.
- It was to these fanatical warriors, and above all totheirheidänchieftainheimopäällikölleen, that both Motamid and the Caliph of Badajoz appealed for aid against the steady encroachments of Alfonso.
- The glory of the Franks reached its apogee towards the end of the eighth century whentheirheidänchieftainheimopäällikkönsäCharlemagneCharlemagnewas crowned emperor of a revived Roman Empire in the West by the pope on Christmas day 800.
- Every tribe has its own core of Big'uns waiting their chance to take over andbecomestuleethe tribe'sheimonchieftainheimopäällikkö.
- ItsSenchieftainheimopäällikköisAbdul Rashid Dostam, who ran the army for the former communist president, Muhammad NajibullahAbdul Rashid Dostam, joka johti armeijaa entisen kommunistipresidentin, Muhammad Najibullahin puolesta.
- Inter-tribal feuds and problems on the borderlands causedthe country'smaanchieftainheimopäällikön, Khama III, to ask the British High Commissioner for South Africa for protection.
- Roman Catholic bishops andclanklaanienchieftainsheimopäällikötwould even up the balance, and Ireland might boast a Second Chamber that would be the envy of England and the world.
- The French boy nudged Joseph asa tall, white-haired Moi whopitkä, valkotukkainen Moi, jokawas obviously theoli selvästivillagekylänchieftainheimopäällikköslowly descended the stepped tree trunk that led from his hut to the ground.
- The oldchieftainheimopäällikköwas the last.
- Shortly afterwards, theChieftainheimopäällikköwas killed in a battle, and although there was a time of mourning, it was probably not very great.
- Well, according to Du Camp,GustaveGustavetheGallicgallialainenchieftainheimopäällikkö, the six-foot giant with a voice like a trumpet, had `large eyes as green as the sea ``.
- Last month,Moscow MafiaMoskovan mafianchieftainpäällikköValery DlugachValery Dlugach, nicknamed Globus, was leaving LIS 'S at 3 am when he was shot dead with a Simonov sniper rifle from a rooftop opposite.
- `I betmy friendystäväni,whojokacommandskomentaathe 4th Battalion of the Presidential Guardpresidentillisten joukkojen neljättä pataljoonaa, that he could deploy 50 men and that none of them would lay hands on you.
- MoranMoranhadolicommandedkomentanuta columnkolonnaain the war.
- Destroyer FlotillaHävittäjälaivue,whichjotawascommandedkomentanutby Capt. Lord Louis Mountbattenkapteeni lordi Louis Mountbattenin H.M.S. `Kelly ``.
- The armyArmeijaa, the Tsar's ultimate weapon,was<empty>commandedkomensivatby noblemenaatelismiehet.
- Fraser was Sheriff of Kincardine, and with Keith from Dunottar, marching south, had heard that Balliol had left Perth, appointingthe Earl of FifeFifen jaarlinto<empty>commandkomentamaantheresielläin his absencehänen poissaollessaan.
- He wasan ailing man of 61 whosairaalloinen 61-vuotias mies, jokahad neverei ollut koskaancommandedkomentanutin the field, knew nothing of Gallipoli and was appointed solely because of seniority on the army list.
- The force is divided into three regions, each commanded by an ACC; each region is divided intofour divisionsneljään divisioonaan, joitacommandedkomentaaby a Chief Superintendentpääintendentti; divisions are divided into 39 sub-divisions each commanded by superintendents.
- Certainly from what Ballingall wrote, it is clear that Lord Melville to whom he had written had shown the letter to theCommandantkomendantilleof Royal Marineskuninkaallisten merivoimien, Lieutenant-General John Campbell.
- At a quarter to one on 9 September theCommandantkomendanttiof the campleirin, Colonello Vicedomini, ordered the doors to be opened and the barbed wire cut.
- In sharp contrast to most of his contemporaries, Pétain seemed unambitious almost to the point of self-extinction; when offered the post ofCommandantkomendantinto the Rifle SchoolRifle Schoolin, he refused because it would have meant his promotion over the heads of more senior majors.
- Because the passport was West German, thePeople's PoliceSaksan kansanpoliisincommandantkomentajamade a routine call to the local SSD office.
- On the desk of theprecinctpiiri-commandantkomentajanlay the passport in the name of Hans Grauber, picked up from the street where the broken-nosed VOPO had dropped it.
- TheUS MilitaryUSA:n armeijanCommandantkomendanttiin the American sector notified his Russian counterpart that the US Air Force intended building a new radar station at Rudow to control flight movements in and out of the American airfield at Buckow.
- Such were the victories available to theCommandantkomendantillein his skirmishes with his Political Officer.
- OliveOlive, acting asunpaidpalkattomanacommandantkomendanttinawith her customary zeal, was made a life member of the Red Cross, a signal honour.
- `No one can just see theCommandantkomendanttia.
- Garvin himself, beforehehänestäbecametuliCommandantkomendantti, had been responsible for training them.
- A precedent was set in 1337 when thecommanderskomentajatof an army going to ScotlandSkotlantiin matkalla olevan armeijanwere engaged by contract, but their troops were raised by array.
- On Sept. 22, 1989, Gen. (retd) Lucio Añez was appointed newcommanderkomentajaksiof the special forces combating drug traffickinghuumeiden salakuljetusta vastaan taistelevien erikoisjoukkojen.
- Paul, 33,stationasemancommanderkomentajaat HorwichHorwichissä, near Bolton, added: `Anybody would do the same.
- The Army'sArmeijaninterimväliaikainencommanderkomentajaat the base, Lieutenant Colonel John Middleditch, yesterday revealed that £50 million has been earmarked by the Government for building and refurbishment work on the base.
- Patrick Sweeney, 42, has been appointeddivisionaldivisioonancommanderkomentajaksiat HarrogateHarrogateen.
- `It's a scary proposition, ``said Jack Seamans,Chicago policeChicagon poliisincommanderkomentajafor special events.
- AplatoonJoukkueencommanderkomentajanain the 3rd Parachute Battalion, he was among the only company of Allied soldiers to reach the bridge where he and his comrades came under heavy fire.
- Prince Eugene of Savoy, until his death in 1736 the most famouscommanderkomentajain Europe, had to wear civilian dress when he appeared at the Habsburg court.
- Unsuccessful talks betweennavallaivastoncommanderskomentajienin Sevastopol on April 8 ended, according to Russia's Radio, with the emergence of serious disagreements.
- The supremecommanderkomentajaof Thailand's armed forcesThaimaan aseistettujen joukkojen, Gen Suchinda Kraprayoon, became prime minister yesterday, dashing hopes that recent elections would return the country to full democracy.
- I was met at the door by thecommanderkomentajaof the bodyguardhenkivartijoiden, who introduced me to the domestic staff -- the cooks, the maids, the rest of the bodyguard and the gardener.
- Harry Paget, Earl of Uxbridge andcommanderkomentajaof the British cavalryBritannian ratsuväen, was second in command to the Duke.
- Lord Aldington was asked what he knew about the Yugoslavs who had been repatriated by the British Eight Army's V Corps while he was chief of staff toitssencommanderkomentajalle, General Sir Charles Keightley.
- NATO'sNATO:ncommanderskomentajatsay that the missiles are there to deter, to prove to the Soviet Union that the West can knock out ports, factories and other `strategic ``targets with pinpoint accuracy.
- The interest of some countries, notably Romania, in a doctrine of `national defence ``has not impressedPoland's militaryPuolan sotilas-commanderskomentajiaany more than it has their Soviet patrons.
- As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under ourpatrolpartiommecommanderkomentajanand soon moved back to base, tired but satisfied that we'd done a good job.
- By using his head Private W. Ray led the detached party past several German posts to rejoin hisplatoonjoukkueensacommanderkomentajaan.
- It was a relief not to have to soothe and propitiate an experienced detective who could hardly be expected to welcome acommanderkomentajanfrom the new C1 squaduudesta C1-joukostaintruding on his patch.
- At Plumford, they bombarded thecommanderkomentajaawith questions about it.
- HisHänencommanderkomentajansaon that missionkyseisessä tehtävässä, Lt Alex Watts, of Mold, was awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal in the honours announced at the weekend.
- It was a miracle no-one was killed, said onepolicepoliisi-commanderkomentaja.
- Their portfolios were taken over respectively by Reinhold Stefanis and Ricardo Fuiza, bothcongressmenkongressiedustajiafrom the Liberal Front Partyliberaalipuolueen(PFL).
- Meanwhile,congressmenkongressiedustajatfrom energy-producing statesenergiaa tuottavien maidenare going around town telling everybody who is willing to listen what splendid concessions they got in return for their votes.
- Sander Levin, acongressmankongressiedustajafrom MichiganMichiganista, claims that Japanese car plants in the United States favour their keiretsu partners unfairly when ordering components.
- The landowner, aformerentinenstate and federalvaltion ja osavaltioncongressmankongressiedustaja, fenced off property which included part of the Truka land.
- He hopes to drum up the support of sympatheticcongressmenkongressiedustajia,who blame the law for high fares.
- The House of Representatives adjourned to enableCongressmenkongressiedustajieneither to watch or to march in the procession of delegates past the east front of the Capitol.
- On May 24th 146Americanamerikkalaisetcongressmenkongressiedustajat, over a third of the House of Representatives, sent a letter urging him `to clearly exercise civilian authority over the armed forces ``.
- Some even point to the `encouragement ``offered by the batty suggestion of anAmericanamerikkalaisencongressmankongressiedustajanthat boat people should be sent to help rebuild Kuwait.
- He also met Bush,congressmenkongressiedustajiaand the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and visited military installations.
- No doubt his poem, whichcongressmenkongressiedustajatlistened to with deepest embarrassment, sounded better late at night, after a beer or two.
- Joseph M. McDadeJoseph M. McDade, aRepublicanrepublikaaniencongressmankongressiedustajawho had represented Pennsylvania for 30 years, was on May 5 charged with racketeering, conspiracy and falsifying his financial disclosure statements.
- Alan WheatAlan Wheathas beenon ollutKansas City'sKansas Cityncongressmankongressiedustajasince 1982vuodesta 1982 lähtien.
- As aformerEntisenäcongressmankongressiedustajanahimself, he was well acquainted with the dangers facing the executive's proposals when they reached Capitol Hill.
- Brazil's best knowngreenvihreäcongressmankongressiedustaja, Fabio Feldmann, warned that several state governors in the Amazon have recently been elected on an anti-ecology ticket, promising to protect farmers who burn down the rain forest.
- The hopeful view is that the thwarted coup will strengthen Guatemala's eight-year experiment with democracy and serve as a lesson for other would-bedictatorsdiktaattoreillein Latin Americalatinalaisen Amerikan.
- Will the Minister give a categorical assurance that surplus aircraft will not be supplied to the evildictatordiktaattorilleof IndonesiaIndonesian?
- The communistdictatorsdiktaattoriof AlbaniaAlbanianfed the nation with words.
- UnlessIraq'sIrakindictatordiktaattorisounds the retreat in the next few days, he will soon be unable to meet the January 15th deadline set by the United Nations for the complete removal of his army from Kuwait.
- Just in case anyone believes the propaganda that the Ciskei is a `homeland ``anditssenpuppetnukke-dictatordiktaattoriBrigadier Oupa Gqozaprikaatinkomentaja Oupa Gqozaare `independent of white racist South Africa, here are a few facts about the Ciskei army.
- TV viewers worldwide watched in horror as hatedtinpotpilipali-dictatordiktaattoriBrigadier Joshua Gqozoprikaatinkomentaja Joshua Gqozoordered his troops to open fire on an African National Congress protest march against his leadership of black homeland Ciskei.
- There was no reason, however, to link the unrest that was brewing up in the country with theKamalianKamalianindictatordiktaattori.
- In 1959 US attention shifted to Cuba, where the revolutionary movement led by Fidel Castro finally overthrew the repressive government ofBatistaBatistan,dictatorjoka oli ollut diktaattorinasince 1933vuodesta 1933 lähtien.
- By the mid 1930s, he had begun to rule as a royaldictatordiktaattorinawithout the benefit of independent counsel.
- Two of its soldiers were killed during the final offensive againstIraqiIrakindictatordiktaattoriaSaddam HusseinSaddam Husseinia.
- US doubts were redoubled by news that the coup was to be led by Major Giraldi, a close associate of thePanamanianPanamanmilitarysotilas-dictatordiktaattorin.
- Former President Daniel Ortega Saavedra said that supporters of the formerright-wingoikeistosiivendictatordiktaattorinGen. Anastasio SomozaKenraali Anastasio Somozanwere returning to the country and attacking the FSLN.
- The slaughter of Somalia -- a former British and Italian colony -- began in January 1991 with the overthrow ofruthlesssäälimättömändictatordiktaattorinGeneral Siad Barrekenraali Siad Barren.
- Nicu Ceausescu, the younger son of the lateRomanianRomaniandictatordiktaattorinNicolae CeausescuNicolae Ceausescun, was sentenced on Sept. 21 by a five-member military tribunal in Sibiu to 20 years in prison for ``instigating aggravated murder.
- “ The company lost £100,000 coming here, ” said Halusi Halil,managingtoimitus-directorjohtajaof the firm running the Merry FishermanMerry Fishermania ohjaavan yrityksen.
- BernardBernardillahas a full post asdirectorjohtajanaof the Diocesan Caring ServicesDiocesan Caring Services -palvelun.
- TheDirectorjohtajaof Army Recruitingarmeijan rekrytointi-… denied last week there was any colour bar on black or Asian Guardsmen.
- Muirend Avenue and Viewfield Road A letter from Councillor Fraser to theDirectorjohtajalleof HighwaysHighwaysinasking for dates and details of the new traffic management scheme.
- The day after I finished working for themanagingtoimitus-directorjohtajalleof a certain company fighting off a take-over bidtietyn, vallatusta tarjouksesta taistelevan, yrityksen, the agency sent me to the rival company.
- Selkirk's provost, Tom Henderson,directorjohtajaof a textile dyeing companytekstiilinvärjäysyrityksen, berated him for damaging the image of the tweed trade.
- JS representatives at the lunch included trading director David Clapham, who addressed the guests, anddepartmentalosaston-directorjohtajaof produce buyingtuotehankintojenAllan CheesmanAllan Cheesman.
- Save the Children is sending emergency medical supplies to the region, said Mr Mark Bowden,areaalue-directorpäällikköfor AfricaAfrikan.
- HeHänwasoliLabour'styöväenpuolueencampaignskampanja-directorpäällikköfor the 1987 general electionvuoden 1987 yleisvaaleissa, readily embracing the new red rose image, and was rewarded with election to the ruling National Executive.
- Cardiff Crown Court heard yesterday that Smith, 46, failed to land the job ofmarketingmarkkinointi-directorpäällikönfor North America with the WDAPohjois-Amerikassa WDA:n kanssa.
- Philip Vining, the Confederation of British Industry'sassistant regionalapulaisalue-directorpäällikköfor East AngliaEast Anglian, said the Chancellor had attempted to `square the circle ``by seeking to tackle the deficit without endangering recovery.
- And Martin Wright,sales and marketingmyynti- ja markkinointi-directorpäällikköfor StakisStakisin, said: `Generally, a normal person booking and paying in advance wouldn't be quoted those rates.
- Upon his return to New York, Alexander Liberman,thenmyöhemminartmainos-directorgraafikkofor VogueVoguen, offered him a job as his assistant.
- He travelled to New York in the autumn of 1905 and became principal scenic artist for Klaw & Erlanger, andlatermyöhemmintechnicaltekninendirectorjohtajafor the Boston Opera CompanyBoston Opera Companyn.
- He was replaced by J. S. Flett asAssistantapulais-Directorjohtajanain ScotlandSkotlannissa.
- Two of themost powerfulvaikutusvaltaisimmistadirectorsohjaajistain HollywoodHollywoodingraduated from the Happy Days academy.
- Price Waterhouse consultancy was offered and asenior assistantvanhempi apulais-directorjohtajain the departmentosastonappointed in charge to push the changes forward.
- Mr D J SmithHerra D J Smithjointed the board as anon-executiveei-toimeenpanevanadirectorjohtajanain 1987vuonna 1987.
- Gates, 48, joined the CIA in 1968 and roseto becometullakseendeputyvara-directorjohtajaksiin 1986vuonna 1986under Webster's predecessor, William Casey.
- Thelabourtyövoima-directorpäällikköin steel and coal firmsteräs- ja hiiliyritystenis a member of the management board which controls the day-to-day operations of the firm (the other members being the production and business managers).
- As reported on May 28, the court stated that Maj. Carlos Camilio Hernandez, aformerentinendirectorpäällikköof San Salvador's military academySan Salvadorin sotilasakatemian, had ordered the burning of logbooks detailing the movements of possible murder suspects.
- `I don't know what all the fuss is about, ``Clive Berlin,QPR'sQPR:nmanagingtoimitus-directorjohtaja, said.
- Appointed to a teaching post at the Canongate Burgh School, he remained there until 1864, when disagreements with theschool'skoulundirectorsjohtajienled to his dismissal.
- Launching the report,UNFPA'sUNFPA:nExecutivetoimitus-DirectorjohtajaNafis SadikNafis Sadiksaid in London that loss of life from famine, AIDS and natural disasters would have no lasting impact on the burgeoning populations of Africa and Asia.
- Childline'sChildlinenexecutivetoimitus-directorjohtaja,Valerie HowarthValerie Howarth, said she was delighted that fund raising was getting under way in Ulster.
- The more the styles changed, as theConsumers' UnionKuluttajaliitondirectorjohtaja,Dexter MastersDexter Masters, pointed out, the greater the disguised price increase to the consumer in shorter-lived products and heavier repair bills.
- He has written toMarstonsMarstoninmanagingtoimitus-directorjohtajalleMichael HurdleMichael Hurdlelle, asking for a meeting to express the branch's concern.
- No one knows better the importance of regular tooth care than the horse dentist andJointsidos-Directorjohtajaof `Surrey TreadmillsSurrey Treadmillin``,Tom ReidTom Reid.
- Despite alsobeing aoliDirectorjohtajaof LET Leisure and the Riverside Racket Club in west LondonLET Leisuren ja Riverside Racket -klubin Länsi-Lontoon, Hutchins is still looking to expand.
- Kent GodfreyKent Godfrey,directorjohtajaof D&B SoftwareD&B Softwarensaid “ no single operating system ” can achieve the goal of giving users access to open systems technologies.
- Robert CrippsRobert Crippsis aondirectorjohtajaof Cohere LimitedCohere Limitedin, which holds as an investment 1,963,528 shares in Velcro — or 65%/ of the share capital.
- Managingtoimitus-Directorjohtajaof P&O European Ferries (Portsmouth)P&O European Ferriesin (Portsmouth),Richard MartinRichard Martin, said: “ Sponsorship is often one of the first areas to be threatened during times of economic hardship.
- Within the affluent premises of EMI, Virgin were referred to scornfully as `The Earls Court Hippies ``, and hardly worthy of amanagingtoimitus-directorjohtajan's time.
- In 1966, as thedoyenarvostamana henkilönäof Indian civil servantsintialaisten virkamiesten, he was recalled to preside over the report of a commission on the future of the Indian Foreign Service.
- On the television replay it was pretty clear, and even thedoyenarvostama henkilöof television commentatorstelevisiokommentaattoreiden, my old friend Bill McLaren, sounded slightly surprised as Gareth awarded the try.
- Thedoyenarvostama henkilöof the ex-Vietnam setentisen Vietnamin-ryhmänisTim Page, a photographer whose frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press corpsTim Page, valokuvaaja, jonka kokemat läheltä piti -tilanteet ovat legenda lehdistössä.
- Thedoyenarvostama henkilöof the movementliikkeenwasthe sociologist W.E.Bsosiologi W.E.B.
- HeHänestäbecame thedoyenarvostama henkilöof British physicistsbrittifyysikkojen, and incidentally one of the first whose voice we can still hear, preserved in a primitive recorder at Glasgow University.
- Smith left the Royal College of Art in 1958, hyped by the likes ofdoyennearvostetunErnestine CarterErnestine Carterinof the Sunday Times and the backing of the influential Francoise Garigues.
- Amy Wohl,doyennevanhinof the consulting setkonsultointiryhmän, who calls a well-positioned product a thing of beauty and just as rare, is kicking off a series of Positioning Workshops.
- Taught by her father (a native of the Donegal Gaeltacht) and guided by Monaghan singer Oliver Mulligan,shehänestäbecame atulidoyennearvostetuin henkilöof the London Irish music sceneLontoon irlantilaismusiikin.
- For the characters in this drama are crime writers themselves, who have gone aftertheirheidändoyennearvostetuimman henkilönsä,P.D. JamesP.D. Jamesin, with sharpened tongues since she said murders among the lower classes were dull.
- Yet her commitment to the party stretched back many years, andshehänwasoliitssenfund-raisingrahankeruu-doyennevastaavaduring the dark days of Republican domination in the 1980's.
- Poets could hardly ignore what was happening around them, saidEdna LongleyEdna Longley, thedoyennearvostettu henkilöof Northern Ireland criticsPohjois-Irlannin kriitikkojen, and Michael Longley's wife.
- Clinton named Harriman ambassador in March 1993, aftershehänestähad become theoli tullutfund-raisingrahankeruu-doyennevastaavaof the Democratic Partydemokraattisen puolueen.
- Mrs. CalmentRouva Calmentistabecame thetulidoyennevanhinin 1991vuonna 1991with the death of the 116-year-old American, Carry White.
- So when confronted with the long-term idea thatshehänestäcould become avoisi tulladoyennevanhinof filmdomelokuvateollisuudena la Hayes or Katharine HepburnHayesin tai Katharine Hepburnin tavoin, she says enthusiastically: ``I think that's the goal.
- ``I began my cooking with the Cordon Bleu in the late 1940s, recalledMrs. Childrouva Child, thedoyennearvostettu henkilöof cuisineruoanlaittoalanin AmericaAmerikassaand co-author of ``Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
- Madame Carmen CarvenMadame Carmen Carvenisnownytthedoyennearvostettu henkilöof French coutureranskalaisen huippumuodinat age 8686-vuoden iässä, and will show a collection for her name designed by Maguy Muzy, a younger designer from Corsica.
- As well as £2,000, and a trophy presented by theDuchessherttuatarof KentKentin, he has won a place in the Eurovision Young Musician of the Year heats in Brussels in June.
- TheDuchessherttuatarof YorkYorkinhas launched a new nationwide charity scheme to encourage mentally disabled artists.
- The lady AnneLady Anneisonduchessherttuatarto the prince, she thought, but one can not be too careful.
- `TheDuchessherttuatarwith Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace after Edward's death.
- The duchess was theDuchessherttuatarDudleyDudley, a unique figure as the only Life Peer before the creations of Harold Wilson.
- Joan looked wholly enchanting as she entered the great hall that evening beside theduchessherttuattaren.
- A week later theDuchessherttuatarreturned to France, and for the next fourteen years she lived alone in Paris.
- The Duke andDuchessherttuatarof KentKentinwere represented by Lieutenant-Commander Sir Richard Buckley at the Funeral of Field Marshal Sir Richard Hull KG which was held in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, today.
- In fact the Duke andDuchessherttuatarwere tempted by some garden furniture.
- Although he deliberately affected a republican stance, in 27 BCOctavianOctaviuksestaeffectivelybecametuliemperorkeisariof RomeRooman, taking the name Augustus.
- The British captured Eritrea, and on 5 May theEmperorkeisariof AbyssiniaAbyssinianreturned to Addis Ababa, five years after leaving it.
- He had the unusual distinction of being decorated by theemperorkeisarinof JapanJapaninwith the Order of the Rising Sun (class iv) in 1891 for his work on the magnetic survey of Japan.
- The decretal letter ``Solite, addressed to Alexis, theemperorkeisarilleof ConstantinopleKonstantinopolin, outlined the pope's function as an adviser of monarchs.
- This is quite appropriate becausehehänis theonEmperorkeisariof TurkeyTurkin, and a mighty one at that.
- In a singsong tone he translated the address into Annamese for hisemperorkeisarilleen.
- Only with some knowledge of their history could he hope to deal with these singular people, who believed implicitly thattheirheidänemperorskeisarinsawere descended from Solomon and Sheba.
- `I want you to examine this act in which you propose we should conspire with the enemy againstourmeidänemperorkeisariamme.
- Hadn't they hurled back the Mongols from their frontiers and defeated the invasion forces of the Sung and Mingemperorskeisareiden?
- BarbarossaBarbarossawas crownedEmperorkeisariksiin Saint Peter's Basilica, declaring that the Pope merely confirmed his existing right to imperial power, but opposed by the Roman citizens and surrounding Italian territories.
- He saw theEmperorkeisarinin person every third day.
- He was a diplomat of standing, carrying out negotiations with the Emperor Henry VI and with theByzantineBysantinemperorkeisarinin Constantinople.
- Almost simultaneous with the outbreak of the French revolution, the three Great Powers of East and Central Europe, the Tsar, theAustro-HungarianItävalta-UnkarinEmperorkeisariand the King of Prussia, repartitioned Poland.
- He said he believed theEmperorkeisariwas with the troops on the Brussels road, but he had not personally seen him.
- 1124Count Mandred Skaven Slayerkreivi Mandred Skaven Slayerfinally drives out the Skaven and is electedEmperorkeisariksi.
- The Czar andEmpresskeisarinnaof RussiaVenäjänlanded at Leith on 22nd September.
- In the Crimea he designed additions for theempresskeisarinnalleto her palace of Bakhtchi-Serai.
- TheEmpressKeisarinna, who lacked neither intelligence nor courage, immediately understood the import of what had happened.
- TheEmpressKeisarinnawould receive word that she had made contact with Rainald, which would stay her vindictive hand for a while.
- Only a few places, such as the Bay of Naples and Capri, already established thanks to the patronage of theRussianVenäjänEmpresskeisarinnan, were regarded as tolerable in the hot season.
- The emperor andempresskeisarinnahad foreseen and tried to forestall resentment on Louis the German's part at the grant to Charles.
- MagnusMagnusis theongeneralkenraaliof your armyarmeijasiand therefore replaces the general described in the main army list.
- Prince Khalid Bin SultanPrinssi Khalid Bin Sultanin, theSaudisaudi-generalkenraalinin command of the Arab and Islamic forces facing IraqIrakin vastaisten arabi- ja islamijoukkojen komennossa olevan, is said to have turned pale when Egyptian commandos devoured live chickens and rabbits in a show of bravado.
- Mertseger's father, thegeneralkenraaliin command of cavalryratsuväkeä komentanut, was a stocky man like Huy.
- The colonel set off for the airport with thegeneralkenraalinin custody.
- AgreatSuurigeneralkenraalishows his mastery by attaining the object of his campaign by sagacious and sure manoeuvres, without incurring any risk.
- It is undemocraticto<empty>governhallitaan areaaluettawithout an electoral mandateilman valitsijoiden mandaattia.
- It will determine who forms a government on Friday andwhokukagovernshallitseeour countrymaatammefor five yearsviiden vuoden ajan, ``said Mr Major.
- This is the meaning of de Gaulle's exasperated remark, `HowMitencanvoionejokugovernhallitaa country which makes 400 different types of cheesemaata, jossa valmistetaan 400 erilaista juustoa?
- He wanted to contribute actively togoverninghallitsemiseenthe countrymaanonce more and have influence in policy making.
- Walesa described Tyminski's success as ``an accident of Polish democracy and claimed thathehändid not know enough about Polandto<empty>governhallitakseenthe countrymaata.
- From this perspective, the working class was seen as the object for colonization by its cultural superiors in order that ``respectable members of the class be separated from their ``rough residue, andthe leaders of the classluokan johtajistabe made fit for a limited role ingoverninghallitsemisessathe nationkansan.
- TodayBotswanaBotswanaais<empty>governedhallitseeby a legislative National Assemblylainsäädännöllinen kansalliskokousand has its own President.
- Edmund Burke said that `peopleihmisiämust beongovernedhallittavain a manner agreeable to their temper and dispositiontavalla, joka sopii heidän mielenmalttiinsa ja luonteenlaatuunsa``, but the British Government frequently ignores or defies our temper and disposition.
- `It is notwhokukagovernshallitsee, ``contends Hayek, `but what government is entitled to do that seems to me the essential problem.
- Mobutu had ordered the troops to surround the bank and the Finance Ministry on Oct. 4, after Tshisekedi had on Oct. 1 dismissed Nyemba Shabani asgovernorjohtajanaof the bankpankinfollowing the discovery that US$5,000,000 was missing from central reserves.
- As it happens,Peter's motherPeterin äitiis aongovernorjohtajaat the schoolkoulun, although this should have had nothing to do with the matter.
- He'd seen many changes in the penal system as a whole and Whitely in particular during his days asGovernorjohtajanaat the prisonvankilan-.
- Shaikh Abdullah bin Said bin Abdul-Aziz al-ThaniSheikki Abdullah bin Said bin Abdul-Aziz al-Thanistabecametulideputyvara-governorjohtajaat under-secretary levelalivaltiosihteerin tasolla.
- He went onto become America's youngesttuli Amerikan nuorinstateosavaltiongovernorkuvernööriat 32.
- Thegovernorkuvernööriat Crumlin RoadCrumlin Roadincalled in the RUC after Sunday Life last week exclusively revealed the major security lapse.
- Jack Steer is the spokesperson for education on the Labour benches, andHarvey MarkovitchHarvey Markovitchis aonGovernorjohtajaat the Banbury SchoolBanbury Schoolin.
- I was hauled off in front of the assistantgovernorjohtajanfor adjudication.
- Martin Purtscher (ÖVP) was confirmed in office as theprovincialmaakunnan-governorjohtajaksifor a further five-year term.
- In 1895hehänestäwas made a director of the Bank of England, becoming deputygovernorjohtajain 1911 and governor in 1913.
- Seniorprisonvankilan-governorsjohtajatin Latvia were equivalent in rank to Red Army colonels.
- In 1675hehänetwas electedgovernorjohtajaksiof the Hamburg CompanyHamburg Companyn.
- -- Reported assassination of Iraqigovernorjohtajanof KuwaitKuwaitissa
- Gen. O. P. Malhotra, former Army Chief of Staff,Kenraali O. P. Malhotra, entinen armeijan päällikkö,was appointednimettiinGovernorkuvernööriksiof PunjabPunjabin.
- John Hutt,Governorkuvernööriof Western AustraliaLänsi-Australian, was thrilled that it was to be an Englishman who was to dispel the mists of ornithological obscurity from the continent.
- HONG Kong will not buckle at the knees over disagreements with China,itssengovernorjohtajaChris PattenChris Pattenvowed yesterday.
- The deal is startlingly altruistic, and the racetrack owners are always generous with their political contributions; butArizona'sArizonanRepublicangovernorkuvernööri, Fife Symington, thinks there is already more than enough gambling in his state.
- ThePunjabPunjabingovernorkuvernööri, Mr S.S.Ray, said yesterday: `Every time the Prime Minister comes to the state, such killings are organised but we will not succumb to such terror tactics.
- The jail'sVankilanactingvirkaa toimittavagovernorjohtajasays an inquiry is underway.
- Exitthe state'sosavaltionfirst Republicangovernorkuvernöörisince 1874.
- In BiharMohammed Shafi Qureshi, a former union minister (most recently of Civil Aviation and Tourism in 1979-80)Mohammed Shafi Qureshi, entinen unionin ministeri (viimeksi siviilimatkailun ja turismin päällikkö vuosina 1979-80), was named asGovernorkuvernööriksion March 14.
- Hong Kong politicians called on Mr Major to end months of uncertainty by immediately appointing a newGovernorkuvernöörin.
- A spokesman for Balding said: `Thegovernorkuvernööriis looking at both races though he is still more likely to run on Saturday.
- David Newton,headjohtajaof gilts trading at Barclays de Zoete WeddBarclays de Zoete Weddin arvopaperikaupan, said: `The longer-dated gilts in this sector have suffered as a result of the government's higher-than-expected borrowing requirement.
- But whether this would justify any course planner, supervisor orheadpäällikköof departmentosasto-placing the title on an advisory reading list, I very much doubt.
- At the moment, the `war ``has become distilled to a hunt for Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, two of theheadsjohtajistaof the Medellin cartelMedellinin kartellin.
- Theheadjohtajaof Cardiff University's health psychology research unitCardiffin yliopiston terveyspsykologian tutkimusyksikönrevealed yesterday that 400 volunteers had been given cold virus nose drops.
- Muriel Dunbar,Headjohtajaof Quality Assurancelaadunvarmistuksensaid, `we have always had confidence in our external verifiers.
- Theheadjohtajaof state of St LuciaSt Lucian valtion, an independent member of the Commonwealth since 1979, is the United Kingdom sovereign represented by a Governor-General.
- They were angry over her announcement that a leading member of the outgoing left-wing Sandinista government would be retained asheadpäällikkönäof the armyarmeijan.
- Most significantly, the team is without its original inspirational manager, Peter Mandelson, who asLabour's communicationstyöväenpuolueen viestintä-headpäällikkönäwas widely credited with positively machiavellian skills.
- They have to cope with one or more project managers, and to take orders from their owndepartmentosasto-headpäälliköltään.
- Quex SinclairQuex Sinclair-- also known as `C ``--wasoliheadjohtajaof M16M16:n, one of the great non-secret secrets of the intelligence machine.
- DAVID OVENDENDAVID OVENDEN(below) is appointedHeadjohtajaksiof P&O Group Insurance and Risk ManagementP&O Group Insurance and Risk Management -osaston.
- HeHänalsoheadedjohtia number of Courtaulds' textile businessesuseita Courtauldin tekstiiliyrityksiäat different times but it was mainly his knowledge of viscose which earned him a reputation as a leading world authority on the fibre.
- Art historians conclude thatWilliam de BrailesWilliam de Brailesheadedjohtia workshop of manuscript artists based at his tenement in Catte Streetkäsikirjoittajien työpajaa, joka sijaitsi hänen huoneistossaan Catte Streetillä.
- In practice most powers are delegated tothe Official Secretaryvirkamiehen sihteerille,whojokaheadsjohtaathe Office of Tokelau AffairsTokelau Affairsin toimistoa.
- The firm's managing director, Bob Robison, whoYrityksen toimitusjohtaja Bob Robison, jokahadoliheadedjohtanutthe firmyritystäfor 12 years12 vuoden ajan, said: `We are delighted to have secured our future as a local firm.
- George YeoGeorge Yeowas appointedto<empty>headjohtamaanthe new Ministry for Information and Artsuutta tiedotus- ja taideministeriötäand also as Second Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- ARMY spy Brian Nelson has been interviewed again bytop cop John Stevenshuippupoliisi John Stevens,whojokaheadedjohtian investigation into alleged collusion between members of the security forces and loyalist paramilitariestutkimusta väitetystä salaliitosta turvallisuusjoukkojen jäsenten ja lojalistien puolisotilaallisten joukkojen välillä.
- The operationToimintaawill be<empty>headedjohtaaby Jeff Davies, former managing director of FSO CarsJeff Davies, FSO Carsin entinen toimitusjohtaja.
- Most lone parent familiesUseimpia yksinhuoltajaperheitäare<empty>headedjohtaaby womennainen; just 10 per cent are lone fathers.
- Meanwhile, IXI is also in the process of setting upa European operationeurooppalaista operaatiota,whichjotais being<empty>headedjohtaaby Steven SampsonSteven Sampsonas general managerpääjohtajana.
- Ms BeckerNeiti Beckerhasonheadedjohtanutthe Communication Department, which is a member of WACCviestintäosastoa, joka on WACC:n jäsen,since the new church's beginning five years agosiitä lähtien, kun uusi kirkko perustettiin viisi vuotta sitten.
- The existing managementOlemassa oleva hallinto jota,headedjohtaaby chairman and chief executive Mike Smithpuheenjohtaja ja pääjohtaja Mike Smith, and all 1,950 staff, will remain intact.
- He was accompanied by his Secretary, Dr. David Buxton, formerlyheadmasterrehtoriat the Liverpool Institution for the Deaf and DumbLiverpoolin kuurojen ja mykkien instituutin, who had become a convert to oral methods.
- Theheadmasterrehtoriat the schoolkoulungave a talk to all the children and issued a warning to them to beware of the Rottweiler breed in particular.
- Her husband Ronnie, onceheadmasterrehtoriat the local grammar schoolpaikallisen kielioppikoulun, is still in a coma after the bombing.
- The bishopPiispawasoliheadmasterrehtoriof Winchester CollegeWinchester Collegenat the time that Ramsey's brilliant brother Frank was a scholar.
- `We're fighting a losing battle, ``says Richard Tomlinson,headmasterrehtoriof the Thomas Delarue School for young people with cerebral palsynuorille CP-vammaisille tarkoitetun Thomas Delarue -koulun.
- On 5 February 1900 Mr Thomas Box, thenheadmasterrehtoriof Kidlington SchoolKidlington Schoolin, made this entry in his log-book:
- I've now received the acceptance from theheadmasterrehtoriof the Secondary SchoolSecondary Schoolin.
- William TempleWilliam Templecame at the age of 28 andwasoliheadmasterrehtorinafrom 1911 to 1914vuodesta 1911 vuoteen 1914.
- HeHänwas a gifted, humane, and excitingoli lahjakas, inhimillinen ja jännittäväheadmasterrehtoriwith a talented staff: the school was a triumph.
- His elder brother Charles (died 1894)Hänen vanhempi veljensä Charles (kuoli 1894)wasoliheadmasterrehtoriof Westminster SchoolWestminster Schoolinfrom 1855 to 1883vuodesta 1855 vuoteen 1883.
- Theheadmasterrehtorilooked suddenly serious.
- If the `host ``had been theoli ollutImamimaamiof the YemenJemenin, some filthy prison might have been his lot.
- Some felt a shudder at the thought of tackling the sense of humour of the Prophet Muhammad and the holyimamsimaaminof Islamislamin, and counselled that the subject matter should be confined to modern times.
- The first part of his mission was a failure because Sa'id ibn Sultan,imamimaaminof MuscatMuscatin, although receiving him affably, was unwilling to co-operate with the Egyptians.
- An attempt to bring theimamimaamiof YemenJemenininto alliance was vetoed by India, but he played tribal politics better than the craftiest of sheikhs, cheaply keeping the peace with well-placed bribes.
- What would then be done to contain the rage of the millions of people waiting to greet theImamimaamiain the streets of Teheran?
- They have been contributing generously to the upkeep of the 800 mosques in Britain; all they ask in return is a say over the appointment of theimamimaamin.
- `We demand that their embassies should be closed, their companies nationalised and all the citizens belonging to these states be evacuated, ``theimamimaamisaid.
- There were certainly those who felt the time had come to end the war, a courageous stance in view of theImamimaamin's known determination to keep going.
- Russian illwill grew when the Prince wanted to marry a Prussian princess, a granddaughter of thekaiserkeisarin.
- But thekaiserkeisaripleased the tsar by vetoing Prince Alexander's return to the Bulgarian throne.
- It was subdivided into several provinces ruled by localkhanskaanit, who tried to emulate the art, culture and pageantry of the Persian court.
- AlsoIminäamolenKhankaaniof the MerkutsMerkutien.
- `TheKhanKaanillahas a son?
- The lady betrothed to the newly createdKhankaaninof the province of KhitaiKhitain provinssin, her face flushed with suppressed laughter, was also trying to make herself heard.
- Fortunately, from the point of view of the tsar, theKhankaaniof BukharaBukharanwas pro-Russian and gave him the chance to threaten Khiva from the rear.
- Cook was appointed agent for Nile passenger traffic by theKhedivekediiviof EgyptEgyptinin 1870 and eventually had a fleet of seventeen large vessels and about thirty-three smaller dahabeeyahs and pinnaces.
- Both countries were entangled with one another willy-nilly because of the lack of sound government in Egypt, which was nominally under the suzerainty of the sultan, ruling through thekhedivekediivin.
- TheKhedivekediiviis a valued friend and ally.
- Even so, he remained with thekingkuninkaanin 1387 as Richard prowled the midlands seeking to regain control.
- Delivery vansKuljetusautotare theovatkingskuninkaitaof the jungleviidakon, but I didn't do too badly in the BMW.
- Thekingskuninkaatof FranceRanskanpaid homage to no one.
- If it was in the aftermath of Penda's death that Cenwealh re-established himself askingkuninkaaksiof the Thames valley SaxonsThames-laakson saksien, it is likely that he did so with Oswiu's approval and even support.
- In so doing Clovis is thought to have been unique among thekingskuninkaidenof the continental successor statesmantereen perillisvaltioiden.
- `Therecan only be onevoi olla vain yksikingkuningasof the castleLinnassa, as far as male Leos are concerned, ``Julie had continued.
- TheirHeidännewkingkuninkaansa, Philip IV, is devoting all his energies and resources to building up alliances in Europe.
- The unexpectedness of this request seems to have taken thekingkuninkaanby surprise.
- HeHänhad beenoli ollutkingkuningasfor two and a half years, and he was aged by ten.
- Thucydides credited theMinoanminolaisiakingskuninkaitawith organizing the first naval fleet, and it is possible that the Minoans did indeed have a squadron of specially designed and equipped warships that were ahead of their time.
- No previousScottishSkotlanninkingkuningashad ever tried to claim that this was the age when his minority ended.
- John VealJohn Vealwas Chief Inspector of Accidents at the time andledjohtithe UK delegationYhdistyneen kuningaskunnan valtuuskuntaawhile I was its only other member as alternate delegate.
- Langdon believed Kim Ku wasthe most obvious candidateselvin ehdokasforleadingjohtajaksithe first independent governmentensimmäisen itsenäisen hallituksen.
- Overwhelmed by the situation, Casares Quiroga resigned on 18 July and was succeeded byDiego Martínez BarrioDiego Martínez Barrio,whojokahadoliledjohtanuta caretaker governmentväliaikaista hallitustain the autumn of 1933syksyllä 1933.
- Leadingjohtajathe discovering partyLöytöjuhlienwasthe Justice of the Peace for Westminster, Thomas Knyvet or KnyvettWestminsterin rauhantuomari Thomas Knyvet tai Knyvett, later to become Sir Thomas Knyvet, Baron Knyvet of Escrick.
- It has been wrong on unilateralism and trade union legislation and wrong about theman whommiehiltä, jotkait pickedto<empty>leadjohtamaanthe Labour partytyöväenpuoluetta.
- Riegler, the Federal Vice-ChancellorRiegler,liittovaltion varakansleri,hadoliledjohtanutthe partypuoluettasince May 1989toukokuusta 1989 lähtienbut announced his resignation as party leader on May 23.
- As reported, the terms of Somare's election were thathehänwould<empty>leadjohtaisithe partypuoluettauntil March 1993maaliskuuhun 1993 saakka, whereupon the leadership would then be transferred to former Minister of Forests Jack Genia.
- In Britain their cause has been championed by Glynn Christian -- writer, broadcaster, TV gourmet and great-great-great-great grandson ofFletcher Christian whoFletcher Christianin, jokaledjohtithe famous mutinytunnettua kapinaain 1798vuonna 1798.
- Woden, the Scandinavian war godWoden, skandinaavisen sodan jumalan, was thoughtto<empty>leadjohtavanthis band of spiritstätä henkien joukkoa, all of whom were once kings ruling different fiefdoms and all of whom were killed in battle.
- OneYhtäis<empty>ledjohtaaby Raymundo Gomez FloresRaymundo Gomez Flores, a businessman from Guadalajara who is rumoured to have the backing of Capital Cities/ABC, which owns another of America's networks, and of Paramount, a Hollywood studio.
- The buyoutis<empty>ledjohtaaby founder Kenneth Inghamperustaja Kenneth Ingham, who left the company in 1989.
- A top-level inquiryHuipputason tutkimus jota,to be<empty>ledjohtaaby the chairman of a health authority outside the West Midlands regionWest-Midlandin alueen ulkopuolisen terveysviranomaisen päällikkö, is to be set up.
- Fuel bond AN ADDITIVE that bonds diesel fuel and water to create a solution that burns cleanly without loss of power has been developed bya teamtiimi, jotaledjohtiby Prof David Thorley of City UniversityCityn yliopiston professori David Thorley.
- The National governmentKansallinen hallitus, nowledjohtamanaby Stanley BaldwinStanley Baldwinin, continued in office and was more Conservative than ever.
- There are indeed cases ofleadersjohtajatof aboriginal groupsaboriginaaliryhmienoffering to pay yasak.
- He had arrived late with otherNICRANICRA:nleadersjohtajienfrom Belfast, and seeing the march moving off, he ran to its head.
- It was launched outside the church of St Martin-in-the, Trafalgar Square, by Reynaldo Maraqueo,a Mapuche Indian communityMapuche-intiaaniyhteisönleaderjohtajanfrom southern Chile.
- Since Majoris the firston ensimmäinengovernmenthallituksenleaderjohtajafrom an EC country to have visited Clinton in the White House he might just have considered tackling them head on.
- The tribal leaders who visited Mr Mandela have also met the topANCANC:nleadersjohtajiain Zambia.
- Every Sunday, the huge congregation, gathered in the Ulster Hall, heard either Mrs Paisley or one of the ministers read out a message fromtheirheidänleaderjohtajaltaanin prison.
- In Italy, theleaderjohtajaltaof the Socialistssosialistiencalled this week for the dissolution, in effect, of his own party into a new left-wing alliance with the ex-communists.
- Last month,Iran'sIraninnewuusileaderjohtaja, President Hashemi Rafsanjani, offered to work for the release of the American hostages held by Islamic extremists in Lebanon along with 10 other foreigners.
- Bothwell's men had to carrytheirheidänleaderjohtajansaback to Hermitage, where he was greeted by the mortifying news that the prisoners had overpowered their guards and taken charge of the castle.
- However,itssenleadersjohtajatwere alienated by Larkin's erratic, offensive, and aggressive behaviour and, after much acrimony, withdrew their support.
- NURSES'SAIRAANHOITAJIENleadersjohtajatyesterday accused the media of carrying out a witch hunt in exposing health workers with the AIDS virus.
- Her arrest was attributed to hervillagekylänleaderjohtajan's opposition to the state ruling party.
- This latest open letter from therebelkapinallis-leaderjohtajalta, cashiered Colonel Gregorio Honason appears to confirm the government's belief that he no longer has the ability to launch another military uprising.
- On Tuesdayunionyhdistyksenleadersjohtajatclaimed that every French customs post along the Spanish border was closing to all traffic except private cars.
- She was replaced aspartypuolueenleaderjohtajanaby Senator Janet Powell.
- The weight of the biggest tiger shot by theMaharajamaharadzaof NepalNepalinwas 705 lb (320 kg).
- I also took care to make this little scene, in the way that I have described, appear to be part simply of an illustration of the appalling character of theMaharajahmaharadzan.
- TheMaharajahmaharadzasent over £200 to the village to celebrate her survival of an assassination attempt.
- The first Mayor so to be honoured was, appropriately enough,Mr. Winterbottom, Lady Vernon's Steward, whoherra Winterbottom, Lady Vernonin stuertti, jokawasoliMayorpormestarinain 1831 and 1832.
- An alderman of Leeds in 1858-68,hehänwasolimayorpormestariin 1860-1, as well as being a magistrate for Leeds borough and for the West Riding of Yorkshire.
- Californian dreamer Tom Bradley, the retiringmayorpormestariof Los AngelesLos Angelesin, flew in to Britain to promote his city as a wonderful location for trade and tourism.
- Themayorpormestariof YeravanJerevaninused his official car to evacuate some of the wounded.
- `Pray excuse me, ``he said, `butourmeidändistinguishederinomainennewMayorpormestarimmewishes to make your acquaintance.
- The seat was that being vacated by Gabor Demszky of the SzDSz in connection with his October 1990 election asBudapest'sBudapestinmayorpormestariksi[see p. 37922].
- New York'sNew Yorkinmayorpormestarihas travelled to Tokyo to ensure that Japan's cash-conscious companies don't abandon the city that never sleeps.
- CurrentSDLPSDLP:ndeputyvara-mayorpormestariAnnie CourtneyAnnie Courtneyis almost certain to be elevated to the top post at next month's AGM but the deputy's position remains wide open.
- At thelordlordi-mayorpormestarin's banquet in November 1914, the prime minister, H. H. Asquith, announced his peerage, the first of the war.
- Among those tipped to become the new party chief is Mr Wolfgang Berghofer,Dresden'sDresdeninreformistreformisti-mayorpormestari.
- It was the first time the city had unseated anincumbentvirassa olevanmayorpormestarinsince 1943.
- Horne did not tell themayorpormestarilleabout this, his wife did.
- Although they privately felt that they themselves would properly decide the fate of the territories, even the mostconservativekonservatiivisimmatmayorspormestaritbegan to acknowledge the PLO.
- TheMayorpormestari,Ald. CockerAld. Cocker, known as `The Father of Blackpool ``, was not impressed and wagered John Bickerstaffe that the new tramway would not last more than two years!
- `Ah, hmm, ``replied themayorpormestarithoughtfully.
- Measures taken by the authorities against the itinerant traders led to a crisis in the city government, as a result of which theSocialistsosialisti-mayorpormestari,Giorgio MoralesGiorgio Morales, was forced to resign.
- Six people were killed and dozens more reportedly injured in further bomb attacks and shootings in Lima, Cuzco, Ayacucho andthe Andean village of HuastaAndien kylä Huasta,whosejonkamayorpormestariwas assassinated.
- No longer therefore, apparently, can we have oneministerministeriäfor health servicesterveyspalveluilleand one minister for social payments; but that would be more sensible, all the same.
- That's how one Irish farm leader sums up commissioner Ray MacSharry, the formerministerministerifor agriculturemaatalous-, whose radical reform plan for the CAP has set alarm bells ringing in his native country.
- For example,Hans Dietrich GenscherHans Dietrich Genscherhas beenon ollutForeignulko-Ministerministerifor the last 18 yearsviimeisten 18 vuoden ajan.
- THIS WEEK Timothy Raison,ministerministerifor Overseas Developmentulkomaan kehitys-, will read a report from his civil servants advising him to hand over control of an international conservation treaty to the Department of the Environment.
- We had two gatherings of businessmen in Brighton and London, attended by theMinisterministerifor the Artstaide-, and a new director was appointed for the Lewes All Saints Community Arts Centre.
- Under a female PrimeMinisterministerinin 1989, Britain was still very much a man's world.
- One ofyour<empty>Ministersministereistäsitoday admitted on television he hadn't read it.
- After a week of fevered speculation, John Major,Britain'sBritannianprimeministerministeri, shuffled his cabinet.
- Chief among thesewereoliourmeidänMinisterministerimmeand his wife.
- North Korea'sPohjois-KoreanPrimeMinisterministeriYon Hyong MukYon Hyong Mukstepped across a border normally so secure that neither letters nor telephone calls are allowed through.
- CITIZEN 'S CharterKANSALAISOIKEUS-MinisterministeriWilliam WaldegraveWilliam Waldegravenis today expected to announce a cash boost for the Government's campaign to increase public awareness of science.
- Poland's financePuolan valtionvarain-ministerministeri, Mr Leszek Balcerowicz, is imposing a harsh stabilisation programme.
- The BMA wrote toScotland's healthSkotlannin terveys-ministerministerille, Lord Fraser, in December detailing its concerns.
- Friends of the Earth want legislation introduced which will make manufacturers put energy efficiency labels on their products and they are askingministersministereitäto suggest such labels when they meet their European Community counterparts for green talks.
- Most leadingministersministeritresigned, complaining of his dictatorial behaviour, and now form the parliamentary opposition.
- Garay,Financevaltionvarain-Ministerministerifrom December 1816 to September 1818joulukuusta 1816 syyskuuhun 1818, was a friend of Jovellanos.
- Sean MacBridewas aoligovernmenthallituksenministerministeribetween 1948 and 1951vuosina 1948-1951and later United Nations commissioner for Namibia.
- TheFrench ForeignRanskan ulko-MinisterministeriRoland DumasRoland Dumaspaid a visit to King Hassan of Morocco on Nov. 9 in an effort to repair bilateral relations, which had deteriorated seriously in recent weeks.
- President Elias Hrawi, PrimeMinisterministeriUmar KaramiUmar Karamiand the president of the National Assembly, Hussain al-Hussaini, visited Damascus on Oct. 17 to attend the first session of the Lebanese-Syrian Supreme Council.
- It is the same severance which has placed themonarchhallitsijanin a situation constitutionally inexplicable and indefensible.
- `At that point Prince Philip told his wife thattheir eldest sonheidän vanhin poikansawas unsuitableto becometullakseenmonarchhallitsijaksiin the foreseeable future -- if ever, ``says a senior royal insider.
- `There was real genuine sadness for the death of this respectedmonarchhallitsijanin the staffroom that day.
- Queen ElizabethKuningatar Elizabethis already the longest-servingon jo pisimpään hallinnutmonarchmonarkkiof the twentieth century, and may possibly be on the throne even longer than Victoria.
- Ought Ulster not be ruled by themonarchhallitsijanof ScotlandSkotlannin?
- The presentmonarchhallitsijaof Great BritainIson-Britannianhas recently been the subject of criticism for failure to all make her collection readily available to her subjects.
- The athletic arrogant and handsomemonarchhallitsijaof 1977 had been replaced by a sick, befuddled man who had no idea what was happening.
- On his way he visited Rycote House in Oxfordshire to write a letter tohishänenbelovedmonarchhallitsijalleen.
- The men cheeredtheirheidänmonarchhallitsijalleenas they marched past him.
- so often i think though elderly people don't realize that their diet is that bad i work with a lot of elderly people i'm aolentrustluotto-officerviranomainen
- But I suggested that Time might want to make a contribution toone of the charities of whichyhdelle hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöistä, jonkaIminäam anolenofficervirkamiesand director, Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic.
- AnATFATF:nofficervirkamiestold the Times that the survey did not take enough into account, like understaffing or the number of cases referred to state officials.
- He had trouble getting anyDirectorate of Operationsoperaatio-osastonofficervirkamiestäto run it; he finally recruited a former analyst who was then running the Islamic Extremist Branch of the Counterterrorist Center.
- This had strong and immediate effects, loosening the loyalties ofseniorvanhempienofficersvirkamiestento their separate services and causing them to think more broadly about the military establishment as a whole.
- VBA attributes the increased number of appeals resolved at the regional office level to the efforts ofitssendecision reviewpäätöstä arvioivienofficersvirkamiesten.
- FBI agents did create records of interviews and other investigative efforts, but there were noreportsraportoiviaofficersvirkamiehiäto condense the information into meaningful intelligence that could be retrieved and disseminated.
- The writer notes thathis cousinhänen serkkunsa, an18-year18-vuotiasArmyarmeijanofficerupseeri, attended college and graduate school for free, and that given the tax advantages of a military salary, his pay of $54, 792 is actually equivalent to a civilian salary of just under $94,000 a year.
- In theory,the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at that time, Colin PowellJoint Chiefsin senaikainen puheenjohtaja, Colin Powell,was anoliobedientkuuliainenofficervirkamiesranking directly below Clinton in the chain of command.
- But aseniorvanhempiJoint StaffJoint Staffinofficervirkamiesdescribed the plan as ``generally, not too much different than we might have come up with ourselves.
- and and it was very interesting how he did it and uh i mean i'miminä'm anolenAir Forceilmavoimienofficerupseeriso it uh it was interesting for me uh you know i'd certainly
- Monday, he cited published reports that ``Clinton administrationClintonin hallituksenCabinetkabinetti-officersvirkamiehiäare being asked to arrange their travel schedules and public announcements so the vice president can finance his political campaign with taxpayer dollars when his funds run out.
- that they uh i go oniminä'm anolenofficerupseeriin the Air Forceilmavoimissaand travel quite a bit on business so i uh find myself down in Melbourne Florida every about once once a month once every two months or so and uh
- If convicted, theofficervirkamiescould receive a dishonorable discharge and almost four years in prison.
- A onetimespecial forceserikoisjoukkojenofficerupseeri, he had worked with Albright when she was ambassador to the United Nations and had served on the NSC staff with rke.
- As commander in chief, a president is giving orders, in effect, or he is the superior of theofficersupseerienthat are reporting to the commander in chief in the chain of command.
- § 716 does not include the Vice President becausehehänis aonconstitutionalperustuslaillinenofficervirkamiesof the governmenthallituksen.
- But theOSSOSS:ninternal liaisonsisäinen yhteys-officerupseerireasoned, ``Look, bud, do you know who you're dealing with here?
- 30 This provision clearly bears the imprint of Kantian moral philosophy, which treats respect for human dignity as an absolute duty of all individuals, includingofficersvirkamiehiäof the statevaltion.
- But critics have since questioned the need for the United States to maintain the 45-square-foot military base [at Guantanamo, Cuba] -- whose day-to-day mission,officersvirkamiehetsay, is primarily Naval fleet training.
- The Italian Army was the least well prepared of the combatants, lacking artillery, machine guns, trucks, andproperly trainedasianmukaisesti koulutettujaofficersvirkamiehiä, but the infantry showed remarkable courage in the trenches.
- The goal of the American Cancer Society, __ Unit, is to reach the employees andofficersvirkamiehetof every business in the countykaikissa maan yrityksissäwith important cancer information.
- As onemilitarysotilas-officerupseeriput it, we had our hand on the door, but we couldn't open the door and walk in.
- The paper reports that the case is being watched closely in Congress, where there are concerns thatofficersvirkamiehiäget treated more leniently than enlisted men.
- Where no match is found, the travel office (orcertifyingvahvistavaofficervirkamies) could request the hotel receipts to verify outoftown lodging costs.
- Novelist Lucian Truscott IV, a formerArmyarmeijanofficerupseeriand son and grandson of generals, writes a NYT op-ed in support of the Clinton administration's latest assault weapons ban.
- My husband served as acommandingkomentavanaofficerupseerinaof a CG cutterCG-kutterin, 1980-82.
- But in particular,officersupseerit, soldiers and sea men receive pension when they are disabled for further services.
- Prior to that,disbursingsuorittavatofficersvirkamiehetusually approved vouchers for payment.
- The trouble is that Kalugin helped plan the kidnapping of Nicholas Shadrin, a formerSovietNeuvostoliitonnavallaivastonofficerupseerinwho was a highly-valued double agent for the CIA.
- It was rebuilt in 1841 and restored in 1934 as a tourist attraction, with a diorama of the Battle of York and authentically furnished 19th-centuryofficersupseerien' quarters, log cabins, and military surgery.
- In Birmingham in 1918 it was possible to buy a manual designed to enable local speakers to correct their accents, since, as its author claimed, ``to no one is the absence of local dialect more important than to theyoungnuorelleofficerupseerillein the armyarmeijan.
- Everybody makes front-page mention of yesterday's surprise resignation by theAir Force'silmavoimientophuippu-officerupseerin, Gen.
- Aformerentinenunionyhdistyksenofficialvirkamiesat the steelworksTerästehtaanclaimed he had been told the Chinese workers would be brought in to dismantle the £50m mill, built in 1979 to process Brymbo's steel.
- He was accompanied by aseniorvanhempiSalvadorean governmentSalvadorin hallituksenofficialvirkamies, Ernesto Altschul, and by opposition leader Rubén Zamora of the Popular Social Christian Movement (MPSC).
- SeniorVanhempimarketmarkkina-officialvirkamies,David ColeridgeDavid Coleridge, said recently that Lloyd's had lost out to Commercial Union on a multi-million- pound contract from Trafalgar House because it was unable to offer a “ package deal ”.
- Similarly, it is often the case thatseniorvanhemmatofficialsvirkamiehetwithin the civil servicevaltionhallinnonall seem to come from the same sort of background.
- Before the successful insurrection of 1815 there had been several isolated incidents in which bands of Serbs attacked and murderedTurkishturkkilaisiaofficialsvirkamiehiä.
- OlympicOlympialaistenofficialsvirkamiehetin the United StatesYhdysvalloissahave warned athletes that a wonder drug they're using to boost performances, could be lethal.
- The BMA strove to insist thatlocalpaikallistenofficialsvirkamiesten(medically qualified though they were) should merely inspect child health, leaving treatment to the independent doctors.
- `They won't know thathehän's aonpolicepoliisi-officialvirkailija.
- Basically it was about certainBritishBritannianofficialsvirkamiehetallegedly colluding in drug-test avoidance at some meetings in the early eighties.
- Peking'sPekingintophuippu-officialvirkamiesin Hong KongHongkongissa,Xu JiatunXu Jiatun, said the decision was `not worthy of consideration ``.
- Gennery says that information on the dangers were `verbally communicated toofficialsvirkamiehilleof the Department of Healthterveysministeriönin July 1981 ``.
- As a gesture of solidarity with Kuwait, delegates elected aKuwaitikuwaitilaisenofficialvirkamiehenas one of the eight regional vice-presidents of the conference.
- HeHänestäbecame atulijuniornuorempiofficialvirkamiesin the Ministry of Foreign Affairsulkoministeriönin 1840, but was never a promising candidate for promotion in the government service.
- ULSTER school chiefs today revealed an action plan following the dismissal of aseniorvanhemmanofficialvirkamiehenover claims that £170,000 was paid out for goods never received.
- SafetyTurvallisuus-officialsviranomaisethave begun an inquiry.
- On Saturday Bosnian radio said 166 people had starved recently in Cerska, but Bosnian reports of mass starvation have been disputed byUNYK:nofficialsvirkamiehetin the past.
- Finally he alsobecametuliOverlordlääninherraof WalesWalesin, in 831, before his death in 839, probably aged about sixty years.
- The year 1165 also saw growing unrest in Saxony, where Henry as leader of the Guelphs, had gradually increased his power and field of influence, originally with the encouragement ofhishänenimperialoverlordlääninherransaFrederickFrederickin.
- HeHänwasolioverlordlääninherraof vast lands hereaboutsniillä main laajojen alueiden, the only earl south-east of Forth, feudal superior over many lordships and baronies.
- In 66 AD the Jews rebelled against their Romanoverlordslääninherrojain PalestinePalestiinassa.
- These wars were inspired by a belief that Louis XIV of France hopedto become thetulevansaoverlordlääninherraksiof EuropeEuroopan, and that he wanted to restore the Catholic James II or his descendants to the throne.
- Philip, asoverlordlääninherranaof BrittanyBretagnen, at once claimed custody of Geoffrey's two daughters, and threatened to invade Normandy if Henry II did not hand them over.
- Philip would doubtless be gratified by an explicit recognition of his position asoverlordlääninherranaof Aquitaine and ToulouseAquitainen ja Toulousenand might well concede something in return.
- He said a suggestion that hewas a criminaloli rikollinenoverlordlääninherrain GlasgowGlasgowissawas nonsense and that he could not understand why he had a reputation as the godfather.
- A LONG line of pharaohs,pashaspaššoja, kings and presidents has ignored public opinion in Egypt.
- The range was inspired, in 1935, by thePashapaššaof MarrakechMarrakechin, a personal friend of Louis Cartier.
- Zeinab, that daughter of aPashapaššanand representative of the rich, sat silent.
- LanielLanielistabecametulipremierpääministeriin 1953, announcing that his government `was ready to seize all occasions to make peace, whether in Indo-China or at the international level ``.
- Lurking four rows back in the Conservative backbenches, Mr Lamont was in a perfect position to stab thePremierpääministeriäin the back, and then twist the knife.
- HeHänestänowbecametulipremierpääministeriof a broad Cabinet responsible to the presidentpresidentille vastaavan laajan kabinetin: virtually a return to 1945.
- The ALP's replacement of Peter Dowding, its unpopularPremierpääministeriof Western AustraliaLänsi-Australian, shortly before the campaign began [see p. 37250], minimized its losses within the state.
- Vo Van Kiet visited Malaysia on Jan. 20-23; the last visit by aVietnameseVietnaminPremierpääministerinto Malaysia had taken place in 1978.
- THE pressure on Germany's finance minister, Theo Waigel, to return to Bavaria asstateosavaltionpremierpääministerinäis of the cost-push, not the demand-pull variety.
- Bavaria's conservatives are losing theirstateosavaltionpremierpääministerinsäand the opposition Social Democrats their leader.
- Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Kevin McNamara said he understood Unionist MPs' remarks in the context of the forthcoming local government elections, but he praised theIrishIrlanninpremierpääministeriäfor making a `sensible ``speech.
- She apparently read every civil-service memorandum, personally confronted or abused officials, and intervened in departmental affairs as fewpremierspääministerithad done since Sir Robert Peel.
- On the other hand, tasks of party management and maintaining Cabinet cohesion are more insistent, though perhaps less so than for a German Chancellor orItalianItalianPremierpääministerille.
- LINDA McCartney, wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney, has written to Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating to express disgust at thepremierpääministerin's investment in a pig farm.
- Wilson also metChineseKiinanPremierpääministerinLi PengLi Penginon June 8.
- We will reform the Diplock system, so thatthree judgeskolme tuomariapresidejohtaaover non-jury trialsvalamiehittömiä oikeudenkäyntejä, and encourage the use of juries wherever possible.
- Support forMr Museveniherra Musevenille,whojokapresidesjohtaaover an administration still blighted by corruptionkorruption yhä vaivaamaa hallintoa, seems to stem from a belief in his personal sincerity and integrity.
- ConstantineConstantine,whojokapresidedjohtiunchallengedilman haastajiaover the Roman EmpireRooman valtakuntaafrom A.D. 312 until his death in 337vuodesta 312 jKr. kuolemaansa saakka vuonna 337, is rightly regarded as a major pivot in the history and development of Christianity.
- It's also home toBCM, one of Europe's biggest clubs, whereBCM:lle, yhdelle Euroopan suurimmista klubeista, jotaToniTonipresidesjohtaaas manager and king of Majorcan clublandMajorcan clublandin päällikkönä ja kuninkaana.
- His arena wasagriculturemaatalous,over whichjonka alueellahehänpresidedjohtias the USSR's scientific and administrative chiefNeuvostoliiton tieteellisenä ja hallinnollisenä päällikkönäfrom the mid-1930s until Stalin's death in 19531930-luvun puolivälistä Stalinin vuonna 1953 tapahtuneeseen kuolemaan saakka.
- Would<empty>IminäpresideJohtaisinkoat one of these meetingsyhtä näistä kokouksista?
- The High Court judge alertedMr Justice Leonardherra Justice Leonardia,whojokapresidedjohtiat her trialhänen oikeudenkäyntiään.
- Tom RodentTom Rodentstillpresidesjohtaaover Anger DetachAnger Detachia; Nice Newton and Lib Caller are at Blooms; Joan Mural, as ever, is at John Mural, publisher of Lord Byroads.
- Four months later the Tories see it as an unqualified success, propellingthe man whomiestä jokapresidedjohtiover itsitä, Mr Michael Howard, into the political big league.
- Liverpool wasa curiously sensitive man whoomituisen herkkä mies, jokapresidedjohtiwith firmness and tacttiukasti ja tahdikkaastiover a series of Cabinets containing men of greater ability, several of them future prime ministersuseita kabinetteja, joissa oli kyvykkäämpiä miehiä, useat heistä tulevia pääministereitä.
- One of my more unlikely activities wasto<empty>presidejohtaafrom 1973 to 1977vuodesta 1973 vuoteen 1977over the Housing CorporationHousing Corporationia, and alongside it (a body which bore no direct relationship) the National Building Agency.
- In the manner of the old Nawabshehänwas fun-loving and gregarious, andpresidedjohtiwith majestic insouciancemajesteettisella huolettomuudellaover the Rampur palace and its priceless contentsRampurin palatsia ja sen korvaamatonta sisältöä-- subject of a long-standing family dispute.
- Noel EdmondsNoel Edmondspresidesjohtaaover a launch party in Londonjulkaisujuhlia Lontoossa, but the demo machine doesn't function all that well.
- The Group asked the members of the public to sign letters to thePresidentpresidentilleof SyriaSyyrianrequesting the release of Yuris-al-Hayik, their adopted prisoner.
- Now aged 73, Mr Mitterrand is unlikely to run again forpresidentpresidentiksiin 1995.
- Valentine Fleming, electedthe Club'skerhonfirstPresidentpresidentiksiin 1908.
- Thomas Jeffersonbecame the thirdtuli kolmaspresidentpresidenttiin 1801 despite published accusations of his seducing two married women and keeping a slave mistress.
- When Kennedybecametulipresidentpresidenttiin January 1961, the state of Iran was not encouraging.
- On her first official visit to Derbyshire in fourteen years, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother,Presidentpresidenttiof the National Trustkansallisen säätiön, received a royal welcome at Calke Abbey in May.
- Lithuania'sLiettuanpresidentpresidentti, Mr Vytautas Landsbergis, promptly called the decree illegal, and said it could be implemented only by `brutal armed force ``.
- Shop stewards at Broughton have written toRaytheon'sRaytheoninpresidentpresidentille, Max Bleck, to ask him to meet them.
- The same dayLiberia'sLiberiancaretakerPresidentpresidentti, Amos Sawyer, announced in Monrovia, the capital, that NPFL guerrillas had taken more than 400 ECOMOG soldiers hostage.
- `If I did not believe that, I would have advisedour clubkerhommepresidentpresidenttiä, James King, to go to a venue that would have made us a comparative fortune.
- On Sept. 10the ANCANC:npresidentpresidenttiNelson MandelaNelson Mandelaaccepted an invitation for urgent talks with de Klerk on political violence.
- He is pictured with museum curator Phil Filo, centre, andMiddlesbrough Magic CircleMiddlesbrough Magic CirclenpresidentpresidentinJohn ArcherJohn Archerin.
- Masked by the formalities of the telegram sent yesterday morning to Mr Major by M Jacques Delors,EC commissionEY:n komissionpresidentpresidentti, the mood in the corridors of Brussels was less than euphoric.
- Sinn FeinSinn FeininpresidentpresidenttiGerry AdamsGerry Adamsvisited the scene and said the attack was an attempt to kill and intimidate party members in advance of tomorrow's local government elections.
- For years before becomingpresidentpresidentiksi, Reagan had harped on conservative economic themes.
- It seems that incomingpresidentpresidenttiRobert PalmerRobert Palmerintends to instigate sweeping changes at Digital Equipment Corp, with plans to cut costs by $1,000m and shake up sclerotic procedures in an effort to speed product development and delivery.
- Colonel John Wilson has given the club immense service,having beenoltuaanPresidentpresidenttinäfor the last 10 yearsviimeisten 10 vuoden ajanimmediately following 23 years as Match Secretary.
- `We are sure this is another of the Rafsanjani regime's terrorist acts, ``said a spokesman for the People's Mujahideen in London, referring toIranianIraninpresidentpresidenttiinAkbar Hashemi RafsanjaniAkbar Hashemi Rafsanjaniin.
- Meciar ally elected asSlovakSlovakianpresidentpresidentiksi
- TheSouth AfricanEtelä-AfrikanPresidentpresidentti, F W de Klerk announced he would meet President Bush later this month in the first visit to the United States by a South African leader in four decades.
- Apart from the appointment of Edward Kirk to the post ofPrincipalrehtoriksiat LeedsLeedsinin 1881 it was to be almost 100 years before deaf people once again became acceptable as teachers of deaf children.
- It was largely due to his efforts, backed up by our management, Secretary andPrincipalsrehtoritat HQ that the Treasury was finally persuaded to sanction the necessary £4,500,000 to finance the expansion programme.
- `In the past, subject assessment varied a great deal ``explainedFiona BaikieFiona Baikie, AssistantPrincipalrehtoriat Telford CollegeTelford Collegenin Edinburgh, Scotland's largest National Certificate centre.
- An article in The Times Educational Supplement on the same day talked of bitterness amongcollegekoulunprincipalsrehtorienat CNAA treatment, and their turning to universities for approval.
- Father Philip UrsellIsä Philip Ursell, theprincipalrehtoriof Pusey House, Oxford,Oxfordin Pusey Housentold Dr Runcie of Dr Bennett's suicide.
- These mysterious initials over one of the portals in Staple Inn stand for `Principal John Thompson ``,Principalrehtoriof the InnInninin 1747.
- Principalsrehtoritof collegesOppilaitosten, their governors and education committee members and officers were invited.
- I was sitting between theprincipalrehtorinof a college for policewomennaispoliisien oppilaitoksenand a rather saucy lady novelist.
- THE head of Northern Ireland's first integrated secondary school, Lagan College, has been appointedprincipalrehtoriksiof Rainey Endowed Grammar School in MagherafeltRainey Endowed Grammar Schooliin Magherafeltissä.
- They merely collect orders and pass them back totheirheidänprincipalrehtorilleenwho fulfils the orders direct.
- Glasgow University'sGlasgown yliopistonprincipalrehtori, Sir William Fraser, has already expressed concern at the Secretary of State's decision and has written seeking an explanation of the ruling.
- Roger Cracknell,collegekoulunprincipalrehtori, said: `The change in status will bring a flexibility to be welcomed.
- Two youths in Texas had tried to killthe collegeoppilaitoksenprincipalrehtorin, failed and poisoned themselves.
- LoretoLoretonprincipalrehtoriSister Patricia Goodstadtsisar Patricia Goodstadtsaid: `We hope we can show the positive side of life in Hulme and Moss Side.
- Top-level meetings were called in the summer in whichuniversityyliopistojenprincipalsrehtoritand State Education Commission officials discussed the problems on the campuses and possible solutions.
- The same was noticed by the senior civil servants themselves, who, almost without exception, had a high regard for the former assistantprincipalrehtoriin the Ministry of Civil Aviationsiviili-ilmailuministeriön.
- Completed application forms and both recommendations should reach thePrincipalrehtorinby 9 May 1991.
- I once complained to theprincipalrehtorilleabout being cast as 89-year-old women all the time, and he said, `My dear, that's probably all you'll ever play.
- More often, there was thequeenkuningattarenof EnglandEnglannin's interest.
- Head of state:BeatrixBeatrix,Queenkuningatarof the NetherlandsAlankomaiden.
- DidoDidois theonQueenkuningatarof CarthageKarthagon, Anaeas is the King of Troy, but their love is to be destroyed by a wicked sorceress.
- Within a few hours of becomingqueenkuningatarAnneAnnewrote to the Dutch States-General setting out the basis of her policy.
- TheyHeare, of course, all reigningovat tietysti kaikki hallitseviaqueenskuningattariaand this year the best-known -- and many would argue the best-loved -- will be celebrating 40 years on the throne.
- From there, we could see thequeenkuningattarenon her terrace
- The Army Board will consider the claims and recommendations will be submitted to theQueenkuningattarellefor approval, said Mr Rifkind.
- He had reassuring news for his daughter, in caseshehänwas worried about ever becomingQueenkuningattareksiafter separating from husband Charles.
- TheQueenKuningatarhad agreed to it because the Queen would agree to anything Fergus wanted, everyone knew that.
- Moroccan radio first reported that Libyan troops were supportingIdi Amin Dada'sIdi Amin Dadanregimehallintoain UgandaUgandassa.
- True, there were some things he didn't like about theKhedive'sKhedivenregimehallituksessa, the patronage, the corruption, the inefficiency.
- Baker also met Cuban Foreign Minister Isidoro Malmierca on Nov. 28, the first such meeting since theCastroCastronregimehallituscame to power in Cuba.
- Among the earliest was a desire to channel domestic discontent away from theregimehallituksestaof the timesen ajan.
- Immediately after the fall of theeastern blocitäblokinregimeshallitusten, even the top nomenklatura professed that they had been closet democrats all along, pushing relentlessly for change from within the structures of power.
- On his departure, he accused the government of seeking to delay political reform and urged the church to maintain pressure on theregimehallitukselleof President Hastings Kamuzu Bandapresidentti Hastings Kamuzu Bandan.
- Today theBaathistbaathilainenregimehallitusof President Hafez a-Assadpresidentti Hafez a-Assadinis the Soviet Union's closest ally in the Arab world.
- An official who proved himself underGlobke'sGlobkendemandingvaativanregimehallituksenwas thereafter marked out for promotion to a ministry, where he would remain the contact man for the Chancellor's Office.
- Poland had a much moreliberalvapaamielisempiregimehallitus.
- Less than four years later he played a significant role in Vietnam's ousting of the Chinese-backed KhmerRougePunaistenregimehallitusin Cambodia.
- However, theMarxistmarxilainenregimehallitusin South Yemen has permitted the USSR the use of port facilities at Aden and numerous airfields for reconnaissance missions over the Indian Ocean and the Horn of Africa.
- Selective deprivation experiments involvehighly artificialerittäin keinotekoisiaregimeshallituksiadesigned systematically to eliminate one or other of the major sleep stages.
- It was to change the nature ofFrance'sRanskanregimehallituksen, so that the nation would be better placed to meet any challenge or resolve any problem that it might have to face.
- There was the sunny realm of Perfect Pop, whereThe MonkeesThe Monkeesreignedhallitsivatas benevolent despotshyväntahtoisina itsevaltiaina, where there was sugar in every pie, where everybody listened to `Help ``and smiled a lot.
- The ideal situation would be a marriage between the two seemingly opposing principles, wherealternative and orthodox practitionersvaihtoehtoiset ja ortodoksiset ammatinharjoittajatreignhallitsevatharmoniously side by sideharmonisesti rinnakkain.
- If he died on 14 December 705hehänwould haveolisireignedhallinnuta full twenty years and probably several months as wellkokonaisten 20 vuoden ajan ja todennäköisesti useita kuukausia lisäksi.
- These were different, and in many ways more congenial, responses to the new classicism, butthe Beaux-ArtsBeaux-Artswas soonto<empty>reignhallitsisisupremeylivoimaisestiand supplant totally the nineteenth-century eclectic styles.
- HeHänreignedhallitsialoneyksinin the Frankish heartlandsfrankkien sydänmailla, and prevented filial or factional hostility from coalescing into any major revolt.
- In 805 Charles choseone chieftainyhden heimopäällikönto<empty>reignhallitsemaanas his vassal kingvasallikuninkaanaan, and bestowed upon him the ancient title of Chagan, which had originally been that of the independent High King of the Avars.
- At about the same time asOld NedOld Nedwas<empty>reigninghallitsiat LancasterLancasterissa, John Curry was lording it over the scaffold on the other side of the Pennines, in Yorkshire.
- How coulda sovereign whohallitsija, jokareignedhallitsiby the will of the peopleihmisten tahdostaresist totally such overt manifestations -- confirmed as they were by the reports of similar sentiments being expressed the length and breadth of France?
- So in the case ofa ruler whohallitsijan, jokareignedhallitsifor a long timepitkän aikaa, coins enable us to date the changes during the reign.
- JohnsonJohnsonreignedhallitsifor six yearskuuden vuoden ajan, Louis for eleven.
- The gold letters M O R S encircle the globe, and ultimate judgement is depicted in the heavens above where angels blow the last trumpet andChristKristusreignshallitseein gloryloistossaan.
- `The King of Heaven wishes to have no fellowship with lost and pagan so-called Kings; forthe eternal Kingikuinen kuningasreignshallitseein Heaventaivaassa, the lost pagan laments in Hell ``.
- HeHän's setto<empty>reignhallitakseenin SpainEspanjaa
- SINCE the second world war,a handful of Chinese familiesjoukko kiinalaisia perheitähaveonreignedhallinnutover Bangkok's economy, which accounts for over half of Thailand's outputBangkokin taloutta, joka vastaa yli puolta Thaimaan tuotoista.
- HerodHerodes,whojokareignedhallitsiover PalestinePalestiinaaat the timesiihen aikaan, could not even claim to be a Jew by birth.
- One can thus trace the development of the first waves of nationalism in Austro-Hungary to the reforms ofJoseph IIJosef II:n(reigninghallitsifrom 1760 to 1790vuosina 1760-1790).
- The last Briton to hold the world title wasBob FitzsimmonsBob Fitzsimmons,whojokareignedhallitsibetween 1897-1899vuosina 1897-1899.
- Celebrated as the ex-mistress of Edward VII, as an international grande dame, and as a matchless hostess,Alice KeppelAlice Keppelreignedhallitsilike a queenkuningattaren tavoinover Florentine societyFirenzen yhteiskuntaa.
- Letting Baptiste in wherethe two of themkaksi heistähadreignedhallinnuttogetheryhdessäfor so longniin pitkään.
- But it's unlikely thatthe Pain TeensPain Teenswill everkoskaanreignhallitseetheresiellä.
- MáeldúinMáeldúinreignedhallitsiuntil his death in 689kuolemaansa saakka vuonna 689(AU s.a. 688).
- But some people did worry, notably those who argued thatBritainBritannian, joka,havingoliruledhallinnutHong KongHongkongiaas a benign dictatorshiphyväntahtoisena diktatuurinafor more than 140 yearsyli 140 vuoden ajan, should institute a fully democratic government before 1997.
- Theron's son ThrasydaiosTheronin poika Thrasydaios,whojokaruledhallitsiHimeraHimeraaas his father's `proclinsul ``isänsä prokonsulina, and the disgruntled Polyzalus, formed a brief alliance against Hiero.
- The militantsTaistelijatruledhallitsivatthe townskaupunkejaby decrees announced on wall-postersseinäjulisteissa mainittujen määräysten avulla.
- The magnatesSuurliikemiehetruledhallitsivatthe localitiespaikkojaby the end of the thirteenth century1200-luvun loppuun mennessäas political bossespoliittisina pomoina, rather than as the petty princes they had been in the twelfth century.
- Even ifthe authoritiesviranomaisethad wantedto<empty>rulehallitathe countrysidemaaseutuawith a rod of ironrautaisella kädellä,they were in no position to do so.
- `I mean, ``Corbett said forcefully, `thatfor two decadeskahden vuosikymmenen ajanAlexander IIIAleksanteri IIIruledhallitsithis countrytätä maatawith little or no assistance from the Frenchlähes kokonaan ilman Ranskan apua.
- Wetland marshes were filled in systematically to make land more `productive ``or simply to discouragethe hordes of mosquitoes thathyttyslaumoja, jotkarulehallitsevatthe eastern shoreitärannikkoain the summerkesäisin.
- Revenue officialsVeroviranomaisetruledhallitsivattheir districtsalueitaanthrough several levels of headmenuseiden eritasoisten päämiehien avulla.
- The MoorsMoorithadolivatruledhallinneetGranadaGranadaafor over seven hundred yearsyli seitsemänsadan vuoden ajanand this was their monument, the gardens where nightingales still sang and the beauty of the Alhambra -- `the red castle ``.
- He had created an empire in the March with all the speed and rapacity of his supplanted rival the younger Despenser, andfrom this basetukikohdastaanhehänruledhallitsiEnglandEnglantia.
- If you could do thatyousinäcouldvoisitrulehallitathe worldmaailmaa, she had laughed.
- OughtUlsterUlsterianotbe<empty>ruledhallitaby the monarch of ScotlandSkotlannin monarkin?
- Dismissing her fears --her whole lifehänen koko elämäänsäseemedto be<empty>ruledhallinneenby fearspelko, both from within and without -- she bent her head and kissed Patrick's forehead briefly.
- `This cityTätä kaupunkiais<empty>ruledhallitseeby fearpelko.
- Mr Li, aged 61,Herra Li, 61 vuotta,does noteirulehallitsealoneyksin.
- France could also boast living saints, however, especially in the line ofholy men whopyhissä miehissä, jotkaruledhallitsivatClunyClunyäas abbotsapotteinain the tenth and eleventh centuries900- ja 1000-luvuilla.
- He seemed to have no sense of fear, but that had been easy in the days whenthe Partypuolueruledhallitsisupremeylivoimaisestiand there was no opposition.
- The emperor JahangirKeisari Jahangir,whojokaruledhallitsiin the fifteenth century1400-luvulla, was said to have 12,000 war elephants in his personal army and over 40,000 in his entire kingdom.
- How was it, then, that Masailand acquired its reputation for corruptingthoseniitä, jotkasentto<empty>rulehallitsemaanover itsitä?
- This time he was virtually friendless, and his old comrade and employer, Motamid had died, leavinghis son Mostainpoikansa Mostaininto<empty>rulehallitsemaanover SaragossaZaragozaa.
- Nowhehänruleshallitseeat Downing StreetDowning Streetilläin his own right.
- The Ostrogothic era; Ravenna was taken by Theodoric in 493 andhehänruledhallitsifor over 30 yearsyli 30 vuoden ajan.
- TheyHeruledhallitsivatfrom about 1710-1570 BCnoin vuosina 1710-1570 eKr, from a capital (Avaris) in the eastern part of the Nile delta.
- The KingKuningasstillruleshallitseeheretäälläand I am his envoy.
- Suddenlyhehänwasolirulerhallitsijaof all the Frankish realmskaikkien frankkivaltakuntien.
- The Doges' Palace was home to therulershallitsijoidenof VeniceVenetsianfor centuries.
- He had received his political education in the household ofNur ed-DinNur ed-Dinin,rulerhallitsijanof SyriaSyyrianfrom 1154 to 1174vuosina 1154-1174and in those years the crusaders' greatest enemy.
- They reveal the Kentish kings still with commercial interests in London under the supervision of a royal reeve, and suggest thatHlothhereHlothherewas aolirulerhallitsijaof some standingjonkinasteinen.
- Once again therulerhallitsijaof IranIraninwas determined in London.
- As soon as Cunobelinos, who had establishedhimselfitsensäasrulerhallitsijaksiover both tribesmolempien heimojen, moved his capital to Camulodunon (Colchester), no doubt the traders followed and established a new depot on the River Colne.
- MASERU (UPI) -- The chief magistrate in Lesotho ruled that the killing last December of a student byLesotho'sLesothonrulerhallitsijan,Major General Metsing Lekhanyamajuri General Metsing Lekhanyan, was justifiable homicide.
- Namibia'sNamibiannewrulershallitsijat, who have good reason to bear rancour, seem to have put it aside.
- For them, both wealth and glory stemmed from theiryoungnuoreltarulerhallitsijaltaan, as, during the last year of the sick Uther's life, the land had lain under the black blight.
- Latercitykaupunginrulershallitsijat,the Austriansitävaltalaiset, tore down the original front wing of the building to turn a courtyarded palace into a three-winged palace around the piazzetta.
- HERBERT Blaize, a courtly politician of a bygone Caribbean era, believed God had chosen him to restore democracy to Grenada after 7,000 US troops invaded his island in 1983 to overthrowitssenmarxistrulershallitsijat.
- To be a womanNais-rulerhallitsijana oleminenof course posed problems, severely practical ones.
- WhenHungary'sUnkarinrulerhallitsijaafter the first world war,Admiral Horthyamiraali Horthy, defeated an attempt by Zita and Karl to regain their throne, most Hungarians were not sorry.
- `Therulerhallitsijallaof even the meanest PrincipalityVaatimattomimmankin ruhtinaskunnanhas a palace, ``Francis said scornfully, `and every one has a half-finished tower, or a carelessly added gatehouse in a different style.
- TheyHewere good astronomers, had complex religious beliefs (human sacrifice is conveniently forgotten) and, on the whole,benevolenthyväntahtoisetrulershallitsijat.
- Rodrigo replied, in a letter which was sent to all the Moslemrulershallitsijoille, implying that Yusuf did not dare to cross the sea and face him.
- Don't expectWillsWillsinto be theolevanperfecttäydellinenrulerhallitsija
- Her crown, in some respects the most resplendent, proved in fact to be the last ever made for aRussianvenäläisellerulerhallitsijalle.
- The power of the crown was severely restricted, and the magnates usually electedweakheikkojarulershallitsijoitain order to safeguard their own privileges.
- It was, said Innocent, his duty to exhort and adviserulershallitsijoita.
- Because it'sshe whohän, jokarunsjohtaathat businesssitä yritystä, not you.
- While Gloria helped dry the dishes after tea, Mrs Parvis continued to find fault withthe people whoihmisistä, jotkaranjohtivatthe countrymaata.
- But I don't know howyousinäcanvoitrunjohtaaa countrymaataon frothy moneytyhjänpäiväisillä rahoilla, and I would argue that Black Wednesday was a classic example of that sort of thing going wrong.
- Ifhehänrunsjohtaathe countrymaataas well as he ran the campaign we'll be alright.
- `These twoNämä kaksiwere<empty>runningjohtivatthe showesitystä, ``said Cowley coldly.
- YouSinulle'd be given free reinto<empty>runjohtaathe showesitystähow you wanted itmiten haluaisit.
- Remember,the Richardson'sRichardsonithaveovatrunjohtaneetgangs in DeptfordDeptfordin jengejäsince the warsodasta lähtien.
- The prime ministers between the World Wars, who were mostly Conservative,Maailmansotien väliset pääministerit, jotka olivat useimmiten konservatiiveja,ranjohtivatthe systemwith sense and responsibilityjärkevästi ja vastuullisesti.
- TheyHerunjohtavattheir own lives with the assistance of a support worker.
- You may contribute torunningjohtamiseenthe Homekodinby attending its residents' committee meetings.
- The nurseryPäiväkotiais<empty>runjohtaaby trained staffkoulutettu henkilöstöunder the supervision of the matron.
- As you know,Iminärunjohdanthe magazinelehteäon a pretty tight budgetmelko tiukalla budjetilla, but I could offer a fee of £100 if you could supply two or three good quality photographs with your article.
- Moscow was a distant capital, a foreign overlord handing out itssatrapssatraappinsaand commissars.
- He was doing quite well even without it: he had already defeated and killed thesatrapsatraappiAchaimenesAkaimenesin, Xerxes' brother (Hdt. iii. 12; vii.7).
- (This xenia directly anticipates that between the early fourth-century Spartan king Agesilaus and thePersianpersialaisensatrapsatraapinMausolusMausoluksen, not to mention the fusion policies of Alexander: see p. 193.)
- He was decoyed to the mainland by thePersianpersialainensatrapsatraappi, seized and put to death.
- Twenty days before Kennedy's assassination hisSouth Vietnameseetelävietnamilainensatrapsatraappinsa, President Diem had suffered a similar fate, with the collusion of the US authorities.
- TheShahshaahinof IranIraninsought to buy a hefty stake in Daimler, Germany's most prestigious company.
- A Rolls-Royce accompanied by a police motorcycle whisked theShahshaahinof IranIraninquickly away, and the chairman discreetly waved his farewell.
- In 1951, the Prime Minister of Iran, Muhammad Mossadegh, had nationalized the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and in the subsequent crisis the pro-WesternShahshaahiof IranIraninhad been forced to flee the country.
- In September 1962 the USSR was also gratified by a pledge given by theShahshaahinof IranIraninnot to permit the establishment of foreign missile bases of any sort on its territory.
- He was received by theShahshaahiin Library of the Dar Salaam Palace.
- Zahedi advised theShahshaahiato stay in Morocco.
- Will he join me today in thanking theSheikhsheikkiäof Abu DhabiAbu Dhabinfor his recent proposals which form part of the crucial negotiations that are taking place?
- One of them reached over to search out the right tape and handed it tohishänenSheikhsheikilleen.
- `I managed to get an interview with theSheiksheikinfor an article I was writing.
- SheikhSheikkial Hassanal Hassanasked the unfamiliar question with some distaste.
- `We have told them that, ``said the othersheikhsheikkiunexpectedly.
- ThesheikhSheikkicame towards Owen.
- His still close, but strained relationship withhishänensovereignhallitsijansamade him virtually invulnerable.
- It was as ifhehänwasolitheirheidänsovereignhallitsijansaand they his subjects.
- TheTonganTongansovereignhallitsijais head of state and exercises executive power in conjunction with an appointed 10-member Privy Council which functions as a Cabinet.
- The Sun led with an attack on theSovereignhallitsijaafor having asked the Bishop of Durham to a light lunch, but the rest of the papers made gloomy reading for the chairman.
- It will be the first official meeting between an Irish president and aBritishBritanniansovereignhallitsijansince Ireland achieved independence from Britain 71 years ago.
- The head of stateis theonBritishBritanniansovereignhallitsija, represented by a Governor General (currently Dame Cath Tizard, who succeeded Sir Paul Reeves on Nov. 20, 1990).
- A disgruntled postman rang up a radio chat show to complain, and foundhimselfitsensäspearheadingkärkijoukoistaan anti-Florio movement that culminated in 50,000 people marching on the state capitolFlorion vastaisessa liikkeessä, joka kulminoitui 50 000 ihmisen marssimiseen osavaltion pääkaupunkiin.
- Joan BradyJoan Brady,whojokalives in Dundalk andisonspearheadingjohtohenkilöthe campaign in the Co Louth townCo Louthin kaupungin kampanjan, said there are plans to run a peace train between Belfast and Dublin next month.
- An attempt to bring Eyre to justice on a trial of murderYritys tuoda Eyre oikeuden eteen murhaoikeudenkäyntiin, jota,spearheadedjohtiby John Stuart MillJohn Stuart Mill, was to prove unsuccessful in spite of the Lord Chief Justice's eloquent support for his indictment.
- David RogersDavid RogersspearheadedjohtiEsclusham's chargeEsclushamin hyökkäystä, jokawith a 21-4 victory over Nicky Jonespäättyi 21-4-voittoon Nicky Jonesia vastaanwhile Dave Jones routed Gary McGill 21-8 to hoist Esclusham into third place with a match in hand.
- Lenin was acutely aware of the ferment from below and the potential foran alliance of all democratic elements in Russian societyVenäjän yhteiskunnan kaikkien demokraattisten elementtien liitolle, jota,spearheadedjohtiby the proletariattyöväenluokka, which would destroy traditional authority.
- STEVE BULL faces a roasting from angry Leicester fans whenhehänspearheadsjohtaathe Wolves attack at Filbert StreetWolvesin hyökkäystä Filbert Streetillätomorrowhuomenna.
- The internment callsEristämiskehotuksiawere<empty>spearheadedjohtivatby Ulster Unionist MP Ken Maginnis and DUP leader Ian PaisleyUlsterin unionistit MP Ken Maginnis ja DUP-johtaja Ian Paisley.
- AllonAllon, a life-long United fan,spearheadsjohtaaBrentford's attack at Roker ParkBrentfordin hyökkäystä Roker Parkissaon Saturdaylauantaina.
- A speculative report in the daily Critica said Major Moises Giroldi,the head of the elite Urraca battalion whoeliitin Urraca-pataljoonan johtaja, jokaspearheadedjohtithe coup attemptvallankaappausyritystä, had been killed in the dawn attack on the Defence Forces Headquarters.
- He also successfully defended the island against an attempt by thesultansulttaaninof KedahKedahinin 1791 to reclaim it because of the failure by the East India Company to observe the defensive clause in the treaty of cession.
- `Twenty-six, ``said theSultansulttaaniof BruneiBrunein.
- Even the Chancellor of Oxford University, Roy Jenkins, has to wait outside on the steps of the Clarendon buildings on a cold November morning, when theSultansulttaaniof BruneiBruneinis in town.
- The mosque of the sixteenth-century Al-Ghouri, the last of the greatMamelukmamelukkiensultanssulttaaneista, is in very poor condition: the minaret has moved and many areas of marble facing are loose.
- Have you met the presentSultansulttaaninin Cairo?
- SelimSelimistäbecametulisultansulttaaniduring the disastrous war with Russia and Austria, into which his predecessor, Abdülhamid I (1773–89), had been precipitated by Potemkin's seizure of the Crimea in 1783.
- We were surprised that thesultansulttaanihad even noticed our arrival, but the young courier who had taken us up to the guesthouse laughed.
- The economy of the Temple, and with it the Jewish cult, depended on the goodwill of thesuzerainsusereenin.
- The ruler of the Habsburg territories was also Holy Roman Emperor, in theory at least thesuzerainsusereeniof hundreds of German states and rulerssatojen Saksan valtioiden ja hallitsijoiden.
- Even at the end of 1857, however, depicting thetsartsaarinas a committed reformer is unwise.
- Yet revisionist work underlines the enormous difficulties that would have confronted even the most gifted oftsarstsaareistain shoring up a rigidly conservative regime.
- In reality, thetsartsaariproceeded with extreme caution.
- The Habsburgs thus tried to isolate the various movements of national autonomy from their peasant base, and theRussianVenäjäntsartsaaridid the same in Poland.
- The anxiety of the Tsar andTsarinatsaarittarento shield their haemophiliac son led them to withdraw into a narrow family circle, incurring the displeasure of members of high society.
- To the Tsar, and especially to theTsarinatsaarittarelle, he seemed a gift from heaven endowed with miraculous power to stem the Tsarevich's bleeding attacks.
- TheczarinaTsaaritarand her children had the same DNA and matched Prince Philip exactly.
- His successor, Nicholas II, extended the gift to both his wife,CzarinatsaaritarAlexandra FeodorovnaAlexandra Feodorovnalle, and his mother.
- And his first wife, thedisfavoredepäsuosittuCzarinatsaaritarEudoxia LopukhinaEudoxia Lopukhina, spent the rest of her life in seclusion there.
- CzarinaTsaaritarAlexandraAleksandra, convinced that Rasputin was an emissary from God, brought him into the royal family's inner circle and prompted widespread, published speculation that the two were lovers.
- Bell, 18, had been electedvice-captainvarakapteeniksiof the Durham Junior Golfing SocietyDurham Junior Golfing Societynand was in the team to play the Durham senior side at Chester-leStreet on April 19.
- The window-dressing appointment of an Asianvice-captainvarakapteeninof the schoolkouluunafter we lodged our complaint is not going to help very much.
- Malcolm Marshall was named asHampshire'sHampshirenvice-captainvarakapteeniksiyesterday as their season got underway with a friendly against Holland.
- Hampshire have namedMalcolm MarshallMalcolm Marshallinastheirheidänvice-captainvarakapteenikseen.
- Formervice-captainvarakapteeniGeoff MarshGeoff Marsh, Bruce Reid, Merv Hughes, Steve Waugh and Peter Taylor have been left out of Australia's tour party to visit Sri Lanka in August.
- ENGLANDENGLANNINvice-captainvarakapteeniAlec StewartAlec Stewarthas been re-appointed captain of Surrey for the 1993 cricket season, ending suggestions that his job might be on the line after the TCCB found the county guilty of ball-tampering.
- `We've got a good team, on paper, ``saidvice-captainvarakapteeniRogersRogers.
- Eileen Sandford,vice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaof Shrewsbury's housing committeeShrewsburyn asuntokomitean, said the borough had a waiting list of more than 4,000.
- PLCND, chaired by Bob Cryer, Labour candidate for Bradford South andvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaof Labour's backbench defence committeetyöväenpuolueen parlamentin maanpuolustuskomitean, has not met since last year.
- John NewsomJohn Newsomwasolivice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaof the Councilvaltuuston, and David Donnison and Michael Young among its members.
- Formervice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaaof Cleveland police committeeClevelandin poliisihallituksenJohn GarveyJohn Garveytäis accused of hitting Middlesbrough councillor Dave Ross in the head with a briefcase.
- Jean Davies, whois alsoon myösvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaof the North Wales Coastal ForumNorth Wales Coastal Forumin, is now seeking support from council colleagues for her demand.
- Theclub'sklubinvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaisLyn MittelLyn Mittel, a comedian with shows on Welsh TV and radio.
- She was laterto becometulithe council'sneuvostonvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtaja.
- Critics within the BBC hierarchy claim Mr Hussey, hisvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajansaLord Barnettlordi Barnettand director-general John Birt have not consulted the main board of governors in major policy decisions.
- Murray Holmes,the BDA'sBDA:npresentVice-Chairmanvarapuheenjohtajatook his place, and has since been elected Vice-President of an the World Federation.
- They were led by Gerald Greenwald, a formerChryslerChryslerinvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajawho quit to take part in an abortive, union-backed buy-out of United Airlines.
- At the meetingfederationliittovaltionvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaRichard CoylesRichard Coylescalled for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent `anarchy ``in cities.
- ThePolice Federationpoliisiliitonvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtaja,Dick CoylesDick Coyles, warned that any new powers for detaining young criminals must be backed by proper resources.
- The row grew as MPs questioned the conflict between Sir Patrick's words and the allegations made by Sir Hal Miller, a former senior Tory MP andpartypuolueenvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtaja.
- “ The pipeline running from Carrington to Audlem carved a swathe through the northern end of our showground, ”showmessujenvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaGeoff MorrisGeoff Morrissaid.
- He concluded by thankingvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaTony RudgardTony Rudgardia,who has produced the useful monthly newsletter for parish councillors.
- Steve Miller, chief financial adviserto<empty>vice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaPaul ReichmannPaul Reichmannin, said arrangements would be finished `hopefully within weeks, but realistically months ``.
- Executive vice-presidents Lloyd Reuss and F Alan Smith andvice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajaBob SchultzBob Schultzhave resigned.
- Hewitt was co-opted as the replacement for formervice-chairmanvarapuheenjohtajalleJohn MairsJohn Mairsille, who recently resigned along with chairman Bert Megarrell.
- Dick McQuillen, formerlyvice-presidentvarapresidenttifor Sun's intercontinental operations in TokyoSunin mantereenvälisten toimintojen Tokion, becomes managing director of the centre.
- Richard Nixon had been in the House and the Senate andvice-presidentvarapresidenttifor eight yearskahdeksan vuoden ajan, but ultimately he proved to be a disastrous president.
- He was the warden of the village's education centre for nine years, has served as a member of the Urdd Council andwasolithe movement'sliikkeenvice-presidentvarapresidenttifor three yearskolmen vuoden ajan.
- SchlesingerSchlesingerjoined the Bundesbank in 1952 andbecametulivice-presidentvarapresidenttiin 1959.
- •Chrysler'sChryslerinvice-presidentvarapresidenttiof Internal Operations, Joey Cappy, claims Chrysler is in a “ strong cash position ” and will spend £8.25 billion on new products over the next five years.
- Behind himwas theolivice-presidentvarapresidenttiof the organisationorganisaation, Walter Smyth.
- In 1981, when Leigh-Pemberton was chairman of National Westminster Bank, hewas aolivice-presidentvarapresidenttiof the non-party City Committee for Electoral Reformvalitsijareformin puolueen ulkopuolisen kaupunkikomitean.
- Abdoulaye Wade, leader of the opposition party in Senegal, was arrested after the murder of thevice-presidentvarapresidenttiof the constitutional councilperustuslakineuvoston, which oversaw last week's general election.
- Nevertheless links could not be denied -- the chief director of the Associationwas aolivice-presidentvarapresidenttiof a major industrial groupsuuren teollisuusryhmän, and its policy and planning officer the former editor of one of the city's newspapers.
- Tom Hickox -- no relation to Wild Bill -- is a tall, paunchy oilman from Texon, Texas, avice-presidentvarapresidenttiof the new Pennzoil Caspian Corporationuuden Pennzoil Caspian Corporationin.
- According to a Yugoslav newspaper report yesterday, which quotedUefa'sUefanvice-presidentvarapresidenttiFreddy RumoFreddy Rumoa, Dinamo are about to be disbanded.
- Sol Berer,the company'syrityksenseniorvanhempivice-presidentvarapresidentti, said that more than 75 per cent of pharmaceutical companies with chiral drugs were now taking only one of the two isomers to the market.
- Mayorga was replaced bythe Bank'spankinvice-presidentvarapresidentti, Raul Lacayo.
- The most likely candidates are local firm MSP Sp zoo, and DHI, which is majority owned by Munich-based Computer 2000 GmBH -- although this was not confirmed byAmerican Technologies'American Technologiesinexecutivevice-presidentvarapresidenttiAlex BarkaloffAlex Barkaloff.
- NEWLY electedNational Farmers' UnionKansallisen maanviljelijäliitonvice-presidentvarapresidenttiTony PextonTony Pextonvisited Selborne on Thursday last week during a two-day tour of farms in Hampshire and Sussex.
- American AirlinesAmerican Airlinesinvice-presidentvarapresidenttiHans MirkaHans Mirkasaid the route had lost ten million dollars so far and this could no longer be sustained.
- Taj Group sales and marketingTaj Groupin myynnin ja markkinoinninvice-presidentvarapresidenttiPankaj BalijaPankaj Balijasaid if hotel companies came to India they would find stiff competition.
- Lucente, 53, takes the new position of worldwide sales and marketingvice-presidentvarapresidenttiat DECDEC:n.
- SheHänlater served on its council (1910-15), andwasolivice-presidentvarapresidenttifrom 1912 to 1913vuodesta 1912 vuoteen 1913.
- TheAmericanAmerikanvice-presidentvarapresidentti,Dan QuayleDan Quayle, arrived in Japan on May 20th for two days of talks that touched on everything from Japan's closed market for car-parts to its total ban on rice imports.
- In 1874 she became a lecturer in education, hygiene, and physiology, andvice-principalvararehtoriat the Bishop Otter College in ChichesterChichesterin Bishop Otter Collegen.
- The academic side will be organised by Dr Marie Lawrence, whois alsoon myösvice-principalvararehtoriof Lucy Cavendish College, CambridgeCambridgen Lucy Cavendish Collegen.
- Elizabeth Rickards,vice-principalvararehtoriof Duff Miller Sixth-Form College in LondonLontoon Duff Miller Sixth-Form Collegen, believes that new types of examination mean that cramming in the old-fashioned way is impossible.
- She was also head of the botany department from 1890 to 1907, andvice-principalvararehtoriof the collegeoppilaitoksenfrom 1898 to 1901vuodesta 1898 vuoteen 1901.
- It has been organised by Creggan Historical Society and thevice-principalvararehtoriof the Church of Ireland Theological CollegeIrlannin kirkon Theological Collegenin Dublin, Dr William Marshall, is to deputise for Bishop Gerry Clifford, who is ill.
- Though Glasgow Polytechnic required the support of the safety net,itssenvice-principalvararehtori, John Phillips, argued that it had competed well when with its Queen's College partner and emerged as one of Scotland's leading three or four universities.
- The school'sKouluncurriculum manager andactingvirkaa toimittavavice-principalvararehtori, Phil Dean, said there was a lot of uncertainty over the new number seven overlapping the old C and D grades.
- She taught English, mainly in teacher training colleges, becomingvice-principalvararehtoriksiof oneyhdenand then Principal of Charlotte Mason College, Ambleside until 1970.
- He was supported in this view by Mountbatten, who, with his experience as Supreme Commander South-East Asia andViceroyvarakuninkaanof IndiaIntian, believed that such a course was desirable for efficiency's sake and was practicable.
- The intensely religious formerviceroyvarakuningasof IndiaIntianand wartime ambassador to Washington has had a bad write-up.
- Definitely an acquired taste was a clunky Spanish colonial gilt-metal mounted mother-of-pearl, tortoiseshell, pewter, ebonised and parcel-gilt cabinet made for aviceroyvarakuninkaalleof PeruPerun, and dating from the second half of the seventeenth century.
- In August 1818 Ibrahim, son of Muhammad Ali Pasha,viceroyvarakuningasof EgyptEgyptin, captured the Saudi capital of Dara'iyyah.
- Somewhat less laconically, he wrote to theViceroyvarakuninkaallein 1927: `I still think we were right in buying off the strike in 1925, though it proved once more the cost of teaching democracy.
- He married Princess Shivekiar, a relative ofEgyptianEgyptinViceroyvarakuninkaanMehemet AliMehemet Alinbut was exiled from Egypt after the fall of King Farouk.
- On being granted leave, he decided to take us to India and visit his brother, Lord Chelmsford, theViceroyvarakuningas.
- Again when Pharaoh makes Josephviziervisiirinof EgyptEgyptinhe gives him special clothes, as does Joseph his brothers to mark his reconciliation with them.
- KagemniKagemni,whojokawas theoliviziervisiiriof the Sixth Dynasty king Teti, was buried in a fine tomb at Saqqara near the pyramid of his king and was revered as a sage.
- The sultan responded by sending an army of 7,000 men under Bekir Pasha, theViziervisiiriof BosniaBosnian, to discipline the dayis.
- After the initial excesses which followed the reoccupation of Belgrade, the grandviziervisiirideclared an amnesty, and many Serbs who had fled into the hills and the impenetrable oak forests of returned to their homes.