Of course, a party may be excused from having to produce a document on the grounds that this would violate the
of the place where the document is kept
asiakirjan säilytyspaikan .
Union leaders criticized the government for introducing the price rises before implementing privatization measures and before passing
on unemployment benefit and other social protection measures
työttömyyskorvauksista ja muista sosiaalisista turvatoimenpiteistä .
Reports of Parliamentary proceedings are protected by the ordinary
of defamation
kunnianloukkaus- in so far as they are fair and accurate unless the defamed person can prove malice.
Solicitors are required by
to act in your interests alone.
Succession to the throne is governed by
and custom.
One more example, again from
In explanation, Tishkov criticized recent laws concerning nationality policy, such as the
on the rehabilitation of repressed peoples, which, in some cases, was provoking inter-ethnic tension
sorrettujen kansojen maineenpalautuksesta, joka joissakin tapauksissa 'lisäsi etnisten ryhmien välisiä jännitteitä' .
On June 30 the Ukrainian parliament passed, by 264 votes to four, the amendments to the
on the status of the Crimea as proposed by joint sittings of the presidiums of the Ukrainian and Crimean parliaments
koskien Krimin tilaa, jota on käsitelty Ukrainan ja Krimin puhemiehistöjen yhteisissä kokouksissa .
Unlike Scotland, where incest was punishable by death up to 1887, or several American states, England had no
on incest
insestiä koskevaa in the nineteenth century
1800-luvulla , although the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 did include incestuous adultery as grounds for divorce.
Sections 18, 19 and 20 of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 contain the classic
on non-disclosure, mis-representation and Policy voidance
salassapitovelvollisuudesta, vilpistä ja käytännön mitätöinnistä .
Few headmen willingly enforced the
against kinfolk or other allies
sukulaisia tai muita tukijoita vastaan .
In wording similar to Russia's sovereignty declaration it proclaimed the supremacy of
on its territory and provided for Uzbek jurisdiction over domestic and foreign policy issues.
Recognizing the need for the development of
kansainvälisen on liability and compensation
tuottamusvastuuta ja korvauksia koskevan arising from the transport or disposal of hazardous wastes, the resolution requested UNEP to set up a working group of experts on this issue.
THE International Motorcycling Federation has scrapped next year's French Grand Prix because of
tough new
on tobacco advertising
tupakan mainontaa koskevien .
Above all, the water companies may pass on to their customers any new costs caused by changes in
They were not, however, fully tenanted, perhaps because the `stringent
as to the hours of closing and constant supervision
sulkemisajoista ja jatkuvasta valvonnasta discouraged the single women for whom they were intended.
Because of their position and duties the priests are subject to particularly stringent
on ritual purity
rituaalisesta puhtaudesta .
The prototype Series F first flew in May 69 and was certified on 20 Jan 70, becoming the first executive jet to meet the U.S. FAR Part 36 stringent
As a result of more stringent
on atmospheric pollution
ilmakehän saasteita koskevien , new measures had to be taken to ensure the safety of the company's employees and also of the surrounding environment.
Public right of passage by bicycle is permitted on cycle tracks (usually specially designated and signposted), and generally on road carriageways (except where subject to motorway, special road or specific
prohibiting bicycle use
estävät polkupyörän käyttämisen ).
For example, estimates for the implicit marginal social benefit from saving life in the UK range from 20 million in the case of
introduced after the Ronan Point disaster
jotka otettiin käyttöön Ronan Point -katastrofin jälkeen to 50 for a rarely used test in pregnant women that might prevent some still-births.
Under the Public Health Acts
have been imposed which cover the quality of materials and procedures to be followed during construction.
To comply with strict
, a discreet garden shed was required.
of the Department of the Environment
ympäristöministeriön suggest a number of ways of doing this.
As there is no provision either for fully protecting the interests of fund members,
on self-investment
itsesijoittamisen is irrelevant to what has been revealed in respect of the MGN pension fund.
The Community avoids the approach of harmonising all aspects of licensing and
of the conduct of business, but instead establishes essential standards.
That the local priests continued to play a significant part in the
of local sexual morality from the beginning of the state is shown by accounts of `boy meets girl from the 1920s.
The American people, struggling to adjust to mew ways of thought and to a novel technology, also faced a different sort of experiment in
Federal government
liittohallituksen of their drinking habits
juomatapoihin liittyvässä .
The UK has an open and flexible labour market with little
of the occupations at this level and this has certain benefits to the UK economy.
Legislation will be introduced to reinforce the
of privatised utilities.
of population density
asukastiheyden can only be a consequence of migration, not the reason why natural selection causes the habit to evolve.
`There's a
against everything
kaikesta .