The other five Israelis escaped, but one,
Yair Yitzhaki
Yair Yitzhakin ,
by another JKLF group
toinen JKLF-ryhmä which eventually released him to a group of journalists on July 3.
In an apparently unsuccessful Israeli commando raid in December 1991,
Israeli forces
Israelin joukot several people
useita ihmisiä near Jibshit
lähellä Jibshitiä [see pp. 38741; 38742].
All three men
Kaikki kolme miestä had allegedly been
olivat väitetysti joutuneet by Mrs Mandela's bodyguards
rouva Mandelan henkivartijoiden at the end of 1988
vuoden 1988 lopussa .
One of the possible kidnapping charges and that of theft relate to two incidents in which Mrs Mandela was part of
a group which
ryhmää, joka allegedly
three people
kolme ihmistä before assaulting them in the old Mandela home in Soweto.
Nevertheless, the discussions broke down in acrimony on May 22 after the Japanese delegation raised the issue of
a Japanese woman
japanilaisen naisen allegedly
by North Korean agents
Pohjois-Korean agenttien 13 years earlier
13 vuotta aikaisemmin .
In the summer of 1976
Kesällä 1976 in Chow-Michiel Barnes chilla, California
Chow-Michiel Barnes chillassa, Kaliforniassa ,
a schoolbus driver and 26 children
koulubussin kuljettajan ja 26 lasta at gunpoint
aseella uhaten by masked men
naamioituneet miehet .
Jane is an abductee, someone who believes
, spirited up to spaceships and physically experimented on in various alarming ways (rectal probing, artificial insemination, induced premature births).
The decision ended a trial which the government of Mexico had repeatedly denounced as illegal on the grounds that
and taken to the USA in violation of the US-Mexican extradition treaty.
On Dec. 24 Israel released
three Lebanese men
kolme libanonilaista miestä, jotka by SLA militiamen
SLA-miliisit .
Police in Lothian are hunting
a young woman
nuoren naisen in Musselburgh
Musselburghissa .
Police in Govan in Glasgow are hunting
a seven year old boy
seitsenvuoriaan pojan as he played near his home in Govan
tämän leikkiessä kotinsa lähellä Govanissa .
A year ago
while he was doing his early morning paper round
hänen jakaessaan lehtiä aikaisin aamulla .
The programme prompted a huge stream of calls from viewers who thought they may know
and held her captive for eight days before escaping with a £175,000 ransom.
The 20-year-old woman
20-vuotiaan naisen late on Tuesday night
myöhään tiistai-iltana by a masked man
Naamioitunut mies as she sat with her boyfriend in a car at a beauty spot near Winchester, Hampshire
hänen istuessaan autossa poikaystävänsä kanssa luonnonnähtävyyden luona lähellä Hampshiren Winchesteriä .
Detectives are warning lone women drivers to be on their guard after
a 21-year-old woman
21-vuotias nainen in Manchester
Manchesterissä and beaten about the head, after she had stopped to ask directions.
when out playing
hänen leikkiessään near her home
kotinsa lähellä and her body was eventually found in a wood near Llanelli.
Mittal asserted that
from outside his home
kotinsa ulkopuolelta and later beaten and tortured with electric shocks before being left at a police station.
from his home in Guadalajara
kotoaan Guadalajarasta by bounty hunters
palkkionmetsästäjät and smuggled into the USA where he was delivered to the DEA.
Dr Alirio de Jesús Pedraza Becerra
tohtori Alirio de Jesús Pedraza Becerran , a 40-year old lawyer and human rights worker,
by eight heavily armed men
Kahdeksan raskaasti aseistautunutta miestä on the night of 4 July 1990
4. heinäkuuta 1990 vastaisena yönä .
He was about to give the order to advance when news reached him that
his wife and five-year-old son
hänen vaimonsa ja viisivuotiaan poikansa by three masked men
Kolme naamioitunutta miestä outside their apartment in New York
heidän asuntonsa ulkopuolella New Yorkissa .
and beaten up when he went with his girlfriend to collect clothes from the house where she used to live in Trowbridge, Wilts.
Three journalists who went to investigate the shooting
kolme toimittajaa, jotka menivät tutkimaan ampumisia at gun point
aseella uhaten by people who said they were police officers
Poliiseiksi itseään väittäneet ihmiset .
The Supreme Court ruled on June 15 that
the US government
USA:n hallitus could legally
voisi laillisesti from foreign countries
ulkomailta in order to bring them to trial in the USA.
Thomas Rennie has been released from a twenty one month jail sentence, imposed last year, after
his pregnant ex-girlfriend Marita Brown and her father in law Richard Loren
raskaana olevan entisen tyttöystävänsä marita Brownin ja hänen appiukkonsa Richard Lorenin from their home
heidän kotoaan in Gloucestershire
Gloucestershiressä .
Oliver said: `He's involved in the deception over the Durances and
Barbara Coleman
Barbara Colemanin to keep her quiet about it
pitääkseen hänet vaiti asiasta .
six times and Nero had to send the lads to rescue me.
Evidence emerged yesterday suggesting that the
two boys who
kaksi poikaa, jotka from the Strand shopping centre
Strand-ostoskeskuksesta may have tried to take away two other children an hour before.
with a view to rape and murder
tarkoituksenaan raiskata ja murhata hänet .
Sheikh Obeid
sheikki Obeidin , a Shia Moslem cleric and Hezbollah leader from southern Lebanon,
by Israeli commandos
Israelin joukot in July 1989
heinäkuussa 1989 [see pp.36832; 36858].
A mother is appealing for the safe return of
her baby son
poikavauvansa ,
by his father
hänen isänsä and taken to Pakistan.
In 1987 he broke the story for Reuters that
, was still alive.
by Israeli Government agents
Israelin hallituksen agentit after he provided information on Israel's nuclear programme to a British newspaper.
Inspector Leeming
Komisario Leeming , and the interpreter.
'm not used to
, ``she said, tight-lipped.
His body was later found in a Guatemalan village near the border with El Salvador, together with that of
Gilda Flores, a member of Guatemala's Social Democratic Party, who
Gilda Floresin, Guatemalan sosiaalidemokraattisen puolueen jäsenen, joka .
`They are
a hostile race of parasites
vihamielinen loisrotu ,
raid unprotected interplanetary craft, attack lone colonists,
small children and animals
pieniä lapsia ja eläimiä , ``Spike said.
Then attention switched to a Superintendent Miller of pugnacious appearance, who described in clipped and guarded police-speak how
twenty-year-old Samantha Abberley
kaksikymmenvuotias Samantha Abberley nine days previously
yhdeksän päivää aiemmin .
The leader of the radicial Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine yesterday urged
more Israelis
lisää israelilaisia to win Yassin's release
saadakseen Yassinin vapautettua .
the eighteen year old daughter
kahdeksantoistavuotiaan tyttären , and forced her at gunpoint to open up the bank in Bloxham where she worked.
`You seem to think
was planning
The government delegation was withdrawn following the news that
a former minister
entinen ministeri jonka , Argelino Durán Quintero, 76,
, had died in captivity of a heart attack.
The murders of 11-year-old Susan Maxwell, abducted near Cornhill-on-Tweed in 1982, of
Caroline Hogg
Caroline Hoggin joka , five,
from Portobello
Portobellosta , and of Sarah Harper, taken from Morley in 1986, filled parents across the country with equal measures of fear and loathing.
Villagers, who denied any previous association with any guerrilla group, stated that the army was responsible for the massacre of at least
in the July 9 raid, and for burning houses and stealing personal belongings, vegetables and over 700 domestic animals.
I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved, which is that
in the way this little boy was
tavalla, jolla tämä pieni poika siepattiin, should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother.
Top Secret (1952), for example, touches on Cold War issues with its story of
a sanitary engineer
hygieniainsinööristä, joka to the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliittoon in the belief that he is a bomb expert holding the secrets of a devastating new weapon.
On Dec. 24 Israel released
three Lebanese men
kolme libanonilaista miestä, jotka abducted
olivat siepanneet by SLA militiamen
SLA-miliisit in November.
Two specially trained women officers twice tried to piece together fragments of the missing 36 hours following
jouduttua siepatuksi at knifepoint
puukolla uhaten as she arrived for work
hänen saapuessaan töihin .
Of particular concern is the pattern of
by armed men in plain clothes
aseistautuneiden, tavallisia vaatteita käyttävien miesten tekemät in security force style operations, most of which took place at night.
A second US citizen, Arvey Duane Drown, had been held in the Cordillera region in the north of the country since
by NPA guerrillas
NPA:n sissit in October 1990
lokakuussa 1990 .
US military aid had been cut in November 1991 after
[see pp. 38664-64].
She let pass
from Shrewsbury
Shrewsburystä , she let pass the onslaught of outlaws.
The move followed a diplomatic row precipitated by the reported
of a senior Indian diplomat based in Islamabad
vanhemman intialaisen, Islamabadissa toimineen diplomaatin [see p. 38914].
So far, not a single witness has come forward to throw any light on Joanna's confused account of
on Tuesday night
tiistai-iltana from outside the Harpenden Leisure Centre where she worked
hänen työpaikkansa, Harpenden Leisure Centren, ulkopuolelta .
Joanna staged
a week ago.
As Alvarez returned home, the Mexican Attorney General's office called for the extradition of
two DEA agents who
kaksi DEA:n agenttia, jotka , it alleged, had helped to organize
But here in this London hotel, detailing
anecdotes with a perfectly straight face, you are starting to sound like a fruitcake from Planet Drugs.
All the indignities he had suffered since
to this rock of a planet
tälle kiviselle planeetalle would be avenged.
A girlfriend of
, now serving life for the
and murder
of newlywed Shirley Banks
vastavihityn Shirley Banksin , said he had talked of Suzy being raped there.
They were there to hear Budd Hopkins, author of Missing Time and Intruders, and the leading US researcher into
Two ten-year-old boys
Kaksi kymmenvuotiasta poikaa have pleaded not guilty to the
and murder
of the toddler, James Bulger
James Bulger -nimisen taaperon .
are also accused of the attempted
of another youngster
toisen nuoren .
And, although
is a criminal offence, finding the child often comes too late for prosecution to take place -- the parent has already left Britain.
appeared in court yesterday on charges of
and indecent assault.
A TOP police chief who
HUIPPUpoliisipäällikkö, joka confessed to having sex with more than 1,600 women in a three-year spree of rape and
was sentenced to death yesterday.
Inter-village hostility may include the
or the murder of a member passing through alien territory, while a series of deaths in a village may be interpreted as the result of sorcery on the part of other villages.
Not even the
of his children
hänen lastensa joutuminen by Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman) and his scurvy sidekick, Smee (Bob Hoskins)
Kapteeni Koukun (Dustin Hoffman) ja hänen apulaisensa Smeen (Bob Hoskins) , can shake Peter's scepticism.
The Damascus-based Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLB) on Sept. 11 shipped to Israel, via the International Committee of the Red Cross in Vienna,
the body of a Druze sergeant in the Israeli army, Samir Assad,
Israelin armeijan druusikersantin Samir Assadin ruumiin, joka near Sidon
lähellä Sidonia .
The two men, Emmanuel Christen and Elio Erriquez
kaksi miestä, Emmanuel Christenin ja Elio Erriquezin ,
by two masked gunmen
Kaksi naamioitunutta asemiestä only 300 yards from the Ein Helweh Palestinian camp, where the Red Cross runs an artificial limb centre
vain 300 jaardin päässä Ein Helweh -palestiinalaisleiristä, jossa Punainen risti hoitaa keinoraajakeskusta .
POLICE are hunting
attacked and
after forcing his way into her car
tunkeuduttuaan tämän autoon .
FOREIGN Secretary Douglas Hurd last night demanded the immediate release of
three British UN officers
kolmen brittiläisen YK-virkailijan by Khmer Rouge
punaisten khmerien .
Except that the people he talks to on p120 really do believe
, and some were seriously distressed by the experience.
FRANTIC attempts were being made last night in the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir to negotiate with
the secessionist rebels who
separatistikapinallisten kanssa, jotka the daughter of the Indian Home Minister, Mufti Mohammed Sayeed
Intian sisäministerin Mufti Mohammed Sayeedin tyttären .
A Turkish army post in Semdinli had been ambushed on Aug. 3, when nine soldiers and a village guard were killed and
a further three soldiers
lisäksi kolme sotilasta .
AUTOBUS (Artificial Eye) Overlooked Eric Rochant film about
a `sentimental terrorist ``who
'sentimentaalisesta terroristista', joka to take him to his girl, Charlotte Gainsbourg
päästäkseen tyttönsä, Charlotte Gainsbourgin, luokse .
The walkout was sparked by a Japanese demand for information concerning
a Japanese woman
japanilaista naista, joka allegedly
13 years previously
13 vuotta aiemmin in order to train North Korean spies
Pohjois-Korean vakoojien kouluttajaksi .
Five foreigners
Viisi ulkomaalaista, jotka by a Turkish Kurdish group
turkkilainen kurdiryhmä were released on Sept. 20.
A COUPLE told yesterday of their terror when
two escaped convicts
kaksi karannutta vankia at gunpoint
aseella uhaten .
his former girlfriend and her stepfather
entisen tyttöystävänsä ja tämän isäpuolen at gunpoint
aseella uhaten has admitted making more threats.
`We wonder if she was
the daughter of a good family
hyvän perheen tytär ,
for ransom
lunnaita varten .
A number of foreign businessmen
Monta ulkomaista liikemiestä and held
for ransom
lunnaita varten .
The JNA itself claimed that
two of its soldiers
kaksi heidän sotilastaan , releasing them only when tanks and armoured vehicles arrived at the defence force headquarters near Maribor.
DETECTIVES are hunting
two youths who
kahta nuorta, jotka a woman driver
naiskuljettajan , sexually assaulted her and abandoned her in a burning car.
then proposed
a fugitive US financier, Robert Vesco
karanneen USA:n rahoittajan, Robert Vescon ,
from the Bahamas
Bahamalta , the Justice Department produced a legal opinion blocking the plan.
Separatist Muslim militants
Separatistiset muslimisotilaat the daughter of an Indian minister
intialaisen ministerin tyttären and are demanding the release of five jailed colleagues as ransom, police said.
Mr Wakerley told the jury that
by pretending to be a client
esittämällä asiakasta .
at 5 a.m. one morning
yhtenä aamuna kello 5 ,
the security forces
turvallisuusjoukot .
A CONVICTED sex attacker who
TUOMITTU seksihyökkääjä, joka a six-year-old girl
kuusivuotiaan tytön from a playground
leikkipuistosta was jailed for two years yesterday after a top judge said the law forced him to disregard the man's long criminal record.
the militant Moslem Crusade Force (MCF
militanttiryhmä Moslem Crusade Force (MCF )
two Swedish engineers
kaksi ruotsalaista insinööriä on March 31
31. maaliskuuta .
He also wrote the still-secret legal opinion which authorized
Federal Bureau of Investigation agents
FBI:n agenteille luvan without getting permission from foreign governments
ilman ulkomaiden hallitusten lupaa .
was dragged out of bed half asleep after
the night before
edellisenä yönä .
`He's admitted passing himself off as the Prince's chef, and when his dastardly plan to assassinate His Royal Highness by poison didn't work,
by Russian officers
venäläiset viranomaiset , hurried out of the country and bullied into abdicating.
A United States journalist working for the Tampa Tribune, Todd Smith
Yhdysvaltalainen toimittaja Todd Smith, joka työskentelee Tampa Tribunessa ,
in the Upper Huallaga valley on Nov. 17
Upper Huallaga -laaksossa 17. marraskuuta and subsequently found beaten and murdered in Uchiza, accused of being a US spy.
I am afraid
Nader's wife and child
Naderin vaimo ja lapsi .
Alann Steen,
a US national who
USA:n kansalainen, joka in January 1987
tammikuussa 1987 [see p. 35024], was released by the Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine on Dec. 3.
once, hadn't he?
Two Swedish engineers
kaksi ruotsalaista insinööriä by the Moslem Janbaz ``Crusader Force (MJF
Moslem Janbaz 'Crusader' Force -joukkojen (MJF )
in March 1991
maaliskuussa 1991 [see p. 38151] escaped from their captors on July 5.
The Aug. 6 statement was accompanied by a photograph of
United States hostage Terry Anderson
yhdysvaltalaisesta panttivangista Terry Andersonista, joka ,
in March 1985
maaliskuussa 1985 and now detained for longer than any other of the Westerners captive in Lebanon.
Two Swiss Red Cross workers
Kaksi sveitsiläistä Punaisen ristin työntekijää
The previous night
a Pamplona industrialist
pamplonalainen teollisuusjohtaja on Nov. 24
marraskuun 24. päivänä , Adolfo Villoslada MartýNP0, had been freed by ETA after 84 days in captivity, apparently after payment by his family of a ransom of 300,000,000 pesetas (approximately US$2,800,000).
Recalling no doubt the fate of
Vera and Orton Chirwa
Vera ja Orton Chirwan ,
near the border
lähellä rajaa 10 years ago
10 vuotta sitten and still imprisoned, Chihana bluffed his way back to Lilongwe and from there flew to Lusaka.
After a while
and murder
for kicks
jännityksen vuoksi , bashing him over the head with a blunt instrument.
On Dec. 10 the independent station Radio Galaxy was reported to have been ransacked and its director
by heavily armed individuals claiming to be members of the armed forces
raskaasti aseistautuneiden henkilöiden, jotka väittivät olevansa asejoukkojen jäseniä, .
`I had contact with hundreds of people prior to my first face to face meeting with the
, ``Waite said in a statement yesterday.
Myeloski, although dealing with
in other cases, had never known how the hostages survived their isolation and their fear.
He felt like hitting out at him, this
of his daughter
tyttärensä .
`Of course, it is not known who the
of Mr McCarthy
herra McCarthyn are, so we are interested to know why you came to the Government of Iran for help.
MILLIONS of television viewers last night heard the voice of the
of estate agent Stephanie Slater
kiinteistönvälittäjä Stephanie Slaterin .
Ransom messages `link
to killer
A letter from
killer and
to West Yorkshire Police claimed that after she had been beaten unconscious, then strangled, her body had been kept in a wheelie-bin for two days before being taken to where it was later found Easton, near Grantham, Lincs in July 1991.
How could
be so cruel and not explain their reasons why?
Cornelius turned to
Caren McSweeney
Caren McSweeney is so stunned by what she did that she has been struck dumb.
Certainly not in terms of granting
political or financial reward.
ALLEGATIONS that the Swiss government failed to pay
for the release of
an abducted Red Cross official
kaapatun Punaisen ristin työntekijän may lie behind the seizure yesterday of two more Swiss delegates of the International Red Cross.
Three more --
Joseph Cicippio, Edward Tracy and Frank Reed
Joseph Cicippion, Edward Tracyn ja Frank Reedin -- were seized
newly alerted to their value in Hawks and TOWs, giving a net result of zero.
But the
know about the letters.
A week earlier, there was another
at a Happy Eater just outside Bicester
Happy Eaterissa aivan Bicesterin ulkopuolella .
Although incidence of
in the UK
Isossa-Britanniassa is rare, 68 cases were reported in the United States between 1983 and 1991.
organises the
of a top Communist officer
kommunistivirkamiehen with the aid of a beautiful spy.
This is the story of a quarrel over women involving a series of abductions and retributions which culminate in
The case had arisen from the
of four youths
neljä nuorta from a Methodist manse
metodistipappi .
In April 1988 Abbas Ali Hamadei had been sentenced to 13 years imprisonment in Germany for complicity in the
kidnappauksesta of two German citizens
kahden Saksan kansalaisen [see p. 36046].
However, on Jan. 13 re-contras were blamed for the
kidnappauksesta of four policemen
neljän poliisin from the Rio Blanco police station
Rio Blancon poliisiasemalta .
If they had worked on me enough, I'd have blown the whistle on myself for the
kidnappauksesta , the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Cleveland Torso slayings, betraying West Point to the British, fixing the 1919 World Series and souring all the milk in Salem, Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, there has been a torrent of condemnation of the
kidnappauksesta , including several from Indian Muslim groups, who denounced it as grossly un-Islamic.
He was on TV last night talking about the
kidnappauksesta .
On July 14 the Ukrainian Orthodox Church called on the authorities to guarantee human rights following alleged
and beating
of priests and believers
pappien ja uskovaisten by supporters of the newly founded Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church
juuri perustetun Ukrainan autokefalisen ortodoksikirkon kannattajien tekemän .
With memories of
, Winstanley included a moveable chute to discharge stones towards any enemy.
But if he had nothing to do with the
it seemed to be too much of a coincidence that he should have appeared just then.
He has also forgotten the importance of taking an interest in his children -- until
by the evil Captain Hook
ilkeä Kapteeni Koukku to Never Never Land
Mikä-Mikä-maahan .
Drug couple
Huumepariskunta new baby
vastasyntyneen vauvan
are extremely cunning and disturbed.
McSweeney, 22, turned up with Farrah at her parents' home in Cratloe, near Limerick, on Friday after
POLICE hunting
a bogus social worker
valesosiaalityöntekijää who tried
arrested a woman.
WOMEN estate agents are being lured to empty homes by a man copying the methods of the mysterious
Mr Kipper
herra Kipperiltä, who
Suzy Lamplugh
Suzy Lamplughin six years ago
kuusi vuotta sitten .
Tell me Mojo, when
by the aliens
avaruusolennot , was he wearing any brand-name designer-label clothing?
A NINE-week-old baby
YHDEKSÄN viikon ikäinen vauva from a shopping centre
ostoskeskuksesta .
as her family slept
in their home near Middlesbrough, Cleveland
heidän kotonaan Clevelandissa, lähellä Middlesbroughia .
Jose Weibel, Ricardo's brother,
Jose Weibel, Ricardon veli, in broad daylight while travelling with his family.
A mother of triplets, who almost had
by a bogus health worker
valeterveydenhoitaja , has been talking about her ordeal.
For she knew in an instant that the blue-eyed blond tot was not
on a Greek island
Kreikan saarella 14 months ago
14 kuukautta sitten .
A HIGH Court judge has asked the public to help in the search for
a small boy
pientä poikaa, jonka from his nursery school
päiväkodista by his mother
hänen äitinsä .
It may seem sentimental to wish to see in this return of the young woman to her mother, in a spring in England half a life-time ago, the restoration to her agonized parent of
in a darker place, a darker time.